The tragic fate of the dead beauty queens (51 photos). Celebrities who died young The most beautiful girls who died

Dead people are cool .Don't repeat their mistakes...

1. Lisa “Left eye” Lopez. She was one of three members of the American group TLC, which became known far beyond the US thanks to the hits Waterfalls and No scrubs. The nickname “left eye (left eye)” Lisa took for herself, because one day she was told that she had beautiful eyes, especially the left one. At concerts, she put a condom on the left lens of her glasses, thus promoting safe sex. Lisa died in a car accident in Honduras in 2002. At this time, her second solo album and the fourth album of the group TLC were being prepared for release.

2. Jean Harlow She was the incarnation of Marilyn Monroe before the advent of Marilyn Monroe herself. Harlow has played many roles in films, such as Howard Hughes' Hells Angels, as well as in several films with Clark Gable. Jean Harlow literally hypnotized the audience with her incredible sex appeal. The actress died at the age of 26 from kidney failure. It is believed that the health of the star, who was married three times, was undermined by a severe flu, which she had had in the year of her death. Curiously, Marilyn Monroe was going to play Harlow shortly before her death.

3. Anna Nicole Smith. “Woke up famous” after the publication of her photos in Playboy magazine, as well as after the marriage to 89-year-old billionaire James Howard Marshall, who, by the way, died after a year of married life. On February 8, 2007, Anna Nicole was found unconscious in a Florida hotel. She died on the way to the hospital. Preliminary version - drug overdose. Later, 11 types of drugs were found in her body.

4. Princess Diana. Was the first wife of Prince Charles, who in the future will take the throne of the United Kingdom. Diana was known throughout the world for her charitable and peacekeeping activities (in particular, she was an activist in the movement to stop the production of anti-personnel mines and the fight against AIDS). In the UK, Diana has always been considered the most popular member of the royal family, she was called the Queen of Hearts ("Queen of Hearts"). Princess Diana died in a car accident in Paris. Together with Diana in the car were her friend Dodi al-Fayed and driver Henri Paul, who died on the spot. The princess died two hours later in the hospital. The only surviving passenger, bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones, was severely injured and has no memory of the events.

5. Dorothy Stratten. Was one of the most famous models of Playboy magazine. She became "Girl of the Month" in August 1979 and "Girl of the Year" in 1980. Dorothy was shot by her husband Paul Snyder, with whom they were at that time in a state of divorce and the model lived with her friend, director Peter Bogdanovich. Stratten and Snyder met to discuss the financial side of the divorce, later the girl was found shot in the head in her husband's bedroom. Snyder killed Dorothy and then committed suicide.

6. Selena Quintanilla-Perez Selena became famous at a fairly young age and during her short but vibrant life managed to release about a dozen albums. Selena was killed by the president of her fan club, Yolanda Saldivar. In addition to working at the fan club, Saldivar was the manager of Selena's stores in Texas, but she was fired for theft. In March 1995, Selena and Saldívar met at a hotel in the Texas city of Corpus Christi to settle their final financial issues. When the meeting ended and Selena was about to leave the hotel, Yolanda Saldívar shot her in the back. The singer was able to get to the reception, but later died in the hospital.


7. Edie Sedgwick. American actress, socialite and muse of Andy Warhol. Sedgwick rose to prominence through her work in Warhol's underground films and his participation in the Factory project. Sedgwick struggled with drug addiction for most of her adult life. In 1971, she was no longer using drugs, but her doctor prescribed barbiturates to stop her physical pain. On the night of November 15, 1971, Sedgwick drank the prescribed amount of medicine and went to bed, in the morning Edie never woke up.

8. Chrissy Taylor got her modeling pass thanks to her supermodel sister Niki Taylor. From the age of 11, she began to participate in filming with her sister, and soon her career went up. Chrissy was found dead in her parents' apartment by her sister. As it turned out later, the cause of death of the model was an asthma attack complicated by sudden cardiac arrhythmia. For her age, a very rare and suspicious occurrence.

9. Considered one of the first supermodels. predecessor to 1980s supermodels Claudia Schiffer and Cindy Crawford. Due to the striking resemblance to Carangi, the latter was often called Baby Gia. Gia's condition began to deteriorate in the early 80s, after he became heavily addicted to heroin. By December 1984, Gia had reached rock bottom. After pressure from her family, Gia was enrolled in a recovery program at Eagleville Hospital in Montgomery. She declared herself a beggar and lived on welfare. In 1986, she ended up in the hospital with symptoms of pneumonia. However, after the examination, it turned out that the model had HIV. - one of the first known women in the United States, whose cause of death was openly named the immunodeficiency virus.

