Open a beautician's office. The beauty! How to open a beauty parlor

Encyclopedic reference: a beauty parlor is a beauty industry enterprise that differs from a beauty salon in a limited range of services from the field of cosmetology.

Unlike medicine, which can be social, that is, free, cosmetology requires certain financial costs on the part of the client. At the same time, the services of cosmetologists have always been in demand, and now there is a steady upward trend in demand for them. The reason is the eternal desire of women (and recently many men) to look young and fresh. Environmental and social conditions have a negative impact on appearance - and cosmetology can "erase" signs of fatigue and even wrinkles. If you want to try your hand at running your own business, opening a small, highly specialized beauty parlor is a good start.

In this article, we will talk about how to open your own beauty parlor and start making money by giving people beauty.

Step by step to a stable income from beauty

Step one: building a concept

When calculating how much it costs to open a beauty parlor, consider different start options. It is not necessary to open from scratch, incurring the time and financial costs of renting a room, purchasing equipment, and purchasing cosmetic products.

First option: purchase a ready-made business - a registered company and an office in an equipped room. When choosing this path, be careful: along with the Cabinet, you can also acquire its damaged reputation.

Second option: franchising, which will relieve you of the hassle of finding and organizing the supply of materials, creating a marketing strategy, promoting your name in the market. The disadvantage of this path is the dependence on the goods, prices and ideology of the franchise seller.

Third option: opening a beauty salon from scratch is the choice of those who prefer to find their own way in business and want to work only for themselves and their reputation.

The room for a beauty parlor must meet a number of requirements: have a separate entrance and an equipped sewerage system, comply with fire safety standards and be spacious enough. For the work of one beautician you need at least 15 m². Experts advise to conclude a lease agreement with subsequent redemption.

The best location for a beauty parlor is near hairdressers, fitness centers, and swimming pools.

step two: we form a legal base

You can open a beauty parlor with the registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. If you do not plan to expand, are not going to provide licensed services, but want to open as quickly as possible and calculate taxes according to a simplified scheme, your option is an individual entrepreneur.

Be careful with the list of cosmetic services. Many of them can be classified as medical, which means that a license is required. In order not to be mistaken, before drawing up constituent documents, consult with specialists from the Licensing Bureau.

Step Three: getting ready to open

To open a beauty parlor, it is not necessary to be a cosmetologist, it is important to be able to solve administrative issues, and invite professionals to the staff. There are 2 options for financial settlements: offer the masters a percentage of the cabinet's profit or take rent from them for the use of your premises and equipment.

Please note that in addition to the workplaces of cosmetologists, you need to equip a reception area with a waiting area and utility rooms where washing and ironing of towels will be carried out.

Where to get money?

To open a cosmetic business, you will have to use your own funds - it is difficult to find a partner, banks do not issue targeted loans. You will not receive an answer to the question of whether a beauty parlor is profitable immediately after opening. In the first 1-2 months, even if there is a profit, it is not high. When planning to take out a loan, keep in mind that a small beauty parlor will pay off, on average, in 3 years.

Underwater rocks

Since cosmetology is a rapidly growing business, new offices will open everywhere, creating competition for you. Take care of loyal customers.

Remember that opening a salon "from scratch" is a risky undertaking. Just as a good restaurant needs a chef, so you need a master with a good reputation already at the start.

Summing up

The cosmetic business has good prospects. Despite the rather long payback period, this type of activity is attractive for investment. With the right approach, you can turn it into a stable source of good income.

In this area, we offer the following services:

Every woman wants to stay beautiful and young for as long as possible, and this is completely natural. After all, the beautiful half of humanity flourishes when it feels attractive and desirable. This is what beauty parlors are for - they help their visitors to stay beautiful and fresh, no matter what number is written in their passports. Many cosmetology centers offer their services and procedures - our Julie beauty salon in Moscow invites you to experience the effectiveness and delicacy of our procedures for yourself at affordable prices! It is also worth recalling that if you want to get a discount, you need to familiarize yourself with ours!

