Family journey through the entire family museum. In the museum of the whole family

The life and development of a person is largely determined by the family. Currently, the family is experiencing a difficult period of development: the transition from the traditional family model to the new, the types of family relations are changing. The process of reviving family values \u200b\u200binvolves the participation in it of various sociocultural institutions. Among them, a special place is given to the museum. In this regard, work with a family audience is one of the priorities of the museum.

The purpose of the program "In the museum of the whole family" - promoting the upbringing of sustainable and meaningful interest in children and parents to historical and cultural heritage.

Program tasks:

- popularize the cultural and historical heritage of Belozeria;

- Develop new programs to attract a family audience to acquaintance and the study of the cultural and historical heritage of the museum;

- to introduce new forms of collaboration of parents with children.

The program is intended for a family audience. We invite children with parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents.

Program directions:

- cultural and educational

- Leisure and entertainment.

Forms of work:

  1. Excursions, lectures, master classes, game events.
  2. Once a month, a family holiday was held within the framework of the program (last Saturday of each month). For large families, children under 16, students entry on exposure and exhibitions in the museum are free.
  3. For a family audience, a Family Subscription program has been developed with children of preschool and school age. Classes within the subscription are held once a week and consist of eight lessons: four times a month (every Sunday).

"Family trip to the museum" (with children of preschool age from 5 to 7 years)

  1. Puppet presentation "History of a pottery"
  2. Puppet performance "Baby fun"
  3. Puppet performance "Azbid Truths"
  4. Master class "Drawing by a goose pen"
  5. Puppet view "Tale about feather and inking"
  6. Master class "Beauty at the tip of the pen"

"Family trip to the museum" (with school children from 7 years)

  1. Master class "Making a pot"
  2. Lecture "Walking Song Pottery Circle"
  3. Lecture "Russian man-made toy"
  4. Master Class "Miscellane of Clay Toys"
  5. Lecture "Writing History"
  6. Master class "Russian calligraphy. Letter Bioet Fee "
  7. Lecture "History of Written Accessories"
  8. Master class "Russian calligraphy. Letter with a pointed pen "

Subscription cost per person - 120 rubles

List of classes

Game events

  1. Magic chest
  2. Mystery of monastic diploma
  3. Treasure in the monastery
  4. Easter games
  5. Russian folk games

Master classes

  1. Beauty at the tip of the pen
  2. Goat - symbol of the year
  3. Victory Star
  4. Easter card
  5. Angel from Beads
  6. Baby chest dolls
  7. New Year's souvenir
  8. Bird-spin
  9. Patternation
  10. Non-traditional s drawing machine
  11. Decoupage Easter eggs
  12. Doll-Bell.
  13. Folk doll. Toynitsa

The cost of the master class per person - 20 rubles


  1. History of Russian writing
  2. Kargapol toy
  3. City of ancient masters
  4. Russian clay toy
  5. Holiday holiday - Easter
  6. Bell world
  7. Antiquities Belozeria
  8. Good dolls. Old fairy tales
  9. Fishing Cyril-Belozersky Monastery (with master class elements)

Cost of classes per person - 10 rubles


  1. History of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery
  2. Popious art Belozeria
  3. At dusk temple
  4. Craft and masterpieces
  5. Excursion to the Museum of History of the City and District
  6. Pedestrian tour of the city of Kirillov
  7. Excursions for temporary exhibitions that pass in the treason and refectory chambers, the People's House and the Museum Conference Hall

The cost of excursion per person - 10 rubles

September 20 in the capital starts the seventh annual intermouse project "Family journey. With the whole family in the museum! " And last until November 9th. As part of this event, 24 Moscow Museum weekly, on Saturday and Sunday, will cease to be ordinary museums and will be united into thematic routes, becoming a place for fun and games, research and observations, disputes and reflections.

All that is required from travelers is to find a suitable route for interest and age, and after - to go towards colorful impressions. You can start your journey from any museum. To do this, you need to purchase a regular entrance ticket and additionally get a traveler's passport for free, a guidebook and oral farewell from the museum employee. You can travel for museums in any order.

Young travelers after visiting each next museum receive another, new guidebook and all related additional materials. Guys, which for the period of the event will visit all museums within one thematic route, are expected to be small memorable gifts and a traveler's diploma.

For the smallest travelers (from 3 to 4 years old), which are not in the age category of the project "from 5 to 7 years old" will prepare special leaves with simple, but very interesting tasks.

Within the framework of the parallel project of the program on travel days of all participants, a variety of additional events are waiting. Museums, cultural centers, exhibition halls and children's libraries have already prepared over 30 specially designed family and children's events, which are intended to organize interesting, useful, unforgettable and fascinating pastime for children and their parents.

Travelers will be able to participate in a variety of museum master classes, visit theatrical stoken, and the most courageous and curious will be able to participate in theatrical productions, quests and musical experiments.


