How to make chocolate mash. Moonshine from expired sweets (chocolate, caramel, stuffed)

Moonshine in Russia was driven and will be driven. The classic was right, mentioning the recipe for moonshine even from a stool: almost any raw material containing simple and complex carbohydrates can be processed into a strong drink with more or less success. And even more so sweets, since they are almost nothing but carbohydrates. One of them is a candy-based recipe. Let's talk about the recipe for mash from sweets for moonshine below.

Candies are bought, candies are given, candies are forgotten and lie in lockers for years. And on holidays there are more candies than you can eat. Throw away surplus and substandard? There is a better way out: put the mash and overtake, especially since it is very simple! To prepare a homemade candy mash recipe, both caramel and chocolate candies are suitable. They can even be mixed if desired, the taste will not suffer from this, it will only become more original. Regardless of the type of sweets, the taste of the resulting moonshine will be very unusual, but here it’s not for everyone.

Candy mash recipe (caramel)


  • caramel - 1 kg
  • clean water - 4 liters
  • pressed yeast - 40 grams (dry - 8-10 grams)

Braga preparation:

  1. Caramel is completely dissolved in heated water.
  2. The syrup is poured into a fermentation tank, activated yeast is added.
  3. Everything is mixed well and removed to ferment in a warm dark place for 5-7 days.

Ready mash is distilled. It is important to remember that the resulting raw alcohol must be distilled again, and the final product must be passed through a cotton-gauze filter with charcoal. For high-quality distillation with complete separation of non-potable fractions, we recommend (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column brand). When choosing a model, it is always useful to read - this is a proven way not to miscalculate and take a truly reliable and easy-to-use distiller.

Recipe for chocolate mash


  • chocolates - 1 kg
  • water - 1.5 liters
  • pressed yeast - 50 grams (dry - 10 grams)

Braga preparation:

  1. Pour sweets with 500 milliliters of warm water, stir until smooth.
  2. Add activated yeast to the candy mass, mix and leave for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Add the remaining liter of warm water, close the lid and leave for fermentation in a warm, dark place for 5-7 days.

The finished mash (bitter in taste, there is no sweet aftertaste, the process of gas formation has stopped) is distilled with the same reservations as in the recipe with caramel. The taste of the drink turns out to be very unusual, but if you have a sweet tooth, you will appreciate the light chocolate aftertaste and a pleasant candy aroma. Such moonshine is hardly suitable for, but you can try to insist on berries if the sweets were with berry filling.

Moonshine from sweets can greatly surprise a lot of people. But there are many good recipes, according to which at home you can prepare surprisingly tasty alcohol from improvised products - sweets left over from the holidays.

Many years ago, villagers came up with a new way to get moonshine - based on marmalade, sucking or chocolate candies. Such goodies could be purchased at the store at a markdown due to the expiration date. The fact is that even dried and weathered sweets will not affect the taste of the final product. The main necessary component in them is sugar, which is quite enough in sweets. The undoubted advantage of such a process at home is that during the preparation of this type of moonshine there will be no unpleasant odor. And the drink obtained at the exit will delight people with a delicious aroma and pleasant taste. In addition, the more varieties of sweets go to such alcohol, the more interesting its taste will be.

Surely, many people often have caramels left at home that have not been eaten. These products do not have to be thrown away at all - rather, on the contrary, if you collect about a kilogram of such sweets, you can prepare strong and unusual tasting alcohol.

A kilogram of caramel sweets should be thoroughly dissolved in 4 liters of warm water. This process should take several hours for all the harmful flavors to come out of the sweets. Then you should add about 40 grams of pressed yeast to this mass. All ingredients are mixed well, and then sent to a warm place for fermentation for several days. The resulting mash, which will then go through the distillation process, will yield about a liter of strong aromatic drink at the output. Such moonshine will definitely appeal to all lovers of unusual alcohol.

Moonshine from chocolates was popular back in Soviet times. Such alcohol was especially common among the rural population. They knew the special secrets of preparing such a mash, which, in terms of its taste characteristics, came out no worse than alcohol presented on domestic shelves.

