Where do you get cow skins? Purchase of fur and fur products

The company "My Fur" is pleased to offer for its client not only a range of fur products, but also we carry out purchase and sale of fur raw materials on favorable terms.

The popularity of products made from natural fur is not surprising, many beauties consider fur products to be the main decoration in the winter. A natural fur coat is not only warm even in the most severe cold weather, but also a luxurious wardrobe item. For the production of high-quality fur coats and fur products, raw materials that meet the highest requirements are required, so our company purchases high-quality furs.

We strive to expand the volume of purchases and are looking for suppliers for long-term and reliable cooperation. We will be happy to buy fur skins different types and colors for our production. Focusing on the production of fur coats from Russian raw materials, we try to support local manufacturers.

Types of skins

Our company works with several types of furs, making products from both wild and domestic animals grown on specialized farms. Furs can be divided into several categories:

  • Firstly, this is a winter and spring variety, that is, the skins of animals that fall or do not fall into hibernation, on which many parameters of fur raw materials will depend.
  • Secondly, this is, of course, the division by variety. We make fur products from the skins of arctic fox and marten, raccoon, mink, beaver and otter, fox, lynx, and astrakhan fur.

In the range of our finished products there are fur products both from imported fur, and work is underway to expand the production of products from Russian fur from local suppliers. Work with manufacturers is carried out throughout Russia - we buy fur raw materials from private industries with delivery in all regions.

What fur raw materials do we buy: the advantages of varieties

The most sought after are arctic foxes and martens, these furry animals are widely bred in Russia, and their fur is very popular.

Mink products are also highly valued in the fur market, as this fur is considered one of the most noble varieties. We are looking for a partner to drink mink skins.

Among the rarer furs of a wild cat, lynx and fox skins, which differ in their color and density, can be distinguished, and due to the fact that these animals are much less often bred on farms for the production of fur, this raw material is valued more.

We work with the skins of beavers and otters, this fur is particularly wear-resistant, durable, and due to the density of the low pile, it is quite warm.

Our company is ready buy sable skins at a bargain price, as this luxurious fur is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful and valuable. Our product range includes a wide range of products from this noble fur.

Raccoon fur is most often used to decorate and decorate individual elements, for example, a puffy and voluminous collar. We purchase raccoon skins and fur for finishing our products.

We also offer our customers a line of karakul fur, this fur is distinguished by neat curls and is very popular. We produce purchases doodle from Russian manufacturers.

Requirements for the quality of raw materials

Among the main criteria for high-quality raw materials, one can single out the density of the fur, the elasticity of the pile, the external shine, as well as the general condition and uniformity of color. The parameters of density and thermal insulation properties, the size of the dressing will also be very important.

We carry out a comprehensive assessment of the raw materials received, since it is impossible to make beautiful and high-quality fur coats from damaged and peeling skins. Often, the final quality of skins and fur raw materials will directly depend on the conditions of keeping on farms. The product is evaluated both from the point of view of operational properties - density, uniformity of the pile, thermal properties of the future fur product, and from the point of view of aesthetic - appearance and color.

We cooperate both with small private farms and hunting associations, as well as with large manufacturers, purchasing both natural-colored wild animal fur and dressing with already dyed fur. Company "My fur" is ready buy fur skins both in large batches on an ongoing basis, and carries out fur purchases in small batches.

gray 26.11.2011 - 17:18

Tell me where you can get a good deal for the skins of martens and foxes? Interested in permanent sales.

paitor 26.11.2011 - 20:57

Anna: 8-965-288-51-98

Buying Fox skin 500 - 600 rubles per skin
Full price list at the link: http://shkyrki.ru/price-for-purchase-furs-and-skins.html

gray 26.11.2011 - 21:06

Anna: 8-965-288-51-98
Buying the skin of Marten (Female) 600 rubles
Buying the skin of Marten (Male) 800 rubles
Buying Fox skin 500 - 600 rubles per skin
I know about the lynx factory. But the prices, it must be admitted, are not very tempting (very cheap). On the periphery last year, they even handed over 1000.
I don't know about this.

