Organized educational activities Development of speech Consider painting I. and

Taran Svetlana Valerievna
Position: Educator
Educational institution: MBDOU DSKV №7 MO Yeysky District
Locality: with. Cuharivka, Yeysky District
Name of material: The abstract of continuous educational activities speech Development
Topic: "Drawing up stories in the picture I.I. Levitan" Golden Autumn "( preparatory group)
Publication date: 01.03.2019
Section: preschool education

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution Children

garden of combined type number 7 p. Cauchariak Mo Yeysky District

Abstract directly

educational activities

in the preparatory group on the topic:

"Drawing up stories in the picture

I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

Educator: Taran SV

2018 year

Software tasks:

1. Wear in children art perception landscape painting, interest and

emotional response.

2. His children carefully consider the reproduction of the picture and see the image

landscape in the unity of its content and means of expressiveness. Note

on color and color factories as a means of transmitting autumn phenomena.

3. Create the ideas of children that the image of trees, meadows, fields, i.e.

an image of nature is called a landscape.

four . Forming the ability to talk about autumn using the Levitan picture

"Golden autumn".

5. Develop a figurative speech of children in the description of nature.

6.Look in children love for nature and develop aesthetic taste.

Encourage the statements of children.

Intensification of the dictionary: Birch grove, gold autumn, cold and warm tones,

Preliminary work:

Learning and reading poems, singing songs about autumn, viewing illustrations

on the topic: Autumn nature, observation of natural phenomena on a walk; to give

presentation on children's affordable level of landscape painting, birch

grove, cold and warm tones.

Equipment: Slides with autumn paintings, autumn leaves, tree layout, portrait

I.I. Levitan

reproduction of paintings I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", musical

recording of works from the album "Seasons" "November" P.I. Tchaikovsky.,

music recording of calm music for fizminutka.

Educator.Guys, today we have guests in the group. Let's greet them and

give your smiles.

Educator: In the morning, when I ventilated a group, to us through an open window

handsome autumn leaves flew. (show) it is not a simple autumn leaf, but

lickey- invitation. It says that we are invited to unusual

exhibition of photo filstration and paintings.

And the topic of the exhibition will be the answer to the riddle.

Came without paints and without a brush,

and repainted all the leaves.

What time of year is stated in this riddle? (Autumn)

Children. This riddle speaks of autumn.

Educator: And what periods of autumn do you know?

Children. Early autumn. "Golden autumn". Late fall.

(Slide show. 1, №2, №3)

Educator: And what is the autumn period now? (Late fall)

Our exhibition is dedicated Autumn.

Educator: The beauty and grandeur of the Russian nature fall in the fall

artists - paints, poets - verses, composers - music.

At our exhibition we can admire creative works

photographers, paintings by artists, try to "enter them", try

it is inside, to be born into their figurative world, feel the mood of the authors.

And we will help us the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn. November". I think that with her

assistance we can awaken our emotions and imagination.

On the screen, the paintings of the autumn are projected under the sound of P.I. Tchaikovsky

Before you photoillustration. Think how we will call it?

Slide number 4.

Children. "Autumn Miracle", "Autumn Magic", "Autumn Fairy Tale", "Autumn -


Educator. Probably more suitable for this fabulous beauty name -

"Autumn fairy tale."

Educator: What happens to autumn?

Children: rainy, golden, early, frowning, colored beautiful, late

Forest, exactly led painted,

Purple, gold, crimped,

Cheerful, Moto Wall

It is standing over a light polar.

Sad time! Ocho charming!

Prying to me your farewell beauty

I love the magnificent nature of fading,

In the bazhret and in gold dressed forests ..

Educator: Beautiful verses of autumn. As they decided about this time

poets I. Bunin, A.S. Pushkin

In his verses, the beauty of the autumn forest was perfectly described. And handed us their

Slide number 5.

Educator: Pay attention to the second work at our exhibition.

What do you see in front of me?

Children : Children play with autumn leaves

Educator: As if the autumn itself invites us to play.

Educator: Guys, autumn has prepared a miracle tree for you

(Showing the layout - tree) without leaves.

On it can grow leaves from any tree, because it is fabulous!

Drop the tree with autumn leaves and say, what are they?

(children fit the miracle - wood and, calling, attach to it one by one


Children. Brown, bard, orange, yellow, cold, multicolored, gold,

wet, painted, bright, rustling, dry, fallen, noisy, flying,

falling, circling, dancing ...

Educator: And what leaves do in the wind?

Children. The leaves are circling, rustle, pegs, tremble, swing, whisper,

moving, noisy ...

Educator: And how do leaves fly?

Children. Smoothly, quiet, silently, easy, slowly ...

Educator : What proverbs and sayings do you know?

Children. Big crop rowan - to large frosts.

If the leavefall passes soon, it is necessary to expect a steep winter.

Autumn - time to assemble the harvest.

Warm autumn - to a long winter.

From autumn by summer there is no turn.

