As the author condemns serfdom in a comedy inexpensive. The source of all diseases of Russia is serfdom (by comedy d

In this lesson, you will continue to get acquainted with the work of Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin "Nepali", consider how the author presented the problems of upbringing and serfdom in his play, what kind of yield he sees from this situation.

After that, many events occurred in Russian life: the accession of the Crimea, the legendary transition of Suvorov through the Alps, the foundation of the Czarsco-rural lyceum and the Patriotic War of 1812. And the generation of Pushkin perceives the era of phonvizin almost as respectable antiquity. In the novel "Evgeny Onegin" Pushkin writes:

"... in old years,

Satires bold lords,

Blind Fonvizin, friend of freedom ... "

If such a temporary distance feels Pushkin (Fig. 2) in 1823, telling about the comedy, which was put in 1782, then our generation is even more difficult to understand the work of Fonvizin.

Fig. 2. A.S. Pushkin ()

Like any talented work, the comedy "inexpensive" (Fig. 3) reflects the specific features of a certain era, its unique signs, but at the same time she puts the universal timeless questions. One of them was the issue of education. This topic is very important in general for the tradition of enlightenment, where the focus of human improvement, the cultivation of his mind, the social status of a wise public personality. We remember about the upbringing when we work with such a direction as classicism, where the author is somehow trying to enlighten and raise his reader or viewer. It is not by chance that the product of Fonvizin is very often called the comedy of education. This is such a clarifying genre definition.

Fig. 3. The title list of the first edition of the comedy "inexpensive" ()

Epoch of Enlightenment

People of the XVII century wanted to free themselves from ignorance and prejudices, which they seemed to be related to the religious understanding of the world. They planned themselves, without the help of higher strength to improve all parties to public life and man himself. This desire and the strongest faith (no longer in God, and in human power) determined their worldview and behavior.

For people of the Epoch of Enlightenment, confidence is characteristic that the cognitive opportunities of a person are absolutely endless. All the laws of nature will ever be open, all riddles are solved. The philosophers of the XVIII century recognize the status of the Creator of the World even for God, but they deny God's intervention in human life directly. They believe that there are some general laws that are managed by nature and society, and try these laws to solve.

At this time, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe natural equality of people and the good nature of man is dominated. The enlighteners believe that man is initially good, good and beautiful. There is no original sin, a person is already perfect. Through education and education can be achieved even greater improvement.

There are enlighteners capture Europe and come to Russia. The works of French authors have great popularity. Catherine II consisted in correspondence with a Volter (Fig. 4), and Count Gregory Orlov offered another enlightener, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, settle in himself in the estate and considered it for himself the greatest honor.

Books of enlighteners are the indispensable affiliation of the noble libraries of the time.


Classicism is a literary direction, which is based on the following signs:

· Cult reason ("Mind");

· The most important principle is the idea of \u200b\u200bstatehood, embodied in the image of an enlightened monarch;

· Strict genre hierarchy:

High: tragedy, epic, s) (they are depicted social life, history; there are monarchs, heroes, commander),

Average: letters, diaries,

Low: comedy, satire, bass (the image of the image is the daily life of ordinary people).

Mixing a high and low genre was considered incorrect and not allowed;

· Recognition of ancient (ancient Greek and Roman) art with a senior example, an eternal ideal;

· One-dimension, "simplicity" character characters;

frank doctorm (puppiness).

In the comedy, the reader sees the upbringing of Mitrofan, who is a young man, nobleman, inexpensive, that is, those who have not yet grown to the public service, but soon turns. In modern Russian, the concept of "adolescent" is nominal and has a negative semantic color. Initially, the word "inexpensive" did not mean any evaluation. It was social status, even age - a teenager, a teenager, the one who is no longer 18 years and therefore he did not enter into rights and is not responsible. Only because of the comedy "inexpensive" the word that means that we are accustomed to, ignorant, an uneducated person, non-scattered, non-public, brazen.

In the comedy "inexpensive" to the fore, education is coming out and such an important component as education.

Education is the ownership of sciences, it is an increase in scientific knowledge, some academic successes.

Consider what successes exhibit on the field of learning Sciences of the Hero of the Comedy Fonvizin:

The fourth action. PhenomenonVII

Mitrofan. Here I sat down.

Tsyfirkin cleans the griffel.

Ms. Prostakova.And I'm right away. Wallet I think for you, my friend! Sofuhkushkina money was to put the money bud.

Mitrofan.Well! Let's board, garrison rat! Write what to write.

Tsyfirkin.Your Honor, France Frames Frames.

Ms. Prostakova(Working).Ah, Lord My God! A robnok do not dare and choose Paftych! Already angry!

Tsyfirkin.What to disturb, your wellness? We have a Russian proverb: the dog barks, the wind is wearing.

Mitrofan.Create the same goes, turn.

Tsyfirkin.All goes, your wellness. Vista with the tasks of the age of Nazada will be left.

Ms. Prostakova.Not your business, Paftych. I am very cute that Mitrofanushka forward does not like. With his mind, it is far away, and God to get rid!

Tsyfirkin.Task. You knew, on the butt, go along the way with me. Well, at least take with sideways. We found three ...


Tsyfirkin.On the road, on the butt, three hundred rubles.

Mitrofan(writes).Three hundred.

Tsyfirkin.I got the case before delegation. Cooked-TKO, for what is brother?

Mitrofan(Computing, whispering).One more - three. Once zero - zero. Once zero - zero.

Ms. Prostakova.What, what before the degree?

Mitrofan.Come, three hundred rubles, that they found, Troim divided.

Ms. Prostakova.He is lying, my heart! Found money, did not share with anyone. All yourself take, Mitrofanushka. Do not learn this stupid science.

Mitrofan.Hear, Paftych, ask another.

Tsyfirkin.Write your wellness. For the teaching, you complain about ten rubles per year.


Tsyfirkin.Now, however, not for that, and you, Barin, who took over me, would not have a sin then and still add ten.

Mitrofan(writes).Well, well, ten.

Tsyfirkin.How many years ago?

Mitrofan(Computing, whispering).Zero yes zero - zero. One yes one ...(Thought.)

Ms. Prostakova.Do not work empty, my friend! I will not add a penny; And not for what. Science is not so. Only you tormence, and all I see, emptiness. No money - what to count? There is money - we descend and without Paftychucho good.

Kuteukin.Shabak, right, Paftychich. Two tasks are solved. Verify the calibration will not lead.