Awega777 27.11.2011 - 12:12

Marten 1400, fox 900, raccoon 800, mink 500. Only reception in Kirov - come

gray 27.11.2011 - 14:24

Far away, but it's already something. Here near Moscow to find similar proposals?

igor71 29.11.2011 - 08:45

wolf from 6000, lynx 8000-10000, tula.

gray 29.11.2011 - 16:25

I propose to post in this thread all offers for the delivery and purchase of skins (raw materials). Addresses or contacts with prices

Ruslan33 29.11.2011 - 16:46

But what about larger animals? Elk, deer, roe deer are interesting for stuffed trophy heads.

gray 29.11.2011 - 16:49

But what about larger animals? Elk, deer, roe deer are interesting for stuffed trophy heads.
What? Interested in raw materials? Then in this topic, voice what you are ready to offer for what you are looking for?

Ruslan33 29.11.2011 - 17:06

Raw materials, of good quality, for reasonable money. The horns are not interested.

Ruslan33 29.11.2011 - 17:28

3-4 moose from 2-3t.r, a couple of red deer - from 3t.r; spotted deer from 2t.r; roe deer from 1000.

gray 29.11.2011 - 18:16

3-4 moose from 2-3t.r, a couple of red deer - from 3t.r; spotted deer from 2t.r; roe deer from 1000.
Of course, it’s not my business, but for Trophy heads it sounds like I’ll accept it as a gift 😊

Ruslan33 29.11.2011 - 19:30

This is often left as a gift in the forest or chopped up for dogs. What are your prices?

gray 29.11.2011 - 19:44

This is often left as a gift in the forest or chopped up for dogs. What are your prices?
I don’t sell this. (That’s why I added that discussing the price is not my business) They don’t leave trophy heads in the forest. As I understand it, you are interested in trophy heads and not any? But to be honest, I won’t even drag any moose head for 2 thousand 😊

SeregaRK08 29.11.2011 - 20:17

But to be honest, I won’t even drag any moose head for 2 thousand
For what to drag the whole head, it is enough to remove the skin correctly. Yes, and the sizes are not necessarily trophy, the main thing is the normal removal and conservation of the skin.

gray 29.11.2011 - 20:20

For what to drag the whole head, it is enough to remove the skin correctly. Yes, and the sizes are not necessarily trophy, the main thing is the normal removal and conservation of the skin.
I think this will not be interesting for a taxidermist to make a trophy head.

gray 29.11.2011 - 20:24

No, it’s not. Somehow strange, 400 rubles is money for you, but 2-3 or more thousand is not.
Well, it's inappropriate to compare soft with warm. 😊 It's one thing to deal with furs, it's another thing to hunt elk with trophy qualities. Just the labor of dragging such a head out of the forest can be estimated at your 3 thousand 😊 A hunter usually keeps a good trophy for himself, but maybe someone doesn't need it and your offer will be heard and you will gain what are you looking for. It's just head breaks scattered through the forest 😊 one of my acquaintances the huntsman says that now such hunters have gone that they take bones with hooves 😊

gray 29.11.2011 - 20:29

Somehow strange, 400 rubles is money for you, but 2-3 or more thousand is not.
400 rubles from each skin is normal money for those who mine and deal in furs.
I conducted a small educational program on prices for trophy heads in Runet. So, a finished trophy head of an elk on sale costs about 40 thousand rubles. Most taxidermy workshops for manufacturing - from 20 thousand and more.
Against this background, 3 thousand for buying a trophy head sounds like redneck 😊 😊 😊

Ruslan33 29.11.2011 - 21:05

I wrote about the cost of only the skin, and not the whole head with horns, etc. Have you looked at how much they charge for working with the same marten and what is the cost of a stuffed marten in most workshops ???????

gray 29.11.2011 - 21:13

It was supposed to hand over furs not for scarecrows. It makes no sense to hand over one or three skins per scarecrow.