Advantages of cosmetology in the beauty salon "Julie"

  • Individual approach. Our cosmetologists will provide you with complete information about the condition of your skin and recommend the best set of care for it.
  • The system of the most modern hardware methods of face and body rejuvenation. Cosmetology procedures in the beauty salon are performed on professional, high-quality equipment from leading manufacturers.
  • Great experience. Ours first opened its doors back in 2007.
  • The highest level of professionalism. All our employees have undergone specialized training in the best educational institutions.
  • Customer loyalty programs, promotions and.

How to choose a beauty parlor?

How not to become a victim of poor-quality cosmetology procedures in beauty salons? After all, such cases occur quite often. To do this, you need to find a beauty parlor that has a good reputation and has been working for years. Yes, its prices may be slightly higher than the rates of newly opened establishments. But then you will not risk your health and beauty, and it's worth it. In the cosmetology room of our beauty salon, professionals with extensive experience work. We always have a pleasant atmosphere, and friendly and attentive staff will do everything to make you satisfied not only with the result of the procedures, but also with the quality of service! right now and we will help you become even more beautiful.

What procedures can you find in our beauty salon in Moscow?
Our cosmetologists carry out a full range of care, aesthetic and medical procedures in our beauty salon. All procedures are absolutely safe - our specialists treat your health with attention and care, and also worry about the results of their work - you can always discuss with the doctor all the details of the procedure and get a full consultation about the service in accordance with your individual characteristics.
Our salon provides rejuvenation procedures: photorejuvenation, mesotherapy, facial care and much more, carries out correction, coloring and extension of eyebrows and eyelashes, offers tattoo services, epilation, lamination of eyelashes and much more.

The beauty industry is a fast growing and quite profitable business. To organize such a business does not require large investments. Many women take care of their appearance and do not save money on it, so beauty salons usually do not suffer from a lack of customers. In this article, we will talk about how to open a beauty parlor and make it profitable.

Business registration

Before you open a beauty parlor, first of all, you need to form a legal framework. To do this, register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. If you are not going to further expand your business or provide licensed services, you can issue an IP. This will allow you to open in the shortest possible time and pay taxes under the simplified taxation system.

Some aspiring entrepreneurs ask the question, how to open a beauty parlor without a license? If the list of cosmetic services does not include those that are considered medical, you will not need a license. To avoid mistakes when preparing documents, seek help from specialists.

To obtain a license, you must submit the following documents:

  • Equipment certificates;
  • Diplomas of specialists;
  • Agreement for the lease of premises;
  • Permits from SES and fire inspection;
  • Equipment maintenance contract.

In order not to waste time on paperwork, you can purchase a ready-made business or open a franchise establishment.

Start-up capital

Before you open a beauty parlor from scratch, you will have to raise start-up capital. Banks refuse to lend to such a business, and it is almost impossible to find partners or investors. Therefore, you will have to use personal savings.

You can also try borrowing money from friends or relatives. If you plan to take out a loan, you should remember that a beauty parlor pays off within 2-3 years.

If you could not find the amount you need, you can find out. This will allow you to earn money and fulfill your dream.

Where to begin?

Now let's figure out how to start opening a beauty parlor. After you register your business, you can start choosing a premises. The profitability of your business largely depends on its location. In big cities, sleeping areas are the most profitable.

When developing the layout of the premises, all the norms and requirements established by the Ministry of Health should be taken into account. The area of ​​the room should be at least 15-20 square meters. meters, so that it freely accommodates all the necessary equipment. In addition, you need to allocate space for a wardrobe, utility room, toilet and waiting room.

It is better to finish the office in a calm color scheme, which allows clients to relax and tune in to a certain procedure. Indoors, you need to constantly maintain perfect cleanliness so as not to scare away customers. You should not set high prices for services, as your visitors may go to competitors who will attract them with cheap offers. But this is not all that is needed to open a beauty parlor. You still have to choose equipment, hire staff and conduct an advertising campaign.

Service list

Usually, newcomers are limited in financial resources, so they cannot offer visitors a wide range of services. Therefore, before opening a beauty parlor at home, or in any other place, you should first decide which clients you will work with. These can be wealthy people or citizens with an average income level. Depending on this, choose equipment, cosmetics and other consumables.

A good salon should have the following services:

  • Epilation;
  • facial skin cleansing;
  • Massage;
  • Specialist consultations;
  • Manicure and hairdressing services.