Mitrofan.Probably, brother. Mother here herself will not be mistaken. Stay you are now, Kuteyukin, prunes yesterday.

Kuteukin(Opens per hour, Mitrofan takes a pointer).Let's start blessing. For me, with attention. "Az the same worm ..."

Mitrofan."Az the same worm ..."

Kuteukin.Worm, siren, livestock, cattle. Sire: "Az Esm Cattle".

Mitrofan."AZ EMM Skot".

Mitrofan(same)."Not a man."

Kuteukin."Decompression of people."

Mitrofan."Decompression of people."

Kuteukin."And unfortunate ..."

The fourth action. PhenomenonVIII.

Ms. Prostakova.That's what's the point, the father. For the prayers of our parents, - we, the sinner, where b and chose, the Lord Mitrofanushka gave us. We all did, so that he began with us, how to see him. Unlikely, my father, take care of yourself and see how he is learned?

Elders.About madam! Before my ears, it has already reached that he now only learned. I heard about his teachers and see vague, which literacy he was needed, studying at Kuteyukin, and what mathematics, studying at Zyfirkin. (To the truth.) I would be curious to listen to what German learned him.

Ms. Prostakova, Prostakov(together):

- All Sciences, Batyushka.

- Everything, my father. Mitrofan. Everything you want to.

Pravdin(Mitrofan).What would, for example?

Mitrofan(gives him a book).Here, grammar.

Pravdin(Taking a book).I see. This is grammar. What do you know in her?

Mitrofan. Many. Evient yes adjective ...

Pravdin.Door, for example, what name: noun or adjective?

Mitrofan.Door, which door?

Pravdin.Kotor door! This one.

Mitrofan.This? Adjective.

Pravdin. Why?

Mitrofan. Because it is attached to its place. Won at Chulana Peda Week the door is not yet hung: so it is existing existing.

Elders. So why do you have a word fool adjective because it is attached to a stupid man?

Mitrofan. And led.

Ms. Prostakova. What, what is my father?

Mitrofan.What is my father?

Pravdin.It is impossible better. In grammar he is strong.

Milon.I think no less in history.

Ms. Prostakova.That is my father, he still dies to the hunter stories.

Cattlein.Mitrofan for me. I am not sizing without that eye, so that the elected does not tell me the stories. Master, dog son, where does what happens!

Ms. Prostakova. However, nevertheless will not come against Adam Adamich.

Pravdin(Mitrofan).Are you in history?

Mitrofan.Far? What is the story. In another, you will fly over the thirty lands, for the thirty kingdom.

Pravdin.BUT! So this story teaches you a mistress?

Elders. Rulman? The name is something familiar.

Mitrofan.No, our Adam Adamich story does not tell; He, that I, the Hunter himself listen.

Ms. Prostakova.They both make themselves telling the stories of the cowgirl Havrony.

Pravdin.Yes, didn't you have anyone studied and geography?

Ms. Prostakova(son).Do you hear my heartfelt friend? What kind of science is?

Prostakov(quiet mother).And I sincer know.

Ms. Prostakova(Quiet Mitrofan).Do not stubborn, dying. Now yourself and show.

Mitrofan(quiet mother).Yes, I will not be able to ask about what.

Ms. Prostakova(Pravdin).How, father, did you call science?


Ms. Prostakova(Mitrofan).Hear, eorgafia.

Mitrofan. What is what! Oh my God! Stuck with a knife to the throat.

Ms. Prostakova(Pravdin).And led, father. Yes, tell him, make mercy, what kind of science it is, he will tell her.

Pravdin. Description of the Earth.

Ms. Prostakova(Senior).And why would it be in the first case?

Elders.For the first time it would be good for the fact that if it would happen to go, you know where you are going.

Ms. Prostakova. Oh, my father! Yes, the cabins are what? This is their business. This is the same and science is not noble. The nobleman just say: take me there, - will be brought, where they will be empty. Believe me, the father, that, of course, the nonsense, which Mitrofanushka does not know.

Elders.Oh, of course, madam. In human ignorance it is very comforting to consider everything for nonsense, which you do not know.

Ms. Prostakova.Without science, people live and lived.

The first action. PhenomenonVI

Sophia.Read it yourself, madam. You will see that nothing innocent can be.

Ms. Prostakova.Read it yourself! No, madam, I, thanks God, is not so raised. I can receive letters, but to read them always led another. (To her husband.) Read.

Prostakov(long looking).Wise.

Ms. Prostakova. And you, my father, can be seen, brought up like a red maiden. Brantz, read, fight.

Cattlein.I ? I did not read anything, sister! God went rid of this boredom.

Action third. PhenomenonVII

Ms. Prostakova. While he rests, my friend, you will try to go to the ears, how you work, Mitrofanushka.

Mitrofan.Well! And then what?

Ms. Prostakova.And there and groom.

In the comedy of Fonvizin, which is natural for works of classicism, everything is said unequivocally, in open text. We can only ask a rhetorical question: what success can be expected from the child if his parents have inspired him from childhood that the doctrine is not only not necessary, but also harmful?

Do not cause confidence and teachers of Mitrofan. About them the reader learns interesting details:

Ms. Prostakova.Troy money teachers pay. For the diploma goes to him a decese from the cover, Kuteyukin. Arichomet teaches him, father, one retired sergeant, Tsyfirkin. Both are coming here from the city. Vista from us and the city in three versts, father. In French and all the sciences teach him the German Adam Adamich Morredman. This is three hundred rugs for a year. Squeeze at the table with myself.<…> The truth is to say, and we are satisfied with them, Battz's father. He is not a robling.

Of course, the "speaking" surnames rush. The reader immediately receives an idea of \u200b\u200bMitrofanushki teachers. "Speaking" names here are a sign of author's irony. The surname of Malmalman is especially allocated, which encourages his gentlemen, and he behaves extremely brazenly with servants. We learn that the deceiver is before us, because he is a kucher, but gives himself a competent teacher.

Create a very sad picture. Indeed, the Russian education of that time left much to be desired. Russia, with a light hand of Peter I, just plunged in absolutely alien to her European culture, could not immediately learn everything. In combination with natural human laziness, it gave such funny and sad fruits.

