Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy Most importantly. Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy: brief biography, facts and video

Tolstoy Lion Nikolayevich was born 28.08.1828 (or 09.09.1828 old style). Died - 07.11.1910 (11/20/1910).

Russian writer, philosopher. Born in Casual Polyana, Tula province, in a rich aristocratic family. Entered the Kazan University, but then left him. At the age of 23, went to war with Chechnya and Dagestan. Here I began to write the trilogy "childhood", "adolescence", "Youth".

In the Caucasus

In the Caucasus participated in hostilities, being an artillery officer. During the Crimean War, went to Sevastopol, where he continued to fight. After the end of the war went to St. Petersburg and in the magazine "Contempor" published "Sevastopol stories", in which his outstanding writer talent brightly reflected. In 1857, Tolstoy went on a journey through Europe, which disappointed him.

From 1853 to 1863 He wrote the story of "Cossacks", after which he decided to interrupt literary activities and become a landowner landowner, engaging in the village. To this end, he left for a clear clearing, where he opened a school for peasant children and created his own pedagogy system.

In 1863-1869. He wrote his fundamental work "War and Peace". In 1873-1877 Created a novel "Anna Karenina". At the same years, the worldview of a writer, known as the "Topstone", is fully formed, the essence of which is visible in the works: "Confession", "What is my faith?", Crecera Sonata.

The doctrine is described in the philosophical and religious works "Study of dogmatic theology", "Connection and translation of the four Gospels", where the main emphasis is made on the moral cultivation of a person, the evidence of evil, the absence of evil by violence.
Later the Dilogy was published: the drama "Power of Darkness" and the comedy "Fruits of Enlightenment", then a series of stories-Proverbs about the laws of being.

From all over the corners of Russia and the world, the writers of creativity of the writer, to whom they treated, as to the spiritual mentor. In 1899, Roman "Resurrection" was published.

Latest works Tolstoy

The latest works of the writer are the stories "Father Sergius", "After Bala", "Posthumous notes of the elder Fyodor Kuzmich" and the drama "Living Corpse".

The confessional journalism of Tolstoy gives a detailed view of his sincere drama: drawing pictures of social inequality and the fear of the educated layers, thick in tough form put questions about the meaning of life and faith in the society, put all state institutions, reaching the denial of science, art, court, marriage, Achievements of civilization. The social declaration of Tolstoy relies on the idea of \u200b\u200bChristianity as a moral teaching, and the ethical ideas of Christianity are meaningful to them in the humanistic key, as the basis of the world's world fraternity. In 1901, the Synod reaction was followed: the world-famous writer was officially excommunicated from the church, which caused a huge public resonance.


On October 28, 1910, Tolstoy secretly left the family with a clear clearing, the road fell ill and was forced to get off the train on the small railway station Astapovo Ryazan-Ural Railway. Here, in the house of the station's head of the station, he spent the last seven days of his life.

Brief biography of Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy. Born in 1828 in the aristocratic family. Father, Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy - the retired lieutenant colonel of Pavlograd Gusar Regiment, a participant in the Patriotic War. Mother - Princess Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya.

Parents of the future writer died early, mother - when he was 2 years old, his father was at 9 years old. Relatives-guardian raised five children raised five children.

In 1844-46 Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy tried to study at the university, but the study was given to him with great difficulty, and he threw an educational institution. After that, the count has lived four years in his estate, trying to build relations with peasants in a new way; He contributed to the opening of new schools in the villages.

At the same time, he came to Moscow at times, where he indulged in gambling, which has repeatedly undermined his financial situation. After another major loss, he went to the army in 1851 to the Caucasus, where his elder brother was served at that time.

It was in the Caucasus Lion Nikolaevich opened the need for creativity. Created an autobiographical story "Childhood" and sent a manuscript (subsided simply: "LTN") to the court of Nikolai Nekrasov, a well-known poet and publisher of the authoritative literary monthly "Contemporary". He published a story, calling Tolstoy "new and reliable talent" in Russian literature.

Five years old Tolstoy serves as an artillery officer. At first he participates in the Chechen campaign, then in battles with the Turks on the Danube, then in the Crimea, where he heroically showed himself during the defense of Sevastopol, for which he was awarded the Order of St. Anna.

Everything free from service time he gives creativity. "Defense" and "Youth", the following parts of the autobiographical trilogy, were also printed in the "contemporary" and became very popular. Few, some of the writers managed to continuously explore the spiritual life of a person and at the same time pass all this in such a simple and light syllable.

Bright and interesting scenes from the Army and Military Life Tolstoy were reflected in his "Cossacks", "Haji Murate", "Rubbing Forests", "Ringe", and especially in magnificent "Sevastopol stories."

