How do people get to know each other. How to meet a guy you like: ways and places to meet

Single girls and women dream of arranging their personal life: to find an interesting man for a relationship. Often they do not know how to realize their dream. It seems that meeting a guy in our time is as difficult as finding snowdrops in winter.

All tips will be divided into two parts. The first will concern preparation for acquaintance, work on oneself. The second is how to establish contact.

What to do to get acquainted?

Before you start actively looking for a guy, you need to learn a few tips that will allow you to get to know each other faster and more efficiently:

  1. Analyze your appearance. How good is she? What should be changed in it? The first thing that may interest a man is hair, face, figure. Immediately he will not be able to appreciate the rich inner world. Therefore, appearance should be given special attention. In addition, the belief that you are irresistible does not hurt either.
  2. Positive attitude. We will generalize a little by including several components in this concept. You need to be well prepared for a date. First, you need to stop being shy. Just treat the matter responsibly: if you hold on tight, nothing sensible will come of it. Secondly, you need to learn how to smile correctly and beautifully. This will attract men. Simple psychology: a smile is a signal to someone else's brain that the girl you meet has benevolent intentions.
  3. Communicate more. The more often a girl leaves the house somewhere, the higher her chances of meeting.

Of course, you can advise in advance to decide on the ideal of a man and look only for him, but this will be superfluous. There are a lot of stories when a girl was looking for a real “macho”, in the end she married a modest “nerd”.

Thus, in order to successfully meet interesting guys, you first need to look good and be positive. No need to enter the image of a fatal beauty in skimpy outfits. Often the main interest of men is sex, although they value modest, stylish and intelligent women who are ideal for marriage more.

Getting Acquainted

You can find a new young person in "passive" and "active" ways.

"Passive" way

A very long time ago there was a rule that it is men who take the initiative in dating. Any girl should be happy with this. Can I sit at home and wait for my prince? Unfortunately, the knights are not given the exact addresses of the pretty lonely strangers.

For a man to notice a woman, she needs:

  1. Go outside or go to an interesting place where there are men.
  2. Smile at the young people you like and give other signals of readiness for communication. Exercises in front of a mirror will help in this matter. You need to train your smile, evaluating how natural it turns out.
  3. Be alone more often. A girlfriend, especially a beautiful one, will interfere in finding a boyfriend. But being alone does not mean being isolated. For example, headphones and immersion in music reduce the chances of an interesting meeting.

In theory, a young man who sees a pretty girl who “makes eyes” should come up and get to know each other. However, not everyone does it. I don’t want to say that men have “smalled”, but modern young people have certain fears. It is hard for them to take the first step and talk to the lady. This is often associated with the development of the Internet. Allegedly, men are used to dating on sites where they do it quite easily, but in the real world now everything is not easy.

However, it is not so important to understand why young people stopped approaching the girls they like. The main thing is to decide what to do with it. And there are only two options:

  1. More actively provoke acquaintance. For example: You need help with something. The simplest thing is to “accidentally” drop documents on the floor; pretend you can't start the car; faint or start drowning at sea. The last two options are probably overkill. But sometimes, you have to go to the most unusual tricks and tricks to attract attention.
  2. Take the initiative into your own hands. Not to be a kind of “chess piece” that others move, but to play the game yourself. It is more difficult, but for the sake of your own happiness, you should try.

Only at first it seems that it is difficult to start a conversation with a guy. Each approach is a lesson that gives experience. You just need to analyze the mistakes and make new attempts to get to know each other.

"Active Ways"

Among them there are options that allow you to roll up to the guy in an original way, but there are also quite banal ones. One thing unites them: they are all tested in practice. Women leave new testimonials testifying to their effectiveness.

Let's get down to specifics:

