Japanese entertainment shows 18 in Russian. Crazy Japanese TV Shows

A fragment of a Japanese TV show, the participants of which are invited to blow a cockroach into their opponent's mouth through a transparent tube, very quickly gained almost 800 thousand views on YouTube. Some commentators called the video staged and generally doubted the possibility of broadcasting such shows on television. However, this competition is far from the strangest thing that you can see in Tokyo, turning on the TV in the evening. Lenta.ru looked through dozens of recordings of amazing Japanese shows and selected those that can be considered very original even by the standards of unusual Japanese television.

Two Japanese women and one cockroach

A video about a strange competition, where two girls simultaneously blow from different ends into a transparent tube with a cockroach inside, trying to drive an insect into a rival's mouth, was first published about a week ago. A day later, several dozen copies of the video appeared on YouTube, and the total number of views exceeded a million.

Slippery stairs

Watching Japanese TV shows, you often ask yourself: how could such a thing come to its authors' minds? For example, a competition where participants are invited to climb a wet ladder, steadfastly withstanding the attacks of the men at the top (for some reason, dressed in only panties).

Put on your pants

In the next competition, the participant must pull on the shorts that are lowered below the knee. To prevent the girl from helping herself with her hands, she was dressed in a T-shirt with artificial breasts, which you constantly have to hold. Adding intrigue is the fact that the girl who assists the participant in the show is somehow dressed in underwear, and the judges watching what is happening on the stage are dressed in all the canons of Japanese fashion - in a kimono.

Do not swallow

Shows with sexual connotations, judging by their number on YouTube, are hugely popular in Japan. At the same time, we would not recommend watching them in a decent society. In some of them, men are encouraged to look under the skirts of women. In others, the girls do not know why they are invited to undress and smear themselves with sunflower oil. In this video, which can be called quite harmless compared to others, the girls take milk into their mouths, sit on the man's lap, and he tickles them. The beautiful lady's goal is not to swallow or spit out the milk.

I sneezed at you

In this competition, participants compete in who sneezes faster. They all tickle their nostrils with a napkin. Someone succeeds in a couple of seconds, and someone fails to sneeze even after a minute.

Boiling pool

There are some really violent shows in Japan. For example, in one competition, a girl needs to get over a pool filled with boiling water. Of course, she doesn't succeed.

Try to report

At the beginning of these competitions, the girl picks up a baseball bat and begins to frantically rotate with it around her axis. Having lost her orientation in space, she must collect boiling cheese from a pan, run to a man sitting nearby on a chair and try to feed him.

Centrifuge principle

As representatives of one of the most technologically advanced nations, the Japanese love to use gadgets, electronics and other household appliances in their TV shows. In one of these contests, for example, a participant needs to eat a portion of noodles while sitting inside a working washing machine. Men dressed in white gloves, stockings and skirts are watching this action.

For sharper lovers

Japanese viewers also love the format of the draws. In the following video, filmed with a hidden camera, you can observe how a person looks like who has been fed rolls with an excessive amount of wasabi.

Lovers of marshmallows

In this competition, team members will have to eat marshmallows suspended in the air without using their hands. And it would be quite harmless fun, which are in abundance in the arsenal of every toastmaster, if at the same time the competitors were not tied with a rope.

Leading with a hammer, an assistant in a kimono and a mannequin sticking out of the wall

Perhaps the next show is the strangest thing we've seen on Japanese TV. There are participants here who crawl on transparent tables with spectators sitting under them, and the presenter, walking around the stage with a hammer, at some point begins to shoot guests with a pistol. These very guests are constantly trying to hide under a transparent table, but the place under it has already been taken by a stuffed man with glasses. Even on the stage, the host's assistant in a kimono periodically appears, and the lower part of the female mannequin sticks out of the wall.

Broadcasts that would cause condemnation, if not horror, are popular in Japan and do not surprise anyone.