10. Jayne Mansfield was a blonde sex symbol of the 50s. She appeared on the pages of Playboy magazine more than once and stopped at nothing to achieve fame. Jane died in 1967 in a car accident. The actress traveled with her friend Sam Brody and three of her four children. The car in which the movie star was traveling drove into a tractor, only children survived in the accident.

11. Aaliya. American actress, singer and model. In an interview with an American publication, Aaliya spoke about the origin of her name. "Aaliya is an Arabic name with great power," she said. As an actress, Aaliya starred in the films Romeo Must Die and The Queen of the Damned. The singer died on August 25, 2001, as a result of a plane crash on which she was returning from the island of Abaco, where she was filming her new video. None of the eight people on board survived.

12. Sharon Tate - Golden Globe Award nominee and director Roman Polanski's wife was a universal favorite due to her kindness and cheerful disposition. The actress, who was eight months pregnant, and her four friends were killed by members of Charles Manson's gang. Despite the fact that Tate begged for the life of her unborn child, the killers stabbed Sharon 16 times.

13. Marilyn Monroe Marilyn Monroe was a true Hollywood icon and remains so today. With her beauty and incredible sexuality, she was able to charm President Kennedy, playwrights and athletes. No one was able to resist her charms. Marilyn Monroe died on the night of August 5, 1962 in Brentwood at the age of 36 from a lethal dose of sleeping pills. There are five versions of the cause of her death:

  • a murder committed by the secret services on the orders of the Kennedy brothers in order to avoid publicity of their sexual relations;
  • murder committed by the mafia;
  • drug overdose;
  • suicide;
  • the tragic mistake of psychoanalyst actress Ralph Greenson, who ordered the patient to take chloral hydrate shortly after taking Nembutal.

Every young girl dreams of becoming a Hollywood star. For many decades, the American dream has been spinning the heads of young girls who are eager to be on top of fame. Money, crowds of fans, the best men, luxurious houses and vacations on distant islands ...

All this was with the girls from our next selection. However, you have to pay a price for everything, sometimes it is too high. For these stars, the cost was their own lives.

Chrissy Taylor

Charming Chrissy blew up the fashion world at the age of 11 when she got to a photo shoot with her older sister Nikki. From that moment on, she began working in modeling agencies in New York. Later, the girl began to participate in fashion shows around the world and received an offer to act in films.

Chrissy's life ended when she was only 17 years old. She suffered from asthma. During one of the attacks, she had a heart attack. The doctors failed to save the beauty.

Lucy Gordon

This British actress gained fame thanks to her role as a journalist in the blockbuster Spider-Man 3: The Enemy in Reflection. Her last work was shooting in the film “Gainsbourg. Hooligan love.

Lucy often quarreled with her husband Jérôme. After another scandal, the couple went to bed in different rooms. The next morning, the man found his wife hanged.

Connie Kresky

Connie became a Playboy star at the age of 22. The fame of the model spread throughout America, they began to call her to star in Hollywood. She had shootings in serials and a couple of little-known films, but she remained a star in the Californian party.

In recent years, Kresky did not appear on the screen, battling cancer. The actress died at the age of 49.

Lana Clarkson

The star of the series of the 70s and 80s passed away quite tragically. In the restaurant "House of Blues", owned by the actress, her friend producer Phil Spector came to drink. The man invited Lana to go to his house, and she agreed.

Arriving at their destination, Phil took out a gun and shot the actress in the mouth. He later claimed that he was intoxicated and had no control over his actions. Clarkson passed away at the age of 40.

Margot Louise Hemingway

The granddaughter of the famous writer Ernest Hemingway, like her grandfather, fell into the trap of alcohol addiction from childhood. Later, nervous epilepsy and anorexia were added to this. Nevertheless, Margot was considered one of the beautiful women of his time.

Hemingway became the first model in the world to be awarded a million dollar contract. In parallel with the modeling shows, Margo acted in films.

Towards the end of her life, the girl became more nervous. At 42, the actress died of a barbiturate overdose, just like Marilyn Monroe.

