The name of children's events for autumn holidays. Planning events for the time of the autumn vacation with the children of the Central Group

"Autumn Court"

Game program on the days of the autumn vacation.

Slide №1

Leading: Hello, dear guys! Today we will spend a very interesting and fun competitive game program with the funny name "Autumn Courtyma". I will try to make everyone take part in our program, having fun from the soul, so that our contests remember all the guys.


Explain the game.

Musical Screensaver No. 1.

Slide number 2.

Leading:And now for you guys

I will make a riddle ...

He is green in colors,

Meet the sun ready

Fresh, elegant, silky

Emerald slim ... (leaf)

On green omit

Two green girlfriends

Loudly Kvakali: "Kva-kva!

"Green around herb!"

These loud quiet

Amphibians ... (frogs)

Angry Nadrog

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

Needles a lot,

And the threads are none. (Hedgehog)

Gray, scary and toothy


All animals fled.

Frightened peeling those ... (wolf)

Wears a gray vest,

But the wings - black.

See twenty couples

And scream: Carr! Carr! Carr! (crow)

Not woodcutter, not a carpenter,

And the first worker in the forest. (woodpecker)

Like a tiny call. (Lark)

I do not go and do not fly

And try, catch up!

I am Golden.

Well, in a fairy tale to look! (a fish)

He lives in the pool itself,

The owner of the depth.

He has a huge mouth,

And the eyes are slightly visible. (SOM)

She saw in her mouth.

She lived underlook.

Frightened everyone, all swallows,

And now - I got into the boiler. (pike)

Slide number 3.

COMPETITION:3 people For play: Glasses, 3 eye dressings

Disposable glasses are set on the floor. Purpose: Step over each glass with tied eyes, not one that is not crushing. After the participant tied the eyes, the glasses are cleaned.

Musical Screensaver No. 2.

Slide number 4.

COMPETITION:2 people For play: 2 eye dressings

Two people with tied eyes make a "gate". The rest of the children pass through the "gate", one by one: on socks, crawling jogging.

Children depicting a "gate" must hear and catch as many people as possible.

Musical Screensaver number 3.

Slide number 5.

For the game: 30 clothespins and 3 eye bandages

Leading:Well, now, guys, let's snoring in speed and dexterity. I suggest play the next competition "Cluspit". For this game, I need 2 pairs, each of which make up a boy and a girl.

Wins, that couple, whose player ahead will collect clothespins from his partner.

Musical Screensaver No. 4.

Slide number 6.

i choose 5 people, and they are partners

Competition: "Small button"

Now I suggest you guys, remember fairy tales, riddles, songs. We will hold a fabulous music quiz. The main condition for the participants of the Quiz - you need not just remember the correct answer, and if it is a song, then sing a line from this song.

The master reads the questions, the player who knows the correct answer to be thrown into its own button, whose button first will open, this couple answers

For the game: 5 hats with a sponge, 5 chairs


    What a fabulous hero pushed his nose in the boiler hole? Pinocchio.

    What words "attributed to the corner" boy in his drawing?

Let there always be the sun, let it always be the sky ...

    What word ends the mystery: "Two ends, two rings, and in the middle ..." Carnation.

    Who was friends for grasshopper? Did not touch the goat and the shots and flies.

    What is winter and in summer in one color? Christmas tree

    Hanging on the fence, paper sheet. What is written on it?

Disappeared dog nicknamed boyfriend.

    What remains from the sulfur goat after walking in the forest?

Horns and legs

    Bremen musicians believe that there is nothing better in the world than ...? Than to wander to friends in Bella.

    Who can eat young children in Africa if they go there to walk? Barmalei

    Where does Friendship begins? Well, friendship begins with a smile .

    What is the favorite dish of forty-thiefs? Nasca

    What dog is bruising from? Only from the life of a dog's dog is biting.

    What kind of pear cannot be ease? Light bulb

    What song fought in trouble, and in battle brave captain?

