How to draw a pigeon: a few simple rules. How to draw a dove with a pencil Step by step drawing of a dove of peace

In the process of learning to draw, a child may ask to draw a dove.

You should not be afraid, there are simple methods that allow you to create any picture in stages. We need:

  • paper - plain white is better, but lined paper can also be used, so it will be more convenient to maintain proportions;
  • a simple pencil - we use it because it is easily erased and with it you can apply beautiful shading with different pressure;
  • eraser;
  • colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints to give our drawing the desired color, if you want to do it.

Now we need a little imagination and knowledge of how easy it is to make an image in stages, so that the child quickly understands how to do this and can then repeat everything himself.

It is better for children to explain the process of creating a drawing of an animal using simple examples using a minimum of elements, so they will quickly master the whole process and begin to do it on their own. It is much easier to draw a bird with a pencil, and the drawing is beautiful.

From this article you will learn

Where do we start

You can make an image by first outlining several geometric shapes that will be the basis.

Here we use a circle, an oval, lines connecting them to each other and at the same time creating a neck, as well as a polygon, from which we will get a tail later. It remains only to draw the wings, beak, eyes and plumage, and then remove the extra lines with an eraser.

Another option, when we take not figures as a basis, but lines, which also allow you to easily draw a dove in stages.

As you can see, there is a central part, an oval, which will later become the head, and two guide lines, from which the wings will be drawn. This method is available even for children. Make the image with a simple pencil with light pressure, so that later it is easy to erase it, it is better to use a semi-hard or hard one, a drawing that is too soft can turn out to be smeared, and it will be more difficult to erase excess.

Finalizing the bird

Now the pigeon needs to give volume and naturalness to the forms. First, draw the body, it will have a slightly oval shape and be located along the center line

Now our pigeon needs to be given the final shape so that it looks like a real bird. We finish drawing the beak, eyes and wings, as well as legs.

After that, you need to erase the extra lines that were made with a pencil. To make the image natural, we use shading, add feathers so that it looks like a dove, and not a schematic image of any bird. Drawing in stages is much more convenient than if you immediately try to start from the head, because certain proportions are required.

More ways to make a bird image

By the same principle, you can draw a dove of peace with a branch in its beak.

The traditional color of a pigeon is gray, so we use paints or felt-tip pens if you want to make the image bright.

Another drawing method is suitable for those who have little drawing skills and are ready to use a ruler in stages. First, you need to draw a geometric shape consisting of several polygons. This shape will be the base on which the remaining lines are then drawn, and the excess ones are gradually removed. This method is suitable for older children, since preschoolers are still poor at spatial thinking and drawing tools.

As you can see, the proportions, angles are set, and then the main elements are drawn and hatching is done. Thus, it is easy to draw a dove in profile, but with spread wings and in flight, it is better to use the previous options.

At school, children are often asked to draw wall newspapers for a particular holiday. A dove is a bird that can be depicted on a poster for Teacher's Day, March 8, and especially for Victory Day. After all, it is a symbol of peace and goodness. It is not uncommon for newlyweds to launch pigeons on their wedding day, and pictures of pigeons also become a symbol of many weddings. Don't worry if you don't know how to draw a dove. This is not difficult at all if you act in stages.

What materials are needed?

To draw a bird of the world, you need to stock up on the following necessary materials:

  • pencils of different hardness - so you can choose the best option for yourself;
  • sketch paper - you can use notebook sheets;
  • with an eraser.

It is very important to be patient, since not everyone can get a decent drawing the first time.

Possible drawings

Many do not know how to draw a dove. It should be noted that at first it is better to redraw the birds, and only after that draw them yourself. Therefore, the first step is to find a suitable image. You can watch them on the street to understand the peculiarities of their appearance. At the same time, one should not think that a pigeon can be drawn from only one angle. There are several options for how to draw a dove in stages.

Bird in flight. In this case, it is necessary that the wings and tail are clearly visible. The pigeon's head can be directed in profile or in front view. In addition, you need to consider the shape of the bird, as well as the placement of its plumage.

Dove on a branch. It is best to draw the bird in profile. So her features will be much better depicted. It should be borne in mind that in this case only one eye is drawn.

