Why dream that I conjure. The Magic of Numbers

    Dream Interpretation "galya"

    if you had a dream bad dream about the occult and if in real life you consider these sciences harmful (for example, Satanism or black magic), then your dream it can also have a negative meaning or indicate your selfishness or some aspects of it. If you're into the occult in general conjure in dream- to temptation. Try not to succumb to various temptations. And even more so, do not accept too tempting offers and do not rush into the arms of seductive men. See sorcerer in dream- to an extraordinary event.

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  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Dream Interpretations- interpretation dreams free » Meaning dreams with the letter K" dream interpretation Witchcraft, for what dreaming Witchcraft in dream see. Why dreaming Witchcraft Fri July 10, 2015, 12:24:37 pm. to me dreamed what I can conjure(light a fire, lift objects into the air) and to me dreamed what my friends and acquaintances also knew how, but I was the strongest. Why would it? Lera.

One of the most mysterious symbols in a dream is magic. This phenomenon is difficult to explain even in real life, and in night dreams it acquires a truly allegorical meaning. Dream books will try to figure out what magic is dreaming of.

Interpretation of the image according to the general dream book

Any manifestations of magic in dreams give a hint that you have hidden potential and, under certain conditions, will be able to develop psychic abilities in yourself.

Had a dream that you are doing magic? Fate will surprise you with a pleasant surprise. Seeing magicians and wizards in a dream is a favorable change. The dream book draws attention to the fact that only light magic should be taken into account. Manifestations of black witchcraft have the opposite interpretation.

I dreamed of magic from a dream book from A to Z

Why dream of truly fantastic events? This is a sign that a surprise will soon happen that will surprise and please at the same time.

Dreamed of amulets, talismans and other items used in magical art? Failure will bring a lot of experiences, and you will pour out your discontent on others.

In a dream, dealing with a white magician is a favorable turn of affairs. This is also a sign that the intervention of the Higher Forces will save you from trouble. After that, you will be shown the right path to happiness and prosperity.

Black magic in reality promises difficulties in love, insincerity and deceit. Sometimes this is an indication of a witchcraft attack (love spell, evil eye, damage, etc.).

Opinion of a modern combined dream book

Why dream that you used love magic to solve dream problems? In reality, everything will be decided with the support of relatives or close people. For a woman, a vision promises a gift from her lover.

Seeing and personally applying black magic is a chore for a woman, and family troubles for a man. For businessmen, the vision promises an erroneous investment or unreliable partners. For a young girl, this is a sign of an unwanted pregnancy.

Why dream of witchcraft

Was dark witchcraft to some extent present in the dream? Soon you will meet an old acquaintance and you will not recognize him, he has changed so much.

To conjure yourself or study black magic means that you decide to change something, but all attempts will not bring results. Why dream that you personally conjured? In real life, try to avoid any temptations and show moderation in everything.

What does magic mean in a dream

Why dream of light magic or otherwise magic? Fate is preparing a truly amazing surprise for you that will change your life for the better.

However, if in a dream you happened to use a magic wand to fulfill your own desires, then in real life luck will leave you. Seeing a good wizard is good. Better yet, talk to him. Try to remember all his words and take advice.

Dreamed of voodoo magic

A very unusual vision in which you encountered voodoo magic warns of the danger posed by your own wrong or negative thinking. Try to get rid of false guidelines and bad feelings (anger, envy, irritability, etc.).

Did you dream that in a dream you make a voodoo doll yourself, cast spells or perform a dark rite? You are clearly at odds with your own soul. Moreover, you passionately dream of revenge on someone. Beware, you can lose the most valuable thing.

Why dream of a voodoo ritual? This is an eloquent indication of a gloomy event that will happen through the fault of others. Voodoo magic in dreams also warns of the intrigues of ill-wishers, intrigues or targeted magical attacks.

What does elemental magic mean in a dream

The manifestation of elemental magic marks the awakening of hidden talents. With the right approach, you can have extraordinary power.

Seeing that the wizard has subjugated the elements literally means that you lack confidence and will. If possible, cultivate or strengthen these qualities in yourself.

Had a dream that you controlled any element? Remember which element helped you in a dream. In case of danger or for otherworldly help, contact her.

Magic in a dream - examples of interpretation

Why dream of magic? Almost all magical images do not have a specific interpretation, most often these are allegories. To interpret the dream, you will have to use your own imagination and intuition.