Cabinet equipment

For visitors to be comfortable, you need to choose a comfortable chair. Usually cosmetic procedures take a lot of time. They are carried out in a sitting or lying position, so the chair must meet all the established requirements.

In addition, the equipment for beauty parlors includes:

  • Steam bath for washing;
  • Sterilizer;
  • Apparatus Darsonval;
  • Special laser and more.

You will also need cosmetic underwear, wipes, tampons, masks, tonics, and more. Cosmetics that you use for procedures must be included in the list compiled by the Ministry of Health.


As a rule, a cosmetologist, a massage therapist, as well as a specialist in manicure and pedicure work in a cosmetology room. Since this area is constantly developing, the labor market lacks qualified personnel. Therefore, when compiling a business plan for a beauty parlor, be sure to include an expense item in it - employee training. Cabinet employees must constantly improve their professionalism and follow all the latest in cosmetology.

Large beauty salons hold master classes for their employees, and also regularly send them to advanced training courses.

The duties of a beautician include:

  1. Performing procedures related to facial aesthetic cosmetology;
  2. Aesthetic cosmetology of the body - body shaping, hair removal, spa programs, etc.;
  3. Preparation of medical documents;
  4. Consultations.

The job description of a cosmetologist states that he must have an appropriate education, a medical book, work experience and a well-groomed appearance. When hiring such a specialist, be sure to pay attention to the fact that he meets all these requirements.

How to get started on building a business? Learn the main options for how you can open a beauty parlor and choose the most suitable for you.

Buy a ready-made business. You can buy a salon, the work of which has already been established. The advantages of this option are the absence of the need to collect documents and obtain permits for activities, as well as the presence of an established client base. That is, you can open a beauty parlor right away, without wasting time going to various authorities, and you will already have a stable number of clients.

However, there is a risk that the purchased enterprise will turn out to be unprofitable, and then your investments will be meaningless. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake with the choice, before buying a salon, you should contact the specialists and conduct an audit. This will help ensure the legal "purity" of the enterprise.

Rent a ready-made business. This option can be beneficial for a specialist who has education and experience in the beauty industry, and who also wants to start their own business. Rent implies that the tenant receives the right to use the finished beauty room for a fee.

It is much lower than the cost of buying a business, which is undoubtedly important for a novice entrepreneur. However, you will have to pay it monthly.

Start a business from scratch. How to open a beauty salon? To do this, the entrepreneur will have to study “from and to” all the rules and regulations on the basis of which the beauty salon operates, independently develop a list of services and pricing policies, come up with an original design for the premises, purchase equipment and necessary cosmetics.

The advantage of this option is the ability to create a truly unique institution, not like all the others. After all, starting a business from scratch makes it possible to choose the most appropriate name, location, staff, and much more.

Women always want to attract attention, be beautiful and well-groomed. Therefore, many businessmen seek to open a beauty parlor: they understand that their potential clients will spare no expense for good procedures.

Beauty salons are rightfully considered a promising niche for creating a profitable enterprise. But work in this area has its own characteristics, and for a business to be successful, you need to take into account several important points.

Business registration

To start your own business, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Every businessman faces the question: what form of registration will be more profitable in his situation? The solution to this problem depends on several factors, the main of which are the field of activity, the territorial location of the enterprise and the need to hire workers.

This year, serious changes in the legislation regarding individual entrepreneurs and LLCs are not expected. Therefore, we can assume that their ratio in the market will not change significantly.

An entrepreneur who is about to open should understand the main differences between an LLC and an individual entrepreneur:

A responsibility. Registration in the form of a limited liability company provides more opportunities, since an individual entrepreneur can only engage in a limited number of activities. At the same time, LLC provides for greater responsibility to the state, increased attention from the tax inspectorate and higher fines. It is also believed that the founder of an LLC, unlike an individual entrepreneur, is not liable for the obligations of the company with all his property. In fact, it all depends on the activities of a particular enterprise. The founder of the LLC can also bear personal responsibility for the debts of the company, at the same time, the responsibility of the individual entrepreneur is not unlimited.

taxes. In terms of taxes, it is somewhat more profitable to open in the form of an individual entrepreneur. This is due to the fact that an individual entrepreneur has the right to a preferential tax regime, which is also called "tax holidays". Also, an LLC cannot apply the patent taxation system, there are restrictions on UTII and USN.

