The main genres of painting by Russian artists with examples of paintings. The brightest animal painters The depiction of animals in the visual arts is called

Today we are going to talk about Drawing baleen-striped ...

Let's plunge a little into animalism, to which so little attention is paid ... And first, let's learn a little more about this direction of Painting ...

Animalistic genre or animalistics - a type of fine art, the main motive of which is the image of animals. In addition to painting and graphics, animalism is often used in sculpture, photography, decorative and applied arts, literature and other arts.

Animal image - the most ancient genre of art, interest in which did not fade away until the Renaissance and the focus on a person with his classical ideals. It is noteworthy that in the era of classicism, animals were depicted on vases, mosaics and frescoes with enviable regularity.

In the culture of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and other regions, it was popular to depict deities in the form of animals or to deify the representatives of the fauna themselves. Thus, the images of animals appeared on objects of worship, walls of tombs and jewelry.

Animalistic genre - this is the artist's admiration for the world around him and the abundance of life forms. The wealth of animal species that inhabit our planet cannot but inspire. And Artists actively use this:

Some of the first representatives of the animalistic genre in art were the Chinese artist Yi Yuanji (early 11th century), famous for depicting monkeys, and the Chinese emperor Xuande from the Ming dynasty (mid-15th century), who painted monkeys and dogs as a hobby.

In Renaissance Europe, the animalistic genre was developed by one of the greatest representatives of the Northern Renaissance, Albrecht Durer. While his contemporaries wrote religious subjects, Dürer actively studied flora and fauna; his watercolors, drawings and lithographs speak for themselves ...

The paintings of famous artists of that time rarely deviated from the accepted norms of painting, however, even on the canvases of Leonardo and Raphael, although rarely, animals and birds still appear.

One of the outstanding and famous animal painters is the Flemish Baroque painter Frans Snyders. He is especially famous for his still lifes with hunting trophies.

Images of animals are also characteristic of works of art created in a different genre.

For example, the famous painting by Shishkin "Morning in a pine forest".

Shishkin is the greatest landscape painter in the history of Russian art, and Morning in a Pine Forest is undoubtedly a landscape, but with elements of the animalistic genre. It should be noted that Shishkin did not paint his famous bears, they were made by the animal artist Konstantin Savitsky.

This practice was extremely popular among animalists.

For example, Frans Snyders - often drew animals in paintings by Rubens.

It is noteworthy that not all artists, even the most famous ones, could cope with the depiction of animals and birds.

But nothing will stop us from learning how to draw Animals and we will start with the most beautiful and difficult animals from the point of view of teaching animalistics ..

We will thoroughly study one of the most important moments in drawing Painting - e then drawing animal fur how to learn to write wool realistically?

How to Transfer the Character of an Animal?

How to capture the grace and elegance of the Predator's movement?

In general - We will draw a Tiger

As a material, let's take Pastel and a sheet of paper ...

And we will draw - ourselves - a beautiful dangerous Predator ...

Animalistic genre

(from Lat. animal - animal), a type of fine art in which the main motive is the image of animals. Drawings of animals and birds in primitive art testify to the keen observation of ancient hunters. Stylized figures of animals are vividly vital in the art of the Ancient East, monuments of the "animal style" in Europe and Asia (including the Scythians, Sakas, Sarmatians, etc.), in the art of Africa, Oceania, ancient America, and in the folk art of many countries. Images of animals are found in antique sculpture, vase painting, mosaics. In the Middle Ages, allegorical and folklore, grotesque and fabulous images of birds and animals were widespread in Europe. During the Renaissance, artists began to draw animals from nature (Pisanello, A. Durer), but the actual animalistic genre and the first animal painters appeared in China during the Tang (Han Huang, 8th century) and Song (Mu-chi, 13th century) periods. ), and in Europe - in the XVII century. in Holland (P. Potter, A. Kuyp) and Flanders (F. Snyders, J. Faith), in the 18th century. in France (J. B. Udon, Russia (I. F. Groot) and others. In the 19th - early 20th centuries, along with the romantic admiration for the strength and agility of the beast (A.L. Bari in France), the desire for an accurate study of animals (J. Audubon in the USA, K. Troyon in France, sculptors P.K. Clodt, E.A. Lanceray in Russia, A. Gaul in Germany, K. Thomsen in Denmark), often in the natural setting of their lives (B. Liljefors in Sweden, A.S.Stepanov in Russia) or to their bright plastic characteristics (F. Pompon in France). The work of the leading Soviet animal painters (painting, sculpture, printmaking, illustrations for scientific and children's books, etc.) is noted subtle knowledge of the animal world (perceived in close connection with the life of nature and man), a combination of cognitive tasks with a sharpness of characterization and decorative expressiveness of images (V.A.Vatagin, I.S.Efimov, E.I. Charushin, I.G. Frikh -Khar, D. V. Gorlov, Rachev E. M., G. E. Nikolsky, V. I. Kurdov, A. M. Laptev, B. Ya. Vorobiev, A. Starkopf, A. V. Martz and others ).

