What genre is a crime and punishment. Crime and Punishment

Roman Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" is the most famous work of a writer who has entered the Golden Foundation of World Literature. Written in a difficult period of vital test of the author, it affects many serious problems that remain relevant to this day. The novel is quite complex and deep, but a detailed analysis of the work will help to better understand the main idea and the problematic of the novel, the actions of the main characters. "Crime and Punishment" Analysis requires the most complete, and especially useful it will be for students of the 10th grade when preparing for the EE in literature.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1866

History of creation - The plan of "Crime and Punishment" Dostoevsky truncated during his stay at Katorga, during the strongest spiritual experiences.

Topic- Displays the inhuman living conditions of the poorest population, hopelessness of their existence and embitractions to the whole world.

Composition- The novel consists of six parts and epiloga. Each part is divided into 6-7 chapters. The first part describes the lifestyle of the main character and the crime committed by it, in the subsequent parts - the punishment for him, in the epilogue - the repentance of the main character.

Genre - Roman.

Direction- Realism.

History of creation

During his stay at Katorga Fedor Mikhailovich was forced to communicate not only with political criminals, but also with dangerous criminals - murderers and thieves. Watching these human types, the writer came to the conclusion that in the overwhelming majority crimes were committed by these people on the basis of terrible despair. After the cancellation of serfdom, many peasants who did not have the livelihood were sent to large cities where he was drunk, robbed and killed.

It was then that the writer first had an idea to write a novel, full of drama and internal conflicts. According to the plan, the work was thought of as a confession of Raskolnikov, in which the spiritual experience of the main character was revealed. However, while writing a novel, the author began to understand that it was not able to limit the experiences of one Skolnikov - the plot demanded greater depth and fullness. Having reacted with a large fraction of criticism to the written material, Dostoevsky burned a practically complete romance and wrote him anew - as he knows his whole literary world.

The problem of the writer arose and called the work. There were several work versions, among whom "The Story of the Criminal", "under the court". As a result, he stopped at the option "Crime and Punishment". The essence and meaning of the name of the novel is not only in criminal punishment for committing a crime, but, above all, in the spiritual torment of the criminal. Any atrocity entails an inevitable punishment, and it is impossible to hide him.

Over Roman Fyodor Mikhailovich worked in 1865-1866, and immediately after completion, he was published in the popular magazine "Russian Bulletin". The reaction to the work was very ambiguous, from a sharp rejection to violent admiration.

In the 1980s, the 19th century, the novel was translated into many European languages. His influence on the global literary process turned out to be huge: the writers began to develop the theme affected by Dostoevsky and, sometimes, theatrical productions were put in different cities of the world, later the unpretentious work was repeatedly fascinated.


main topic Works - the oppression and terrifying poverty most of the society, whose sad situation is interested in few people. Also, the red line is the topic of identity delusions and forced rebellion due to suffocating poverty, social inequality and hopelessness.

The problem of false beliefs affected in the novel is relevant at all times. The theory, which was subject to squalon, about the permissiveness and the possibility of committing a crime for the sake of good goals is destructive. It is she who causes arbitrariness, violence and terror.

In his novel, Dostoevsky wanted to convey his Christian ideas about life, according to which it is necessary to try to live morally, not leaving Gordin, lust, egoism. To live for the sake of neighbor, to create good, sacrificing our own interests for the benefit of society - this is what the writer teaches. It is for this reason that at the end of the epilogue Rodion Raskolnikov comes to faith, which is the salvation of his exhausted soul, and acquires hope for salvation.


The structural composition "Crime and Punishment" is quite simple: the novel consists of 6 parts, each of which, in turn, consists of 6-7 chapters.

The novel is divided into two components: in the first described the Majority of the main character, his reasoning and, as a result, the crime committed by it. Then the punishment and self-discovery of the Raskolnikov, and the remaining 5 parts of the work are devoted to this.

A characteristic feature of the novel is some inconsistency in the chronology of the actions of Raskolnikov. This author wanted to emphasize the instability of the inner state of the chief hero, his loss. An excellent addition to the mood of Raskolnikov is the dark, gray streets of St. Petersburg, the description of which Dostoevsky highlighted a lot of space in the work.

In the final part of the novel - the epilogue - the writer pointed to the possible healing of Skolnikov due to sincere repentance and faith in God. The moral revival of the hero became possible only due to its full rethinking of his life, actions, values.