It is not by chance that the famous critic Belinsky will later say about Phonon and its characters later:

"His fools are very funny and disgusting. But this is because they are not the creation of fantasy, but too correct lists from nature. "

Characters of positive heroes

Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky was expressed about the positive characters of the comedy "inexpensive" so:

"Streets, Milon, Pravdin, Sophia not so much livers, how many moralistic mannequins; But after all, their valid scripts were no longer than their dramatic pictures. They confidently challenged and, stamped, read the new feelings and rules surrounding the new feelings and the rules that were established to their inner being, as foreign wigs were adjacent to their bristly heads; But these feelings and rules are also mechanically stuck to their homegrown, natural concepts and habits, like those wigs to their heads. They were walking, but even lifeless schemes of the new, good morality, which they put on as a mask ...

Sophia came out<…> Freshly prepared doll fertilizing, from which still dampness is a pedagogical workshop. "

IN. Klyuchevsky "Lady of Fonvizin

(Experience of historical explanation of the training play) "

However, reading the witness of the Kuevsky's witty comments, it is not worth criticizing Fonvizin, who reflected in his comedy not only the indignation is bad, but also the dream of good and correct, about how to be solved in Russian life the problem of upbringing and enlightenment.

Pushkin and Fonvizin

Consider the table in which two heroes are compared: the hero of the Comedy of Fonvizin "Lady" and the hero of the novel Pushkin "Captain's daughter".


DI. Fonvizin,

"Lady" (1782)


A.S. Pushkin

"Captain's daughter" (1836)

1. Loving Leisure

Buck now to the pigeon.

I lived bastard, chasing the pigeons and playing a leaf with yard boys.

2. Qualification of teachers

Troy money teachers pay. For the diploma goes to him a decese from the cover, Kuteyukin. Arichmetic teaches his one retired Sergeant Tsyfirkin<…>. In French and all the sciences teach him the German Adam Adamich Morredman.

Bopre in the fatherland was a hairdresser, then in Prussia soldier, then came to Russia<…>.

He was obliged to teach me in French, in German and all sciences ...

3. "Success" in training

Ms. Prostakova (Quiet Mitrofan).

Do not stubborn, dying. Now and show yourself.

Mitrofan (quiet mother).

Yes, I will not be able to ask what they ask.

Ms. Prostakova (Pravdin).

How, father, did you call science?


Ms. Prostakova (Mitrofan).

Hear, eorgafia.

The father entered at the very time, as I adjusted the urine tail to the caution of good hope.

4. Life prospects

With you, my friend, I know what to do. Went to serve ...

Petrusha will not go to Petersburg. What will he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? Motion and hang? No, let him serve in the army, and it pulls the strap, yes, I'm powder, and there will be a soldier, and not Shamaton.

The heroes of these two works are in very similar starting conditions, but they will be different ways. Think why Pushkin deliberately orients his hero on some resemblance to the lowest Mitrofanushka.

Education implies not only the receipt of scientific knowledge, but also the awakening of his best qualities, the formation of its character. This situation in the family depicted by the author is still sadder than with arithmetic and geography.

The fourth action. PhenomenonVII

Cattlein.And I'm here.

Elders.Why did you complain?

Cattlein.For his need.

Elders.And what can I serve?

Cattlein.Two words.

Elders.What is it?

Cattlein.Hugging me stronger, say: your softeushka.

Elders. Do not empty check out? Think good.

Cattlein. I never think and might sure that if you won't think, then my softeushka.

Elders. This is a strange thing! The man you see, not crazy, but you want, so that I gave my niece, for whom I do not know.

Cattlein. You do not know, so I will say. I am Taras Skalinin, in kind not the last. The genus of cattle great and old. Rooking our hearland will not find out.

Pravdin(Swiss).Edak You arouse us that he is old Adam.

Cattlein. And what do you think? Although a little ...

Starodules(dreadful.)That is, the Prasratur is created at least in the sixth day, and a little adma, a little?

Cattlein.No, right? So you are good opinion about the old days of my kind?

Elders.ABOUT! Such a good one that I am surprised how in your place you can choose a wife from another kind of cattle?

Cattlein.Outwardly, what happiness sofya to be for me. She is a noble ...

Elders.Ecoo man! Yes, for that, you are not the groom.

Cattlein. I went to that. Let him chat that the cattle married a nobility. For me anyway.

Elders. Yes, it doesn't care for it, when they say that the nobleman came out for Natilin.

Milon.Such inequality made you with both of you both.

Cattlein. Ba! Yes, this is what is equal here? (Quiet Starodum.) And does not beat off?

Starodules(quietly cattle).It seems so to me.

Skalinin(the same tone).But where is the hell!

Starodules(the same tone).Heavy.

Skalinin(loud, pointing to Milon).Who is from us rid? Ha ha ha ha ha!

Starodules(laughs).I see who is ridiculous.

Sophia.Uncle! How cute me that you are cheerful.

Skalinin(Senior).Ba! Yes, you are merry. I thought I thought that there was no row to you. I did not say the words, and now everyone laughs with me.

Elders.This is a person, my friend! An hour per hour does not come.

Cattlein. This is visible. I divecha I was the same cattle, and you were angry.

Elders.There was a reason.

Cattlein.I know her. I myself am in this same. At home, when I come to Kleva, I will find them out of order, annoyance and take. And you, not a word in the word, having come here, found a nursing house no better than Kleves, you and annoying.

Elders. You are happier than me. People touch me.

Cattlein.And I'm so pigs.

If the hero, according to his own words, was created somewhat earlier Adam, then, knowing biblical history, we can interpret it unequivocally: he refers herself to a wondrous creature - to animals. If you remember the incredible love for the pig-like, which is experiencing cattle, then there is a completely definite perception. This, of course, caricature is a satirical image, but the family of simple and cattle line is, in general, not quite people. They do not have the most important quality classicists - quality of mind. These are wordless animals.

It is not by chance that in its environment, Mitrofan learns to behave in Scotch. He gets lessons again. Now he is already a completely talented student, and immoral lessons do not pass for him for nothing. The main teacher here is his mother. It is not by chance that the name of the main character - Mitrofan, which translated from Greek means "such a mother".

Mitrofan sees how Prostakova despises, insults, severely beats an old man - Nanny Yeremeevna. As calling it "a hrycot", as tormented by his own husband. After all, she is a neborn cattle, she is rude with everyone who depends on her, and frankly flashes the Staruga, when he learns that he has a state. At the beginning of the play, she mocks his sofi, humiliates her. And it looks in front of her when she becomes rich bride. Proudly prostakova speaks of his father who acquired a state of bribes. Therefore, in Mitrofan, she intentionally brings up falseness and greed to and he reached well-being:

"Found money, I did not share with anyone! All yourself leave myself, Mitrofanushka. "

Tired of this nightmare, reader is glad to find another - good education. The characters in the comedy, as characteristic classicism, are built on the principle of antitheasses - clear opposition of good and bad. The terrible family is opposed to, of course, the beginners.