Belinda Lee

Belinda was a happy and cheerful girl. After graduating from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London, she began acting in films. Basically, she was taken on the role of busty blondes for Hollywood comedies.

The life of the actress ended at the age of 25. She died in a car accident on her way from Las Vegas to Los Angeles.

Gia Karanji

Gia's story is perhaps the most tragic of all. She became a supermodel in the late 70s and early 80s, long before the golden generation of Claudia Schiffer and Naomi Campbell.

A stellar career turned her head, Gia began to spend fabulous earnings on parties where she was introduced to drugs. Karanji was so in demand that photographers did not pay attention to her behavior while intoxicated. The girl was injected right at the studio, gradually increasing the dose.

Passion for substances led to the fact that Gia was thrown out of the modeling business. Then she tried to overcome the addiction, but broke down again and again.

  • 1 of 69 Anna Nicole Smith (1967−2007). A girl of perfection and one of the most famous Playboy models of the 90s. In 2006, Anna lost her son, after which she went to Florida for treatment for "something like the flu."

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  • 4 out of 69 Gia Karanji (1960-1986). One of the first supermodels in the world. Her body was considered the standard, and in the world of modeling she had no equal.

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  • 8 out of 69 Cathy May (1982-2016). Playboy model. AT recent times she suffered from pain in her neck, she went to the doctors, but on February 1, 2016, she had a blockage of the carotid artery and Mei died.

  • 9 out of 69 Ruslana Korshunova (1987−2008). The long-haired supermodel has appeared in advertising campaigns for Nina Ricci, Blumarine, Kenzo, Moschino and many others. The girl also auditioned for the role main character movie "Perfume".
  • 10 out of 69 At the end of June 2008, the lifeless body of the "Russian Rapunzel" was found in the middle of the carriageway of one of the streets of Manhattan.

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  • 12 out of 69 Sharon Tate (1943−1969). Beloved wife and muse of director Roman Polanski. Having made great efforts to achieve success in the world of cinema, Sharon also regularly appeared on the covers of glossy publications.

  • 13 out of 69 One day, Polanski called his wife and said that he would be late on the set. At that time, Sharon was eight months pregnant and invited her friends to spend the evening with her.

  • 14 out of 69 On the same night, they were all brutally murdered by members of the "Family" sect of Charles Manson. Tate begged to the last to save her child, but, having received 16 stab wounds, both the child and his mother died.

  • 15 out of 69 Connie Kresky (1946-1995). The American fashion model and actress was a close friend of Sharon Tate. Connie was supposed to visit her pregnant friend on the fateful evening of her murder, but for some reason the meeting had to be rescheduled.

  • 16 out of 69 The girl was a model for Playboy magazine and starred in films and TV series such as American Love, The Man Is Dead and The Iron Side. On March 21, 1995, at the age of 48, Connie died of lung cancer.

  • 17 out of 69 Edie Sedgwick (1943–1971). Edie was the muse of one of the most scandalous and most famous artists XX century - Andy Warhol. He took pictures of her everywhere and always, she was his best friend and regulars of his "Factory".

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  • 20 out of 69 Marilyn Monroe (1926–1962). This woman was the embodiment of the dream of every man of the middle of the last century. Monroe drove everyone crazy. A reference figure, seductive lips and a languid look.

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  • 23 out of 69 Kristen Erin Taylor (1978–1995). The young model became famous thanks to her older sister Nikki, who took Chrissy to a modeling agency when she was only 11.

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  • 25 out of 69 Dorothy Stratten (1960–1980). The Canadian model and actress, who played in a few but memorable films, won the love of the general public and resounding success, starring for Playboy magazine.

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  • 27 out of 69 Aliya (1979–2001). The American singer and model has also starred in three films. The R&B princess died as a result of the crash of a plane taking off from the Bahamas, where Alia was filming a new video.

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  • 30 out of 69 Carolyn Mitchell (1937-1966). American actress and fashion model. was killed on January 31, 1966 at the age of 29 by a gunshot to the head.

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  • 32 out of 69 Wilhelmina Cooper (1939-1980). The American model, who started with Ford Models, founded her own modeling agency Wilhelmina Models in New York at the height of her career.

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  • 34 out of 69 Agnieszka Kotlarska (1972-1996). Polish fashion model, winner of Miss International 1991.

