The most important thing about the thick. Brief biography of Tolstoy Leo Nikolayevich - children's and youthful years, search for your place in life

  1. "Love and be so happy"
  2. "Custom to small and do good others"

Li Tolstoy is one of the most famous writers and philosophers in the world. His views and beliefs formed the basis of a whole religious and philosophical flow, which is called Holitical. The literary heritage of the writer amounted to 90 volumes of artistic and journalistic works, diary notes and letters, and he himself had repeatedly nominated for the Nobel Prize in literature and the Nobel Prize of the World.

"Perflect all that you have determined to be executed"

The family tree of Lion Tolstoy. Image: REGNUM.RU.

Silhouette of Mary Tolstoy (in Vologtskaya's Maiden), Mother Lion Tolstoy. 1810th. Image:

Lion Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 in the manor of the Casual Polyana Tula province. He was the fourth child in a large noble family. Tolstoy early orphaned. Mother died when he was not fulfilled two years, and in nine years he lost his father. The guardian of five children of Tolstoy became aunt - Alexander Osten-Saken. Two older children moved to aunt in Moscow, and the younger stayed in a clear glade. It is with the family estate that the most important and expensive memories of the early childhood of Leo Tolstoy are connected.

In 1841, Alexander Osten-Saken died, and the thick moved to Tete Pelagae Yushkova in Kazan. Three years after the move, Lion Tolstoy decided to enter the prestigious Imperial Kazan University. However, he did not like to learn, he considered the examinations, and university professors - incompetent. Tolstoy did not even try to get a scientific degree, the secular entertainment attracted him more in Kazan.

In April 1847, the student life of Leo Tolstoy ended. He inherited his own part of possessions, including his favorite clear clearing, and immediately went home, and without having received higher education. In the generic estate Tolstoy tried to establish life and start writing. He compiled his education plan: learn languages, history, medicine, mathematics, geography, jurisprudence, agriculture, natural sciences. However, soon concluded that it was easier to build plans than to implement them.

Tolstoy's asceticism often replaced the couments and games cards. Wishing to start the right one, in his opinion, life, it was the routine of the day. But did not even follow it, and in the diary again noted discontent with himself. All these failures prompted the lion to thick change the lifestyle. The case was introduced in April 1851: Senior Brother Nicholas arrived in a clear clearer. At that time he served in the Caucasus, where the war went. Lion Tolstoy decided to join the brother and went with him - to the village on the banks of the River Terek.

On the outskirts of the empire, Lion Tolstoy served almost two and a half years. He Korotal time hunting, playing cards and from time to time participating in raids on the enemy territory. Such a secluded and monotonous life liked Tolstoy. It was in the Caucasus that the story "Childhood" was born. Working on it, the writer found a source of inspiration, which remained important to him until the end of his life: he used his own memories and experience.

In July 1852, Tolstoy sent a manuscript to the Magazine "Contemporary" and attached a letter: "... I look forward to your sentence. He or will encourage me to continue his favorite classes, or make everyone started to burn ". Editor Nikolai Nekrasov liked the work of a new author, and soon "childhood" was published in the journal. Inspired by the first success, the writer soon began to continue the "childhood". In 1854, he published a second story in the magazine "Contemporary".

"The main thing - literary works"

Lion Tolstoy in youth. 1851. Image:

Lev Tolstoy. 1848. Image: REGNUM.RU

Lev Tolstoy. Image:

At the end of 1854, Lion Tolstoy arrived in Sevastopol - the epicenter of hostilities. Being in the most thicker events, he created the story "Sevastopol in December." Although Tolstoy and unusually frankly described the battle scenes, the first Sevastopol story was deeply patriotic and glorified the courage of Russian soldiers. Soon Tolstoy began working on the second story - "Sevastopol in May". By that time, nothing left of his pride in the Russian army. The horror and shock, which Tolstoy survived on the front line and during the siege of the city, greatly influenced his work. Now he wrote about the meaninglessness of the death and inhumanity of war.

