Kizomba dance. How to dance Kizombu: Video Tutorial "Kizomba - Main steps"

In different sources you can find different information regarding the appearance of this sensual dance. The version is more reliable, that the real homeland of Kizomby - Angolabut there are options that it happened in Cape Verde and distant Sao Tome.. In order not to specify, often say that this dance appeared in Africa. The history of Kizomb's dance is directly related to musical groups, under the hits of which and danced passionate movements, for example, Johnny Ramos., Suzanna Lubrano., Kassav '.

Until the 90s, until the dance fell into Europe, he changed and transformed, so there are many movements from different styles in it. Initially, Kizomba dance existed only at parties of migrants and students from African countries. Through time, he became more common, conquering at first England. In 2009, the first Kizombe championship was held in Warsaw.

Description of dance

Kizomba (Port. Kizomba) - Modern urban popular pair dance, as well as a musical genre. This dance arose as a mixture of traditional Angolan seba and Caribbean. Due to the similarity of the rhythm, the musical style of Kizomb is sometimes confused with the tooth. Kizomba - sensual, romantic, pretty erotic dance.

The word "Kizomba" in the Kimbundu language, where "Kizomba" comes from "Kuzomba", has a male genus and translates as "slowly follow." In modern Portuguese, the concept of "Kizomba" is recorded feminine and the following meanings: African rhythm of Angolan origin; dance performed under such a rhythm; In Angola, has the meaning of "Batuka" and "holiday", "entertainment".

Very often, Kizombi is mistakenly confused with the duke dance, as their rhythms are a bit like. The dance was born in the early 80s in Luanda (Angola) and very quickly became popular in Portuguese-speaking countries (Brazil, Mozambique, Cape Verde and in Portugal himself). To date, in these countries it is very difficult to hold a clear line between the music of Zuk and Kizomba, all these styles are combined into one - Kizcombas. But initially the songs were performed in French, and Kizomby - in Portuguese. The main distinguishing feature of these areas is heavy and clear bits in Kizombe!

A characteristic feature of classical kizomby is a slow, "drig", direct bit, which in modern music is formed at the expense of electronic tools. Musical size kizombi 4/4. As a rule, a new musical theme begins in the cluster of every four clock (16 bits).

The main and most difficult task for dancing is "maintaining and following". For those who dance Salsa, when studying Kizomby, at first it may seem unusual maintenance because it comes from the chest and differs from the knowledge habitual in other social dance. Kizomba is dancing only in a pair. Therefore, the necessary skills are the feeling of rhythm and interaction in a pair.

What is the difference between Kizomba from Bachata?

Many confuse these two styles, so it is important to understand the main differences between these areas:

  1. Backet uses different bundles and transitions that are missing in Kizombe.
  2. Describing what the difference between Bachats and Kizomby, it is worth noting that these styles have different music, rhythm and pace.
  3. Where Kizombie originated, has already been said, but Bachata appeared in the Dominican Republic and first spread to the territory of Latin America.

Technique Kizomby

Dancing move smoothly and slowly, on soft legs with a small bounc for each step, but not "jumping" head. During dance, partners are very close to each other, the partner's hand wars the entire back of the partner, and the left hand of the partner lies with the partner on his back or neck. In steps, partners can make wave-like motions by the case.

One of the most remarkable features of Kizomby is the lack of complex speed dance figures is a calm and smooth dance.
Supports in social kizombe are not an end in itself, they are very minimalistic. But much attention is paid to the plastic of the partner case - the playing of music through the rotation of the hips, the case of the body.

Modern Kizomba, the one we now see on discos, it is largely a dance, very similar on the principles of conducting and following the Argentine Tango, but with a simpler rhythm and the rules of dancing, more "slaughter", with greater external sexuality. As if the inner primary passion of Tango was folded with an untouched reggeton's sexuality and shared the received two. The result was perfectly balanced, sexy, but at the same time remaining within the framework of decency, fascinating his dance with his music.

Because the dance is sensual and emotional, all dancing suggests comparison with Bachata. Do not do this! Kizomba, like Bachata, dancing very close, but if we used to touch the thighs in Bachhat, then here, first of all, there is a touch of a chest and often kizomemba dance literally to the cheek.