  1. To prepare chocolate moonshine, you will need about three kilograms of chocolates (any variety).
  2. Candies should be poured with 10 liters of water so that they dissolve well. In this case, the water should have a temperature of about 85 degrees. There, later, you need to add 290 grams of yeast and carefully dissolve them in the infusion.
  3. Next, the liquid is sent to a warm place to start the fermentation process. After a week, when the fermentation has already taken effect, you can start distillation. Distillation is best done several times.
  4. The output is approximately 5 liters of very tasty, clean and aromatic alcohol, which will have an incredible smell of sweets, and therefore will not require any additional flavoring.
  5. This moonshine requires filtration: the product is passed through a dense layer of gauze with cotton wool using ordinary charcoal. To make the filtration process go better, you can pour a tablespoon of sugar and about 50 grams of soda for every 3 sheets of cotton wool.
  6. When these components flow through the tube, they will dissolve well and give the homemade drink softness and a delicate aftertaste.

Homemade moonshine from sweets allows you to conduct any experiments. Caramels or gummies can be added to chocolates and dissolved. No less tasty will be alcohol with the addition of halva and even marshmallows. Such a combination of sweets in future alcohol will create a truly delicate taste and delicious aroma, which has many shades.

Candy moonshine is a peculiar and rather sweet homemade drink that probably won't be to everyone's taste. However, this alcohol is absolutely not bitter, does not require the addition of sugar, and also has an amazing aftertaste. Plus, it's the perfect opportunity to use candy you don't like for something really worthwhile.

Recipes for homemade mash

Homemade mash is an amazing drink. It can be consumed in its pure form, but it is best used to make strong alcoholic drinks at home. There are many ways to make mash. Each person involved in home brewing has his own recipe for the formation of mash. For beginners who are just trying to put mash, it will not be out of place to learn a few recipes.

The most common recipe

Required components:

Such a mash is being prepared like this. Sugar is added to water and stirred until completely dissolved. Yeast is pre-activated. To do this, they are poured into a separate container and warm water with three tablespoons of sugar is added. The resulting substance is thoroughly mixed and defended until foam is formed. After that, the activated yeast is poured into a fermentation tank. Then remove the container in a warm place. After about three days, the mash is ready.

This mash is ideal for almost any home-made alcoholic beverage. With this recipe, you can quickly cook mash. Therefore, this recipe is ideal for beginners.

Braga on peas

Required components:

  • Peas crushed - 2 kilograms
  • Malt (sprouted grain) - 200 grams
  • Yeast - 100 grams
  • Sugar - 250 grams
  • Water - 7 liters

Peas must be ground into flour, for this you can use a coffee grinder. The resulting flour is added to sweet water, constantly stirring. The mixture must be cooked over low heat until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After cooling, malt is added to the resulting substance and again thoroughly mixed. The basis for the mash is defended for 4 hours. Then it is poured into a fermentation tank and yeast is added. Fermentation time is approximately 5 days. After that, the mash is ready for distillation.

Braga on peas with milk

This recipe is absolutely identical to the previous one. With the exception of one liter of milk, which is added to the mixture during cooking. It is also possible in the process of adding pea flour to water. The main thing is that the milk is in the mixture before the malt.

Braga on red beets

Required components:

  • Red beets, sugar - 8 kilograms
  • Sugar - 6 kilograms
  • Dry yeast - 500 grams
  • Water - 10 liters

Beets must first be boiled and grated on a fine grater. Then the beetroot mass is poured with warm water. The recommended water temperature should not be lower than 25 degrees Celsius and should not exceed 30 degrees Celsius. Next, you need to activate the yeast, the method is described in the first recipe. Once activated, they are added to the vegetable mixture. The fermentation time of such a mash is about 10 days. The readiness of the mash for distillation can be determined by the grated beets. If it has sunk to the bottom of the container, it means that it is ready for further use. It is necessary to take into account the fact that beetroot mash needs a double distillation.

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Fruit mash on apricots

Required components:

  • Fresh apricots - 10 kilograms
  • Dry yeast - 100 grams
  • Water - 3 liters

Before cooking, the fruit must be thoroughly washed and the seeds removed. Then they should be ground into a homogeneous mass. To do this, you can use a blender or meat grinder.

Sugar must be completely dissolved in water. Then mix with chopped apricots and place the mixture in a fermentation tank. Then add yeast and remove for a week in a warm place. After the specified period, the mash is ready for distillation.

Braga on oranges

Required components:

Citruses are peeled and ground in a blender. The resulting mass is transferred to a fermentation tank and covered with sugar, yeast is also added there. If necessary, the seeds from oranges are also removed. Until fully prepared, the mash is recommended to defend for 7 days.