In 1855, the ruins of Sevastopol Tolstoy went to the exquisite Petersburg. The success of the first Sevastopol story gave him a sense of purpose: "My career is literature, - write and write! With tomorrow I work all my life or throw everything, rules, religion, decency - all ". In the capital, Leo Tolstoy finished "Sevastopol in May" and wrote "Sevastopol in August 1855" - these essays completed the trilogy. And in November 1856 the writer finally left military service.

Thanks to the truthful stories about the Crimean War, Tolstoy entered the St. Petersburg literary circle of the magazine "Contemporary". During this period, he wrote a story "Blizzard", the story "Two Husar", finished the trilogy of the story "Youth". However, after a while, the relationship with the writers from the mug was spoiled: "People of these aphibited me, and I myself an opposite". To dispel, at the beginning of 1857, Lion Tolstoy went abroad. He visited Paris, Rome, Berlin, Dresden: I got acquainted with the famous works of art, met with artists, watched people in European cities live. The journey did not inspire Tolstoy: he created the story "Lucerne", which described his disappointment.

Lion Tolstoy at work. Image:

Lion Tolstoy in Casual Polyana. Image:

Lion Tolstoy tells the fairy tale to the grandchildren Ilyusha and Sona. 1909. Krekshino. Photo: Vladimir Chertkova /

In the summer of 1857, Tolstoy returned to a clear clearing. In his native estate, he continued to work on the story of the "Cossacks", and also wrote the story of "three deaths" and the novel "Family happiness." In the diary, Tolstoy so determined his appointment at that time: "The main thing is the literary works, then - family responsibilities, then - the farm ... And so live for yourself - for good things per day and pretty".

In 1899, Tolstoy wrote the Roman "Resurrection". In this work, the writer criticized the judicial system, the army, the government. Contempt with which Tolstoy described the Institute of Church in the Roman "Resurrection" caused a response. In February 1901, in the journal "Church Vedomosti", the Holy Synod published a resolution on the excavation of the Graph of Lion Tolstoy from the Church. This decision only strengthened the popularity of Tolstoy and attracted the attention of the public to the ideals and beliefs of the writer.

The literary and social activities of Tolstoy became known abroad. The writer was nominated for the Nobel Prize of the World in 1901, 1902 and 1909 and on the Nobel Prize in literature in 1902-1906. Tolstoy himself did not want to receive an award and even told the Finnish writer by Arnavid Yarnefelt, so that he tried to prevent award award, because "If it happened ... it would be very unpleasant to refuse" "He [Cheers] in his hands in the hands of an unfortunate old old old man, he separated us, he killed an artistic spark in Lion Nikolayevich and there was a conviction, hatred, denial, which are felt in the articles of Leo Nikolaevich last years who got his stupid evil genius ".

The very thick way is the lodge of the landowner and the family man. He sought to bring his life in line with convictions and in early November 1910 secretly left the Yasopolyansky estate. The road was unbearable for an elderly person: he was seriously ill and was forced to stay at the House of Astapovo Railway Station. Here the writer spent the last days of his life. Lion Tolstoy died on November 20, 1910. Buried the writer in a clear glade.

Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy, russianwriter, philosopher, thinker, born in Tula province, in the generic estate "Clear Polyana" in 1828- m year. He also lost his parents and was brought up with his fellow relative T. A. Yergolskaya. At the age of 16, he entered Kazan to the University at the Faculty of Philosophy, but the training turned out to be boring for him, and after 3 years he threw his studies. At the age of 23 years left to fight in the Caucasuswhat, afterwards, wrote a lot, making this experience in his writings "Cossacks", "Rieble", "Riding Forests", "Haji Murat".
Continuing to fight, after the Crimean war, Tolstoy went to St. Petersburg, where he became a member of the literary mug "Contemporary", Together with the glorified writers Nekrasov, Turgenev and others. Already having a certain fame of the writer, many perceived his entry into the circle with enthusiasm, Nekrasov called him the "great hope of Russian literature." There, he published his "Sevastopol stories", written under the influence of the experience of the Crimean War, after which he went on a journey through Europe, soon, however, disappointed in them.
In the end 1856 -o thro 'Tolstoy resigned and, returning to his native clear clearing, he became a landowner. Departing from literary activities, Tolstoy took up the activities of the educational. He opened up a school who developed the same pedagogy system developed by him. For these purposes, he went to Europe in 1860 to explore foreign experience.
In autumn 1862 of the year Tolstoy married a young girl from Moscow S. A. Bers, Having left it to a clear glade, choosing a quiet life of the family man. But in a yearhe suddenly painted a new idea, as a result of the incarnation of which the most famous work was on the light " War and Peace" No less famous novel " Anna Karenina"Was finished already in 1877 . Speaking about this period of the writer's life, it can be said that his worldview at that time was finally formed and became known as "Tolstsia". His novel " Sunday"was published in 1899 , the last for Lion Nikolayevich the works of steel "Father Sergius", "Living Corpse", "After Bala".
Having world fame, Tolstoy became popular with many people around the world. Being for them is actually a spiritual mentor and authority, he often received guests in his estate.
In accordance with its worldview, at the end 1910 of the year, at night, Tolstoy secretly leaves his house, accompanied by his personal physician. Intending to go to Bulgaria or the Caucasus, they had a long-distance road, but due to severe Tolstoy's disease was forced to stay at the small railway station Astapovo (now named after him), where and he died of severe illness aged 82 years.

Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born on August 28, 1828 in the estate of his father with a clear clearing, in the Tula province. Tolstoy - old Russian nobility name; One representative of this family, head of the Petrovsky Mystery Police Peter Tolstoywas produced in graphs. Tolstoy mother - nee princess Volkonskaya. His father and mother served as best practices for Nikolai Rostov and Princess Maryi in War and the world (see a summary and analysis of this novel). They belonged to the highest Russian aristocracy, and the generic belonging to the highest layer of the ruling class sharply distinguishes the thick of other writers of his time. He never forgot about her (even when his awareness became completely negative), always remained an aristocrat and kept aside from the intelligentsia.

Childhood and adolescence of Lion Tolstoy passed between Moscow and the clear clearing, in a large family, where there were several brothers. He left unusually living memories of his early environment, about his relatives and servants, in wonderful autobiographics notes that P. I. Biryukov wrote for his biographer. His mother died when he was two years old, his father - when he was nine years old. His further education was the aunt, Madmoiselle Yergolskaya, allegedly served by the sony's prototype in War and the world.

Lion Tolstoy in youth. Photo 1848

In 1844, Tolstoy entered the Kazan University, where he first studied oriental languages, and then right, but in 1847 he left the university without receiving a diploma. In 1849, he settled in a clear clearing, where he tried to become useful to his peasants, but soon realized that his efforts did not benefit, because he lacks knowledge. In the student years and after leaving the university, he, as it was found in the young people of his class, led a messy life, filled with chase for pleasures - wine, cards, women, - a little similar to that life, which Pushkin led before reference to the south. But Tolstoy was unable to make life as it eaten with a light heart. From the very beginning, his diary (existing since 1847) testifies to the incompletent thirst for mental and moral justification of life, thirst, which forever remained the guide of his thoughts. The same diary was the first experience of producing the technique of psychological analysis, which was subsequently the chief literary weapons of Tolstoy. The first attempt to try itself in a more purposeful and creative kind of writing belongs to 1851.

Tolstoy lion tragedy. Documentary

In the same year, experiencing disgust to his empty and useless Moscow life, he went to the Caucasus to the Terek Cossacks, where he entered the Junker to the garrison artillery (Juncher means a volunteer, solid-definite, but noble origin). The following year (1852) he graduated from his first story ( Childhood) and sent it to Nekrasov to publish in Contemporary. Negrasov immediately accepted it and wrote about this thick in very encouraging colors. The story had immediate success, and Tolstoy immediately moved to a noticeable place in the literature.

On the battery, the Lion Tolstoy led the rather light and high-life of the Junker with the means; The place for it was also pleasant. He had a lot of free time, most of whom he spent on hunting. In those few battles in which he had to participate, he showed himself very well. In 1854, he received an officer rank and at his request was translated into the army, fought with the Turks in Valahia (see the Crimean War), where he took part in the siege of the sylistria. In the autumn of the same year, he joined the Sevastopol garrison. There, Tolstoy saw a real war. He participated in the defense of the famous fourth bastion and in the battle on a black river and ridiculous a bad command in a satirical song - the only one known for us in verses. In Sevastopol they were written by the famous Sevastopol storieswho appeared in ContemporaryWhen the siege of Sevastopol still continued, which was very strengthened the interest in their author. Shortly after the restoration of Sevastopol, Tolstoy went on vacation to St. Petersburg and Moscow, and the next year came out of the army.