(children sit on chairs)

Educator: Now we have in front of us.

And how can artists can express their feelings?

Children.To draw a picture.

Educator. That's right, the artist expresses his feelings with the help of paints.

He is talking to people without words, smears, lines, color

He needs to draw, portray on canvas what he saw, or sees in nature,

what caused him joy, surprise, sadness. He must draw so that we

trees, bushes, and river learned. With the help of paints, he can pass time

years, his mood. But it is necessary to speak, the artists write pictures.

And what a painter needs to work ? (children's responses)

Educator. That's right, well done guys. Artists take easels, paints and

go to nature.

Slide number 6.

Now I will tell you an amazing fairy tale about one very

Sad artist.

"There was a sad artist. And he was sad because he is very sad

he had his life. He dreamed of becoming an artist, and on the artist to learn how

go! First you need to learn how to draw paints, and then you can still be able to

do it way like no one was able to do it. The sad artist had no money

neither relatives that could help him.

It was difficult for a sad artist, but everything, he became a real master.

Everyone who saw his paintings recognized that no one else could be able to portray nature

so how he is. Sad artist knew how to talk with trees and clouds,

heard grass grows, knew how to show that beauty is everywhere, even in a puddle, in

which is reflected by the sky. Pictures of the sad artist were beautiful.

And the name of this sad artist is Isaac Ilyich Levitan. "

Slide number 7.

Educator: Guys, look at the picture of Isaac Levitan "Golden Autumn".

This is the autumn period, when the leaves on the trees are wishes, but have not yet faltered. Sometimes B.

such an autumn day looks out of the sun, and then the whole forest is lit as a fire.

Beautifully so that the spirit captures! Blue cold sky, calm river water,

golden birch. And again still a little ... sad. Already too shortwent

this beauty. Soon the frosts will hit, it will cover the grass, bright fastened

colors. But the artist still managed to stop this day forever. "


Tell us what you feel looking at this reproduction?

(Children's responses).

What mood causes this picture you? (Children's responses)

What kind beautiful words You found to tell about your impressions. And you want

find out what I liked you? I liked this picture by what she

raises me a mood. Considering her I think about the autumn, about how beautiful

nature at this time of year.

Educator: What is the autumn drawn here?

Children: Elegant, gold, cheerful, beautiful.

Educator: What colors did the artist use?

Children: Many yellow, orange paints

Educator: How can these colors be called in one word? What are they?

Children: Warm, joyful fun.





carefully consider the picture. What is interesting, beautiful saw the artist?

Children: Forest, meadow, river.

Educator: Let's look at what the artist depicted in the picture close to

we, in the foreground.

Children: The artist drew several trees.

Educator: What are these trees?

Children: Birch

Educator: Tell us about them. What are they?

Children: They are thin, with white trunks. On two front birch leaves

almost all shielded. And those who are a little further, there are still a foliage. She is golden

yellow, brown-orange.

Children: A group of birch is visible.

Educator: Such a group is called "Grove". Does the leaflets on these birchms are visible?

Children: No

Educator: Really not visible, because the trees are far away, so the artist

drew them higher than those trees that we see in the foreground.

Educator: What color grass in the meadows?

Children: Green.

Educator: Look carefully: is Green? No, she is brownish green,

greenish brown, yellowish, brown. By the end of summer, she dried from the sun.

Thanks to these shades, we see that this is autumn.

Educator: Now pay attention to the right side of the picture.

What do you see?


Educator. She is wide in front of us, dark blue, and then, everything becomes

already, everything is lighter.

Guess what water in the river in the picture?

Warm or cold? (Responses of children)

Educator:Right, cold and talk about it and purple tone

paints are cold tones

Educator:What is reflected in the river? (heaven) whether the river flows straight or changes its


Educator:And what is this village glow, like a candle, on bending (emitting) of the river?

What can be said about this birch? What is she?

Children : You can not see a separate birch, trees seemed to merge with each other.

And behind her dance greenery - brown trees.

This is a oak grove

She is not alone: \u200b\u200briver and birch - good friends.

Educator:And what color sky depicted an artist?

Children.Sky blue, with white clouds.

Educator. What is more in the picture - the sky or land? (Children's responses)

Yes, the artist really liked the beauty of the earth, autumn nature, so the earth

he painted more. Is there a sun in the picture? How did you guess?

Children.There are shadows from trees. And the sky is blue. And in cloudy weather the sky is gray.

Educator.Well done. Yes, we see the shadows from the trees, then there is a sun.

Educator:Why are peasant houses such small? What do you see about

Children: The artist pushed the village of Vdal paintings so that she did not interfere

all beauty, magnificent, fading nature.

Educator: Indeed, the remote village emphasizes, strengthens the silence,

calm, reigning in nature.

That's how it can tell the artist about what he liked.

Levitan autumn is the holiday of gold and blue. Joyful beauty holiday.

But he is a little and sad - because this is the beauty of farewell. Winter is coming soon.