  • to conjure - to achieve a goal
  • order a ceremony - get help
  • fall under the spell - you have to change plans
  • meet a witch - to temptation, danger
  • with a light magician - to a miracle, an inexplicable incident
  • to be a magician yourself - to surprise
  • rite of sacrifice - to the loss of money, a loved one
  • dark - something has to be sacrificed
  • make a sacrifice yourself - get a reward for some effort
  • coven - witchcraft against you
  • cast a spell - to a scandal in the family
  • love plot - the goal is close
  • hear a voice uttering magic words - to deceit, deceit, betrayal
  • perform a ritual - purposefulness, achieving a goal by prohibited methods
  • the ritual is performed over you - uncertainty, weakness
  • brew a potion - accumulate anger, resentment
  • collect herbs - indifference, coldness

If in a dream you had a chance to fly on a broom, take part in a witch's coven, study light or dark magic and apply it in action, then this indicates that the struggle between Evil and Good has not yet ended in your soul.

You are dreaming of a certain phenomenon that you can regard only as witchcraft - a dream warns you against some kind of danger; you don't even know, but someone is digging a hole in your path; you think that you have no enemies, but you are mistaken; satisfied with yourself and your successes, you walked without looking back, and you don’t know how many people crossed the road; someone sees in you the reason for their failures; someone thinks that you took away his laurels.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Good evening Esther! Peace to you! Well, the main thing in this dream (the dream is one, just a spread in time. Although if you saw it on the same night, it means that it was between - you just forgot) - that you realized that all these crutches, sticks, objects of the sorcerer . This means that the trouble has passed by. Any misfortune is born in the subtle world as our punishment for sins. It can also be considered as a psychoenergetic influence. I recommend you to read the Old Testament Apocrypha "The Book of Secrets of Enoch". It describes that the Lord YHWH did not imprison demons, but left them on Earth, to torment people for their sins, in order to direct people to the true path with these sufferings: http: //www. sunhome. Ru/religion/19384 The man who was chasing them is your protector from above. What kind of people could you call in a dream? They are not there))) You turned to certain Forces for help... Lilies of the valley are the joy of your soul about the successful outcome of all these events... Save YHWH!

Dream Interpretation - Witchcraft and the aroma of lilies of the valley

To smell in a dream is a sign of certain events that can happen in the very near future. Moreover, the more distinct the smell, the closer the specified event. A distinct pleasant aroma suggests that events can pleasantly surprise and delight you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Magic, witchcraft, hornet uterus

The dream clearly shows the negative state of the sensitive Dreamer in reality, unconsciously attracting the corresponding events to herself (the Dreamer in a dream does not know how to get rid of the launched Evil process). The only Protection against the so-called external spoilage (negativity) is the understanding of this process, gentleness, forgiveness of human weaknesses and thus non-involvement in the surrounding negative.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun


Find out what the cards say about your dream


In a dream, you happened to meet some kind of sorcerer - you are destined for a whole series of troubles associated with material difficulties, illnesses of loved ones. You also run the risk of being deceived by those who have always been unconditionally trusted. If you feel that you are under his power, then you will be forced to change your plans due to a sudden change in circumstances.

Were entangled in the spell of a sorceress - try not to succumb to all sorts of temptations, the temptation of an easy and carefree life, full of fun and devoid of any worries. She told you about your past and predicted the future - a serious threat loomed over you.


Temptation and temptation. But you should not believe everything that they promise, especially the first person you meet! Do not be fooled by sweet speeches and curious proposals.

Interpretation depending on the day and hour:

Do you want to know if your dream will come true today, how accurate is its interpretation on a given day of the week or month? Select the desired date and find out whether to trust what you saw in a dream.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17- e 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 0-1 hour 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 3-4 hours 4-5 hours 5-6 hours 6-7 hours 7-8 hours 8-9 hours 9-10 hours 10-11 hours 11-12 hours 12- 13 hours 13-14 hours 14-15 hours 15-16 hours 16-17 hours 17-18 hours 18-19 hours 19-20 hours 20-21 hours 21-22 hours 22-23 hours 23-24 hours

Dream interpretation magic

Whether or not you believe in the supernatural is irrelevant. But there are many things that happen in life that we simply cannot explain scientifically.

At the moment of sleep, we plunge into the world of the unknown, our subconscious takes over rational thinking. Therefore, a dream can be magical, and this cannot be denied.

Dreaming of witchcraft

Why dream magic in a dream? Agree that even if you do not strongly believe that dreams come true, you would like to consider such a vision.

