How to open a taxi fleet in Yandex Taxi from scratch. How to open a taxi service: the nuances of doing business What is needed to open a taxi

In any city in Russia there are several taxi companies. These include well-known organizations operating throughout the country, and small private enterprises. Every day more and more new firms open, but the demand for services does not decrease.

The demand for a taxi does not depend on the level of development of public transport, the number of private cars or the average salary in the city. Each person may need to use the services of a taxi driver: a trip to the hospital, to visit, where it is planned to drink alcohol, to the store for a large thing. Everyone can oversleep the bus or rush to the airport. Therefore, the popularity of taxis is growing year by year, and the emergence of new services like Yandex.Taxi or Uber is understandable.

Owning a taxi is a great investment and business idea. To get started, you do not need to buy dozens of cars, it is enough to hire drivers with personal vehicles.

We form a fleet

It is important to find a middle ground here: it will be expensive to maintain too many cars, you will not get profit with such expenses. If there are not enough cars, taxis will also quickly go into the minus. Drivers simply do not have time to serve all customers, and a taxi that is late is not re-applied.

There are several options for how to form a taxi fleet:

  • Buy new or used cars: buy with your own funds, get a loan or lease. A significant disadvantage of this option is its high cost.
  • Hire drivers who already have a car and pay them a salary;
  • Hire drivers and pay them a percentage of the profits, as many modern dispatch services do
  • A combined option is also possible: buy some of the cars, and recruit the rest of the taxi fleet by renting a car of employed drivers
  • Calculate how many cars should be in the fleet

    An employee with his own car is a lot of advantages for a business owner. There is no need to spend money on repairs and keep track of maintenance deadlines, a fixed rate will give the staff a sense of stability, and a percentage will motivate them to work harder and better.

    In addition to the issue of forming a fleet, when opening a taxi service, a number of other equally important tasks need to be solved:

    • Determine how many workers will be needed for the normal functioning of the service. For example, dispatchers may well work from home
    • Compile a list of services and compare with competitors
    • Set the cost of the trip, draw up a price list. This can be done by calculating the costs and adding the expected profit to them.
    • Make financial calculations of expenses for the premises for the control room, payment for cellular communications and the Internet, software, parking, as well as the cost of staff salaries and other needs
    • Determine your advertising budget

    Start-up costs and expected profit

    Before looking for an office and hiring drivers, you need to make careful calculations. Opening a taxi service is a profitable business, equally relevant for both large metropolitan areas and sparsely populated cities. The main thing is to calculate all the expenses and add them to the budget.

    Consider the amount of basic expenses for starting a business and the expected profit margin using the example of opening a taxi service in Yekaterinburg. To begin with, it is worth calculating the average cost of one trip. To do this, you can use the prices of competitors. Most Yekaterinburg taxis calculate the cost of a trip based on mileage. Let's take a distance of 3 kilometers and compare:

    Taxi company The cost of a trip up to 3 km, ₽
    Taxi Nonstop 140
    Three Fives 150
    Yekaterinburg Auto 130
    AutoCaprice 130
    In total, we get the average cost equal to (140+150+130+130)/4=140 ₽ (round up 138). Let's say our taxi will work on the principle of a dispatch service that supplies private taxi drivers with orders and receives 10% of their revenue. The average revenue of a full-time machine is 3,000 - 5,000 rubles. Let's take for calculation a figure slightly more than the minimum - 3,500. If the taxi fleet has 20 cars that work 20 days a month, then the amount of revenue will be as follows: Period First year, amount in ₽ Second year, amount in ₽ Revenue 1 540 000 1 680 000

    For the first year of operation, the revenue is somewhat less, since the service will need time to reach a normal work schedule and the desired employment of machines. Consider the firm's fixed costs:

    Period First year, amount in ₽ Second year, amount in ₽ ZP Fund 453 000 494 000 payroll taxes 148 500 162 000 Rent 132 000 144 000 Depreciation 550 000 0 IP insurance premiums 40 390 41 790 Advertising 55 000 60 000 other expenses 110 000 120 000 Total 1 488 890 1 021 790

    Starting your own taxi service is a fast return on investment: the cost of starting a business pays off in 17 months, and the profitability of this direction is 8.1%.

    Taxi service revenue will average 1,540,000 ₽, net profit for the second year of operation - 413,115 ₽.

    Permits and documents

    To open a taxi service, you need to register an LLC or IP. To simplify the task, you can use the services of companies that will not only submit an application for you, but also make a seal and open a current account.