And what are the pictures, in which nature is depicted?

Children. Landscape.


Sounds quiet, calm music.)

Guys, and now imagine yourself with leaves, air, light, transparent,


We are autumn leaves , hands up)

On the branches hung. (shake hands with hands)

The wind reanged, flew. ( swing your hands, tilting torso on the sides)

We flew, we flew (concern)

And on Earth quietly sat down. (sit down, lowering hands)

The wind came up again (get up)

And leaf up raised. (raise your hands up)

Spoke, flew ( swing hands)

And again sat on the ground. (Sit down)

Educator: And now let's go back to our picture. Who of you wants to make up

story on it.

Imagine that you got there, in nature, in that fall!

To tell you that you feel you see?

Status plan:

1. Tell them autumn Dn.. What is the weather? Why?

2. On the autumn sky and clouds

3.o Sun.

4.O Berezach

5. What autumn did with the meadow

6. What water in the river?

7. What is located away?

8. What sense caused you this picture?

Children (approximate answer)

Gold autumn came. Sky blue with light white clouds. Sun N.

it can be seen, but it is felt. Pulles on the sun Gold foliage of trees, from them

thin shadow falls on the ground. Birches dressed in brightly yellow, golden dresses.


spin B.

slow dance. Between the meadows flows dark blue river. Water in it has already become

cold. On the banks of the river, a bright autumnal flower is still visible. Sorry he remains

one. All other flowers have already been blowing away.

(listen to several stories)


Guys, you are great. We liked your stories.

And you liked the exhibition. You now know that despite all changes in

nature, autumn is a wonderful time of the year. And artists and poets dedicated

this time of year has its own works and work.

Outcome: Let's bring the result of our meeting:

Guys, what did we do with you today? (What did they say that

accounted for)

Reproduction, what artist helped us do it? (Levitan)

Whose story did you like most?

We say goodbye to this wonderful time of the year and say autumn!

Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region

State autonomous educational institution of additional professional education of the Samara region

"Samara Regional Institute for Advanced Resources and Retraining Education Employees"

Final work

at the rate of advanced training of Icho

"Planning the direct-educational activities of children of preschool age in the educational field" Speech Development "

on the topic: "Plan-abstract of direct-educational activities

for children of the senior group "Talking in the picture

Training time: from 10.10.16-14.10.16

Performed: Evdokimov

Elena Vladimirovna


JV " Kindergarten №30 "


g.O. Syzran Samara region

sAMARA 2016.

Plan-abstract of direct-educational activities

in the senior group "Talking in the picture

I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

Integration of educational areas: Speech development, cognitive development, socio-communicative, artistic and aesthetic.


Speech development:

  1. Improve children to active speech activities. Learn to respond to the full proposal questioned. Learn to analyze your answers, your work and the work of your comrades.
  2. Educate the culture of speech communication, the ability to conduct a dialogue with

as an educator and peers.

  1. Teach children to select adjectives in the description of the autumn.
  2. Activate in the speech of children's words: a bazhret and gold, cold and warm tones, joyful, excited, admiring, calm.
  3. Enrich the dictionary of children with the words: landscape painting, fading grass, birch grove, crowns of trees, arable land,running river.

Cognitive development:

  1. Acquaintance of children with the artist I.I. Levitan, with his work.
  2. To summarize and systematize the knowledge of children about the characteristic signs of autumn.

Socio-communicative development:

  1. Form a positive emotional attitude to

educational activities.

  1. Cross children to be included in joint activities with adults and peers. Contribute to establishing emotional trust contacts of children with teacher and with each other.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

  1. To introduce children with the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song" from the "Seasons" cycle.
  2. Rip the aesthetic perception of the surrounding reality and painting works.
  3. Improve the ability of children in creating a collage, placing parts throughout the sheet, select details in color and form.

Methods and techniques:

  1. Visual - viewing paintings I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn".
  2. Wonderful - reading poem A.S. Pushkin "Sad time! Ocho charm! ",conversation in the picture, questions, explanations, instructions.
  3. Practical - didactic game "What autumn?", Application from the autumn leaves "Autumn Collage".

Materials: Autumn leaves, glue, tassels, rags

Equipment: Reproduction of paintings I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", easel, tape recorder, basket, multimedia equipment, presentation, watman sheet with prepared background.

Audio recording: P. I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song" from the "Seasons" cycle, Paul Maori Tokcato.

Preliminary work: learning and reading poems, singing songs about autumn, viewing illustrations of autumn nature, observation of natural phenomena on a walk.

Forms of organization of joint activities

Children's activity

Forms and methods of organization

joint activity

Communicative activity

Conversation in the picture I.I. Levitan "Autumn Golden"

Purpose: encourage children to turn on together with an adult conversation


Didactic game: "What autumn?"

Purpose: Teach children to select adjectives to the noun "autumn what?".

Cognitive-research activities

  1. Consider painting I.I. Levitan "Autumn Golden"

Purpose: Acquaintance with the artist I.I. Levitan, his work.

