How to dump a guy so that nothing happens. How to leave a guy beautifully: useful tips

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It is a real art to leave a man beautifully. And now has in mind exactly the situation when a girl is thinking about how to end a relationship with a guy, a man, a lover - no matter who she is!

Sometimes there is still a desire to quit so as not to offend, or to offend, but only in order for him to think, correct himself, and even return. And it is desirable to do all this not eye to eye, but, for example, by SMS. Girls are girls! In general, welcome to the world of female logic, amazing and charming!

And today we will talk with you about how to part with a person and not greatly hurt his feelings. In other words, make it beautiful.

How beautiful it is to leave a guy so as not to offend?

Yes, this is not an easy task! And of course every situation is different.

Do it personally. Talk sincerely and from the heart that it's time to leave. Of course, you can find a whole sea of ​​​​how to beautifully leave a guy via SMS, what words to write to him, but believe me, it will be extremely unpleasant for him. Put yourself in his place - how would you feel in this case? Probably, resentment from the fact that she is not even worthy of a personal dialogue?

Of course, it’s a completely different matter when you didn’t communicate with him for so much time. Literally a few meetings were enough for you to understand: he is not a couple for you. Life situation:

  • “We met a guy, went literally 1 time to the cinema and 2 times to a cafe, gave several times a rose. Based on this, I concluded that we are now together, and began to beg for me to put in the “Marital Status” column of VKontakte that we are dating. Of course, she did not do this, after which she heard a lot of impartial things in her address. I had to write that then we were not on the way. Karina.

Of course, this method is not an option, but here the situation turned out to be “handy”. The man himself pushed for parting.

Another thing is that if you can’t muster up the courage and are afraid to say these words about parting out loud, then understand that your SMS with the news that you are no longer on your way can be worse than a bolt from the blue.

How beautiful it is to leave a man: building a conversation

Personally, you can talk oh how differently. If you start making tearful claims to him, quarreling, expressing that you are dissatisfied with his character, his demeanor, then this is not at all identified with the beautiful ending of the relationship.

Simply and calmly tell him that the feelings that are between you are not enough to continue romantic communication.

How beautiful it is to leave a man so that he returns?

Of course, beautiful is not the same with bouquets, last meetings by candlelight or some other joint final dates. We will not deal with the motives for such behavior now. If a man is reading us now, he will not understand at all. Where is the logic here: if he wants to come back, so why quit? Is life boring? And if he wants to quit, then what's the difference how? Is it beautiful? Ugly? And yes, why return anyway?

Only girls can understand girls. Probably, something does not suit you in him, but in general you feel that this person is your destiny. And separation will become a certain important stage in your relationship. Then you really need to beautifully throw a man.

In any, even the softest and most gentle expressions, it is still not worth pointing out his shortcomings so that he listens and corrects himself. Just for each case of his unworthy behavior, answer simply: stop talking. You did something good - thank you.

But we just gave subtle advice without parting. With a parting beautiful, everything is more skillful. Gradually move away from it until you become like a mirage. Wonderful, delightful and absolutely inaccessible.

Reduce the number of meetings, communicate with him as little as possible, answer calls briefly, do not always stay in touch for online communication. The secret is that if you are truly dear to him, then as the distance between you increases, he will increasingly feel an acute lack of you in his life. Of course, this is not a way for those who live together.

How beautiful is it to leave a lover you have feelings for?

That is, there are feelings, but you realized that these relationships are destructive and will not lead to good. In this case, think about beauty in terms of beautiful words and final gentle meetings do not even try. It will be as beautiful as possible if you cross out all contacts at once.

If you let out tears and snot, you lose respect for yourself, in the end you can bring yourself to tantrums and a strong onslaught of your own self-esteem.

Leaving beautifully is not getting a gorgeous bouquet of expensive flowers in front of your ex (even if he cheated on you), getting into a car that he will never have, flying to Bali and posting a photo on social networks from where you are happy (like let he looks and envy). These are not all of these cases. The beauty of parting is when you feel calm inside and finally feel good that you have decided and decided to put an end to it. Point! Not dots...

Read how to painlessly get rid of an old attachment.


It happens that we are dead weight dragging along old relationships that no longer bring anything but disappointment, just because we don’t know how to decide on an important conversation and tell a man that everything is over between you. However, the rule "a bad peace is better than a good quarrel" does not work here - relationships out of pity or out of habit are much worse and more painful than their absence. And it’s better to cut them off in one fell swoop than to stretch the gap, accumulating quarrels and scandals and hoping that someday he will be the first to get bored and leave on his own, saving you from having to leave him. Psychologists advise: it is better to quit. And they offer options on how to make it beautiful and noble.

