"literary kaleidoscope". Summary of the open GCD on speech development (speech development) Topic: "Literary kaleidoscope" in the senior group Literary kaleidoscope in the senior group of kindergarten

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of a general developmental type with a priority implementation of activities in the aesthetic direction of the development of pupils

"Tyazhinsky kindergarten No. 1 "Birch"

I.P. Sabanina


Literary kaleidoscope

organized educational activities for speech development

with middle school children

Tyazhinskiy 2017

Target: 1. Consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales and individual fragments.

2. Providing comfortable conditions for the development of children's creative abilities in theatrical activities.

3. Creation of a positive emotional background.


1. Educational: to teach children the elements of artistic and figurative expressive means (intonation, facial expressions, pantomimics).

2. Developing: to develop intonational expressiveness of speech, logical thinking, tactile sensation.

3. Educational: to cultivate the ability to listen to your friend.

The course of educational activities

Children stand in a circle

Educator: Do you guys like fairy tales? What fairytale heroes you know? Today I propose to go on a journey through fairy tales. I have a magic ball. Let him show us the way to fairy tales today. Wherever he goes, there we will go. So, are you ready to travel? Then we recover.

Children follow the ball and go to the tables.

Educator: Guys, don't you hear anything? Someone is crying. Oh, look at this hare. Let's ask why he is crying.

Bunny: How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. She asked me to spend the night, but she kicked me out.

caregiver: Children who guessed what fairy tale we were in? (Hare hut). Look at the table there are pictures for this fairy tale, put the heroes of the fairy tale in order, who was the first to come to the aid of the bunny? Who is second? Who is missing? (Cockerel)

In what fairy tales is the cockerel found? (Cat, rooster and fox. Cockerel and bean seed, etc.)

Educator: Our ball rolled on. Where will he take us? Whose house is on the way? I'll give you a riddle, and you guess whose.

Waiting for mom with milk

They let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children?

Educator: Right. (Shows a picture) Is everything right here? (the door to the house is closed, in order to open it you need to remember the song that the goat sang) And let's remember what song the mother goat sang when she wanted to enter the house.

Goats, kids!

Open up, open up!

Your mother has come

Milk brought;

Milk runs along the notch,

From a notch on a hoof,

From the hoof to the cheese ground.

Educator: The passage has opened, and we can move on behind the ball.

Behind the ball they approach the table, there is a flower in a pot (violet) on it, where behind the violet there is a picture for the fairy tale "Thumbelina".

Educator: What is the name of the flower? I wonder who we can meet here (Assumption of children) Now guess the riddle and find out who lives here:

She was so small

What lived under the leaf.

pea head,

And she's pretty.

The height of a pin

Little girl. (Thumbelina)

Educator: And here is a portrait of Thumbelina, but not one, but two. ( Spreads an image of Thumbelina in front of the children) Find 5 differences in these drawings.

Educator: It's time for us to go again.

Dense forest ahead

Full of fairy tales and wonders.

Sit and rest

The story is ahead.

(Children sit on chairs)

Educator: Guess what fairy tale lives here?

Sitting girl in a basket

The bear is on the back.

He, without knowing it

Carries her home.

(Masha and the Bear)

Educator: Why did Masha go to the forest? (for mushrooms)

Educator: What happened to her? (lost)

Educator: And what do they shout in the forest when they get lost? (AU) Let's sing this song a few times. Now let's sing it the other way around. (UA)

Educator: What is this song like? (To cry.)

Educator: Maybe this is Mishka crying because he was left without Mashenka?

There is a bear's hat in the magic chest. Now I will turn someone into a bear and we will play with him so that he does not cry anymore. (Does a rhyme)

Behind glass doors

There is a bear with pies

- Bear-bear, my friend,

How much does a pie cost?

- A pie costs three,

And you will be the one to drive!

The bear's game in the forest!

Educator: In what other fairy tales can you meet a bear. (Three bears, Teremok, Kolobok, etc.)