Captain, Captain, smile, After all, a smile is a ship flag ...

Slide number 7.

Leading:Now we have just made sure that everyone, you, very well know and love fairy tales, riddles, songs. But, I really want to check how quickly and deftly you will handle the next task. Our next competition is called "Balloon". For the game, I need 3 teams of 5 people each. The task is as follows: try chairs to carry balloons in tablespoons across the room. That team wins, all players who have never dropped a ball from a spoon.

For play: 3 Inflated Ball, 3 tablespoons

Musical Screensaver No. 5.

Slide number 8.

Leading: Our next competition is called "Rvichi". 4 people compete in this competition.

Players are awarded newspaper sheet and is offered for 10 seconds. Break it on as many bulls as possible.

After completing the task, it is announced that the winner will be the one who, with the help of a scotch, quickly glues his sheet back.

For the game: 5 newspaper sheet, 5 rolls Scotch, 5 scissors.

Musical Screensaver No. 6.

Slide number 9 *

Leading: And here "Game in words", designed for those who wish to show their logical thinking, reveal their intellectual abilities.

5 teams of 3 people participate.

The game with the audience:

Competition Intellectuals

1. What word consists of Polbukhva? (Field, fields, regiment.)

2. How many letters do you need to get a big pile of hay? (One hundred - stack.)

3. Shouted the rooster and woke up one person. How many cocks need to wake ten people? (One.)

4. How many ends of one stick? (Two.) And five? (Ten.) And six and a half? (Fourteen.)

the lead is summarized, checks the words and displays the winner team.

Slide number 10.

Competition: "List Falls" - I choose 3 people

Teams will be given to you:

"Sun" - Dance Rock and Rol;

"Bouquet" - press 2 people each other;

"Wind" - twist around him, screaming "U-U-U-U";

"Puddle" - we get up in a circle and we take by the shoulders;

"List Falls" - run and choose a partner.

I will call the team in a different way, your task is not to get down! Be careful!

Ready? Well, then went!

Musical Screensaver No. 7.

Slide number 11.

Leading:And now, guys, I suggest checking how carefully you know how to listen to other people. The next our competit for attentiveness and on the speed of response.

I suggest you, the crurch "Supermodit".

The goal of the crochets: You guys must clap if I can wear things that can be worn, and it is impossible to wear if you wear.

The text of the crochets:

I once matured

Supermodit alone.

You do not see such

And never meet ever.

I saw a skirt on her ... (cotton)

Not one, but at once two ... (Topot)

On the shoulders of fish fur coat ... (Topot)

And the pot on the head ... (Topot)

On her legs boots ... (cotton)

On high heel ... (cotton)

And in the ears hang earrings ... (cotton)

And tights on hand ... (Topot)

Scarf dangles on the neck ... (cotton)

On the nose glasses like a shadow ... (cotton)

In the hair fan fan ... (Topot)

And on the belt belt ... (cotton)

And there is a blouse on it ... (cotton)

Umbrella cane in hand ... (cotton)

On the shoulder hanging jellyfish ... (Topot)

And briefcase on a leash ... (Topot)

Eating on the finger ring ... (cotton)

And on the neck of the kittel ... (Topot)

And the pendant heart ... (cotton)

And batter handkerchief ... (cotton)

If you meet that girl,

Remember this disadvantage

But I want to wish you

There are no such fashion not to meet.

Folder: Colored Dancing

Slide number 12.

Game: "Layer"

In this game, we all become each other with a row, holding the belt or behind the shoulders standing ahead. The head of the train is "steam locomotive" - \u200b\u200bquickly runs, often and unexpectedly changes the direction.

We must follow him and do not break away from the train.

Leading: I will call that part of the body for which during the movement you should grab (belly, knees, nose, heels, etc.). Ready? Answer - "Yes!" Then we went!

Musical Screensaver No. 8.

Slide number 13.