"My upbringing was given by the father of my for the best", - He says.

He thought about his century and, of course, he knows that it all depends on who concretely brings up a young man. "What kind of education to expect children from mother who lost virtue?" - he asks. It is in the education of the character of a person and his mental qualities a wise hero sees the promise of future happiness. The main human value for an old product is internal purity and decency.

Elders. My father told me the same thing: I have a heart, I have a soul, and you will be a person at any time.

Everyone will find pretty forces in himself to be virtuous. It is necessary to want to want decisively, and there everything will be easier to do not do that what would be a conscience.

Mind, since he is just the mind, the very strap. We see the kneading minds we see thin husbands, thin fathers, thin citizens. The direct price gives him admonition.

Rich ... The one who counts you too much to help the one that does not need.

So says the beginners and is guided by these principles in his life.

A positive example and antithesis Mitrofan reader finds a primary generation representative - Sofier, whose name is translated from Greek as "wisdom". The heroine appears on stage with a book of French enlightener Fennelon about the upbringing of maidens. Being poor orphan, she does not have invited teachers and stubbornly wants to mentally improve, grow. For this, it is sympathetic and the author himself.

Stokers are in the play by the hero-resonator.

Hero-resonor. - The one who expresses the views of the author.

Elders love sophia very much, because she was ready for anything to learn and get better and from his uncle she is waiting for not wealth, but of good tips:

"Your instructions, uncle, make up all my well-being. Give me the rules that I must follow, "- About this asks Sofya.

The characters of virtuous heroes in the play are not distinguished by complexity and believability. This, no matter how paradoxically, much less living people than unpleasant prostakov and her relatives. However, Fonvizin, as a classicist author, it is important to give readers and viewers not only a disgusting, scaring the picture, but also an example for imitation.

The final comedy on the author's plan should also have an educational function. We should think about which model of family behavior will inherit Mitrofanushka: stupid, weakly speakers or aggressive and violent cattle will affect him in the end? But maybe there is some other way? Obviously, having no entity, neither the benefits of Mitrofanushka will begin service with the lowest stage of the career ladder. From a simple soldier he will climb up.

The same choice, but not under pressure from circumstances, and independently and consciously, the father of Petrushi Greenyov in the novel Pushkin "Captain's daughter". He does not want a light fate for Petrushi, but he wants to grow a real man and the valiant warrior. Thus, two young heroes - Mitrofanushka of Prostaki and Petrusha Grinev - will be in similar life circumstances. About Tom, why does Pushkin, who wrote his novel, much later (in 1836), you can think about yourself, this is a very interesting question.

Pay attention to one statement of the senior (hero-resonor):

Elders. We see all the unfortunate consequences of bad education ... how many disadvantages who moral education are instructed by their slave the serfs! Fifteen years later, instead of one slave, two, old uncle and a young barin.

Not careful, not respectful coexistence and cooperation of peasants and the nobles sees the hero-resonor in Russian life, but cruel mockery and humiliation. So in the text there is a very important and very sharp in the era of phonvizin the problem of serfdom, or rather the abuse of serfdom.

First action

Ms. Prostakova (inspecting a caftan on Mitrofan). Caftan is all spoiled. Eremeevna, enter the fraudster Trushka. (Eremeevna leaves.) He, the thief, he studied him everywhere. Mitrofanushka, my friend! I'm tea, taking you to death. Happy Father here.

Ms. Prostakova (Trishka). And you, cattle, come closer. I did not say to you, thieves Kharya, so that you caftan let go wider. Child, the first, grows; Other, child and without a narrow caftana of delicate addition. Tell me, Did you justify?

Trishka. Maybe I, madam, learned by self-taught. I also reported to you: Well, let them give to give the tail.

Ms. Prostakova. So it is not necessary to be tailor to be able to sew a caftan carefully. Ecloat Skotian reasoning!

Trishka. Yes, the vibration of the tailor studied, madam, and I am not.

Ms. Prostakova. It seeks he also argues. The tailor studied with the other, the other in the third, and the top of the tailor did he study? Speak, cattle.

Trishka. Yes, the tailor first, it may be worse than mine.

Action second. PhenomenonVI

Eremeevna. All uncle scared. Slightly in the hairs did not climb him. And for nothing ... no matter what ...

Ms. Prostakova (in malice). Well...

Eremeevna. Pastened to him: Want to marry? ..

Ms. Prostakova. Well...

Eremeevna. The child did not pelt, for a long time, de, uncle, hunting takes. How he is wounded, my mother, how will threw it! ..

Ms. Prostakova (trembling). Well ... And you, the Bestiy, dumbfounded, and you did not dug brother in Haru, and you didn't smash him on the ears ...

Eremeevna. He took it! Oh, accepted yes ...

Ms. Prostakova. Yes ... what ... not your child, the beast! For you, the child even kill to death.

Eremeevna. Ah, creator, save and hindle! Yes, Kababi brother in the one minute did not send a minute, then I would break with him. That's what God did not put. It would be stuck these (pointing to the nails), I b and fangs did not take place.

Ms. Prostakova. All of you, kissing, diligently on some words, and not in fact ...

Eremeevna (Slap). I'm not diligent to us, Mother! It's how to serve more, you don't know ... I wouldn't have a Tokmo that ... you don't regret the abdomen ... but everything is not pleased.

Action third. Phenomenon IV.

Ms. Prostakova. And you really girls, dogs are you daughter? Is it in my house, except your badger, and there are no maid? Steamed where?

Eremeevna.Saw, Mother, lies in the morning.

Ms. Prostakova. Lies! Oh, she's a festival! Lies! As if noble!

Eremeevna. Such a heat is reproached, Mother, without silent, rags ...

Ms. Prostakova. Bit, Bestiya! As if noble!

We find an explanation for this shameless behavior not only in the character of space-based, but also in some external circumstances in relation to the heroine. At the end of the comedy, Prostakova utters a phrase that one of the most important replicas in the whole play:

Ms. Prostakova. Not free! The nobleman when he wants, and the servants do not avail! Yes, what would we have a decree of the liberty of the nobility?

The famous Russian historian Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky (Fig. 5) considers this phrase itself essential to understand the comedy. And all the events that precede this statement are just an entry to the main topic.