    The cost of such a service for an individual entrepreneur will be approximately 3,000 ₽, and for a limited liability company - about 10,000 ₽. Don't forget to choose a name before you go to the tax office.

    For individual entrepreneurs, the simplified taxation system (simplified taxation system) will be the optimal taxation regime. The entrepreneur can choose to pay 6% of income or 15% of the difference between income and expenses. In addition to taxes, every businessman pays contributions to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund.

    Another cost item is obtaining a taxi license for each of the cars. According to the Taxi Law No. 69-FZ, both taxi services and individual carriers are required to receive it.

    The permit is issued at the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport and costs approximately 3,000 - 4,000 ₽. Each driver must go through the procedure on their own. In the case of transportation of passengers without a document, the driver is issued a fine in the amount of 5,000 ₽. The license is valid for 5 years.

    Total: the cost of registering a business will be 3,000 - 10,000 rubles, depending on the form of management, plus payment for a license for each vehicle. If drivers work on their own cars as an individual entrepreneur, then they pay for the permit from their own funds.

    Choosing an office space

    There is no fundamental difference in whether the taxi office will be located in the center or on the outskirts of the city. In a remote area, the cost of rent will be significantly lower.

    Choose a room that is most suitable for the tasks: spacious enough, with good repair and a small area of ​​​​the adjacent territory, where drivers can park if necessary.

    Since taxi drivers spend most of their working time on the road, and there are rarely more than two or three dispatchers in the office, an office of 15-20 square meters is enough to comfortably accommodate a company.

    Let's compare the cost of renting premises in different districts of Yekaterinburg:

    What equipment is needed to open a taxi service

    For a taxi fleet you need standard office equipment:

    • Desktop PC or laptop (3 in total, one for each operator): 60,000 ₽
    • Automatic call handling software: about 250,000 ₽
    • CRM system for working with clients: 50,000 ₽
    • Phones for drivers (20 pcs.): 80,000 ₽
    • PBX for several channels: 70 000 ₽
    • Other expenses: 40 000 ₽

    Total: 550 000 ₽


    The following categories of employees are necessarily present in the staff of a taxi service:

  • Drivers with at least 3-5 years of experience. The employee must be friendly, tidy, without health problems. It is worth checking the number of accidents in which he participated, as well as asking for a certificate from the drug dispensary. Experience in other taxi services will be an added advantage
  • Dispatchers with experience in a call center or control room. Employees should have clear diction and a pleasant voice, PC skills, and efficiency. To start work, you need at least 3 dispatchers who will work in two days
  • Accountant: since the taxi service does not involve complex reporting and a large amount of paperwork, it is better to contact an outsourcing company that will submit all the necessary documents to the tax office for a fixed monthly fee
  • Technician: needed to look after the service's own fleet of vehicles.

Personnel costs

Driver revenue can be calculated in two ways:

  • Percentage of each order
  • A subscription fee that the driver pays each shift to access orders

Taxi Service Revenue Schemes

How to advertise a business

  • Advertising banners on city portals and inside smartphone applications
  • Advertising printing in OT
  • Billboards and street billboards
  • Own website and mobile application

Also, advertising costs should include pasting cars with “checkers” and company logos, buying lamps for the roof of a car. Additional child seats are required. They can be bought in smaller quantities, then orders for the transportation of passengers with children will be accepted only by some cars.

Try to use all additional ways to increase the flow of customers:

  • With clubs, bars and restaurants
  • Use social media to promote your company
  • Run contests
  • Advertise in large malls: people often order taxis when they go shopping

Examples of successful advertising banners, posters and flyers:

creative taxi advertisement
An example of an advertising banner or flyer for a taxi service

Comparison with a ready-made business in terms of costs

You can invest in starting your own business and go to success on your own, gaining invaluable experience. Another option is to consider a ready-made business.

Starting investments may be slightly higher compared to opening your own company, but you get an already working business. You avoid the standard mistakes of beginners and can immediately assess the profitability of the project by reading the reporting.

Consider an example of a taxi service offered for sale in Yekaterinburg:

  • Business price - 1 999 000 ₽
  • Profitability - 121% per annum
  • Payback period - 10 months
  • Monthly profit - 200 000 ₽

In addition, you get:

  • Developed client base
  • Recognizable brand in the city market
  • Stable income
  • Issued licenses and a proven reporting mechanism

Let's compare starting your own business from scratch and buying a ready-made company, paying attention to the advantages of acquiring an existing operating model:

Under certain conditions, buying a ready-made company is an excellent option. However, before buying, carefully evaluate the project and your strengths.