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  • 36 out of 69 Chloe Jones (1975-2005). American pornographic actress and fashion model. It is known that the actress constantly used the narcotic painkiller Vicodin, which may have hastened her death.

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  • 38 out of 69 Kadamba Simmons (1974-1998). The English actress and fashion model, who starred in seven films, three of which were released after her death, was brutally murdered on June 14, 1998.

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  • 40 out of 69 Mariana Bridi da Costa (1988-2009). She started her career at the age of 14 by performing at fashion shows. In 2006, she took fourth place in the Miss World Brazil 2006 pageant. In 2007 she participated in the contest "Miss Bikini - International".

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  • 43 out of 69 Alexandra Petrova (1980-2000). Russian model, winner of Miss Russia 1996 and other beauty contests.

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  • 46 out of 69 Bonnie Lee Backley (1956-2001). American fashion model and singer. On May 4, 2001, together with her husband Robert Blake, they had dinner at an Italian restaurant.

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  • 48 out of 69 Sumire (1987-2009). Japanese model and cabaret actress; She is best known as one of the key models for the popular gyaru fashion magazine Koakuma Ageha.

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  • 50 out of 69 Lana Clarkson (1962-2003). The American actress and fashion model died on February 3, 2003 at the mansion of her producer Phil Spector, who shot her in the mouth.

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  • 53 out of 69 Mia Amber Davis (1974-2011). American fashion model, actress, television producer, editor and style consultant.

The world of gloss reveals new faces to us every day. Some of them achieve resounding success, while others fall from the top of Olympus as quickly as they rise to it. Unfortunately, not everyone is destined for a cozy place under the sun, and many of those whose beauty was admired by millions suffered a tragic end to their short but bright history. It's about these girls. PEOPLETALK tell you today.

Ruslana Korshunova (1987−2008)

Long-haired supermodel of breathtaking beauty, which throughout her career stretched her signature train of hair, starred in advertising campaigns nina Ricci, Blumarine, Kenzo, Moschino and many others. The girl also auditioned for the role of the main character of the film " Perfumer».

At the end of June 2008, the lifeless body " Russian Rapunzel»was found in the middle of the carriageway of one of the streets Manhattan. The police considered it a suicide, but the relatives of the model flatly refuse to believe it. According to them, it is physically very difficult to be so far from the house from which Korshunova was thrown out without someone's help. Friends believe that consciousness Ruslana Recently, the grouping " rose of the world”, promoting the desire for the study of life, the girl attended their trainings.

Gia Karanji (1960−1986)

One of the first supermodels in the whole world, the long-haired brown-eyed woman captivated absolutely everyone with her beauty. Her body was considered the standard, and in the world of modeling she had no equal. knew her strengths, and working with her was the dream of every photographer. The big problem was that Karanji she had an interest exclusively in girls, so she always had conflicts with her mother. When her close friend died, trying to drown out the heartache, she got hooked on cocaine. However, cocaine soon ceased to satisfy her, and heroin was used. Drug addiction put an end to the girl's modeling career: swollen veins and a painful look in the photographs no longer succumbed to retouching. Into history Gia Karanji entered not only as one of the first supermodels in the world, but also as the first famous woman who died of AIDS.

Anna Nicole Smith (1967−2007)

Anna− girl-perfection and one of the best models of the magazine Playboy 90s - she never showed that there were problems in her life. In 2006 year Anna lost her son, after which she went to be treated for “something like the flu” during Florida. A year after the death of a child and several failed attempts to settle scores with a life of a lifeless Anna found in a hotel room. An autopsy showed that the model died from advanced pneumonia, the development of which was aggravated by the use of analgesics and antidepressants.

Sharon Tate (1943−1969)

Beloved wife Romana Polanski(82) had a magical appearance: huge eyes and perfect skin became the adoration of millions of fans of her few but bright works. Having made great efforts to achieve success in the world of cinema, Sharon also regularly appeared on the covers of glossy magazines. One day Polanski called his wife and said that he would be late on the set. On that moment Sharon was eight months pregnant and invited her friends to spend the evening with her. On the same night, she was brutally murdered by members of the sect " A family» Charles Manson (80).Tate to the last she begged to save her child, but, having received 16 stab wounds, both the child and his mother died. At the crime scene with the blood of his wife Polanski the word was written PIG", next to which Novel allowed to photograph himself to reporters of the magazine LIFE.

