How to epilate the bikini area. How best to remove hair in the bikini area

One of the topics that worries almost every modern girl is depilation of the bikini zone. There are many ways to remove unwanted hairs in the intimate area. We will talk about their advantages and disadvantages, and you can choose the most suitable option for you personally.

Bikini waxing: yes or no?

Surely, even among your girlfriends there are both supporters and ardent opponents of hair removal in the bikini area. Such a divergence of opinion has deep roots: Slavic women considered intimate places, and in particular hair in this place, inviolable and secret. Therefore, Slavic women had no thoughts about any hair removal in the bikini area, while Muslims at all times considered a smooth body to be “clean”. But still, most modern girls prefer the "naked" intimate zone. Most men also find a well-groomed intimate area more attractive.

Depilation of the bikini area is a matter not only of aesthetics, but also of hygiene. Adherents of the “naturalness” of the delicate zone argue that by removing the insulating barrier in the form of a hairline, a woman risks her intimate health. Their opponents in this matter hold a completely opposite opinion: hair in the bikini area is an environment for the development of microbes. By the way, even the opinions of gynecologists on this matter are radically different. Therefore, it is up to you to depilate a delicate place or not.

A few words in defense of bikini waxing

Most often, women are driven to the procedure for removing unwanted hairs in the bikini area by the desire to be sexy and attractive to their partner. A smooth intimate place can increase a girl's self-confidence. Yes, and a banal appointment with a gynecologist will take place without awkwardness and embarrassment. Depilation of a deep bikini will allow you to always feel comfortable, especially during the beach season.

Choosing a method for removing hair from an intimate place

For those who consider a smooth genital area more attractive and well-groomed, it remains only to choose the way to do bikini waxing. Delicate skin in "this" place requires careful treatment. In choosing your method of depilation, each girl has her own criteria. This includes the duration of the procedure, and its pain, and the durability of the result, and the price of the procedure, as well as the ability to carry it out for yourself at home.

Irritation and redness of the skin can occur with any type of depilation, everything is individual and depends on its sensitivity. Here, as they say, to each his own! Someone will appreciate waxing, and some girls are crazy about it, while others do not change the traditional one. Most likely, you will have to choose your option only empirically. Whatever you are inclined to, it is recommended to first "test drive" on a less sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, for example, on the legs. Let's consider all the options in more detail.

Razor depilation - advantages and disadvantages

Depilation of a bikini with a razor is the easiest way. Therefore, this method of removing unwanted vegetation is preferred by most women. The benefits are:

  • the speed of the procedure;
  • absolute painlessness;
  • ease of doing the procedure with your own hands;
  • availability and a wide selection of razors.

The disadvantages of shaving with a machine include:

  • short-lived result;
  • risk of ingrown hairs;
  • the possibility of irritation if shaving is not followed.

So that home depilation of a bikini with a razor does not become a disappointment, carry out the procedure on steamed skin, be sure to use shaving gel and a high-quality machine.

Waxing pros and cons

Waxing or wax depilation of the bikini zone is the choice of the decisive and daring. Even those who have not done the procedure personally have heard about its soreness and this is the main disadvantage of waxing. most often carried out with hot wax. After the procedure, it is recommended to use products that slow down hair growth. A smooth result after waxing can please you for up to 4 weeks, which is a big plus of the procedure.

If you decide to use hot wax at home, be careful not to get burned. Do-it-yourself bikini waxing requires a lot of skill and time, so if you are not shy, trust a professional.

Chemical depilation cream

Perhaps the gentlest way to remove unwanted hairs is to use a depilatory cream for the bikini area. All you need to do is apply the cream to the intimate area, wait for the time indicated in the instructions and remove the remnants of the product with a special spatula. Modern cream for depilation of the bikini zone contains special substances that "dissolve" the hairs to the bulb itself. This allows you to achieve the most smooth effect without traces at the site of hair growth.

Depilation of a bikini with a cream is quick and easy, but these products can cause allergic reactions, so they are not suitable for everyone. Depilation of a deep bikini with a cream can be carried out in rare cases, you should not abuse this method. Contact of sensitive mucosa with chemicals can lead to disastrous consequences. Yes, and with hard hair, not every tool will cope.

Sugaring - affordable and effective

Today, depilation in the bikini area with sugar paste has become a fashionable procedure. This method of getting rid of vegetation in the intimate area injures the skin less than waxing, and the result will please you for at least a month. This service is provided in almost every salon, the cost is about 1500 rubles. However, sugar depilation of a bikini at home is within the power of almost every girl. You can buy a special sugar paste, the estimated cost of which is 600 rubles, or you can make it from sugar, water and lemon juice. Bikini depilation has the following step-by-step scheme:

  1. Prepare strips of cotton fabric.
  2. First, use a body scrub by applying it to the genital area. This will prevent ingrown hairs.
  3. Prepared sugar syrup or sugar paste should be applied to the selected areas. Use warm syrup, if necessary, you can warm it in a water bath.
  4. Put strips of cloth on top of the sugar syrup, wait 2-3 minutes.
  5. Gather your will into a fist and tear off strips of fabric with a sharp movement against hair growth.
  6. Take a warm shower, wipe the skin with an antiseptic and apply a moisturizer or jojoba oil to the depilated area.