Braga with cherry juice

Required components:

  • Fresh cherries - 20 kilograms
  • Dry yeast - 200 grams
  • Sugar - 2 kilograms

Bones are removed from the berries, and the pulp is crushed in a blender. The resulting mass, together with squeezed juice, is poured into a fermentation tank. Then sugar and activated yeast are added. All the substance is thoroughly mixed and cleaned in a warm place for 5 days. For more efficient fermentation, the first 1-2 days the mash must be stirred.

Braga on watermelons

Required components:

The watermelon is cut into slices, the peel and bones are removed. Sugar dissolves in warm water and, together with watermelon pulp, is poured into a fermentation tank. The amount of water should be minimal, the main thing is that the sugar is completely dissolved in it. Activated yeast is added on top. The terms of fermentation of such mash vary within 5-7 days.

Braga on fermented cherry jam

Required components:

  • Cherry jam (fermented) - 6 liters
  • Dry yeast - 200 grams
  • Sugar - 3 kilograms
  • Water - 30 liters

The jam is mixed with water, sugar and activated yeast. Until fully prepared, the mash settles for 5 days. This recipe is relevant for any fermented jam.

Braga on tomato paste

Required components:

  • Tomato paste - 1 liter
  • Sugar - 10 kilograms
  • Beer - 500 grams
  • Water - 30 liters

Tomato paste dissolves in warm, but not hot water. Pour sugar into the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly. Beer is poured on top. The fermentation container is removed in a warm, dry place. Before distillation, the mash should stand for about 10 days.

Braga on bananas

Required components:

  • Overripe bananas - 10 kilograms
  • Dry yeast - 200 grams
  • Sugar - 5 kilograms
  • Water - 10 liters

Bananas are peeled and chopped. To do this, you can use a blender or meat grinder. Ground bananas are added to warm water with sugar dissolved in it. Yeast is also added there and left to ferment for 10 days.

Braga on zucchini

Required components:

Courgettes are finely cut and mixed with peeled ginger. Then the mixture is poured with boiling water and infused for 7 days. After that, it is filtered. Then sugar and lemon juice are added to the mass. Activated yeast is added on top. Fermentation stops with the release of carbon dioxide, it is difficult to specify the specific dates here. After the cessation of gas separation, the mash should stand for about 3-4 days. After that, the mash is filtered and removed for long-term storage. After 6 months, she is ready for distillation. Despite the long process, the quality of the expelled moonshine is worth it!

Braga on sweets

Required components:

  • Caramel sweets - 5 kilograms
  • Dry yeast - 200 grams
  • Water - 20 liters

Sweets are crushed in a blender. Then mixed with warm water and activated yeast. It takes 10 days for such a mash to be fully ready. After fermentation, it should be filtered. The number of sweets when staging such a mash may vary. The main thing is to observe the following proportion: 1 kilogram of sweets per 4 liters of water.

Here is a far from complete list of recipes for mash. For its preparation, you can use almost any product. Don't be afraid to experiment! Perhaps the mash prepared according to your original recipe will look like divine nectar. And homemade alcohol, obtained as a result of distillation, will compete with the best drinks in the world!

To speed up the fermentation process, it is recommended to use mineral supplements. You can buy it, like other useful products for making home brew, moonshine and many strong drinks, in the Alkopribor online store.

Moonshine from various sweets became popular back in the days of the Soviet Union. Then, when substandard goods appeared in large quantities at a low price in stores, and the local population bought them to make a drink at home. At that time, by the way, it was not always possible to make moonshine legally. But since it was quite easy to get the goods, and the cost was low, moonshine from sweets gained particular popularity.

Candy moonshine

What sweets are suitable for making moonshine? Actually very different. It can be prepared from chocolates, caramel, marshmallows, halva and other sweets are good for this. However, the feasibility of such raw materials for preparation is debatable, especially now, with a large number of additives in the composition of sweets.

These may be aromatic substances that will not affect the quality and taste of the drink in the best way. In addition, it is believed that alcohol from sweets will turn out no better than from sugar, and in some cases even worse. Although some moonshiners note a milder taste of a drink prepared according to this recipe.

In any case, since sweets are more expensive than sugar, the point of making moonshine from sweets is only to use substandard raw materials that you got for nothing. For example, if it has passed the expiration date and it is not suitable for eating.

