What to ask a girl interesting questions. What questions can you ask girls

What would be your favorite job?

If a genie could fulfill your 3 wishes, what would they be?

If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?

If you could live anywhere, what place on earth would you prefer to live in?

If you were given a free plane ticket, where would you fly?

If you died, what memories of yourself would you like to leave behind?

If you could add something to your car, what would it be?

If you were given 100 thousand dollars on the condition that you have to spend them in one day without investing them and without spending on apartments, cars and yachts. How would you spend them?

If you were given a coupon to a clothing store, with which you could take whatever clothes you want for free. What kind of store would it be?

If you were given a chance to change something in yourself, what would you change?

What is your purpose in life?

How do you imagine your life in 5 years?

What do you dream about at night?

If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, what 3 things would you do in that time?

If you were offered free plastic surgery. What would you change?

What is your dream home?

What kind of extreme entertainment do you dream about?

If you could travel with one person, where would you go and who would you take?

What fun life goal do you want to fulfill while you are alive?

Do you want children? How many?

How do you imagine our world in 25 years?

Fun and helpful questions to ask a girl
Fun questions to ask a girl

Are there scars on your body that I don't know about?

Have you ever been arrested? If so, for what reasons and how is it to be arrested?

What is your favorite animal? If you were this animal, what would you do?

How many pairs of shoes do you have in your wardrobe?

What or who do you dislike? Why?

When was the last time you scared to death? Why?

What's your favorite part of makeup? Why?

Do you have any hidden talents that I don't know about yet?

What's in your purse? What unusual things have been there?

Can you speak with an accent?

What were your first thoughts about guys? Or maybe you remember the first thoughts about me when you saw me?

What is your least favorite thing to do at home? Why?

Did you cheat on me?

What qualities of a person annoy you the most?

What do you think you're good at?

What pets do you dislike? Why?

What you don’t know how to do or can’t do, but you don’t do well enough?

Do you have any relatives abroad? Did you go to them?

Do you like children? How old are you to have children?

Under what circumstances do you completely refuse to do any thing? Why?

What do you like most about cats?

If you had to live in Antarctica, what kind of animal would you become?

What do you call your private places?

Have you ever won competitions, contests?

Do you like to arrange a photo shoot?

How much time do you spend in contact?

How do you like your job?

What's not to like about her?

What was your least favorite job in your life?

Tell me what people don't know about you?

Read the questions for Asuka to ask a girl or boyfriend when texting. They are interesting and cool, and you can also ask them at Ask. ru and VK.

The first days of acquaintance usually indicate the direction of the relationship: will it continue or it is better to end it. For a long-term acquaintance, a good, interesting conversation is needed, in which a girl and a guy can make a good, mutual impression. But at first it can be very difficult to come up with something to talk about.

Therefore, we tried to compile a list of 100 questions that will suit both boyfriend and girlfriend. These questions can make your communication lively, interesting. Feel free to use them in your correspondence as a supplementary tool for strengthening familiarity with each other.