Educator: Different animals live in the fairy forest, and each has its own fairy nickname. Do you know them? Now I will start, and you will continue:

mouse - norushka;

frog - ...... (wah)

bunny - ...... .. (runaway)

fox - ....... (sister)

wolf - ………. (clicking teeth)

top - ....... (gray barrel)

And now for a turn. I'll name a nickname, and you guess who I'm talking about:

clubfoot - ……….. (bear)

oblique - ……….. (hare)

gossip - ...... (fox)

toptygin - ……… (bear)

ratchet, white-sided - ...... (magpie)

patrikeevna - ……… .. (fox)

fast legs, short tail - ....... (hare)

Each animal is good in its own way. In our magic chest there are hats of animals. Dress up, transform, go out, show off. ( Nursery rhyme Shadow, shadow - sweat)

Shadow, shadow-sweat,

Above the city is a wattle fence.

The animals sat under the wattle fence,

Boasted all day.

The fox boasted:

“I am beautiful to the whole world!”

Bunny boasted:

"Go catch up!"

Hedgehogs boasted:

“We have good fur coats!”

The bear boasted:

"I can sing songs!"

Educator: What? I put hats in a chest, and they turned into cards. (Examine cards from the theater of tactile sensations)

Educator: Try with your eyes closed to determine where the fox, bear, wolf, hare, hedgehog.

Educator: I wonder what else is hidden in the magic chest? (takes out a new book of fairy tales) We will definitely read it, but later. Because our ball is in a hurry again. Look, the glomerulus has become quite small, which means it’s time to end our journey, but before we finish, let’s remember what fairy tales we met today and what you liked most about our journey. And now we will return to the group behind a ball and look at a new book.

Gileva R.Sh.

Lesson on the development of speech in senior group

Topic: "Literary kaleidoscope"


Consolidate knowledge of fairy tales.

Develop dialogic speech.

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech, memory, attention, logical thinking.

Develop the ability to perform various game tasks.

Cultivate the ability to listen to your friend.

Preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales.


Theater toy bi-ba-bo bunny, goat.

Lesson progress:


There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny.

And live in the world

We cannot do without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales

They give us warmth.

May Good be forever

Evil wins.

V. Shainsky

Guys, do you like fairy tales? What fairy tale characters do you know?

Today I invite you to go on a journey through fairy tales.

Educator. Guesses a riddle about a kolobok.

From flour he was baked,

On sour cream was mixed.

On the window, he was chilling,

Rolled along the path.

He was cheerful, he was brave

And along the way he sang a song.

Who is it?

Children. Kolobok

Educator. Fidget-Kolobok would be ashamed at the window,

But he decided: "I'll run away, warm up a little."

Let him show us the way to fairy tales.

Wherever he goes, there we will go.

caregiver (invites the child to put on a bunny doll)

Look, the bunny is sitting and crying. Let's ask him what he's crying about.

(Children ask)

Bunny. How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and foxes - ice. She asked to live with me, but she kicked me out.

caregiver . Children, who guessed what fairy tale we got into?

Children. "Hare Hut"

Educator. Look at the pictures for the story. Put the heroes in order. Who was the first to come to the aid of the bunny? Who is second? Who is missing?

caregiver . Our bun rolled on. Where will he take us? Someone's house on the way.

Guess whose:

Waiting for mom with milk

They let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children?

Children. Goats.

caregiver . Right. See if everything in this fairy tale is true? Who is the odd one out in the story?

The door to the house is closed. We must remember what song the mother goat sang when she wanted to enter?

(offer the child a doll - a goat and sing a song)

Goats, kids!

Open up, open up!

Your mother has come

Milk brought;

Milk runs along the notch,

from a notch on a hoof,

From the hoof to the cheese ground .

Educator. The passage has opened, we can move on. What fairy tale will the bun lead us to this time?

Sitting girl in a basket

The bear is on the back.

He, without knowing it,

Carries her home.

Children. This is the fairy tale Masha and the Bear.

Educator. What is the name of the bear in fairy tales? (Mikhail, Misha Kosolapy, Mikhailo Potapych, Grandfather Misha, Toptygin, etc.)