  1. Don't delay. A person to whom you no longer feel anything, and relationships that do not bring female happiness - this is a suitcase without a handle: it's hard to drag, but it's a pity to throw it away. Do not waste time - neither yours nor your partner's. The sooner you break up, the sooner you can be happy again. Only with other people.
  2. Be honest. Be honest about why you want to end the relationship. In order not to offend your man, in no case should you remain silent or lie.
  3. Don't start a new relationship without ending the old one. First, it is ugly in relation to your partner. Secondly, without closing the old doors, it is impossible to enter the new ones.
  4. Is it possible to remain friends? Keep in mind that most likely you will not be able to remain friends, even if you were friends before. Accept it and take it easy.
  5. Let your partner speak. Prepare for the fact that the partner wants to know why you are breaking off the relationship. You can't just make your point, pack your bags and leave. You must let your partner speak and answer his questions, otherwise you will inflict psychological trauma on the person and offend him. Both parties are to blame for the breakup.

  1. Never break relationships in public! Even if your partner is the last boor and scoundrel, you must behave with dignity. Do not let outsiders enjoy your parting.
  2. If it's hard to say, write him a letter about your decision. Moreover, the letter will need to be given personally, otherwise it will look ugly. Write in a letter what you think about your relationship, explain why you want to leave.
  3. Don't feel guilty. When parting, you need to think more about yourself, and not about your partner. Most likely, if the man himself was the initiator of the breakup, he would not be very worried about your feelings. In some situations, you need to be selfish in order not to be a victim. And do not buy into the pleas, persuasion and stories that he loves you. Why torture yourself?
  4. Not a scandal at parting. In any situation, you need to remain a decent person and part normally. You don't need a young man to remember you as a hysteric.
  5. Put yourself in the shoes of a partner. If you don’t know how to break up with your partner and end a boring relationship, then put yourself in his place and think about how you would like to be separated from you.

If you firmly said to yourself: “I want to leave the guy!” - then you made the right decision, because relationships cannot be built on one-sided love, and you don’t need to torment yourself and the guy by playing love. Give both of you a chance to build a new relationship that is likely to be better than the one you had. You can leave a guy in different ways: by SMS, at a meeting, or by unambiguous hints. Today we will talk about how to leave a guy so that he does not get offended, so that your relationship does not end in scandals, screams and insults, but quietly and peacefully come to its logical end. We will also touch on the topic of breaking up with a guy for whom you still have sincere feelings of love.

How to leave a guy so that he is not offended

Before starting a breakup conversation, you should first make a firm and final decision yourself about whether you are ready to leave a guy or not. Explain to yourself why you are going to end the relationship? For convenience, you can write down all his shortcomings in one column, and the merits in another, so it will be easier for you to make a decision: can you forgive his shortcomings, given the merits.

There is always a reason for parting, even when it seems that you just don’t want to see a person next to you. It is necessary to tell the guy about the reasons for the breakup so that he specifically understands what does not suit you in him. That is, you will not only justify your break in relations, but also point out the mistakes made by the guy, which will give him an incentive for self-improvement. Thus, if a guy is offended, then only at himself, and not at you, and he will also have at least a little hope that someday (when he corrects himself), he will be able to build a relationship with you again. In addition, having given hope, you can part with the guy, remaining friends ...

If you want to dump a guy without being offended, then ask your best friend to play the role of falling in love with her boyfriend. Let her, in your absence, a week or two from the expected day of parting, begin to flirt with the guy, walk with him, communicate, in general, do everything that a girl in love would do, showing her true feelings. If the guy really “pecked” at your trick, then you can safely throw him, he will practically not be offended, because he will be sure that he still has a “bridgehead for retreat”, i.e. a girl who is in love with him and ready for a relationship. After you broke up, ask your girlfriend for another week or two to fool the naive guy, and then let him also let him know that she is no longer interested in being with him. Thus, the “blow to pride” will not be so strong, even despite the fact that two girls literally threw him at once.

However, when thinking over the “scam” with your girlfriend’s love, try not to tell anyone else about it, that is, only she and you should know, otherwise the rumors can quickly “fly” to the guy and then he will not only be offended by you, but even hate .

If you decide to leave a guy, but he is still dear to you and you are afraid that he will be offended, then provoke a scandal in such a way that in the end you yourself will be to blame. For example, every day throw him a tantrum with or without. Be very unhappy when he commits any wrongdoing or stupid joke. Act disgusting so that the guy wants to end the relationship himself. Just do not need to provoke a scandal on the basis of jealousy, as this will not anger him, but will offend him more, since you will affect male pride, and, besides, he may begin to blame another man, and not you.

Naturally, one scandal is not enough to break off a relationship, you need a boiling point, so set yourself up for the fact that you will need to scandalize not a single meeting, and given that you will play the role of a bad girl, then emotions and facial expressions should be as truthful as possible.

And of course, you should take such a step only if you are ready to seem like a complete fool and hysterical for the sake of a guy, which you will agree is not very pleasant.

