Characteristics of the heroes little red riding hood sh perro. Encyclopedia of fairy tale characters: "Little Red Riding Hood"

Little Red Riding Hood is a cute little girl who lives in a house near the forest and got such a strange name thanks to her red cap, sewn for her by the loving hands of her mother. Little Red Riding Hood, first of all, is a very brave and courageous character who does not stop before any difficulties and trials. She has a kind and loving heart, an inquisitive and lively character, restless and active disposition. She loves nature and all the animals of the forest, its plants and insects. Understands their language and preferences.
But more than anyone else in the world, Little Red Riding Hood loves her relatives - mother and grandmother. She is a very obedient, diligent, caring daughter and granddaughter, ready to help at the first request and need.
No obstacles and horrors of the forest can interfere with her set goal and intentions. She is resourceful, quick-witted and curious. Loves to sing and have fun.
Little Red Riding Hood is a very gentle, kind and positive character, on whose good qualities more than one generation of kids has been brought up. She is the beloved and adored heroine of most young girls. Her image serves as an example of obedience and good breeding, care and understanding. Little Red Riding Hood is beautiful and smart at the same time, funny and serious, restless and persistent. They point at her, compare her with her and set her up as an example to all little daughters by all mothers of the world.

"Little Red Riding Hood" (2011)

A young girl named Valerie lives in the small village of Daggerhorn. She loves the woodcutter Peter, but her parents, Cesar and Suzette, promised the wealthy blacksmith Adrian that Valerie would marry his son Henry as payment for Cesar's debt. Valerie plans to escape with Peter, but their plans are upset by the news of another attack by a werewolf that has long terrorized their village. The villagers make a monthly sacrifice to the wolf, but during the "red moon" this is not enough and a human sacrifice is required. The victim was Lucy, Valerie's older sister. The villagers stay away from the forest, but Lucy, in love with Henry, went there when she found out about his alleged marriage to Valerie.

Adrian, Henry, Peter, Cesar and other men go into the forest, deciding to kill the wolf, but Adrian dies while hunting, and the men bring back the body of an ordinary gray wolf, which is considered a werewolf. While helping Suzette embalm Adrian's body, Valerie discovers that they once had an affair. Thus, Lucy is Adrian's daughter and Henry's half-sister, which Cesar is unaware of. The villagers decide to celebrate the death of the werewolf, but the fun is interrupted by the arrival of the werewolf hunter Father Solomon. He explains to the audience that they did not kill the real werewolf, otherwise at the time of death he would have assumed human form. He also says that a werewolf can be wounded with a silver weapon, Father Solomon himself covered the nails on one hand with silver. Soon, a real werewolf appears and kills several people. The people bitten by him on the full moon will themselves become werewolves. The wolf pushes Valerie and her friend Roxanne into a dead end, and then starts talking to Valerie. To her surprise, she understands the wolf growl.

The next morning, Father Solomon arrests Roxanne's brother as an accomplice of the werewolf. To save him, Roxanne admits that Valerie can communicate with a werewolf. Father Solomon decides to use Valerie as bait for the wolf. She is saved by Peter and Henry. Solomon's father's assistants begin shooting Valerie and Henry, but a werewolf suddenly appears. Solomon's father, who was bitten by him (and, therefore, who received the curse of a werewolf), is killed. Meanwhile, Valerie begins to suspect her grandmother living in the forest: considering her a werewolf, Valerie decides to kill her and save the village.

On the way to her grandmother's house, Valerie meets Peter and sees a glove on his hand. Assuming he is a werewolf and trying to hide his burned paw, Valerie stabs him with a knife and hides in her grandmother's house. She, however, behaves very strangely and does not show herself to her granddaughter. It turns out that the wolf was actually Cesar, hiding behind a curtain and imitating his grandmother's voice. He explains to Valerie that he needs a werewolf heir and originally intended to make Lucy one. But Lucy - Suzette's daughter from Adrian - did not understand wolf speech, so Cesar, angry, killed her. Now he is determined to bite Valerie. At the last moment, Peter saves the girl, but Cesar manages to bite him. Valerie kills Cesar with Solomon's hand (with silver nails) and Peter throws an ax in his back. After getting rid of the body, Valerie decides to stay in her grandmother's house and wait for Peter to learn how to manage his curse. At the end of the film, she renounced life in the village and began to live in the forest in her grandmother's house, and one night Peter returned to her in the guise of a wolf ...