Incredible Facts

Obviously, fame and fortune always go hand in hand, however, there is a third, darker side of celebrity culture that has led to the tragic endings of the lives of such promising people in every sense. What is the tragically world-famous “club 27” worth, which they “entered” famous people who died at age 27.

Among the countless musicians, artists and other celebrities who passed away at too early an age, there are amazing women whose legacy will forever remain in people's memory and will never be forgotten.

We present to your attention a list of 16 beautiful and famous women who could still do a lot for the world if they had not passed away so early.

beautiful and famous

Sharon Tate

This beautiful girl is a Golden Globe nominee and was also the wife of the world-famous Roman Polanski. Everyone loved Sharon because she had a cheerful disposition. The woman was very kind. The actress, who is 8 months pregnant, and her four friends were brutally murdered by members of the Charles Manson gang. Despite all the pleas of Sharon to save the life of her unborn baby, the monsters inflicted 16 stab wounds on her.

Jane Mansfield

This beauty was a real sex symbol in the 1950s. This blonde diva has appeared on the pages of Playboy magazine more than once, it was impossible to stop her on her way to fame. In 1967, there was a terrible car accident, as a result of which a woman died. Jane was traveling with three of her four children and a friend. Their car crashed into a tractor. Only the children survived the accident.

Gia Karanji

She is considered one of the very first supermodels. She was somewhat of a grandmother in the 1980s modeling business, some time before Cindy Crawford and Claudia Schiffer hit the scene. Due to the fact that Cindy is very similar to Gia, she is often called Baby Gia.

Karanjdi's condition began to deteriorate sharply in the early 1980s due to the fact that she became addicted to drugs, in particular heroin. In December 1984, Gia was at the very bottom. The family put pressure on her, and the girl signed up for a recovery program at a well-known hospital. Then she declared herself a beggar, and lived on one allowance.

In 1986, Gia ends up in the hospital with symptoms of pneumonia. But after a thorough examination, it turned out that she was infected with HIV. Karanji was one of the first known American women whose cause of death was openly cited as an immunodeficiency virus.

The tragic fate of celebrities

Jackie Kennedy Onassis

Known around the world as simply "Jackie O", Jackie Kennedy Onassis remains an American icon and one of the most beloved first ladies. She married President John F. Kennedy in 1953, and lived with him until 1963, when the president was assassinated. On the day of the murder, Jackie was sitting behind her husband in the car, wearing the now iconic hot pink Chanel suit.

Five years later, Jackie remarried. This time it was the most famous tycoon in the world, Aristotle Onassis. The couple tied the knot on a private Greek island owned by Onassis. They lived together until the death of Aristotle in 1975. Shortly thereafter, Jackie was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 64. She died a year later. She left her children a legacy of $44 million. Jackie remains a global style icon to this day.

Grace Kelly

The successful American actress became the Princess of Monaco after she married Prince Rainier III at the age of 26. The professional movie star has earned a Golden Globe and many other important awards. However, after the young beauty became the wife of a prince, she left the cinema to play her new role, the role of a princess, and take on new responsibilities.

The very opulent wedding was considered the wedding of the century, and Kelly's dress continues to inspire brides all over the world. Now Monaco has become the permanent residence of Princess Grace, where she gave birth to three children: Caroline, Albert and Stephanie. In the early autumn of 1982, the princess was driving in a car with her daughter, she suffered a migraine attack, due to which she momentarily lost her sight. As a result, they flew off the cliff, flying 45 meters.

Grace died a few days later, without regaining consciousness, Stephanie remained alive. Princess Grace was 52 years old.

Christina Onassis

The name of her father is the name of the most successful shipping magnate of our time. Incredibly strong, powerful and successful, Aristotle Onassis built an empire that made his only granddaughter the richest girl in the world.

Onassis had two children, Alexander and Christina. Alexander died at the age of 24 in a plane crash, so he asked Christina to take over the family business. The year after Alexander's death, Christina's mother died.

Cristina is said to have struggled with her weight, depression and insomnia, while her personal life was constantly criticized by the media. The rich heiress married four times. Her fourth marriage, to French businessman Thierry Roussel, continued with her daughter Athena.

Christina's last marriage ended in divorce after she found out about her husband's love affair with a Swedish model (he also became the father of this model's child at that time). He was known as a great lover of women, but Christina still always tried to maintain a relationship with him, because she loved him very much.