  • How do you consider my desire not just to be friends, but to have a more serious relationship?
  • If necessary, what will you choose - a career or a relationship with a guy?
  • What is your first impression of me?
  • What should a husband be for his wife to consider him?
  • What's your ideal boyfriend type?
  • Do you want to change something in your past relationship?
  • Skipping lessons, couples and for what reason?
  • How do you see it
  • How do you see your wedding?
  • What is the nicest compliment you've ever received?
  • What is the most important thing you learned from your mother or family?
  • Do you have a person whom you want to look up to, whom you want to imitate?
  • Could you tell a high-class man from a gigolo?
  • What's your wildest dream?
  • How many children would you like to have?
  • What decision did you most regret?
  • Would you like to be the Person of the Year?
  • Have you ever had stress because of what? Do you often suffer from depression, take antidepressants?
  • Ever fought girls over a boyfriend?
  • Have you tried driving? Do you want to have your own car? Do you have a dream car?
  • What is the easiest and most painless way to break off a boring relationship?
  • What are you willing to do to keep the guy?
  • What do you hate about yourself?
  • Today is it preferable to ask permission first, or is it better to apologize afterward?
  • Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
  • Do you prefer to cook or eat in a cafe, homemade food or instant food? What kind of food do you like?
  • Afraid of flying?
  • Can you describe yourself using only 5 words?
  • What do you like most about yourself?
  • Do you have phobias? In relation to what or to whom do you feel them?
  • What was the most expensive purchase that you later regretted and why?
  • Can you remember the funniest school experience that happened to you?
  • What languages \u200b\u200bdo you speak?
  • Ever fell in love with your teacher? What subject did he teach, why did you fall in love?
  • What events in the past cause you fear, hatred, resentment or disappointment?
  • What kind of music, songs do you like to listen to?
  • What do you like or irritate in people?
  • What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you?
  • What is your favorite season of the year?
  • What do you prefer from alcohol: vodka, champagne, cognac, liquor or beer?
  • What is your attitude to male jealousy?
  • Can a woman be beautiful without makeup?
  • Have you tried drugs / smoking?
  • Could you wait for a guy, for example, from the Army and are you ready to wait?
  • What behavior and actions of guys irritate you?
  • or not?
  • What two things will you never agree to do?
  • What's the most boring thing you've ever done? What can you miss?
  • What do you want to do to make your weekend interesting?

Questions for Ask. RU

  • What attracts you to a guy?
  • How many times a day can you call a guy?

  • What could cause our correspondence or relationship to end?
  • In your opinion, for a happy relationship?
  • What do you think is cheating?
  • Do you have boyfriend friends?
  • Would go to live to young manwith whom you have been corresponding for a long time?
  • Do you think romantic gifts should be memorable or useful?
  • How would you like to spend the anniversary of our acquaintance?
  • What do you remember most from our first meeting, first meeting?
  • Which love song best describes our relationship?
  • Ever regretted the missed opportunities, and what?
  • What can make you feel like a happy girl?
  • Are you jealous? How far can she go in her jealousy?
  • What are the relationship habits of other couples that annoy you the most?
  • What kind of guy would you prefer: good looking or very smart?
  • What can't you tolerate in men / women?
  • What kind of mother do you see yourself?
  • How many guys have you dated?
  • If I call you in marriage, will you agree?
  • Which of my friends do you dislike and why?

Questions for VK

  • What's your favorite TV show?
  • What do you like about me and what can you hate?
  • Why are you dating me?
  • What do you most fear, hate, and what do you dislike?
  • Deceived others, in what and why?
  • Do you like to dance?
  • Have you dated a guy before? Could I part with a young man just because he does not know how to communicate with girls ??
  • Are you capable of crazy antics?
  • Should a woman, after marriage and the birth of children, take care of her figure?
  • What was the most offensive thing you heard in your address?
  • I like talking to beautiful girlsshare the same feeling for attractive guys?
  • Who are your childhood friends? If necessary, can you trust them?
  • What movie would you like to watch over and over again?
  • How do you imagine future family holidays?
  • Do you consider yourself a believer or not?
  • What would you rather do on your free day - spend the day watching TV or somewhere in nature with friends?
  • Ever vacationed in the mountains as a savage, would you go there to rest with a company?
  • Have you ever cheated on the exam?
  • Do you think love at first sight exists?

  • What is the most daring act of your life?
  • Happy with your life?
  • Can you love at a distance, for example, rarely meeting, just texting on Vkontakte?
  • Have you ever had the same strange dream twice? What kind of dream?
  • Who would you like to be stuck in an elevator with?
  • Is it preferable today to be twice as smart or twice as happy?
  • Would you like to look into your future, having such an opportunity?
  • Have you ever envied your close friend?
  • What makes you feel good about pride?
  • Can an introvert girl be attractive?
  • Are you extroverts or introverts? Is a happy marriage possible between them?


The versatility of these 100 questions is such that you can use them both via SMS and directly on a date with a girl / boyfriend.

Best regards, Andronic Oleg, Anna.