"Once upon a time, in a Fairytail"

Little Red Riding Hood was raised by her Grandmother, according to whom, the parents of the Little Riding Hood have died long ago.

In the village where Cap and Grandmother live, a dangerous wolf has wound up, attacking the inhabitants. Residents, led by the mayor, try to catch him, but to no avail. Little Red Riding Hood also wants to take part in the search, but Grandmother does not allow her, she also makes her granddaughter wear a red cloak, which, according to her, scares away wolves. Little Red Riding Hood, together with her lover, Peter, are trying to catch the wolf on their own. Suddenly, Beanie comes to the conclusion that Peter is the wolf. They run away at night, and Peter is tied to a tree so he doesn't hurt anyone. But it turns out that the wolf, or rather, the werewolf, is not Peter, but Little Red Riding Hood herself. A tragedy occurs - the Cap turns into a wolf and kills his beloved. It turns out that both Mother and Granny Beanie were werewolves, only Granny carefully hid this from her granddaughter and made her wear a red cloak, which is magical and prevents transformation. Realizing that the anger of the villagers may fall on the Hat, Grandmother asks her to run away, which the girl does together with her friend Snow White, who is also on the run.

While traveling with Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood accidentally tears her cloak. Frightened that he will not prevent the transformation, Beanie asks Snow White to leave her. Left alone, Hat soon finds himself company. They turn out to be a pack of wolves, led by Anita, her mother. Anita says that Grandma took the Hat from her because she wanted to raise her as a human, while Anita insisted that the Hat be raised by a wolf. Anita teaches her daughter to control herself in the guise of a werewolf. Soon, Snow White finds them, and Little Red Riding Hood convinces the wolves that she is her friend. Then they are attacked by the Queen's men who are looking for Snow White, they kill Quinn, one of Anita's men. Furious, Anita wants to kill Snow White, the Hat protects her, a fight ensues between mother and daughter. As a result, severely wounded Anita dies.

Snow White continues to be hunted by the Queen and her people, including the Hunter. Previously, the Queen stole the Hunter's heart, and thus gained the ability to control it. It was the Huntsman's payment for helping Snow White escape. The heart falls into the hands of the Cap, for a while she, Snow White and the Hunter work together, fleeing the Queen's people. But in the end, the Hunter has to sacrifice himself and return his heart to the Queen so that Beanie and Snow White can survive. Snow White promises to do everything to stop the Queen so that Hunter and Little Red Riding Hood can be back together.

When Snow White and her lover, Prince Charming, are almost together, the Prince is captured by King George. Snow White, Dwarfs, Little Red Riding Hood and some other inhabitants of the Enchanted Forest are sent to rescue him. There Little Red Riding Hood is reunited with her Grandmother, who is also present during the rescue operation.

Later, Little Red Riding Hood and Granny participate in several military councils, where measures are discussed against King George as well as the Evil Queen.

After placing the second curse and on a new journey through the Enchanted Forest, Red Riding Hood tells Snow White that she misses the old days when they fled the Evil Queen. Although the new adventures are very similar to the old ones, they differ in that the Queen is now completely changed and is their ally.

In wolf form, Little Red Riding Hood is immune to any type of weapon except silver.
In Emma's nursery in the Enchanted Forest, you can see Little Red Riding Hood's toy on the shelf.

Analysis of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"

Little Red Riding Hood is one of the most popular fairy tales of the famous French storyteller Charles Perrault. The success of the fairy tale is due to the brightness of the main characters, and a happy ending, and a simple teaching. An instructive idea of \u200b\u200bthe tale is that in it, as red as the heroine's cap, a thread carries a recommendation NOT to be distracted by extraneous activities and conversations when you carry out an important assignment. Indeed, in the fairy tale, the mother of Little Red Riding Hood instructed the girl to visit her sick grandmother and give the sick a basket with gifts. And Little Red Riding Hood, walking through the forest, chose the longest and most unsafe road, because she wanted to pick flowers, admire butterflies and beetles, listen to forest birds ... All this would be very nice if the heroine were on a forest walk accompanied by adults ... The girl was in no hurry to visit her sick grandmother. In addition, having met an unfamiliar Gray Wolf, Little Red Riding Hood told him where and why she was going, which allowed the Wolf to deceive and swallow first the sick grandmother, and then the young heroine herself.