V.A.Vatagin. "Bear". Wood. 1956.
Literature: V. A. Vatagin, Image of an animal, M., 1967; Animalists of Russia. Sculpture. Painting. Decorative and applied arts. Catalog of the Republican Art Exhibition. Comp. G.K. Pilipenko, M., 1980; Dember S., S. A. and J. H., Drawing and painting the world of animals, v. 1-2, Indianapolis, 1977.

(Source: "Popular Art Encyclopedia." Edited by V. Polevoy; Moscow: Publishing House "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1986.)

  • - GENRE - a certain type of literary work ...

    Dictionary of literary terms

  • - a historically formed and developing type of a work of art, which is determined on the basis of: 1) belonging of a work to a particular literary genus ...

    Terminological dictionary-thesaurus on literary criticism

  • - GENRE - in Russian poetics, under the word J., of course, a certain type of literary works belonging to the same genus. There are three kinds of fiction - epic, lyric and drama ...

    Poetic Dictionary

  • -, historically established internal divisions in most types of art. The principles of division into genres are specific to each of the areas of artistic creation ...

    Art encyclopedia

  • - the image of animals in painting, sculpture and graphics. The artists working in this genre are called animalists ...

    Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

  • - 1) a historically established, stable type of work of art, for example, in painting - a portrait, landscape, in literature - a novel, a poem ...

    Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

  • - In literature, music and other arts during their existence, various types of works have developed. In literature, this is, for example, a novel, a story, a story; in poetry - a poem, sonnet, ballad ...

    Music Dictionary

  • - ANIMALISTIC genre - the image of animals in painting, sculpture and graphics. The animalistic genre combines natural science and artistic principles ...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - the image of animals in painting, sculpture and graphics. A. w. combines natural science and artistic principles and develops observation and love for nature ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - a genre of fine art in which the main motive is the image of animals ...

    Modern encyclopedia

  • - BON GENRE * bon genre. 1. Good tone. Wed Bon ton. - Do you know my relationship to Praskovya Alekseevna? She herself is a governor neither botonnost nor will she yield to anything, such a comme il faut and bon genre, what a miracle! I. Aksakov in his letters 2 168.2 ...
  • - animalistic adj. 1.rel. with noun animalism I associated with it 2 ...

    Efremova's explanatory dictionary

  • - animalist "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - ANIMALISTIC oh, oh. animaliste? Rel. to animalism, animalists, associated with the image of animals. BAS-2. - Lex.BAS-1 1948: animalistic / chesky ...

    Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

  • - DE GENRE * de genre. The same as a genre painting. Turning to the paintings de genre, let us point out the most remarkable of them. BDCH 1850 104 3 85. As for the genus, the so-called de genre, who surpassed him Bryullov & GT ...

    Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

  • - ...

    Word forms

"Animalistic genre" in books

"Low" genre

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A special genre

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How the genre begins

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New genre

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Animalistic genre

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The main object of this genre of fine art is animals (from Latin animal - animal).

This genre was widespread in ancient times: stylized images of animals are found in the art of the Ancient East, America, Africa, Oceania and in the folk art of other countries.
Most often, we see images of animals in painting, sculpture, graphics, decorative art, and later in photography.
The animalistic genre can be conditionally divided into two areas: natural science and art. In the first case, an accurate depiction of an animal from the point of view of its physiology is important for an animal painter, and in the second case, an artistic characteristic of the animal, including metaphoricity (transferring human traits to animals). This mainly applies to illustrators of fairy tales and fables.