Educator. The bear was upset that Masha did not stay with him to live.

Let's play with him, please him.

The game "At the bear in the forest"

caregiver . Different animals live in the fairy forest, and each has a fairy nickname. Do you know them? Now I will start, and you will continue:

Mouse - ... norushka;

Frog - ... wah;

Bunny - ... runaway;

Chanterelle - ... sister

Wolf - ... click teeth.

And now vice versa. I'll name a nickname, and you guess who I'm talking about:

Clubfoot - ... bear;

Oblique - ... hare;

Gossip - ... fox;

Fast legs, short tail - ... hare.

caregiver : Our bun rolled on. Where will he take us?

Cockerel and cat were friends

They lived together, did not grieve.

And the cunning fox

All of a sudden I decided to spoil everything.

Hiding under the window

The cockerel lured into the trap.

caregiver . What fairy tale did the bun lead us to?

Children. "Cat, Rooster and Fox"

caregiver . Remember which musical instrument took the cat with him when he went to rescue the cockerel.

Children. Gusli.

caregiver : Well, our journey ends. Our bun is probably very tired, let him rest a little and play with us.

We were like a fairy tale

Everything about her has changed dramatically. (go on the spot)

We stamped our feet (stomp)

We clapped our hands. (clapping)

They will remember us in a fairy tale.

We leaned on "one", (bent down)

On the "two" went up, (straightened up)

Everyone smiled. (smiled)

And they sank again. (stomp)

And they clapped their hands. ( clap)

Here are some good fellows

Here are some daredevils! (hands on waist)

Educator. Our bun has rested and can show us the way back.

Educator. Well, we are back.

Educator. You guys are great, you guys are daring and for this I have prepared a surprise for you (the teacher takes out gifts from the chest, distributes them)

And now, let's remember once again, what kind of fairy tales did we meet today?

Which fairy tale did you like the most? (children's answers) This concludes our lesson. Thank you!

Extracurricular activity in literature, grades 6-7

The game "Literary Kaleidoscope" for students in grades 6-7
Mambedalieva Elzara Mustafaevna
Place of work s: Novoselovskaya secondary school
Material Description: this scenario is intended for language teachers when conducting extracurricular activities on literature. In a playful way, the guys remember and repeat our good old fairy tales and cartoons, learn to think logically and draw conclusions.
- To instill in children an interest in reading.
- Develop cognitive activity.
- Learn to work in a micro team.

Four teams take part in the game.

First tour. That's how it all started...
Before you are the opening lines of the most interesting fairy tales. Who is their author? What are their names?

Questions for the 1st team
1. In one fabulous city there were short men. They were called shorties because they were very small. (N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends")
2. In the small Swedish village of Vestmönheg, there once lived a boy named Niels. Looks like a boy like a boy. And there was no way with him. (S. Lagerlöf "Niels' wonderful journey with wild geese"). 3. Some parents had a boy, his name was Uncle Fedor. (E. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat").

Questions for the 2nd team
1. I went to Russia on horseback. It was winter. It was snowing. The horse was tired and began to stumble. I really wanted to sleep. (E. Raspe "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen")
2. Navigation at our nautical school was taught by Christopher Bonifatievich Vrungel. (A. Nekrasov "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel")
3. Once upon a time there was a doctor. He was kind. (K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit")

Questions for the 3rd team
1. A long time ago, in a town on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, there lived an old carpenter Giuseppe, nicknamed the Gray Nose. (A. Tolstoy, "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio").
2. Cipollino was the son of Cipollone. (D. Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino").
3. The time of wizards has passed. In all likelihood, they never really existed ... There was such a doctor, his name was Gaspard Arnery. (Yu.Olesha "Three fat men").

Questions for the 4th team
1. In one dense tropical forest there lived a very funny animal. His name was Cheburashka. (E. Us¬pensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends").
2. If you want to find Cherry Lane, just ask the policeman at the crossroads. (P. Travers "Meppy Poppins").
3. In the city of Stockholm, on the most ordinary street, in the most ordinary house, lives the most ordinary Swedish family named Svantenson. (A. Lindgren "Carlson, who lives on the roof").