The magic part of the tale is at the very end, since only in the tale is it possible to get out of the wolf's belly intact. But if we consider the allegorical side of the ending of a fairy tale, then sometimes in life socially prosperous "gray wolves" strive to "swallow" weaker and naive people, that is, to subordinate them to their own selfish interests. In this case, the image of the woodcutters saving Little Red Riding Hood and their grandmother can be interpreted as the image of honest representatives of the law, who do not allow swindlers to insult gullible and weak people. However, in real life, it is wiser not to count on magic woodcutters who come running and pull Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma out of the wolf's belly. It is more useful to learn not to ignore wise advice and teachings .

The text of the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood

There was a little girl in one village, so pretty that there was no better girl in the world. Mother loved her without memory, and grandmother even more.

For her birthday, her grandmother gave her a red cap. Since then, the girl went everywhere in her new, elegant red cap.

The neighbors said so about her:

- Here is Little Red Riding Hood!

Once my mother baked a pie and said to her daughter:

- Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to your grandmother, bring her this pie and a pot of butter and find out if she is healthy.

Little Red Riding Hood got together and went to her grandmother in another village.

She walks through the forest, and towards her is a gray wolf. He really wanted to eat Little Red Riding Hood, but he didn’t dare - somewhere close, woodcutters knocked with their axes.

The Wolf licked his lips and asks the girl:

- Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?

And Little Red Riding Hood did not yet know how dangerous it was to stop in the forest and talk to the wolves. She greeted the Wolf and said:

- I go to my grandmother and bring her this pie and a pot of butter.

- And how far does your grandmother live? - asks the Wolf.

“Quite far away,” says Little Red Riding Hood.

“Over there, in that village, behind the mill, in the first house on the edge.

- Okay, - says the Wolf, - I also want to visit your grandmother. I'll follow this road, and you follow that one. Let's see which of us comes first.

The Wolf said this and ran, as was the spirit, along the shortest path.

And Little Red Riding Hood went along the longest road. She walked slowly, stopping every now and then, picking flowers and gathering them into bouquets.

Before she even had time to reach the mill, the Wolf had already galloped to grandmother's house and knocked on the door:

- Knock Knock!

- Who's there? - asks the grandmother.

- It's me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood, - Wolf answers in a thin voice. - I came to visit you, brought a pie and a pot of butter.

And the grandmother was ill at that time and lay in bed. She thought it was really Little Red Riding Hood, and shouted:

- Pull the string, my child, the door will open!

The wolf pulled the string - and the door opened.

The Wolf rushed at the grandmother and swallowed her at once. He was very hungry because he hadn't eaten for three days.

Then he closed the door, lay down on my grandmother's bed and waited for Little Red Riding Hood. Soon she came and knocked:

- Knock Knock!

Little Red Riding Hood was frightened, but then she thought that grandmother was hoarse from a cold and that is why she had such a voice.

“It's me, your granddaughter,” says Little Red Riding Hood. - Brought you a pie and a pot of butter.

The wolf cleared his throat and said more subtly:

- Pull the string, my child, the door and it will open.

Little Red Riding Hood pulled the string - the door opened.

The girl entered the house, and the Wolf hid under the blanket and said:

- Put it, granddaughter, a pie on the table, put the pot on the shelf, and lie down next to me. You must be very tired.

Little Red Riding Hood lay down next to the wolf and asks:

- Grandma, why do you have such big hands?

- This is to hug you tighter, my child.

- Grandma, why do you have such big eyes?

“To see better, my child.

- Grandma, why do you have such big teeth?

- And this is to quickly eat you, my child!

Little Red Riding Hood had time to gasp, when the evil Wolf rushed at her and swallowed her with shoes and a red cap.

But, fortunately, at that very time, woodcutters with axes on their shoulders were passing by the house.

They heard the noise, ran into the house and killed the Wolf. And then they ripped open his belly, and from there came Little Red Riding Hood, and behind her and grandmother - both safe and sound.

Musical works

Study-painting op. 39 № 6 S. V. Rachmaninova - "Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf"

Little Red Riding Hood (1911) - children's opera by the composer Caesar Cui

Classic film adaptations

Little Red Riding Hood (1937) - black-and-white cartoon of the Brumberg sisters, USSR. Made in the classic "Disney" style.

Little Red Riding Hood (1989) is a musical by Adam Brooks that has preserved the main storyline of the tale, produced in the USA-Israel.