Dreaming of unusual phenomena or actions

Often in the interpreters of dreams there is information that the dreamer who sees such dreams has extrasensory abilities. Such dreams are neither negative nor positive. They should be considered comprehensively.

What will the dream books say

The dream interpretation is the primary source from which information should be taken on how to unravel the vision. It contains the main information, which is subsequently processed and presented by other sources.

Star dream book

According to this dream book, magic in a dream means that various interesting situations will occur in the dreamer's life. You cannot give them an explanation.

home interpreter

When in a dream you see magic, witchcraft, shamans, it means that you really want to achieve your goal. But you don't want to put in any effort.

Big dream book

If in a dream something happened to you that you cannot explain, and you think it is magic, then in reality expect situations that will be pleasant and inexplicable.

A dreamed magical object - you will fail after failure. At the same time, you will be so annoyed and panicked that you will no longer soberly assess the situation.

Dreamed of occult or ritual objects

A dream in which you will deal with white magic indicates that your life will turn dramatically for the better. Happiness and luck awaits you.

If you saw or communicated with a black magician, then expect trouble. The dream interpretation gives two main interpretations of such a vision:

  • a love spell was placed on the dreamer - think about whether you suddenly began to experience positive feelings for a certain person;
  • the dreamer lives in constant deception - he himself constantly lies, also listens to the false stories of acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

A dream in which you watched magical actions promises joy, pleasant events. They will be associated not with material, but rather with spiritual enrichment.

To conjure yourself - life will give you surprise after surprise. True, the dream book says that they will be both pleasant and rather sad.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

Seeing a ritual in a dream

Whatever magic you dream of, and whoever does it in your dream, pleasant changes await you. Akulina gave advice on how to attract even more luck into your life after such a dream. In the morning you should imagine how you conjure and attract a new apartment, car, job into your life. You can also attract to yourself and the person for whom you have certain feelings.

Interpreter of Loff

What can magic dream about? A dream means that the dreamer's wishes will be fulfilled, other people will obey his will. True, if the rituals were in the nature of black magic, then you should remember that your goals do not always coincide with the plans of other people, and, achieving your goal at any cost, you bring grief to others.

Dream Interpretation Ivanov

The dream of witchcraft says that the sleeping person has supernatural powers. You may not be aware of your gift, but an event will soon occur that will unlock your abilities.

True, if the magic was directed at the negative, then in life you will have unpleasant situations:

  • for men, a dream promises trouble that will be associated with his family;
  • for business people, a dream will bring difficulties in the work area;
  • for a woman, the use of forbidden magic tricks threatens to turn into an unwanted pregnancy.

Magical actions in a dream among different nationalities

Muslims believed that any magic in a dream is a negative sign, portending grief and unfortunate events. It was believed that a person conjuring in a dream would in reality separate a married couple.

The ancient Assyrians saw in such dreams both positive and negative meanings. If you have been involved in white magic, then your abilities and creativity will soon reach a new level. You will be able to achieve what you want. Black magic also promises getting what you want, but only at the expense of the happiness of other people.

Astrological and other magic

Dreamed of astrological calculations

If in a dream you were guessing using the numbers in your date of birth, then, according to Nostradamus, you will be able to unravel the plans of your ill-wishers and prevent them.

Why dream of magic through fire? In this case, you should remember what the flame looked like:

  • the fire was weak - to disturbing events, you will have to change your plans;
  • bright flame - a new idea will visit you, but you will be able to bring it to life only with the help of loved ones.

When in a dream you tried to predict the future using numbers, then in reality you are in limbo. You are not satisfied with the current situation, but at the same time you are afraid of change, you are afraid of uncertainty.

Drawing up a horoscope with the help of a magician - mystical situations will happen to you. When you read an already compiled horoscope, this is a good sign. You will be given a new position, meet interesting people, find a new hobby.

If in a dream you saw a voodoo ritual, then you should prepare for an attack by enemies. Your enemies have been spoiling your life for a long time. It is possible that they even resorted to magical conspiracies. After such a dream, it would not be superfluous for the dreamer to purchase an amulet, or to protect himself in another possible way.

real magic

If in a dream you used a magic wand, then luck may turn its back on you. A similar prediction is given when the dreamer used the magic item only to fulfill his own desires.

Talking to a wizard is a positive sign. It is especially good if you were able to remember his words, they will be useful to you in a difficult situation, they will tell you the right path.

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