Only during these years, after the Crimean War, Tolstoy communicated with the literary world. The writers of St. Petersburg and Moscow met him as an outstanding masters and a fellow. As he confessed later, the success was very praised by his vanity and Gordin. But he did not come down with the writers. He was too aristocrat, so that he could face this semi-hydrain intelligentsia. For him, they were too awkward plebeans, they were indignant that they clearly prefers to their company. On this occasion, they with Turgenev exchanged prolite epigram. On the other hand, his most his mind warehouse was not the heart of progressive Westerns. He did not believe in no progress or culture. In addition, his displeasure literary world increased due to the fact that their new works disappointed them. All he wrote after Childhood, no movement to innovations and development has not shown, and the criticism of Tolstoy failed to understand the experimental value of these imperfect works (see more detail in the article, the early creativity of Tolstoy). All this contributed to its cessation of relations with the literary world. The culmination was a noisy quarrel with Turgenev (1861), which he called on a duel, and then brought his apologies for it. All this story is very typical, and the character of Lion Tolstoy appeared in it, with his coded confusion and sensitivity to the offended, with his intolerance to the imaginary superiority of other people. The only writers with whom he retained friendly relations were the reactionary and "Land Lord" Fet (in the house of which a quarrel with Turgenev) and Democrat-Slavophil Strahov - People who do not sympathize with the main direction of the then progressive thought of the main direction.

Years 1856-1861 Tolstoy spent between Petersburg, Moscow, clear clearing and abroad. He traveled abroad in 1857 (and again - in 1860-1861) and made out there disgust to egoism and materialism of the European bourgeois Civilization. In 1859, he opened a school in a clear Poland for peasant children and in 1862 began to publish a pedagogical journal Yasnaya Polyanawhere the progressive world was surprised by the statement that non-intellectuals should teach the peasants, but rather the peasants of the intellectuals. In 1861, he accepted the post of world mediator, the post introduced to monitor the liberation of peasants. But unsatisfied thirst for moral strength continued to torment him. He threw rampant his youth and began to think about marriage. In 1856, he made the first unsuccessful attempt to marry (on Arsenyeva). In 1860, he was deeply shocked by the death of his brother Nikolai - it was his first meeting with the inevitable reality of death. Finally, in 1862, after a long fluctuations (he was convinced that since he was old - thirty-four years old! - and ugly, no woman will love him) Tolstoy made the proposal Sofa Andreevna Bers, and it was accepted. They got married in September of the same year.

Marriage is one of the two main milestones of Tolstoy's life; the second milestone was his appeal. He was always pursued by one concern - how to justify her life before her conscience and to achieve persistent moral well-being. When he was a bachelor, he hesitated between two opposite desires. The first was a passionate and hopeless aspiration to the one-piece and ungraining, "natural" state, which he found among the peasants and especially among the Cossacks, in whose village he lived in the Caucasus: this condition does not seek self-defining, for it is free from self-consciousness, this excuse requiring. He tried to find such not asked by the state in conscious submission to animal impulses, in the life of his friends and (and then he was closest to his achievement) in his beloved lesson - hunt. But he was unable to be satisfied with this forever, and another as a passionate desire - to find a rational justification of life - he widdled him aside every time he seemed to him that he had already reached his satisfaction. The marriage was for him the gates into a more stable and prolonged "natural state". It was a self-defense of life and permission to the painful problem. Family life, who does not like her acceptance and subordination to it from now on, has become his religion.