Rethinking fairy tales

Red Hot Riding Hood (1943), and its sequel Swing Shift Cinderella (1945), are American-made cartoons. Comedy short films starting with the classic story about Little Red Riding Hood.

Petya and Little Red Riding Hood (1958) - cartoon, USSR. In this cartoon, the pioneer Petya Ivanov magically falls into an old fairy tale, and helps Little Red Riding Hood and grandmother to cope with the wolf.

About Little Red Riding Hood (1977) - musical film, USSR. The film is a continuation of the classic tale. The wolves in the film are not so bad, and the lumberjacks are not so brave. Little Red Riding Hood ends up saving wolves from cruel people.

In the Company of Wolves (1984) - a film with variations based on Little Red Riding Hood.

Gray Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood (1990) - animated film by Harry Bardin, USSR. Satirical "plasticine" cartoon.

Lumi (1991) - feature film by Vladimir Bragin, USSR. Thriller about a werewolf, reimagining the story of Little Red Riding Hood.

Highway (1996) - feature film, USA. Thriller with elements of "black" comedy. Little Red Riding Hood (Vanessa Lutz played by Reese Witherspoon), after the arrest of her mother (prostitute) and stepfather (her pimp), goes to live with her grandmother. On the way, she votes on the highway and stops a car whose driver (Bob Wolverton, played by Kiefer Sutherland) turns out to be a serial killer. The opening credits for the film are illustrations for the story of "Little Red Riding Hood", the plot basically repeats the original.

The writing

The wolf (le loup) is a character in the fairy tale by Charles Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood" (1697), who ate his grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood. The wolf meets Little Red Riding Hood in the forest and wants to eat her, but does not dare, since there are lumberjacks in the forest. He learns from the girl that she is going to visit a sick grandmother, asks about where she lives, promises to also visit her grandmother and invites Little Red Riding Hood to go a long way, and he himself sets off along a short road. Arriving at the grandmother's house, the Wolf changes his voice, posing as Little Red Riding Hood, learns from the grandmother how to open the door, rushes at the old woman and swallows her whole, since he has not eaten for three days. Then he goes to bed. When Little Red Riding Hood knocks on the door, he asks in a rough voice: "Who is there?", And then in a softer voice explains how to open the door, repeating the words said to him by his grandmother: "Pull the latch, the bolt and bounce." He asks Little Red Riding Hood to put a cake and a pot of butter on the chest and lie down next to him. Little Red Riding Hood is surprised by the look of "grandma" when she is undressed. The wolf answers her naive questions about big hands ("This is to hug you better, granddaughter!"), About big legs ("This is to make it easier to run, my child!"), About big ears ("This is to hear better, my child!), about big eyes ("This is to see you better, my child!), but after the question about big teeth he stops this game and says:" This is to eat you! " With these words, he rushes to Little Red Riding Hood and eats her.

The wolf in the image of Ch. Perrault has human qualities: he speaks with a human voice that can change, comes up with cunning plans, etc., which makes him related to the characters of both fairy tales and fables (animals are allegorical images of people). However, the complete identification of the Wolf with a person does not occur. He was not given a name, like the wolf Isengrin in the old French animal epic of the XII-XIII centuries. "The novel about the Fox". The wolf is not a werewolf, he does not take the form of a gentleman (in the forest), Little Red Riding Hood (knocking on the door) or a grandmother (in bed). This is actually a fabulous trait, as well as the ability to completely swallow a grandmother, and then a granddaughter.

The ambiguity of the Wolf's image made it possible to put forward several interpretations of it. The first was suggested by Perrault himself in "Moral", which accompanies the fairy tale, where the fable principle is strengthened, the Wolf is likened to secular red tape: "Wolves are countless, / But between them there are others / Dodgers, so deep, / That, sweetly exuding flattery, / The maiden is guarded by honor , / Accompany their walks home, / Take them bye-bye through the dark alleys ... / But the wolf, alas, the more modest it seems, / So he is always cunning and more terrible! " "Moral" removes the fabulous beginning and makes the work purely "adult". Perrault's followers, referring to this image, added a different ending (the death of the Wolf), creating a plot more acceptable for children's perception.