Dove in three quarters. The body of the bird is level, and the head is slightly turned to the side. This painting technique is a little tricky. It is necessary that the legs of the bird are clearly visible, it is also necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the shape of its beak and eyes.

Main line

If you are wondering how to draw a dove with a pencil, then it is better to start with just drawing a few lines. Only then, on their basis, it will be possible to form a beautiful pattern. With just one line, you can place and build the main parts of the drawing object. In this case, it is necessary to take into account several important points:

  1. If you are drawing a bird in flight, then it is better to designate it with two arcs. They should be located perpendicular to each other. One of them shows where the pigeon's wings are directed, and the other indicates its head and body. Outwardly, it should look like a question mark.
  2. If you are interested in how to draw a dove in a static position, then you should start with just one oblique line. It is important that it is centered on the sheet.
  3. By drawing the bird from a three-quarter perspective, you can also add auxiliary lines that show the placement of the legs and body of the bird.

In each case, it is necessary to designate parts of the bird's body using simple figures (the head and body are ovals of different sizes, the wings are a trapezoid, the tail and legs are triangles). All these figures must be united with one line to get an approximate silhouette of the future bird.

Detail of the silhouette

How to draw a dove with a pencil in stages, not everyone knows. You need to understand that the bird will look unfinished if you do not express some of its details. To make the wings and tail of a flying pigeon look natural, you need to draw feathers. It is important to take into account that the feathers in the wings have different shapes (some are longer, others are shorter), but on the tail they are all the same length and width, resemble a fan. It is also necessary to highlight where the eyes and beak will be located. This is the axis dividing the oval of the head into approximately two parts. At the bottom of the body, in front of the tail, it is necessary to outline two legs.

At the end of the work, you need to make the drawing look as detailed as possible. You can draw some patterns, folds on the feathers to make them look more natural. You should also clarify the shape of the legs (draw bumps and claws), eyes, beak. The drawing will become even more expressive if you add a little color and shadows. Usually they darken the area under the legs, tail, in the lower part of the body. When drawing a white dove, just a few strokes are enough. This drawing technique is very simple, so you can easily answer even your child the question of how to draw a dove.

A dove is a good character for drawing a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day, especially for May 1 and Victory Day - May 9. Everyone knows that a dove is a symbol of peace and happiness, so very often pictures of doves are used to decorate weddings. In wedding pictures, of course, there are only pairs of pigeons, but if you can draw one dove, you can easily draw the second one, next to it in a mirror image. Pigeons are not only white, but also gray and black. But for wedding pictures, you need to draw only white doves, since white color it is a symbol of cleanliness and health. How to draw a dove? It is not difficult at all if you draw it with a simple pencil in stages.

Video how to draw a dove.

1. Where to start drawing a dove?

When drawing in stages, you always need to start drawing from the main outline. For a pigeon, these are its wings, head and body. First, we outline the outline of the pigeon's head, from it we draw a line of the body, slightly inclined. The dove, when it flies, the tail slightly lowers down. We will draw the wings in the form of a "checkmark", just keep track of the proportions and dimensions of the contours. You can copy the markup from my drawing.

2. Slightly "animate" the drawing of the dove

The first step is always the easiest, but the most important. The further drawing of the dove will depend on how you draw the first contours. At this stage, we will only add a few lines and the pigeon will already come to life. Draw the outline of the tail and the outlines of the torso. Well, add the pigeon's legs, so far only with contour straight short lines.

3. Draw the plumage, beak and eye of the pigeon

At this stage, the pigeon should already be flying, since you will draw the outlines of the feathers of the wings and tail for it. It is not difficult to draw the beak and eye of a pigeon.

4. Let's draw the pigeon's legs in detail

Just a few details left to add to pigeon illustration... Most of all, you will have to spend time to draw the pigeon's legs in detail and after a few strokes a simple pencil divide the wings into several segments.