The first fifteen years of his marriage life of Tolstoy lived in the blissful state of satisfied predominance, with a peaceful conscience and who defined the need for a higher rational excuse. The philosophy of this vegetable conservatism is expressed with a huge creative force in War and the world (see a summary and analysis of this novel). In family life, he was extremely happy. Sofya Andreevna, almost yet a girl when he married her, without difficulty, was what he wanted to do it; He explained her new philosophy to her, and she was her disadvantaged hard and unchanged custodian, which led to the eventually to break the family. The writer's spouse turned out to be an ideal wife, mother and hostess at home. In addition, she became a loyal husband's assistant in literary work - everyone knows that she rewritten seven times War and Mir from the beginning to the end. She gave birth to a thickness of the many sons and daughters. She did not have a personal life: the whole she was dissolved in the life of the family.

Thanks to the Tolstovsky reasonable management of estates (Clear Polyana was just a place of residence; income brought a large Valvian estate) and selling his works The condition of the family increased, as the family itself. But Tolstoy, although absorbed and satisfied with his self-elevant life, although glorified her with an unsurpassed artistic force in the best of his novel, nevertheless was not able to completely dissolve in family life, as his wife was dissolved. "Life in art" also did not absorb him as his fellow. The worm of moral thirst, although communicated to tiny sizes, never died. Tolstoy constantly worried about the questions and requirements of morality. In 1866 he defended (unsuccessfully) before the soldier's military court, accused of hitting the officer. In 1873, he published articles about folk education, on the basis of which insightful critic Mikhailovsky He managed to predict the further development of his ideas.

Born in the noble family of Maria Nikolaevna, nee Princess Volkonskaya, and Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy in the manor of the Casual Polyana in the Krapvensky district of the Tula province by the fourth child. The happy marriage of his parents became the prototype of heroes in the novel "War and Peace" - Princess Maryia and Nikolai Rostov. Parents died early. Tatiana Aleksandrovna Yergolskaya, distant relative, education - Gooverners, was engaged in the upbringing of the future writer: German Reselman and Frenchman Saint-Tom, who became the heroes of the Agent and the Novels of the Writer. At the age of 13, the future writer and his family moved to the sisters of the father of Father P.I. Yushkova in Kazan.

In 1844, Lion Tolstoy entered the Imperial Kazan University for the Department of Eastern Literature of the Faculty of Philosophy. After the first year did not pass the transitional exam and was transferred to the Faculty of Law, where he studied for two years, plunging into secular entertainment. The lion is Tolstoy, from nature shy and ugly, acquired a reputation as a "clarifying" about the happiness of death, eternity, love, although he wanted to shine himself. And in 1847, he left the university and left for a clear clearing with the intention to engage in science and "achieve the highest degree of perfection in music and painting."

In 1849, in his estate, the first school was opened for peasant children, where Demidovich was taught, his serf, a former musician. Yermil Basykin who studied there: "We were, the boys, there were a man 20, the teacher was Foca Demidovich, the courtyard. Under father L.N. Tolstoy he performed the position of the musician. The old man was good. He taught us alphabet, account, sacred history. I went to us and Lev Nikolayevich, also worked with us, showed a diploma. Went in a day, two, and even every day. He always ordered to the teacher to offend us ... "

1851, under the influence of the elder brother, Nikolai Lev leaves for the Caucasus, already starting writing "childhood", and in the fall, it becomes a junker in the 4th battery of the 20th artillery brigade, housed in the Cossack Stanza Starogladovskaya on the Terek River. There he graduated from the first part of the "childhood" and sent him to the magazine "Sovremennik" his editor N.A. Nekrasov. On September 18, 1852, the manuscript was printed with tremendous success.

Lion Tolstoy served for three years in the Caucasus and, having the right to the honorary St. George cross for courage, "gave way" to his colleague-soldier, as a giving life pension. At the beginning of the Crimean War 1853-1856. Translated into the Danube Army, participated in battles at Oltenice, siege of the Silistria, Defense Sevastopol. Then the written story "Sevastopol in December 1854" He was read by Emperor Alexander II, who had commanded to protect the talented officer.

In November 1856, a recognized and well-known writer leaves military service and leaving traveling in Europe.

In 1862, Lion Tolstoy marries seventeen-year-old Sophia Andreevna Bers. In their marriage, 13 children were born, five died in early childhood, "War and Peace" novels were written (1863-1869) and "Anna Karenina" (1873-1877), recognized by the great works.