  1. Ask a harmless question. It can be scary to start an acquaintance, immediately hinting at some kind of relationship. But the pretext for communication can be a simple question that passers-by sometimes turn to each other. The most typical example is: “Where is such and such a university? Which bus should I take to get to him?” In this case, the girl can pretend that she came from another city and does not know how to get to or go to the desired object. A young man interested in acquaintance can not only suggest the way, he will offer to accompany a beautiful stranger. Agree. You can pass the time on the road with a story about yourself. Before you say goodbye, you should leave your phone number. Although it is better that the man himself asked him.
  2. Recourse. A similar way to start a dialogue with an unfamiliar young man has already been discussed above. Considering that not all guys are brave enough to approach a girl even for help, it is better to take the initiative into your own hands. It is necessary not only to show that you are in a difficult situation. It is worth contacting the guys you like with a request to provide some assistance. All the same example with a car: you need to stop, open the hood and carefully peer into it. If a handsome stranger appears on the horizon, you should run up to him and tell him about your trouble. The main thing is that the deception should not be revealed. When a person offers to drag the car to the service station, mechanics will quickly realize that something is not clean in business. However, you need to act according to the situation. Sometimes you can simply and openly explain to a guy that you wanted to get to know him.
  3. We give compliments. Every person in this world loves to be praised. A compliment is an interesting thing. On the one hand, by saying it, we are not hinting at anything, we are simply emphasizing the merits certain person. On the other hand, a compliment is an integral part of flirting. Such duality should have a positive effect on shy girls. It is necessary, as it were, to “deceive” oneself: to suggest that it is normal to say a compliment to an interesting man, it does not oblige you to anything. A young man is likely to take praise as a serious interest in his personality, and support communication.
  4. We play games. Sometimes people meet in very original ways. Serious success in this was achieved by pick-up artists - those who are fond of "picking up" personalities of the opposite sex. At the heart of the philosophy of their teaching is the rule that you need to "break the pattern." So, for example, girls are used to the fact that men get acquainted corny, but not pick-up artists. The latter come up with funny and unusual phrases for dating. You can find many examples on the net. Let's say: “Hi! .. Yes, I do too ... (here is the bewildered expression of the lady's face) I am also afraid to get acquainted on the street. Let's be afraid together!" As a result, as practitioners assure, the girl falls into a kind of stupor, while simultaneously receiving positive emotions. You can take some funny examples of such dialogues into your collection and use them against men.
  5. Pretend to be an old friend. To implement this method, you must have a certain level of acting skills. Not so big that you can successfully play in the theater, but nonetheless. The girl must pretend that she met an old acquaintance, she is very pleased to see a man, she is glad to have the opportunity to talk. The brave ones can hug the guy and kiss him on the cheek. Not all young people will react in the same way. Most will immediately report an error. The girl will need to apologize and say: “Since you are so similar to my friend, maybe we can get to know each other?”. Someone may ask the question: “Do we know each other?”. A good answer is: “Yes, I saw you in my dreams.” The most resourceful young people will support the game. It will be easier to communicate with them.
  6. We meet without tricks. Sometimes it’s easier not to resort to deception, but to immediately declare your intentions. You can just go up to the guy who turned his head with his appearance and say: “Hi! Let's get acquainted! I liked you so much that I would very much like to meet with you. You can add something else to the phrase.
  7. "Casts". If you still have a fear of approaching guys, but you really want to get to know each other, you can stock up on business cards or notes with your phone number, etc. Such “leaflets” can be accidentally dropped in front of an interesting guy; quietly tossing them into the pockets of handsome men; hand over without words.
  8. Her friends can also introduce a girl to a nice person. It all depends on the activity of each of the parties.

The listed methods are mostly unobtrusive and suitable for different places, any men.

Is it worth it to do - you need to decide individually. Many ladies act on the principle: to find at least someone, then we'll figure it out.

But within the framework of the article, it is worth talking about individual dating places and certain types of guys.

People and setting

  1. Often interesting men, decent in appearance, are found in minibuses. In transport, it is more difficult to get to know each other, because there are a lot of people around who will hear the entire dialogue. Feeling as if you are under the lenses of video cameras. The best option is to write handsome guy a small letter with your phone number and hand it over personally.
  2. If a person is rich, does not travel in minibuses, but travels distances in a business class plane, he can be sent a message with a declaration of love, for example, by e-mail. The main thing is that the letter gets to the addressee, and not to his secretary.
  3. In restaurants, cafes, clubs and even sanatoriums, it is better to get acquainted without inventing anything. When people rest, they are relaxed and open. You can approach and offer friendship.
  4. A fit man should be looked for in such places: a fitness club, a gym or a regular gym, a swimming pool, an ice rink. How to get a guy's attention? First, you can pretend to be a beginner. Let's say skating in such a way that many young people will have a desire to train you, or at least hold you back. "Learning" also needs to be able to. Try to look sexy and look for the possibility of physical contact: touch a man, fall on him, etc.
  5. At work, you should not get acquainted, in the sense in the office or at the machine. It is better to wait for a colleague at the end of the day, start a conversation on a professional topic, and then gradually move to a personal one according to the situation.

In general, dating stories can be remembered enough. They all boil down to the options above. The only thing is that you need to correctly look at a specific situation, correctly choosing the most organic way to start a relationship.

meet a guy online

This is a separate, very popular topic. It has already been mentioned that not all men are ready to approach a lady on the street, to offer a walk at night under the moon. Many guys have decided that dating online is much easier. However, some women also think so. Moreover, there are many “places” where you can find a man who lives alone or with his parents, but not with his beloved.

Here is their top:

  • dating sites with free registration;
  • social networks - for example, "Vkontakte";
  • thematic forums;
  • chats: independent and those that are "built into" the interface of dating sites;
  • Skype and other services where you can communicate using video.

How to get acquainted on the Internet? On most sites, you will need to correspond with the guy you like, gradually directing the case to a real meeting. First of all, you need to find a worthy candidate. And this can be very difficult to do.

You should pay attention to:

  1. In the photo, determining whether it is real or fake: the guy really lives in a beautiful apartment, or just went to the studio.
  2. Status. In this column, as a rule, they write a thought that fully characterizes a person. It is necessary to evaluate both the depth of thought and the literacy of writing the text.
  3. You can understand whether a man is ready to start a family and, for example, have a child, if you read the information in his profile.

They say that it is difficult to get acquainted on the site. If you write in an original way, add good photos to your page and fill out the questionnaire in detail, you can find a friend quite realistically. It is possible that the search will have to spend a lot of time. However, if the goal is achieved even in a year or two, you will not have to regret anything. In the event of a quarrel with a young man, you can always return to the Internet and start the search again.

Thus, getting to know men is not as difficult and scary as it might seem at first glance. Of course, there are tricks in this matter. The main ones are described in this article. So, take it into service and send to seek your destiny!