The thought of what questions to ask a friend arises often, both in women and in men. After all, not only girls can be friends, but friendship between a man and a woman is also possible. And if girlfriends can talk about everything, then men are more difficult in this regard. In order, first of all, to remain an interesting and good interlocutor for a girl, a man must be tactful and original in his questions.

Nowadays, more and more people spend their time on the Internet, where they get to know each other, communicate, find common interests during correspondence, which in the future can lead to friendship between these people. There are a huge number of social networks. In them you can find new acquaintances, as well as communicate with old acquaintances, getting to know them better. And in order to make a good impression when meeting, communication should be lively and interesting. Guys, in the first days of their acquaintance, are not allowed to ask frank and serious questions, it is better if the conversation is fun and original, without banal questions.

Questions for dating on social networks

For a network like VK, questions that reveal the girl's character and outlook on life are suitable.

  • Favorite show?
  • Do you like to dance?
  • What movie would you like to watch? Why?
  • What do you prefer - spending the whole day at home or relaxing with friends?
  • who are your friends?
  • Would you go with friends to relax as a savage?
  • Have you ever envied a friend?
  • Are you happy with your life?
  • Do you consider yourself a believer?
  • Are you capable of crazy things?
  • Can you tell us about the most daring act in your life?
  • Have you ever had to deceive others?
  • What is offensive to you?
  • What are you afraid of?
  • What are you disgusted with?
  • What do you hate?
  • What are you proud of?
  • Would you like to know the future?
  • Do you think there is love at first sight?
  • Have you dated a guy before?
  • What should be the communication between a guy and a girl?
  • What is not acceptable for you in a relationship between a guy and a girl?
  • Do you think love exists at a distance?
  • Is it possible to love only by texting in VK?

The same questions can be asked on ask. And in ask.ru you can show originality, for example, by introducing yourself as a correspondent, invite the girls to answer questions for an interview.

  • What three wishes would you make to a goldfish?
  • What would you change in your past?
  • Do you consider yourself successful?
  • Is there a secret to success?
  • Do you consider yourself an example to follow?
  • You have to try everything in life. Are there things that you will definitely never try?
  • When was the last time you cried? Why?
  • How do you see your future?
  • What do you lack courage for?
  • Which would you choose - patriarchy or matriarchy?
  • What question would you like to answer yourself?

The more peculiar the question is, the more it will arouse the girl's interest in the conversation.

Questions for girlfriends

In friendship between girlfriends, any questions are permissible, both banal, when a relationship is just being established, and more frank, when friendship has already been tested by time and you can trust. Average age girls, when real strong friendship begins - 12 years. In this adolescence, girls undergo a rethinking of values, and friendship is either tied for many years, or becomes just familiar comrades. And despite the fact that girls themselves are chatty, it happens that when they meet, they do not find the right questions for a potential girlfriend. And in order to get to know her better, you need to ask your friend about a lot. And for this simple questions are suitable, reminiscent of filling out a questionnaire.

  • What do you like?
  • What don't you love?
  • Favorite color? Dish? Movie? Song?
  • Your fear?
  • What's annoying?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What can you do better than others?
  • Your dream?
  • What can spoil your mood?
  • What can improve your mood?
  • What kind of gifts do you like?
  • That you can't forgive your friend?

Funny questions also bring together and allow you to appreciate the friend's sense of humor.

  • The head of which state do you want to become?
  • Can you speak with an accent?
  • What kind of animal would you like to become?
  • If you write a book about your life, what would you call it?
  • What can you do with a million dollars?
  • Who would you take to a desert island?
  • Which superhero do you want to be?
  • Can you ride a bike?
  • What New Year's costume did you wear as a child?
  • Do you sing in the shower?
  • Which celebrity do you want to date?

Personal questions

When friendship flows into a real, strong friendship, you can also ask your best friend personal questions. For example, about yourself: what to like and dislike in character, what is the road, what is valued in friendship, would like another friend, etc.

About love…

Well, and for love and men, women in general can talk for hours. Sometimes you don't even need questions, because friends usually share their innermost thoughts themselves: their impressions of acquaintance, about a guy, about feelings for him, about dreams, about the future with him.

