How to make distilled water drinkable. Preparation of high-quality distilled water at home

Well, we figured it out - (whether from a tap, filter or boiled) it is IMPOSSIBLE into the battery (this will lead to its death). You say - that you can buy distilled water in a car shop, pharmacy, and even in large retail chains and add as much as you need. This is true, but now there are a lot of fakes on the markets, my readers write to me about this (sellers can pour “ordinary from the tap” into bottles and you won’t know about it), and then the battery fails again. Therefore, today we will make distillate with our own hands at home, and you can make it very easily and quickly, and most importantly, almost for free, without having any special devices for distillation. As usual there will be a text version + video ...

It is worth noting that today we will not only be a manufacturer of distilled water, but we will also check it in a fairly simple way, again without having practically any specialized testers and other things. Well, let's go.

Distillate and bidistillate

As I already wrote in the article (you can follow the link above), ordinary water is not suitable for our battery. Nevertheless, it is full of various impurities (salts, minerals, metals, etc.), all this adversely affects the operation of the battery as a whole (up to the point that the plates can collapse and bridge with each other). Therefore, it is worth using distilled water (also called - distillate ) there are practically no impurities in it and it is it that is needed to prepare the electrolyte.

However, there is another concept bidistillate - this is already a highly purified liquid, which is obtained by double distillation of distilled water and it is PREFERABLE with the use of glassware (metal is not used, because it can leave "traces"). Such water is mainly used in medicine, in the preparation of reagents in chemistry.

You can also use bidistillate for the battery (it will only be a plus for it), but ordinary distillate is also suitable, yet the difference between them is not so global.

How to get distilled water

As we know from physics, water has three states: gaseous (steam), liquid and solid (snow or ice). So, when heated and then evaporated, the purest substance is released. This is due to the fact that - salts, metals, minerals do not evaporate and settle at the bottom of the vessel.

Thus, if you "gather steam", this will be the distillate. It remains only to do this, well, as I think it is not so difficult (there are several fairly easy ways). According to this principle, all "moonshine" devices work. This is the easiest and most efficient way.

DIY at home

Well, let's move on to production. What we need: - ordinary glass glasses. Preferably 4 large ones (beer ones are suitable) - they are needed for steam condensation, and one regular one for collecting. Well, of course, the main culprit is the kettle that needs to be put on the stove.


  • To begin with, we need to wash all the glasses well, we do this under ordinary tap water, wash off all stains and so on, so that they are really clean. BUT you don’t need to wipe the inside - this is important! Any rag will not be perfectly clean, it will leave a bunch of different sediment on the walls (which you won’t even see with your eyes)

  • We pour water from a conventional tap, let it stand for about an hour or two (it is necessary for chlorine and hydrogen sulfide to evaporate). If the kettle was on the stove (boiled water), then this is even better, which means that chlorine has not been there for a long time. Turn on the stove and let the kettle boil.
  • Now we remove all sorts of “whistles” and so on from the spout so that the steam comes out and nothing interferes with it. We pour this steam over the insides of our glasses - EVERYONE! Drops should collect on the walls, which will flow down, hold for a minute so that this steam removes all sediment from the walls. All of our glasses are now all clean (by the way, you need to “wash over” the container as well, where we will collect distilled water later).
  • Next, 4 large glasses, set to cool on the balcony, so that they are right here cold.
  • After they have cooled down, we start the kettle again so that steam starts, put it on the middle position so that the steam is intense, but not so much. Down under the "spout" we put a glass (or container) in which we will collect. Now we alternately bring large glasses over the spout, drops begin to form on the walls and they will flow down in a stream (into our container).

  • I’ll answer right away why exactly 4 pieces, but simply because the glasses are warmed up, it’s inconvenient to hold them, and the condensation process for hot ones is not so effective. Therefore, you need to alternately bring one or the other (while the others cool down). Thus, the steam that condenses and enters the lower tank is the distillate.
  • In half an hour, you can gain about 250 grams, which is enough to add to the battery.