Much attention to Dostoevsky paid not only a poor student, but also to other Central Characters: Raulumihina, Downe Raskolnikova, Pulcheria Alexandrovna, Sona Marmaladova, Svidrigaylov. The nature of each of them is described brightly, colorfully, the interaction of these heroes perfectly complement the overall picture shown by the author. Despite the intricateness of the storylines, they, anyway, are associated with Raskolnikov. It is noteworthy that many of the heroes described expect a tragic fate, and by the end of the novel only a few will remain alive.

main characters


"Crime and Punishment" refers to psychological and philosophical novel. Fedor Mikhailovich himself called his "psychological report of one crime." This is a unique literary work, in which detective, criminal, social, psychological, philosophical and love components are skillfully intertwined. It is harmoniously combined by the frightening reality of everyday life and fiction represented by Skolnikov's dreams.

If we talk about the literary direction of the novel, then it fully corresponds to "realism".

Test on the work

Rating Analysis

Average rating: 4.4. Total ratings received: 4884.

"Crime and Punishment", whose history lasted for almost 7 years, is one of the most famous novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky both in Russia and abroad. In this creation, the classic of Russian literature as his talent of a psychologist and a connoisseur of human souls revealed. What accepted Dostoevsky to think to write a work about the murderer and because this topic is not peculiar to the literature of that time?

Fedor Dostoevsky - Master of Psychological Roman

The writer was born on November 11, 1821 in the city of Moscow. His father - Mikhail Andreevich - was a nobleman, a survival counselor, and Mother Maria Fedorovna - came from a merchant race.

In the life of Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, everything was: loud glory and poverty, dark days in the Petropavlovsk fortress and a long-term cat cargo, addiction to gambling and appeal to the Christian faith. Later epithet, as "ingenial", was used during the life of the writer.

Dostoevsky died aged 59 years from the emphysema of the lungs. He left behind a huge heritage - novels, poems, diaries, letters, etc. In Russian literature, Fyodor Mikhailovich is given the place of the chief psychologist and the connoisseurs of human souls. Some literary critics (for example, Maxim Gorky), especially the Soviet period, called the Dostoevsky "evil genius", because they believed that the writer defended "wrong" political views in his works - conservative and in some period of life even monarchical. However, you can argue with this: Dostoevsky's novels are not politized, but always deeply psychologically, their goal is to show the human soul and the life itself is what it is. And the work "Crime and Punishment" is the most vivid confirmation of this.

History of the creation of the novel "Crime and Punishment"

Fedor Dostoevsky in the 1850s was sent to Katorga to Omsk. "Crime and Punishment", the history of which began it there, was first published in 1866, and before that the writer had to go through the best days in his life.

In 1854, the writer received freedom. Dostoevsky In 1859, in a letter to his brother, he wrote that the plan of some novel-confession came to him when he was lying in the 50s in the 50s and worried the hardest moments in his fate. But he was not in a hurry to start this work, because he was not even sure that he would survive.

And here, in 1865, Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich, in dire need of money, signs a contract with one publisher, which undertakes to submit to November 1866 a new novel. Having received a fee, the writer corrected his affairs, but the destructive addiction in Roulette played a fool's joke with him: he lost all the money in Wiesbaden, the owners of the hotel did not evire him, but they stopped feeding and even turned off the light in the room. It is in such conditions that Dostoevsky began "Crime and Punishment".

The story of the creation of the novel was nearing completion: the deadlines were pressed - the author worked at the hotel, on a steamer, on the way home to St. Petersburg. He almost graduated from the novel, and then ... I took and burned a manuscript.

Dostoevsky began work again, and while the first two parts of the work were published in the seal and they read the entire Petersburg, he created the remaining three in the accelerated pace, including the epiralogue.

"Crime and Punishment" - the topic of the novel is clearly visible in the title of the work.

The main character - Rodion of Raskolnikov - is solved on the murder and robbery of the old woman. On the one hand, the young man justifies his act that he himself and his relatives are in need. Rodion feels responsible for the fate of loved ones, but to help at least some sister and mother, he needs a big amount of money. On the other hand, the murder remains immoral and sinful act.