Animalism in painting

Frans Snyders (1579-1657)

Van Dyck "Portrait of Snyders with his wife" (fragment of the portrait)
Flemish painter, master of still lifes and animal paintings. Initially, he was engaged in still lifes, but then he became interested in animalistic plots and hunting scenes. His works amaze with the monumentality and thoughtfulness of compositions, a virtuoso depiction of the physiology of an animal, its vitality and inner strength.

F. Snyders "Wild boar hunting" (1625-1630)

Paulus Potter (1625-1654)

Bartholomeus van der Gelst "Portrait of Paulus Potter"
The Dutch artist Potter died very young, at the age of 29, but left a whole gallery of paintings with detailed images of domestic animals in the meadows, paintings with hunting scenes.

P. Potter "Young Bull"

It was the images of animals that provided him with worldwide fame.
The most famous painting of the artist - "Young Bull", it is in the Mauritshuis Museum in The Hague.

P. Potter "Horses in the Meadow" (1649)
Horses are the most popular character in animal paintings. But each artist has his own attitude towards this strong and noble animal.

George Stubbs (1724-1806)

D. Stubbs "Self-portrait"

English artist and biologist, one of the leading European animal painters. Thoroughly studied human and animal anatomy at the York Hospital. He is the author of several scientific works, including the work "Anatomy of Horses" (1766), so he could depict animals perfectly from a scientific point of view.

Whistlejacket by D. Stubbs (1762)

Franz Marc (1880-1916)

German painter of Jewish origin, representative of German Expressionism. He volunteered for the front of the First World War and was killed by a shell fragment during the Verdun operation at the age of 36, leaving his creative plans unrealized.

F. Mark "The Blue Horse" (1911)
He often depicted animals (deer, foxes, horses) in a natural setting, presenting them as superior, pure beings. This is the romantic painting "Blue Horse". Mark's works are distinguished by a bright palette combined with cubist images, sharp and harsh color transitions. The most famous was his painting "The Fate of Animals". It is currently on display at the Basel Art Museum (Switzerland).

F. Mark "The Fate of Animals" (1913)
The fauna always attracts not only professional artists, but also children. In the children's world, animals occupy no less place than humans.

Samira Sagitova (3 years 8 months) "Funny Chickens"

Jim Killen "Funny Puppies"

Animalism in sculpture

Pyotr Karlovich Klodt (1805-1867)

PC. Klodt
The family of the future sculptor came from the Baltic German aristocrats Klodt von Jurgensburg, consisted of hereditary military men. PK Klodt was born in 1805 in St. Petersburg, but his childhood and youth were spent in Omsk - his father served as chief of staff of the Separate Siberian Corps. It was there that the baron's penchant for drawing, carving and modeling was manifested. Most of all, the boy loved to portray horses, he saw a special charm in them.

Narva Triumphal Gates
After graduating from the Academy of Arts, Klodt, together with other experienced sculptors, designed the Narva Gate, the palace pier of the Admiralteiskaya Embankment.

Klodt horses in front of the Berlin castle
His work decorates both the main gate of the Royal Palace in Berlin and the Royal Palace in Naples. Copies of the sculptures are installed in gardens and palace buildings in Russia: in the vicinity of St. Petersburg (near the Oryol Palace in Strelna and Peterhof, as well as on the territory of the Golitsyn estate in Kuzminki near Moscow, the Kuzminki-Vlakhernskoye estate).

The Golitsyn estate in Kuzminkax

Evgeny Alexandrovich Lanceray (1848-1886)

Russian animal sculptor. Just like Klodt, from childhood he chose a topic that he was passionate about all his life - horses.

E. Lancere "Circassian and a woman on a horse"
Lanceray was a famous animal painter, perfectly portrayed horses, including in historical subjects. He was a master of subject plastic miniature, glorified the Russian sculptural school abroad, taking part in world exhibitions in London (1872), Paris (1873), Vienna (1873), Antwerp (1885) and other European cities. His works were cast in many leading factories and in private bronze casting workshops.

Animalism in graphics

Konstantin Konstantinovich Flerov (1904-1980)

Soviet paleontologist, doctor of biological sciences, professor. Head of the Paleontological Museum. Yu.A. Orlova. Reconstructor and animal painter, recreated the appearance of many fossil animals.