Second round. Who is it?

Questions for the 1st team
1. Turned into a beautiful white swan. (Ugly duck)
2. Spent 28 years on a desert island. (Robinson Crusoe)
3. She was very good. Smarter and more charming faces cannot be imagined, but she was icy. (The Snow Queen)
4. Got in fairyland, which was ruled by King Gopsed the Seventh and freed the Brave mirror-maker Gurd (Olya and Yalo) from the Tower of Death

Questions for the 2nd team
1. Lived in a country ruled by Prince Lemon. (Cipollino)
2. Shipwrecked and taken prisoner by the Lilliputians. (Gulliver)
3. He overthrew the power of three fat men. (Suok, Rope walker, Tibul, gunsmith Prospero)
4. He had such a deafening voice that even when he spoke in a whisper, he was heard by passengers of jet aircraft flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters. (Gelsomino)

Questions for the 3rd team
1. Flew with wild geese to Lapland. (Niels)
2. He turned into a huge lion, and then into a small mouse. (cannibal)
3. Re-educated the postman Pechkin. (Uncle Fedor, Matroskin, Sharik)
4. He wore a colorful waistcoat, striped trousers and a long frock coat. In his hand he had a long horn, he scaredly waved it away from Totoshka. (Goodwin)

Questions for the 4th team
1. Lived in a telephone booth before meeting Gena. (Cheburashka)
2. Taught the director of the puppet theater Karabas Barabas. (Pinocchio)
3. Rushed after the White Rabbit, fell into a well, ended up in a wonderful country. (Alice)
4. Turned the wolf inside out, shot the furious coat, pulled himself out of the swamp by the tip of the wig, did not lose heart in the stomach of a huge fish, flew on the core, visited the moon. (Munchausen)

(For each correct answer in the first and second round - one point)

Third round. Black box (quick response
(There is a chest on the table and there are apples in it)
Look, here in a high chest
Hidden Mysterious Item.
And the brave knight with a keen eye
Keep it for many years.
And the one of you who guesses
What item is inside?
That same hour receives
Keys to the chest where the treasure is hidden.

To find out what lies in the casket, you need to quickly answer the questions:

1. Iron teeth, bone leg, all people know - this is Baba ... (Yaga)
2. The father had a strange, unusual, wooden boy, but his father loved his son, a naughty one ... (Pinocchio)
3. Fruit and garden country, in one of the fairy tale books there is it, and in it the hero is a vegetable boy, brave, fair, mischievous (Cipollino)
4. A girl appeared in a cup of a flower, and that girl was a little more than a marigold. The girl slept in a nutshell. That's a girl, how cute she is. (Thumbelina)
5. A difficult horse gallops, a golden miracle mane.
He carries the boy over the mountains, but he won’t throw him off. The horse has a son - an amazing horse - by the name ... (Hunchbacked)
6. Evening would soon come, and the long-awaited hour would come, so that I could go in a gilded carriage to a fabulous ball. No one in the palace will know where I come from, what my name is, but as soon as midnight comes, I will return to my attic. (Cinderella)

(the first team to guess gets a prize)

Game with spectators.
Name: who sent the telegram
1. A friend's glasses have disappeared, it has become difficult to beg, help. (Fox Alice) ...
2. I bought a samovar, I invite you to tea. (Fly)
3. I undertake to continue to wash the dishes. (Fedora).
4. I won’t come to visit, the motor has gone haywire. (Carlson)
5. The tail was found, he stopped crying. (Donkey Eeyore)
6. They planted not a pig, but a small ball, brought it to clean water, I receive a dowry. (Princess on the Pea)

Fourth round. Who is the author of these lines?

