Articles about the picture of the Nis rainbow. Works

The famous artist Georgy Grigorievich Nissky created a lot of wonderful webs, which were depicted the expanses of the Moscow region, and the incomplete charm of the native northern nature.
The painting "Raduga" was written in 1950. These five years, which were held after the end of the Great Patriotic War, the participant of which was the artist G. Novissky, he gave a lot of time creativity. He writes a lot of landscapes.
The painting "Rainbow" captured an amazing moment when the thunder sky crosses a bright, multicolored rainbow. How changing

Everything around bloomed by this colorful palette. Below is still dark, almost black sky. Tone to him and water in the river. There are big raindrops on her. Black seems to be a bridge farm.
And at the top already lives another sky. Part of the clouds broke up, skipping the rays of the bright summer sun. It broke free, flashed in all power. And played a magnificent rainbow in the sky. And everything has changed around. Thunderstorm is no longer black. It is bloomed by a seven-color stripe. And the clouds are already diluted with pink from the rays of the sun clouds.
On the dark stroy of the river floats a white motor ship. Its reflection brightens the water, swinging around the white light. Part of the bridge escaped from the thunderstorm and sparkles silver. Brightly lit a piece of shore.
Looking at the picture, you get with nothing comparable pleasure. A bright rainbow, made through the sunshine, which seemed to penetrate into your soul, filling it with the same bright light. And easily, and light becomes from the sensation, as the world is beautiful, how cool to live in it.

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I always work on the fact that I was touched by what I love.

I want to write about this clearly, clearly, just.

The artist has always attracted the poetry of "Iron and Concrete" - high buildings, large bridges, railways, airplanes, ships created by human hands. In all this, the Nissky saw the power and strength of the modern era, those huge opportunities that open in front of a person at the time of technical conquest. Almost all the pictures of the artist, including one of his most famous canvases, "Raduga" (1950) are imbued with this romantic pathos.

The name of the picture speaks of her "main hero" - a rainbow, which appeared above the river after the rain. This is the brightest spot on the canvas, immediately striking. For her image, the artist uses red, yellow, blue, lilac color. It turns out a large colorful arc, leaving in the sky and in the sea. It lights and creates everything cloth, the rest of the landscape.

We understand that a strong thunderstorm just passed - the sky speaks about it, still circumfired by huge lead clouds. But the rain gone, and the sky is gradually cleaned - the upper right corner of the picture is already lit by the sun. And on this collision of two contrasting colors - blue and lead - a bright rainbow was formed, which, as it were, illuminates the path to all those who are downstairs under it.

And this is, first of all, the cast-on-dark waters of the river (in the foreground of the picture). In color, they practically merge with the thunderstorm sky, are its continuation. However, we are absolutely not scary, as not scary and a bright motor ship, having fun running around the waves. His mechanism, as if plowing lead water and produces white water lambs to the surface, are so funny, like the motor ship itself.

Interestingly, the mast on this vessel looks like a cross - a cheerful parody makes his journey, protected and blessed by some higher forces. And the rainbow in this sense is also the manifestation of something good and light, designed to help people. No wonder one end of her arc, as it were, it comes out of the steamer, is its continuation.

In general, Nissky made a rainbow part of a large composition consisting of heating and bridge with openwork farms. The rainbow is not only the continuation of the ship, but also part of the bridge is the biggest and bright farm. It turns out that this is another road on which a person can move is - the road to the sky, in a dream, in the unexplored and beautiful.

In the background of the painting, except for the ship, we see a small strip of the shore with the buildings on it. For their image, the artist used sand-red and green tones. This strip enables the landscape, diluting the lead array of the picture. Together with the vessel and part of the bridge, it constitutes a light spot that a sunny pillar is directed from the lumen in the sky. And this bright light, gradually scattering for the most part of the painting, creates a joyful mood, waiting for something festive, which is about to come.