Fig. 5. V.O. Klyuchevsky

Prostakova to justify his behavior mentions a decree, manifesto about the noble liberty, proclaimed by Emperor Peter III (Fig. 6) in 1762.

In order to understand the essence of this important law, it is worth making a small historical excursion. It so happened that it was the nobility that for himself for many centuries all the severity of military service. Privileges, land, estates are a fair reward for that person who is always ready to substitute his chest under arms. A very long time for the nobles service (25 years) was mandatory, and it was impossible to avoid it. As soon as the young man was growling to a certain age, he became more affordable, he was preparing for the service in the army. However, at some point, the number of the army becomes very impressive due to the fact that the other classes come to military service, and then there is no need for the magnitude ministry of the nobility. The state sees new opportunities for the activities of the nobles. The nobleman is not obliged to serve 25 years and spend their entire lives in military campaigns. Now he has the right to work for the benefit of the Fatherland, living in his own estate. The mission of the nobleman is now to take care of his peasants, facilitate their life, establish schools and hospitals, to educate (at least the basics of initial literacy). Before the nobleman, one more very important task is to give their children the education of the European level, so that future nobles be a true support for their fatherland - a developing, young country.

Prostaki did not succeed in any other. And not only alone they. The fact is that the law on the noble liberty was written so good, calm, it was formulated so peacefully, and nothing threatened to a person, he had a violation that the nobles took the law not as an order, but as permission to do whatever. The authors of the decree thought that the nobles would deliver the real pleasure to voluntarily take care of the peasants, bring up children in the traditions of European enlightenment, to engage in sciences, because now they have all the possibilities for this.

But this hope turned out to be unreasonable. The nobles perceived it like this: we have all the rights and no longer duties. Thus, the law proclaimed by Peter III in 1762 and after 20 years of the reign of Catherine II (Fig. 7), and was not fully understood by the Russian society, but, on the contrary, everything became even worse.

Fig. 7. Ekaterina II ()

Two decades later, after the adoption of the Law, Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin is taken in some sense to raise the whole estate of the nobles. And he writes a work that he set the question of the role of nobleman is very acute and painful. This important document (a decree on noble liberty) should be rethought. Abstract, beautiful law does not reach the consciousness of the nobles. One polite persuasion and expression of hope do not affect those who are used to doing monstrous things with impunity. According to the playground, the intervention of state power is necessary. When the author, at the end of the Comedy, Praddina take the estate of the prostata under the custody, he thus prompts the real way out - all landowners who brutally turn to serfs should be deprived of the right to own the peasants and manage their estate.

The image of the prostata, which has absorbed the features of many landowners, was to, according to the author's plan, to become a living dope of those nobles, in whose homes the same thing was happening.

Thus, the comedy "inexpensive" calls for human and fair attitude towards peasants. Noting the extremely negative attitude of the author to the humiliation of serfs, it is worth remembering that the author of "cheap" is not against serfdom as such as the forms of organizing social life. He is against the abuse of serfdom. The basis of the state is the Commonwealth and cooperation of peasants and nobles, which should be humane, fair and based on the principles of enlightenment.

In this lesson, you looked at how in the comedy Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin "Nephalop" reflected modern author and eternal problems: the question of the abuse of the serfdom and the global question of the upbringing of the human person and a worthy citizen. You also met an important concept of "hero-resonor".

List of references

  1. Ko-Ro-Vi-on V.Ya., Zhu-Rav-Lov V.P., Ko-Ro-Wine V.I. Literature. Grade 9. - M.: Pro-Other, 2008.
  2. Lada-Gin M.B., Esin AB, Nebel-Ba Va N.A. Literature. Grade 9. - M.: Drop, 2011.
  3. Cher-Tov V.F., Tru-Bi-on L.A., An-Ti-Va A.M. Literature. Grade 9. - M.: Pro-Other, 2012.
  1. Internet portal "" ()
  2. Internet portal "" ()
  3. Online portal "Festival of pedagogical ideas" Open Lesson "()


  1. Describe the level of education, education and morality of Mrs. Prostaya and her son Mitrofanushki. Give examples from text.
  2. Make an "moral code" of the senior.
  3. How does Fonvizyn serfdom problem sees? What is its decision the author in the play?

The serfdom was a real tragedy for the entire Russian people. The landowner was for the serf and owner, and the judge, and the executioner, if necessary. Trade and exchange of people in the XVIII century walked ...

It is such that - "fastener" by Russia depicted in the Comedy "Nepali", written in 1782, Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin. In it, the playwright showed the authentic face of serfdom and its main carriers - landowners. The greedy and cruel landowners of spacers and cattle are watching fasteners as working cattle. The prostacuated "trouble" - she can not fit with the peasants with more than what has already taken away. Her son is inexpensive to Mitrofanushka - under being their stubborn and stupid Mother. Three teachers have been unsuccessfully trying to drive in the head of "Relika" at least some kind of knowledge. Perhaps Mitrofan is even more terrible than his parents and uncle. Those were at least some attachments (at least for pigs, like a cattle). Mitrofan does not like anyone, he is angry, ignorant and besides aggressive. The preloader is completely subordinate to his wife and does not dare to tell her not a word against it. Silent life and Socyota Sofia, living in the house of these gentlemen, is promised to the wife of Natilin. The serf Eremeevna tries to please their mistress, and in return receives "five rubles per year, and five patches for the day." Prostakova does not regret anyone from his peasants. When she reports that the Palaside's courtyard lies in delight, the serpent shouts: "Birth, Bestiya! As if noble! " And how many such landsel drivers were in Russia! Recall at least the infamous landowner Daria Saltykov, which frightened to death about hundreds of his peasants. It is unknown, whether Porola is pierced by Prostakova, but its inhumanity in relations, even with close people, says that she could well do it. Prostakova was so accustomed to impunity that even with Sofia wants to do as with the fortress, to force her for marriage with Mitrofan, learning that the girl would inherit ten thousand rubles. Prostakova stops only power, and it understands only the language of force. At the last moment, when Sophia is trying to be secretly taken to marry with Mitrofan, the stories save their niece and deprives the landowner of her power, saying: "You feel better than yourself, having lost the power to do others badly." Material from site.

In the finals of the comedy evil punished, and good triumphs. Fonvizin seems to show the government, as it should be done with the brutal landlords. The writer believed that serfdom inhibits the economic and cultural development of Russia and expressed his sharply negative attitude towards serfs living at the expense of the peasants. A. S. Pushkin highly appreciated the noble activity of Fonvizin, calling him the "satirs of the bold lord" and "friend of freedom."