Representatives of the mythological school saw hidden symbolism in the Wolf (see Little Red Riding Hood). Psychoanalysts, on the other hand, view the tale as a fixation of purely human relations. So, E. Berne, considering the image of the Wolf in an extended version of the plot in which the Wolf dies (which was not in the tale of C. Perrault), wrote: “If we take the result as it really is, then everything as a whole is an intrigue , in the net of which the unfortunate wolf was caught: he was forced to imagine himself a dodger, capable of fooling anyone, using the girl as bait. The moral of the plot, then, may not be that little girls should stay away from the forest where wolves are found, but that wolves should stay away from girls who look naive and from their grandmothers. In short: a wolf cannot walk in the forest alone. " The direct source of the Wolf image has not been established, since Perrault's tale is the earliest record of this story. The wolf is a popular character in fairy tales of different peoples. The main features of this folklore image are reproduced in the medieval "Romance of the Fox" (Isengrin wolf). Along with Little Red Riding Hood, the Wolf is a world literary image, accompanies her in other fairy tales on this plot, in theatrical and film versions, and ballets. One of the interesting interpretations of the Wolf's image is S. Prokofiev's musical fairy tale "Petya and the Wolf".

  • We will search among the characters of the fandom

Character groups

Total characters - 46

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Character of the movie "Little Red Riding Hood". Wealthy blacksmith, Henry's father. Suzette's lover and Lucy's father.

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Cartoon character "The True Story of Red Hat". Police officer, chatty and reckless.


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A character in the game "Woolfe". An industrial tycoon who actually rules the city of Ulric with an army of robots - the "Tin Soldiers". At the same time, he mercilessly exploits the workers and dreams only of money and power.

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Cartoon character "The True Story of Red Hat". Granny Caps Pack, the forest's most successful pastry chef. Hides from her granddaughter that she is a professional athlete who prefers extreme sports.

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A sick old woman who is visited by Little Red Riding Hood.

In film adaptations, she can be an extremely versatile woman: a businesswoman, a skier, a knitter and / or a yogi.

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Character of the movie "Little Red Riding Hood". A young girl from the village of Daggerhorn. The daughter of Cesar and Suzette, sister of Lucy, is promised to marry Henry - the son of a wealthy blacksmith Adrian, but is in love with the woodcutter Peter. It is she who has to reveal the secret of the werewolf, rampaging in her village.

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Cartoon character "Red Hat Against Evil". An old friend of my grandmother. She appears many years after graduating from the Academy of the Order of the Crimson Cloak, where her classmates were the best students.

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Cartoon character "The True Story of Red Hat". A journalist-detective who suspected Shapka in connection with the Pirozhkov Thief and tried to catch her.

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Character of the film "About Little Red Riding Hood". The son of the deceased Gray Wolf, completely out of hand. He does not listen to the wolf-grandmother, reads a book thrown out by people, does not support the idea of \u200b\u200brevenge on people in general and Hat in particular. The Old Wolf burns his book, and the Wolf, driven to tears, vows revenge and escapes from the lair.

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Character of the movie "Little Red Riding Hood". Valerie's fiancé, Adrian's son and Lucy's lover.

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A character in the game "The Path". A hidden character that appears only after the death of all the girls. It is with her that the girls play during their journey. The only one who comes to bed with her grandmother and does not fall down dead. After the video, the character selection screen appears, the girl in white stands in the same place, only in a bloody dress (perhaps she was a wolf for her grandmother), girls begin to enter the room (starting with the last one who died), after which the girl in white leaves. Fans of the game usually call her "innocence" or "conscience", as she guides each of the sisters "on the right path," showing them the right path to the path after long wanderings in the forest.

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Cartoon character "The True Story of Red Hat". Wolf's assistant, squirrel. Differs in fast speech, because of which it is sometimes difficult to understand. If he drinks coffee, it will become even faster.

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A character in the game "The Path". Her name is translated as "redhead". Ginger can hardly be described with a softer word than "kid." Very funny and childishly curious, despite her age (13 years old), Ginger prefers to play alone. Finding a bunch of cartridges, he tries to find a way to blow them up, and when he sees a flower field, he runs to collect bouquets. She still does not understand that the time will come to grow up soon, and life is far from being as fun and carefree as playing.

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A character in the game "Woolfe". Father of Red Riding Hood. He worked as a chief engineer at Wolf Industries, made various dolls and in many ways helped the tycoon Wolfe in the implementation of his plans. However, then he decided to quit and died on the same day - seemingly as a result of an accident.