gray 03.12.2011 - 18:12

Another small addition: A gray, stuffed trophy head is just a name, and not the concept that some outstanding trophy. And in most cases, for this type of product, the skin is needed not only from the head, but including the shoulder-shoulder complex (a little further than the shoulder blades in side of the tail).
Thanks for the clarification. In what kind of preservation is the skin needed? and what size is considered a trophy? (otherwise they’ll drag the heads of cows 😊) It goes without saying that the skin should be shoulder-deep, otherwise it’s a stump and not a head on a medallion 😊

Ruslan33 03.12.2011 - 18:44

Ideally, take measurements 1 - from the tip of the nose to the eye, 2 - from the tip of the nose to the back of the head (during the peeling), 3 - the circumference of the neck behind the ears (after the peeling) Cuts along the top of the neck to the back of the head, back of the front legs, closer to the lips to the gums, eyelids deeper towards the eyeballs, nostrils as close as possible to the nasal bones, ears closer to the skull. Remove the skin more carefully, without cuts. thick, then make longitudinal and transverse notches around the entire perimeter of the skin (in 1-1.5 cm) and rub well with salt. Or freeze immediately after peeling. hunting farms, the cost for hunting such animals is several times higher than the price for prey of underyearlings and other age groups. Secondly, a skull with horns, fangs, just a skull is considered a trophy. In Russia, the skins of large predators (wolf, bear, lynx, dew aha, etc.)
Regarding females and young animals, in the photo there are stuffed deer heads and a roe deer underyearling (customer's initiative).

gray 03.12.2011 - 18:51

I suggest that the TC clean up the posts with water and leave only the specifics
Yes. So I will do

barguz 03.12.2011 - 19:31

gray 04.12.2011 - 01:37

Thanks for the info. This is the second good suggestion. I wonder why in the regions the prices are much more attractive than in Moscow and the Moscow region 😊

Mosquitoes 08.12.2011 - 12:49

Gray, I know you as a serious person. Unfortunately, now it is problematic to find a normal sale of furs. I myself have a problem in selling mink, polecat, marten skins. I don’t know buyers in the area for more than 600 per marten. There are hunters who rent more, but the channels don’t report, because we are competitors for them. According to rumors, prices reach up to 1200 per skin, but these are rumors. On the other hand, people get 4 likes and they only deal in furs for a reason. Sincerely. If you find normal prices, please write at least in a personal

gray 08.12.2011 - 17:24

On the other hand, people get 4 likes and only deal in furs for a reason.
Greetings. I know such people 😊 in fact, they asked me to find out how things are with this in Moscow - since their channels are limited, they are trying to find something else. Of course, I don’t do furs myself - I don’t have time for this. it's all like an amateur-delitant 😊 I know that "from our edges" they are being transported to Yaroslavl - there prices are really more interesting than in Moscow. By posting a post in Taxidermy, I perfectly understand that there will be no demand for furs here - there is more interest in trophy animals. But there is no branch for raw materials, and in Okhota this is also not quite the topic.

gray 13.12.2011 - 16:46

Marten 1400, fox 900, raccoon 800, mink 500. Only reception in Kirov - come
May I have a phone?

Awega777 14.12.2011 - 19:23

Sent to PM

SPn 15.12.2011 - 16:37

Closer to the topic! Reception in Tver. tel. 55-63-73. beaver-700 fox. raccoon-800 marten-1200 females-900 mink-500 ferret-300 In general, you need to call, find out more precisely; during the season, prices can change both positively and negatively, and sometimes quite noticeably.

Is it already finished or not?

ABN 16.12.2011 - 12:01

gray 12/16/2011 - 12:23

Today, a friend of the price told me: beaver 1300, fox 1000, marten 1600 rubles.
Where is it?

barguz 17.12.2011 - 06:12

Today, a friend of the price told me: beaver 1300, fox 1000, marten 1600 rubles.

Where is

It looks like the city of Kirov is becoming the capital of the Russian fur trade!

oos 17.12.2011 - 11:31

He has been one for a long time...

gray 12/17/2011 - 15:27

It looks like the city of Kirov is becoming the capital of the Russian fur trade!
Well done Kirovites. And with hunting they are all right and with furs. In Moscow, it must be admitted, they are snickering 😊 and they don’t want to do anything other than buy cheaper and resell more expensive.