Leading: Who knows what is a casino? Now I suggest you play "Music Casino". I have written fragments of fast and slow melodies. Everything participates in the game. I offer players to make bets: guess what melody will sound - fast or slow.

Players who put on a quick melody are becoming to the right of the lead that put on the slow - on the left. Not guessing leave.

The game continues until one person remains - the winner of the musical casino.

For the game: Musical fragments sound ... ..


Slide number 14.

Leading:So our program came to the end. You played wonderful today, answered questions, having fun, supported each other. Before new meetings guys!

Autumn school holidays are ideal for visiting major museums and attractions of the capital, to pay time for which other days is problematic. How best to plan a whole week vacation is in our route.

Day 1. Zoo and planetarium

On the first day, go to zoo, one of the oldest in Europe. It was opened in 1864 by the imperial Russian society of acclimatization of animals and plants and then called Zoosad. Now more than a thousand species of animals live here.

For a walk around the zoo, lay a few hours. It is better to plan a visit to the morning: so it will be possible to avoid a crowd from the voles - and the children will be able to better consider the guests of the zoo.

Before going to the zoo, be sure to explore the feeding schedule on the official website of So you will definitely see animals that in daytime are often hiding in secluded places. Indeed, in nature, the main activity of most animals falls on Twilight - Morning and Evening. During exponential feedings, animals are most active, so young visitors will have more chances to watch them. In addition, during feedings, the zoo employees talk about the peculiarities of a particular animal.

Dine after a tiring tour on the animal world of different continents go to italian Restaurant Bella Pasta (Red Presnya, 6/2, Building 1).

Dedote the second half of the day to the campaign in planetariumwhich is located not far from the zoo. It will be interesting here and younger schoolchildren, and high school students: the exposition in this scientific complex is arranged in such a way that everyone will find a lesson in the shower. After inspecting meteorites, launching a rocket with a hydrogen engine and sending a message to aliens, look into a large star hall where you can see the stars on the largest dome of Europe.

Day 2. Moscow Kremlin

The second day of the holidays dedicate the main Moscow sightseeing - Kremlin.. Stroll around the Cathedral Square, visit the Armory. Tickets worth buying in advance: their number is limited - and they quickly end. Tickets are sold strictly for a certain time, so do not be late.

For children, the Museums of the Moscow Kremlin prepared several special programs. They are held two or three times a week. Among them are the "Legends of the Middle Ages in the monuments of the Armory", "Russia in the Troubles", "Peter I and His Epoch", "Heroes of the myths of ancient Greece in the monuments of the Armored Chamber" and others. Such routes are designed for schoolchildren 9-12 years.

A visit to the museums of the Moscow Kremlin to children under 16 - free.

And after - stroll around the Kremlin. Attractions of the capital, concentrated around the Kremlin Wall, are collected in

Autumn holidays in most schools in Moscow and Moscow region are held from October 29 to November 5. This year, Halloween falls on the school holidays, in addition to the traditional festivals of Sportlend and Golden Turtle, and Halloween falls out, so the "generation z" will not be bored. Riamo's browser chose the brightest events for schoolchildren in Moscow.

Week of Games in Poland Pioneers

From October 29 to November 4, a traditional autumn "Week of Games and Toys" will be held at the Moscow Palace of Pioneers on Sparrow Mountains. Among the sites of the exhibition: "Ignoret", "Waste Sloboda" with rolling games, the territory of dynamic desktop and electronic games "Start Track", "University Town" for amateurs of intellectual games, experiments, technical modeling, "Art Quarter" with literary games and the theatrical games. Schoolchildren will be able to participate in programs both groups and individually or with their parents. Guests are waiting for new products, folk games from all over Russia, attractions games, scientific and educational programs, master classes, as well as the fair of the original games. On November 3 and 4, it will be possible to get on family gaming programs and participate in the board games in the marathon. A detailed schedule of weeks can be found on the official website of the Palace of Pioneers.