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Cartoon character "The True Story of Red Hat". An unlucky advertising actor selling schnitzels on sticks to children.

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A character in the game "The Path". Eldest after Scarlett (17 years old). At first glance, it seems that Carmen dreams of becoming a "femme fatale", but she just wants a little attention - for this she is ready to do anything. Carmen is frivolous and does not think about the consequences, lives according to the principle "why not drink a can of beer with that nice guy?", Which is why she dies.

Wolf Carmen is a woodcutter who settled in a camp in the middle of the forest. He marked the trees claiming to be a log house with a cross. Carmen wants to get his attention, but he is only interested in his work, the woodcutter wants to be left alone. Unaccustomed to refusals, the girl behaved ambiguously with him, easily flirted and did not refuse to drink beer with him. After that, she found herself on the path to her grandmother's house.

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The main character in the game "Woolfe". Knows how to handle an ax. An orphan. She returned to the city of Ulric, wanting to avenge her parents.

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The main character of the cartoon "The True Story of Red Hat", a courier for the delivery of pies. She dreams of leaving the forest and traveling the world. Has a gold medal in karate.

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The heroine of the classic fairy tale and its adaptations. I went to visit my sick grandmother, met a wolf and chatted with him.

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Cartoon character "The True Story of Red Hat". A talkative forest dweller, appears in stories for various reasons.

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Kidnapper of girls from the game Woolfe. An accomplice of Anton Volchik.

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Character of the movie "Little Red Riding Hood". Sister Valerie, chosen as a victim to the werewolf. In love with Henry, and went to the forest when she found out about the alleged wedding of her lover and Valerie.

She is actually Henry's half-sister, as her mother Suzette was Adrian's mistress.

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Little Red Riding Hood's mom sends her daughter to her grandmother, equipping her with pies and a pot of butter. At the same time, he punishes - not to talk to anyone on the way.

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Cartoon character "The True Story of Red Hat". The sheriff of police, always in a hurry and eager to arrest someone.

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The missing girl was sitting with Little Red Hat in the same class, cheating her homework.

A character in the game "Woolfe".

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Cartoon character "The True Story of Red Hat". A shrewd police detective, former disco dancer.


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A character in the game "The Path". Wolf Robin, which can be found in the cemetery in the forest. According to the official story, the Werewolf ate Robin after she decided to ride him.

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Character of the movie "Little Red Riding Hood". A werewolf hunter who arrived in the village of Daggerhorn covered his nails on one hand with silver so that he always had a weapon against werewolves with him.

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The protagonist of the fairy tale, who killed the wolf, cut open his stomach and saved Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.

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A boy from the village, the grandson of angry old women, who quarreled with Little Red Riding Hood, who was against him smoking, and got into a fight with her, getting out of the fight with a black eye. I almost became an accomplice of the wolves, but still did not.

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Cartoon character "Petya and Little Red Riding Hood".

A Soviet pioneer who adores the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" and in an unknown way got into the cartoon based on this fairy tale.

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Character of the movie "Little Red Riding Hood".

Woodcutter, Valerie's lover.

Was bitten by Cesar and became a werewolf. When he was able to get used to the powers of the curse, he returned to Valerie, who began to live in a hermit.

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A capricious child of his parents who have spoiled him, she wants to buy Little Red Riding Hood instead of a toy. As a result of this requirement, the girl is locked in the house.

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A character in the game "The Path". Robin is translated from English as "robin", that is, a red bird. The youngest of the sisters, she is only 9 years old. The only girl who looks like Little Red Riding Hood from a fairy tale, her outfit is a red cloak with a hood and high boots. She dreams of meeting a real wolf - a big, shaggy, strong animal. Due to her age, mischievous and naive, all this allows her not to be afraid of the Forest and even the cemetery she stumbles upon (where she meets a werewolf). Death does not frighten her, because she is still so far away.

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Character of the movie "Little Red Riding Hood". Valerie's friend, gave out that Valerie understands the language of werewolves in order to save her brother.

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A character in the game "The Path". 11 years. Almost perfect child. She is very modest and shy, plays the flute (written in the LJ diaries), loves nature and animals, even talks to the clouds and dreams of flying closer to them. Her phrases do not suit her age, she speaks in a way that sometimes an adult would not say. The key feature of her image is innocence.