Insurance premiums. If you start a business while registered as an individual entrepreneur, you will have to pay insurance premiums not only for your employees, but also for yourself. Moreover, this will have to be done constantly, regardless of whether the business is profitable, and in general, whether the enterprise is functioning.

Accounting. Accounting for an LLC is much more complicated. For its correct conduct, a special employee is almost always hired, and in large companies they even create departments. Therefore, from the point of view of accounting, IP is somewhat more profitable.

You can read more about how to choose a taxation system in the current article "".

What do you need

It may not be possible for novice businessmen to make a full-fledged beauty salon, since this requires a large start-up capital. In this case, you can start by creating a cosmetology room. This will require less funds, and the entrepreneur will be able to work in his institution.

It is located, as it were, between an elite salon with a large list of services and an ordinary hairdresser. As a rule, health and rejuvenation procedures are carried out in it. Therefore, to open a cosmetology room, one business registration will not be enough, a license is required. Cosmetology is a field of activity that is prohibited to engage in without a license.

You need to be well versed in the intricacies of this area. One way or another, it is worth starting with a business plan that will help to foresee all possible risks. It will reflect the concept of the business, its features, estimated costs, etc.

On the way to opening, you need to do the following:

Step #1. We develop a business plan.

The basis of a business plan is the central task of any enterprise - making a profit. To organize a cosmetology room that will bring a lot of income in the future, you need to consider everything: hire professional staff, choose a convenient location, properly decorate the room, develop a strategy to attract and retain customers, and much more.

Step #2. Assessing the market situation

How to make a business that would be in demand? It will be a plus if you provide a wide range of various services. To increase the profitability of the establishment will help the location near the hairdresser or fitness room.

Step #3. Analyzing the customer base

To properly position your beauty salon, you need to analyze the potential clientele. Who lives in the area where you are going to make it? What are their needs and income levels? Everything depends on it: starting from the list of services and ending with the pricing policy. So, if the institution is located in a residential area, the emphasis will be on the availability of services, and not on their quality.

Step number 4. We determine the competitiveness of the future business.

Here you need to pay attention to the work of other salons with which you will have to compete, and also think about how yours will compare favorably with them.

Step number 5. Determine the level of the future office

When opening a hall, you need to pay special attention to compiling a list of services. They must meet the requirements of potential customers and fit the characteristics of the area. As a rule, beauty salons provide two types of services: image and cosmetology. The first includes the work of a hairdresser, stylist and makeup artist, the second - everything related to improving the condition of the face and body.

It is at this stage that you need to think about whether you need a license. Cosmetology involves procedures, many of which can be classified as medical. To find out if you need a license to open a center, contact the Licensing Bureau specialists.

Step number 6. We select the premises and plan the design.

The requirements imposed by the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspection are quite high. To make a cosmetology room, you will have to seriously work on the premises: install sewerage and heating, make lighting that meets the standards, etc. There is a norm regarding the size: at least 15 m 2 (4.5 m 2 for the workplace of each specialist). Supervisory authorities will not allow organizing an institution on a smaller area, since there is not enough space for the full provision of services.

The premises are the basis, the correct choice of which largely determines success. It is better to make it in the city center or in a residential area, where it is convenient to get to and where there is a parking place. Often, such establishments are opened on the first floors of residential buildings, as this provides a client base in the form of residents of the nearby area. A good option is to rent a room in a beauty salon or hairdresser, whose services will complement the procedures. Such cooperation will be beneficial for both a novice businessman and a landlord.

Design also needs to be thought out to the smallest detail. First of all, you need to study the requirements of the SES and the fire inspection for the decoration of such establishments. In general, the design can be very diverse. However, light colors are most often used as the basis, creating a pleasant atmosphere.

Step number 7. We select office equipment.

The list of necessary equipment depends on what procedures the masters of the cosmetology room will carry out. However, in any case, you will need a basic set of furniture:

  • couch;
  • armchair;
  • cabinets and shelving;
  • table;
  • stationary and mobile cabinets;
  • shelves.