Kizomba, despite the rich past, a young dance, and it still grows, develops, is in the process of becoming.

Currently, several main styles of Kizombi are allocated:

  • Traditional(Traditional Kizomba) - An Angolan Kizombi version, dance mainly in Angola and Portugal, characterized by more smooth movements and a circular direction of moving in dance.
  • Urbankiz.(Urban Kizomba) - a consistent version of kizombi, is actively developing in France, characterized by smaller, thin movements, often sudden, acceleration and linear movement.

  • Tarraxinha.(Tarrashany, or Tarrash) is a part of the kizomba, which includes art to dance music practically without moving around the court, characterized by the active movements of the thighs and waves, there is a very close contact of dancing. Maybe as an independent dance, or as a decoration of kizombi.

How to learn to dance Kizombu?

The beginners are not easy to liberate and immediately catch the movement of the new frank dance, but experienced dancers and teachers reveal several secrets.

Use tips to beginner Kizomemba:

Cultural influence

The influence of the Angolan Kizomby is felt not only in most portuguese African countries, but also in Portugal itself (especially in Lisbon and suburbs, such as Amador or Almond). Currently, Kizomb is also quite popular among whites, it is dancing on specialized disco. Since 2005-2010, Kizomb is gaining popularity on salsa festivals and becomes one of the dance studied on them. Currently (2014) the main center of Dance Dance of Kizomb are France and Portugal.

Want to dance, but do not know what dance stop? Perhaps it is kizomba that will become the perfect option! We tell what the essence of the dance, where he originated and where he can learn.

Kizomba is a sensual slow dance, during which partners are very close to each other, almost touching the breast. The Kizomb dance is something like Bachata, but there are no such complex ligaments and many turns, so it will be easier to master it. Especially just to dance Kizombu will be those who are already familiar with rhythmic dances.

Translated from the Kimbundu language, Kizomba is translated as "slowly follow", as the dance is performed slowly and very smoothly. The Kizomba dance originated in Angola (the former Portuguese colony) in the early 80s of the 20th century thanks to the merger of local Dance Meling and Seb. It also influenced the traditional Cuban movements and the famous tango. That is why Kizombi is often called the "African Tango".

Dance quickly spread throughout the world, starting from Brazil, Mozambique and, of course, Portugal. Over time, penetrated dance parties in London, and from there Smashed throughout Europe. Music for Kizomby is most often accompanied by words in Portuguese.

In recent years, Kizomba has become popular and in Ukraine, and not surprising! After all, the dance is incredibly romantic, sexy and passionate - well, how to resist him? And although some similarity with some Latin American dances from Kizomby is there, she is an absolutely independent dance that the story proves. In order not to walk around and about, we suggest see the kizomebi on the video and enjoy beautiful and gentle movements.

Kizomba (Port. Kizomba) - Sensual African dance, characterized by close (closed) interaction and smooth, plastic, drilling motion. For the first time appeared in Luanda (the capital of Angola) in the 80s of the 20th century.

The name of Kizomba itself occurred from the word "Kizambada", which initially meant "Party, Tusovka" at the Angolan Kimbundu Dialect.
The choice of the word is not amazing - it is enough to remember the popularity of Zouk, which also means "party" in Antille Creola.

Basic steps

In comparison with the ballroom and many social dances in Kizombe there are no "basic steps" that would be repeated throughout the dance. On the contrary, here in priority the process of movement to music (musicality), and steps can be as much as words in your vocabulary.

Even using only four or five movements, you can successfully dance Kizombi, because the main skill is to the subtleties and quality of communication (interaction) between partners.

If in a pair everything is convenient, if it is done with music - I am happy, you will see a smile on my face, because they feel the music, they follow her. This is what makes the dance exciting, and not the movements

Close contact

Despite the fact that Kizomba is close, contact dance, only from the dancers themselves depends on how much dance will be romantic or, perhaps, sexual.

And, as in any other social dance, politeness and mutual respect are the unlawful rules of behavior between dancers.

Urban Kizomba.

It is also called French style, Modern, Urban KIZ, etc.

This new style has arisen primarily in France and soon became extremely popular worldwide through the incredible number of video on YouTube.