After the resignation of Tolstoy went on a long journey through Europe. Returning home, he devoted himself entirely to popular education. He helped in the opening of 20 rural schools in the Tula province, he taught at school in a clear paradise itself, was the alphabet and educational books for children. In 1862, he married 18-year-old Sophie Bers, and in 1863 he returned to literary activities and began working on his greatest work - Roman-epic "War and Peace".

Tolstoy extremely accustomed to work, having studied thousands of sources about the Patriotic War of 1812: Memoirs, letters of contemporaries and participants in events. The first part was published in 1865, and finished the novel writer only in 1869

Roman struck and continues to hit readers with a combination of the epic picture of historical events with the living destinies of people, deep penetration into spiritual experiences and throwing people. The second worldwide recognized work of the writer was the novel "Anna Karenina" (1873-77).

In recent decades of the XIX century. Thick a lot of philosophies on the topic of faith and the meaning of life. These quests were reflected in his religious treatments, in which they tried to understand the essence of Christianity and convey its principles with a clear language.

In the head of the corner, Tolstoy put the moral cleansing and self-improvement of the person, as well as the principle of non-resistance to evil violence. The writer criticized the official Orthodox Church for her dogmatism and close relationship with the state, for which the Synod was excluded from the Church.

But despite this, until the end of the life, the followers of his religious and moral teachings came to the thick of the whole country. Did not stop the writer and his work to support rural schools.

In the last years of life, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy decided to abandon all private ownership than caused by the dissatisfaction of his wife and children. After offended by them, he at the age of 82 decided to leave the house, sat down on the train, but soon he was very cold and died. It happened in 1910.

Lev Nikolaevich entered the story not only as a brilliant world-famous writer, but also as a great teacher, theologian and preacher of Christianity.

πŸ™‚ Hello, dear readers, thank you for choosing this site! In the article "Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy: a brief biography" The main stages of the life of the greatest writer.

Lion Tolstoy: Brief biography

Tolstoy Lion Nikolaevich is the famous writer and philosopher. His views and beliefs became the basis of a new religious and moral teaching, which will later be called tools.

His legacy is ninety volumes of works, notes from a personal diary and letters. Tolstoy was repeatedly nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Childhood and youth

Levushka, as affectionately called the boy, was born on September 9, 1828. In the nobility manor of the mother in the clear Glade of the Tula province. Nowadays, the Museum-Manor annually attracts thousands of tourists and fans of Tolstoy creativity.

Generic estate of Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy in a clear clearing

In the family, Levushka was the fourth boy, and the next year the long-awaited daughter Mashane appeared. But soon children are orphaned. Mother Maria Nikolaevna (Volkonskaya) died in the summer of 1830. After 7 years, left life and Nikolai Ilyich.

Children took under the custody of Aunt - Alexander Osten-Saken. Two she took with them to Moscow, and the rest lived in the manor. The memories of this time were always disturbed by the soul, but were infinite roads of Lion Nikolayevich.

In 1841, Osten-Saken died and children were transported to another Tete Pelagae Yushkova in. In 1843, the Lion went on his studies at the university. He treated indifferent to study, and teachers considered incompetent, preferring a variety of entertainment.

In the spring of 1847, without finishing their studies and having received a part of the inheritance, including a clear clearing, the 19-year-old young man went home. Here he immediately sketched an extensive plan of his education. But soon realized that plans to build easily, but it would be impossible to make themselves.

Employed asceticism, young man sometimes changes this lifestyle on the couments and gambling card games. Then the stage of discontent began and he again wrote the routine of the day to change his life.

Creativity Lion Tolstoy

In the spring of 1851, his brother Nicholas, who served in the Caucasian visited the estate. Lev Nikolayevich, having heard heroic stories about the war, decided to go with him.

In the Caucasus, Tolstoy served about two and a half years. He hunted, played cards and sometimes took part in raids. He liked such a pastime. Here he wrote a "childhood" using his memories.

Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy in young years

In the summer of 1852, the writer sends a manuscript in w. "Contemporary" editor with a margin that further literary activity depends on his review. The answer came positive and Tolstoy in 1854 published a story, "adolescence."

In December 1854, Tolstoy arrived in Sevastopol, as he would write a detailed story. He describes the battle scenes. The style of the work of Patriotic, glorifying the courage and the courage of Russian soldiers.

He then proceeds to the story "Sevastopol in May". But the pride for the Russian troops turned into horror and shock from senselessness and inhumanity.

In 1855, Tolstoy leaves for St. Petersburg. Here he completes the trilogy about Sevastopol and the autumn writes a report on leaving military service.