You will need different equipment for the procedures. The list of necessary tools and equipment can be quite large: each service will need something different.

Buying professional equipment is a serious expense item. However, it is impossible to save on it, since the level of services provided depends on the quality of the tools.

In the question of how to make a cosmetology room, providing the institution with special tools and consumables (towels, napkins, syringes, etc.) plays an important role. For the procedures, you will need professional cosmetics, which are sold only to specialists. It is important to choose suppliers who will provide the cosmetology room with quality products. When buying, always check for quality certificates.

Step number 7. Choose a program to manage the salon.

Today, there are many opportunities to automate and thus improve work. Oddly enough, in the age of technological breakthrough, very few cosmetologists use these features, while having an easy-to-use program, you can automatically perform most of the administrative functions:

  • register clients for procedures in an online format (even at night, when your administrator, for obvious reasons, cannot receive a call)
  • connect IP-telephony and SMS-mailings and alerts
  • keep track of clients' bonus accounts, set up automatic invitations and thus increase the return of clients
  • generate financial statements in a few clicks
  • keep records of consumables and disinfectants

Step number 8. Obtaining a license

According to Government Decree No. 291 of April 16, 2012, salon services related to cosmetology are equated to medical ones and require mandatory licensing. Opening without a license can lead to administrative or even criminal liability.

Before you open your own beauty salon, you need to know what requirements apply to it.

The procedures carried out in the cosmetology room are contact. Based on the interests of customers, as well as their own, it is necessary to comply with sanitary and safety regulations.

1. Sanitary and hygienic standards

For one place of work, 12 m2 should be allocated, while at least 6 m2 for one chair.
For the implementation of cosmetic invasive measures, it is necessary: ​​the office itself, additional premises (a waiting room of 6 m2, a locker room, a technical room for storing materials for work, inventory, a bathroom).
Lighting is represented by three types: main artificial (lamps of a closed type, placed on the ceiling), natural daylight, local (lamps).
The ventilation system works naturally with the help of transoms or artificially with the help of a fan.
Availability of cold/hot water.
There is a sewer.
Wall decoration: tiles, either painted or covered with wallpaper.
The color scheme of the walls suggests not bright, eye-pleasing, pastel colors.
The color scheme of curtains or blinds matches the walls.
The ceiling must be washable, the coating - water-based paint.
Floor covering: linoleum, tile, quartz-vinyl coating.
All materials used in finishing work must have certificates of quality and compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.
Temperature range: from 16 to 21 degrees Celsius.
The smell in the room should be quite fresh, without the presence of pronounced specific aromas.
The furniture used in the office must be hard or soft, always washable, polished. The forbidden material for furniture is plush and suede.

For cosmetic procedures that are based on a violation of the epidermal layer, for example, injections of fillers with hyaluronic acid, piercing, tattooing, a separate room should be equipped:

a) with plumbing;
b) germicidal lamps;
c) closed containers for soaking and processing instruments before sterilization;
d) disinfection containers for different surfaces;
e) Sterilization equipment;
f) measuring containers for dilution of detergents and disinfectants.

2. Requirements for the equipment of a beauty parlor

Functional beauty chair with armrests and headrests.
Cosmetic couch.
Work chair covered with washable material (screw, with backrest, with casters).
Tables for medicines, cosmetics and special equipment.
Furniture for visitors (wardrobe, upholstered furniture, chairs).
Refrigerator household.
Cabinet for medicines.
Cabinet for sterile instruments.
Linen closet (for storage of fresh linen).
Cabinet for steam baths.

3. List of equipment and requirements for it

For the procedures of darsonvalization, ultratone, the presence of HDTV is necessary.
For galvanization, electrophoresis, pulsed currents of low frequency and low voltage are required.
Procedures for electrical stimulation of the facial muscles and muscles of the body also require low-frequency pulsed current.
Ultrasound requires mechanical vibrations.
Equipment for phototherapy, laser and ultraviolet irradiation.
Equipment for conducting steam baths, for steaming procedures with different types of water (for example, a vaporizer or a steam bath).
A magnifying lamp with the required number of diopters, while the central part should be magnified properly, or a regular lamp plus magnifying glasses is used.
For epilation procedures - a combined epilator.
For depilation procedures - a depilatory device (with wax heating).
For ear piercing procedures, a special gun is required (an appropriate certificate for the instrumentation is required).
Tonometer (electronic, mechanical).
For sterilization measures - biks, a sterilizer using ultraviolet irradiation or a dry-heat cabinet, or a thermo-sterilizer and an autoclave for towels, sheets, etc.