Where:Moscow, Palace of Pioneers on Sparrow Mountains


Cartoon premieres

In the period of the autumn holidays, several prime minimers will come to the rental of cinemas. The most expected already on the screens - the cartoon "Smalfut" about the young friendly Yeti, who meets the native "beast" - man. Older schoolchildren will be interested in children's horror in "Horror 2: Restless Halloween", the continuation of the story about the busiest monsters from children's horror stories. It will go on the screens on November 1. On the same day, the cartoon shows for kinomans from the category 6+ "We - Spies" about the adventures of the red-haired garny cat. Thinking schoolboy will suit the French film "How to strive school with benefit" about the amazing adventures of the family orphan field.

Where: Cinemas in Moscow and region

Cost:from 300 rubles

Children's Halloween.

In the creative workshops of "Vinzairy" a festive program for schoolchildren prepared from October 31 to November 4. Here children are waiting for the "terror workshop", where you can make a doll-golem and revitalize a huge mechanical dragon, as well as a "Mexican holiday", "terrible" excursions and much more. Tickets for 1300 rubles can be purchased directly on the winery.

Halloween will be celebrated in the city of children's professions "Kidzania". Until November 5, the center will turn into a mysterious Mexican city with "candy blood entertainment and an incredible flavor." Children and parents are waiting for aquagrim in the style of Mexican Calaver, thematic games, master classes and other entertainment Mexico.

The cost of a children's ticket is 1290 rubles. More information with the program can be found on the Park website.

On October 31, Halloween will be celebrated in the Bulgakov House. Older schoolchildren waiting for excursions to the Halloween Museum in the Bulgakov House, "Secret Rooms of the Bulgakovsky House", as well as a pedestrian tour "Moscow Spiritic". Tickets - from 350 rubles.

Where:Moscow, CSI "Vinzavod", "Kidzania", Museum "Bulgakovsky House"

Cost:from 350 rubles to 1300 rubles

"Sportlend" on VDNH

From 3 to 5 November, an interactive exhibition of children's leisure and active recreation "Sportlend" will be held at the VDNH. A more than one hundred different games will be presented in the game: a whole park of trampolines will earn, an extreme park will open, creative workshops, concerts will go in non-stop mode. The fans of electronic games and robotics are waiting at the site "Cyber \u200b\u200bGame", lovers of the velocity - at the "Game Factory", and children with the "creative technical warehouse of the mind" will gather on the site of the "technoneania".

Where: VDNH, Pavilion №69

Cost: 300 rubles.

Festival "Golden Turtle"

In the Central House of Artist, on November 4, the main eco-event of the vacation - the festival of wildlife "Golden Turtle" starts. The program: the largest exhibition of natural photography, display of documentaries, lectures and master classes for children and adults. Visitors are waiting for meetings with unique people - for example, with Dutch, Jan Vermeer. The photo artist will present his project "Fragility" - a trip to Africa, Antarctic, as well as in some places of the Arctic. The festival will last until November 18.

Where: Moscow, TsDH.

Cost: full - 400 rubles, school - 250 rubles

Factory of cartoons in the Moscow Museum

From 3 to 5 November, the "Cartoon factory" will open in the Moscow Museum for the first time - a unique entertainment and educational site dedicated to animation. Here will come up with stories, draw, sculpt or collect heroes, revive them and voice. Classes in the factory will hold the best artists, screenwriters, animators, master of voice leading Russian studios. In 15 workshops, small and adult visitors will shoot cartoons both in the usual technicians - hand drawn, plasticine, doll, and in more rare - for example, animations of clothing, sand or abstract animation.

Where:Moscow City Museum

Cost:children - 1200 rubles, accompanying an adult - 600 rubles.

Night of Art 2018

The annual All-Russian campaign "Night of Art" will not work and small visitors. The Moscow Zoo in the framework of the "Night of Art" on November 4-5, 2018 prepared the program "Animals in Art." Visitors will tell how animals are filmed in the cinema and become literary heroes. Also, the family quest "Selected Totmeys" will be held on the main animals of Zooada.