Period First year, amount in ₽ Second year, amount in ₽
4 drivers 240 000 260 000
Accountant 70 000 84 000
System Administrator 77 000 84 000
Dispatchers, 3 people 45 000 47 000
Cleaning woman 17 000 19 000
Total 453 000 494 000

Do you plan to provide passenger transportation services? You have 2 main ways to implement this idea:

  • Open a dispatch service that acts as an intermediary between drivers with personal cars and passengers
  • Open a company with your own fleet and staff of drivers

The second option is more expensive and requires some experience in managing a large team of specialists, building partnerships with car services and a powerful advertising campaign. Therefore, in the article we will analyze the first scenario in more detail.

How to open a taxi dispatch service from scratch and without your own cars

Creation of a taxi dispatch service without own car park is quite real. If you are not planning on leasing cars, you will simply need a slightly different set of documents than when starting a fleet business. Let's take a look at what is required for this.

What documents are needed to open a taxi: permits and licenses

According to the Federal Law No. 99 of 05/04/2011 "On licensing certain types of activities", the activities of taxi companies do not need to be licensed.

However, in order to conduct it legally, you will need permission to provide passenger services. To obtain this document, you need to register a business and submit an application to the regulatory authorities.

Business registration

For taxi service it is enough to register a business as an individual entrepreneur and choose UTII as the taxation system. In this case, an agreement is concluded with the drivers of vehicles, on the basis of which they pay the company a fixed amount or a percentage of the revenue received. The amount is specified in the contract as a payment for the provision of information services.

Further actions

If you do not plan to lease cars, after registering an IP, you must obtain a power of attorney to use them. Then submit the documents to the authorized organization. For example, for St. Petersburg it is the transport infrastructure committee. If the application is approved, the license will be valid for 5 years.

How to make an application

The application must include the following information:

  • Legal form of the company
  • Business name
  • Full name of the individual entrepreneur
  • Extract from USRIP
  • Applicant's phone number and email
  • Information about registration with the tax service

The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • Applicant's passport
  • Certificate of registration for each vehicle
  • Copies of power of attorney from vehicle owners (if the vehicles are not owned by the entrepreneur)

It is also necessary to add all issued documents to the register so that anyone can freely clarify whether the license of a particular car is valid.

How much does it cost to open a taxi service: calculations

The specific cost of opening a dispatch service depends on the prices for services in your city. The average cost of starting a business in St. Petersburg will be from 1'000'000 - 2'000'000 ₽.

What kind compulsory expenses will be required at the initial stage:

  • IP registration and activity licensing - 2’000 ₽
  • Radio station 20’000 - 30’000 ₽
  • Radio wave rental - 15’000 - 20’000 ₽
  • Software - 5’000 ₽
  • Phone number - 2’500 ₽
  • Equipment for 1 car - 3’000 ₽: taximeter, walkie-talkie and checkered lantern
  • Trademark registration - 6’000 - 7’000 ₽

In addition to one-time expenses, there are monthly:

  • Radio frequency subscription fee - 10’000 ₽
  • Utility payments - 1’200 ₽
  • Operator salary - 30’000 ₽
  • Rent an office area of ​​100 m² in the city center - 120’000 - 300’000 ₽

A significant cost item will be needed to promote your taxi service. If you plan to launch a website, set up online advertising and promote your business in social networks, the amount indicated at the beginning will increase significantly.

How to open a taxi service and make a profit

Not one business start-up tool guarantees you profit. However, there is a way that allows you to optimize costs. This is a ready business. By choosing this option to create your own business, you can get a number of advantages over creating a project from scratch. So, a taxi company with its own fleet can be purchased much cheaper. You will also receive the advertising developments of the previous owner, the customer base, and partnership agreements.

By doing your due diligence and choosing an option that suits your budget, you can make a good investment. View the offers of operating taxi dispatch services in your city:

  • Directory of dispatch services in St. Petersburg
  • Options for working taxi services in Moscow
  • Offers for the sale of taxi services as a ready-made business

There are plenty of ideas for business today, and the transportation of passengers (taxi) is one of the most promising. After all, even those who have their own car sometimes use taxi services. So those who decide to organize a taxi service have every chance of becoming a successful businessman. So, how to open a taxi and make money on passenger transportation?

Business features

I must say that a taxi is a specific business in which the following are of great importance:

  • motor vehicle fleet and special equipment;
  • staff level;
  • service specifics.