The picture of the city of the Nis "Raduga" produces an impression, first of all, by its color decision. Bright, saturated paints, often contrast, allow the artist to cause strong emotions from the viewer, create a joyful-tense mood. The painter offers its painting not only to see and admire the beauty of the industrial landscape, but also find an opportunity to embody his dream or at least get closer to it. Large romantic himself, Nissky calls the viewer to great accomplishments, cheeky actions, bold ideas. I think this promise of the Soviet artist will be relevant at all times.

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/ Writings / Miscellaneous / Pictures / Writing-Description in the picture G.G. Nis "Rainbow"

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Essay in the picture G.G. Nis "Rainbow"

Singing modern urban landscape, Georgy Grigorievich wrote quite many paintings. This painter artist with a bright talent has created his masterpieces in Soviet times. The artist attracted the relationship of concrete and iron, so in his paintings often these two concepts merged into uniform structures - multi-storey houses, huge bridges, railway tracks, ships and aircraft - all that was created by a man's hand. He as if admired by these man-made creations, as if she passed a low bow to human creativity and a wiseness of the human idea.

So here is the admiration of the impregnation and the picture "Raduga", written in 1950. Already by the title, you can understand who in the lead role and about the kom canvas. Against the background of heavy and massive structures, this colorful spot instantly rushes into the viewer. The rainbow seems to have no boundaries: begins in the sky and ends at sea. Thanks to this piece of light and paints, the whole picture is filled with life, the landscape acquires some romantic slope.

The viewer is quite clear that before the appearance of the rainbow, "War" reigned in the sky: the thunderstorm was a strong gust of the streets and houses at home, heavy, gray, mighty clouds seemed to be pressed towards the tops of the houses so that the wind should not fly into oblivion. But everything went, and can be seen in the right corner of the picture that the sunbeam breaks through, which gives life a rainbow.

The rainbow seems to illuminate the road to everything that is under it: it is the dark blue water of the river, which is in the foreground of the picture. Oddly enough, the river merges with a rapid dark sky, as if going into infinity. However, this is not afraid of a white motor ship, which stubbornly follows its route.

The artist painted a rainbow in such a way that it seemed as if she began in everything was depicted on the canvas. This author shows the viewer that life flows in each and all that surrounds us gives us this life.

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Writing in the picture: G. Nissky "Rainbow".
The famous artist Georgy Grigorievich Nissky created a lot of wonderful webs, which were depicted the expanses of the Moscow region, and the incomplete charm of the native northern nature.
The picture "" Raduga "was written in 1950. These five years, which was held after the end of the Great Patriotic War, the participant of which was the artist G.G.Nissky, he gave a lot of time creative. He writes a lot of landscapes.
In the picture "" Raduga "" captured an amazing moment when the thunder sky crosses a bright, multicolored "rainbow". How everything is changing around overlap with this colorful palette. Below is still dark, almost black sky. Tone to him and water in the river. There are big raindrops on her. Black seems to be a bridge farm.
And at the top already lives another sky. Part of the clouds broke up, skipping the rays of the bright summer sun. It broke free, flashed in all power. And played a magnificent "rainbow" in the sky. And everything has changed around. Thunderstorm is no longer black. It is bloomed by a seven-color stripe. And the clouds are already diluted with pink from the rays of the sun clouds.
On the dark stroy of the river floats a white motor ship. Its reflection brightens the water, swinging around the white light. Part of the bridge escaped from the thunderstorm and sparkles silver. Brightly lit a piece of shore. Looking at the picture, you get with nothing comparable pleasure. Bright "rainbow", made through the sunshine through the clouds as if he was penetrated into the soul, filling it with the same bright light. And easily, and light becomes from the sensation, as the world is beautiful, how cool to live in it.