In the Central City Children's Children's Library named after Arcadia Gaidar, a literary and artistic program "Books and Fantasy Irina Pleetin and Larisa Romanovskaya" was prepared specifically to the "Nights of Art". Children waiting for a meeting with an illustrator artist and a writer.

For those who want to get acquainted with the crust of the cinema and master the Aza animation cinema, the Gallery "Nagornaya" will hold the master class "Animation and its secrets". More information about the "Nights of Art" programs on the official website of the action.

Where: Moscow Zoo , Central Children's Library. Arkady Gaidar, Gallery "Nagornaya"

Cost:free registration

Big festival cartoon
from October 27 to November 6
20 sites in Moscow: Moscow Cinema Cinema Cinema Network, Karo 11 October, Center for Documentary Cinema, Cinemas, Pioneer, Cultural Center Zil and others

For 12 days, guests will show 50 unique cartoon programs and 400 cartoons from around the world. Free cartoons will also be visited in cultural centers, libraries, parks, and even in post offices. The opening of the BFM will be held at the Cinema Cinema 11 October, and the award ceremony and the completion of the festival in the Cosmos Cinema. Within the framework of the BMF, the Cartoon Network exhibition will also open, dedicated to the famous TV series Adventure Time.

Art festival for children "big change"
from October 28 to November 5
on different platforms in Moscow

This time the festival will not be limited to the theaters for children, and will present various types of art: literature, theater, cinema, music, visual arts. Most of the events are created at the junction of genres: theater and visual technologies, exhibitions and master class, performances and collective games, concert and narration, lectures and presentations, etc. All week at festival sites will be held master classes. You can study the techniques of ancient embroidery, draw comics or pass the quest for Zamoskvoretia.

All-Russian Children's Book Festival
28, 29 and 30 October
Russian State Children's Library

This year the theme of the festival will be the world of animals and nature conservation. Guests are waiting for an exhibition-fair of children's books of more than 50 publishers of Russia. For three days, more than 100 events will be held for all ages: meetings with writers, illustrator artists, master classes, interactive performances, cinema and animated shows.

Festival of Illustrations "Morse"
27, 28th and 29 October
ArtPlay Design Center

From October 27 to October 29, the International Book Illustration Festival "Morse" is held. Guests are waiting for exhibitions of illustrators, lectures and meetings, master classes, leadership, publishing and illustrative market. For children prepared a separate program. At the exhibition of the festival, 133 artists from different countries will be presented.

Culture Day of the Czech Republic and Slovakia
29th of October
children's city of Masterslavl masters
tickets: from 300 to 1190 rubles.

Czech cartoons are waiting for guests, creative master classes to create decorations from clay and wooden dolls, culinary classes and tastings, as well as lectures on the Czech and Slovak culture. You can get acquainted with the mobile and desktop games of the Czech Republic and visit the concert of folk music and dancing.

Festival of Russian Geographic Society
from 3 to 12 November
is free

The holiday is dedicated to the peoples of Russia. For ten days, the guests of the holiday will be able to get acquainted with the customs of their neighbors and distant neighbors: to look into the traditional dwellings of the peoples of Russia, learn the secrets of the masters of ancient crafts, listen to centuries-old legends, try bright national costumes and much more. The festival will collect scholars-ethnographers, travelers, masters of traditional crafts, folk ensembles and designers of ethnic fashion from the whole country.

Exhibition "Sportlend - the territory of childhood"
from 3 to 6 November
tickets: Free / from 350 rubles.

Within the framework of the exhibition, sports master classes and competitions, cybersport tournaments, competition among radio-controlled models, robots battle, Lasertag's strategic battles, rope city, and much more are held. Each child will be able to try himself in new types of creativity, the exhibition territory will be divided into thematic areas.