Style: interaction of several artistic arts. 1. Classicism - Love Intrigue as the engine of the plot, the division of the Harh Heroes, the one-dimensional character of Har-Ki, speaking the names (\\ playwright gives their characters with names and surnames pointing to their main features. So, Mitrofan in Greek Means "Similar Mother". The surname of Prostakova occurred, from the word "prostacle", meaning at the time of Fononvizin "Little", "Sticky". As the eloquent and surname of other characters of the play: Skalinin, Roglman, Starodules, Pravdin, Tsyfirkin.), Saved The classic principle of "three unities": unity of the place, unity of time and unity of action. Events occur in the house of the landowner landowners during the day. In the play five actions. The plot of the comedy is based on a traditional love intrigue - Sophia relations with applicants for her hand and heart (Milon, cattle and Mitrofan).

2. The features of the emerging enlightenment realism - Love Intrigue for 2 plane, on the 1 plan of the problem of real delicacy, false love track (cattle, Sofu, Metroofan), the image of some characters becomes more complicated, is made psychologically ambiguous (Ms. Prostakakova as a disturbant despot. Love for Son) .. However, the "negative" heroes of Fonvizin are already multifaceted, he is trying to avoid schematics in the drawing of characters. So, Mitrofanushka in "inexpressible" is not only ignorant, but also rude, cowardly, challenged. In the final, he actually reversed from his own mother who suffered a complete failure in his intentions. Mrs. Prostakov rushes to his son, trying to find support and consolation from him, and in response he heard: "Yes, the Mother, as an imposed ..." in a certain sense, the nature of the landowners itself is multifoxy. Mrs. Prostakova is depicted in the play in various hypostatas: it is also cruel in their relationship with the serfs of the landowner, and the power wife, and the mother, blindly loving their child. Wider than usual, the image of the household plays due to the extratentive and episodic characters. Fortress Girl Palash does not work, the TC is sick. "Oh she shamelessly lies as a noble" (extraordinary character. Problems are serfdom). Individualization of language, especially characters. The life reliability of the comedy, the multi-faceted characteristics are largely created thanks to the speech of heroes. So, in the speech of the predachable landowners, there are often rude, parangious, offensive expressions. "From morning to evening, how to spend the language, I do not sit hands: it's shuffled, then tear; Those and the house holds, "she reports confidentially. "Cattle", "Thief", "Vorovskaya Kharya", "Canal", "Besting", "Dog's daughter" - these are her appeal to yard. She believes "freak" and "Rokhlya." Affectionate, inciting intonations, transmitting maternal love, appear from her only when communicating with her son: "My heart", "Drain". The speech of the cattle is also brightly delineating the circle of his interests: "Well, be a pork son, if ...", "I want to start my piglets", "I have a particular one for each pig, then I will find the wife. Researchers have repeatedly noted that the likeness of the hero of the animal is one of the main techniques for creating satirical characters. This technique is actively used by Fononovin in his comedy, emphasizing the animal began all the "negative" heroes of "inexpensive". Symbolic character acquires a cattle replica about himself: "I love pigs, sister, and we have such large pigs in our window that there is no one that, which, becoming the back of the leg, would not be above each of us a whole head." Mitrofan teachers speech also reflect their identity and life circumstances. Thus, the unfinished seminarist Kuteukin often uses in his speech the words of a high style, church salons: "Trapeza", "Fraps", "Parable in Languages". Retired Sergeant Kuteikin with his replicas reminds us of military service: "We wish you to wellody to live ...". The German Mitrofan, German, who teaches Mitrofan, also opens the traces of his former "profession" in his replicas (earlier he was Kucher from Starodam): "Horse", "Horses", "Kareta". Bright and colorful is the speech of the Eremeevna, the crumbles of Mitrofan. In her replicas there are sustainable turns ("smoke pillar", "abandoned the legs"), repetitions ("marry, my father, to marry"), words with diminutive suffixes ("head", "brother").

"I do not want to learn, I want to marry."

From an alinium spur.Litra 18V. - liter of the Epoch of Enlightenment, Her Paphos is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist, the development of development, the person's enlightenment is active. The century of active state is active. GL Theme is educational.

Hood system Lit 19 V is a movement from classicism with his idea of \u200b\u200bregulatory, an exemplary, cementing to sentimentalism and romanticism, where interest in the internal world and freedom of creativity.

In the 60-70s. - Survenest measurements at all levels of lit-ry, destroying cracks, progress, the ideas of enlightenment are coming to the fore. It is the science of dealet ch-ka better). In Russia, Rus. The enlightenment was developed in parallel with the CM class, closely related to the state-military political. problems.

The highest development of enlighteous. Receive. In TV-ve Radishchev, Krylova, Fonvizin.

There is a dispute about when working on "Ned" 1766 was started. The peculiar purse of Catherine 2 "o, time" was a kind of prulisions.

"Ned" is determined not only by the topic of images and raise, but also a more common topic - what a place should bother the nobility in the SOCK society. A turning point was shown in the play - the moment when the heroes receive the right to choose between obliged society and lives "for themselves." The play is actively discussed by the "Decree of Voln Nobility" 1761.

More private problems affected by the play are the condemnation of ignorance, no indistantity of the nobility, the cat, the background considers the destructive human person, a downgrade to the level of living, this is manifested in the reception (Taras Skodinin, a comparison of space-like with animals).

Education and education of Fononvin's understanding is multidimensional, he distinguishes the formation of mind and moral development and believes developing development more important, significant personality.

The topic of raising is fully important in the play, which is associated with the characteristic not only Mitrofanushki, but also the characteristics of the characters: Mrs. Prostaya, cattle on one side and a senior, Sophia on the other.

More carefully, Fonvizin speaks of the problem of the abuse of serfdom, he emphasizes that the edge right is inhabited by economically, but more the crepe right does not comply with the moral side, the Foundation shows it a decomposing action on the Lord and for servants.

The problem of the ideal monarchy: Fonv condemns the abuse of the courtyard of Catherine, but at the same time the concept of an ideal monarch, a highly imposing law, personal power of reason and law (5 Action) puts.

Comedy "Lady" - the top of TV-Va Fonviz. Combines the features of the Class-SMA and innovative features.