How to meet a man: 5 traps for singles
Where can you meet a worthy young man?
Where do men spend the most time?
The internet is a great place to meet guys
Where else can you meet men?
- Conclusion

The first trap is high expectations.

"I only need a prince on a white horse."

I want to be around smart, and attentive, and caring, and romantic, and economic at the same time. These are just a few points, and for the Man of Dreams there can be more than 100 of them.

Therefore, in order not to look for a prince all his life, you need to understand: what is most important, and what are you ready to turn a blind eye to.

The second trap is inflated self-esteem.

“I deserve only the best man. A man must match me."

The second position is close to the first, but in this case the woman extols her own virtues to such an extent that men are simply afraid to approach such a “beauty and smart girl”.

The third trap is the fear of being alone.

“I am so afraid of being alone, and therefore I cling to any man.”

Women fall into this trap, for whom the very existence of a relationship is more important than their quality. The case when the desire to get married is caused precisely by the fear of one's own loneliness.

The fourth trap is emphasized independence.

“I don’t need anyone, or I am a cat that walks on its own.”

This female position is now very common - women in many areas have surpassed men, feeling with them, if not on an equal footing, then even a little higher.

The need for freedom and independence is indeed very important for any person, regardless of their gender. In this case, she takes a leading position, masking distrust of the opposite sex, fear of close relationships and at the same time a desperate desire to become a weak woman, to allow a man to provide a reliable rear.

The fifth trap is a childish position in a relationship with a man.

"You are bad! I'm offended!".

The most important component of a long-term relationship is the ability to communicate, negotiate, hear and listen to each other. It often happens that a woman seems to be self-confident, ready for a relationship, marriage, and as a result it turns out that she does not hear her partner, misunderstands his words and actions, reversing in her own way - that is, in a relationship with a man, a woman leads herself like a little girl naively batting her eyes. All kinds of grievances, whims, manipulations, ultimatums and other female tricks belong here.

Where can you meet a worthy young man?

1. Where you study.

Go to student parties, participate in amateur performances or sports, look both ways, wherever you are - this is how you will definitely get to know a man.

2. Where you work.

If your whole life fits into the “home-work-home” scheme, this does not mean that you have no chance of finding love. It is at work that serious relationships are often tied. And this is quite understandable, because, seeing each other every day, you have the opportunity to get to know a person in his most varied states and moods and understand how much you can get along with him.

By the way, if you just took a look around the office and did not find a single worthy copy there, then do not rush to get upset. After all, there is probably more than one company in your building, which means that there is always the opportunity to start a conversation with someone from a neighboring office. For example, in a smoking room, where most people go not to smoke, but to communicate and relax from work.

Another simple trick that works: if you see the same person all the time, just start saying hello to them. And if you also smile, then this may well become an occasion for acquaintance.

It is not necessary to be limited to your department, you can consider all the men of the company. Even partners and clients should not be left without your attention.

3. Where you live.

Take a closer look at those men who live with you in the same entrance and the same house.

4. Friends of friends.

Ask all your friends to analyze their familiar bachelors: are there worthy candidates among them to get acquainted with them.

According to statistics, most often, future spouses get to know each other precisely in the company of mutual friends, and only in second place are office acquaintances. So if you want to find your soul mate, never refuse invitations to friendly parties, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries.

Or you can organize some kind of theme party yourself and invite friends to bring acquaintances. The advantage of friendly parties is that they are attended mainly by people who have already passed through a kind of friendly “filter”, and therefore the chances of meeting good man much higher than in any other situation.

There is nothing complicated or dangerous about such dates.

5. Acquaintance on excursions.

A great way to spend a weekend is to go somewhere on an excursion. The main advantage of excursions is that you have a whole day (or even two) to decide to approach an interesting man or provoke him to approach you.

Where do men spend the most time?

It is necessary: ​​to get acquainted with men where there is the greatest accumulation of them per square meter.

At the sports bar.
It doesn't matter that you don't like boxing and football, it's important that men love it. You need to look not at the TV screen, but at the pretty visitors.

At the fitness club.
Already now, in many large successful companies, the social package includes not only medical insurance and meals, but also payment for classes in a fitness club.

However, even if sports are not paid for by the firm, modern man much more motivation to keep fit, because this is one of the components of success. So it’s quite possible to meet a worthy man in a fitness club!

Today, a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise are becoming more and more popular.

Where there is a lot of adrenaline.
Many men lack adrenaline in everyday life, so they look for it by skydiving, racing, playing paintball, etc.

At the entertainment center.
Not all guys prefer to spend their leisure time lying on the couch. Many male companies go to entertainment centers to play billiards, bowling, table hockey, etc.

At the resort.
While relaxing at the resort, even the most passive individuals manage to make new contacts and make friends. Actually, acquaintances begin already with landing on an airplane or train and continue to occur until returning to the starting point.

New experiences make us look at the world in a new way, make us more tolerant and open, and perhaps that is why it becomes so easy to get along with new people. Meeting with a fellow countryman in the midst of the bustle of an unfamiliar overseas city is already an occasion to get to know each other and chat. And if you are not one of those who prefer to spend all two weeks on the beach, then there are even more opportunities - excursions, beach activities, outdoor activities.

