Business for the production of aerated concrete blocks. Business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks Technology for the production of aerated concrete blocks

The modern pace of construction requires special materials. Recently, cellular concrete (aerated concrete) has gained the greatest popularity. The production of aerated concrete is a profitable and sought-after business. Moreover, this material stands out among others for its qualities. So, it is aerated concrete in comparison with the rest that has the best heat transfer. In addition, it is also energy-saving and lightweight. This makes it indispensable in construction, and hence in sale. Demand is unusually high. However, the competition for it is high. In almost every region there are several firms engaged in such production.

Investments in business

Of course, the production of aerated concrete cannot occur without investments. First of all, this is documentation. It will take about 5-18 thousand for all permits and registration. The exact cost depends on the region and the appetites of officials involved in the registration of activities.

Secondly, the room. It must be spacious. In addition to the workshop where the building material will be produced, a warehouse for finished products and premises for personnel are also needed.

Thirdly, our own fleet of special equipment. Of course, you can also hire cars that will deliver your products to customers, but renting will cost a little more in the long run. Perhaps, at first, you want to save money by not providing delivery services. This is not entirely correct, because then your customers can run away to those companies that provide delivery. It is better to think in advance about your own fleet of vehicles, especially since you can also earn money on it. Set a shipping rate, and then your fleet will pay for itself.

Fourth, equipment for the production of aerated concrete. There are two options. If the start-up capital is not constrained, then you can buy a fully automatic line, which can only be operated by a couple of people. Its cost starts from 3.5 million rubles. In total, such a line produces about 100 cubic meters of material per shift. If the starting capital is limited, then you can purchase a semi-automatic line. Its cost starts from 150 thousand rubles. True, the productivity is less - only 2-3 cubes per shift. What exactly to choose is up to you. If you are planning a large production, then you cannot do without a machine. If the plans are for average sales and deliveries, a semi-automatic will suffice.

In addition to all of the above, you need to hire staff. In addition to the workers who monitor the lines, loaders and drivers are needed. The number of employees is individual, depending on the scale of production.

And of course, it's consumable. Without it, your production is impossible. You can buy it both from domestic manufacturers and abroad. The first option is more budgetary, especially since it does not differ in quality from foreign ones.

Payback, income, profitability

The production of aerated concrete pays off pretty quickly. If your production is medium in size, with a semi-automatic line, then the payback will come in a year and a half. If the scale of productivity is large, then it will pay off much faster. With 250 cubic meters of material per month of net profit, you can earn about 200 thousand rubles.

From large-scale production, respectively, more. Monthly net income brings stability. Moreover, the business is in demand. Specialists also give forecasts that a significant increase in demand for this type of building materials is expected. Over the next few years, the demand for products will grow. According to marketers, aerated concrete is crowding out other building materials of its type from the market. In a few years, it will become completely indispensable in the construction of buildings.

Own business: production of aerated concrete

The profitability of aerated concrete production can exceed 100%. An important condition for success is a careful study of the market. If there are already more than 5 similar productions in your region, then yours must be unique in some way. Whether it will be price, quality or timing is up to you. The competition in business is high, but nevertheless, this does not mean that you will “burn out”. An important point is that the demand is seasonal. So, when starting a business, calculate everything in detail. Your workshop should open in March or April. This will give you a chance to earn some product, which will be bought from you in May. The warehouse should never be empty. Otherwise, with an urgent order, you may lose your customers.

Business Features

Any production implies the presence of special conditions and aspects. So, the manufacture of aerated concrete requires compliance with certain factors. Your consumable means what concrete is made of and the actual substances that will give gas in it.

The technology for the production of aerated concrete is simple: special substances are added to the ready-mixed concrete. Those, forming a gas, make pores in the material. If we draw an analogy, the material looks like dough with yeast. Concrete "roams", increasing its size. The weight of one block does not exceed 25 kg. Holes of equal diameter are visible on the surface.

Aerated concrete is most popular in the construction of main walls. This material is the strongest and most durable among its competitors. The price is a bit higher than others, but it's worth it. Demand for it begins at the same time when the construction season approaches (April-May). Ends abundant demand closer to winter.

Pros and cons

Advantages of aerated concrete production:

  1. quick payback;
  2. demand;
  3. small investments (depending on the scale of the workshop);
  4. profitability;
  5. good profitability.

Among all, you can find only one drawback - competition. Manufacturers of building materials have long come to the conclusion that it is possible and necessary to produce such material. That is why you need the utmost care.

Study the demand and supply market not only in your region, but also in the neighboring one. So, it may turn out that opening a workshop in a neighboring region will be more profitable. You do not have to be always present at the work of the plant. Competent management staff will do it for you.

Concrete is one of the most used materials in construction. But in recent years, not just concrete, but concrete blocks with various additives have been increasingly used. One of these “hybrids” is aerated concrete. Therefore, in this article, for example business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks we will consider the prospects for creating such an enterprise.

Aerated concrete is actively used in the construction of residential buildings, office buildings, shopping malls, etc. Usually load-bearing walls are made of aerated concrete, since the material is highly durable. Demand for aerated concrete blocks continues to grow, which makes this business very promising. But in the process of launching an aerated concrete plant, a number of issues may arise that should be considered at the planning stage.

Key features of a business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks with calculations

Production planning

When deciding to start a new business, you should carefully analyze all aspects of this case. Before moving on to real production, you first need to do development business plan for aerated concrete production.

It is important to assess the presence of competitors in the regional market, since the opening of such a production will be most profitable if there are no direct competitors in the region, since transportation costs are one of the few items in production that can be saved in this business.