2. Consider the pictures on the autumn.

Objective: to summarize and systematize the knowledge of children about the characteristic signs of autumn.

Perception of fiction

Reading Open poem A.S. Pushkin "Sad time! Ocho charming! "

Purpose: to form a positive emotional attitude to educational activities.


Listening to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song" from the cycle "Seasons of the Year"

Purpose: create an emotional attitude to the viewing of the picture


Applique "Autumn Collage"

Purpose: Fasten the ability of children to make a collective application from natural material.

Logic of educational activities

No. p / p

Actress of the teacher

Activities of pupils

Expected results

Guys, listen, please, poem

A.S. Pushkin "Sad time! Ocho charming! "

It's nice to me your farewell beauty -

I love the magnificent nature of fading,

In the bazhret and gold dressed forests.

Who guessed about what time of year is we talking about? How did you guess? And what do the words of the Bagret and Gold mean?

Listening to the poem, answers to questions on the text.

Ability to analyze the poem, allocate the main thing.

Intensify the speech of children with the words: Bagretz and Gold.

Right. But not only the poets loved to describe this wonderful time of the year, but also artists and musicians.Here we are now and look at the painting about the autumn, which the artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan wrote. The artist called his picture "Golden Autumn". Let's admire her. And I will include the "autumn" music, I wrote the composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. (Fragment of "Autumn Song" from the cycle "Seasons")

Joyful or sadly this music sounded?

Yes, light, light sadness hears in music. The melody sounded gently and light. And what mood you appear after listening to music? So the composer felt the golden autumn. Look now to the picture and tell me: what the artist felt when he painted the golden autumn. How could he express his feelings with paints? After all, the artist expresses his feelings with the help of paints. What paints are joyful here? And what kind of paints are sad? (children's responses)

Yes, the joy of the artist handed over warm colors, but he used cold tones, their smaller. Therefore, looking at the picture, we feel joy, pleasure from the magnificent beauty of nature, but at the same time and light sadness of farewells with the summer, with a shrinking foliage of trees, fading grass, with warmth and sun.

Let's take a closer look at the picture. Look, on the left side of the painting, close to us, in the foreground the artist painted several trees. What are these trees? (Birchings)

Tell us about them. What are they?

And even further, in the distant plan, a birch group is visible. Such a group of birchings called " birch Grove" The artist painted a little visible trunks and lush crowns of trees - because the trees are far away, so he placed them on canvas higher than those trees that we see in the foreground.

And now look at the right side of the painting. What is drawn here? (River.)

Yes, river. In front of us, she is wide, dark - blue, and then, everything is already becoming, everything is lighter, she alone her dove and whites. And then, on the river radiation there is a lonely birch, bright as "candle". To the right of her dance greenery - brown trees. And what did the artist depicted in the far, where the sky begins? Yes, there, on the grief we see green arable land, a few houses, and then - the wall of the birch and forest. What color sky? (Sky blue, with light white clouds.)

Is there a sun in the picture? How did you guess? Yes, we see the shadows from the trees, then there is a sunshine. Sun "lit" with gold foliage, yellow - orange light! That's how it can tell the artist about what he liked.

What do you want to do, looking at this picture?

Children listen to music, consider the picture.

Children answer the questions of the tutor's maintenance of music.

Children are considering a picture, answer questions with a complete proposal.

Consider the picture in more detail that in the foreground, which is in the background. An artist's plan analyzed, artistic techniques. Answer questions about the picture.

The ability to see the beauty of the picture and perceive the musical work.

Ability to analyze a musical work using words:joyful, sad, delighted, calm.

The ability to answer the questions of the teacher with a complete proposal.

Activation of the dictionary of children in words: warm, cold tones, foreground, back plan, autumn golden, birch grove.

Enrichment of the dictionary of children in words: fading grass, lush crowns of trees, emitting river, green arable land.

The ability to answer the questions of the teacher with a full detailed sentence, telling about what he saw.

I also want to walk along the autumn beauties, golden-crimson birch groves. Inhale fresh air, feel the blow of the lightweight breeze, listen to the noise of the river. Let's stand up with you now stand up, go through the forest under the sounds of music and collect the autumn leaves (the music of the Maoriat Tokcato) sounds.

Children, here we collected autumn leaves, and now let's fold them in the basket, they will come to us.

And now we will play the game: "What autumn". Stop in a semicircle, I will show you autumn pictures (show presentations with autumn pictures), and you will talk to me what autumn is depicted on them. For example: solar, joyful, cheerful. Even some?

Children collect autumn leaves under the sounds of music.

Children view slides and call descriptive adjectives

Aesthetic perception of surrounding validity, the ability to act together

Intensification of the dictionary: rainy, dull, gold, sunny, joyful, fun, etc.)