When you meet a new person, you always want to get to know a person better, and the easiest way is to ask what interests you. Do not be shy about asking questions, but you should not forget about the rules of good manners either.

Do you know what's going on now? Now the most important thing is happening - you wanted to change your life in terms of communication and fill it with beautiful girls. Although, maybe you even know a girl who will outshine them all, and you want to achieve her. But I'll tell you one thing now that you may not believe, but it is a proven fact. In either case, you need to qualitatively change your vision and communication with women in general (why in the second case I will explain later).

Right now, you most likely perceive women and popularity among them based on magazines, films or television. From there, naturally, slogans are poured in: "Dress, as we say, and all your women" "Buy our perfume and you are a macho" "Chew our gum and beauties will run to kiss you." But their goal is not to make you successful, but to sell the product and they do their job well. In this regard, the majority (and possibly you) have natural stereotypes. I'll start earning more, there will be women. Started ... not increased. Okay, I'll buy a car, then everything will definitely be cool. I bought it. There are no shifts.

You know why, because showing your money without backing them up with cool communication, you turn into the object of a coveted feeder for lovers of freebies. And then there are two options: either a frequent constant "dynamo", or "like talking about the possibility of spending money on me." Naturally, I in no way discourage you from earning more or buying a good car. Just remember - money alone is not real success with women.... As a help, yes, but nothing more.

There are many such examples among my friends. Moreover, their vision of the world of women through this prism is so entrenched in them that they do not even want to hear about something else. But among my friends there is another category of people who have success with women, seemingly not having anything to do with it ... except for their charisma, their charm, sometimes unpredictability and ability to communicate with beautiful cool women.

And you've already started by reading this article. You just have to, after reading it to the end, do a few things that you will read about here. And then, tearing yourself away from the chair, go outside and start getting a buzz from communicating with girls (I'll tell you where to start;)

First, you need to change yourself a little, your internal attitudes and attitude towards communicating with girls. It won't work right away, but after a while everything will be assimilated.

  1. Communication is a natural need for all people.
  2. Chatting with girls brings you pleasure.
  3. Communication with you brings pleasure to girls.
  4. In communication, it is not the goal that is important for you, but the communication process itself.
  5. You can achieve your goal only through cool communication.
  6. For friends and those around you, your communication with a girl lifts you up in their eyes.

As you probably already noticed, there are no words "acquaintance" or "seduction". Because acquaintance and everything else, in fact, is only a part of communication, try to perceive them now that way. Write or print these six points on paper and post them in a prominent place where you will see them often. Every time you leave the house or when, for example, you call a girl, just look at them again, do not memorize, do not memorize, but just look.

There is a widespread belief that in order to learn how to get to know girls, you need to say a certain number of times a phrase to the girls, squeezing it out of yourself through fear and “I can't”.

We will go the other way. Let's not bang our heads against the wall and try to learn an unnatural acquaintance, then coming to the stage "what after the first phrase?"

We will learn to communicate with girls so that they themselves would like to meet you, i.e. following all the same 6 points.

To begin with, we will use socially acceptable phrases, continuing them in a non-standard way.


- “Can you tell me where is the nearest cafe here? (girl's answer) Don't you know delicious coffee there? "

- “Tell me what time it is? (answer) And your watch is accurate, otherwise mine has gone astray and now I'm looking for an accurate one "

- “Did the last bus leave long ago? (answer) Will there be a new one soon? :) "

- “You know, I seem to have stained my back with something, can you see? (looks) oh really nothing? Thank you, otherwise I walk around and shy away :) "

Your goal is the girl's positive reaction. To achieve it, you need a few things.

First, say it in a good mood, not frowning. Smile at the girl sometimes, but don't grin all the time. Will not understand:)

There are a few more simple rules when approaching:

Start conversation smoothly. Ie not in a harsh voice

If the girl goes to meet, do not block her path. Walk with her in parallel and two meters from her already come up to her. Ie come a little from the side.

You better come to the left. It's not a panacea, but statistically it's better on the left. There are several reasons, but for now, just believe it.