Wildlife Festival "Golden Turtle"
until November 5.
tickets: 650 rub. Adults, 350 rubles. schoolchildren, up to 5 years for free

Within the framework of the festival, the largest exhibition of professional photography of the wildlife Golden Turtl will be held. Master classes and classes will be held for children, the photowon will work with "Smeshariki" and a lecture on the magazine "Cat Schrödinger". Visitors will be able to pass the audio-test dedicated to the preservation of nature to visit the VR-cinema, visit the film and meetings with photographers.

Master classes and excursions

Factory cartoon
from 3 to 6 November
Cultural Center ZIL.
from 500 to 1500 rubles.

At the "Factory of cartoons", children and adults will be able to learn how to create cartoons in different animation techniques, to get acquainted with the history of Russian and global animation, will receive experience in design and teamwork. Each route includes four master class on various animation species. For kids, there are two routes from 3 to 5 years, for children and adolescents from 7 to 15 years old - four, each of which is dedicated to different topics: "Cinema", "Theater", "sound", "Illustration".

Excursions for schoolchildren on "Robostation"
from October 27 to November 6
Robostation at VDNH
tickets: from 350 rubles / person.

Children are waiting for a fun and useful journey into the world of technical sciences on the themes: the profession of the future, artificial intelligence and neural networks. Robots from different countries, fun guides, scientific experiences, a zone for creativity, games, designers, puzzles and engineering tasks.

Excursion - Quest "Imagination game"
until November 5.
Museum Anatoly Zvereva
tickets: from 1000 rubles.

The excursion is built in the form of a dialogue game, each child is issued a peculiar guidebook, in which there is both intellectual and graphic tasks. Participants learn what experiment in art, as new forms arise, is it possible to write a philosophical still life or create a portrait of a playing card.

Autumn creative laboratories ZIL
from 6 to 12 November
Cultural Center ZIL.
cost: 15,000 rubles.

In the cultural center, ZIL for schoolchildren on the days of the autumn vacation will be held creative laboratories "Stoy Step: Poetic Reconstruction of the Classes of Complex Cultural Training" Upbet "and" Video Blog "of the McGaffin Youth School.

Autumn City Club Innocamp
from October 30 to November 10
center for scientific discoveries "Innopark"
cost: 10,000 rubles / 5 days, 2500 rubles / day

During the autumn vacation, Innocamp in Sokolniki Park invites children to five-day shifts. The program: Creative and scientific master classes, active and board games, outdoor activities. In his free time, children get acquainted with the exposition of the "Innopark" museum, reveal the secrets of phenomena and things, master the laws of physics, put experiments, experiment.

Autumn workshops on "Winzoda"
from October 30 to November 5
Creative workshops for any age
cost: from 350 rubles per hour

Classes invite children from 5 years. Workshops are open daily from 8:30 to 20:30. Children will be fired from wool rowabined borders and autumn leaves, sew broths and funny toys from felt, draw a bright autumn landscape with sponges, make lanterns with colored windows and bird feeders, to paint the candlesticks with stained pars, glue the dwarf houses, shoot a cartoon about dragons, Cook soap and fragrant candles.

Workshops in the Green School
October 31
Gorky Park
tickets: 250 rubles.

Interesting workshops work in a green school on weekdays and weekends. On different days, you can visit classes on sculptural modeling, where they create sculptures of different animals with their own hands, carpentry or pottery workshops, ecology lessons or occupation dedicated to Botanic.


The exhibition Takasi Murakami "There will be a tender rain"
Museum of Contemporary Art "Garage"
tickets: 300 rubles. Adults, 100 rubles. Schoolchildren, up to 10 years for free

The first personal exhibition of Takasi Murakami in Russia consists of five chapters, each of which is devoted to a particular phenomenon of Japanese culture. Within the framework of the family days on weekends, creative workshops for children and adults are open at the museum, where each participant learns new about culture everyday life and holidays of modern Japan, traditional crafts and actual art and will be able to create their own work. The most young visitors to the teachers will get acquainted with the heroes and plots of Japanese fairy tales, and the older children are waiting for fascinating thematic excursions for the exhibition Takasi Murakami "there will be a tender rain."