He studied at the biological department of Moscow University and at the same time studied drawing and painting. After graduating from the university, he worked for 30 years at the Zoological Institute in Leningrad. He participated in many trips and scientific expeditions.
While working at the Darwin Museum in Moscow, Flerov, based on biological collections, performed a series of paintings and sculptures. The knowledge of a professional zoologist and a professional artist allowed him to successfully recreate the appearance of animals from skeletons, create sculptural images of them and paint canvases on themes of the ancient world.

Animalism in photography

With the invention of photography, the possibilities of animalists have expanded significantly. The animal world appears in a huge variety of colors, plots and types.
We bring to your attention two wonderful photos of photoanimalists from the site

A. Gudkov "Giraffe and Bird"
How much love for animals in this photo and a sense of humor! And also the ability to "catch the moment."

S. Gorshkov "Fox"
Sergey Gorshkov is the winner of the "Golden Turtle" competition in the "Photographer of the Year" category in 2007 and 2011. Winner of the international competition Shell Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2007, was awarded the prize "Photographer of the Year in Russia".
His photograph "Fox" amazes not only with the technique of execution, but also with its psychological depth. Look at the photo: the fox's temper, her caution, insinuatingness and cunning are captured brilliantly.

"Bumblebee". Photo by V. Akishina

). However, within the framework of this article, we will only consider object art.

Historically, all genres were divided into high and low. TO high genre or historical painting included works of a monumental nature that carry some kind of morality, a significant idea that demonstrates historical, military events associated with religion, mythology or artistic fiction.

TO low genre attributed everything that is associated with everyday life. These are still lifes, portraits, everyday painting, landscapes, animalism, images of naked people, and more.

Animalism (lat.animal - animal)

The animalistic genre originated in antiquity, when the first people painted predatory animals on the rocks. Gradually, this trend has grown into an independent genre, implying an expressive image of any animals. Animalists usually show a great interest in the animal kingdom, for example, they can be excellent riders, keep pets, or simply study their habits for a long time. As a result of the artist's intention, animals can appear realistic or in the form of artistic images.

Among Russian artists, many were well versed in horses, for example, and. So, in the famous painting by Vasnetsov "Heroes", heroic horses are depicted with the greatest skill: the suits, behavior of animals, bridles and their connection with riders are carefully thought out. Serov disliked people and considered a horse in many ways better than a man, which is why he often portrayed it in a variety of scenes. although he painted animals, he did not consider himself an animalist, so the bears in his famous painting "Morning in a Pine Forest" were created by the animalist K. Savitsky.

In tsarist times, portraits with pets, which were dear to man, became especially popular. For example, in the painting, Empress Catherine II appeared with her beloved dog. Animals were also present in portraits of other Russian artists.

Examples of paintings by famous Russian artists in the genre

Historical painting

This genre implies monumental paintings that are designed to convey to society a grandiose plan, some kind of truth, morality, or to demonstrate significant events. It includes works on historical, mythological, religious themes, folklore, as well as military scenes.

In ancient states, myths and legends have long been considered events of the past, therefore they were often depicted on frescoes or vases. Later, artists began to separate events from fiction, which was expressed primarily in the depiction of battle scenes. In ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece, scenes of heroic battles were often depicted on the shields of victorious warriors in order to demonstrate their triumph over the enemy.

In the Middle Ages, due to the dominance of church dogmas, religious themes prevailed; in the Renaissance, society turned to the past mainly with the aim of glorifying its states and rulers, and from the 18th century this genre was often turned to with the aim of educating young people. In Russia, the genre became widespread in the 19th century, when artists often tried to analyze the life of Russian society.

In the works of Russian artists, battle painting was presented, for example, and. He touched upon mythological and religious subjects in his paintings. Historical painting prevailed at, folklore - at.

Examples of paintings by famous Russian artists in the genre of historical painting

Still life (fr. Nature - nature and morte - dead)

This genre of painting is associated with the depiction of inanimate objects. They can be flowers, fruits, dishes, game, kitchen utensils and other objects, of which the artist often composes a composition according to his intention.

The first still lifes appeared in ancient countries. In Ancient Egypt, it was customary to represent offerings to the gods in the form of various foods. At the same time, the recognition of the subject was in the first place, so the ancient artists did not particularly care about chiaroscuro or the texture of still life objects. In Ancient Greece and Rome, flowers and fruits were found in paintings and in houses to decorate the interior, so they were portrayed more authentically and picturesquely. The formation and flowering of this genre falls on the 16th and 17th centuries, when still lifes began to contain hidden religious and other meanings. At the same time, their many varieties appeared, depending on the subject of the image (floral, fruit, scientist, etc.).