If a girl is walking in front, then first level up with her so that she will notice you, and then start communicating. Don't scare her :)

Always repeat the girl's movements. Do not copy, but repeat. For example, if she shows you with her hands how to go somewhere, then, asking again, do approximately the same movements.

When talking with a girl, look at her, not to the side or down. But even as a boa constrictor, you shouldn't stare in the eyes either. Look at the bridge of your nose. You can briefly appreciate her figure by looking at her.

Do not stand rooted to the spot in front of her. Change the position of your legs every 7-10 seconds.

Hands are also not at the seams. Gesture, take an interest in her, believe in what you say.

So. You are doing everything right, you follow everything that is written above. But how to understand that a girl is interested in you and wants to continue communication?

There are several simple signs by which this can be easily understood. Perhaps now it will not be very easy for you to track all of them, but over time you will do it on an unconscious level.

So, the main signs that a girl is interested in you:

Looks at you


Straightens hair (or places it behind the ear with a hand)

She asks questions herself

Straightens parts of her clothes

Tilts his head a little when communicating

Touches you or your clothes

There are many more signs, but they need to be discussed in more detail.

Now, when you ask quite simple questions, notice how the girls react. You didn't even notice it before, but most of them already wants to communicate with you further. You them already liked it. You just have to not ruin the whole buzz.

Believe me, many girls love you at first sight. Many simply want sex with someone who is courageous and persistentawn. Naturally, they will not run to you with their arms. You yourself must take the first step. Are you a man, after all, or where? !!

When you are fluent in these phrases, you can move on to a little non-standard. The girls will have some confusion for the first second or two. It's okay, it's even good. Your task at this moment is to make her understand that a certain "game" is beginning, that this is communication where she can go beyond the usual. Such communication is a gift, both for you and for her. Therefore, while waiting for her answer, look forward to it, not be afraid. Again, when speaking them, follow the rules of approach described above.

- “Oh, happy holiday to you! .. how it is, with what! Today is a day of good mood! "

- “What time is it now? (8 hours) ... And in the morning or in the evening? :) (answer) Oh thanks. They really helped me out! "

“You can help me, I need a woman's opinion. My best friend comes in an hour, but I don't know what to treat her to in a cafe. What do girls usually like? "

Phrases can be completely different and on any topic. The main thing is that it would be natural and the most important thing is that you yourself believed in what you say!

By the way, do not worry if the girl refused to communicate with you. Not everything depends on you.

As an example I will give my friend. The fact is that near the monument to Pushkin, she once met a guy. Everything was fine, but then he threw her very rudely near the same monument. It happens. But now she has very bad memories of this place. And, in her own words, no matter how cool the guy is, she will not get to know him near this monument.

Therefore, take any refusal or failure as an experience for yourself, as a chance to become better and understand what you can still change in yourself. And if this does not happen so often, then you can simply not pay attention. It may happen that a girl likes you, but she already has everything in life. But that doesn't make you worse. In general, it happens.

But sooner or later the question arises of how to develop this or that topic. What questions to ask? What to talk about?

Of course, I won't describe everything to you here, but I can suggest something. So, topics and questions that follow them:


Do you often go to the movies?

What movies do you like the most?

What genre? For example, I like ... ... (comedy) (then talk about the genre that she likes. Find out which films)

Do you often go alone or with friends?

Have you ever gone to a night session? And at night "non-stop"? (this is when you pay once, and watch 3-4 movies all night)

Do you like watching a movie in the center or in the back? ;)

Have you ever noticed that when you go outside after a session, at first you perceive the world around you differently, depending on the film. Have you ever had this? (If it was, then ask after which movie and how?)

What was the strongest feeling you had while watching the movie?

Cafes, bars.

Do you often go to a cafe?

What do you like to order the most?

Do you know why some girls go to cafes with their friends so often?

Do you like sweets? ... For pleasure or at the expense of your diet? :)

Which ones do you like the most? Why?

Have you tried to cook something yourself from what you tried in a cafe?