How to leave the guy you love...

You can leave the guy you love for only two reasons. The first reason: You will have to leave for several years, and maybe even forever (for example, due to moving to another city or country), so you do not see the point in long-distance relationships, which certainly will not lead to anything. The second reason lies in treason, his or yours, so you cannot continue to live together and want to break off the relationship that was between you. Therefore, it is important to try to understand why you are leaving the guy you love and generally decide whether you can live without him. Are such global changes really needed? Who will benefit from your breakup? And what will happen next?!

An explanation of the reasons can push you either to a categorical divorce, when you once again realize how right you are (this happens when a man cheated on you), or vice versa - you change your mind about leaving your man, as you realize that the distance or a petty affair is not worth it, to break off your good relationship, especially when the guy is really in love with you “head over heels” and you have this feeling mutual.

It will be incredibly difficult to break off a relationship with a guy you still love, so psychologists recommend preparing (and memorizing) a speech in advance that you will say to the guy you want to break up with. Before you start a conversation, try to collect yourself and not be nervous. Ask the guy not to interrupt until you have fully expressed everything that you wanted. If he breaks down and enters into a dialogue, stop and ask him to be silent, since not everything has been said yet. Start a conversation “from afar”, slowly approaching the essence of the conversation. Words like " … that's why I decided not to meet with you anymore!" or " … so we can't be together anymore! We're breaking up!” should sound from your lips last. Since after them the guy will have a shock, and he will not hear or perceive all subsequent phrases. Therefore, you must say all the reasons for parting in the middle of your monologue.

Try to come up with a speech that is short, clear, and to the point. Most likely, already at the beginning of your conversation, he will begin to guess what you are getting at, but he will not interrupt you just because he hopes that he may be wrong, so you should not torment him.

Even after your categorical words about parting, you will have tender feelings for the guy, and the more often you see him, the worse it will become for you. Therefore, if you decide to leave a guy, then you need to do it sharply and without hesitation. After your last words, completely exclude communication with the guy. You don’t need to see him, talk on the phone, and don’t transfer things. If he urgently needs to convey something to you or you will have to do this, then perform these actions through relatives and friends. Otherwise, you may simply not stand it and burst into tears, and the beautiful promises of the guy will again drag you into a whirlpool, in which the same suffering will begin as it was before parting.

It is necessary to give a second chance and agree to meetings only if the guy is ready to realize that he is wrong and is ready to correct himself (or has already done so). You must see sincerity in his eyes, and, of course, you yourself must experience obvious feelings of love for him.

How to dump a guy by text

Write briefly, justifiably and categorically. Throw a guy over SMS - the most The best way for those who are afraid to express everything that has accumulated deep in their souls. Such a breakup will be very difficult for the guy, since he will not be aware of the obvious reasons for the breakup, and for a long time he will not believe in these words, since he has not heard them from your lips. This message should be short, since extra words are not appropriate here, anyway, their guy will miss them, or even begin to interpret them incorrectly (consider them a joke). In SMS, name a few main reasons why you do not want to continue the relationship, do not miss this moment, otherwise the guy will overwhelm you with questions via SMS and calls about why it happened. Never use phrases such as: maybe, probably, hope, etc. You must clearly let him know that you are categorically against your relationship and he will not succeed in restoring them.

Examples of correct SMS:

“It's over between us. I don't want to have any relationship with you after your betrayal! Don't call or text me! Goodbye!"

"I'm tired of your lies! I don't want to see you again and hear about you too! I am sure that you will find a more suitable girl for yourself!”

“Sorry, but our relationship has come to an end. I no longer have those feelings for you that I used to have and I am sure that they will never arise again. We are not suitable for each other, and I cannot and do not want to live together like that. Please don't call or text me again!"

After you have explained to him in SMS, do not write to him anymore, if he writes or calls you more than two times - turn off the phone for two to three hours. Let him go a little crazy and come to his senses. Each of his calls - reset, do not pay attention to SMS. If possible, change your number altogether. Of course, on the one hand, this seems wrong, but on the other hand, there is no point in communicating between you, since you made the final decision, indicated the reasons in the SMS, and also asked not to write anymore. If you enter into “negotiations” with him, then you will not get anything good, except for a nervous state. Do you need it?! In addition, it will be easier and faster for the guy to calm down, resigning himself to the fact that you put him in front of. Silence will make it clear that you are serious and unshakable.

Don't answer calls. After all, it’s not by chance that you leave a guy via SMS, most likely you don’t succeed in expressing your feelings and explaining the reasons. When talking on the phone, you are likely to hesitate and do not say anything worthwhile in the explanation. He, in a fit of anger and resentment, can tell you all sorts of nonsense that you don’t need to hear, as you will only be even more upset, and an unpleasant aftertaste will remain in your soul about this guy for life. If it is not possible to turn off the phone, then simply knock down his calls so that he does not think that you simply do not hear them.