AT business plan it will be important to carefully carry out all the calculations associated with the beginning aerated concrete production. All the collected information must be structured into sections, making the appropriate conclusions.



Main activities within the production of aerated concrete

Within the framework of the project under consideration, the main activity will be the production of aerated concrete blocks, which are made by introducing certain substances into the cement mortar that cause the process of gas formation (as a rule, this is aluminum powder).

Simplified, all processes within the framework of the considered business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks will look like this:

  • Purchase of raw materials;
  • Block production;
  • Sales of products.

The technological solution (adding gas-forming substances to cement) is due to the fact that just concrete blocks have performance characteristics worse than concrete structures with various additives. In turn, aerated concrete is distinguished by high rates of thermal insulation and soundproofing.

1 - Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. The volume of investments to launch the production of aerated concrete blocks

1.3. Work results

2 - Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 - Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market Dynamics

4 - Staff

4.1. staffing

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 - Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Funding plan

5.3. Sales plan for the development of the production of aerated concrete blocks

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 - Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. Finance. Analysis

6.3. Risks of production of aerated concrete blocks

7 - Conclusions

A business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks with calculations is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it's ready to use. Or you can adjust any section for yourself.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, then this is easy to do in the "Project Concept" section

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all tables, graphs and charts.

For example: if you need to increase the sales plan, then it is enough to change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and all tables and charts will be ready immediately: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model for themselves.


Feedback from our clients

Feedback on the business plan for the production of paving slabs

The goal of planning was, on the one hand, to attract funding, and on the other hand, we also wanted to have a clear picture of how we would develop. In the end, I liked the plan. In the business plan of the paving slab production workshop, I liked the financial model, I liked that it was convenient to use, it was easy to adjust it for myself, there were no questions about it in the bank either. So far, a loan of 19 million has been received. rubles. Thank you! This result was obtained, including with your help. Good luck!

Maksimov K.O., Nizhny Novgorod,

Feedback on the business plan for the development of a sand quarry for the extraction of sand

To expand production, we needed to attract investors. More precisely, we had our own investor, but in order to work with him, we needed a business plan. Representatives of the site company provided us with invaluable assistance in compiling this document, as a result of which the investor was satisfied with the quality of the business plan. We received investments in the amount of 40 million rubles for the purchase of new equipment.

Egor Valerievich, Kostroma, General Director

Feedback on a business plan for a concrete plant

We were satisfied with the business plan of the concrete plant. All formulas are easy to use and very simple, all explanations are clear, and any changes can be made to the finished model. In fact, this is the first business plan that has proven to be user-friendly and clear to understand.

M. L. Ivanova, Financial Director, OJSC "World of Construction"

Drawing up a business plan for the production of aerated concrete

Market analysis of aerated concrete blocks

The relatively stable economic situation caused positive trends in the development of the construction industry, which led to the demand for building materials. The production of aerated and foam concrete is one of the fastest growing sectors in the construction market.

In the market analysis section of aerated concrete business plan it will be necessary to estimate the share of aerated concrete in the total production of building materials. It is also necessary to evaluate not only direct competitors (enterprises selling aerated concrete blocks), but also indirect ones (enterprises producing other materials used for similar purposes in construction).

Speaking about the competitive advantages of aerated concrete compared to other building materials, we note its characteristics such as:

  • Lightness (due to the fact that the blocks have a porous structure);
  • High thermal conductivity;
  • Vapor permeability (this is a disadvantage - the material tends to accumulate moisture, so you have to cover the walls with special solutions);
  • Fire safety (aerated concrete is one of the safest (non-combustible) materials);
  • Ease of use (convenience in the construction of buildings).

A similar line of business with a similar technology for the production and marketing of products is the production of foam blocks. also contains a descriptive part of the project and calculations.

Production registration

Starting any activity, it is necessary to register it - that is, to register as an individual entrepreneur or as a limited liability company.

The business plan will also need to take into account the costs associated with providing all the documents - to the tax office; to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund, open bank accounts, obtain other permits - conclusions from the labor protection inspectorate, fire safety, etc.

Planning for the production of aerated concrete blocks

In this section, you need to choose the location of production, determine the characteristics of the necessary equipment.

Speaking about the location of production, we note that it is better to place it outside the city or in an industrial zone. The main thing is the availability of sufficient space, which should accommodate:

  • Workshop (possibly several workshops);
  • Warehouse of raw materials;
  • Finished products warehouse;
  • Garage;
  • administrative premises;
  • Utility rooms.

AT business plan for each specific production aerated concrete their characteristics and the cost of the equipment used will be given, which will vary depending on the production program. Let's imagine the approximate categories of equipment:

  • Dosers for loose materials and water;
  • Mixer for aerated concrete;
  • Forms;
  • Mobile trays for molds;
  • Cutting device, etc.

When planning production, it is necessary to draw up a staffing table indicating all categories of personnel, their job responsibilities and remuneration.

At the initial stage, the following specialists are to be found:

  • Manager;
  • Technologist;
  • Handymen;
  • movers;
  • Drivers;
  • Other auxiliary workers (if necessary).

Investment calculations in the business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks

Since most of the calculations depend on technological solutions and the production program of a particular enterprise, it is quite difficult to designate a single structure and give specific figures for the necessary investments. But on our site you can download a sample business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks with calculations. The calculation methodology given in this business plan will allow you to calculate all the necessary indicators, depending on the characteristics of your project.

  • Equipment - xxx r.
  • Premises (rent) — xxx r.
  • Working capital - xxx r.
  • Marketing - xxx p.
  • Unforeseen expenses (10%) - xxx p.