This is a chance not only to learn something new, but also to make a promising acquaintance with a representative of the stronger sex. Here, however, it is worth being careful, because for many men a holiday romance is a way to have fun and cheat on their wife.

The internet is a great place to meet guys

Do not ignore such a wonderful place for meeting young people as the Internet.

Many of them practically live on the net, so fish them out in real life almost impossible.

  • in in social networks– pay special attention to interest groups;
  • on special dating sites - not only perverts, scammers and lovers of practical jokes live here (although there are enough of them), but also specimens quite suitable for marriage;
  • at the city forum - the advantage of such an acquaintance is that you do not have to build relationships at a distance;
  • on specialized forums, for example, dedicated to cars or computer games - study the issue before registering so as not to look like a complete fool.

To successfully meet men on the Internet, you should not wait until they pay attention to you. Show initiative and you will be rewarded.

Where else can you meet men?

There are several more suitable places where you can meet worthy men:

On city holidays.
A holiday in itself is an excellent opportunity to get to know each other, and the main plus of the festive festivities is that you can completely with impunity, not being afraid to look funny, smile at everyone.

On a holiday, when everyone is in high spirits, acquaintances happen as if by themselves. A smile in response to a smile, and it's in the bag!

In the shop.
The supermarket is perhaps the most unromantic place in the world. But, oddly enough, many manage to make interesting acquaintances there.

By the way, supermarkets are not only grocery stores. There are also, for example, sports - there are much more reasons for communication, and there are higher chances of finding a friend (or more than a friend) by interests.

By the way, you can get acquainted in this way not only with visitors, but also with employees.

At a gas station.
This method is suitable only for motorists, because if you walk around the gas station on foot and pester men to get acquainted, then you will be mistaken for a young lady of a certain profession or a city madwoman.

On the beach.
Here you can immediately evaluate the figure of a potential candidate for your hand and heart.

Acquaintance in a bookstore
The beauty is that in the bookstore you always have a completely legal way to address the man you like.

- Conclusion

AT modern world it is quite difficult to meet a man for a serious relationship, since now a woman spends most of her free time at work. However, sooner or later, even career-obsessed representatives of the weaker sex begin to think about starting a family. And then they ask themselves: “Where will I meet a man?”

There are many places where you can meet for a serious relationship, regardless of your age. But before you rush to get acquainted with the contenders for your hand and heart, you should think about what kind of man you need, and then look for places where you can find him.

Of course, for this you will have to work hard. First of all, you should take care of your appearance, as well as be persistent so that the object of your interest draws attention to you. But for a determined person, such trifles are not an obstacle.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

“Igor, you wrote about dating services. But in reality, where to meet mature people? There are few chances in the subway, it’s somehow dangerous on the street, and in restaurants, men drink in their companies and categorically do not dance ”(c) Olga.

This is not the first such question in my post. It's practically eternal question, although the answer to it is very simple - everywhere. For self-confident, witty and liberated person it's not a question at all. The problem is that we have a lot fewer confident and liberated people than everyone else. And in our age of advanced technology and the Internet, people who spend most of their lives at the computer have slightly forgotten that there is real life and you can meet real people. You just have to get off the Internet and go no matter where. The main thing is to do this with the help of the legs, not the cursor. On the way, you will certainly meet men. Of course, some women still think that a man should meet first. Those who are especially confident in this anachronism run the risk of never finding their soul mate. More advanced women have long understood that a man should be grabbed until he leaves. You cannot expect favors from nature, especially from male nature. Taking them is your job.

Let's get back to the letter. Why is this In the underground little chance? Especially during peak hours. Sometimes fate in the form of a crowd can itself press you to the one you have been looking for all your life. And especially smart girls also know how to use the same crowd in order to be near the person they like. Note: here too the initiative must come from the woman. Because those men who themselves strive to snuggle up to you are either maniacs or pickpockets. A man will never think badly about you in his life. Especially if you smile at him a little embarrassed - they say I'm innocent, it's all of them. Who can resist such a smile? Nobody. But if, on the contrary, you begin to turn away in every possible way, frown and pretend that you don’t like this situation at all, the man will definitely be offended and turn away.

Now about the street. If you notice, it's summer outside. The rarest time of the year when even the most indoor and office creatures crawl out to bask in the sun and breathe in what is outside. And even to accomplish an unprecedented feat for them - "to walk." And by the way, in addition to the sun and air in the head, most certainly have the idea of ​​meeting a beautiful stranger. (A normal man always has such a thought in his head, and you don’t need crazy ones). Well, go ahead. Various parks and other places of mass walking of the population are very good for this. There you can always approach a person and ask where you can drink tea or see hippos nearby. If he likes you too, he will go to drink and watch with you. If not, forget it and ask the same question to the next guy you like.

Another amazing way to attract male attention is become a woman who doesn't know how to do something. We all love to learn! And if a woman is pretty, then with tripled enthusiasm. You probably have something that you have long wanted to learn: rollerblading, paragliding, shooting from a crossbow, flying a kite, playing with spoons ... First, look on the Internet for forums where adherents of this hobby communicate. Find out where and when they meet. You can, of course, first show up on this forum and say that I'm a newbie, I don't understand anything, but I really want to. Surely there will be those who want to help, and among them it will be possible to filter out the one who is nice to you. The most win-win option is to try to learn some predominantly male occupation. That is, go to a place where mostly men, and not even very beautiful woman instantly become a star and a goddess.