How to leave a guy beautifully

Many girls understand beauty in different ways, so you can also leave a guy beautifully in different ways. If beauty means gentle parting, then we recommend that you do everything smoothly, thoughtfully and even mutually. At the same time, you do not need to make “harsh” statements addressed to him, stretch the process of ending the relationship itself. To begin with, start talking less, then talk about the problems that have arisen between you, ask his opinion on this matter. Hint that the former passion has faded away, those strong feelings are gone. More often go with friends to relax in a cafe or other places. Come joyful and happy, but quickly change your mood so that he notices that he is no longer as fun as before. Start allowing him to go with friends on holidays, do not make jealousy scenes, be cold, but no less caring.

When you feel the moment that the time has come, start your conversation with thanks for the time you spent together, praise him as much as possible and to the point. Then smoothly move on to the topic of the future, tell us about the problems that arise when thinking about your joint future (lack of feelings, emotions, perspectives, etc.). Do not blame him or yourself for the breakup, explain yourself abstractly, no matter how the stars converge between you, so you are simply not destined to be together. Repeat once again his noble character traits and ask him to leave peacefully and quietly. Talk about how, as a friend, he is the perfect candidate, so offer a strong friendship in return. Convince the guy that he will quickly find that one and only for himself, give an example of some of your girlfriends who literally “dry” for him. Say that you deserve more than you. Try to spend the entire conversation without screaming and a strong outburst of emotions.

Leave the last meeting with a handsome man and in an expensive car.

If you want to leave a guy beautifully, in the sense of pathos, then you can do it this way. Ask him to meet, agree that you will be waiting for him in your favorite cafe. Sit down yourself near the window or on the summer platform, the main thing is that the parking lot is visible or the road passes nearby. When he arrives, explain to your boyfriend that you no longer have feelings for him, and he also does not represent the ideal of your man. Then quietly blow the horn to your friend, who will drive up to the cafe in a beautiful and expensive car. Let him signal to you, and you wave your hand to him and smile. Then turn to the guy, briefly say that they came for you, leave the cafe, and let him be brutal, handsome man gallantly put you in his car and at high speed will leave somewhere in the city. The guy, of course, will be shocked. After this farewell, it is advisable to disappear from the city for a month and turn off the phone so that the guy can only guess where you are, what you are doing now and in general who this man was.

If you understand that your relationship has completely exhausted itself, that you simply do not see the future with this person, then you will have to leave. Just calling or sending an SMS with the text “I decided that we can no longer be together” or “It’s time for us to leave” will be very cruel to the person with whom you spent so much time together, who still has feelings for you. How to part beautifully?

Prepare him for a breakup with your cold attitude. For example, avoid kisses, keep meetings to a minimum, and on those that you agree to, be detached, thoughtful. He will not immediately understand what is happening, because men do not have amazing female intuition, but he will begin to wonder what is wrong with you. It is better to talk about parting with preparation for it. To begin with, tell the guy in the afternoon, for example, that you want to have a serious talk with him in the evening. Let him have time to think things over and tune in. Most likely, he will understand everything or will guess about the subject of the conversation, so your conversation will not be so painful.

The tactic of conducting a conversation is calmness and facts. First of all, think about what you will say. For example, that feelings have cooled down and there is no point in dragging on, so as not to spoil the nerves and life of each other. But the fact that you have someone else, even if this is so, is not worth talking about. Also, there is no need to explain yourself in raised tones and reproach for past mistakes. By doing this, you will only aggravate the already unpleasant process of parting. Try to tell him that he is good, but the feelings have gone somewhere. It's not his fault, it just happened.

If a calm conversation does not work out, take the blame. It’s easier for guys to accept that the girl is to blame for the relationship that didn’t work out, and not themselves. Say that you need time to understand yourself, that he is the best and will definitely meet his soul mate again. And you just want to be alone for now, but you are not at all against friendly relations. Of course, it is unlikely that he will want to communicate at first, however, when his feelings cool down, you can really become best friends.

Say "No!" kisses and hugs. If you just start showing emotions during an important conversation, feeling sorry and comforting him, then the guy will think that the whole conversation is fake, and your feelings have not really cooled down yet. It's just that this conversation is from a series of "female jumps". In this case, two options are possible:
  • everything will end in sex and more problems;
  • he will think that not everything is lost and will begin to care, and you will have to start talking about parting again.

Try not to delay the meeting. Firstly, in this way the chances of saying nonsense will be minimized, and, secondly, two phrases are enough for an adequate person to understand everything. If your now ex-lover begins to behave inappropriately, all the more worth turning around and leaving.

Dumping a guy nicely isn't easy. But if you succeed, then you can really be real friends in the future, because you know a lot about each other.