Rodion successfully makes a conceived crime. But in the second part of the novel, he faces a problem more serious than poverty - he begins to torment conscience. He becomes nervous, it seems to him that everyone around knows about his act. As a result, Rodion begins to hurt hard. After recovery, the young man seriously thinks about surrender to the authorities. But acquaintance with Sonya Marmaladeova, as well as the arrival in the city of Mother and sisters for a while, make him abandon this venture.

On the hand of the sister of Rodion - Duni - I claim at once 3 bridegroom: Petr Luzhin, a landowner, Svidrigaylov, and a friend of Rodion - Raulmichin. Rodion and Raulmichina manages to upset the planned wedding of the Duni and the nudge, but the latter goes unforgeless and thinks about

Rodion Raskolnikov is increasingly tied to the Marmaladovaya Son - the daughter of his deceased friend. They talk with a girl about life, spend time together.

But the black cloud hangs over Rodion - there were witnesses who were confirmed at the police station that lately Raskolnikov often went to the killed Rostovist. The young man is still released from the police station, but he remains the main suspect.

The most important events of the novel "Crime and Punishment" on the chapters fall on the 5th part of the work and epilogue.

Offended Luzhin is trying to substitute Sonya Marmaladov, giving it to the thief and thereby reassembly with the Raskolnikov. However, his plan does not manage, but Rodion does not withstand and recognizes Son in perfect murder.

A stranger for the crime of Raskolnikov takes on a crime, but the investigator is confident that it was Rodion who committed a crime, so he visits a young man and tries to convince him again with the obey.

At this time, Svidrigaylov tries to achieve the location of the Duni by force, a frightened girl shoots him from the revolver. When the weapon gives a mischief, and the Dunya convinces a landowner, that he does not love him, Svidrigaylov lets the girl. Donating 15 thousand Sona Marmalade and 3,000 Skolnikov family, the landowner cums the life of suicide.

Rodion is recognized in the murder of the Rostov worker and receives 8 years of cortic in Siberia. Sonya goes to the link. The old life for the former student is over, but thanks to the love of the girl, he feels like a new stage begins in his fate.

The image of Rodion Raskolnikova

In the novel "Crime and Punishment", the characteristics of Rodion Raskolnikova and the assessment of his actions by the author himself is given ambiguous.

The young man is good, a smart enough, one can say, ambition. But the life situation in which he turned out to be, or rather the social situation, he does not allow him not to realize his talents, but even even join the university, find a worthy job. His sister is about to "sell" the unloved person (to marry a nudge for his state). Raskolnikova's mother is a dirty, and his beloved girl is forced to engage in prostitution. And Rodion does not see any way to help them and also, except to get a big amount of money. But it is possible to realize the idea of \u200b\u200binstant enrichment only with the help of a robbery (in this case it has led to the murder).

According to morality, the Raskolnikov did not have the right to deprive the life of another person, and reasoning about the fact that the old woman and so left for a long time to live, or that it does not have the right to "liquid" on the mountain of other people - this is not an excuse and not a reason for the murder. But the splitters, although suffering because of his act, until the latter considers himself innocent: he explains his actions by what he thought at that moment about how to help close.

Sonia Marmaladova

In the novel "Crime and Punishment", the description of the sony's image is also contradictory, like Skolnikova: the reader immediately recognizes in them

Sonya is good and in some sense of selfless, it can be seen from her actions in relation to other people. The girl reads the "Gospel", but at the same time is a prostitute. A picious prostitute - what can be paradoxical?

However, Sonya is engaged in this fishery not because it has a crash to debauchery - this is the only way to make a non-educated attractive girl on life, and not only yourself, but also your big family: the stepmother Katerina Ivanovna and Troim cheerful brothers and sisters. As a result, Sonya is the only one who went to Siberia after Rodion to support him in a difficult moment.

Such paradoxical images are the basis of the realism of Dostoevsky, because in the real world, things can not be black or only white, like people. Therefore, the girl's pure soul in certain life circumstances can be engaged in such a dirty craft, and the noble in the spirit of the young man is to decide on murder.

Arkady Svidrigailov

Arkady Svidrigaylov is another character of the Roman (50-year-old landowner), which in many aspects literally duplicates Skolnikov. This is not an accident, but a reception chosen by the author. What is his essence?

"Crime and Punishment" is filled with dual images, it is possible to show: many people have equally positive and negative features, can walk on the same life paths, but the outcome of their lives is always chosen by themselves.