Therefore, even at the stage of discussing the future business, it is worth clearly and clearly formulating its essence, on which such issues as the need to attract additional staff, the size of the initial investment and the amount of equipment required will depend.

The thing is that you can organize a taxi business in different ways:

  • become a taxi driver - an individual entrepreneur and earn money on your own car, having received permission for this type of activity;
  • earn on their own, but at the same time use the services of a dispatch service, which acts as an intermediary between the taxi driver and consumers of services and pay a subscription fee for the service;
  • open a taxi service with its own fleet, its own dispatch service and employees;
  • organize a taxi dispatch service.

Having considered all the options, we can state that the first of them is the most time-consuming, since you yourself will be forced to search for clients and, therefore, spend time and money advertising your services. In addition, you will be both a taxi driver and a dispatcher at the same time, which is rather inconvenient. But on the other hand, choosing the first option, you will not pay anything to anyone (except taxes, of course) and you will be able to work only for yourself, using all the income for your own needs, as well as for servicing and refueling the car.

As for the second option, it is the most optimal for starting a career: you also work for yourself, paying taxes, but do not look for clients (this is done by the central dispatch service, which receives calls and transfers them to you), and you simply pay for mediation services dispatching service a certain percentage or a fixed amount.

The third option is the most profitable in terms of income and the most costly and troublesome at the initial stage. You actually create your own taxi network, which means you have to rent or purchase cars, hire drivers, mechanics and dispatchers, rent (or buy) a parking lot with a garage where you can leave the cars and perform their maintenance, and also arrange a control room and provide all workers with reliable means of communication.

As for the creation of a dispatch service, there will not be huge expenses for cars, since you will only take orders and transfer them to drivers - individual entrepreneurs, with whom you will first conclude a service agreement. And your whole business will be reduced to renting a room for a control room and providing high-quality communications and advertising.

Having decided to engage in passenger transportation, it is worth remembering that a taxi as a business is far from a new idea and there are more than one taxi company or dispatch service already operating on the market, so you will have to come up with something new and creative to stand out from your competitors.

These can be, for example, original marketing ploys: hiring female drivers, providing additional services, using cars of the same brand and color, reducing the train fare, having WiFi in the car, and so on.

Registering a business

So, if you still decide to open your taxi, then you need:

  1. pass state registration as;
  2. choose a taxation system (taxi services fall under UTII -);
  3. rent or buy a room for a control room (parking lot, garage, repair shop);
  4. hire the necessary personnel (or conclude agreements with taxi drivers - individual entrepreneurs who will work on their own or your cars);
  5. purchase or rent cars (if you do not plan to attract taxi drivers with your own transport);
  6. purchase communications equipment (it is better if these are walkie-talkies operating in the VHF band, and in order not to obtain a license to use a radio frequency, it is easier to conclude an agreement with the telecom operator who already has it and simply pay him a subscription fee);
  7. issue a transportation permit for each car (it is issued by special transport committees for five years on the basis of ownership or a lease agreement, and is valid only within the subject of the federation where it was received);
  8. purchase or rent the necessary furniture, repair and computer equipment, provide security for the facility (purchase video cameras and install a surveillance and alarm system).

Requirements for taxi cars

When providing taxi services, you should remember about the requirements of the law that apply to such cars, namely:

  • technical inspection and diagnostics must be carried out every six months;
  • the elephant must have a permit for the transport of passengers;
  • the car must have a taximeter;
  • outside, the car must be provided with a special lamp, and on the side of the body there must be color schemes - “checkers”.

Initial investment

Everyone understands that the size of the initial investment for starting a business depends on which option of this business you have chosen. Therefore, consider the costs of each of them. We will take the cost of the car as conditional, since each entrepreneur will choose a car based on his own preferences and financial capabilities.

Individual entrepreneurship and earnings on your own car in free "swimming". In this case, the initial costs depend mainly on the value of the car.

Individual entrepreneurship and earnings on your own car with the help of a third-party dispatch service. In this case, the initial costs also depend on the cost of the car and its maintenance, but they are somewhat lower than in the previous case, since the dispatch service will provide you with means of communication and additional equipment.

Opening your own taxi with its own dispatcher service and fleet. This is the most expensive project, which will require not only the purchase of vehicles, but also the lease of premises for their repair, storage and organization of a control center. So, when drawing up a business plan for a taxi fleet, it is necessary to provide for all costs for equipment, and for its maintenance, and for personnel, and for consumables, and for security, and for communications.