In Russia, still life flourished only in the 20th century, since before that it was used mainly for educational purposes. But this development was impetuous and captured, including abstractionism with all its directions. For example, he created beautiful flower compositions in, preferred, worked in and often "revived" his still lifes, giving the viewer the impression that the dishes are about to fall from the table or all objects will now begin to rotate.

The objects depicted by the artists, of course, were influenced by their theoretical views or worldview, state of mind. So, these were objects depicted according to the principle of spherical perspective discovered by him, and expressionist still lifes were striking in their drama.

Many Russian artists used still life mainly for educational purposes. So, he not only honed his artistic skills, but also conducted many experiments, laying out objects in different ways, working with light and color. experimented with the shape and color of the line, then moving away from realism to pure primitivism, then mixing both styles.

Some artists combined in still lifes what they had depicted earlier and their favorite things. For example, in the paintings you can find his favorite vase, notes and the portrait of his wife he created before, and he depicted flowers that he loved from childhood.

Many other Russian artists, for example, others, also worked in the same genre.

Examples of paintings by famous Russian artists in the genre of still life

Nu (fr.nudite - nudity, abbreviated nu)

This genre is intended to depict the beauty of the nude body and appeared before our era. In the ancient world, much attention was paid to physical development, since the survival of the entire human race depended on it. So, in ancient Greece, athletes traditionally competed naked so that boys and young men could see their well-developed bodies and strive for the same physical perfection. Around the 7th-6th centuries. BC e. nude male statues also appeared, personifying the physical strength of a man. Female figures, on the contrary, always appeared in front of the audience in robes, since it was not accepted to expose a female body.

In subsequent eras, the attitude towards naked bodies changed. So, during the Hellenistic era (from the end of the 6th century BC), endurance faded into the background, giving way to admiring the male figure. At the same time, the first female nude figures began to appear. In the Baroque era, women with magnificent forms were considered ideal, during the Rococo era, sensuality became paramount, and in the 19th and 20th centuries, paintings or sculptures with naked bodies (especially male ones) were often banned.

Russian artists have repeatedly turned to the nude genre in their works. So, these are dancers with theatrical attributes, they are posing girls or women in the center of monumental plots. It has a lot of sensual women, including in pairs, it has a whole series of paintings depicting naked women doing different things, and it has girls full of innocence. Some, for example, depicted completely naked men, although such pictures were not welcomed by the society of their time.

Examples of paintings by famous Russian artists in the nude genre

Landscape (fr.Paysage, from pays - area)

In this genre, the priority is the image of the natural or man-made environment: natural corners, views of cities, villages, monuments, etc. Depending on the chosen object, natural, industrial, sea, rural, lyrical and other landscapes are distinguished.

The first landscapes of ancient artists were discovered in rock paintings of the Neolithic era and were images of trees, rivers or lakes. Later, the natural motif was used for home decoration. In the Middle Ages, the landscape was almost completely replaced by religious themes, and in the Renaissance, on the contrary, harmonious relations between man and nature came to the fore.

In Russia, landscape painting has developed since the 18th century and was initially limited (landscapes were created in this style, for example, and), but later a whole galaxy of talented Russian artists enriched this genre with techniques from different styles and directions. created the so-called inconspicuous landscape, that is, instead of chasing spectacular views, he depicted the most intimate moments in Russian nature. and came to a lyrical landscape that amazed the audience with a subtly conveyed mood.

And this is an epic landscape, when the viewer is shown all the grandeur of the surrounding world. He endlessly turned to antiquity, E. Volkov knew how to turn any discreet landscape into a poetic picture, amazed the viewer with his marvelous light in the landscapes, and could endlessly admire the forest corners, parks, sunsets and convey this love to the viewer.