O The total investment will be approximately50 - 150 million rubles. Of course, everything depends on the scale of the planned activity, the characteristics of the equipment, etc. But in any case, a significant financial investment will be required to launch a serious production.

Operating expenses in the production of aerated concrete

In addition to investment costs, any business also has operating costs associated, as a rule, with the purchase of raw materials and the payment of wages. Their approximate structure for a company producing aerated concrete blocks is as follows:

  • Rent - xxx r.
  • Salary - xxx p.
  • Raw materials - xxx r.
  • Utility payments - xxx r.
  • Depreciation - xxx p.
  • Taxes - xxx r.
  • Other expenses (10%) - xxx r.
  • Total operating expenses for the month - xxx p.

The total costs will be made up of investment and operating costs.

Income in the business plan of the enterprise for the production of aerated concrete

The income of the enterprise will also have a different value depending on the specifics of a particular business. We only note that sales of aerated concrete blocks are seasonal. The peak of sales falls on the spring and summer months, when construction is actively underway.

Sales of products are possible through various distribution channels - retail sales from the warehouse of the enterprise, conclusion of contracts with construction companies, etc.

Items of income in business plan for an aerated concrete plant will be formed at the expense of receiving income from the sale of the following assortment positions:

  • structural aerated concrete blocks;
  • structural and heat-insulating aerated concrete blocks;
  • heat-insulating aerated concrete blocks.

Thus, based on the assortment categories and their cost, the planned revenue from the production of aerated concrete is calculated, which for the xxx period will amount to xxx thousand rubles. This value is calculated based on the average prices for aerated concrete blocks in Russia, which for the period xxx amounted to xxx rubles.

The average payback period for such production will be approximately 3-5 years.

The business plan has a clear structure, contains detailed financial calculations, and the financial model allows you to flexibly change any business parameter. This is the best solution for those who plan to attract investments, want to get a loan or have a ready-made template for developing their business plan.

The structure of the financial model for the production of aerated concrete blocks

The financial model is a separate file in MS Excel format - in fact it is
a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its
indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.
There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

The cash flow statement is the most important document of any business plan. It contains comprehensive information about the operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows of the company, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Why you need a professional development of a business plan for the production of aerated concrete

Starting production in the construction industry is associated with large investments and risks. Proper preparation of a business plan will allow you to develop a viable business development strategy, as well as attract investment and credit resources. In order not to waste your time and effort on the development of such a document, we suggest that you download a sample of the finished business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks with calculations. The financial model presented in this sample will allow you to calculate all the investment indicators for your project. A clear structure of all the necessary sections in this business plan will help to correctly convey the idea of ​​the project to the investor or bank. You can also order the development of an individual turnkey business plan, taking into account the characteristics of your business, by clicking on the link below.

Starting a business in the construction industry is both responsible and time-consuming, but profitable undertaking. A promising direction in this industry is the production of aerated concrete blocks. It is only important to correctly draw up a business plan.

Aerated concrete blocks are an excellent building material that is actively used in many areas of construction. They are light, strong and relatively easy to manufacture. In addition, the technology of their manufacture does not require expensive equipment. Opening an aerated concrete production workshop in a small Russian town can bring a good income, and our business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks with calculations will help a novice entrepreneur competently organize this business.

The amount of initial investments that will need to be made to start the production of aerated concrete blocks will be no more than half a million rubles. It is advisable to take part of these funds from personal savings, and the remaining amount in the form of a bank loan.

Concept summary

To open a shop for the production of gas blocks, an example of a business plan of which is presented in this material, you must first decide which legal form of business will be optimal for this undertaking. Due to the fact that the scale of gas block production will be relatively modest, it is at least irrational to register a limited liability company. The best option is an individual entrepreneur on a simplified taxation system. The tax rate in the simplified tax system is relatively acceptable and amounts to 15% (income minus expenses). A pleasant feature of individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system is tax returns, which are filled out in no time even by a person who is far from the accounting profession.

As for the classification of this business according to OKVED, you should choose such codes as:

  • 23.61 Manufacture of concrete products for use in construction.
  • 23.61.1 "Production of finished building products from concrete, cement and artificial stone."
  • 23.61.2 "Production of prefabricated building structures from concrete, cement and artificial stone."

As for raw materials for the production of aerated concrete blocks, the following components are used:

  • Ordinary clean water.
  • Quality Portland cement.
  • Various fillers.
  • hardening catalysts.
  • Caustic soda.
  • Gasifier.

At the initial stage of the business, the search for bona fide suppliers of raw materials should be the top priority for the entrepreneur.

How much to invest in opening

It was determined above that the initial costs for opening a shop for the production of gas blocks will amount to 500 thousand rubles. For what purpose these funds will be used is described in the following table:

Note: equipment for the production workshop, the cost of which is 200 thousand rubles, will allow the production of up to 10 cubic meters of aerated concrete in one work shift. Subsequently, the production line can be improved to increase the yield of finished products.

Marketing plan

Here is an approximate “outline” of a marketing plan, the timely execution of the points of which will significantly increase the chances of a business to reach an acceptable level of profitability:

  • Establishing contacts with construction organizations and organizing retail trade with individuals.
  • Periodic placement of advertising modules in the print media of the region.
  • Creation of a business card site with minimal information about the products of the production workshop.
  • Placement of advertising banners in the most "passing" places of the city.

Most likely, in the first six months, the shop for the production of gas blocks will operate at no more than 80% of its potential "capacity". The daily output will be at the level of 8 cubic meters of gas blocks. The cost of selling one cubic meter of aerated concrete blocks is approximately 3,500 rubles (this figure varies slightly in different regions). Accordingly, with 23 working days per month, the shop will bring its owner 644,000 "dirty" income. In a year, the amount of income will be about 7,728,000 rubles.