To begin with, you can purchase (or rent) eight cars - this is a mandatory minimum, and then you can expand the fleet of vehicles. As for dispatchers, with a work schedule of a day after three and a 12-hour working day, eight people will also be required. In addition, you need to hire a mechanic to maintain cars, security guards and an accountant.

It is important to remember that the drivers you hire must not only have a driver's license with the required category, but also a total driving experience of 5 years or professional experience of 3 years (it must be confirmed by an entry in the work book).

As for the remuneration of drivers, then, working according to the schedule in two days (there will be three people per car), they will receive a rate and a percentage of the profit. And hired drivers of individual entrepreneurs working under a contract will deduct you a percentage of their income and pay taxes on their own.

How to open a taxi dispatch service?

Opening only a dispatch service will save the entrepreneur from the need to deal with equipment and take care of its timely maintenance, repair, obtaining transportation permits and other technical issues, since such a business involves only information services that you will provide under the contract to taxi drivers - individual entrepreneurs or taxi companies who do not have their own control room.

In this case, you need to take care only of the means of communication, a suitable premises, software for such services and recruitment of personnel, as a rule, these are eight dispatchers.

Business profitability and income

If we talk about the profitability of the taxi business and how soon the initial investment will pay off, then everything is very subjective and depends on the demand for services, the level of services provided, the target audience for which your business is designed (this can be VIP transportation, budget taxi, ensuring transportation of passengers at events), the characteristics of the settlement, the quality of advertising. In addition, there are overheads:

  • Maintenance,
  • prevention,
  • diagnostics,

as well as unforeseen expenses: restoration of cars after accidents, independent examinations, repairs.

The number of cars used in the business also affects the profitability of the business (the more cars, the faster your investment will return). So, for example, if there are fifty cars, all costs will pay off in the first six months.

And if you decide to open a dispatch service, then its income from taxi drivers - individual entrepreneurs will be approximately 15% of their earnings. In any case, with proper organization, such a business will be in demand and profitable.

It is no secret that the situation in the taxi market is very difficult. In addition to the usual taxi companies, Yandex Taxi and Uber entered the market, which further aggravated the situation. If you are thinking about how to open a taxi fleet and quickly make money on it, you should understand that this is a very complex business, in which there is simply a huge number of influencing external and internal factors.

In some regions, it even got to the point that disgruntled taxi drivers set fire to Yandex Taxi cars

Opening a taxi company from scratch is very expensive. If you approach this business with perfectionism, then you will need millions of rubles and a huge amount of time to pay off. In this article, we will tell you how to organize a business in such a way as to reduce at least the initial costs and pay off as quickly as possible.

Business Components

To understand how to open a taxi company from scratch, you must take into account the fact that this business resembles a LEGO constructor. There is a limitless number of variations of business organization.

To illustrate, let's take a simple example. To organize communication between drivers and the dispatcher, you can:

  • Purchase walkie-talkies and rent a frequency
  • Force drivers to buy tablets and communicate using them
  • Buy tablets yourself and distribute them to drivers
  • Use someone else's application to connect drivers and dispatchers
  • Develop your own application

5 different options that solve the same question. Each solution has its own cost, pros and cons. And the connection between the driver and the dispatcher is just a small piece of the chain of business organization. Therefore, before you start acting, you definitely need a detailed business plan, which will describe all the issues.

If we enlarge our business plan and discard all minor issues, it turns out that the taxi fleet consists of two parts:

A full-fledged taxi service cannot function without these components, but it does not have to create and maintain them on its own.

There are options when the taxi fleet has only a control room, but does not have its own drivers and cars at its disposal. Or vice versa, the fleet has drivers and cars, but it has no customers. Then he can offer his cooperation to the taxi company with the control room and the flow of customers.

Therefore, if you do not want to make big investments, but want to break into this market, you can start by opening your own fleet or control room.

We open a car park in Yandex Taxi

If you want to invest money with minimal risk, you should definitely find out how to open a taxi fleet in Yandex Taxi. The most important plus is that when you open a fleet with Yandex, you do not go on a free voyage. There are no questions about what to do and how to do it. From the very first day of cooperation, you will be helped in absolutely everything.

What is required of you:

  • Registration of a legal entity
  • Investments from 3 million rubles
  • Hiring drivers

Advantages of cooperation with Yandex:

  • You will definitely not be thrown
  • Minimal risks
  • We will help you to buy cars on favorable terms
  • Helping you find drivers
  • No need to buy software

Another significant plus is that Yandex is not some kind of office that businessman Vasya is trying to develop alone. This is a multi-million dollar business with analytics departments, in-house programmers and managers in various areas.