Essay in the picture of the city of the Nis "Raduga".
I always work on the fact that I was touched by what I love. I want to write about this clearly, clearly, just. Nissky
Georgy Grigorievich Nissky - a bright painter artist who worked in the Soviet era. His Peru belongs to many pictures, most of whom heats the beauty of modern urban landscape.
The artist has always attracted the poetry "Iron and Concrete" - high buildings, large bridges, railways, airplanes, ships created by human hands. In all this, the Nissky saw the power and strength of the modern era, those huge opportunities that open in front of a person at the time of technical conquest. Almost all the pictures of the artist, including one of his most famous beans, "Raduga" (1950) are penetrated by this romantic pathos.
The name of the picture speaks of her "main hero" - a rainbow, which appeared above the river after the rain. This is the brightest spot on the canvas, immediately striking. For her image, the artist uses red, yellow, blue, lilac color. It turns out a large colorful arc, leaving in the sky and in the sea. It lights and creates everything cloth, the rest of the landscape.
We understand that a strong thunderstorm just passed - the sky speaks about it, still circumfired by huge lead clouds. But the rain gone, and the sky is gradually cleaned - the upper right corner of the picture is already lit by the sun. And on this collision of two contrasting colors - blue and lead - a bright "rainbow" was formed, which as it would light the path to all those who are below her.
And this is, first of all, the cast-on-dark waters of the river (in the foreground of the picture). In color, they practically merge with the thunderstorm sky, are its continuation. However, we are absolutely not scary, as not scary and a bright motor ship, having fun running around the waves. His mechanism, as if plowing lead water and produces white water lambs to the surface, are so funny, like the motor ship itself.
Interestingly, the mast on this vessel looks like a cross - a cheerful parody makes his journey, protected and blessed by some higher forces. And the "rainbow" in this sense is also the manifestation of something good and light, designed to help people. No wonder one end of her arc, as it were, it comes out of the steamer, is its continuation.
In general, Nissky made a rainbow part of a large composition consisting of heating and bridge with openwork farms. "Rainbow" is not only a continuation of the ship, but also part of the bridge is the biggest and bright farm. It turns out that this is another road on which a person can move is - the road to the sky, in a dream, in the unexplored and beautiful.
In the background of the painting, except for the ship, we see a small strip of the shore with the buildings on it. For their image, the artist used sand-red and green tones. This strip enables the landscape, diluting the lead array of the picture. Together with the vessel and part of the bridge, it constitutes a light spot that a sunny pillar is directed from the lumen in the sky. And this bright light, gradually scattering for the most part of the painting, creates a joyful mood, waiting for something festive, which is about to come.
The picture of the city of the Nis "Raduga" produces an impression primarily by its color decision. Bright, saturated paints, often contrast, allow the artist to cause strong emotions from the viewer, create a joyful-tense mood. The painter offers its painting not only to see and admire the beauty of the industrial landscape, but also find an opportunity to embody his dream or at least get closer to it. Large romantic himself, Nissky calls the viewer to great accomplishments, cheeky actions, bold ideas. I think this promise of the Soviet artist will be relevant at all times.

Description of the painting of the city of the Nis "Raduga".
Georgy Grigorievich Nissky - Russian, Soviet artist. The nature of the Moscow region and the native land are depicted on its clutters. To capture the rainbow the artist managed because of his striking visual memory, because it is impossible to have time to write a picture while "Rainbow" is visible. Georgy Nissky knew how to allocate an expressive visual image, the pictorial-plastic essence of things, and all the other details serve as a background.
The picture "" Raduga "was written in 1950. The picture is written in the post-war time, therefore it fits with hope, light. Georgy Grigorievich was a member of hostilities and after the war, a lot of time gave the work. The artist wrote pictures with the hope of a peaceful future, so looking at his canvases, in the soul there remains some kind of warmth.
The artist captured the sky from which the thunderstorm clouds had not yet left, but already "rainbow" cut the sky. Bright, multicolored "rainbow" against the background of an already thrilling sky. On Earth, everything was also divided, the river reflects still black clouds, the bridge is half a black. On the river there are still a lot of raindrops. But already on the shore, the green grass was lit with the warm sun.
The sky looks like a battlefield. Black invaders run in panic, losing the last rain drops. And the sun celebrates the victory, and develops the banner, this is the banner - "Raduga". The magnificent "rainbow" illuminates with all the colors after the thunderstorm sky. Here is the victory of purity, kindness and light.
On the river floats the white motor ship and reflects in river water, lightening it. Cars go through the bridge. Everything is moving around, does not stop, life boils. Only "Rainbow" still spread over the river over the river, over the bridge, is not in a hurry over the shore, playing the summer sun.
The author admires the beauty of the rainbow. The "rainbow" illuminated everything around as a victory mark over gray and darkness. I made joy to the soul, highlighted it with all my colors. Nisa showed how beautiful the world is leveled and clean. "Rainbow" Phenomenon Figure, the droplets of rain from the air will disappear, and "Rainbow" will disappear. But the picture captured her for centuries. The beauty of the rainbow is a real natural beauty.