Production plan

To accommodate a workshop for the production of gas blocks, you need to rent a relatively small room, with an area of ​​​​about 50 square meters. meters. It must be well ventilated and heated, as well as comply with all necessary fire safety requirements. When preparing the premises for the launch of the production of gas blocks, special attention should be paid to checking the condition of the electrical wiring and plumbing. It is better to store ready-made aerated concrete blocks not in the workshop, but on the street under a tarpaulin canopy.

The most optimal schedule for the production of gas blocks is given below:

  • Monday-Friday from 08:00 to 20:00.
  • Saturday and Sunday are scheduled maintenance days for equipment or days off.

The list of employees of the aerated concrete production shop, as well as the approximate amounts of their wages, are given in the following table:

Job title Number of people Salary, rub. Monthly payment fund, rub. Payment per year, rub.
1 Production technologist 1 25 000 25 000 300 000
2 production line worker 2 20 000 40 000 480 000
3 Loader 2 15 000 30 000 360 000
TOTAL 1 140 000

Calculations of income and expenses

In this section, you can see the calculations of the current financial costs for ensuring the stable functioning of the production workshop, as well as calculations of the possible profit from this type of business. The first table is devoted to an overview of the operating costs of the aerated concrete block shop.

The profitability of a gas block production plant opened in a small Russian city is calculated in the following table:

The calculations show that the gas block production business can bring an extremely good annual income to its owner. Even despite the location of production in a provincial Russian city, the potential net annual profit could be almost four million rubles. Accordingly, the monthly net income from the work of the shop for the production of aerated concrete blocks will be more than 300,000 rubles. The profitability of a small private workshop for the production of concrete gas blocks is around 50%, and this is an extremely high value. With the rapid establishment of distribution channels for products, the initial investment in the organization of this production will pay off in about two to three months.

Possible risks

Opening a gas block production workshop is a business that involves some risks, which, however, will not be so great if you initially think over the development strategy to the smallest detail. The most likely risk factors include the following:

  • Rising prices for utilities and, as a result, an increase in the cost of production.
  • Decline in sales associated with a decrease in demand for aerated concrete blocks due to the unstable economic situation in the construction industry in the region.
  • The emergence of new building materials on the market, which in their properties and price are superior to the "classic" aerated concrete blocks.
  • An increase in the level of competition in the construction sector of the region, which may lead to forced dumping of prices for the products of the shop for the production of aerated concrete blocks.

In conclusion, I would like to note that if there are stable distribution channels and supplies of raw materials, the threat of any of the above “extraordinary” situations can be leveled without serious negative consequences for business development.

Production of aerated concrete blocks: what equipment is needed to start a business? Varieties of material + manufacturing technology. Premises / personnel / raw materials for production + calculation of profitability of production using an example.

Construction is a business that always has a stable demand, regardless of the economic situation in the country. If your industry is associated with new technological solutions, then a high demand for products is guaranteed.

Today we will analyze such a direction as the production of aerated concrete blocks. We will indicate the technological features of the manufacture of this material, and back up all the calculations of the financial part of the business.

What are aerated concrete blocks?

Aerated concrete is a cellular version of standard cement.

Compared to its counterpart, it has a porous structure, which is formed by a chemical reaction based on a reagent, which in 90% of cases is aluminum and quicklime. Aerated concrete blocks are a special type of building material that combines high strength and, at the same time, lightness.

According to GOST, each block of aerated concrete must meet a number of criteria, without which the material does not have the right to be called such at all. We will consider this point in more detail below.

1. Characteristics of aerated concrete blocks + their advantages / disadvantages.

When classifying the characteristics of aerated concrete blocks, they are based on 3 main parameters, which are based on the geometry of the structure of the building material itself.

With regard to technical characteristics, their influence extends to all production products, regardless of the level of porosity and other physical differences in the structure of the blocks.

Technical characteristics of aerated concrete blocks:


    The parameter consists of 2 values ​​- the density of the block and its strength level. The second value is in the range of 2-14V, and the first is 400-1000 kilograms per cubic meter. These values ​​are more than enough to build both a private house and a high-rise building.

    Heat conduction.

    The main quality for aerated concrete blocks. The production of such a building material is positioned as heat-saving, and at values ​​of 0.08-0.3 this is fully confirmed in practice.

    Resistance to low temperatures.

    The production of aerated concrete blocks provides for the production of products that can withstand up to 130 freeze / thaw cycles.

    Moisture absorption.

    The standard figure for aerated concrete blocks is at the level of 20-24%. To reduce the moisture absorbed from the outside, the material should be finished with water-repellent materials.

    An unpleasant technical characteristic that takes place when. Irregularities and subsidence appear, in most cases, already on the finished tab.


    The production of aerated concrete blocks is designed for a product that will be able to serve the buyer for a very long period - up to 180 years.

According to the standard, the length of an aerated concrete block is 62 cm, the width is from 10 to 40 cm, and the height is 25 cm.

Many entrepreneurs offer, but due to the softness of the material, the buyer himself can fine-tune the parts. Fortunately, for these purposes, a minimum set of equipment is required.

Let's now evaluate the pros and cons of using aerated concrete blocks for the end user.