With its scandalous popularity japanese shows are obliged to a combination of an original way of thinking and an absolutely prosaic attitude towards the human body. This mixture gives limitless scope for imagining unimaginable contests, tests and experiments. In fairness, it should be noted that explicit pornography on public television in Japan is still not shown, and the most piquant shows can only be seen in the evening.

To increase your expertise in Japanese sex shows, we've compiled five of the most striking stories. Look and be horrified.

5. Vibrator - a source of knowledge

Given the existence of a video with porn actress Stoya, where she reads a book while communicating with a vibrator, this experiment cannot be considered purely Japanese. Nevertheless, the Japanese managed to take the idea to a new level. If Standing in the frame was alone, then in the Japanese version the girl is surrounded by colleagues ... on the news program.

Yes, the Japanese decided to test whether the presenter could cope with the growing excitement by reading news reports and even asking questions to invited experts. By the way, the unit in this case was chosen more serious. If Stoya's vibrator can only be guessed from the title of the video and from the delighted sighs of the actress, which were clearly not caused literary work, then the Japanese presenter literally jumps in place in time with the rhythmic movements of the sex machine hypocritically hidden under the table.

4. Group bra tightening

It would seem that what is special about this: any woman can pull off her bra, and even through the sleeve! But the Japanese creatively approached the classic trick: a man will have to pull off a woman's bra, and he can only do this with the help of his own nipples. The loosened clasps of the participant's bra are attached to the participant's nipples with a thin rope with two clothespins at the end. On command, the unfortunate man, encouraged by the seductive laugh of the hostess of the underwear, writhing in pain, begins to pull the bra with the effort of his own chest, which brings endless joy to the rest of the audience.

In a more sophisticated version of the show, the girl is wearing a fabric blouse that can literally be pulled out by a string. In this case, the end of the thread is tied to an intricate structure, reminiscent of a drum from the "Field of Miracles", except that it is not Leonid Arkadyevich who turns it, but a group of four desperate Japanese in shorts and helmets (safety is above all!).

A pool of white paint is poured around the drum, and a column with a crossbar is spinning in the middle, the spinning speed of which increases as the drum spins. Taking hold of the handrails, the fearless team, at the risk of being knocked into a white slurry, for a limited time spins the hellish machine by running, gradually, thread by thread, depriving the girl of her outfit.

3. The art of punishment

In Japan, as in Russia, comic punishments for the loser, the so-called "batsu-game", are common. However, if in our humble homeland such punishment is usually limited to flicking, then the Japanese find the following "batsu-game" funny: a kick on a soft part of the body from a professional Thai boxer, sucking wasabi with a nose, a kiss on the lips from a toothless old man and further up the scale perversity.

The third place in our selection is just one of the "batsu-game" associated with intimacy in a specific Japanese sense. Two participants in the game, usually men, are tied to seats with their backs to each other. Opposite each of the participants, five meters away, there are movable structures, on which, covering the manhood with a small towel, but exposing the well-known back part, two more participants, naturally of the same sex, sit. The uncovered part of the body is thus located just opposite the face of the tied to the chair. The task of the competition is simple and harsh: to quickly and correctly answer the questions of the presenter, which, by the way, are often meaningless.

Each wrong answer brings the bare bottom closer to the corresponding stationary participant. Three wrong answers - and, to everyone's joy, here it is, a meeting of two opposites.

2. Living raft

We finally got to the show without which this collection would not be complete. In this show, a raft of girls in bikinis tied to one another takes center stage. The girls were put on the raft not by chance, but for a fun competition. An elderly man, smeared with some slimy substance, scatters and jumps on the girls belly forward. His task is to slide as far as possible along the squealing raft.

In general, the attitude towards the elderly and the elderly in Japan is peculiar. With all public respect for the older generation, the Japanese are especially pleased with the humor about false jaws, sagging skin, or the grotesque juxtaposition of youth and old age.

1. Orgasm through singing

The essence of our final rating action is as follows. A group of men are invited in turn to sing famous songswhile girls in bikinis stimulate their penises. Skillful camera work and a small curtain at the level of the causal place allow you to comply with censorship requirements.