ABN 18.12.2011 - 10:18

He has been one for a long time...
Plus a cartoon.

DIMA 44 20.01.2012 - 15:13

Interesting to follow. For Kirov, as it were, to find out contacts. Can be in pm

[B] Well done Kirovites.

umans 14.02.2012 - 15:53

there are raw fox skins ... about 100 pieces at the moment (there will be more) 8 920 2333339 tambov ...

aillion 22.03.2012 - 17:06

Recently I was looking for the horn of an elk of the same age, I found an announcement with a photo of the sale of a whole bunch of horns (by the way, I didn’t find the right one) I called the seller, it turns out he is buying skins, the prices were pleasantly surprised: a fox is about eight hundred, a beaver is five hundred, a marten is 1600. He says he can drive up for a large volume Sam. Who is interested I can throw off the phone in a personal.

A le xandr 28.03.2012 - 19:00

Recently I was looking for the horn of an elk of the same age, I found an announcement with a photo of the sale of a whole bunch of horns (by the way, I didn’t find the right one) I called the seller, it turns out he is buying skins, the prices were pleasantly surprised: a fox is about eight hundred, a beaver is five hundred, a marten is 1600. He says he can drive up for a large volume Sam. Who is interested I can throw off the phone in a personal.
and to me in a personal please. with SW Al.

Acceptance of raw materials. Whole skins are taken from the primary processing shop and counted by quantity, while halves and pieces are counted by weight. Received skins are examined from the wool and skin sides. The raw material to be rite is separated and dressed. The duration of technological operations for processing skins before conservation, including acceptance, should not exceed 3 hours for skins of cattle, horses and camels from the moment of removal from carcasses, for skins of pigs and sheepskins - 2 hours.

Rite of raw materials. The rite consists in the removal of cuts of meat, fat, blood clots, bulk and other weighting agents from the skins.

The bulk is softened before being removed from the skins of cattle. In the manual ritual, cuts of meat and fat are removed on special tables (16), washed with tap water, using a shower-scraper, goats and carts for washing and flowing around the skins.

At low-power meat processing plants, fat is removed on a log for skinning pork skins (17). To soften the pile, the skins are moistened with tap water, folded "into a fish" with the wool outward and stacked up to 30 skins in racks for 30-40 minutes.

Soaking and partial removal of bulk can be carried out with running water in washing drums (18).

The washing drum is made of stainless steel. It is equipped with two bands resting on four supporting rollers, and one band carrying an sprocket, which receives rotation from an electric motor through a worm gear and chain. From the end sides, the drum is closed with annular bottoms, which increase its rigidity. On the one hand, the bottom excludes the free exit of skins at the lowest position of the drum. The skins are given out with fists (42 pieces, section 100x100, height 200 mm), mounted inside the drum along a helix. The fists are also designed to turn the skins over and move them along the axis of the drum.

Recirculation of water used for washing and softening bulk is provided. Two pipes are installed inside the drum: for the supply of clean water from the pipeline, intended for the final washing of the skins before they are issued from the machine, and for the supply of recirculating water used for locking the skins.

Table-rack for washing paired skins (GIPROmyaso design) is a gable wooden cover made of boards 25 mm thick, which are fixed with nails on four racks. Each post is made up of 75 mm thick main beams and triangular profile ribs. The main ribs and beams are interconnected by five dowels of trapezoidal section. The top of the table is covered with stainless steel sheet 1 mm thick.

Two perforated pipes with fans are mounted above the table at a height of 700 mm. The holes on the pipe (27 pieces with a diameter of 2.5 mm) are arranged in three rows symmetrically at an angle of 30 "on a section 800 mm long. The overall dimensions of the table are 2748x2000x430 mm, weight - 345 g.