If you start cooperating with Yandex, the likelihood that they will not have customers or the company will suddenly close, as is usually the case with regional taxi companies, tends to zero. Therefore, payback and exit to the plus remains only a matter of time.

If you already have a fleet of vehicles and do not need to open a Yandex taxi fleet from scratch, then you can simply become a partner if your business satisfies their conditions.

How to officially open your taxi fleet

As we said earlier, any taxi fleet consists of a fleet that hires drivers and resolves issues with cars. And from the control room, which is engaged in attracting customers.

You can open only a fleet or only a control room and make great money on it. And you can open everything at once and earn even more, but the problem is that you are unlikely to have enough investment for everything at once.

First, we will tell you how to open a taxi fleet, then we will talk about the control room and attracting customers, and at the very end we will combine these components and calculate the costs and income.

Part 1: opening a car park

In the first part, we will talk about how to open a taxi fleet. Of course, you can start creating your taxi empire first from the control room, but we decided to start with the fleet.

In this part, we need to organize the hiring of drivers, purchase cars and find taxi companies that would like to rent them if we want the fleet to work as an independent business.

Earlier we have already said that there is the possibility of cooperation with Yandex and the solution of all issues will be much easier, but if you want to work with some other taxi companies or even create it for your future taxi service, you will have to go through a difficult path alone.

IP registration

In order for us to work officially, we first need to register as an individual entrepreneur with the OKVED code 49.32. For taxation, we choose UTII (single tax on imputed income).

It is highly recommended not to work informally. The taxi market is highly competitive and most likely, if competitors find out about your black side, they will immediately denounce the authorities, which will entail unpleasant consequences.

Save on cars

Buying at least 10 cars in your fleet is a very expensive undertaking. One Volkswagen Polo costs 600,000 rubles, and if we need 10, then we get a tidy sum of 10 million rubles. Not everyone has such large funds, and they will pay off for a very long time. There are two options to get out of this situation.


Corporate leasing is a very profitable way out of the situation. Since we will buy 10 cars at once, a discount system will apply to us.

After the full payment of the cost of the cars, you can freshen up your garage and buy new ones.

In order to purchase 10 VW Polo at once, we will need to pay 3 million rubles one-time. Agree, this figure is much less than 6 million. Then monthly we will need to make payments in the amount of 120,000 rubles until the full payment of the cost of cars. The lease term will be 36 months.

So that you do not get into an uncomfortable situation, we do not recommend buying cars with all your money. It may turn out that you spend all the money on cars, but you can not find customers. Then you will not have any profit and it will be very difficult for you to pay these monthly 120,000 rubles.

Purchase of used cars

Another option will also cost you about 3 million rubles. The only difference is that used cars will be old and they will probably start to break down soon. But this option has a serious advantage, you do not have to pay 120,000 rubles a month and you will be a little freer.

We take care of transport

Be sure to insure all vehicles. This question does not even need to be considered from different points of view. Cars are the most dangerous and most accidental vehicle, so you should definitely insure every car.

In the future, when your fleet grows, you should consider opening your own small service.

Obtaining a license

For each car, you must obtain a license, which is issued for a period of 5 years. To do this, you need to fulfill a small number of conditions:

  • Every six months, a full technical inspection must be carried out, as a result of which the machines must be in good working order.
  • Cars must be equipped with special checkers and lanterns. For those who want to open a taxi fleet in Moscow, they will also have to paste over the cars with a film. Since Moscow taxis must be yellow
  • Equipping vehicles with a taximeter

The obtained licenses will be valid only in certain regions. If you plan to travel intercity, you must indicate this when obtaining a license.

Interesting fact:
The license for New York taxis in 2013 cost $1 million per vehicle. Due to the fact that players such as Uber entered the market, its value began to gradually fall.

Rent for taxi drivers and taxi companies

If you are figuring out how to open your own taxi service, you can skip a couple of paragraphs and go straight to opening a control room. In this paragraph, we will consider a fleet of 10 cars as an independent business.

Rent price:

  • For new cars, the rental price is from 1,300 rubles per day
  • For old people from 800 rubles per day

There are two ways to rent out:

  • Directly to a taxi driver, for this you need to look for taxi drivers and place ads on the Internet, for example on Avito
  • Another option is to rent a taxi service

Now we can draw up a rough financial plan.

Thus, the approximate payback of the fleet can be from 10 to 40 months.