Arkady Svidrigaylov - Widower. As a living wife, he was summed up Sister Raskolnikov, who was in their service. When his spouse is Marfa Petrovna - died, the landowner came to ask the hands of Avdoti Raskolnikova.

Svidrigaylov has many sins for their shoulders: he is suspected of murders, violence and debauchery. But this does not prevent a man to become the only person who took care of the family of the late Marmaladov not only in the financial sense, but even attached children to the orphanage after the death of their mother. Svidrigayilov barbaric way is trying to arrange the Dunya to himself, but at the same time his nonlyubov girls deeply hurts and he cums the life of suicide, leaving the sister Raskolnikov an impressive amount into the inheritance. The nobility and cruelty in this person are combined in their bizarre patterns, as in Raskolnikov.

P.P. Luzhin in the image of the novel

Peter Petrovich Luzhin ("Crime and Punishment") - another "twin" Raskolnikov. Raskolnikov before committing a crime compares themselves with Napoleon, so this is the Luzhin - this is a Napoleon of his time in its pure form: an unprincipled, caring only about himself, striving to lend capital at any cost. Maybe that's why Raskolnikov hates lucky well done: after all, Rodion himself believed that for his own prosperity, he had the right to kill a person whose fate seemed less important to him.

Luzhin ("Crime and Punishment") is very straightforward as a character, caricature and deprived of contradictions inherent in the heroes of Dostoevsky. It can be assumed that the writer deliberately made Peter exactly the same as he became an explicit personification of the bourgeois permissiveness that played such an evil joke with the Raskolnikov himself.

Publications of the novel abroad

"Crime and Punishment", whose history has occupied more than 6 years, was highly appreciated by foreign publications. In 1866, several heads from the novel were translated into French and published in Courrier Russe.

In Germany, the work was published under the name "Raskolnikov" and by 1895 the released circulation was 2 times more than any other work of Dostoevsky.

At the beginning of the XX century. Roman "Crime and Punishment" was translated into Polish, Czech, Italian, Serbian, Catalan, Lithuanian languages, etc.

Shielding novel

The heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment" are so colorful and interesting is that the shielding of the novel was repeatedly taken both in Russia and abroad. The first film - "Crime and Punishment" - appeared in Russia back in 1909 (dir. Vasily Goncharov). Then followed the adaptation in 1911, 1913, 1915

In 1917, the world saw the picture of the American director Lawrence McGill, in 1923 the film "Raskolnikov" released the German director Robert wine.

After that, about 14 more decrees in different countries were shot. From the Russian work, the very latter became the most serious film "Crime and Punishment" of 2007 (du. Dmitry Svetosarov).

Roman in mass culture

In the movies, Roman Dostoevsky often flashes in the hands of the heroes serving the conclusion: in the m / f "The incredible adventures of Wallace and Gromita: a haircut" under zero "," T / C "Wolf", "Desperate Housewives", etc.

In a computer game "Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments" in one of the episodes, a book titled Roman Dostoevsky is clearly visible from Sherlock Holmes in his hands, and the GTA IV game "Crime and Punishment" is the name of one of the missions.

House Skolnikova in St. Petersburg

There is an assumption that Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich settled his hero to the house, which really exists in St. Petersburg. Researchers have made such conclusions, since Dostoevsky mentions the novel: located in the "s - m" by the lane, next to the "K-M" bridge. At the address of the carpentry lane-5 really stands the house that could well serve as a prototype for the novel. To date, this building is one of the most visited tourist points in St. Petersburg.

Features of the genre of the novel "Crime and Punishment"

The genre peculiarity of this novel F.M.Dostoevsky is that this work cannot be quite definitely attributed to the already well-known and tested Russian literature, because it has distinction features.

Detective features

First of all, formally, the novel can be attributed to the genre of detective:

  • the plot is based on a crime and its disclosure,
  • there is a criminal (splitters),
  • there is a smart investigator who understands the criminal, leads him to the exposure (Petrophiry Petrovich),
  • there is a motive of a crime
  • there are distracting moves (the recognition of the Molka), evidence.

But none of the readers will not think about the "crime and punishment" by a simple detective, because everyone understands that the detective basis of the novel is only an excuse for the formulation of other problems.