Following the traditions of the class of class in: the fact that the comedy retains all the signs of a "low" genre. This is the first socio-political comedy on the stage. In the play, the spirits of the scene (rudeness, nonsense, cruelty, inexpensive), which require immediate correction. The problem is raising - the center. In the ideas of enlightenment in the comedies of the background-on. The concreteness of the depiction of my action is also a language of production (one of the rules of class-MA), the speech is a rough in the servants to the servants, in del-ai to the son - affectionate. "Right", "Book" language - the basis of speech will put. Characters. Observation of the rule of 3 unity, de-e in the Mrs. Prostaya estate, the author is subordinate to the author. The task is to solve the problem of true raise-ia. In the comedies are unemployed, non-shaped characters (spaces, cattlein, Mitrofanushka) are opposed to articulated, enlightened (Stariodes, Sophia, Pravdin). Decision of characters on wencing. And he will deny - one of the rules of the CMA.

Novat-in. Background is important not just to deliver the problem to bring up, but also to show how the Ost is affect the formir-Ye Har-Ra, personality. In the "inexpensive" foundations of the realistic reflection of Deet-STI, the author reproduces the atmosphere of landlord arbitrariness, cruelty, impunity and ignorance of spacen and cattle. Unlike classicist. Production "inexpensive" production is multi-way. His landline. Problems are closely connected with each other: the problems will raise a connection. With the problems of serfs and state. authorities. To expose the vices, the author is aware of such techniques as talking surnames, self-discovery of heroes. In the mouth will put. The heroes of the background-H contributes to the criticism of the depraved century, loafers - nobles, ignorant landowners. The topic of ministry of the Fatherland, Celebrations of PRES, t / w spent through put. Images. The language also serves the disclosure of images: the book language is based on the Speech of the Starugum there are archaisms. For Preddina is characterized by the Office, in young people, Sophia and Milon are sentimental turns.

Novat-in and in SIS-ME images: Background-N introduces heroes from the lower class (Trishka, Eremeevna, Kuteykin and Tsyfirkin Teachers). In addition, the background-n torture give a brief pretext of the characters, to reveal the different faces of the Har-oh some of them. Prostakova at the beginning of the comedy - a brutal landowner, in the final - an unfortunate mother, rejected his own. Son.

2. Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Critical literature on the novel and the peculiarities of the talent of the Goncharov-artist.

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov ()

At the beginning of the 50s and 60s of the XIX century, breaking all the old men of patriarchal Russia began. The country was forgated with Kospea, stagnation, inaction, but losing the warmth of the relationship between people, respect for traditions.

In 1859 - Roman "Oblomov", wrote for ten years.

The protagonist of Roman - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov: 32 - 33 years old from the genus, medium height, pleasant exterior, with the lack of any idea and concentration. In all face - light carelessness.

In a simple plot of Roman deeply and truthfully reflected Russian reality. Roman is interesting because the image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov we can identify with a certain type of people who lived in Russia at the time. Goncharov introduces their hero in different situations to maximize the degree of disadvantages and advantages of a breakdown type. Ilya Ilyich is tested and friendship, and love. The most bright character of the main character is revealed in his relationship with Olga Ilinskaya. Love literally transforms Ilya Ilyich, reveals his best qualities. Love them continues until Ilya has to face real life while it does not need decisive action, while Olga does not understand that she loves the future Oblomov. Neither friendship, nor even so clean, sincere love could not force Oblomov to abandon their ideals: a peaceful, deceased, carefree life, dense food and serene sleep. "What disguised you? There is no name to this evil ... "Olga exclaims when goodbye. "There is ... Oblastovshchyna!" - he whispered a little heard.

On a wide and mild character, influenced:

1) the Middle Russian nature of the crushing. Nature here, like a gentle mother, cares about silence, measured calmness of the human life.

2) Special "way" of peasant life with a rhythmic series of everyday life and holidays.

3) Education. Parents Oblomov understood the importance and need for education, but they saw in it only a means of promotion.

4) Excessive love and pets of the mother. The nanny has chipped him about the side, "where there is no night, nor the cold, where everyone is committed by miracles, where the rivers flow honey and milk and where no one does anything around the year." As an adult, he dreams about her.

5) Labor was the main enemy of the inhabitants of the crushing. They "demolished him as a punishment, and where there was a case, always got rid of it. The desire for independence was stopped by the cries of parents: "And the servants for what?".

Goncharov revealed the socio-psychological causes of "Oblomovshchina" and revealed many important features of the Russian national nature.

Dobrolyubov "What is the breakdown?".

1) In the type of Oblomov and in the whole of this breakdown - more than just talent, this is a sign of time.

2) The main features of the Oblomovsky nature are in perfect inertia. The reason is in its external position, in part in the image of his mental and moral development. According to its external position - he is a barin; "He has Zakhar and three hundred and three hundred Zakharov," the habit of getting the satisfaction of their desires is not from their own efforts, but from others - she revealed him into a pitiful state of moral slavery.

3) Oblomovna in the literature:

Oblomov- Person is not quite new in our literature: Onegin, Pechorin, Lodgers, Rudin is also broom. N. A. Dobrolyubov wrote: "Oblomov is a native, our people's type, from whom one of our serious artists could not be seven."

I. A. Goncharov wrote his "Oblomov", being under the strong influence of V. G. Belinsky. The big "program" part of the novel is the boring of the social evil of "Oblomovshchina" - overshadows another, no less important part - about love, about the relationship of a man and a woman, about marriage. The artist rearmed a publicist and an accuser of social illness in Goncharov.

Belinsky about Goncharov at all.

"A look at Russian literature 1847" (48) consists of 2 st:

- "The overall assessment and origins of" NAT.SHK ";

- "On the specific works of writers" NAT.SHK ".

In the second station, Herzen, Goncharov, Turgenev, Grigorovich, Dal, Druzhinin, Dostoevsky are considered. The comparative analysis of the "ordinary story" Goncharov and "Who is to blame?" Herzena (Herzen-thinker, Goncharov-artist; Another image of a woman is not pronounced and sentimental; Much attention to Aduyev-ml.-in type - Romantic, unable to friendship, love)

A. V. Druzhinin "Oblomov", Roman Goncharova "The character of Ilya reflects the essential parties to Russian life, but, in vain, many people strengthen to despise Oblomov, he is kind of all of us and stands in infinite love.

It's not good of that land where there is no kind and incapable of evil eccentrics in the genus of Oblomov.

Oblomovshchyna - the early stage of the development of the country (childhood). Spring approach to understanding Oblomov and Oblomovshchina did not become popular in the XIX century.