For greater clarity, we submitted information in the form of a comparative table:

The material is porous, lightweight, which significantly helps to reduce the load on the foundation.High rate of water absorption. The hygroscopicity of the material forces developers to protect it.
Products are easy to handle and process. You can give them any shape by grinding, cutting.Poor fixation of hardware. The need to purchase and use specialized fasteners.
Aerated concrete, as already mentioned, has high strength, density and frost resistance. And the coefficient of thermal conductivity contributes to the preservation of heat in the room, which, in turn, provides significant savings on the insulation and heating of the building.Shrinkage is up to 0.3 mm/m2. This is not much, but sometimes cracks can not be avoided.
Aerated concrete is environmentally friendly. It does not contain harmful substances that can harm the environment.The presence of handicraft production of aerated concrete of hydration hardening increases the risk of purchasing low-quality products.
The material does not burn and does not support fire.The porosity of the material is also a minus. Getting into the pores, moisture can crystallize during the predominance of negative temperatures and begin to destroy the structure of the block from the inside.
The manufacturing technology of aerated concrete blocks is simple. And those who want to save money may well try their hand at independent production.Poor adhesion with finishing materials will inevitably entail additional costs associated with the purchase of specialized plaster mixtures, reinforcing mesh, concrete contact or primer.

In order to reduce all the negative aspects of aerated concrete blocks to nothing, it is worth considering the finish in advance. Due to the large number of dimensions that production offers, finding the best option for your construction needs will not be difficult.

2. Classification of aerated concrete blocks.

An important point for those who plan to open a business in the production of aerated concrete blocks.

There are several classifications, but the most significant for a private entrepreneur is according to the method of hardening of the finished material ( autoclave and non-autoclave).

Distinctive characteristics of non-autoclaved and autoclaved aerated concrete block:


    Non-autoclaved aerated concrete blocks "mature" on their own. Their average production time is up to 26 days from the date of production.

    Sometimes the blocks are dried in ovens at a temperature not exceeding 80 degrees. Then the drying time is reduced by 30-40%

    Aerated concrete autoclave blocks are produced under high pressure and temperature, therefore their production speed is 3-4 times higher + on production lines does not exceed 24 hours.


    Autoclave blocks made of aerated concrete have higher strength and density indicators, as a result of which the thermal conductivity of such a material is also at its best. To compete with a competitor, non-autoclaved aerated concrete needs to increase the thickness of the walls by 18-22 cm.


    An autoclave can last up to 180 years, and a non-autoclaved aerated concrete block can last no more than 45 years.

The external difference between aerated concrete blocks is also manifested in colors - autoclaved aerated concrete has a bright white tint, while non-autoclaved gray + has a more fuzzy geometry due to manual cutting and a long drying time without the influence of high temperatures.

The autoclave method for manufacturing blocks of aerated concrete can only be implemented in industrial production. At home, it is not possible to create high-quality autoclaved aerated concrete from a technological point of view, since special equipment is required for its manufacture.

Another classification of aerated concrete blocks is based on their thermal insulation properties.

There are structural and heat-insulating aerated concrete, as well as their average version, which combines the properties of both the first and second types of aerated concrete blocks:

  • Heat-insulating aerated concrete block- a special type of building material that is used only for the purpose of heat insulation. It is strongly not recommended to subject the blocks to heavy loads - their use as a supporting building material is impossible due to technical characteristics.
  • Structural aerated concrete block- has the reverse assignment of the first. Due to the block density of 1,100 kg/m3, it is more expedient to use it for construction purposes than alternative building materials. It also has a high heat conductivity.

Classification of aerated concrete blocks by geometry:

  • Category 1 - must strictly comply with GOST, and the maximum deviation threshold does not exceed 0.15 cm in width / height / length and up to 0.2 cm in a diagonal section;
  • Category 2 - have more flexible values ​​of geometry mismatch according to GOST, up to 0.2 cm along the perimeter of the block and up to 0.4 cm along its diagonal;
  • Category 3 - deviations according to measurements of the block up to 0.4 cm, diagonally up to 0.6 cm + beveling of corners by 0.1 cm is allowed.

Blocks of the 3rd category are used for outbuildings and lie on a mortar layer, therefore the thermal insulation properties of the material are reduced, which requires additional insulation of the seams.

The technical performance of the building material is also affected by the type of silica component that was involved in the aerated concrete. Basically, this affects the thermal conductivity and density of aerated concrete.

Production of aerated concrete blocks: step by step description

Thanks to a number of positive aspects of building materials, the production of aerated concrete blocks can be an excellent business for both an experienced individual entrepreneur and a novice entrepreneur.

Any undertaking in the business production area should be developed on the basis of a business plan.

What steps will you need to go through:

  1. The documents.

    You must decide on the form of ownership, collect and submit papers. Typically, this takes about 2 weeks. To increase the speed, you can use the services of a specialist.

    Room rental.

    Pay attention to the optimal location of production to warehouses and layout with office space.


    Look for the best value for money and do not forget about the additional waste of staff training.

    Purchase of raw materials.

    The quality of production of aerated concrete blocks will directly depend on the raw materials. Sign long-term contracts only with trusted suppliers.

    Search for colleagues.

    Workers will be required not only for production, but also for office space.

    Start of production.

    Take 1-2 days to check if your line is ready for launch.


    Promote the product in accessible ways in the region.

    Make deals with wholesalers + sell aerated concrete blocks at retail.

1) The legal side of starting a business.

First, decide in what format you are going to organize the production of aerated concrete blocks. The optimal solution - IP. If you do not plan to sell goods to large construction companies, then there is not much point.

The only plus- you will be able to receive compensation from the state in case of a business burnout, but this argument is leveled by the taxation system, which can hit a businessman quite hard.