Questions for the 1st team
1. There are eight fractions in the house ... (Mikhalkov) - ‘
2. A lonely sail turns white .. ”(Lermontov)
3. Who is knocking on my door ... (Marshak).
4. And things are still there ... (Krylov)

Questions for the 2nd team
1. Do you know Ukrainian night... (Gogol)
2. And you, friends, no matter how you sit down ... (Krylov)
3. I love a thunderstorm in early May ... (Tyutchev)
4. My phone rang ... (Chukovsky)

Questions for the 3rd team
1. My light, mirror, tell me ... (Pushkin)
2. The cheese fell out, there was such a cheat with it ... (Krylov)
3. A whale ran out of the sea. (Chukovsky)
4. Sleep, little mouse, sweet-sweet ... (Marshak

Questions for the 4th team
1. Listen, bunnies, Grandfather Mazai ... (Nekrasov)
2. Hey, Pug! She is strong to know ... (Krylov)
3. White birch under my window ... (Yesenin)
4. Green oak near the seashore ... (Pushkin)

(for each correct answer - 1 point)

Fifth round. Troubles from a barrel
(The captain of each team pulls small barrels out of the barrel, number seven hides a lucky chance, the team gets five points for it, in other cases for the correct answer - one point)
1 Who owns these magic words:
rex, fex, pex!"? (Burat but)
2. Who were they turned into: donkeys Brykun, Pegasik, Caligula in the fairy tale "Dunno in the Sunny City"? (in shorties)
3. What would you ask Niels? (Magic pipe)
4.Who from literary characters was a friend of Serezha Syroezhkin? (Electronic)
5. Remember: who is the Scarecrow. (Straw man)
6. From which work are these lines: “And once I swam in the sea,” says Mishutka, “and a shark attacked me. I bang her with my fist, and she grabbed me by the head - and bit off ”? (N. Nosov "Dreamers")
7. A lucky break.
8. Guess the hero of the epics: the famous gusler, who visited the bottom of the sea-ocean with the Sea King. (Sadko)
9. On what did Uncle Fyodor and his friends make an extraordinary journey from the railway station to the village of Prostokvashino? (on a tractor)

Sixth round. Blitz Tournament
Questions for the 1st team
1. Who is the author of the book Lemuel Gulliver's Travels? (Swift)
2. Why is Demyan Bedny famous as a book lover? (his library had over 30 thousand books)

Questions for the 4th team
1. Who is the author of the immortal work "The Gadfly"? "imi) (Voynich)
2. Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin. (Stowe)
(One point for each correct answer)
The jury summarizes the results of the game, rewarding participants with diplomas

Lesson on the development of speech in the senior group

Topic: "Literary kaleidoscope"


Consolidate knowledge of fairy tales by repeating individual fragments.

Develop dialogic speech.

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech, logical thinking, tactile sensations.

Cultivate the ability to listen to your friend.

To consolidate knowledge of the letters "A", "U".

Preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales. Learning the nursery rhyme "Shadow, shadow-sweat ..."


Toy theater b-ba-bo bunny, goat, chest with hats of the heroes of the nursery rhyme "Shadow, shadow-sweat", theater of tactile sensations.

Lesson progress:

Educator. Guys, do you like fairy tales? What fairy tale characters do you know?

Today I invite you to go on a journey through fairy tales. But first, let's remember how fairy-tale heroes can travel?

Children. On foot, wherever your eyes look, on swan geese, on a broomstick, on a magic carpet, on a horse, on Carlson, etc.

caregiver guesses a riddle about a kolobok.

Let him show us the way to fairy tales.

Wherever he goes, there we will go.

caregiver (invites the child to put on a bunny doll)

Look, the bunny is sitting and crying. Let's ask him what he's crying about.

(Children ask)

Bunny. How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and foxes - ice. She asked to live with me, but she kicked me out.

caregiver . Children, who guessed what fairy tale we got into?

Children. "Hare Hut"

Educator. Look at the pictures for the story. Put the heroes in order. Who was the first to come to the aid of the bunny? Who is second? Who is missing?

Children . Cockerel.

Educator. And in what fairy tales is the cockerel found?