For almost a hundred years of existence, the Museum of Modern History of Russia collected a rich collection - 1.3 million exhibits and historical documents. The exposition is located on the three floors, in the building there is an outdoor lecture, where classes are constantly underway for lovers of history and schoolchildren who are preparing for the exam. For all those who wanted on Wednesdays at 19:00, free lectures are held who read scientists and teachers of leading Russian universities.

ul. Tverskaya, d. 21

Museum of cult cars M.O.S.T. 0+

Guests of the museum of cult cars M.O.S.T. The thematic expositions will be able to see, get acquainted with the technical device of custom cars, visit lectures and film images on the automotive topics and admire the cult Delorean DMC-12, decorated in the "Back to the Future" style.

ul. Crimean shaft, d. 10, entrance opposite Gorky and CSH Park

Museum of automotive stories 0+

The exposition of the museum is a fascinating story about the history of Soviet pedal cars. Come the whole family and make an exciting journey into the past!

ul. Coptevskaya, d. 71

Museum of History of Chocolate and Cocoa "Bear" 6+

The museum was created with the participation of three leading confectionery factories in Moscow. It presents unusual expositions that visit visitors about the history of chocolate since Maya Indians to this day.

ul. Malaya Krasnoselskaya, d. 7

Interactive Museum-theater "Tajikin House" 0+

"Tajikin House" is a unique platform where young spectators in a game form are familiar with the domestic and foreign folklore, the history and traditions of different peoples. In contact with the centuries-old wisdom, together with the actors, children analyze such concepts as friendship, good, devotion.

ul. Avtozavodskaya, 18, TRV "Riviera", 3rd floor

Zoological Museum of Moscow State University 0+

In one of the oldest metropolitan museums, more than 10 thousand exhibits were collected, telling about the variety of animal world of the planet. Among the most curious of them - the skeleton of a rare woolly mammoth. Moving from the showcase to the showcase, visitors are as if passing by evolution.

ul. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 6

People's Museum of Musical Instruments 0+

A small museum was created by a group of enthusiasts, not indifferent to folk musical instruments. Interesting exhibits talk about the musical traditions of different nations. So, here you can see Brazilian and Cuban drums, the West African Course, Afghan Rubab and much more. Some tools can be taken in hand and even play them.

ul. Sustvskaya, d. 14

Moscow planetarium 0+

The Moscow Planetarium is a place where the stars in the literal sense of the word become closer. Here come to peer into a huge domestic screen, watch through telescopes behind the celestial bodies, conduct our own scientific experiments. The interactive platform "Lunarium" is greatly successful.

ul. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, d. 5, p. One

Tsitin Botanical Garden 0+

To get acquainted with popular and rare plants from all over the planet invites Tsitin Botanical Garden. Here you can see unique tropical and subtropical varieties, admire the amazing beauty with flowers, explore the flora of Russia. The number of visitors is increasing three days in the days of Sakura flowering.

ul. Botanical, d. 4

Museum of Baron Münhhausen

There are three Museums of the "true truthful hero" in Germany - in Germany (Bodenverder), Latvia (Limbazi) and Russia (Moscow). The central idea of \u200b\u200bthe Moscow Assembly is a comparison of two Munhgauses - the present and fictional.

ul. Folk militia, d. 12, korp. 6.

Animation Museum 0+

The history of animation art in this museum is told on the example of the Soyuzmultfilm masterpieces. Here you can find out how from the decade by the decade there was a technology for the production of cartoon painting paintings, see real relics and meet with your favorite characters.

sh. Izmailovskoe, d. 73zh

In the largest oceanarium of Europe you are waiting for the inhabitants of underwater depths from all over the world. Kita kailts, Baikal nerves, sharks, octopuses, moray, turtles, crocodiles, and hundreds of marine and freshwater fish live here. In the contact pool, you can touch the skate and sea star.

prosp. Peace, d. 119, p. 23

Museum of Man, "Living systems" 0+

"Living Systems" is an educational and entertainment project for the whole family from the creators of Experimental. The museum is an interactive exposition, where in a games form, visitors learn about how the human body is arranged.

ul. Butyrskaya, d. 46/2

Timiryazev Biological Museum 0+

In a museum building, reminiscent of fabulous terme, the taxidermic, paleontological and botanical materials are stored, preparations for developmental anomalies, plastic anthropological reconstructions, sea shells and doubling mushrooms. Here, guests come into contact with the mysterious world of animals and plants, learn about the history of the relationship between man and nature.

From September 26 to November 15, on Saturdays and Sundays, Moscow museums spend a journey game. 27 museums, 4 thematic routes, 27 game guidebooks, 48 \u200b\u200bevents for the whole family. Interesting stories, riddles, puzzles, unexpected fellow travelers and a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure from friendly live communication. All this is "family journey. The whole family in the museum!" - Intermouse program, conducted with the support of the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow.

The program takes part museums dedicated to great events and famous people, musical and artistic, literary and historical, technical and natural scientific. In a rich and versatile program, anyone will find a museum in the soul.