4. List of necessary medical and cosmetic products:

Camphor alcohol;
boric acid, 3% alcohol solution;
96% alcohol;
three - and six percent hydrogen peroxide;
alcohol tincture of calendula;
potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
cotton wool (sterile, non-sterile);
bandages (sterile, non-sterile);
soap (lump, liquid);
lotions for cleansing the face;
facial tonics;
facial cleansers (foams, emulsions, gels, etc.);
make-up remover (milk, micellar water, tonic, etc.)
creams (moisturizing, nourishing);
scrubs and peels of various types;
masks of different directions;
pharmaceutical herbs;
a special first aid kit for first aid, in which the presence of ammonia, heart preparations (nitroglycerin, validol), antihistamines is mandatory.
first aid kit against AIDS, which contains albucid, protorgol, potassium permanganate in bags, 70% ethyl alcohol.

5. List of medical instruments (with an average of 8-10 clients per day):

Tweezers (about 5 pieces);
epilation tweezers (about 4 pieces);
uno spoon;
spatula for applying masks, creams (about 3 pieces);
various loops for cleaning (about 5 pieces);
disposable needles (about 35 pieces);
rubber gloves;
scissors (in the amount of 2-3 pieces);
dishes for making masks of different sizes (about 10-12 pieces);
sponges (about 6 pieces);
measuring cups.

6. List of soft (fabric) inventory:

Special dressing gown (3 pieces);
sheets (about 5 pieces);
towel (change daily, from 5 pieces);
protective hats (hats, bandages about 25 pieces);
compressors (10 pieces);
napkins (20-30 pieces);
negligee (20-22 pieces);
headrests for a chair (20-22 pieces);
disposable underpants (for depilation procedures);

7. List of cleaning equipment:

basket for used linen;
waste bags;
container for sanitizing the premises (about 4 pieces);
capacity for soaking inventory (2 pieces);
Furniture: a cart for tools, a cabinet-showcase for cosmetics, a bedside table for clean linen;
mirrors (near the sinks, near the cosmetic couch).

8. List of disinfectants:

Hydrogen peroxide 6 percent;
chlorhexidine bigluconate;
defective (valid for about two weeks).

9. Regulatory framework and a list of basic documentation governing the functioning of a cosmetology parlor

B. List of main documentation:

License (with application);
Acts on admissions of the Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, fire protection, medical equipment.
Certificate of conformity.
Staff schedule of employees.
Documents on the qualifications of employees.
Contracts for the provision of services by dermatologists.
Price list.
Instructions for the operation of the equipment.
Passports, instructions and certificates.
Description of applied techniques, methods and technologies.
Accompanying documentation for cosmetic preparations.
Book of complaints and suggestions.
Procedural log.
Journal of work with physioequipment.
Journal of autoclaving.
Sanitary book.
Journal of receipts.
Cash machine.
Outpatient cards (started for each client in the form F 25-y-04).
Medical records of patients taking hardware medical / rejuvenating procedures (started for each patient in the form F 044u).
Cabinet Quartz Schedule.
Schedule of the beauty salon / office.

10. Rules and technique of performed cosmetic procedures

All types of cosmetic anti-aging, non-invasive measures are prescribed by a dermatovenerologist, who additionally specializes in cosmetology and physiotherapy procedures in cosmetology. If necessary, additional consultations with doctors of narrow specialization are appointed.
All types of cosmetic interventions of an invasive nature are prescribed after an additional examination.
All appointments are entered in the outpatient card (form F 25) and the procedural journal (form F 044u).
Before and after the procedure, it is mandatory to diagnose its results using basic and special definitions.

a) Basic definitions : body temperature, blood pressure and pulse, weight.
b) Special Criteria : skin turgor testing, skin type study, cellulite detection test, bacterioscopic examination for acne (acne), determination of BMI (body mass index).