Children. "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Cockerel and Bean Seed", etc.

caregiver . Our bun rolled on. Where will he take us? Someone's house on the way.

Guess whose:

Waiting for mom with milk

They let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children?

Children. Goats.

caregiver . Right. See if everything in this fairy tale is true? Who is the odd one out in the story?

The door to the house is closed. We must remember what song the mother goat sang when she wanted to enter?

(offer the child a doll - a goat and sing a song)

Goats, kids!

Open up, open up!

Your mother has come

Milk brought;

Milk runs along the notch, from the notch along the hoof,

From the hoof to the cheese ground .

Educator. The passage has opened, we can move on. What fairy tale will the bun lead us to this time?

Sitting girl in a basket

The bear is on the back.

He, without knowing it,

Carries her home.

Children. This is the fairy tale Masha and the Bear.

caregiver . Why did Masha go to the forest?

Children. For mushrooms.

caregiver . What happened to her in the forest?

Children. She got lost.

caregiver . And what do they shout in the forest when they get lost?

Children . AU.

caregiver . Song, what letters, you now sang?

Children. "A", "U".

caregiver . Let's sing again the song of the letters "A", the song of the letter "U".

Educator. And what does the song "UA" look like?

Children. To cry.

caregiver . Maybe it's the Bear crying, because he was left without Masha?

There is a bear hat in the magic chest. Now I will turn someone into a bear, and we will play with him so that he does not cry anymore.


Behind glass doors

There is a bear with pies.

_ Misha-bear, my friend,

How much does a pie cost?

- A pie costs three

And you will be the one to drive.

The game "At the bear in the forest"

caregiver . Different animals live in the fairy forest, and each has a fairy nickname. Do you know them? Now I will start, and you will continue:

Mouse - ... norushka;

Frog - ... wah;

Bunny - ... runaway;

Chanterelle - ... sister

Wolf - ... click teeth.

And now vice versa. I'll name a nickname, and you guess who I'm talking about:

Clubfoot - ... bear;

Oblique - ... hare;

Gossip - ... fox;

Fast legs, short tail - ... hare.

Each animal is good in its own way. In our magic chest there are animal hats. Dress up, transform, go out, show off.

Shadow, shadow-sweat,

Above the city is a wattle fence,

The animals sat under the wattle fence,

Boasted all day.

The fox boasted:

“I am beautiful to the whole world!”

Bunny boasted:

"Go catch up!"

Hedgehogs boasted:

“We have good fur coats!”

The bear boasted:

caregiver . What? I put caps in the chest, and they turned into cards (Theatre of tactile sensations).

Try with your eyes closed to determine where the fox, bear, etc.

caregiver . Our bun is calling us on the road. But before we go, let's remember once again what fairy tales we met? What did you like and remember most about our trip?

Now it remains for us, following the kolobok, to go back.

Synopsis of the GCD in the educational field "Communication" in middle group on the topic
"Literary Kaleidoscope"