Which institutions should be visited:

  • Pension Fund;
  • fire department;
  • environmental department;
  • sanitary and epidemiological department;
  • health insurance fund;
  • social insurance fund;
  • bank to open an account.

The entire package of documentation can be collected in 10-14 business days, after which they must be sent to a government agency or contact the MFC. But keep in mind that the duration of the consideration of the application in this case increases by 5-7 days.

OKVED when registering an individual entrepreneur:

  • 26.61 - responsible for the manufacture of products for use in the construction industry;
  • 23.69 - manufacture of products based on raw materials from concrete / cement or gypsum;
  • 46.73.6 - the code is responsible for the wholesale distribution of products in the construction industry.

An entrepreneur does not need a license to start producing aerated concrete blocks. The only moment is obtaining approval from Rospotrebnadzor to conduct this type of activity. To do this, the entrepreneur will need to collect copies of papers for renting a production area, purchasing equipment for production, and other constituent documentation.

2) Equipment for the production of aerated concrete blocks + raw materials.

In this type of activity, there are several variations in the production of products, each of which is directly related to the equipment that will be used by the entrepreneur.

The most widespread are two types of production of blocks from aerated concrete - homemade and industrial.

For business, it is the second option that is more suitable, which makes it possible to get the greatest return in a short period of time. If you decide to test the manufacturing technology yourself, you can do it at home.

List of equipment for home production:

  • concrete mixer, which you can build yourself;
  • special molds for pouring blocks;
  • auxiliary containers for mixing the solution at an intermediate stage of production;
  • steel string;
  • scales to maintain clear proportions of raw materials.

More than 40% of the equipment can be designed by a person independently. Fortunately, on the Internet there is a huge number of drawings in the public domain, which reveal in detail the nuances of manufacturing equipment and the material that is necessary for this process.

For example, the figure above shows a drawing of a mold for pouring blocks. The equipment is easy to assemble and can be produced not only for home use, but also for industrial purposes. Thus, you can save up to 50% of the cost of equipment at the point of purchase according to the financial plan.

List of equipment for industrial production:

    An industrial batcher of raw materials for production will cost you 130,000-150,000 rubles on the market.

    Aerated concrete mixer.

    The fundamental equipment for the production of aerated concrete blocks. The average cost in Russia is from 90,000 rubles.

    Cutting equipment.

    This is a complete complex of components, organized into one continuous cutting line. The price in the Russian Federation is from 420,000 rubles.

    Water dispenser.

    Equipment for accurate liquid distribution for dry mix. The average price is from 23,000 rubles.

    Steam generator.

    Equipment used to process material in the final stages of production. The average cost is from 50,000 rubles.

    vibrating sieve.

    Industrial equipment screening sand, concrete and other dry mixes in production. The cost is from 50,000 rubles.

This list will be needed by entrepreneurs who decide to assemble equipment for the production of aerated concrete blocks on their own, and not buy semi-automatic or automatic production lines.

Complex equipment for the production of aerated concrete blocks:

    Mini line.

    An ideal option for beginner entrepreneurs who are just starting out in this area of ​​​​work and intend to “probe” the ground before a full-fledged business deployment in the region. The equipment produces up to 40 m3 of finished products per day.

    Stationary equipment.

    Productivity reaches 100 m3 in 24 hours + the equipment is partially equipped with automated components, which, compared to a mini-line, save up to 70% of the time for the production process itself. Increased productivity is also displayed on the cost of the line, respectively.

    Conveyor equipment.

    All production is automated. Productivity - up to 220 cubic meters in 24 hours. Savings on the number of employees (2-3 operators will be enough) will also be reflected in the cost of the equipment itself. The market price of such installations is 2,000,000 rubles or more.

The advantage of conveyor lines is their full automation + the inclusion of equipment such as
autoclave . This component increases the cost of the installation itself, but thanks to it, the production time for aerated concrete blocks will be reduced to only one day, instead of the standard 14-26, as in non-autoclave production.

Raw materials for the production of aerated concrete blocks:

  • high quality cement mixture;
  • quartz sand;
  • running water;
  • lime;
  • aluminum powder, which is a gas generator inside the blocks;
  • additives to improve the characteristics of the finished product.

There is no clear recipe for the production of aerated concrete blocks. Much depends on the equipment and manufacturing method that is used.

The table below shows approximate recipes with the percentage of components in the finished mixture:

If you are new to this business and have not encountered aerated concrete blocks at all, purchase raw materials with ready-made mixtures. This not only saves time, but also helps to achieve optimal results in the early stages of production.

3) Premises + personnel for the production of aerated concrete blocks.

The area of ​​​​the premises for the production of aerated concrete blocks directly depends on the scale of the business that you plan to launch.

In addition to the production area, be prepared to rent an office where your products will be presented and advertised to a potential buyer.

Premises requirements:

    For the production, working in one shift, it is enough to have 90 m2. And if you plan to work with a conveyor method in three shifts, look for a building from 500 m2. As for the office, 20 m2 will be enough for it.


    Place the production of aerated concrete blocks away from the city center, as this process is quite noisy, therefore it can cause a lot of negativity among neighbors. Especially with a 24 hour work schedule.

    Look for an office in the city center, preferably in an industrial area - people go to such places already with a clear goal, which simplifies the marketing component for you in relation to attracting clients.


    With regard to the office, everything is clear - water, heating and other basic amenities are simply a must. The production facility must have a high-quality power supply + technical water supply.

The financial plan should take into account not only the cost of renting the area itself, but also the cost of related repairs. It is unlikely that you will get a building in perfect condition, which is 100% suitable for the purchased equipment and the requirements of regulatory authorities, without the approval of which it is simply impossible to start production.