If you are too lazy to learn something, then you can just go to the spare parts store or household goods and play on the image of a woman who does not understand carburetors, rotary hammers and cultivators. There will be a lot of people who want to explain to you, and again, you can choose a nice one from them. Not only that: if he is really good at all this, then there is a chance to get a skilled, handy husband who will fix everything, build it, etc. However, if you are allergic to punchers, go to your favorite clothing store, only in the men's department. Explore the hangers there until someone lonely and pretty shows up, and then ask them to try on the jacket you want to buy for your brother or dad. If everything goes well, you can ask to try on trousers too.

What else is great about summer? Many different festivals and holidays! From the Cucumber Festival, for example, in Suzdal, to the Western Festival Wild Wesren Festival in the Istra floodplain. Such events are always full of people of any gender, and, as a rule, they are in a positive mood. There is a huge choice and a reason to act. However, even if the weather turns bad and the organizers miss something, you will have a great excuse to hide from the rain with your chosen one under one garbage bag or share the last chocolate bar with him.

And yes, there is another great way to get acquainted - a camera. Just at the same holiday, you photograph the one who dances best or juggles stools. And then go up to the person and say: “Do you have an email address to send photos to?”

Of course, that's not all. These are very, very not all ways to achieve what you want and make him your husband. But wake up your own imagination and ingenuity - and you will succeed.

  1. What are you doing tonight, after our date?
  2. Do you think I like you more than you like me?
  3. Hello, can I talk to you? And then all sorts of girls stick around, trying to get acquainted ...
  4. Hello, can you tell me how to cook dumplings?
  5. You have a very happy nose!
  6. Can you tell me the recipe for birch jam?
  7. Hello! Today is an amazing day, can I cheer you up?
  8. Hello! Are you on VK too? And I. Do you play flute? Me neither. See how similar we are!
  9. Do you meet nice young people? Here I am!
  10. You have beautiful eyes, what color are they?
  11. And I bet you can't guess what your name is?
  12. You probably won't give me a chance to meet you... But send me a smile if I'm wrong!
  13. I'm clearly not the first person to want to meet you. But I'm the best! Do you want me to prove it?
  14. Hello! I sell happiness! Do you want me to give it to you for free?
  15. Can you tell me where is the best place to spend my salary?
  16. I'm tired of waiting for you to make the first move. Hello!
  17. You have amazing eyes, I can't tear myself away from them.
  18. I look at you and understand that we definitely need to get to know each other!
  19. Tell me, how many did you send off today? I'm four. Oh, and cheeky girls!
  20. I looked at your photos and forgot to meet you. Hello!
  21. Do you believe in love at forty-eight glance? And then I look at your pictures for so long that I fall in love!
  22. How did you know I was online?
  23. Let's change? You give me two hundred grams of sadness, and I give you a kilogram of my joy?
  24. Can we talk already or will we just like each other?
  25. Remember me? I dreamed about you!
  26. Hey I'm reading right now interesting story. The guy met the girl, and they lived happily ever after! By the way, do you know how he met her? Said, "Hi, I'm reading an interesting story right now!"
  27. You know, before I met you, I was sure that I was gay!
  28. How about flirting?
  29. Hello! I want to interview you. Tell me what it's like to be alone beautiful girl?
  30. Can you help me learn how to talk to girls?
  31. Hello, I'm doing a census and I want to start with you!
  32. Hello, please change mine free time to communicate with you?
  33. You are very mistaken if you think that I want to get to know you. I want to invite you on a date!
  34. So two damn attractive people met. Hello!
  35. No, well, if you keep silent all the time, no one will get to know you. I'll help, hello!
  36. You know, I didn't have a very pleasant day. I was upset, but then I saw your avatar.
  37. Can you forgive yourself if you don't answer me?
  38. Have you ever had young people crawling at your feet? And at the hands?
  39. And if I were such a beautiful girl like you, I would get to know myself!
  40. And who are you dating? And come with me!
  41. Hello! I'm writing a book about what girls want. Won't you tell?
  42. A stunning girl like you should have a beautiful font!
  43. Hello! I got lost in life and barely found you, will you lead me out of the dim world of loneliness?
  44. Can I flirt with you?
  45. You know, there are things that are easy to imagine together - black and white, day and night, butter and porridge, you and me ...
  46. Don't want to talk to someone who really likes you?
  47. What questions do you think guys get slapped for?
  48. You have a boyfriend? Maybe you need something better?
  49. Are you in love with your city?
  50. I love dogs very much. Could you tell me what breed is better to have?
  51. Are you a professional stylist?
  52. You are beautiful! Can we switch to "you"?
  53. You spend a lot of time online, can we go to unwind?
  54. You're so beautiful! Or do you know a professional photographer?
  55. Imagine, I wrote you a huge text, and then they turned off the light. So just hello!
  56. Wow, I love this band too! And what is your favorite song?
  57. You have a very cute face!
  58. You have such beautiful eyes! Especially the left one!
  59. Gorgeous legs! And the right one is doubly gorgeous!
  60. I like your mouth ☺
  61. You know, you have such a cute chest! And there are two more of them!
  62. Nice dress! You know, the purse doesn't really fit.
  63. Have you heard the phrase that with whom you will lead, from that you will type? So, I like you, and I decided that I would get enough from you!
  64. It was difficult, but I was able to write to you! Reward with an answer?
  65. Have you ever ridden an escalator? Do you want me to ride?
  66. I think I have amnesia, otherwise I would have written to you!
  67. Do you happen to have a red thread? We would be able to make friends with her.
  68. Your beauty struck me so that I forgot what I wanted to tell you.
  69. Have you ever been offered a hand and a heart? I am a surgeon, I have a lot of them!
  70. Excuse me, can I tweak your plans for tonight?
  71. Didn't you just hit the "I like" button on my photo by accident? Not? It's a pity…
  72. I wonder if your inner world matches your photos?
  73. It must be bad to be your girlfriend, because you overshadowed everyone with your beauty!
  74. I miss two things in my life - you and hair.
  75. When I see you, I understand how good it is that I am single!
  76. You know, your hair matches the color of my pillow perfectly.
  77. Must it hurt to fall from heaven?
  78. Girl, does your mother need a son-in-law?
  79. I bet ten thousand that I ask you out on a date and you say no?
  80. Marry me!
  81. Urgent, call an ambulance, I was shot by an arrow of love ...
  82. Give me your sadness I need it for experiments.
  83. Hello! Could you please wake me up tomorrow? I'm afraid to oversleep.
  84. Are you from a fairy tale?
  85. Do you know what love at first sight is? If not, I'll write again!
  86. Are you Alice, my contact?
  87. Girl, are you probably tired of the question about your son-in-law?
  88. I bought borjomi and salami, come eat!
  89. And here I am collecting a harem. Only you are missing.
  90. When are you going to take your first step? I'm tired of waiting and I'm doing it myself! Let's get acquainted!
  91. I've definitely seen you somewhere, can you remind me where?
  92. You are beautiful on the Internet, show yourself in life?
  93. Hello! Amazing places in your photos. Where is it?
  94. You wrote that you love “….” group. Do you have any of their songs on cassettes?
  95. Have you ever really seen interesting girl?
  96. You have a very familiar face! Were you at the club yesterday?
  97. You know the saying "listen to a woman and do the opposite"? Now, I don't want you to answer me!
  98. I have a great job! Man/Girl to go to the cinema with me. Don't you want to try?
  99. Hello. It's such a good day today. I want to cheer someone up. Maybe you?
  100. Today I saw you in a dream, but you managed to say only your first and last name. And so I found you!
  101. You have such beautiful eyes. I have been looking only at them for a long time, but I do not dare to write.