For Urban, KIZ is characterized by a more linear movement, frequent syncoping, pauses and dance in a straight position. And, of course, completely different music.
First of all, it is electronics, including Ghetto Zuk (Ghetto Zouk), Dabstep, remix pops, and house music.

Among the dancers of traditional kizombi, many have not recognized the appeared direction, believing that Urban dancers do not know how to dance for real music of Kizomby. And opposed the separation of one dance on the "Traditional Kizomba" and "Urban Kizomba", demanding that only the dance "Kizomba" and "everything else".

As a result, the division of these two dances on the actual Kizomemba and a separate direction of Urban KIZ was formed.

Kizomba as a musical genre

Kizomby Music stems from traditional seven in Angola (Semba (Semba) -Tannet, which emerged in Luanda in the 40s of the 20th century) and draws inspiration from various African musical forms and famous Caribbean dance Zouk.

The long-term civil war in Angola, in one form or another that has been continuing from 1975 to 2002, destroyed the Angola's sound recording industry and forced artists to look for opportunities for work and record abroad.

Gradually spreading through Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau and other portuguese-speaking countries, Music Music was accepted with interest to dancers and musicians of various nationalities and constantly evolved.

Now the center of popularity and development of Kizomby is Western Europe (gradually spreading further in the world), and in his homeland, in Luanda, greatly loses to the seven.

Disputes about the appearance

Many consider the 1984 Kassava concert in Luanda to the turning point for the birth of Kizomby, but Eduardo Payam (the key figure in Kizombe) does not agree with this.

In discussions at the Summit of the White House of Kizomby in 2016, he said that "Zuk from the Antilles" already performed in Angola a few years before the concert and that "any analysis of the kizomba as a genre should start since 1979."

Kizomba - pair dance of African descent, as well as a musical genre. This article will discuss, mainly about Kizombe as a dance.

How did Kizomba arose?

In the middle of the last century, the expression "Kizombadas" did not have anything in common with dancing or music and served as the designation of a big noisy party. In Angola, at that time there were ethnic dances at the peak of popularity, especially carnival.

One of them, incendiary seb Dodse, soon came out beyond the borders of the country, but in his journey the world a new musical style was gradually transformed. The authentic sound of national tools was replaced by a softer and eventually turned into a romantic sensual melody of kizombi.

Calovo "Kizomba" The first used the drummer of the group "S.O.S". In some cases, inexperienced listeners may seem that Kizomba and zuk Almost the same. But there is a difference - the musical accompaniment of the dance in the style of zuk sounds mainly in French, and Kizomba in Portuguese.

Types and styles of Kizomby

Kizomba Dance Some is called the "African Tango" and there is a 4 species, in accordance with the tradition of countries: Portugal, Cape Verde, Angola and Guinea-Bissau. In addition, there are several styles:

  • Passada - the classic version of the dance, most common in Cape Verde;

    Kizomba-Passada by Axel and Jessica

  • Tarraxinha (Tarraxinha) It assumes close contact of the partners, as well as a wide variety of movements of the worship of the partners;

    Tarraxinha by Albir and Carola

  • Kuadrinha (Quadrinha) implies a wider step hovering the movements of the thighs;
  • Ventoinha (Ventoinha). It does not have high-speed dance figures;
  • FRENCH STYLE. or Urban Kiz. - The youngest linear style of dance to music in the RNB style, with a powerful bit characteristic of the "urban" sound and the European dance style.

    Urban Kiz by Philipp and Doris

The Alarts themselves recognize their solely, the initial version of the dance.

Features of dance

First of all, you should not forget that the Kizomby dance is a street dance. In Angola, Portugal and Brazil dancing him on the streets quite often. It is worth looking at it once, and you fall in love with this rhythm for life.

Kizomba is, first of all, the pair dance, so you can dance it exclusively with a partner. What is the most important thing in it?

  • Partners retain close contact during the whole dance and practically do not leave each other.
  • All major movements are concentrated in the legs and hips: Kizomba is replete with small exquisite leg movements below the knees; This is a variety of turns, stepping, throwing the legs ...
  • The turn of the foot indicates the direction of movement;
  • Hips make movements with a large amplitude;
  • The right hand of the partner is a partner on the waist; The left hand of the partner is on the neck of the partner.