Well done, guys! Today we listened to the music, verses of autumn, looked at the picture of the artist I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn". We were joyful and slightly sad. We remembered the golden autumn, which was seen on a walk. Music, painting and poems gave us these memoirs, this joy and light sadness. And now we are with you together as artists, let us depict the golden autumn with the help of autumn leaves and create an autumn collage.

Collective manufacture of autumn collage

The ability of children to create collaboration.The ability of children to make a collage, placing parts throughout the sheet, select details in color and shape.


Wonderful autumn carpet from us turned out! I suggest you show our work Mama and Dad.

And now let's remember what we and we were engaged in the classroom. What picture did you consider? Who is the author? What music did you listen to? What new have you recognized? What did you like best in class? Who is good, in your opinion, today did? Why do you think so?

To form the ability to answer questions with a common offer,

analyze the work done and its comrades.

Galina Khalina
Abstract Node "Talking in the picture I. Levitan" Golden Autumn "for the senior group

Abstract Node« Taking pictures and. Levitan« Golden autumn» (for senior group)

Prepared: Khalina Galina Vladimirovna, Educator MBOU "Bunyrevskaya School №14"with. Bunyrevo Aleksinsky district of the Tula region

Goal - to introduce children with painting I.. Levitan« Golden autumn» Tasks:


Develop oral speech, the ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions. Education:

Introduce children S. picturesecure characteristic signs autumn. Educational:

Rip the aesthetic perception of the surrounding reality and painting works. Methods:

Wonderful: conversation.

Visual: Presentation Practical: a game "When does it happen?", "Visiting the artist", "Whose color is it?"

Equipment: Multimedia equipment, music audio recording P. I. Tchaikovsky "September. Hunting" From cycle "Seasons", cards depicting signs of different times, color cardsReproduction pictures I.. Levitan« Golden autumn» Travel course.

1. Game Situation "When does it happen?"

On the table turned down the image of several cards with signs of different seasons, but most autumn. Several children take turns fit to the table, take card And call the time of year, explaining why they think so. - What time of year is found more often? (fall)

2. Game Situation "Visiting the artist".

Showing the slides to which portrait, landscape, still life depicted.

Look carefully on the screen and name the genres of artistic creativity. (Children look and define the name of the genre).

3. Game Situation "Whose color is it?"

I'll show you some color now cards, And you define, what time of year corresponds to one or another color. (Green cards, white, yellow colors).

What color corresponds to the summer? Why?

BUT autumn?

4. The story of the teacher about Levitan.

Many artists with tremendous warmth and love wrote our modest, but beautiful nature. Among them and Isaac Ilyich Levitan. (Slide with the artist's portrait). The present books called him a poet of Russian Nature. For 25 years he wrote about 1000 paintings, drawings, sketches. The artist masterfully reports the alerts that give birth to us pictures of native nature.

5. – Consider the reproduction of the picture and. Levitan« Golden autumn» .

What is the overall impression of the landscape - sad or joyful?

Have you ever observed something like this?

What feelings, desire gives you a landscape?

Can someone want tell One of the poems of autumnwhich we taught?

Do the lines of poem with a web artist echo? - Now I will read the poems, and you listen and try to determine which poems can be attributed to this landscape. (V. Avdienko "He goes autumn on the track» , A. Plenechev "Boring picture» , And bunin "Forest, exactly by terring painted ...") What do you think the artist's idea? What is this picture?

Why she is named golden autumn?

Lovely trees fall dressed in golden leaves?

Name those trees that are green in winter. Show them on picture.

Is the river flow straight or changes its direction?

Does the sky color in the front and background distort?

What is visible on the high shore?

Why are peasant houses such small? - What impression makes on you picture? - What do you see in the foreground? Did you? - What colors prevail in the landscape? - What you especially like in the canvas I. Levitan?

6. Hearing of music P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons".

Richness of their colors fall Attracted the attention of the great Russian composer P. I. Tchaikovsky, who in 1876 he wrote a music album "Seasons".

(Pieces sounds "September. Hunting")

What do you imagine when listening to music?

Are you similar to your impressions pictures and plays?

What is especially remembered for you?

What did we play today?

Publications on the topic:

The abstract of integrated classes in the older group "Talking in the picture" Winter Fun " Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten №49" of Syktyvkar Abstract Integrated classes.

Abstract Node for children of the senior group theme "Consider the Reproduction of the painting of I. I. Levitan" Golden Autumn " Educator: Guys, who will tell me, what time of year is it now? (Fall). Educator: What changes occur in nature with the arrival of autumn?

Abstract Node "Talking in the picture" We ride on sledding "in the II junior group ODO COMPOSIT in II junior group Topic: Teaching in the picture "Sink on Sledge" Integration of OO: Socio-Communicative, Physical,.

Abstract Node with children of the preparatory group "Autumn Golden" Integration of regions: knowledge, communication, artistic creativity. Tasks: educational: to summarize the knowledge of children about the time of the year, about.

The abstract of the Node in the preparatory to school group "Drawing up a story in the picture I. I. Levitan" March " Abstract Node in the preparatory for school group "Drawing up a story in the picture I. I. Levitan" March "Goal: to organize the activities of children.