In the 1880s. Lion Tolstoy survived a powerful crisis that led to the denial of official state power and its institutions, the awareness of the inevitability of death, faith in God and the creation of his teaching - housing. He lost interest in the usual basic life, he began to have thoughts on suicide and the need to live correctly, vegetariant, engage in education and physical labor - he smelled, sewed his boots, taught children at school. In 1891, he publicly refused copyright to their literary works written after 1880

During 1889-1899. Lion Tolstoy wrote Roman "Resurrection", whose plot is based on real trial, and holy articles about the public administration system - on this basis, His Holiness Synod eligible Graph Lion Tolstoy from the Orthodox Church and betrayed Anathema in 1901.

October 28 (November 10), 1910, Lion Tolstoy secretly left the clear clearer, having passed on a journey without a concrete plan for his moral and religious ideas of recent years, accompanied by a doctor D.P. Makovitsky. The road was cold, got sick with a brunt inflammation of the lungs and was forced to get off the train at Astapovo station (now the station Leo Tolstoy Lipetsk region). Lion Tolstoy died 7 (20) November 1910 in the house of the head of the station I.I. Ozoline and buried in a clear glade.

The future great philosopher and the novelist was born, Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, on August 28 (September 9), 1828 in the estate of Casual Polyana, which in the Tula province, in the Krapvensky district. In 1844, he entered Kazan University. Since 1852, for 4 years, the Count carries military service in the Caucasus and in the Crimea. After completion of the Tolstoy service, first went beyond the limits of the native country, he visited Germany, France and Switzerland.After marriage to Sofary Bers in 1862, the next 7 years he worked on.
Important! 1873-1875 Count actively engaged in pedagogical activities. For this period, there is a publication of several books for children - "ABC", "Russian books for reading", "new alphabet". In parallel with this it works on "".
1880s. Characterized by the appearance of a number of works in which the author rethinks its views on life and even crystallizes its philosophical teachings, after which he refuses the authorship for many of his creations. In the next 13 years, a number of articles of the graph comes out about the impossibility of using corporal punishment and the unacceptability of the death penalty. In the same period, the light saw the novel "Sunday". He made a considerable contribution for children - wrote fairy tales (there are several dozen of them). In 1910, he leaves south. But in the way it falls and stops at Astapovo station, where he died, presumably, from inflammation of the lungs.


The genus on the paternal and maternal line of the future of the Great Russian writer belonged to the aristocracy.Mother - Maria Nikolaevna, Father - Nikolai Ilyich, Heredky Count, leading his genus from one of the approximate associates Peter I.
Important! Subsequently, according to experts, it was the father and mother who became prototypes for N. Rostov and Princess Maryia in the novel "War and Peace".


Levushka was the fourth child in the family. Unfortunately, on the third year, his life is already a Countess Maria Nikolaevna is dying, burning her husband of the fifth child, Mary's daughter. The rapid relative took up the education of children. On the ninth year of life, the philosopher novelist visited Moscow for the first time, which left an indelible impression. It was after this trip that the first essay called "Kremlin" appeared. Subsequently, he will describe this period of his life in the autobiographical trilogy and calls his "childhood".

Education and education

The first home education Lev Nikolayevich received from the governor-German Reselman, which was very warmly responded to the story "Childhood" (Character Karl Ivanovich). At the next stage, the training of the future writer was engaged in Saint-Tom, who was a native Frenchman. Their relationship with young Tolstoy is quite well traced in.
Important! At the stage of preparation for the university, it turned out that Lev Nikolayevich was distinguished by a noticeable location for languages. Researchers of the life of this great creative personality claim that he owned fifteen languages.
By enrolling the University of Kazan at the Faculty of Arab-Turkish Literature, during the entire period of study, Lion Nikolayevich walked a fairly good student. But the personal conflict with the teacher of history and the German language led to the change of the faculty to the legal, as a result - loses interest in study and throws the university without receiving a diploma. Returning to his homeland, he tried to be useful peasants, but not very worked because of the elementary lack of knowledge. Simultaneously led his position inherent to young people. Partially about his everyday life, he wrote in the "Morning of the landowner", a story about life in pursuit of pleasure: Card games, hunting, couments ...