Class: 7

Presentation to the lesson

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goal: Continue learning the composition, learning to compare the paintings of various artists written on one topic, understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work and express it in a speech statement; develop communicative-speech skills based on the perception of the picture; Rail in students the ability of deep personal perception of the picture.

MetaPertimity: symbol, idea.

Methodical Justification of the lesson: Creating your own text.

Equipment: Presentation, Vocabulary of feelings, epigraphs (excerpts from poetic texts), dictionary of concepts. Laptop, screen, columns.


During the classes

I. Organizational moment.


What mood did you come to the lesson today? Describe your mood in one color.

If we combine all the colors called you, what is the phenomenon of nature? (Rainbow)

II. Introduction the subject of the lesson.

Slide 1. Introduction the subject of the lesson.

In the sky, rainbow shines and shines,
As if we were open on it.
The beam multicolor sank out of heaven,
Forest shines in excellent rainbow dust.


The topic of our lesson "Rainbow in the sky was lit". Our task: prepare for writing-mood.

Record the lesson theme.

Today we will consider pictures of different artists written on one topic wearing one name. We will try to comprehend the idea of \u200b\u200beach painting, to penetrate the mood, share the rainbow's perception.

Turn to the dictionaries. What does the rainbow mean?

III. Lexical work.

Slide 2.

Rainbow - in Slavic mythology was considered to be a Luke of the Thunder Bog and the Bridge connecting the sky and the Earth (M. B. Ladygin, O.M. Ladygin Short Mythological Dictionary)

Slide 3.

The rainbow is a multi-colored arcuate tape on the sky during the rain, which is formed due to the refraction in water drops of the sun's rays. (Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov)

Slide 4.

Rainbow - all known optical phenomenon in the atmosphere; It is observed when the sun illuminates the veil of the falling rain and the observer is located between the sun and the rain. This phenomenon appears in the form of one, less often - two concentric luminous arcs ... (Small encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron)

Today we work with the concept of "rainbow". When can we see the rainbow?

And what feelings cause you a rainbow when it appears on the sky? Why?

IV. Analysis of paintings "Rainbow".

Slide 5.

Teacher's word:

Differently seen, felt the Rainbow Russian artists. Today we will get acquainted with Raduga I.K.Ayvazovsky, G.Nissky and A.I.Kyujji. These are artists of different eras. They have a different idea of \u200b\u200blife, a different worldview. And each of them has a rainbow. But it seems to me that for each rainbow artist is a symbol. And we will try to understand this image symbol, comprehend the idea of \u200b\u200bpaintings.

Recall what idea is?

Give the symbol definition.

Each artist creates an image in his paintings. What is an image?

Work with the signs of concepts.

The symbol is what is the conditional sign of any. Concepts, phenomena, ideas.

The idea is the main, the main thought, the idea that determines the content of anything.

Image - in art: a generalized artistic reflection of reality, clothed in the form of a particular individual phenomenon.

The word of the teacher.

Before you, the painting "Raduga": Aivazovsky, Nis and Queenji. What still amazing this phenomenon: rainbow. Pictures are combined with a common topic. But what are they different. Each of the artists was in different ways to create a picture, saw something in the rainbow. Each picture is imbued with a special mood reflecting the author's eyes.