An abstract of open classes for teachers with the children of the middle group. Talking in the picture "Winter Walk" Objective: Teach children to communicate the content of the painting, guided by the sample of the educator. Tasks: Educational: Test children to.

Software content:

  1. Develop the ability to see and feel the state of autumn nature and emotional response to it.
  2. Waking good and bright feelings, joy, desire to admire the beauty of the "golden" autumn poetry.
  3. Teach carefully consider the artistic picture, summing up to understand that the artist depicts real. At nature - what he saw that he had caused his joy, surprise.
  4. Develop the skills of perception of the figurative language of landscape painting, emotional perception of color and color fabrication. To draw the attention of children to the fact that with the help of color can be told about the time of the year, about your mood, attitude to the depicted.
  5. Cause children a desire to draw gold autumn; Wake up imagination, creative abilities.

Preliminary work.

  1. Observation on a walk for the manifestations of signs of autumn.
  2. Excursion to the school garden and in the city.
  3. drawing autumn leaves and bushes; Mine vegetable, fruit.
  4. Drawing up autumn bouquets, game with leaves.
  5. Consider illustration.
  6. Learning and reading poems, listening to passages of musical works; Singing songs about autumn.


Reproduction of the painting I. Levitan "Golden Autumn". Gouache, brushes, drawing paper, water.

Children are sitting in front of the painting (it is closed while).

Educator: Tell me, guys, what is the time of year now?

Children: Autumn!

Educator: That's right, autumn. Answer what autumn happens?

Children: warm, cold, rainy, bright, gold, sunny, etc.

Educator: And remember, we were on a walk in the school garden? What is especially remembered for you? What did we notice?

Children: on beautiful trees with yellow, red, multicolored leaves; on a ripper with red borders of berries.

Educator: Yes, we saw beautiful trees, multicolored leaflets, noticed how the leaves were quietly fell on the ground, turned beautifully on the fly, fled under the breeze on the ground. We even played rats.

tell me, guys, when we listened to the sounds of nature, what did we hear?

Children: We heard the rustling of foliage, rustle under the legs, birds singing.

Educator: We even know how the fall smells. How autumn smells,

Children: Last foliage, autumn flowers, fragrant herbs, beveled grass, rain, mushrooms, etc.

Educator: Right! And the autumn smells like a bitter smoke of fire. Guys, remember when we walked, was the sun or not?

Children: (child response).

Educator: Sun, as if "lit" to the foliage of trees. The leaves on the trees have become even brighter, good, have become joyful, festive! Sky at this moment what was?

Children: Blue, Clear, Clean, With Light White Clouds.

Educator: Yes, very beautiful now in the forest, and in parks, and the streets of the city. We for a long time admired the beautiful, elegant nature in the fall. We were so light and joyfully, right? But the poets also love this wonderful time of the year. They wrote and write a lot of verses about the autumn. Let's listen to the poem from Z. Fedorovskaya "Autumn".

Autumn on the edge of paint bred,

By the foliage, quietly brushed:

Yelling fellow and root

In purple autumn only green oak.

Complete autumn:

Do not regret the summer!

Look - grove gold dressed!

Educator: But not only poets, but composers admired the beauty of autumn, autumn nature, autumn landscapes. Listen to the musical work PI. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song" and show in your movements a picture about autumn. Please come out.

Music sounds, and children are moving freely around the hall.

Educator: Well done! When this wonderful music PI sounded. Tchaikovsky, and you danced under it, I remembered one wonderful picture with which I want to introduce you. there she is. (Opens a picture.)

This picture is called "Golden Autumn", and his great Russian artist Isaac Levitan wrote. When the artist wrote this picture, he stood on a hill and admired the wonderful picture of nature. Look at her carefully and you can even talk about it with a whisper. (Children 1-2 minutes view the picture.)

Educator: Everyone considered? What have we seen in this picture? What is shown on it?

Children: autumn, trees, river, etc.

Educator: What autumn?

Children: "Golden Autumn"

Educator: How did you guessed? What colors took an artist to portray "Golden Autumn"?

Children: yellow, red, burgundy, orange ....

Educator: What else do we see in the picture?

Children: We see the river!

Educator: What is the water in the river?

Children: Children's Answers

Educator: Water Cold, Dark. What paints used an artist?

Children: blue, purple. These are cold tones.

Educator: Guys, and what artist portrayed the sky?

Children: Blue, light, clean, bottomless

Educator: Is there a sun in the picture?

Children: No, but it is present, because the picture is very bright, bright and from the trees is a shadow.

Educator: Did you like the picture? And I really liked her. Listen to my story about the picture.

Artistic scientific tale of the educator: The tutor tells slowly, withstands the pause between the episodes of the painting.