Another problem with such raw materials is that they contain large amounts of starch and dextrins, which are polysaccharides and are not directly fermented by yeast. Therefore, raw materials must be prepared before installation for fermentation. Namely subjected to heat treatment to remove excess aromatics and parallel sterilization. To convert starch and dextrins to monosaccharides, green malt must be used.

Preparing a drink

This is the standard recipe. To prepare the wort for 1 kg of sweets, 1.5 liters of water and 130 g of green malt are taken. It is possible and even desirable to use the latter and in large quantities, since in the must of these ingredients it is a source of nutrients. And also desirable is the introduction of ammonium sulfate and superphosphate. The technology of preparation is as follows. The water is brought to a boil, stirring, the main raw material is poured out and then stirred until it is completely dissolved.

The most appropriate processing temperature for candy raw materials is 85–90 degrees. The complexity of choosing the mode is as follows: at a higher temperature, the caramel dissolves faster, but the amount of sugar that caramelizes increases, which leads to losses. The duration depends on the temperature, the recipe, the type of raw material and the degree of contamination.

For example, mint caramel requires approximately 3-4 hours at 85 degrees. This time can be significantly reduced if the raw material is blown with an air flow from the compressor. During the heat treatment of caramel raw materials, good ventilation in the room must be ensured so that aromatic substances do not accumulate. In addition, during heat treatment, it is necessary to compensate for the significant losses of water that occur in this case.

After that, the mass is cooled to a temperature of 65 degrees and soy milk is added. The saccharification technology is usual: for two and a half hours the raw material is kept at a temperature of 65 degrees. Upon completion, it is cooled to the fermentation temperature, superphosphate and ammonium sulfate are added.

Pour no more than 70% of the volume into the fermentation tank of the raw materials required. For 3 kg of sweets, approximately 15 liters of water and 200 g of yeast are taken. All this is mixed and installed in a container, on which a water seal is put on.

Candy mash is transferred to a dark room and aged for 5-14 days, depending on which candies are used. It is believed that the fastest fermentation occurs when using chocolates, but this also depends on the amount of yeast and its proportions with sugar in the sweets. And, accordingly, the way saccharification is performed.

The fermented candy mash is drained from the sediment through two or three layers of gauze and clarified. To do this, it is desirable to use bentonite or another proven method. After that, moonshine is prepared. The distillation cube of the moonshine is filled with mash, as always, the first 30–50 ml are collected separately, these are the heads. If the fortress reaches 30-40%, the selection of the body is stopped, then the tails go. In this case, the selection of the head and tail fractions must be carried out sufficiently, otherwise the amount of harmful substances in the drink will be high.

Moonshine can turn out to be cloudy, it is advisable to dilute it to 17–20% and clean it with coal or another method. Then overtake again. At the second distillation, the process is stopped when the fortress falls below 45% at the exit.

At the exit from five kilograms of sweets, 5 liters of a drink are obtained, which will not require aromatization and contain the smell of moonshine. Be sure to filter it using charcoal. Then you can use a filter, which consists of water and soda, it will make the drink very soft and gentle.

In addition to standard recipes, the ingredients can be mixed in different ways, inventing your own combinations. For example, such a recipe: for a kilogram of chocolates, you can take the same amount of caramel or halva, depending on your own preferences. Chocolate creates an incredibly delicate and unusual taste, and besides this, a pleasant aroma. However, moonshine on chocolates is a delicacy that not everyone likes. But it is a good alternative to a sugary drink that has a chocolate aftertaste and is not bitter. In addition, this is a rational way to dispose of candy that has already gone bad.

At the beginning of the 15th century in Russia, a marvelous drink called moonshine became widespread. Many years have passed since then, but they both persecuted him and continue to persecute him to this day. Brazhnaya tincture heats up and boils for a long time, as a result, alcohol vapors begin to stand out, and moonshine is obtained. Sugar, apples, currants, pears, fruit and berry jams are usually used as mash. We offer to prepare an unusual moonshine from chocolates, which has a wonderful aroma and a pleasant aftertaste. You don't even have to eat!

Moonshine with chocolate flavor

You can infuse moonshine from various sweets. Perfect caramel, chocolate. All these sweets contain a lot of sugar, so they will perfectly start the fermentation process. We chose chocolates.


  • 3 kg. sweets;
  • 15 l. water;
  • 0.2 kg. pressed yeast.