But in the 20th century, Privine about the broom:

his rest is in itself a request for the highest value, for such activities, because of which she would be worth losing peace.

Still wrote: Yu. I. Ayhenwald. "Silhouettes of Russian writers" - Goncharov (about the novel of brooms - passage)

this ordinary story of human destiny, human life and death is that the most attracted in the famous novel.

D. I. Pisarev. (From the article "Oblomov"). 1859. The Roman discovered in its author such an analysis force, such a complete and subtle knowledge of human nature in general and female in particular ...

N. O. Lossky. (From the article "The character of the Russian people"). 1957 Oblomovshchyna - the current side of the high properties of the Russian person - the desire for complete perfection and sensitivity to the disadvantages of our reality ...

D. S. Merezhkovsky. (From the article "Eternal satellites. Goncharov"). 1890 G. All noticed, and the author himself confesses that the German Stalz is unsuccessful, fictional figure. Feel fatigue from long and cold conversations with Olga. He all loses in our eyes, which stands next to the broom, like a machine with a living person ...

Why is the comedy of phonvizin "inexpensive", implanting the serfdom, call the comedy of education?

The comedy of Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin "Nepali" was written in 1782. The XVIII century in culture was marked by the Epoch of Enlightenment. It was a time when the value of art was reduced to his educational and moral role. The artists of this time took upon themselves hard work awaken in man the desire for the development and self-improvement of the person. Classicism is one of the flows, in which they worked. The purpose of the literature, according to the thought of classicists, was the impact on the human mind to correct the vices and the upbringing of virtue.

The main problems of the Comedy "Nepali" is the problem of a cruel attitude of landlords to their peasants and the problem of upbringing the younger generation and "wild ignorance of the old generation" (V. G. Belinsky). However, a comedy, implanting serfdom, is called a comedy of education.

The reason for this is the close connection of the first two problems. It is the problem of education and ignorance acts as the cause of the worship of the heroes of the plays. Cerencing, despotism, unwillingness to admit any rights to equality with "noble" characterizes the attitude of the wild landowners to their people. One of the most loyal serf pro-package - Mamka Eremeevna - serves her already for forty years, and he receives as a remuneration for his service "five rubles a year and five patches for the day." The reason for the aggravation of his heroes D.I. Konvizin sees in their ignorance, "in their own corruption." "I didn't know how to lose the" Father of Prostaya and Natilin, "I didn't want to hear from anyone" about her uncle Vavil Falaleich; "I did not read anything from the genus" Skalinin Jr.. Neglecting to science, children were inherited from fathers. "Unfortunately people live and lived without sciences," the learning of nonsense ", the main thing is to be able to" suffer from and maintaining and keeping "- the everyday philosophy of ignorant nobility is reduced. And in the hands of this nobility is the upbringing of the younger generation of the nobles.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is the question of true, perfect upbringing. This question rises against the background of the upbringing of Mitrofan and the description of his teachers. "For a diploma goes to him a decese from the cover, Kuteikin. Arithmetic teaches his one retired Sergeant Tsyfirkin. In French and all Sciences teach him the German Adam Adamich Rofferman. " But the teacher of the boy did not teach anything, as they themselves were uneducated and lazy. In fact, it was only a tribute to fashion from Mrs. Prostaya.

According to Fonvizin, an important part of the upbringing is not only the development of the mind, but also of moral feelings. Reflections on True Education expresses the hero-resonor of the beginners in a conversation with Sofia. He talks on this topic globally, seeing sources of education problems in power itself: "The perfect sovereign needs an enlightened submitted sovereign and must take care of its morality, think about good upbringing." Fonvizin fought for the flourishing of enlightenment in Russia and believed that the noblemen brought up in strict civil rules would be worthy leaders of the country.

The topic of education in the comedy is directly related to the most important problems of the XVIII century. Fonvizin believed that ideal education could contribute to the spread of morality and human relationship, humanities of landowners to peasants.

And in this sense, the comedy "inexpensive" for the contemporaries of Fononovin was instructive and asked, was a real "supervisor" in the upbringing.

What problems raises Fonvizin in the Comedy "Nepal" you will learn in this article.

"Nepal": problems

Problems raised in the comedy "inexpensive":

1. What should a true nobleman be - and does Russian nobility answer to his appointment?

2. The need for enlightenment, education - the absence of them ..

3. We will miss the peasants and arbitrarians.

Each of the specified issues is considered through the prism of the ideas of enlightenment. Fonvizin, exacerbating the attention of the disadvantages of the era through the comic techniques, makes emphasis on the need to change the traditional, outdated, long-in-respectal foundations, which are tightened by people in the worst of "worship", stupidity, liketing their animals.

The problem of education in the comedy "inexpensive"

The problem of education acquired state importance in the representation of Fonvizin, because in the right upbringing, the only reliable, in his opinion, was rooted, the source of salvation from the energies to the society - the spiritual degradation of the nobility.

Education should give a "direct price of scholars", awaken humane, human-loving feelings, to promote the overall improvement of the morals.

"Lady" problem of serfdom

The topic of the displacement of peasants and the arbitrariness of the landowners is indicated by the writer already in the first action. The first replica is simple: "Kaftan is all spoiled. Eremeevna, lead here the fraudster Trushka. He, the thief, he studied him everywhere "- introduces us to the atmosphere of the arbitrariness of the landlord. All further five phenomena are devoted to the show of this arbitrariness.
So begins "inexpensive." The main conflict of the socio-political life of Russia is the arbitrariness of landlords, supported by the highest authority, and the use of serfs - becomes a comedy theme. The dramatic conflict "inexpressible" is the struggle of progressively tuned advanced nobles - Predian and Starodama - with serfs - simple and cattle.
Slavery, and not education corrupts and dismisses the landowners themselves, - makes the second conclusion of Fonvizin. The drama is severely and accurately declares: Russian noblemen turned into cattle, lost honor, dignity, humanity, became cruel executions of the people around them and all-silent tyrants and parasites only as a result of serfdom. Hence the demonstration of the cattlein nature of those who call themselves the "noble estate", - is the prostata, her husband, her son, her brother. The slave owners not only turned their peasants in the "high cattle", but also became vile and contemptible hills.
The main intention of the phonvizin in "inexpressible" and showed all actions, actions, thoughts of simple and cattle, all their morality and interests in social conditionality. . They are generated by serfdom, says Fonvizin. That is why from the first to the last act the theme of serfdom permeates all the work.