Hiring drivers

There is another option for monetizing the fleet. Some taxi services may cooperate with you on such terms that you will provide not only cars, but also drivers for them.

You can independently find and hire drivers and work with them according to one of the schemes:

  • The driver pays you a fixed amount of 1,300 rubles per day, all the rest of the money that he earns remains with him
  • The driver gives you a percentage of the profits

Which scheme to choose is up to you. The first is more reliable and stable, but the second can be more profitable.

Part 2: open the control room

We have come to the second part, in which we will talk about how to open a taxi without a fleet. In other words, we open a control room that will receive calls and transfer orders to taxi drivers. Like a car fleet, a dispatching office can be an independent business.

For registration, we may need additional OKVED codes:

  • 52.61.2 - sale of goods and services via the Internet
  • 63.2 - additional transport services for the population
  • 72.6 - information activities with the use of technology
  • 74.83 - information and editorial services
  • 92.4 - informative services

Try to stand out!

The taxi market is already very crowded. Large companies such as Yandex and Uber are rapidly conquering it throughout the country. And if you open your own taxi service, you will most likely have high prices, long delivery times and low brand trust. The consequence of this will be a small number of customers and a small profit.
There are two ways out of this situation, either invest huge amounts of money in advertising, or try to stand out!

By “stand out” we don’t just mean some unusual design, we are talking about the organization of the business itself.

For example, you can organize a "Women's Taxi". Not all women can trust a stranger to drive their child, not all girls trust male taxi drivers, and some simply believe that women drive cars softer.

Another option is "Taxi for the Disabled". On specially equipped vehicles, it is possible to conveniently bring in wheelchair users. If in Moscow there are several companies that do this, then in other cities there is much less competition or there is no competition at all.

It is not necessary to hire 10 female drivers and make a female taxi, and it is not necessary to rent 10 specialized cars for the disabled. These are unusual services and you may find it difficult to find clients. Therefore, it should not be the main part of the taxi fleet, but only an addition. To begin with, we recommend hiring one female driver and renting one car for the disabled.

Also, you can stand out from the competition if you equip each car with wi-fi, a computer set-top box with a TV and distribute chocolates to passengers. You can come up with a lot of unusual things, so come up with ideas and bring them to life!


In order to open a taxi dispatch office, you do not need a large room, but nevertheless it must satisfy a number of requirements:

  • Accommodate 10 people at the same time
  • Good cell signal
  • Modern telephony protocols (SIP, H323)
  • Good internet provider
  • Uninterruptible units and a small electricity generator

Since we need office space, not retail space, the cost of rent will be low. It is quite possible to find from 15.000r. up to 50.000 rub. per month.

Hardware and software

The most difficult thing in organizing a control room is hardware and software. To debug the correct operation and further maintenance, you will definitely need one system administrator.

You need to find software that will allow you to receive calls, calculate the cost of a trip, send a notification to drivers, show which driver took the order. It should also be able to store all information about the order in the database:

  • customer call time
  • the cost of travel
  • route
  • taxi driver arrival time
  • trip duration
  • trip end time
  • etc.

With this, you do not need to load your head much. Just rent the software for 10,000 rubles a month or buy it. They have everything you might need and more.

Communication with the driver

Most taxi service software assumes that the driver will have an Android tablet or smartphone. You have to decide for yourself whether you will force drivers to buy gadgets with their own money or give them away yourself.

If you decide to issue them yourself, we recommend buying cheap smartphone models for about 6,000 rubles. Their power will be enough to install the necessary software and work stably.

If gadgets are not enough for you to communicate, you can purchase walkie-talkies and rent a frequency. Many taxi companies refuse this option, as it is outdated.

In total, 630,000 rubles is the minimum amount required to open a taxi dispatch office.


For your business to pay off faster, you must work around the clock. Therefore, you will have to hire 6 dispatchers who will work 2 people per shift.


If you want to open a taxi service and make at least some money, you must allocate a monthly budget for advertising and promotions.

  • billboard
  • Distribution of leaflets on the street, in the shopping center, at the checkout in stores
  • in regional newspapers
  • on regional websites

The most effective option would be to create your own website and promote it in search engines. It should be noted that if you order website development for 15,000 rubles, then even the most professional search engine promotion specialists will not be able to promote your site.

15,000 rubles is too little. You need a well-thought-out structure, design, different features that will distinguish your site from most competitors. Only then can you hire an SEO specialist and promote it in search engines.