"A bright sun illuminated the gold foliage. Elegant birchs, as if surrounded girlfriends, fled to the gurby. Stand, .... Also admire himself, .... There is a beautiful blue-blue river ... no longer hot. In the transparent air, everything, even the most distant, is clearly visible. It is not breathing easily and fun. "

Educator: Guys, and you would like to be on this hill, among these birks?

Imagine yourself there.

Responses of children.

Educator: Lera, imagine that you came to this river, what do you feel? What water? And you, Yaroslav, are standing around funny birch, what do you feel? And you, Diana, ran here to these trees, what did you hear or felt there, tell me?

Educator: Guys, let's look at the picture I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", feel all its beauty and charm (children consider the picture 20-30 seconds)

Educator: And now, guys, you will have the opportunity to draw your "golden autumn" who wants in any way. In the picture, try to transfer your mood to the "Golden Autumn". (Children perform.)

Educator: Let's look at your drawings about the Golden Autumn. What are different they turned out. Very beautiful paints you picked up, invented interesting landscapes - like real artists. Well done!

Organized educational activities (ODO)

Speech Development (R.R)


Subject: to familiarize yourself with landscape painting in the older group.

Consider painting I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

Objectives: Teach children carefully consider the reproduction of the picture

Tasks: Teach children carefully consider the reproduction of the picture and see the image of the landscape in the unity of its content and means of expressiveness. Pay attention to the color and color factories as a means of transmitting autumn phenomena, the emotional attitude of the artist to the depicted. Develop the artistic perception of landscape painting, interest and emotional response to it. Secure the presentation of children that the image of trees, meadows, fields, i.e., the image of nature is called a landscape.

Enrich and intensify the children's dictionary; Introduce emotional - estimated vocabulary, aesthetic terms, reflecting the quality of objects, their shape, the texture and the emotional states caused by them - joy, pleasure, pleasure. Encourage the statements of children.

Activation of a dictionary: landscape painting, birch grove, golden autumn, cold and warm tones.



Speech Development (R.R)

Subject: to familiarize yourself with landscape painting in the older group.

Consider painting I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

Objectives: Teach children carefully consider the reproduction of the picture

Tasks: Teach children carefully consider the reproduction of the picture and see the image of the landscape in the unity of its content and means of expressiveness. Pay attention to the color and color factories as a means of transmitting autumn phenomena, the emotional attitude of the artist to the depicted. Develop the artistic perception of landscape painting, interest and emotional response to it. Secure the presentation of children that the image of trees, meadows, fields, i.e., the image of nature is called a landscape.

Enrich and intensify the children's dictionary; Introduce emotional - estimated vocabulary, aesthetic terms, reflecting the quality of objects, their shape, the texture and the emotional states caused by them - joy, pleasure, pleasure. Encourage the statements of children.

Activation of a dictionary: landscape painting, birch grove, golden autumn, cold and warm tones.

OODA stroke

The educator reads the children poem I. Bunin:

Forest, exactly led painted,

Purple, gold, crimped,

Cheerful, Moto Wall

It is standing above the light polar!

Educator: Oh, how dally said about the autumn poet! And artists take easels, paints and go to the nature of writing autumn. Here we are now and look at the painting about the autumn, which the artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan wrote. The artist called his picture "Golden Autumn". Let's admire it. And I will include the "autumn" music, I wrote the composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. (Fragment of "Autumn Song" from the cycle "Seasons")

Children listen to music and consider the picture.

Educator: This music joyfully or sadly?

Children: sad.

Educator: Yes, light, light sadness hears in music. The melody sounded gently and light. So the composer felt the golden autumn. Look now to the picture and tell me: what the artist felt when he painted the golden autumn. How could he express his feelings with paints? After all, the artist expresses his feelings with the help of paints. What paints are joyful here? And what kind of paints are sad? (children's responses) Yes, the joy of the artist handed over with warm paints, but he used cold tones, their smaller. Therefore, looking at the picture, we feel joy, pleasure from the magnificent beauty of nature, but at the same time and light sadness of farewells with the summer, with a shrinking foliage of trees, fading grass, with warmth and sun. But as the poet A. S. Pushkin said about this time of year:

Sad time! Ocho charming!

It's nice to me your farewell beauty

I love the magnificent nature of fading,

In the bazhret and gold, dressed forests ...

Here are such beautiful and heartfelt words about the Golden Autumn found a poet. How can an artist tell about the golden autumn? He needs to draw, portray on the canvas what he saw, or sees in nature, which caused him joy, surprising the beauty of autumn. It must draw so that we learn and the trees, and bushes, and the river. And with the help of paints, he can pass the time of year (winter, summer, autumn, spring, his mood (joy, sadness, trouble, calm, silence).

Educator: Let's carefully consider the picture. Look, on the left side of the painting, close to us, in the foreground the artist painted several trees. What are these trees?

Children: Birch.

Educator: Tell us about them. What are they?

Children: They are thin, with white trunks. On the two front birches, leaflets almost all shielded. And those who are a little further, the foliage is still golden, yellow, orange.