5. The final stage of drawing a picture of a dove

It is not difficult to draw feathers for the wings and tail of the pigeon, because the outlines have already been drawn. It remains only to divide the lower contours with sharp sections and extend the lines to the base of the wing. The tail feathers are drawn a little differently, they need to be drawn with elongated ovals. But in general, all this is easy to draw, even without having a lot of experience in drawing birds. Look at pictures or photos of pigeons, what kind of feather coloring they have. Perhaps you want to make a picture not of a white dove, but with black and white feathers. Then color in some of the feathers or halves of the feathers of the dove with a simple pencil.

In this lesson, you can draw a beautiful macaw parrot in stages.

This duck drawing is done on graphics tablet... But the drawing steps of this tutorial can be used to draw with a regular pencil. Only at the last step will the drawing need to be colored with paints or colored pencils.

The most important thing is to correctly draw the neck and wings of this bird, they are the most important parts of a swan. The swan's legs are short, so drawing them is quite simple. Remember all this when you learn to draw a swan in stages with a simple pencil.

It will be easier for you to draw a pigeon if you have tried to draw birds with a pencil on our website in stages. For the example of drawing a bird, I used a flying parrot. In the future, if you can draw a parrot correctly, you can draw any birds, including a dove and even a Firebird.

A crow is somewhat similar to a dove, and if you already know how to draw a dove, drawing a raven will not be difficult for you. The crow has only a noticeably larger head and especially a beak.

It may seem that it is not difficult to draw a sparrow, because this bird, like the dove, we see all the time. In fact, drawing any small birds is quite difficult, it is much easier to draw a large bird. But if you draw in stages with a pencil, then any person can cope with this task.

Even in antiquity, the dove was considered a symbol of fertility, and later peace.
Ancient people thought that a pigeon did not have a gallbladder, and bile since the time of Hippocrates was considered the cause of an evil, grumpy disposition.
Pigeons were considered sacred birds and messengers of the gods in the countries of the East.
In Christianity, the dove was considered a symbol of the Holy Spirit. In the Bible, the dove released by Noah brought him an olive branch as a symbol of the reconciliation of the elements. This is considered a sign of people's forgiveness. In the Middle Ages, the dove was an indispensable attribute of the Annunciation, Baptism, Descent of the Holy Spirit and the Trinity.
A dove appeared on the shoulder of the Prophet Muhammad, personifying the Divine inspiration descending on him.
It was believed that the devil and witches can take any guise, except for a dove, donkey and sheep.
In ancient Rome, the doves of Venus were considered the symbol of peace, which made their nest in the overturned helmet of Mars.
Due to devotion to its offspring, the dove symbolized maternal feelings. Sometimes a dove was a sign of wisdom.
The Jews called the dove "Yona" (in the Greek spelling "Jonas"). The prophet sent by the Lord to Nineveh was named Jonah.
In Neoplatonism, the dove personified the force with which the lower worlds were established. In Freemasonry - a symbol of innocence and purity, in China - a symbol of old age and longevity.
The dove was depicted on the scepters of some rulers, symbolizing the power sent to them by God.
Kissing doves symbolize lovers. In the United States and Britain, politicians lobbying for war are called hawks, and peaceful politicians are called doves.
Material from Wikipedia

Hello! As always, we are in a hurry to present you a new creation of our artists, which is designed to make the artists of each of you - a drawing lesson on how to draw a dove. Let's move a little away from the cartoon theme of the recent series about farm animals (for example, take a look at the lesson on how to draw a cow, a great example) and draw a bird with the correct proportions, simple, but more or less realistic. How to draw a dove with a pencil step by step? Let's start the lesson and find out now!

Step 1

The illustration for the last step looks very complicated, however, we will use simple shapes and move in stages. First, draw a small circle and a large oval - the head and body of the bird, respectively. Draw these shapes closer to the bottom edge to leave space for the wings - they will be quite voluminous.

Step 2

Now we will connect the head with the body with smooth lines, and also outline the contours of the lush tail. By the way, the length of the tail almost exceeds the body.

Step 3

Add a beak to our sketch (it looks like a diamond or a kite), outline the outlines of the wings. Note - they are formed by obtuse corners.

Step 4

We outline the oval outlines of the eyes. We finish the outlines of the wings, sketch out the outlines of small elongated legs.