Lev Nikolayevich is entirely devoted to literature. He writes the story "Blizzard", the story "Two Hussar", finishes the trilogy about childhood. And in January 1857 it goes to the voyage on European countries. He visited France, Italy, Germany: got acquainted with masterpieces of art. But in general, the trip disappointed him.

Six months later, the writer returned to his estate. There he worked on the story of "Cossacks" and the novel "Family Happiness".

In 1859, Lev Nikolaevich created several schools in the province for the children of peasants. At this time he was interested in education in Europe. A year later, he goes to Europe. Abroad, he stayed for 9 months and again experienced disappointment.

He decided to create his own education system by canceling all programs. In 1862, the writer publishes a magazine about pedagogy, in the application book for reading. He writes the "ABC" with his stories for children, makes translating folk fairy tales and songs.

Lion's wife Tolstoy

In the work of the writer, the crisis gradually comes. In his diary, he often expresses unsatisfactory from his life. He is tormented by reflections on death.

But he finds the meaning of life in love for his wife. At 34, Lev Nikolayevich marries 18-year-old Sophie Bers. This happy union existed for 48 years. Sophia gave birth to her husband thirteen children. It was the best period of life of Tolstoy, who finally gained.

Lion Nikolaevich and Sophia Andreevna

Sophia Andreevna was his secretary and even editor. She lived 75 years old, surviving her husband for 10 years.

"War and Peace"

Soon the writer begins to work on the novel "War and Peace". "Scale Epos" - so subsequently will call this work of criticism. Peaceful household scenes were taken from life, battle and civil episodes from the history of the Russian Empire.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel - pacifism: protest against any war. The work was completed in 1869 and had a deafening resonance in society.

For the "war and the world" will follow no less serious and dramatic work of "Anna Karenina" (1873-1876).

L. N. Tolstoy became a recognized writer, his works had a great success, he gained world glory. But it was little interested. He increasingly thought about social inequality in society and the bench existence of a simple people.

The Great Tolstoy left his life at the age of 82, November 20, 1910 and was buried in a clear glade.


In this video, additional information on the topic "Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy: a brief biography"

Born in the noble family of Maria Nikolaevna, nee Princess Volkonskaya, and Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy in the manor of the Casual Polyana in the Krapvensky district of the Tula province by the fourth child. The happy marriage of his parents became the prototype of heroes in the novel "War and Peace" - Princess Maryia and Nikolai Rostov. Parents died early. Tatiana Aleksandrovna Yergolskaya, distant relative, education - Gooverners, was engaged in the upbringing of the future writer: German Reselman and Frenchman Saint-Tom, who became the heroes of the Agent and the Novels of the Writer. At the age of 13, the future writer and his family moved to the sisters of the father of Father P.I. Yushkova in Kazan.

In 1844, Lion Tolstoy entered the Imperial Kazan University for the Department of Eastern Literature of the Faculty of Philosophy. After the first year did not pass the transitional exam and was transferred to the Faculty of Law, where he studied for two years, plunging into secular entertainment. The lion is Tolstoy, from nature shy and ugly, acquired a reputation as a "clarifying" about the happiness of death, eternity, love, although he wanted to shine himself. And in 1847, he left the university and left for a clear clearing with the intention to engage in science and "achieve the highest degree of perfection in music and painting."

In 1849, in his estate, the first school was opened for peasant children, where Demidovich was taught, his serf, a former musician. Yermil Basykin who studied there: "We were, the boys, there were a man 20, the teacher was Foca Demidovich, the courtyard. Under father L.N. Tolstoy he performed the position of the musician. The old man was good. He taught us alphabet, account, sacred history. I went to us and Lev Nikolayevich, also worked with us, showed a diploma. Went in a day, two, and even every day. He always ordered to the teacher to offend us ... "

1851, under the influence of the elder brother, Nikolai Lev leaves for the Caucasus, already starting writing "childhood", and in the fall, it becomes a junker in the 4th battery of the 20th artillery brigade, housed in the Cossack Stanza Starogladovskaya on the Terek River. There he graduated from the first part of the "childhood" and sent him to the magazine "Sovremennik" his editor N.A. Nekrasov. On September 18, 1852, the manuscript was printed with tremendous success.

Lion Tolstoy served for three years in the Caucasus and, having the right to the honorary St. George cross for courage, "gave way" to his colleague-soldier, as a giving life pension. At the beginning of the Crimean War 1853-1856. Translated into the Danube Army, participated in battles at Oltenice, siege of the Silistria, Defense Sevastopol. Then the written story "Sevastopol in December 1854" He was read by Emperor Alexander II, who had commanded to protect the talented officer.

In November 1856, a recognized and well-known writer leaves military service and leaving traveling in Europe.