Service and War in the Caucasus

Next, the life of the writer turns into a marathon of rampant. Wine, women and cards contribute to the accumulation of considerable debts, to pay with whom he will have for many years. Senior Brother Nicholas, who served at that time in the Caucasus, advises Lero to go to military service. In the search for the highest, moral justification of its existence of Tolstoy leaving the Caucasus. In the fall of 1851, he joins the troops, becomes a junker, and over time and receives an officer rank. After Sevastopol, he was sent to Petersburg, where he again hits in a rampant life and Tolstoy gets acquainted with prominent contemporaries-publicists - ,.

First literary works

The beginning of the literary activity of the Great Romanist is considered to be the diary in 1847, which he led throughout his life. However, the first published work is the story "Childhood", and it was she who decided the fate of Lev Nikolayevich. The literary society recognized him as an outstanding master whose work struck the then critics of the depth of psychological analysis and the bright realism of what is happening.Inspired by success, the novelist took up the continuation of the autobiographical trilogy - in 1854 it comes out "adolescence", after 3 years - "Youth". Conceived as the fourth story of this cycle "youth" and saw this light. Being there, in the Caucasus, Tolstoy begins to create the story of "Cossacks", as well as a number of other, smaller in shape, works, in particular the stories "raid", "Sight Night". At the time of military service, the beginning of the cycle of "Sevastopol stories" was completed, completed in St. Petersburg.

Flowering creativity

After military service, the novelist goes on the first journey through Europe. Upon returning to his native estate, he pays time to the opening of the school for the children of peasants, where he teaches himself from time to time. In 1860-61. He takes the second journey through the countries of Europe, where he starts work on the novel "Decembrists". Subsequently, this work ceases to Roman-Epopea "War and Peace", over which the author worked for more than 7 years. Anna Karenina, written in 4 years, starting from 1873, became another milestone in the creative path of the writer with world fame.

Personal life

The marriage of Sophier Andreevna Bers became one of the main solutions in the life of the novelist. Being younger than his spouse for 17 years, Sophia has become exactly what L. N. Tolstoy wanted to see her. She was his wife, mother and real mistress truly a big family and home. The spouse gave birth to a great writer 13 children, unfortunately, only eight of them lived to adult age. And, in addition, Sophia Andreevna became a loyal assistant to his spouse in his creative work. Not without her participation, the light saw "War and Peace", and "Anna Karenina", which was distinguished by a huge creative power on the one hand, and a deep psychological analysis of the then reality on the other. A considerable role in the philosophical survey of the graph played his youthful passion for the works of J. J. Rousseau, whose portrait was wary in the Lion Lion Tolstoy. According to the memories of contemporaries, the future writer read all the works of the French Thunder-enlightener, including the "Music Dictionary".

The main novels of Tolstoy Count

During his life, the novelist wrote five novels. Of these, world glory rattles so far over the two most famous works - "Anna Karenina" and "War and Peace". But those who seek to know the entire depth of the personality of Tolstoy, certainly necessary to read and 3 others - "Decembrists", "Family Happiness", as well as "Resurrection".

Attitude to religion

The end of the 70s and the 80s is a turning point in the biography of both the writer and the personality of Tolstoy. The characteristic of that time period can serve the Roman "Sunday". Article "Confession", in which the idea of \u200b\u200bthe inevitability of death is traced, forces the author to look for a higher justification in real life. At first, this approach leads the graph to the Orthodox Church. But after a deeper study of the dogmas and structures of Christianity, Lev Nikolayevich came to his own teaching, which was called "Tsvetsey". In it, he recognized only the rational part of religion, completely discarding the theological husks and mystical theses of Christianity. After entering the light, "confession", which became a kind of pillar of the very "huts", the students unexpectedly began to gather around the writer. The first of them was the retired Connogwarder - a tough and despotic V. G. Chertkov, the remaining followers were not forced to wait long. In recent decades, the generic estate of the graph has turned into a place of pilgrimage, where people from all over the empire and light, despite the nationality and religious beliefs, went to see the great elder. For this by the decision of the Sacred Synod, Lev Nikolayevich was excommunicated from the Orthodox Church. Information about the event quickly quickly gained distribution that only spurred the growth of the popularity of the Tolstovsky teaching.