Last news! The Japanese did not stop there and gave the world

Japan is known for its rich culture and history. But the Japanese were able to stand out not only for this. Japanese TV shows are also famous all over the world. Watching the next issue, the average viewer from any part of the planet is simply surprised how the idea came to do this and how people come to mind to participate in this. The people of Japan in their TV programs really love to mock each other.

Attention! For some, the video may seem offensive and disrespectful.


This is an entertaining show featuring girls from the popular Japanese group AKB48. At first glance, nothing raises questions: lovely participants discuss various news and compete in funny competitions. For example, girls play ordinary knockouts, which we loved so much in childhood. The first 2 participants, who leave the "battlefield", take part in a kind of duel: two girls must blow the beetle out through a plastic tube at speed. It is logical that the one that "tastes" the insect will lose.

Gaki no tsukai

Under such a difficult title for us, 1000 episodes of one of the most famous and popular entertainment shows in Japan were released. For 11 years famous comedians of the Land of the Rising Sun have been entertaining viewers with non-trivial releases. We all know that Japanese humor is specific and that what is funny to a Japanese - to a Russian will seem at least strange. So it is in Gaki No Tsukai that it is insanely popular to organize competitions for bullying. Imagine: your task is to pronounce a tongue twister and if you stumble or are mistaken - painful punishment does not keep you waiting. And there are a lot of such contests.

Human tetris

The title actually sounds very different in Japanese, but our free translation perfectly describes the rules.

Did you like playing Tetris as a child? Can you regroup into the required element now? No? Then get ready for a swim in the pool. On the other hand, such a game is great for determining how logical you are and how things are with flexibility.

Sokkuri sweets

Did your mother teach you as a child not to put any nasty stuff in your mouth? And if for a prize? The Japanese are so masterful at repeating ordinary things made of chocolate that an entire entertainment show is built on this striking similarity. The rules are simple: you just have to try to bite off a piece of something: a doorknob, a hat, a boot, or a log. And to understand only later - is it real or not.


This quest game is quite simple to understand. All the participants need to do is get out of the room before they can "die." By using their brains, participants can avoid the harsh fate of falling into a mine, being flooded, covered with sand, or much, much more, depending on the room they have chosen. The rules seem simple enough: go through 3 rooms and earn money! Good luck and strong nerves to the participants.

Spread your legs!

There are a lot of entertainment shows with erotic overtones in Japan. As the name implies, the main task of the participant is to spread her legs as wide as possible. The girl sits down on special equipment (a kind of torture instrument). The presenter starts spinning the drum and the “sector prize” shows how wide it will be, excuse me, to spread my legs. The main thing is that the participants never stop smiling.

Panic face king

Did we mention that the Japanese have a specific sense of humor? So that's it. One of the most popular Japanese entertainment shows is based on a sense of fear. Imagine a potential victim who finds herself in a situation close to disaster or even death. When the victim is told that it was just a prank, the presenter assures that the victim becomes happier than all the happy ones. Don't repeat with your loved ones. Save their nerves!

Troop of 100

Who doesn't love flash mobs? You know, in order to do something like that, you need to create a group in social networks and organize everyone for a long time! However, in Japan, things are much simpler. You can just walk down the street and suddenly 100 people will surround you, and you will take part (whether you like it or not) in this flash mob.

In fact, the quirky entertainment shows in Japan are simply darkness. However, censorship prohibits us from showing more of them. Google to help you! And watch out, some Japanese TV shows will never fade from memory.

Japan is famous for many things - samurai, anime, robots, sushi, and of course, a huge number of incredibly weird TV shows. Take the weirdest idea you can think of, add bright costumes, sirens, flashing lights, screaming announcers, some angry animal to it and get a rough idea of \u200b\u200ba typical Japanese TV show. Here are the weirdest Japanese shows that have been shown on television.