In 1988, Christina was found dead in her home in Argentina. The woman was found by her maid in the shower. Despite rumors that Christina had committed suicide, an autopsy revealed that Christina's cause of death was a heart attack. She was 37 years old.

The tragic fate of the stars

Princess Diana

Princess Diana will forever be remembered as the most popular princess. She was like no other. Her modesty and broad soul won the hearts of people around the world. Diana did charity work and visited seriously ill people from all over the world.

Her marriage and subsequent divorce from Prince Charles made her the subject of constant public scrutiny. The princess had an affair with the cardiac surgeon Hasnat Khan, and later with Dodi Fayat, the son of a wealthy businessman Mohamed Al-Fayat.

On the last day of August in 1997, Princess Diana was with Dodi in Paris. Their car at high speed, trying to hide from the paparazzi, crashed into a pole. This accident claimed the lives of Diana, Dodi and their driver. Diana was 36 years old.

Amy Winehouse

She is called the most extraordinary and talented singer and songwriter of our time. Her unique soulful music has earned her some of the most important music awards, including five Grammys for her second album Back to Black, a record for a British artist.

Amy confidently walked to the top of her career, but this path was suddenly interrupted at the age of 27. In the months leading up to her death, her struggles with alcohol and drugs were thoroughly relished in the press, with a documentary about the singer showing her boyfriend and later husband Blake Fielder-Civil at fault for her addiction. The former video producer was openly accused of introducing drugs into the life of the singer.

Amy was found dead by her bodyguard in a hotel room on July 23, 2011. The cause of death was alcohol poisoning (the amount of alcohol in Amy's blood was five times the amount compatible with life). Amy's father didn't let Blake go to his daughter's funeral. He first visited the grave ex-wife three years after her death.

Janis Joplin

Described as a psychedelic rocker, she was the lead singer for Big Brother, Holding Company, and also built a successful solo career. It was very popular in the 1960s. She became famous after performing on music festivals such as Woodstock, she became recognizable for her eclectic style and was later called the queen of the psychedelic soul.

In 2004, the Rolling Stones magazine named her one of the 100 Greatest Musicians of All Time. In October 1970, Joplin was found on the floor of a Hollywood motel. She died at the age of 27 from a heroin overdose. Her death came 16 days after the death of another gifted musician, Jimi Hendrix, who also died at 27.

The tragic fate of actresses


She had an angelic voice, she was the first successful Latin American artist of her generation and, of course, the main singer of the Latin American scene. She was known simply by her name, and she became popular at a fairly young age, she was called the "Mexican Madonna."

During her short but bright life, the girl managed to publish about a genie of albums. After she became a star in Latin America, she started recording songs on English language, but fate decided otherwise, and tragedy knocked on her door.

At the age of 23, Selena was gunned down, murdered in cold blood former president his fan club Yolanda Saldívar. In addition to working at the fan club, Yolanda also worked as a store manager for Selena in Texas, but was fired for theft.

In March 1995, Selena met with Yolanda to close the final financial matters. After the end of the meeting, when Selena practically left the hotel in which they had a conversation, Yolanda shot her in the back. The girl managed to reach the reception, but later died in the hospital.

The gruesome murder of a techno music queen inspired the 1997 film Selena, which starred a young Jennifer Lopez. The Governor of Texas designated her birthday as "Selena Day" in Texas.


A talented, nominated singer and later actress, Alia had the world. Working with popular producers such as Missy Elliot and Timbaland, she managed to ensure that her second album, One in a Million, sold 3.7 million copies in the US alone, a figure that doubled when it came to worldwide sales. the world.

On August 25, 2001, Aliya and 8 members of her team died in a plane crash. On a private jet, they flew to the Bahamas to finish the video for the song "Rock the boat". Almost immediately after the crash, the plane caught fire. All passengers on board were killed. According to the investigation, the plane was overloaded for one passenger, and alcohol and cocaine were found in the pilot's body (there was also evidence that the pilot did not have a license to fly).

Alia died at the tender age of 22, but her music lives on to this day. Several of her tracks have been remixed, making them world hits.

Anne Frank

Anne Frank's name is associated with one of the most horrific and macabre events in modern history, the Holocaust. The diary of a teenager describes her experiences during the German occupation of Holland during World War II. Frank and her family hid in the building where her father worked for two years before they were captured.