Of course, this is not industrial production, but you are sure that this is not a fake and you will not kill your battery.

How to test distilled water

Making it is certainly good, but we need to be sure that we really got a distillate, because if there are additives, this will negatively affect our battery.

The check is really not difficult, from the course of physics we remember that in distilled water, there are no impurities - salts, minerals, metals and other things. This means that it practically does not conduct electricity.

To check, we need a wire, a light bulb connected to it (that is, in a cartridge), and a “plug” into a 220V socket (of course, we remember safety precautions, this is a must). We cut one wire (make a break), expose two ends - if they are bridged, the bulb will light up. If you lower them into ordinary water (from the tap), the bulb will also burn.

BUT IF I lower it into the "distillate" then the lamp will not burn.

When water is heated, distilled water evaporates, mineralized water remains. Hence the method of obtaining distilled water - trapping steam, cooling it and transferring it to a liquid state.

If you need a little distilled water and the need arose in the summer, then turn on the air conditioner and substitute the container under the outside, where the water drips.

The air conditioner will drip distilled water for you.

Cooking distillate

Getting distilled water at home is based, one way or another, on the transition of water from one state of aggregation to the next. In order to transfer water from a gaseous state to a liquid state, it is necessary to pour water into the pan, which must first be subjected to settling. At the bottom of the pan you need to put a grate, and on it - a glass or porcelain vessel protruding above the water poured into the pan.

Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil over high heat, then keep it boiling over low heat. We choose a flat lid for the pan, because after boiling water, you need to put ice on it. Due to the temperature difference on the lid, the steam will condense and fall down as rain, collecting in the installed bowl.

When the vessel for collecting distilled water is filled, the fire must be turned off, and the vessel must be taken out - the distillate is ready.

There is also a less hassle way:

  • Place an enamel pot of water in the freezer. Let it stay there for 4 hours.
  • Then remove the pan, drain the unfrozen water into another pan and put it back in the freezer.
  • When two-thirds of the water is frozen, remove the pan, drain the unfrozen water.
The remaining frozen water is similar in composition to distilled water.

The method of obtaining distilled water in industrial or laboratory conditions is known, well studied and called distillation in one case and bidistillation in another. The difference of the second method is that the resulting water is distilled twice and water of higher quality is obtained.Distilled water 99.99% free from impurities, hardness salts, minerals and organics.

Reverse osmosis systems can also purify H 2 O to acceptable values, but still cannot be compared with distilled water, the electrical conductivity index is normalized by GOST no more than 5.00 μS/cm. The best in purity osmotic water has a comparable indicator, but insufficient - in the region of 7-8 μS/cm.

A high degree of purification is in demand not only in industry, but also in everyday life, and anyone can produce small volumes of distilled water on their own. We give three methods of obtaining: evaporation, freezing and natural method.

Tap water must be settled before distillation. It is collected in a container and, without closing the lid, defend for 2-3 or more hours. During this time, chlorine evaporates from it, and metal impurities settle to the bottom.

Next, we move on to evaporation. We fill half of the enameled pan with settled water and put it on fire. We place a stand in the water, which can serve as an oven or microwave grill. A deep cup, plate or bowl is placed on this stand, and the pan is closed with a lid. It is better to use a lid not flat, but cone-shaped, and place it with a bulge inward. When boiling, the water will begin to evaporate, condensation will form on the lid, which, flowing down to the center of the cone-shaped lid, will drip directly into the cup. This is completely purified water that can be used for any need. To speed up the evaporation process, you can put an ice pack on the lid of the pot.

You can also boil water with a kettle. A kettle filled with water is placed on a hot stove, and, shortly before boiling, a hose is put on its spout. The other end of the hose is placed in a container (jar, canister), which should be placed in a basin filled with cold water or ice. It is not a fact that the thermal method of obtaining distilled water at home will be cheaper than in industrial ones.Buy distilled water in a container of 5 liters and calculate the cost of self-production of the same 5 liters, taking into account the costs of electricity, packaging and printing, can it still make sense?