Moonshine step by step recipe:

  1. We're preparing the brew. To do this, release all the sweets from the wrappers. Grind them by hand or with a meat grinder.
  2. Put to boil in a large container of 15 liters of water. The water has boiled - throw in the crushed raw materials, reduce the burner and cook until completely dissolved. Do not forget to stir, as there is a possibility of burning. The burnt taste cannot be removed.
  3. If you decide to make mash from different varieties of sweets, then they should be dissolved separately, distributing water evenly, and then mix the liquids. This moment is very important, since different candies dissolve in different ways in time.
  4. Wait for the mixture to cool to 30 degrees and pour into the prepared container. Do not pour it to the very brim, leave space - foam will soon form.
  5. Dissolve yeast following instructions. Put them in a container filled with mash. Mix thoroughly. You should not close the lid tightly, it is better to put on a medical glove pierced with a needle on one of the fingers. This stage is similar to the procedure for preparing liqueurs.
  6. Store the mash in a dark room at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees.
  7. Braga will be ready in 10-14 days. If the glove is blown away, and sediment is deposited at the bottom, it's time to drive it.
  8. Sometimes an oily layer appears on the surface. Be sure to remove it, it will only mess up the process.
  9. Pour the finished mash directly into the moonshine, do it carefully, trying not to mix the sediment and liquid. Strain through a cotton-gauze layer.
  10. Start the race. Remove the first half-liter (the so-called "heads") for domestic needs.
  11. Measure the strength of the drink with an alcohol meter. As soon as it reaches a level of 30 degrees, complete the process.

If the moonshine infused with chocolate is very strong, dilute it with water. Have fun!

chocolate moonshine

The chocolate strong drink gained great popularity in the Soviet Union, when there were a lot of weathered, spoiled and cheap sweets in rural shops. The people adapted themselves and began to benefit from the current situation. It is undesirable to add marmalade, since in its production a natural thickener pectin is used, which, as a result of fermentation, decomposes to methane, a very dangerous element for health. Never add cookies, they contain a lot of starch and soda, which will ruin your entire moonshine.


  • 2 kg. sweets;
  • 20 l. water;
  • 0.3 kg. pressed yeast.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Warm up the water. Put crushed candy in it.
  2. Wait for complete dissolution, remove from heat.
  3. Dilute the yeast according to the instructions. Add them to the bulk.
  4. Pour the mash into a large container, but do not fill the dishes, as there should be room for the foam formed during the fermentation process.
  5. Seal the container, place in a warm room.
  6. Start driving in a week.
  7. At the output, you can get up to 5 liters of pure moonshine. Be sure to filter the drink.
  8. Take cotton wool and gauze, make a dense layer of them, pour 2 tablespoons of activated charcoal. Skip the liquid.

Decide on an experiment and make a real mix: combine chocolate sweets, caramel, halva in Braga. Refined taste guaranteed.

Second stage

In moonshine, sometimes they resort to the second distillation, that is, the drink is distilled from the moonshine of the first exit. What is it for? First of all, to improve the quality of the product, it turns out to be softer, more pleasant, stronger and cleaner. How to make double chocolate moonshine?

Step by step recipe:

  1. Dilute a strong drink with cool water, bringing the total degree to 30.

Is it possible to overtake without resorting to dilution? Of course, it is possible, only two points should be taken into account: a strong liquid contains a lot of alcohol, so the moonshine still can catch fire; at the end you will get a small volume of products.

  1. Clear the first run. To cleanse, use potassium permanganate, activated charcoal or baking soda with salt. For example, when using the last components, it is enough to put one tablespoon of salt and soda into moonshine and leave for two hours. It remains to filter. Resort to a water filter or medical gauze folded in layers.
  2. The final stage is the distillation of filtered products. Do not forget to divide the drink into three parts: the head (the first 10%, only for household needs), the body (the main part), the tail (the remaining 10%, the strength of which is less than 40 degrees). The head has an unpleasant odor, you can add the tail to a new mash (loop).
  3. Chocolate moonshine, made by double distillation, tastes like elite varieties of brandy.

Sweets were stale, but it's a pity to throw them away? Do not despair. Now you know great recipes for moonshine made from chocolate. By insisting on chocolate sweets, you can get not only a strong, clean, but also an insanely fragrant and intoxicating drink. Before use, it is advisable to withstand fresh moonshine for several days.

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