Kizomba is the exchange of energy between partners. Thanks to the special rhythm of music, partners are part of the trans.

Women's Party in Kizombe

The kizomba dance is poured over the stylistic direction for men and women. But the Women's Party is the greatest interest:

  • Work hips and knees;
  • The penetration with the simultaneous movement of the buttocks.

Such training contributes to weight loss in the field of legs and abdomen, stimulate the improvement of the hormonal background and normalize weight in the natural natural rhythm.

Kizomba Women International Flashmob

  • Footwear. For girls - comfortable sandals with a stable heel not higher than 7 cm, for young men - shoes with lacing or sneakers. It is desirable that the shoes have a thin leather sole. Welcome shoes size in size as the most comfortable for dancing.
  • clothing For kizombi should be elastic and not to fade movement. In girls, it can be flying skirts or dresses, comfortable leggings, young men - loose pants.

Basic steps is what always starts the study of kizombi. Perhaps, in this article, we should use Portuguese for the name of the base steps of Kizombi, because, therefore its main language is Portuguese, but we present here one of the options of the English name of the steps, as English is more often used at international seminars, congresses and kizomba - festivals . By virtue of the features of Music Kizombi, it is desirable (but not necessarily!) So that in the execution of the steps the shapes shared on the eight. Those. So that each executable figure was eight bills (bits).

Basic 1. Single Step. This step is the easiest of all. For each account, the partner walks on the spot from the left foot, then with the right, as if "marching" in place. This is the usual weight transfer - the left leg, the right, left, right - as in Merenge. The partner begins a step from the left foot to 1, right to 2, left by 3, right to 4, etc. The partner respectively does all the same with the right leg. This step can be done both in place and in motion forward or back and in different directions.

Basic 2. Side-to-Side Step. The partner walks to the side from the left foot, then sticks the right leg without transferring weight to it. Then - a step with right foot to the side, and the left foot is attached to the right without complete weight transfer. Movements are repeated, the step and the console are executed on every account. A partner mirrorly duplicates the movements of the partner, starting moving on the right leg. This step can be done both in place and in motion in a circle, that is, turning around the pair axis.

BASIC 3. STEP ON 3. At first glance, this step also seems quite simple: the partner starts moving forward from the left leg, then transfers the weight on the right leg step forward (or in place) and then sticks the left foot, without transferring weight to it.

The second part of the combination partner begins again on the left leg, repeating the same steps in the opposite direction (if the partner in the first part of the movement moved forward, now he goes back). Thus, this combination consists of 6 steps - 3 in each direction. Every three steps begin with the same legs (for a partner - with left). As always, the partner performs this combination mirroring with the right leg. Each step and prefix are performed precisely for each account, thus, the complete step of steps forward and backward (6 steps) takes 6 bills.

And here the trick begins! In Kizombe, the musical size - 4/4, therefore 6 steps of the combination do not fit in 2 times. In other words, if you start moving to 1, then finish it on 6, and not on 8. When you repeat this combination again, you will start moving to 7, and not on 1. A scheme of 6 steps (3 forward and 3 back ) You need to repeat 4 times to finish on 8.

It is easy to calculate that by performing this step, dancers must repeat it 4 times before returning again to the account once in the left foot of the partner. Alternatively, in more complex combinations, dancers can use other steps base steps, change rhythm (for example, dance "counter-tepair") and others, thereby making their dance more interesting.

All the basic steps of Kizomby can be made by one bit of music (in the pace). Stretching a step of several bits (double, triple and TP. BIT). Or even between the bits ("counter-Teemmpo"). Thus, alternating various lengths of the steps, you can very diversify your dance, creating your own rhythmic pattern from the base steps for each song of Kizomby.

Of course, learn kizombe, even the basic steps of kizombi, in the text description is incredibly difficult - almost impossible. After all, the dance is important not only the principle and the sequence of actions, but, as in all dances, in Kizombe the manner of step execution is important. Therefore, in the near future we will add this article by video tutorial in the main steps of Kizombi from the teachers of our dance school. We hope that this article will help you begin to dance Kizomba, even if you do not have the opportunity to attend school, where they are engaged in Kizombe.