Slide 6.

Ivanovsky Ivan Konstantinovich

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky is a marinist artist. His canvas such as "shipwreck", "Ninth Val", "Stormy Sea" are widely known. In 1873, Aivazovsky writes an outstanding picture of the Rainbow.

What is shown in the picture?

The plot of the paintings is a storm at sea and a ship dying from rocky shores. In many pictures of Aivazovsky, dying ships are depicted.

Slide 7.

However, the picture "Rainbow" is distinguished from the general range. Let's carefully consider this picture. What makes it different from other crafts of Aivazovsky?

What gives people a rainbow, so unexpectedly appearing in the sky? (Hope for salvation)

What do you think people feel seeing the rainbow?

Conclusion: The picture of Aivazovsky Rainbow is a symbol of hope for salvation, faith in salvation.

Nissky Georgy Grigorievich

Slide 8.

In one, the artist of the Soviet era G.Nissky ported Rainbow. On his canvases, he captured the desire of people to a bright future. Such is the picture "Raduga", written in 1950.

What do you know about the Soviet era in which the Nissky giving?

Consider the picture "Rainbow"? What signs of the Soviet era are depicted here? (White motor ship, metal bridge)

Pay attention to the flavor in which the picture of the Nissky is written. It can be divided into two parts. On the one hand: a black thunder sky, a dark river, sacrificing nature in the rain. On the other hand, a bright white motor ship and a metal arches of a bridge shining in the rays of the sun, broken through the veins of the rain. And over all this bright seven-color arc. What symbolizes the rainbow of the NIS? (Desire to build a bright future)

How could people live in this era? What did you strive for?

Kindji Arkhip Ivanovich

Slide 9.

The moment when the rainbow flashed over the washed rain of the earthly, captured in his canvas and the talented Russian landscape officer Kindji A.I. The artist worked for several years, from 1900 to 1905.

What can I compare the rainbow kindji? (Miracle, Air Bridge, Arch, Gate)

What mood gives the picture to the audience?

What feelings would you compare the rainbow Queenji?

IV. Summing up the lesson.

Slide 10.

We saw three rainbow with you today. Which of the pictures close to you? Why?

Differently see the rainbow not only artists, but also poets. In your desktops lie with quotes from the works of Lermontov, Vladimir Benedictova, Anna Tkachenko. Carefully read these lines and select the epigraph to each of the paintings considered at the lesson.

Rainbow causes us usually bright feelings. We will work with the word feelings. (Work on options) Write words-feelings, reflecting the mood of the picture of Aivazovsky, Nis, Queenji.

Well done. You have worked well today. Remember what mood you came to me on the lesson. Did your mood changed during the lesson? What did Rainbow give you today?

V. Homework.

Slide 11.

Rainbow in the sky lit
Drops of paradise sleep.
Maybe everything dreams to me:
You pinch me.
Rainbow is love,
Bridge to cherished dreams.
Something fate will take
Something will leave us.

Slide 12.

So today we talked about the rainbow. And the topic of our lesson - the rainbow in the sky was lit.

Write an essay-mood about the rainbow in your life. The topic of the composition "Rainbow in the sky lit up ...".

(If the time remains, the guys begin to work on an essay under the quiet music "Seasons" Vivaldi)

Epigraphs for the composition

Roars thunderstorm, clouds
Over the dark brazy sea
And foaming foamy by kip
Coupled, waves among themselves.

(Lermontov M.Yu.)

For clouds, the sun is not visible!
But there it found the rain,
Won their firefire arrows in them,
And on the sky, the tape went fire.

(Vladimir Benediktov)

Multicolored gate
Opened us the sky
As if waiting for something from us,
Like us on the flight ...
Swelling us waves
Wind sunny surf,
And the earth lies under us
In the smoke white blue!

(Anna Tkachenko)