New type of novel - psychological

This work is not stacked and in the framework of the traditional European novel.

Dostoevsky created a new genre - psychological novel.

It is based on a man as a great mystery, in which the author looks at the reader. What leads a person, why is one or another capable of sinful actions, what happens to a man who has become the hell?

The atmosphere of the novel is the world of humiliated and offended, where there is no happy, there are no nap-shaft. This world combines reality and fantasy, so a special place in the novel occupies, which are not the case, as in the traditional novel predict the fate of the hero. No, the dreams of the main character reflect the condition of his psyche, his soul after the murder of the old woman, project reality (sleep about the murder of a horse), accumulate the philosophical theory of the hero (the last dream of Rodion).

Each hero is put in a selection situation.

This choice presses per person, makes him go ahead, go, not thinking about the consequences, go only to find out what he is capable to save the other or himself to destroy themselves.

Polyphonic solution of the figurative system

Another genre feature of such novels is polyphony, polyphony.

In the novel that the conversations are pronounced by monologues, shout out something from the crowd - and every time it is not just a phrase, this is a philosophical problem, a question of life or death (dialogue of the officer and student, monologues of Skolnikov, his dialogues with Sonya, with Svidrigailov, Nudine, dunechka, monologue of Marmaladov).

Dostoevsky's heroes are in their soul or hell or paradise. So, despite the horrors of the profession, wears paradise in the soul, her sacrifice, her faith and save her from Hell of Life. Such a hero, as, in the opinion of Dostoevsky, is subordinate to the devil in the mind and chooses hell, but at the last moment when the hero looks into the abyss, he sticks out of her and goes to concern. There are in the novels of Dostoevsky and heroes of hell. They have long and deliberately chose hell not only by the mind, but also a heart. And their hearts outlined. That is in the novel Svidrigailov.

For heroes of hell, one way out is death.

Skolnikov type heroes are always intellectually above the rest: no wonder the Skolnikov's mind recognize everything, Svidrigaylov is waiting for some new words from him. But Raskolnikov is a clear heart, his heart is full of love and compassion (to the girl on the boulevard, to mother and sister, to the Sonia and her family).

Man's soul as a basis for psychological realism

Understanding the soul of a person cannot be unequivocal, therefore in the novels of Dostoevsky (in the "Crime and Punishment" too) so much underwritten.

Raskolnikov several times calls the reason for the murder, but neither he nor other heroes can finally decide why he killed. Of course, first of all, they manage the false theory, subjugate to himself, crammed by checking, forcing the ax. It is unclear whether Svidrigayilov killed his wife or not.

Unlike the Tolstoy, who himself explains why the hero comes so, and not otherwise, Dostoevsky makes the reader, together with the hero, experience some events, see the dreams and in all this everyday bumps of inconsistent actions, unclear dialogues and monologues independently find patterns.

A huge role in the genre of psychological novel plays a description of the situation. It is generally recognized that the very mood of heroes. The city becomes the hero of the narration. The city is dusty, dirty, the city of crimes and suicides.

The peculiarity of the artistic world of Dostoevsky is that his heroes pass through a dangerous psychological experiment, inlet in itself "demons", dark forces. But the writer believes that in the end, the hero breaks through them to the light. But every time the reader stops in front of this mystery to overcome the "demons", because there is no unambiguous answer.

This inexplicable always remains in the structure of the Writer's novels.

Materials are published with the author's personal permission - Ph.D. Masneva O.A. (See "Our Library")

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"Crime and Punishment" - Roman Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, first published in 1866 in the magazine "Russian Bulletin" (No. 1, 2, 4, 6-8, 11-12). A separate edition of the novel (with a change in division into parts, some abbreviations and stylistic editing) was released in 1867.

History of creation

The first parts of the "crime and punishment" appeared for the first time in 1866 in eight rooms of the magazine "Russian Bulletin". Roman is printed in parts in January-December. All year Dostoevsky is working on a novel, rushing to add to the next book of magazine written chapters.

Soon after the end of the publication of the novel in the journal Dostoevsky prints it by a separate publication: "Roman in six parts with epylogue F. M. Dostoevsky. The publication is corrected. " For this, Dostoevsky's edition made significant reductions and changes in the text: three parts of the magazine editorial board were transformed into six, the partially changed to the chapter.