The number of employees in production is calculated based on the units of equipment and the scale of the business as a whole. Work in one shift on an automated line can be performed by 1-2 employees. Therefore, some entrepreneurs prefer to manufacture aerated concrete blocks on their own, saving money on staff.

A large workshop with 2-3 automated lines and working in 3 shifts will require you to have up to 10 people + an employee in the office. And if the production is carried out on semi-automatic equipment, then 15 people may not be enough, since the amount of work, in this case, increases significantly.

4) Technology for the production of aerated concrete blocks.

The technology for the production of aerated concrete blocks at home and on an industrial scale has noticeable differences.

If in the first case, a non-autoclave method + small-sized equipment is used, in which most of the work is performed by the person himself, then in the second, all actions are automated by 95% or more.

The diagram above shows how the building material is manufactured step by step in an industrial environment. The conditionally described cycle can be divided into separate steps, which are universal and suitable for both home and industrial production.

The manufacturing technology of aerated concrete blocks consists of 6 steps:

    Form preparation.

    For blocks according to GOST, rectangular shapes are used, but if desired, the manufacturer can expand the range of product geometry by increasing the range of blanks.
    The cost of such services, respectively, will be more expensive than standard production. The workpiece is heated to 35-38 degrees and lubricated with technical oil.

    Mixture preparation.

    All components are mixed in the equipment and filled with liquid at a temperature of 30-40 degrees. Further, the solution moves to the blower, where, by a chemical reaction between lime and aluminum powder, small air bubbles begin to form in the mixture.

    Form fill.

    The finished solution is thoroughly mixed in the mixer and poured into molds, after which the level of the solution is leveled from above so that the future block has the correct geometric shape.

    Thermal insulation.

    For the porosity of aerated concrete blocks, the outer part of the mold is covered with a material with a high thermal insulation index and left for 2 hours.

    Finished blocks are removed from the mold and transferred to cutting equipment, where they are manually or automatically cut into 1, 2 or 3 category parallelepipeds.

    The finished blocks are sent to the autoclave, where they are dried under high temperature and pressure, acquiring their final form.

The full production cycle on an autoclave does not exceed 12 hours.

If the production of aerated concrete blocks takes place on makeshift equipment lines, then the autoclave may be absent. Its alternative is warehouses with high dryness, where the block "ripens" for 25-28 days.

5) Marketing part of production.

This includes advertising the product itself and finding its distribution channels. Since the production of aerated concrete blocks in itself is not something new, you, as an entrepreneur, must come up with a marketing strategy that will be able to justify the investment in the business as quickly as possible.

How to promote a product:

  • Distribution of booklets and leaflets with an overview of products and a description of its advantages over analogues from competitors;
  • Advertisements on city billboards and in crowded places. An advertisement must be eye-catching and etched into the memory of a potential buyer.
  • Advertising on the Internet - bulletin boards, forums, groups in social networks and the like.

Do not forget about the local media. The cost of advertising there can bite. But, thanks to the target audience, it will be much easier for your business to gain a permanent customer base.

To whom to sell the goods:

    Private traders.

    They will make up no more than 20% of all distribution channels, but a low percentage will fully pay off with the price that is set for them.

    Construction companies that will buy goods from you at a wholesale price and use them for construction. You get not only profit, but also product PR.


    Their purchase price is the lowest. But be prepared that more than 60% of the goods will go to them.

It is important that more construction companies in the region learn about your production. Then it will become much easier to establish further connections and expand the business.

Aerated concrete blocks. Production technology.

What equipment is needed for the production of aerated concrete?

Calculation of the profitability of the business for the production of aerated concrete blocks

It is worth organizing a business for the production of blocks "in the spring." Then, by the beginning of the construction season, you will have already launched an enterprise with a full range of services for the consumer.

The return on investment will be reduced by 10-15%, but only if you have a client base formed in advance, which should be taken care of even at the initial stages of creating a business plan.

In the table below, we have provided approximate figures that are relevant in 2018, which will help the IP to navigate at the beginning of business development.

Fluctuations for each item can reach 10-15% (due to inflation and other economic factors). In particular, this applies to the prices of equipment for the production of aerated concrete blocks.

The cost of launching production for the manufacture of blocks of aerated concrete:

Item of expensesCost, rub.)
1) Starting investment capital
Business registration10 000
Purchase of basic equipment800 000
Purchase of additional equipment (storage trolleys, racks)120 000
Total:930 000 rubles
2) Working capital of production
Delivery, installation and connection of equipment150 000
3 months rent deposit240 000
Recruitment of personnel and remuneration for the first two months of operation of the mini-factory230 000
Formation of a three-month supply of raw materials2 400 000
Costs for organizing work for 2 months (advertising, communications, utilities)150 000
Warehouse and transport costs for 3 months300 000
Total:3,470,000 rubles

The sum above reflects the production of aerated concrete blocks over a period of 2 months from the start. In the future, the entrepreneur will need to pour about another 1,000,000 rubles into the business every month in order to pay off the communal apartment, expenses for the purchase of raw materials, and the like.

Savings can reach 10% if the quality of raw materials deteriorates or if rental costs are reduced. But make sure that such steps do not come back to you in the future, hitting the reputation of the manufacturer due to the low quality of the products that he produces!

The profitability of the production of aerated concrete blocks can go according to one of 3 scenarios - pessimistic, realistic and optimistic.

Approximate figures for each option can be seen in the tables below:

If you do not go out of your way, then the average payback period for the production of aerated concrete blocks fluctuates from 7 months to 1 year. Sales of products play a very important role in the calculations, because the rate of return on investment will directly depend on its success.