Let me guess. Are you one of those girls who are tired of looking for their betrothed in nightclubs and cafes? Thinking about meeting guys on social networks and the Internet?

Are you tired of blind dates arranged by friends/relatives who are worried about your fate? What if I offer you to find your soul mate without leaving home?

Yes, you got it right – I mean online dating.

Of course, you can be skeptical about this idea. But in fact, this is a very good alternative to the classic methods of meeting a man for a relationship.

Internet dating is good!

What could be better than a comfortable pastime in the evening in your favorite armchair with a laptop and a cup of coffee, during which you can have time to “meet” dozens and even hundreds of potential candidates for the role of your boyfriend?

Agree, in real life, a similar number of dates would take much more time.

Still in doubt? But in our time, online dating makes up a significant share (20-25%) of all acquaintances, which as a result lead to marriage or serious relationship.

And, oddly enough, not only young people do this. People of middle and even old age increasingly prefer to get acquainted and “test the soil” remotely.

Online dating: where to start?

To meet a man online will require a bit of courage, as well as the ability to analyze information and plan your actions.

It is also not so easy for a man to start dating a girl on the Internet. I also recommend adopting the following 11 tips that will help you make the “right” acquaintances in virtual reality and bring them to relationships in real life.

Some dating sites offer men who are potentially suitable for you, selected by comparing profiles. This is the simplest method, although not very reliable, since the selection is made by software algorithms as a result of cold calculation.

If you prefer to choose yourself, you should register on sites that provide this opportunity.

There are both free sites for virtual dating on the network, as well as with all kinds of paid subscriptions with additional features such as displaying profiles in top places.

"Serious" paid sites, as a rule, are distinguished by the fact that wealthy men predominate among their users. You're not looking for a "rogue" are you?

But the costs of using their services can range from the level of pocket money to "the salary is not enough for this."

Therefore, you should immediately decide whether you can allocate any funds to search for love on the network, or whether you will be content with free options (by the way, there are also sites where everything is free for girls and paid for men).

Of course, the easiest way is to register on the most popular and well-known dating sites. But their problem usually lies in the glut of those who want to find their soul mate and fake accounts. There your profile will simply get lost.

Therefore, you can also look at a couple of "players" on a smaller scale, but made with soul. For example, it can be not just dating sites, but something like an interest club, where the probability of finding your soul mate will be much higher.

No matter how tempting it may be, when filling out a profile on the site, you should not lie about your job, social status, appearance, etc.

After all, honesty is one of the main qualities that men look for in women.

You should not immediately reveal all the information about yourself to someone you meet online. First, tell only the most basic things that will help attract male attention.

The rest of the details should be revealed gradually, when you mutually learn something new about him.

You should never give out personal information that attackers can use to, for example, steal money from your bank card.

This applies to both filling out the questionnaire and communicating with other users.