Educator: And further, in the distant plan, a birch group is visible. Such a group of birchings are called "Birch Grove". The artist painted a little visible trunks and lush crowns of trees - because the trees are far away, so he placed them on canvas higher than those trees that we see in the foreground.

And now look at the right side of the painting. What is drawn here?

Children: River.

Educator: Yes, River. In front of us, she is wide, dark - blue, and then, everything is already becoming, everything is lighter, she alone her dove and whites. And then, on the river radiation there is a lonely birch, bright as "candle". To the right of her dance greenery - brown trees. And what did the artist depicted in the far, where the sky begins? Yes, there, on the grief we see green arable land, a few houses, and then - the wall of the birch and forest. What color sky?

Children: Sky Blue, with light white clouds.

Educator: What is more in the picture - the sky or land? (children's responses) Yes, the artist really liked the beauty of the Earth, autumn nature, so he painted the lands more and chose the rectangular picture format. Is there a sun in the picture? How did you guess? Yes, we see the shadows from the trees, then there is a sunshine. Sun "lit" gold foliage yellow - orange light! That's how it can tell the artist about what he liked. Today we listened to the music, verses of autumn, looked at the picture of the artist I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn". We were joyful and slightly sad. We remembered the golden autumn, which was seen on a walk. Music, painting and poems gave us these memories, this joy and light sadness.

Organized educational activities (ODO)

Artistically aesthetic development Applique


Topic: "Autumn Carpet"

Purpose: To form the ability to focus on the subjects and phenomena of nature of the surrounding children, teach children to notice the beauty of natural phenomena, learn to make a pattern, selecting the leaves necessary for the color and shape to implement the plan.

Tasks: Continue to fix the knowledge of children about the signs of autumn, remember the names of the trees. Develop sensory sensations, speech, attention, memory, thinking. Brief love of nature, interest in surrounding phenomena.

Preliminary work: Observation for walks for autumn phenomena in nature: leaf fall, the trees of our site, the manufacture of herbarium, memorizing poems.

Equipment: background for appliqués (square paper, glue, brushes, leaf patterns.

Methods and techniques: observation, musical accompaniment, artistic word, conversation.

Travel course.

Game: "Autumn!"

On the question of the answer to give.

Name the autumn months- September October November.

Leaves in the fall (what do?) -The leaves fall yellow, fall, etc.

Rain in the fall (what does?) -Rain falls in the fall, goes, etc.

Vintage in the fall (what do?) -Vintage autumn is cleaned.

Birds in autumn (what do?) -Birds fly in the fall.

Trees in the fall (what do?) -Trees fall leaves in autumn.

Beasts in autumn (what do?) -The animals are preparing for winter, change the fur coats.

Sun in autumn (what does?) -The sun shines in autumn, but heats.

Weather in autumn (what does?) -The weather in autumn is often changing. Well done, you know a lot about autumn.

Listen - these are autumn sounds. She invites us to visit.

we listen to the musical work (the excerpt of the musical work sounds on the autumn topic: "Seasons" Tchaikovsky)

Guys, what do you think about what is the musical work? What did you hear? (right, breeze blows, leaves rustle)

And now what time of year? (fall)

And what is autumn? (Golden)

Showing the leaves and make up the composition on the board

Guys, what do you see? (leaves,)

And what leaves do you see? (List)

And what kind of trees do you know? (Well done what)

What is needed in order to make a composition? (Colored paper, brushes, glue)

That's right, (I show some more options for the composition), pay attention to the location of the leaf (in the center, along the edges, in the corners).

See what beautiful patterns, - Guys, and what does this work look like? (on the autumn carpet) and let's we bring beautiful carpets with you from the leaves? (let's).

Be sure to collect the rugs, only after a little rest, otherwise we sat and talked and tired.

The game "Autumn leaves".

Children imitate the actions of "leaves" in accordance with the text of the poem: squatting, fly around the room, quietly sit down, rises, circling and sit down again.

We, autumn leaves,

On branches sat.

The wind reanged, flew.

We flew, we flew.

And on Earth quietly sat down.

The wind came up again.

And the leaves loose everything.

Rotate them, concerned.

And lowered the rug.

So we rested with you, now you can go to work, sit down at the tables, just so far do not touch anything, but listen to me.

Today we talk about autumn with you, listened to music, played the game, considered different compositions, now you need to make your own composition, your pattern.

You all have a background on our tables for our autumn carpet with you and on the plates are leafs, now you need to make up your composition, decompose the leaves on paper as you like and only after that begin to glue one leaf, be careful, not Torch. Remind rules for working with scissors, glue.

Do you have questions about me? (If not, proceed to work)

In the course of work, I go, I look, I give verbal instructions.

Analysis of children's work:

What are you umnikov, all coped with work, see what beautiful autumn carpets from us turned out, beauty!

Guys, what did we do with you today? (children's responses)

Did you like it?

And I really liked our occupation with you, you are all so smart! Now help me make an exhibition of our beautiful carpets!