Each of the landscape painters focused on such a landscape that fascinated him especially strongly. Many artists could not pass by large-scale construction projects and painted many industrial and urban landscapes. Among them are works by other artists. carried away monuments, and

Animalistic genre

the image of animals in painting, sculpture and graphics. A. w. combines natural science and artistic principles and develops observation and love for nature. The animal painter pays the main attention to the artistic and figurative characteristics of the animal, its habits, its habitat (for example, in easel painting and sculpture, in printmaking): the decorative expressiveness of the figure, silhouette, colors is especially significant in park sculpture, paintings, small plastic; often (especially in illustrations for fairy tales, fables, in allegorical and satirical images), the animal is "humanized", endowed with features inherent in people, actions and experiences. Often, the main task of the animalist is the accuracy of the image of the animal (for example, in illustrations for scientific and popular science literature). Depictions of animals and birds in primitive art testify to the keen observation of hunter-artists (see Primitive art); the stylized figures of animals in the monuments of the animal style are brightly vital (See Animal style) (including the Scythians (See Scythians)), in the art of the Ancient East, Africa, Oceania, ancient America, in the folk art of many countries. Images of animals are often found in antique sculpture, vase painting, mosaics; in the Middle Ages in Europe, allegorical and folklore, fabulous images of birds and animals were widespread. During the Renaissance, artists began to draw animals from nature (Pisanello, A. Durer), but A. (associated in many respects with landscape, still life, everyday life) and animal painters appeared in China during the Tang (Han Huang, 8th century) and Song (Mu-chi, 13th century) periods, and in Europe - in the 17th century. in the Netherlands (P. Potter, A. Kuyp) and Flanders (F. Snyders, J. Faith), in the 18th century. in France (J. B. Oudry), Russia (I. F. Groot), and others. In the 19th - early 20th centuries. along with romantic admiration for the strength and dexterity of the beast (A.L. Vary in France), the desire for an accurate study of animals is determined (J. Audubon in the USA, C. Troyon in France, sculptors P.K. Clodt, E.A. Lanceray in Russia , A. Gaul in Germany, K. Thomsen in Denmark), often in the natural setting of their lives (B. Liljefors in Sweden, A.S. Stepanov in Russia), or to their bright plastic characteristics (sculptor F. Pompon in France, V.A.Serov in Russia). The creativity of the leading Soviet animal painters (painting, sculpture, printmaking, illustrations for scientific and children's books, etc.) is marked by a subtle knowledge of the animal world (perceived in close connection with the life of nature and humans), a combination of cognitive tasks with a sharpness of characterization and decorative expressiveness of images (V. A. Vatagin, I. S. Efimov, E. I. Charushin, I. G. Frikh-Khar, D. V. Gorlov, E. M. Rachev, G. E. Nikolsky, V. I. Kurdov , A.M. Laptev, B. Ya.Vorobyov, A. Starkopf and others).

Lit .: Vatagin VA, Image of an animal, M., 1967; Piper R., Das Tier in der Kunst, Münch., 1922.

A. M. Komarov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what "Animalistic genre" is in other dictionaries:

    Animalistic genre - Animalistic genre. V.A. Vatagin. Bear. Wood. 1956. ANIMAL GENRE (from the Latin animal animal), a genre of fine art in which the main motive is the image of animals. In the works of the animalistic genre ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (from lat. animal animal) the image of animals in painting, sculpture and graphics. The animalistic genre combines natural science and artistic principles. Artists working in the animalistic genre are called animalists ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (from Lat. animal animal), a type of fine art in which the main motive is the image of animals. Drawings of animals and birds in primitive art testify to the keen observation of ancient hunters. Brightly vital ... ... Art encyclopedia

    - (from the Latin animal animal), a genre of fine arts in which the main motive is the image of animals. In the works of the animalistic genre, a subtle knowledge of the animal world, the sharpness of characteristics and decorative expressiveness ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (lat. animal - animal) the image of animals in painting, sculpture and graphics. Artists working in this genre are called animalists. The Big Explanatory Dictionary of Cultural Studies .. Kononenko BI .. 2003 ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

    - (from Lat. animal animal), the image of animals in painting, sculpture and graphics. The animalistic genre combines natural science and artistic principles. Artists working in the animalistic genre are called animalists. * * * ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Animalistic genre - (from lat. animal animal) the image of animals in decomp. types will depict. Isk VA: Combines Art. and natures. scientific. start. An artist working in A. Zh. Is called an animalist. Early examples of A. Zh. Refer to the primitive lawsuit of Dr. East, ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    - ... Wikipedia

    - (French genre, genus, species), historically formed internal subdivisions in most types of art. The principles of division into genres are specific to each of the areas of artistic creativity. In the visual arts, the main genres ... Art encyclopedia