While I advise you to be as honest as possible and not make up anything about yourself, you still need to be prepared for the fact that the men you meet may not do the same.

It is quite expected that many of them will embellish their own merits and forget to mention “disadvantages” like age, excess weight, etc.

Don't take "No" too personally. After all, most likely, refusing to communicate with you, a man actually rejects your age, hair color, place of your residence or any other parameter indicated in your profile.

Just because this parameter does not suit him, and not because he has something against you personally.

At the same time, don't hesitate to say "no" to men you don't want to date. Politeness and courtesy in this case will not be very appropriate.

In order not to scatter your attention and time, you should carefully analyze the profiles of virtual acquaintances and the impressions of communicating with them in order to leave only a few of them.

In this case, there is a chance to meet exactly the one you need much faster than if you continue to communicate with hundreds of men at once, and even more so go on dates with each of them in real life.

Feel free to search for information about men from dating sites in search engines and social networks.

While they can create an unrealistic profile for themselves and give their personality the qualities they want, tracking their activity and interests on social networks can reveal a lot.

In many cases, you will not see the guy you met at all.

Until you begin to 100% trust the man you met through the Internet, you should not tell him too personal things about yourself, bring him to your house or drive home to him.

Well, or at least make sure that your friends/relatives know where and with whom you spend time, and from time to time they call to see how you are doing.

It is best to first make appointments in public places. I don’t want to scare you, but there is always a chance to meet a maniac on the network. However, just like in life

Dating online or in real life?

We live in an age of rapidly developing digital technologies that have firmly entered all spheres of our lives. And there is nothing reprehensible in trying to find a mate through the Internet.

How to charm a man on the first date, you can learn on my free online course Man: an honest instruction.

The main thing is to learn how to behave correctly during online communication and do right choice.

With faith in you and your success, Yaroslav Samoilov.

Read the top articles of my blog:

How to manipulate a man?

Psychology of relationships with married man

What kind of women do men like?

9 questions that take the relationship of a woman and a man to a new level

Psychology of relationships in a couple: 4 signs of conscious feelings

How to attract a man into your life?

5 amazing qualities that make a woman irresistible

7 things a woman can do with her mouth

How to win a man in 90 days?

What does a man think when he meets “his one and only”?

How to ask a man?

How to behave with a man in bed. 5 ground rules?

How to fall in love with a man?

How to please a man?

10 text messages that make it clear that men like you

5 golden truths on how to understand a man

16 priceless examples of how to compliment a man

19 nice sms for your beloved man

11 statements of a man in love or how to understand that a man is in love

How to seduce a man? 4 ways that will surprise you

❶ How to meet online

You will need

  • - Computer with internet connection;
  • - photo.


Registration on a dating site begins with filling out a questionnaire. Fill it out with all the frankness you can. Describe your strengths and weaknesses. Try not to brag, but don't underestimate your accomplishments either. If the person you like suddenly realizes that the acquaintance began with deceit, it will be very unpleasant and embarrassing for both of you, and cause a break in the relationship that is starting.

Photo selection also has great importance. They should be decent and successful, that is, put you in the best light. On them, you must definitely look like a successful and happy person - a face with an open look and a smile. If you are unable to take suitable pictures yourself, contact a professional photographer.

When communicating, try to ask the interlocutor about his life, interests, work, travel, and the like. Do not be frank with a new acquaintance, do not complain about problems at home or at work. You must be a mystery. If you notice in the process of correspondence that the information on the site about this person in some way does not coincide with reality, do not hesitate to ask questions. Do not write anything in the columns with questions about sex, unless it is for the purpose of dating.

If you are very pleased to communicate, then the next step should be the exchange of phone numbers. So you can determine how much you like the voice of the interlocutor, his manner of speaking, his vocabulary. If everything suits you, you can make an appointment.

For the first meeting, it is not at all necessary to wear all the jewelry at once. Clothing should be clean, neat and appropriate for the moment. You should not wear an ultra-short skirt on a first date, you may be misunderstood. The meeting place must be crowded, but so that you can calmly communicate with each other. Do not agree to go to a more secluded place, since no one can vouch for the purity of your new acquaintance's intentions.

Almost all boys and girls surf the Internet every day: social networks, Internet blogs, news sites, etc. The Internet is very convenient and useful tool, with which you can get information of interest, adequate interlocutors and, of course, potential “second halves”.

Where can you start dating on the Web and is there, in general, any sense in this?

A lot of people are skeptical about virtual dating, believing that this is a waste of time that will not bring real results.

Is there, in general, even the slightest sense to get acquainted on the Internet? In fact, a lot depends on your mental attitude.

If a person, filling out a questionnaire on a dating site, is sure that a priori he will not be able to find at least an interesting interlocutor there, nothing will work out.

With such an attitude, you simply cannot see a potential boyfriend / girlfriend in the person who “knocked” on your door. But in fact, dating on the Internet can become for any person a “magic wand” that can solve the issue of amorous affairs.

Just imagine that more than 5 million people are on dating sites every minute. According to statistics, more than 30% of registered people who are hungry for communication hope to build long-term and strong relationships.

If you listen to your friends, many of them will say that it is simply pointless to get acquainted on the Internet: “only inadequate people sit there”, “normal men do not seek virtual communication”, etc. Although in reality, these are nothing more than stereotypes. If you consider yourself an adequate and reasonable person who intends to create profiles on dating sites, it is logical to assume that someone like you thinks the same way.