The concept behind the script for Tore! Is pretty simple. Participants must solve puzzles or solve riddles while they are slowly mummified. It can be quite difficult to answer the questions of the presenter accompanied by a hysterical noise accompaniment while you are slowly wrapped in gauze. However, the show not only provides a range of mixed emotions, but also provides a fresh look at Egyptian mummies and their origins.

Downtown no Gaki no Tsukai ya Arahende !!

In Japan, many game shows are actually segments of other broadcasts rather than their own distinct entity. Downtown no Gaki no Tsukai ya Arahende !! just one of these - popular comedians are often invited here, and they constantly come up with new tests for the participants. A typical example is a competition in which sweaty men in diapers slowly rub butter over their rivals' faces with their fifths.

Takeshi Castle

Takeshi Castle is the TV show that became the great-granddaddy of all crazy Japanese broadcasts. The game was invented in the late 1980s. Squads of opponents compete in crazy games like punching walls, using yourself as bowling balls, or fancy dressing up as huge palms. The show ran for only a few years, but has generated many imitators in Japan and beyond.


Get out of the mined building, gain fame, fortune and the right to live. Such is the scenario for the game show Dero !, which became so successful that it was sold as a franchise to European and American countries.

Team fight!

A show with this name may seem quite normal, but if you delve deeper into the question, it becomes clear that this does not smell normal. Teams compete with each other by throwing bowling balls at their opponents, massaging with boxing gloves and other strange things that hardly come to mind of someone who is not from Japan.

Together towards the end of the world

There is no team play in this show, but there are agents provocateurs and ordinary Japanese, who are ready to commit the most insane acts for a certain amount of yen. Sit in a glass cube rolled by a huge bear? Easy, because there are no boundaries in this show.

Silent library

The show originally debuted as part of another show, but quickly gained fans and airtime of its own. The essence of the show is that players sit at a table in the library and perform the most insane tasks, from card games to eating insects. At the same time, they must not violate the silence mode.

Japan is a unique country without exaggeration. Nanotechnology is surprisingly combined with ancient traditions, some customs operate on a par with laws. Since the time of the samurai, they had their own meaning of life and their own spiritual values, for the sake of which they were ready to part with life without hesitation.

And what a fashion they have! Bright and amazing! Many things on one person and at first glance do not quite match each other.

Let us recall at least the film "Wasabi", the strict policeman Hubert and his interesting daughter Yumi.

What do we know about Japanese prices, for example, for food? In Japan, fish and meat are cheap, but fruits are very expensive. One apple costs $ 2, a bunch of bananas - 5. The most expensive fruit is a melon, a variety like our "torpedo" will cost $ 200 in Tokyo. Hmm….

A couple more interesting facts about the land of the "rising sun":

  • Pornography is sold everywhere. Each kombini (grocery store) has a separate hentai shelf on the press counter. In small bookstores hentai makes up a third of the entire assortment, in large bookstores 2-3 floors are reserved for pornography.
  • The Japanese never leave work on time. They wait until the boss releases them or goes home himself. And bosses are usually late for three to four hours, sometimes longer.
  • If the shorts, dress or skirt on a woman is so short that the butt and panties are visible, this is considered normal. But the neckline, the more deep, is unacceptable.
  • There are no guest workers in Japan. This is achieved by a simple law: the minimum wage at which a foreign worker is allowed to be hired in Japan is higher than the average wage for a Japanese. Thus, it is more profitable for an employer to hire a Japanese than a foreigner.

You can write endlessly about Japan, let's move on to the funniest side of it - crazy japanese tv shows!

What, how and why? Everything is not clear, we are just looking.

A very funny show, we would have taken part in it ourselves.

One of our favorite shows, glue plus steps!

You would surely be the section of all.

If this is true, then this is complete tin!

As we can see, the Japanese are not afraid of experiments, they are not afraid of vulgarity, but at the same time they respect traditions and are very hardworking.

Crazy Japanese TV Shows, maybe our "house 2" is not so cool?