Business risks:

  • a jump in the cost of a communal apartment, due to which the cost of production will increase, and, accordingly, the payback period too;
  • a decrease in the level of sales, which may depend both on local economic situations in your region and on global ones that affect the construction industry throughout Russia;
  • updating the sales market with more technologically advanced building materials that have similar characteristics (or even better), but at the same time, their price is much lower;
  • the emergence of new competitors that can offer customers better or cheaper products.

The key to successful business development in the production of aerated concrete blocks is one - stable sales channels. With up to 5 wholesale depots and several construction contractors at your disposal, you do not need to worry about profitability problems at all.

Production of aerated concrete blocks- a business in which a lot depends on the acumen of the entrepreneur. Due to the ease of manufacture and high demand, this niche is replenished every month with new faces ready to contribute to the competition in the market.

The faster the company develops, the more likely it is to become one of the pillars of production in your region. And this automatically guarantees a lot of orders and expansion of the business. We wish you good luck at the start and a quick payback in the future.

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As you know, in our time, "simple" concrete, i.e. without various additives and additives that improve its properties, it is practically not used. Various additions change and improve the structural performance of concrete blocks and make them suitable for use in a wide variety of structures. Therefore, the topic of production of foam and aerated concrete is relevant.

First of all, high rates of thermal insulation and soundproofing are required from concrete blocks. Sometimes the production of such concrete blocks is successfully combined with other industries and waste from them is used - for example, expanded clay, foam plastics, mineral wool, wood and even various slags are added to concrete before pouring into block forms. This leads to the formation of concrete blocks with new properties - for example, buildings built from them lose less heat in winter and do not overheat in summer; in addition, by reducing the specific gravity, the load on the foundation is significantly reduced, etc.

But to combine two industries at the same time - for example, a sawmill and a cement plant, in fact, turns out to be quite difficult. Therefore, in the construction industry, special foam or gas is used to produce cellular concrete.

Hence the name of two materials that are currently in high demand: aerated concrete and foam concrete.

How are aerated concrete and foam concrete produced?

Aerated concrete is produced by introducing special substances into the cement mortar that cause the process of gas formation, or simply releasing gas during a certain chemical reaction. The main component in this case is aluminum powder, which reacts with products released during cement hydration. From the point of view of chemistry, hydrogen is released, causing the process of pore formation in the cement slurry. Visually, it looks like dough after yeast has been added to it. The cement mass begins to increase in volume and after it hardens, porous concrete is obtained.

Foam concrete is produced by mixing cement mortar with a special foam prepared in advance. In this case, the foam bubbles, which contain air, are evenly distributed throughout the volume of the mixture. The effect of porosity, like that of the previous material, persists after solidification.

Usually, both types of concrete blocks are used for construction: load-bearing walls are made of more durable aerated concrete blocks. They bear the main structural load. Foam concrete blocks, which are 20-25% cheaper, are used for non-load-bearing partitions and bulkheads.

As you can see, it is most expedient to produce both types of concrete blocks.

Material costs for the launch of a mini-factory for the production of aerated concrete and foam concrete

Consider the investment required to open joint foam concrete and aerated concrete equipment.

A mini-factory for the production of foam concrete will cost, depending on the capacity, i.e. the volume of concrete produced in 105600-283800 rubles. (capacity 10 cubic meters - 30 cubic meters per shift). For the production of aerated concrete - 29800-85000 rubles. (capacity 12 cubic meters - 50 cubic meters per shift).

In addition, a foam concrete mini-plant will require a foam generator (27,800 rubles) and a compressor (37,800 rubles) and a peristaltic pump (57,700 rubles).

Forms for the production of concrete blocks of various sizes will cost from 28,000 rubles. up to 40,000 rubles (1 cubic meter of mixture is pumped into 1 mold, so, for example, with a plant capacity of 10 cubic meters, 10 molds are required).

Total: the minimum investment is 538,700 rubles, the maximum is 1,332,100 rubles.

  • 1 cu. m of foam blocks costs about 3000 rubles.
  • 1 cu. m of gas blocks costs about 3600 rubles.

Consumables (per 1 cubic meter):

  1. Foam concentrate 75 rub. per 1 kg (for foam concrete)
  2. Aluminum powder 500 g, 105 rubles. per 1 kg (for aerated concrete)
  3. Sand 300 kg - 350 rubles. per cubic meter (1.3 t)
  4. Cement - 100 kg (2 bags of 189 rubles each)

As you can see, the material costs are insignificant: about 540 rubles. for 1 cu. m of foam concrete or 520 - for aerated concrete.

How much can you earn in the production of concrete blocks?

Gross profit from 1 cu. m of foam blocks is equal to 2460 rubles, gas blocks - 3080 rubles. If we take production equal to 10 cubic meters. m per day (5 - foam concrete and 5 aerated concrete), the monthly gross profit is equal to about 665,000 rubles.

Net profit, minus wages for workers, utility bills (the production of concrete blocks is quite water and electricity intensive), will be at least 30-35% (about 200-220 thousand rubles) per month.

It turns out that if you return half of the net profit, for example, for the equipment for the production of concrete blocks purchased in installments, it will pay off in six months, and when purchasing the most powerful equipment, the payback will be even faster - about 3-4 months.

This will come at the cost of more production. In general, it is more expedient to purchase the most powerful equipment: with a price difference of 2.5 times with the smallest, it produces 5 times more products.

In addition, with the proper development of the business, it will also be possible to produce, for example, paving slabs and decorative (multi-colored) blocks, which cost much more than ordinary ones.

Videos about the production of aerated concrete and foam concrete