How to start dating on the Internet?

  • Get rid of stereotypes. Deciding to communicate on the Web, moderate your skepticism. Tune in, if not to finding a soul mate, then at least a pleasant and interesting pastime;
  • Decide on the purpose of dating. If you intend to meet, for example, a guy to create a relationship, communicate only with the circle of people who could potentially become partners in your life;
  • Fill out your profile completely. To interest people in your own candidacy, try to fill out your profile on dating sites as much as possible. Thus, you will save people from having to ask unnecessary banal questions “where do you live?”, “What are your hobbies?” etc.;
  • Be truthful. When communicating with people, try not to embellish reality too much. As a rule, this is a road to nowhere. Give the interlocutor the opportunity to assess the real qualities of character, and not superficial;
  • Get rid of projections. Many girls, communicating with a man, imagine semi-fantastic creatures endowed exclusively positive qualities. In order not to be ultimately disappointed in your own choice, try not to attribute non-existent character traits to people.

It is probably not a secret for anyone that at the initial stages of communication, the first written phrases are of decisive importance.

Why? People who have been communicating with potential “second halves” for more than a month are simply tired of banal phrases like: “hello, what are you doing?”, “what is your name, beautiful stranger?” etc.

In order not to automatically go into the category of “another failure”, you should think about the correct selection of phrases for getting to know interesting man through the website.

What should be the first words?

  • The written phrase should not be banal and predictable;
  • Words should "hook" and interest a potential "groom";
  • The first written phrases should "give out" the level of your intellectual development.

How to understand where to start communicating with a man? First of all, analyze the person’s profile, find out what he is fond of, what his interests and worldview are. If you are interested in something more than just a person’s appearance, feel free to start a conversation.

What questions or just phrases can you write?

  • “I accidentally came across your page and now I am worried about one important question…”. Such a phrase will immediately intrigue a person who will certainly want to hear the continuation of the sentence. The second part of the phrase can be continued in a joking manner, for example, “do you have a little time for me to communicate”;
  • “Probably, girls often invite you to go to the registry office.” Such expressions are more suitable for dating young guys, up to 28-30 years old.
  • "Don't you need a witty interlocutor?" Don't be afraid to use funny phrases and questions to have a nice online date. The main thing is that they should not be trivial and in the first couple of days they distinguish you from the gray mass of people who communicate through standard phrases.

Unfortunately, not only people seeking to find interesting interlocutors, but also scammers surf the Internet. They skillfully "disguise themselves" as potential brides and grooms, pursuing only one goal - to get money. That is why when communicating on the Web, be very vigilant.

Online scammers registered on dating sites can use many ways to “process” victims.

In most cases, they first fall in love with the victim, and then come up with a lot of heartbreaking stories in which they ask you to part with a certain amount in their favor.

In order not to become a victim of another swindler, take the following dating rules as a basis:

  • Do not transfer personal funds to anyone and under no circumstances and do not provide your passport data;
  • Check the person in the "black lists" of scammers. Similar lists are publicly available on the Web. If the behavior of a potential fiance / bride seems strange to you, check if he is on the lists of those who want to get rich at someone else's expense;
  • Try to communicate on Skype. As a rule, scammers are not eager to show their own face, so they often post photos of other people on websites. However, communication via video communication would allow at least the slightest degree to be convinced of the sincere interest of the interlocutor;
  • If you see that events are developing extremely quickly and a person already on the third or fourth day of communication declares his “unreal” feelings, you should doubt their authenticity.

To find out the status of a potential fiancé, you can simply use the services of a detective agent. Through his own communication channel, he will be able to establish the location of a person, personal data about him that interests you, as well as some biography facts.

Virtual communication is another way to find an interesting interlocutor or potential life partner.

To increase your chances of meeting really interesting people, use non-standard statuses for dating on the Internet, fill out your profiles in site profiles as much as possible and do not start correspondence with banal phrases.

How to make online dating


Search interesting people You can use social networks, dating sites and thematic resources. But the first option - social networks - is the most promising. In social networks, people are easier to contact and respond to letters and comments from strangers.

To make new acquaintances on the Internet, you need to be able to take the first steps. Feel free to write a message to the girl or guy you like with a greeting and a question, from which a long strong friendship and even a romantic relationship can begin.

You need to communicate with new acquaintances on the Internet correctly. Avoid the overused dating classic: “Hi. How are you?" These three words are unlikely to force anyone today to write an answer to a stranger.

Communication is better to start with interesting questions. Determining the interests of a stranger is easy. On social networks, look at the user's page, also on dating sites, and on forums, look at the topics where the user you are interested in left messages, and draw conclusions about his interests and hobbies based on this information.

The first dialogue with a new acquaintance in the vastness of the global network can easily become the last. And if you do not want to lose a potential friend online, communicate with him as if you met in real life, and do not sit in your room in front of a computer monitor. After all, the rule of first impression also applies in the virtual space.

Feel free to ask, but don't be intrusive either. If the interlocutor replies to your messages in monosyllables and at long intervals, it's time to ask him if you are too annoying. Make sure that your communication is interesting not only to you, but also to your interlocutor.

Useful advice