The table for washing and cleaning bulk skins (cattle) is a convex lid supported by six legs, which are connected by gussets to the lid frame. The frame of the cover is made of a corner, on the shelves of which pine boards 40 mm thick are fixed. The top of the table top is covered with a 1 mm thick stainless steel sheet. The end walls of the frame are covered with shields made of sheet steel 4 mm thick. These shields give the required rigidity to the frame. The legs of the table are made of pipes equipped with threads, onto which the support bodies are screwed, allowing you to change the height of the table. Overall dimensions of the table are 2300x1800x1000 mm, weight 212 kg.

Removal of bulk from the skins of cattle is also carried out on a skinning machine with a working passage width of 3200 mm with blunt knives or on a continuous bulk machine. For processing, the skin is placed on the feed roller of the machine with the wool up and the rump first so that it lies on the shaft without wrinkles. Then turn on the car. After processing the first half, the skin is again fed into the machine with a turner forward and the pile is removed from the second half. The bulk can also be removed once by placing the skin in the machine with the rump forward and holding it by the bangs.

During the operation of the machine, the pile is washed off the skin with a continuous stream of water that enters the knife shaft and is removed into the receiver.

The required degree of pile removal (without skin damage) is set by adjusting the gap between the pressure and knife rolls.

At the end of the work it is necessary to turn off the electric motor, make a complete cleaning of the bulk machine and the workplace from dirt.

Machines MM-3200 and MM-2M can be used both for rituals and for removing bulk. The difference lies in the fact that the knife shaft of the mezdrial machine is equipped with sharp knives, and when cutting bulk - blunt ones.

To intensify and automate the processes of sanitization, bulk-cutting machines of the through-type type (19) have been developed, in which pre-wetted skins are moved with the skin side outward over three pairs of cleaning rollers.

Skin processing is carried out in the following sequence. The skin is fixed with clamps on the feed conveyor with the hair down, then it is moved by the conveyor through the working area above the shafts with teeth located in it at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the feed conveyor. To improve the removal of bulk in the working area from below, water is supplied to the wool surface of the skin under a pressure of 0.15-0.3 MPa. This technology requires additional washing of skins - cleaning of the skin surface, after which the skins are squeezed on special devices with rolls from excess moisture, or they are lined to drain moisture.

It is allowed to remove pile manually on a wooden block, the outer semicircular side of which is smoothly planed and covered with non-corrosive metal. The deck is set at an angle of 45-60 in metal trays to collect the knocked down bulk. The skin is laid on the deck with the wool up, the rump down. The pile is removed with the help of a dead end, which is moved along the contaminated areas of the skin in the direction of the hair.

In small-capacity meat processing plants and slaughterhouses, to facilitate manual labor when removing bulk, bulk planers are used, the main working body of which is knife shafts, which, as a result of rapid rotation, knock bulk from the skin. The planer is attached to a suspension cable, which has a counterweight on the opposite side.

The skin is attached to the table with a clamping bar. They lower the planer onto the skin, turn on the electric motor and move the planer away from themselves forward through the bulk places. The return of the planer to its original position is carried out in an elevated state. The blades of the knife shaft must be blunt to avoid possible damage to the front layer of the skin. The distance from the knives to the supporting surface of the planer skis should be 2-3 mm.

When removing bulk, its scattering is not allowed. As it accumulates, the bulk is removed from the receiver. When processing skins, it is necessary to ensure that their skin side is not contaminated.

For a complete cleaning of the skins after processing on bulk racing machines, they are washed in inclined washing drums or longboats, as well as under a shower.

Bulk can be removed from the surface of the skins on centrifugal machines. At the same time, for the best removal of dirt from the skins, the inner surface of the machines must be equipped with corrugated elastic-flexible or elastic elements. This technology makes it possible to remove from the skins not only the pile itself, but also other contaminants located both on the wool and on the skin surfaces of the skins.

Soaking bulk on the skins of cattle in solutions of detergents is carried out as follows:

Prepare a solution consisting of 980 kg of water, 10 kg of table salt, 10 kg of soda ash. Not more than 500 kg of skins are loaded into the container until completely immersed and kept without stirring for 15-30 minutes. The temperature of the soaking solution is maintained between 15 and 35°C. The bulk soaking solution is used repeatedly during one shift. Before the next change, the container is washed with tap water, removing impurities.