You know, very often girls sit in cafes and get bored. Sometimes it takes more than one hour. What are they waiting for?

Have you ever played a guy? Well, just honestly;) (regardless of the answer "What a fine fellow you are! :)")

Parks, streets, places of rest

Do you like to walk?

What's your favorite weather? And why?

Where do you like to walk the most?

Have you ever walked in the rain?

Do you often just walk with your friends?

Have you ever walked around town all night?

Have you been to the zoo for a long time?

What place do you remember the most? Why?

Do you like to swim? Do you swim often? Where?

Do you often visit the center?


Do you fall in love often?

Do you like romantics? What is the most?

How do you feel about the fact that some say that money can buy relationships?

Have you ever had a full night date?

Did you have a date with two boys at once? A friend told me that she liked that they fought for her.

Which competition do you think is sharper? Male or female? Why?

Did you have any competitors? Are they alive? :)

What do you like more, to give compliments or to receive them?

What do you consider worthy of a compliment in yourself? Well, apart from a beautiful, intriguing look, of course;)

Common topics

Are you afraid of a thunderstorm?

Do you have any collection. Well, bears, for example, or someone else? :)

Do you have pets? The name of? Are you feeding? :)

Have you been anywhere at sea? Where? What sensations did you like the most?

What music do you like the most? Do you often listen?

Do you often go to clubs? In which? What do you like most about it?

What was the brightest moment in your life?

Can you cook? What's the best thing?

Do you know how to play something? (How long? What do you like the most?) Do you like to listen?

Do you like to sunbathe? Topless? ;)

Do you remember your first love? In the kindergarten there or in the elementary grades?

Do you have a brother or sister? Would you like to? (be alone)

What's your favourite season? What do you like most about him?

This is just a small part of the topics and questions that you can ask a girl, so that she would be interested. Just in no case turn communication into interrogation of a partisan Gestapo. Just remember one more rule - never ask more than two questions in a row.The ideal option would be if you, after each question and answer to it, tell what you think about this topic. For any question given to a girl, you yourself must have at least some answer. Tell her what you think, argue with her. Sometimes win these mini-arguments, sometimes give up on purpose. When you listen to it, don't be silent either. Sometimes insert some words into her story. The girl must understand that you are interested in listening to her. Ask something again, to something just react with the words "cool" "yes, I think so too" "oh well?" "I had that too" "can't be!" "Aha" "and?" "So?"

Make a successful internet acquaintance? Easy! Moreover, almost any online communication with time can be taken offline. The main thing is to be interesting, attentive and ask “correct”, non-trivial questions.

  • how are you?
  • you're beautiful
  • let's get acquainted

Why? - They do not work! To the question "how are you?" the answer is “good”, for the remark “you are beautiful” you will receive “I know”, and for the sentence “let's get to know you” they will write you “I have a boyfriend”

Secondly, we carefully study her profile and her page, as this gives a number of advantages:

  • will avoid trivial questions that already have answers. (For example, "where did you study?")
  • possession of information about her life, political views, relations between a man and a woman, worldview in general. (We look at what the girl places on her page, what she writes about, what she likes)
  • an opportunity to find common interests and start a correspondence on this basis. (You, like her, love ski holidays, Bach's music, support nationalists, oppose medical experiments on animals)
  • it is beneficial to stand out from the background of other candidates who pay attention only to their appearance and beautiful photos.

More attentively

Particular attention should also be paid to the design of your page or questionnaire and, which many people forget, your manner of communication. She should be respectful, with a touch of light flirting and not look like an interrogation.

You should not act as an investigator and bombard a girl with questions - this is repulsive.

Make sure that you also talk about yourself, provoke her to questions, arouse interest in yourself, but do not turn into a friend who is told about choosing a new dress in the color of a bracelet or about the tragic death of a beloved dog or a breakup with a guy with whom there were a certain number of days, months, years.

Stay a man! After all, this is what a girl wants - to communicate with a confident man who knows his own worth.