The plot unfolds around the main character, Rodion Raskolnikova, in whose head the theory of crime ripens. According to his idea, humanity is divided into "chosen" and "material". "Favorites" (a classic example is Napoleon) have the right to commit murder or several killings for the sake of future great achievements. Raskolnikov himself is very poor, he cannot pay not only to study at the university, but also his own accommodation. His mother and sister are very poor, soon he learns that his sister (Avdota Romanovna) is ready to marry a person who does not like, for the sake of money, for the sake of his brother. It was the last drop, and the Raskolnikov makes the intentional killing of the Straightener's old woman ("lich" by his definition) and the forced murder of her sister, witness. But the splitters can not use stolen, he hides it. From that time, the terrible life of the criminal, merrying, feverish consciousness begins, his attempts to find a support and meaning in life, justify a deed and its assessment. Slim psychologism, existential understanding of the act and the further existence of Skolnikov was colorfully transferred to Dostoevsky. All new and new faces are involved in the novel. Fate is confronted with a lonely intimidant, poor girl in which he finds a relative soul and support, Sonya Marmaladeova, who has become a path of self-selling because of poverty. Sonya, believing in God, is trying to somehow hold out in life, losing his parents. Raskolnikov also finds a support in a university friend of the Raulmichine, in love with His sister Avdotia Romanovna. Such characters appear as the investigator Porphiri Petrovich, who felt the soul of Raskolnikov and won it in wicked water, Svidrigaylov, a depravant and a scoundrel - a vivid example of a "chosen" person (on the theory of Skolnikov), Luzhin, lawyer and a cunning egoist, and others. In the novel open The social causes of crimes and disasters, moral contradictions, the oppressive circumstances of the fall, describes the life of St. Petersburg poor, drunkenness and prostitution, are described dozens of peculiar characters and actors. Throughout the Roman, the Raskolnikov is trying to understand whether he decent is he is, whether he has the right to finish the court over other people. Without supporting the burden of his crime, the main character is confessed in the committed murder, writing a comprehensive recognition. However, he sees the guilt of not the murder, but in the fact that he went to him without assessing his inner weakness and miserable fabric. He refuses the claim to be chosen. Raskolnikov hits the cautious, but Sonya remains next to him. These two lonely man have found each other in a very difficult period of life for both. In the end, the hero finds a support in love and religious consciousness.


The effect of the novel occurs in the summer in St. Petersburg.