It is possible to remove unwanted impurities from water by freezing. This method has been known to people for a long time: earlier, with its help, it was possible to obtain clean water even from salty sea water. Today, applying this method is very simple - you only need a regular household refrigerator.

So, you need to take a bottle (glass or plastic), or another container, and completely fill it with pre-settled water. The container must be placed in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. If you are using a metal container, place a piece of paper under the bottom of the container to keep it from freezing. After waiting for some of the water to freeze, the rest must be drained, as it contains impurities, salts and other unwanted inclusions. And the resulting ice must be thawed at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

Frozen water radically changes its own structure, it can be used for cooking and for technical purposes. Such water should be stored in an airtight container, away from heating devices and avoiding direct sunlight. The shelf life of distilled water is not limited.

Distilled water must be completely devoid of even minor impurities. You can drink it, but there will be no benefit from it, because the human body needs mineral salts, which, like harmful additives, are removed from the water during distillation. Another thing is a car battery, where it is necessary to add distilled water. Tap water contains chlorine, phosphorus, magnesium, which settle on the lead plates of the battery, making it difficult and disrupting its operation.

The easiest way to get clean water is to collect raindrops. Natural rainwater, provided that it is collected not in the center of the metropolis, but in an ecologically clean area, initially does not contain impurities. It can even be used for drinking without boiling. Raindrops can be collected in the following way: in wet weather, in an open area, one or more clean containers. After a day or two, rainwater must be poured into a sterile container, where it will be stored for a long time.

In winter, it is possible to get clean water from the snow. To do this, you just need to collect the snow in a clean container and wait until it completely melts. It is important to remember that only freshly fallen snow is collected, which has not yet had time to absorb dust, dirt and debris from the environment.

In conclusion, we say that the methods for obtaining distilled water given here are the main ones. Other methods can complement and improve them. In fairness, it should be said that although distilled water is very pure, there is still a cleaner look -

Distilled water has a fairly large use in everyday life, which I personally did not know about. I only used distilled water for battery refills only. Although its use is by no means limited to this.

Distilled water is used:

  • - For topping up the battery, electrolyte preparation.
  • - In home cosmetology, for skin cleansing.
  • - For refilling ironing irons with a steam generator, which prolongs their service life and does not leave white marks on clothes when ironing.
  • - For oral administration - cleansing the body. Some people like to make tea. The issue of benefit is of course very controversial, so we will not dwell on it.
  • - There are other applications, write your examples in the comments.
Distilled water is actually pure "H2O" without impurities and salts, viruses and bacteria. And water, in itself, is the best solvent on planet Earth, in which a huge amount of chemical elements dissolves.
Distilled water can only be obtained by evaporation, no filter elements can help here. Therefore, to obtain this miracle, you need such an installation as a distiller. It consists of a heating vessel with a liquid in which evaporation occurs, and a refrigerator in which the vapor condenses into a liquid. Anyone who has ever seen an apparatus for making "moonshine" will understand me.
All this, of course, is not very difficult, but it requires preparation and manufacture of equipment.

A simple distiller with your own hands

I will show you an easy way to make a simple pot distiller in 5 minutes to make distilled water at home. No modifications to the pan are required and after use it will serve in the future for its intended purpose.

What do you need to get distilled water?

Saucepan with lid. It would be great if the lid is transparent, but it doesn't matter. The main thing is that it be convex, not straight.
The size of the pot depends on your need for distilled water. Next, we need a deep plate that will fit into the pan.

You will also need ice, which can be obtained with the help of a refrigerator and plain water.

The process of obtaining distilled water at home

Pour water into a saucepan. Such an amount that you can put a plate on this amount, and it would not turn over. About one third.

If you are using running water, then leave the pan open so that the excess chlorine can evaporate.
After that, put the pans on the fire.

Inside, put a deep plate on this water.