Demonstrating laziness

A slightly "sloppy" behavior works great:

  • you should not immediately respond to her letter - give her the opportunity to think about why you are silent;
  • do not give her 5+, because everyone does this, put 4 - this will make you stand out from the crowd;
  • do not write your enthusiastic compliment in the comments to the photo - note the good work of the photographer or the fact that this outfit just successfully emphasized the figure.

These little tricks, backed up with interesting, non-standard questions, will help you get a girl's attention.

Many letters

So what and how to ask a girl to establish a successful acquaintance with the prospect of its continuation in real life?

There are some simple rules here.

  1. The question should be open, i.e. one that cannot be answered in monosyllables: “yes” or “no”.
  2. Look for something in common - it brings together. (I also jumped with a parachute, I was in the Crimea, I work as a lawyer, - this caused me delight, surprise ... And how do you feel about ...)
  3. Involve in the communication process, inviting her to find the answer to her own question: "What do you feel when ...?", "Why do you think ...?"

Difficult but interesting

Someone will say why they are sophisticated and come up with interesting questions when correspondence in VK or others social networks? You don't have to invent it. It all depends on what you want and what kind of girl you need. If you are not self-confident silly, she will be glad to any attention, but communication with her is unlikely to bring you pleasure.

If she is confident in herself, an accomplished beauty, she wants to see next to her the same cute, confident, extraordinary guy with whom it is fun and interesting.

This is a more difficult task, but usually worth the candle.

Therefore, you can show your imagination and come up with an interesting question, find the time and study her profile and even listen to Bach, if she is damn cute and prefers this particular music, maybe there really is something in this?

How to choose questions

You can use several standard templates that work with girls and women of all ages equally successfully, or you can show your imagination, but again, following some recommendations, so that communication goes in the right direction and arouses interest.

Analysis of illustrative examples

You can ask the girl how her day went, what happened today, where she spent the weekend.

The main thing is that the question should be positive, for example:

  • "What kind pleasant moments do you find in your work? " instead of “It's terribly boring / ungrateful to work as an accountant / salesman, waiter”
  • "What interesting happened this week?" instead of "How did you make it this weekend?"

Can you ask the banal question "how are you?" ask, changing the wording, and not only the answer to it will change, but also the reaction to you:

  • tempting fans with your photos again? And then they cry for weeks and do not sleep at night. How much has already fallen from your hot gaze?
  • noticed that you were online all night yesterday, did not sleep, what else were you thinking besides me?

A little daring, questions awaken interest and tie attention to your person. They will be answered almost one hundred percent, the main thing is to build an appropriate line of behavior and not show too much interest, give the girl an opportunity to worry, wait for your answer.

Just wait too long with the answer, too, is not worth it, no more than 24 hours - otherwise they will simply forget about you.

Asking the question of what to ask a girl during correspondence, you should remember that she, like you, is an earthly person, not a crocodile. This means that it will not bite, the worst that can happen - you simply will not be answered, and this can also be experienced. Therefore, be bold, show your imagination, remember about respect, remain confident.

Video: What to write to a girl on the network

List of what you can ask a girl about in correspondence

  • travel, favorite places;
  • rest: how, where, with whom, when;
  • books: genre, writers;
  • music: styles, performers;
  • cinema: how often, what feelings it evokes;
  • bars, cafes: with whom, where;
  • what he thinks about when alone;
  • favorite season and why;
  • cool incident from life;
  • what she dreams about;
  • how he sees his life in 5 years;
  • hobbies, hobbies;
  • relationships: does he often fall in love, loves romance;
  • sport: what, why;
  • what is the meaning of life for her.

The main thing when communicating with a girl, whether it happens online or offline, is respect and perception of her as a person, and not as an object for sexual pleasures.

Therefore, one should be careful with compliments about her appearance, it is better to compliment her excellent taste, her abilities or her achievements.

The second thing to remember is a positive attitude, since it is not only interesting, but also easy to communicate with a positive person. And third - look for something interesting for you in communication, no need to pretend, otherwise it will turn out: “tell, tell, I always yawn when I'm interested.”

Be honest, open and confident. Smile even when you are on the other side of the monitor, because smiling relieves tension and brings you closer.