  • Rodion Romanovich Skolnikov, a beggar former student, the main character of the narration. It believes that it has the moral right to commit crimes and murder only the first step on an uncompromising road, which will lead it to the top. Unconsciously chooses as a victim of the most weak and defenseless member of society, justifying this to the innocence of the life of the old-year-old age, after the murder of which faces the most severe psychological shock: the murder does not make a person "Favorites".
  • Pulcheria Alexandrovna Skolnikova, Mother Rodion Romanovich Skolnikova, comes to him in St. Petersburg hoping to give a daughter for a nuddle and equip a family life. Disappointment in the nudge, fear of life and peace of mind of Rodion, the misfortune of his daughter lead her to illness and death.
  • Avdota Romanovna Skolnikova, sister Rodion Romanovich Skolnikova. Smart, beautiful, chaste girl, in love with her brother before self-sacrifice. It has a habit at the moments of thoughtfulness to walk from the corner to the corner around the room. In the struggle for his happiness, it was ready to marry on the calculation, but could not communicate with the puddle sake of his salvation. It turns out to marry the Raulmichina, having found a sincere and loving person in him, a true friend of his brother.
  • Petr Petrovich Lugin, Groom Avdoti Romanovna Raskolnikova, lawyer, enterprising and selfish dealers. The groom of Avdoti Romanovna, who wanted to make it his slave, obliged to him with his position and well-being. Dislike for Raskolnikov, the desire to embroil him with his family is an attempt to escape Marmaladov, to falsify the perfect alleged theft.
  • Dmitry Prokofievich Raleshin, Former student, friend Raskolnikov. Strong, cheerful, intelligent small, sincere and immediate. Deep love and attachment to Raskolnikov explain his care for him. He falls in love with dunechka, proves his love with their help and support. Marries the dun.
  • Semen Zakharovich Marmaladov, former titular adviser, dropped drunkard, alcoholic. It reflects the features of the heroes of the unwitted Dostoevsky novel "Drunk", to which the novel writing a novel is genetically dates back. Sonya Marmaladova's father, hesitates his bias to alcohol, weak, a haired man who loving, however, his children. Crushed a horse.
  • Katerina Ivanovna Marmaladova, Wife Semen Zakharovich Marmaladov, headquarters officer daughter. Sick woman forced one to educate three children, not quite healthy soul. After the hard funeral of the husband, actuated by constant work, concerns and illness, goes crazy and dies.
  • Sonya Semenovna Marmaladova, daughter Semen Zakharovich Marmaladov from the first marriage, a girl desperate on self-selling. Despite such a genus, a sensitive, timid and shy girl, forced to earn such an unsightly way. Understands the suffering of Rodion, finds a support in him in life, and the strength to make a man again. Leaving him in Siberia, becomes his life girlfriend.
  • Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov, nobleman, former officer, landowner. Depravitraft, scoundrel, Shuler. It is introduced into the counterweights of Raskolnik as an example of a person who does not stop in any case to achieve its goals and for a second not conceived on the methods and "right of its" (about such people and there is a Rodion in its theory). Avdota Romanovna became the object of the passion of Svidrigaylov. An attempt to achieve its location by the help of Rodion was not crowned with success. Riding in the madness and the abyss of debauchery, despite the terrible fear of death, shoots himself in the temple.
  • Marfa Petrovna Svidrigailova, His late wife, in the murder of which Arkady Ivanovich is suspected, according to whose approval was to him in ghost. Donated the Duna three thousand rubles, which allowed the Dong to reject the nudio as a groom.
  • Andrei Semenovich Lebesyatnikov, young man serving in the ministry. "Progressist", the Socialist-Utopist, however, a stupid person, not to the end understanding and exaggerating many of the ideas of constructing commune. Neighbor pointer.
  • Porfiry Petrovich, Bearing investigative cases. The master of his deeds, a subtle psychologist, who dreamed Skolnikov and offering him himself to confess to murder. But it was not able to prove the guilt of Rodion, due to the lack of evidence.
  • Amalia Ludwigovna (Ivanovna) Lippevhelezhzel, I handed over the apartment Lebesyatnikov, a nudge, marmalade. A stupid and bored woman, proud of his father, whose origin is not known at all.
  • Alena Ivanovna, College secretary, the incident. Sukland and evil old woman, killed Raskolnikov.
  • Lizaveta Ivanovna, High Sister of Alena Ivanovna, random evidence of the murder, killed Raskolnikov.
  • Zosimov, doctor, dewmuel friend


Based on the novel, artistic and animated films were repeatedly starred. The most famous of them:

  • Crime and Punishment (eng. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT.) (1935, US with the participation of Peter Lorre, Edward Arnold and Marian Marsh);
  • Crime and Punishment (Fr. Crime et Châtiment.) (1956, France Directed by Georges Lampin, with the participation of Jean Gaben, Marina Vlad and Robert Osseyn);
  • Crime and Punishment (1969, USSR, with the participation of George Tarautkina, Innokentia Smoktunovsky, Tatiana Disroven, Victoria Fedorova);
  • Crime and Punishment (eng. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT.) (1979, a short film with the participation of Timothy West, Vanessa Redgrave and John Hurt);
  • Shock (eng. Astonished.) (1988, USA with the participation of Lilian Komorowsk, Tommy Hollis and Ken Ryan);
  • Dostoevsky's crime and punishment (eng. Dostoevsky "S CRIME AND PUNISHMENT ) (1998, USA, television movie with Patrick Dempsey, Ben Kingsley and Julie Delpi);
  • Crime and Punishment (eng. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT.) (2002, USA-Russia-Poland)
  • Crime and Punishment (2007, Russia, with the participation of Vladimir Koshevoy, Andrei Panin, Alexander Baluyev and Elena Yakovleva).

Theatrical performances

The novel was repeatedly staged in Russia and abroad. The first attempt to stage Roman A. S. Ushakov in 1867 did not take place due to the banner of censorship. The first setting in Russia refers to 1899. The first well-known foreign production took place in the Paris Theater "Odeon" ().


The first Polish translation (Zbrodnia I Kara) came out in 1887-88.

The imperfect Lithuanian translation of Josas Balchunas came out in 1929. His reprint B.