After excommunication from the church, which, if you say briefly, did not bring special fruits to the Christian community, the graph is increasingly closed in itself, he is fond of vegetarianism. Everything is most often given to the simple physical work - sewing boots, and also teaches children. But the main thing - refuses to give all rights to its works created after 1881.

Family relationship crisis

It was this fact that became fundamental in the process of increasing the crisis of the marriage of Tolstoy and his spouse, which was hostile to the new way of life of her husband. Sophia Andreevna, brilliantly learned the peculiarities of the time of the "War and Peace", always considered his debt to ensure the benefit of his big family, and therefore refused to distribute personal property. Of all family members, only the youngest daughter Alexander reacted to the new father's teachings with understanding. She and V. G. Chertkov headed two warrant camps, fought for the most important thing that was in their lives - the mind and attention of the graph.

Late publications

By the late period of creativity, experts researchers of the life of the Great Russian writer include everything written after 1880. Among the late writings, as a rule, they allocate the story "Mother", as well as the well-known works of "Crecera Sonata" and "Haji Murat". Philosophical stories occupy a lot of stake:
  • "What are people alive?".
  • "Godson".
  • "Where love, there is God."
Those who decided to familiarize themselves with the work of the Great Russian novelist, it is necessary to read the articles of Lev Nikolayevich:
  • "Hunger or not hunger?".
  • "I can't silent!".
  • "Oh hunger."

last years of life

The completion of the life of the writer passes mainly there, where he was born. However, in 1901, the Count of Dies and is forced to live in the Crimea for a long time. All this time, the writer continued to work with unrelenting enthusiasm. The only thing that seriously it is in the irreconcilable contradictions between his wife and the closest associate V. G. Chatkov.

Death of lion Tolstoy

It is for this reason, shortly before death, he, together with his daughter Alexandra leaves the estate and go to the south. Researchers of the life of the graph-writer have not yet come to a common opinion about where he was heading.It is known for certain that the disease made him stay in Astapovo, where 7.11.1910 he died, presumably from the inflammation of the lungs. On November 10, it was buried in the territory of the generic estate, in the same forest where the child played the Green Wand, who knew the secrets of happiness. Today, the grave of the writer is a hilly of the Earth, without a monument or slabs with dates of birth and death.

Children Lion Tolstoy, their fate

In marriage with Sofia Andreevna, 13 children were born at Lev Nikolayevich:
  • Sergeiwho had a tendency to music, with her his life and tied. Known as a talented composer.
  • Tatyana. Talented artist who inherited from the Father and the ability to write. Created about three dozen portraits of the Father. Until 1923 was the Guardian of the Museum-Manor, where her father was born.
  • Ilya. Although this sibling of the novelist and did not show the talent in the childhood to the sciences, it was his father who considered the most gifted. Emigrating to the United States before the revolution, he later read lectures on the work of his father and published publications.
  • a lion - showed himself as a writer and sculptor. Special attention was focused on his children's works.
  • Maria. Married N. A. Obolensky. Died from the inflammation of the lungs.
  • Andrey. Mother's favorite, but noticeably disappointed father. Having taught a high official position, was noted by his predilection to guilt and women.
  • Michael.Chose a military path. I managed to live, despite the fact that he participated in military battles, in different countries of Asia and Europe to their death in 1944
  • Alexandra. After the revolution, it was arrested, despite the fact that he served in a medical hospital during the war. Later he left for the States, where he made lectures on the father and helped to bother with Russian emigrants. Left life aged 95 years. Of all the children of the novelist, she was given the longest life.
Ivan, Varbara, Peter, Alexey, Nikolai - died in infancy. Multi-valued views and worldview, a variety of activities - the philosopher-novelist L. N. Tolstoy, all his life and creative path continued to look for the truth in its original form. Did he come to her? It remains only to guess, deepening in his work. We recommend to watch a video about the biography of the Great Writer - L. N. Tolstoy:

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