Twenty-seven museums are combined in four routes of the main program, each of which reveals the unifying theme in its own way on the pages of the game guide, finding the meaningful paths to each other. To navigate the exposition and tasks to young travelers will help on game characters' guidebook pages, and thoughtful questions will imperceptibly involve visitors to joint reflections, discussion and exchange of views. For adolescents, a special route has been developed that will not let them feel like the participants of the children's game. A trip can be started with any museum by purchasing a regular entrance ticket to the museum, and continue in any order.

New museum experience will also provide the events of the parallel program designed specifically for the family audience, as well as adolescents.

Game classes and excursions, master classes and quests, literary, musical and historical travel are available to everyone also on Saturdays and Sundays on a special schedule. A separate unit of events prepared libraries. The full content of the parallel program and the schedule of events is located on the project website ( and in a special booklet.

Museums participating program

"Route" in the museum without a leash ... "

"Museum-Panorama" Borodino Battle "

"Museum V. A. Tropinin and Moscow artists of his time

"Gallery Ilya Glazunov

"Museum" P. I. Tchaikovsky and Moscow "(department of VMOMK named after M. I. Glinka)

"State Museum of the East

"MSU Zoological Museum. M. V. Lomonosova

"Museum of modern history of Russia

"Route" in the footsteps ... "

" Space Museum

"Memorial Museum A. N. Scriabin

"Museum and Memorial Complex" History Tank T-34 "

"Moscow State Defense Museum

"Moscow Literary Museum Center K.G. Powest

"State Geological Museum. V.I. Vernadsky RAS

"Museum of money

"Route" everything flows, everything changes? "

"Museum of Archeology of Moscow (department of the Moscow Museum)

"State Biological Museum. K. A. Timiryazev

"Moscow State Joint Museum-Reserve" Kolomenskoye "

"Museum-Reserve" Tsaritsyno "

"House-Museum A. P. Chekhov (Department of the State Literary Museum)

"Route" # memory "

"House N. V. Gogol - Memorial Museum and Scientific Library

"State Museum of Ceramics and" Manor Kuskovo XVIII century "

"Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art

"Museum of Naive Art

"Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War

" Polytechnical Museum

"House Museum A. I. Herzen (Department of the State Literary Museum)

"Museum of the International Society" Memorial "


Project "Family journey. All family in the museum!" - The only large-scale urban intermouse program for the whole family. Annually implemented with the support of the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow since 2008. The initiator and organizer of the program of the State Biological Museum of Museum. K.A. Timiryazeva. In 2014, the overall attendance of the project was more than 110 thousand people.

In the days of school holidays, with 1 to 6 November 2016 year daily, as well as with November 12 to December 18 Every Saturday and Sunday, Moscow museums cease to be just museums! Only once a year, they combine new thematic routes full of surprises, unexpected discoveries, ingenious mysteries and puzzles. Museums become a place for playing and fun, observations and research, reflections and disputes. Museums will open children, teenagers and their parents secrets of different times, people and professions. From travelers it takes one thing - active participation so that no riddle remains unsolved. It is only necessary to choose the right side and interest in the age and interest, and go towards bright impressions.

Topics of project routes "Family journey. All family in the museum"

For children 5-7 years, the route "Science is not a beech!"
Biological Museum. K. A. Timiryazev
Museum of Architecture named after A. V. Schuseva
Moscow Literary Museum Center K. G. Powest
Museum of the Archeology of Moscow
Museum "Moscow Lights"

For children 8-11 years, the route "Science is not bored!"
Pokrovsky Cathedral, State Historical Museum
Polytechnic Museum (Exposition "Russia does Sami")
Zoological Museum of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova
Museum and Memorial Complex "History Tank T-34"
Central Museum of Music Culture. M. I. Glinka
Gallery Ilya Glazunov
"House N. V. Gogol" - Memorial Museum and Scientific Library

For teenagers from 12 years, route "and genius, and experience, and the case ..."
House-Museum A. P. Chekhov, State Literary Museum
Museum of modern history of Russia
Museum of money
Museum of the International Society "Memorial"
Andrei White Memorial Apartment
House Museum A. I. Herzen, State Literary Museum

Travel can be started with any museum in each age-related thematic route. To do this, you need to buy a regular entrance ticket, get a free traveler passport, game guide and a fare of the museum staff. Continue the museum adventure can be in any order.

When visiting each next museum, a young traveler receives a new guidebook, and other necessary materials. And, of course, all travelers are waiting for small, but memorable gifts. And if you visit all the museums of one themed route, then also the traveler's diploma is relying!

If the traveler is so Yun that does not even fall into the category "from 5 to 7 years old" - not the trouble! Indeed, in every museum (except for the teenage route), special sheets with simple, but interesting tasks are prepared for kids for 3-4 years. And for adult travelers, museums prepared a curious additional information to the routes that can be downloaded from the project site.