Ermakova I.I.
Integration educational areas: "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Socialization".
- help children remember and consolidate the names and heroes of fairy tales already known to them;
- find out if they know riddles and poems;
- continue to learn to guess riddles;
- develop a sense of rhyme;
- expand the horizons and vocabulary of children;
- nurture friendly relations between children;
- Cultivate a love of reading.
Equipment: Books, illustrations, cards with fairy tales.
Content organized activities children
1. Organizational moment.
Children sit in a semicircle on chairs on the carpet.
- Children, today we will go on a journey through fairy tales. Imagine that we ended up in a magical land of fairy tales, ruled by a kind king, and a disaster happened there. Baba Yaga stole the sun from the sky, and all the tales became not colored, but gray, gloomy and sad. Let's help bring the sun back to the land of fairy tales, answer the quiz questions. Do you agree?
- Yes!
"Then let's hit the road!"
2. Didactic game "Who is the hero of the fairy tale"
Sweet, lush, round-cheeked
He has a ruddy side
Runs down the path
And it's called ... (Kolobok)
Who laid a simple testicle,
And who broke the gold?
(Ryaba Hen and mouse from the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen")
There was a teremok in a field.
Was not low, not high.
How many inhabitants in total
Did you move into it?
(Mouse-norushka, Frog-quack, Bunny-runaway, Chanterelle-sister, Top-gray barrel)
Grandfather planted round, white and tasty,
It has grown big, that's the harvest!
Who pulled the turnip in order to count?
(Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse)
There is no river, no pond,
Where to drink water?
Very tasty water
In the hole from the hoof
("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")
Near the forest, on the edge
Three of them live in a hut
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this tale?
(Mikhailo Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka from the fairy tale "Three Bears")
- Well done children! Did a great job with the first one.
3. D / game "Guess"
Children are invited to name the hero of the fairy tale, who owns the phrase and the name of the fairy tale itself.
- "The Fox is carrying me through the dark forests, over the high mountains. (The Cockerel from the fairy tale" Cat, Fox and Rooster)
- "By magic, in my opinion, take the sleigh yourself!" (Emelya from the fairy tale "At the command of the pike"
- "I carry a scythe on my shoulder, I want to cut the fox, get off the Fox from the stove!" (Cockerel from the fairy tale "Hare hut")
- "Oh kids, oh kids,
Open up, open up
Your mother has come
She brought milk "(Goat from the fairy tale" The Wolf and the Seven Kids ")
- "Don't sit on a stump,
Do not eat the pie!" (Masha from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bears")
- "Stove, mother, hide us!" (Sister from the fairy tale "Geese-swans")
Great guys! How well do you know fairy tales and their heroes. But the quiz continues.
4. Didactic game "Fairy tale objects"
Children are invited to guess the names of fairy-tale objects from various fairy tales.
1. What does Baba Yaga fly on? (On a broom in a mortar)
2. What do wizards wave when they cast spells? (Magic wand)
3. What object lies on the floor at home, but flies in fairy tales? (Magic carpet)
4. If it lies on the table, the food appears by itself (Self-assembly tablecloth)
5. Shoes that help you move very quickly (Boots-walkers)
6. She can make everything invisible (Hat of Invisibility)
Well done! And you have completed this task.
“Children, I have now asked you a lot of riddles, but do you know any riddles yourself?”
5. Children make riddles to each other.
- Winter and summer in one color (Christmas tree)
- A girl is sitting in a dungeon, and a scythe is on the street (Carrot)
- White in winter, gray in summer (Hare)
- Hanging pear, you can not eat (Light bulb)
- Piglet in front, hook in back,
In the middle is the back, and on it is a bristle (Pig)
- Soft paws, scratches in the paws,
Often washes, but does not know with water (Cat)
- Jumps on the branches,
Not a bird
Redhead, but not a fox (Squirrel)
Well done kids! How many riddles do you know?
6. Didactic game "Tell me a word"
Children are invited to insert the missing words in the verses into rhyme.
The girl began to put the kitten to sleep:
-Here, under your back
Soft ... featherbed,
On top of the feather
A clean... sheet
Here under your ears
White... pillows
("Mustache-striped" S. Marshak)
Mom is sleeping, she is tired...
Well, I didn’t play ...
I don't start a wolf
I sat down and... I'm sitting
("Let's sit in silence" by E. Blaginina)
Masha put on a mitten
-Oh, where am I finger ... business?
I don't have a finger, I'm gone
I didn’t ... get into my little house
("Where is my finger" N. Sakonskaya)
Snow fell on the threshold
The cat sculpted himself ... a pie,
In the meantime, he sculpted and ... baked,
Brook pie ... leaked
My cheerful, sonorous ball,
Where did you rush ... jump?
I clapped your hand
You jumped and loudly ... stomped!
("Ball" S. Marshak)
-Guys, you turned out to be wonderful poets and storytellers and did an excellent job with all the tasks of the quiz. Thanks to you, the Sun returned to the land of fairy tales and fairy tales became colored again. Good Fairy from fairytale forest as a token of gratitude, he gives you a beautiful "Book of Fairy Tales".