Modern Red Riding Hoods

naivety, simplicity, gullibility,

friendliness and sociability not

inferior to their fabulous predecessors.

Remember the tale of Charles Perrault about a little and very cute girl, whose mother, in abundance of feelings, sewed a cute red hat? Remember, of course. So now we will tell you a "story" about how the Red Riding Hoods live in our difficult time, when "wolves" are found at every corner, and there are fewer and fewer kind and brave "hunters" who are able to come to the rescue at the last moment and less.

Modern Red Riding Hoods are not inferior to their fabulous predecessors in their naivety, simplicity, gullibility, friendliness and sociability. They still tend to give a radiant Smile to the first person they meet, chat with the most suspicious types, as with old friends, and obey the advice given by all and sundry.

Even at forty, Little Red Riding Hood does not abandon the habits of a little and slightly spoiled girl: she boasts of her new clothes in front of all the employees of the department in which she works; does not understand why it is impossible to leave the safe open or allow strangers to carry their bags home; loves to ask questions like "Why is it so big for you ...", etc., etc., because of which the interlocutors often have a desire, if not to eat too curious woman, then at least beat her a little ...

The described character traits and behavioral features determine the preferences of Little Red Riding Hood in clothes, shoes, cosmetics, accessories, etc. She cannot be seen in a strict business suit, with dark-rimmed glasses and with elegant styling. She hates sneakers and sportswear and will never agree to go out without makeup.

Little Red Riding Hood is her own stylist and fashion designer. And there is hardly such a person who can convince an aunt who has fallen into childhood that short skirts and blouses with frivolous frills and circles, funny curls and huge hairpins on the head and too bright makeup, platform shoes and funny accessories (if a handbag - then in the form of a basket or a bag; if a hat - then only with wide brim and some incredible colors, plus gloves and stockings) are more suitable for first graders.

However, despite all her eccentricities (or maybe thanks to them), Little Red Riding Hood is never deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. The latter, attracted by their bright appearance and funny manners, feel at ease in the company of a woman of this type. As they say, the soul rests.

Maybe. And it's time for you to arrange a rest for your beloved? If yes, then start creating a new image. And don't forget to wear a red riding hood!


It is like a Chinese box: as soon as you open the lock on one box, another appears immediately - and also with a lock, to which you need to select a new key. And after it the third, fourth, fifth ... and so on until the box opens or the exhausted "discoverer" finally loses his temper.

She is a “mystery” woman, a riddle, a rebus and a charade rolled into one. And hardly in the whole wide world there is such a person who can reveal this "secret", understand the meaning of the mysterious smile that appears from time to time on a charming face, or sudden and unreasonable tears that a woman of this type can begin to shed a few seconds after the explosion unrestrained laughter.

So, before us is a woman who has chosen for herself the image of an eternal stranger, a mysterious lover, about whom no man can say: "I know her very well!" Because, as a rule, he does not know anything except the name, surname and - at most - the address of such a woman.

A very comfortable image, isn't it? Moreover, it is not even known for whom it is more convenient - for a woman who, having surrounded herself with a mysterious halo, becomes the object of increased attention from the representatives of the stronger sex; or for a man who, living under the same roof with a "secret", may not worry about its problems and the means and possibilities to solve them, because they are simply unknown to him.

This image is unlikely to suit women who have known their beloved for a long time and are not used to hiding anything from them. But at the first "stage" of love relationships - immediately after meeting - the use of this "mask" can bring significant success.

What is needed in order to turn from an ordinary, unremarkable person into a "secret", for the sake of solving which hundreds and thousands of men are ready to sacrifice their fortune and freedom?

First of all, change your appearance. Everything that was on you before - clothes and shoes, probably bought either in a not too expensive store or in the market, hairstyle - an ordinary haircut, except perhaps with only two or three multi-colored strands, jewelry worn by hardly half of the female population of the country and etc. - should be postponed until better times.

Now elegant accessories will become integral parts of your appearance: gloves, glasses with very dark glasses, a small handbag in which it is not known how a set of expensive cosmetics is placed, a pile of papers of incomprehensible content and something else that you will not see on the counters of ordinary shops. Do not forget about the original hat, which, however, may well be replaced by some unconventional haircut.

Clothing should be selected in a strict classic style. Some bright detail (an incredible shawl, brooch or cufflinks) will attract everyone's attention. Yes, and in conclusion, do not forget to give your face the most mysterious expression possible.