Bulk is removed on centrifugal machines with a modified working area for bulk cutting. 1-2 skins are loaded into a centrifugal machine, running water is supplied (at a temperature of 15-35 ° C, and then it is turned on). Skins are washed for 1-3 minutes until the pollution of the washing water stops, after which the water supply is stopped. Then, for 30-60 seconds, the skins are squeezed out of excess moisture in a centrifugal field, after which they are automatically unloaded from the machine and transferred for conservation.

30 2-3 1000 2,6 13

1440X1390X1360 850

Bulk can be removed on G6-FTSS (MOS-ZS) centrifugal machines, having previously isolated the electric motor, which prevents it from flooding with water.

Before canning, bulkless and bulk-cleaned raw hides are dressed from cuts of meat (except for "magpie") and weighting agents. In addition, the mane is cut from horse skins. From the skins of cattle, the head and tail parts removed in violation of the requirements of the standard for raw hides are removed. Subcutaneous fatty tissue is removed from pork skins. The surface burdock is removed from the sheepskin, cuts of meat and fat with a thickness of more than 3 mm.

The rite of skins from cuts of meat and fat is carried out on skinning machines or manually. Large skins are tied on machines with a passage width of 3200 mm, pork 2200, small cattle 1600-1800 mm.

Cuts of meat and fat are removed from the skins with sharply sharpened knives of a rapidly rotating knife shaft. The gap between the knife and pressure rollers of the machine is set in such a way as to ensure the removal of weighting agents in accordance with the requirements of the state standard for raw hides.

The skin is fed to the feed roller of the machine with the skin side up. First, one (back) half of the skin is processed, then the other (front).

When manually removing cuts, the skins are spread on the table with the wool down. The worker, holding a knife in one hand, with the other raises a section of the skin near the cuts in such a way that the area on which there are cuts of meat and fat is on weight, and cuts them off. The rite of skins can be done with a skin or a scythe on a block upholstered in non-corrosive metal. There should be a container with warm water at the workplace for washing tools. Change the water as it gets dirty. The removed cuts are collected in special boxes.

Removal of subcutaneous fat from the skins of pigs, as a rule, is carried out in the slaughterhouse and butchering of carcasses, since the fat is sent for food purposes. This operation is carried out on mashing machines or manually. Before skinning pork skins on machines, in order to avoid damage, a cut is made in the rump along the ridge line: up to 8 cm on small, up to 12 cm on medium and up to 15 cm on large skins.

The ritual of pig skins is done by hand in the same way as the skins of cattle. Pork skins (except for boar skins) should have a uniform thickness over the entire area due to a layer of fat on the floors, the residual amount of which should not exceed 6% of their mass.

Determination of the number of cuts of fat on pork skins is carried out by external examination. At the same time, if an excessive amount of fat is detected, the entire batch of raw leather 60 is subjected to a control check for the content of excessive fat cuts.

The skins selected for testing, after shaking out the salt, are processed on a skinning machine. If the amount of fat on pork skins during their check exceeds the established norm by more than 2% of the mass of the skins of the batch, then the entire batch is sent for additional testing. The subcutaneous fat collected in the skin-canning shop is used to produce technical fat.

On skinning machines, it is possible to process sheepskins with surface burrs and cuts of meat and fat with a thickness of more than 3 mm.

Sheepskins that require rites along the hair and the mezra are processed first along the hair and only after that along the mezra. The removal of surface burrs from the hair is carried out on machines with blunt knives, and the removal of cuts of meat and fat is carried out on machines with sharp knives. Sheepskins with the preservation of subcutaneous tissue (mezdra), as well as cuts of meat and fat less than 3 mm thick, are considered properly dressed.

It is not allowed to process woolen sheepskins, sheepskins with bulk, rolled burrs, sores on the leather fabric, signs of hair flow, the presence of tears and holes, fur sheepskins with skinny leather fabric, sheepskins on the mezra in the presence of burrs.

It is not allowed to remove cuts of meat and fat on the deck from sheepskins.