It will collect distilled water. And on top we close the lid, but not as usual, but turn it inside.

As soon as the water begins to boil in the pan, put ice on top of the lid.

What's happening?

Under the influence of temperature, the water will begin to turn into steam. The steam, in turn, will condense on the ice-cooled lid. And since the lid is convex inward, condensate droplets will flow down and drip into the floating plate.


Once you have collected a full plate of distilled water, it can be poured into a clean jar for further storage.
Since the water is absolutely “empty”, it is stored for a very, very long time in a vessel with a tight lid.
But before pouring the water into the vessel, I recommend washing it twice: once with ordinary water and detergent, and the second time with a small amount of distilled water, which then needs to be poured out. And even then pour water for storage.
The second flush is needed in order to remove the remaining non-distilled water from the surface.


Checking the quality of distilled water is very simple. To do this, take a strap for 220 V and a power of 15-40 watts. Plug it into a 220 V network and open the circuit, connect the electrodes, which are immersed in distilled water.
Pure distilled water does not conduct current, and if there are no extra impurities, the bulb will not light up. But if during the distillation process you violated the technology (didn’t wash the vessel or plate, or maybe not distilled water got in), the lamp spiral will be red, which in turn will mean the presence of salts in the water.


So friends, if you urgently need to get a small amount of distilled water, then this method will definitely help you out, requiring very little effort and time from you. And most importantly - no costs!

What is the difference between distilled water and ordinary water is probably known to everyone, but only a few know how to make it on their own at home. By itself, distilled water only differs in that it contains absolutely no harmful impurities (for example, iron, chlorine).

The use of such water can be seen in domestic and industrial purposes, and it is practically not used for food purposes. In large enterprises, special distillers are often installed that convert polluted water into distilled water. Also, distilled water is often used for purely domestic purposes, for example, it is often poured into steam irons. This is done because it leaves practically no traces of scale behind. Distilled water has a lower freezing point than plain water, and a higher boiling point, which makes its use for such purposes highly desirable. Drinking such water is undesirable, since it does not contain any useful components, on the contrary, it actively removes various salts from the body, including those that our body needs.

Well, let's better immediately understand how you can prepare this water yourself. First you need to prepare everything that we need. And we need three clean vessels, in the first, the water will settle, in the second it will boil, and in the third we will drain the already prepared water. You also need a hose, a device to heat the water and the water itself. Once all this is prepared, you can begin the process itself. At the first stage, you should pour water into the first container and, without closing the lid on top, put it to settle for a day in a clean place (it is best to use a flask for this purpose). It is important that the vessel with water stands still and does not shake, and also that dust does not fall into it from above. After a day, it is necessary to drain a third of the volume of water from the vessel, so take care in advance that, without transferring the container, you can drain the water. Drained with a hose, simply lowering it to the very bottom and sucking in water, direct the jet into a drain container or just into the sink. The water vessel itself must remain motionless and must not be shaken.

You should know that it is necessary to drain water exclusively from the bottom of the tank, since it is in it that all dangerous impurities are contained. During the day of settling, the lightest elements simply evaporated, while the heavier ones settle to the bottom. After a third of the volume has been drained, pour the remaining water into the pan and set to boil, and cover the pan with a lid. The lid of the pan must have a conical shape. When the water boils, remove the lid and drain the drops of water that have formed on it into a separate container. Then we put the cover back in place and repeat everything again. When all the water in the pan boils away, then water from the flask is poured into it again and everything is repeated anew. This is how you can get the right amount of distilled water at home.

Another way to get distilled water at home. After a third of the water has been drained from the flask, the rest is poured into molds and placed in the freezer. Next, you need to wait until the water is half frozen and remove it. Unfrozen water is drained from the molds, and the remaining ice is distilled water. Harmful substances freeze much later than pure water.

Well, the last way to get clean water is with the help of a moonshine still. The essence is simple, instead of mash, ordinary water is used, and distilled water is obtained at the exit.