Exhibition of works by Alexander Labas "October"
daily, except Monday
Institute of Russian Realistic Art
tickets: 300 rubles., Preferential - 150 rubles.

The exhibition of the cycle of graphic and picturesque works by Alexander Labas "October" is devoted to the century of the revolution of 1917. The exposition presents about 50 graphic and picturesque works - masterpieces from the Collections of the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum, Pushkin Museum and Labas Fund. The exhibition is accompanied by a series of weekly lectures "Art Lunch" and public lectures.

Exhibition "Energy Dreams"
from November 3, daily, except Tuesday
State Historical Museum
tickets: 350 rub., Up to 16 years old

The new exhibition in the museum was dedicated to the century of the Great Russian Revolution of 1917. 12 exposure sections will take almost the entire space of the Gima exhibition complex. Visitors will demonstrate unique things created in the era of great hopes. Will be to see what the names of the sections are worth a lot: "His and others", the "USSR at construction", "Wings of Dreams", "Culture Culture", indispensable: "In a healthy body - a healthy mind."

Multimedia exhibition "Leonardo da Vinci"
Cultural Center ZIL.
tickets: Adults - 450/600 rub., Schoolchildren - 350/400 rubles, up to 7 years for free

Guests of the exhibition will be seen such masterpieces as "Madonna Benouua", "Annunciation", "Portrait of Jinchi Ginevier", "Waxes", "Madonna in the rocks", "Lady with Mornosta", "Madonna Litta", "Mona Lisa", etc. The multimedia project transmits the story of a genius in a bright and non-standard format, the paintings come to life in front of visitors, revealing their hidden meaning laid down in each of them.


Performances of the festival "See music"
28, October 31, November 1
DK "Rublevo", theater them. N.Sats
tickets: from 150 rubles.

At the festival of performances of musical theaters "see music", several ideas for children will be shown - part of them during the holidays. So, October 28 in DC "Rublevo" will be held "Hello I'm your aunt!" Theater "On Basmannaya" for spectators from 6 years. In the music theater. N.Sats can see the musicals of the Karambol Children's Theater from St. Petersburg: "Ugly duck" (October 31, 6+) and "Joseph and Dreams" (November 1, 12+).

Tours of the Khabarovsk Doll Theater
From October 24 to October 31
Moscow Regional Puppet Theater
tickets: 750 rubles.

In the Moscow theater of dolls, you can see the performances brought by the Khabarovsk theater of dolls. From 29 to 31 October spectators from 5 years waiting for multimedia puppet performance "Chepuha ha ha". Sessions take place at 11:00 and 16:00.

Performances in the theater "Sphere"
October 28, 3 and 5
Theater "Sphere", Hermitage Garden
tickets: from 500 rubles.

October 28 and November 3, the theater will be shown on the book Ulf Stark for adolescents, and on November 5 in the "sphere" will be held marathon performances about Simmodursen: "Simple-free, marzipan holiday and the Great Spring Day", "Simple-free, the Grand Screensy Theater and Goldfish," "Simple and the Grand Abduction of the River."

Circus Show "Little Prince"
October 29 and 31, 1, 2, 4, 5 November
Circus Miracles on Kuntsevskaya
tickets: from 450 rubles.

The audience is waiting for a big show program dedicated to the Starry Boy. Famous circus artists, acrobats, trained animals and truly funny clowns are involved in the performance. Staging combines circus, multimedia, laser, short, musical and interactive show.

Show "Bronugot: Fighting Robots"
29th of October
IC "Olympic"
tickets: 400-5000 rub.

Steel machines will comply in the spectacular fight in the new season of battles of the Robots "Bronugot". Guests are waiting for three grand shows on one day. This year, robotics from Holland, England and Belgium will also take part in the Russian tournament. Honest fighting robots will evaluate in several criteria: aggression, damage, strategy and management.