In 1862, Lion Tolstoy marries seventeen-year-old Sophia Andreevna Bers. In their marriage, 13 children were born, five died in early childhood, "War and Peace" novels were written (1863-1869) and "Anna Karenina" (1873-1877), recognized by the great works.

In the 1880s. Lion Tolstoy survived a powerful crisis that led to the denial of official state power and its institutions, the awareness of the inevitability of death, faith in God and the creation of his teaching - housing. He lost interest in the usual basic life, he began to have thoughts on suicide and the need to live correctly, vegetariant, engage in education and physical labor - he smelled, sewed his boots, taught children at school. In 1891, he publicly refused copyright to their literary works written after 1880

During 1889-1899. Lion Tolstoy wrote Roman "Resurrection", whose plot is based on real trial, and holy articles about the public administration system - on this basis, His Holiness Synod eligible Graph Lion Tolstoy from the Orthodox Church and betrayed Anathema in 1901.

October 28 (November 10), 1910, Lion Tolstoy secretly left the clear clearer, having passed on a journey without a concrete plan for his moral and religious ideas of recent years, accompanied by a doctor D.P. Makovitsky. The road was cold, got sick with a brunt inflammation of the lungs and was forced to get off the train at Astapovo station (now the station Leo Tolstoy Lipetsk region). Lion Tolstoy died 7 (20) November 1910 in the house of the head of the station I.I. Ozoline and buried in a clear glade.

Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy Talented Man, whose works are read not only adults, but also schoolchildren. Who are unknown by such works, like, or Anna Karenina? It is probably difficult to find a person who would not be familiar with the work of this writer. Let's get acquainted with the writer Tolsty closer, having studied his biography briefly.

Brief biography Tolstoy: Most importantly

L.N. Tolstoy - philosopher, playwright, a talented person who gave us his heritage. Studying his brief biography for children 5 and 4th grade, will better understand the writer, study his life, starting with birth and ending with the last days.

Childhood and Youth Leo Tolstoy

The biography of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy from birth in the Tula province begins. It happened in 1828. He was the fourth child in the noble family. If we talk about the childhood of a writer and his biography, then at the age of two he loses, and after seven years he lost his father, and brought up aunt in Kazan. The first story of the famous trilogy of Leo Tolstoy "Childhood" just tells us about the children's writers.

The initial formation of Lion Tolstoy gets at home, after which he enters the Kazan University at the Faculty of Philology. That's just not had the young men to study, and Tolstoy writes a letter of dismissal. In the estate of parents, he tries themselves in farming, but the undertaking ended in failure. After that, on the advice of the brother, he goes to fight in the Caucasus, and later becomes a member of the Crimean War.

Literary creativity and heritage

If we talk about the work of Tolstoy, then his first work is a story childhood, written in Junkers. In 1852, the story is printed in a contemporary. Already at this time, Tolstoy put in one row with such writers as, Ostrovsky and.

Being in the Caucasus, the writer will write the Cossacks, and then let's start writing that it will be a continuation of the first story. There will be other work in a young writer, because creative activity did not interfere with the serve to serve a hand in hand with his participation in the Crimean War. Sevastopol stories appear from under the writer's pen.

After the war, he lives in St. Petersburg, in Paris. Upon returning to Russia, Tolstoy writes in 1857 the third story, which refers to the autobiographical trilogy.

Marrying on Sofary Burns, Tolstoy stopped in the estate of parents, where he continued to create. The most popular work and his first big novel is war and the world, which was written for ten years. After him, he writes no less well-known work Anna Karenina.

Eighties for the Writer were fruitful. He wrote, comedy, novels, drama, among them after Bala, Sunday and others. At that time, the worldview of the writer was already formed. The essence of his worldview is clearly visible in his "confession", in the work "What is my faith?" Many of his admirers began to relate to Tolstoy, as to the spiritual mentor.

In his work, the writer in tough form set the issues of faith and the meaning of life, criticized state institutions.

The authorities were very afraid of the writer's feather, so they watched him, and also put her hand to get fat from the church. However, people continued to love and supported the writer.

At the beginning of the nineties, Tolstoy begins to hurt. In 1910, when he was on the road, he becomes bad. He stopped at Astapovo station, where she died in 7 days.

There are in biographies of thick and interesting facts. So the writer created not only adult works, but also gave children such works as an alphabet and a book for reading.
The writer had thirteen children, however, only ten of them survived.

The war and the world - the novel, which about eight times rewrote, and its individual episodes were rewritten and more. In addition, he first wore name 1805, later twilight renamed.

Tolstoy led the diaries, where he described the situation involved with him, did his marks, shared his emotions. And since he had a terrible handwriting, the diaries rewrite his wife.