The cost of developing the site and its promotion will be about 200,000 rubles

The taxi service business is one of the most profitable on the market, and proof of this is at least the fact that there are a lot of such services in any city. And if you know how to open a taxi that will not be afraid of competition, you can count on profit in the first months of operation.

Where does taxi start?

Like many other types of business, the taxi service requires mandatory registration of the enterprise. It is a guarantee of its uninterrupted operation, as well as the safety of customers, so you should aim at least for an individual entrepreneur, but often an LLC or CJSC is registered in such a situation. True, in the latter case, you will have to have an authorized capital, pay more taxes and hire an accountant. If an entrepreneur wants to open a taxi from scratch at minimal cost, it is still better to stay with an individual entrepreneur.

After registration, it will be necessary to obtain a license for the transportation of passengers, and for this it is necessary to prepare cars and drivers in advance. Preparation requires:

  • equipment of machines for working in the taxi service - they are equipped with "checkers", taximeters and lights
  • selection of professional drivers who must pass a medical examination
  • inspection of each machine - for this you need to conclude an agreement with a certain service station for scheduled maintenance
  • selection of a parking lot - it should be a covered garage or a box with a compartment in which you can equip an office

To obtain a license, you must have at least two cars in the taxi company. If a businessman does not want to comply with these standards or cannot afford large expenses, he can open a taxi by hiring drivers with cars that meet these requirements. True, in this case, each driver needs to be helped to issue a license individually.

What can't be done without?

The taxi service is not only the cars themselves. No less important equipment is the radio station, through which dispatchers and taxi drivers will communicate. It is necessarily registered in the center of radio frequencies, after which the service receives its radio wave. In this case, it is better to immediately select three waves - for communication between the dispatcher and the driver, for communication between drivers and a backup one.

In addition to the station, you will also need to purchase walkie-talkies - they can be issued to employees for rent - for example, 15 rubles. per day for the use of the radio wave. This is normal practice for taxi companies.

And, of course, the main thing you need to open a taxi is the staff. The number of drivers in this situation should be equal to the number of cars in the taxi fleet, and the dispatchers will need to be taken care of separately. There may be few of them - usually 1-2 people. The more popular the service, the more dispatchers will be needed. To connect customers with them, you will need a multi-channel phone (perhaps several). If there are more than three lines, you will need to spend money on a mini-PBX.

And, of course, in order to open a taxi from scratch and succeed, you should take care of the name of the service in advance - it must be attractive to customers and relevant to the specifics of the work. True, in such a situation, you will have to pay extra for the trademark.

How much money will have to be invested?

When wondering how much it costs to open a taxi, an entrepreneur must immediately understand that this will not be the most budgetary type of business. The smallest expense item is the registration of an enterprise (you will need to spend up to 800 rubles, plus a license can cost 1200-1500). Where other purchases will cost more.

Here's what you need to open a taxi:

  1. Radio station - 15 thousand rubles (this is the cheapest option, and it is still better to focus on good stations that cost more - from 40 thousand). Radio wave sublease will have a separate price - about 16-18 thousand rubles
  2. Office software - 4-5 thousand rubles
  3. Phone number - 2.5 thousand.
  4. Equipment for one car - 2.2-2.3 thousand rubles (this price will include the cost of a taximeter - 2 thousand apiece, a walkie-talkie - 1 thousand rubles per unit, a checkered lantern - 200-300 rubles per one)

There can be 10 cars in the service, and this means that 22-23 thousand will need to be spent on equipment. The cars themselves can also have different prices, and it will also need to be budgeted, but if a businessman decides to hire drivers with their own cars, these expenses can be saved.

Another 6-7 thousand will need to be paid for trademark registration if you want to open a taxi with a company logo and name.

There will also be monthly expenses:

  • 10 thousand rubles - subscription fee for the use of radio frequency
  • 1.2 thousand - utility bills
  • 20 thousand (minimum) - wages for two operators

And, of course, here you also need to add the cost of renting a garage for cars and an office - prices may vary depending on the area where the service is located and the locality.

Regardless of how much it costs to open a taxi in a certain city, the profit from work will be about the same everywhere. The average income from one car per day is 2.5-3 thousand rubles, per month - 75-90 thousand (provided that the car is working seven days a week). A certain percentage of this amount remains for the driver - for example, 30%, the rest is the entrepreneur's net income. As a result, he will be able to reach full payback in the first six months of work, and if he had to open a taxi with the purchase of cars for service, in 1-2 years. This time will be enough for a good promotion of the company, and in a few months it will have regular customers, the number of which will increase along with the profit of the enterprise.