Whatever way you choose to deal with unwanted vegetation in the delicate zone, use creams that slow down hair growth, then the procedure will have to be carried out much less frequently.

Paying tribute to modern fashion, almost every girl regularly resorts to hair removal from the intimate area, especially in the hot season. This article will tell you how bikini hair removal works at home, in what ways it can be done, and how long the result lasts. We will also tell you how to do depilation of the intimate zone in various ways, what nuances you need to know in order to get the best result.

Ways to epilate hair in the bikini area at home

Among the methods of hair removal at home, there are both almost free and more expensive, both getting rid of hair for several days and for several weeks.

  1. Shaving with a razor.
  2. Depilation with special creams - chemical hair removal.
  3. Waxing - waxing. Removes hair from the root, so that they do not grow for about a month.
  4. Shugaring - sugar hair removal. Also relieves you of excess hair for several weeks.
  5. An epilator is a device that pulls out hairs from the root.
  6. Apparatus for home procedures for electro-, photo- and laser hair removal. In this way, vegetation can be removed for several years.

Shaving the intimate area

What to do: shave or root? The razor, of course, is a simple and cheap way, with it the least trouble. But to maintain a perfectly smooth bikini area, you will have to shave this delicate area daily. This not only takes some time, but also brings some uncomfortable consequences: skin vulnerability, irritation and redness, inflammation, and so on. The bikini area is permeated with sweat glands, in the heat they do not work for good and create pustules. And this is not at all aesthetically pleasing and inconvenient.

If the shaving procedure is not carried out on time, then the bikini area will become prickly, and this will not inspire the beloved man to exploits in bed. Even worse than all this is rubbing of the legs when walking and during intimacy. After all these ups and downs, a decision comes - we move on to epilation in a different way.

All girls started hair removal with a shave. Almost every girl used a razor for sure. However, this method is not suitable for delicate and sensitive skin - the likelihood of irritation and the possibility of cutting itself is too high. Therefore, it is necessary to look for other methods that are more gentle on the skin and give a lasting effect.

The advantages of this method: low cost (one machine is enough for a long time) and fast (you can remove hair with a machine in a couple of minutes in the shower). You need to treat the skin with shaving cream or regular shower gel, and then shave.

Shaving cons: firstly, a very short-lived effect - the next day bristles appear. Secondly, there is a risk of cutting yourself or getting skin irritation, especially if you shave daily. All this is undesirable for the delicate skin of the bikini area, so try to use this method only if you urgently need to get rid of hair, and there is no time to do depilation by other means.

Depilatory creams for home use

These are special formulations that are applied to the skin in the place where depilation is to be done, and after a few minutes they are removed with a spatula along with the hairs. Such creams are produced by different manufacturers, but almost all prices are reasonable. The action of the composition will be individual, so it is recommended to try different ones in order to choose the best option. On this page we have done.

How does depilatory cream work? Thanks to a special chemical composition, it destroys the hairs, falling on them, after which they are easily removed from the surface of the skin. The effect of depilation does not last long - from a couple of days to a week (subject to the use of creams that slow down hair growth). Remember that depilatory creams are very harmful to the skin, so you should not use them more than once every two weeks.

For the bikini area, buy only a cream specifically designed for depilation of this area. Strictly follow the instructions: you can not keep the composition on the skin for longer than the specified time, and also do not allow it to get on the mucous membranes. If a burning sensation or other discomfort occurs, stop the procedure immediately. Remember that your women's health is more important than the absence of hair!

Bikini waxing

Waxing is the removal of excess hair with wax. It is cold, warm and hot. For intimate depilation, hot is best, as it heats the skin, opening the pores, and the hairs are removed more easily and less painfully.

In order for the depilation of the bikini area with wax at home to be successful, follow the following rules:

  • The skin must first be cleaned and dried. So that sweat does not spoil the procedure, it is better to apply talcum powder.
  • Warm wax must be heated in a wax melter to no more than 40 ° C, and hot wax to 60 ° C. After that, you need to apply it along the hair growth on the skin, and you can put a paper strip on top, smooth it with force.
  • After 15-20 seconds, when the layer on the skin hardens a little, you need to either pick it up from the edge with your fingers if you are not using the strips, or take the edge of the strip and sharply tear it off against growth parallel to the skin. You need to pull quickly, the faster - the less painful the sensations will be.
  • After depilation, remove the remnants with a cloth soaked in oil.

This way you will gradually remove all the hair. However, not everyone can do the depilation of the bikini zone at home. For the first time, we recommend that you visit the salon and go through this procedure with the master. He will show you how to do it right, give you advice, and at the same time you will know how much it hurts you.

This is especially true for hot wax. Without knowing how to use it, you can easily get burned, so do not expose your delicate skin to such experiments. Also, without proper skills, do not take on a deep bikini - for everything to go well, you need to see in which direction you are applying the layer. If you do everything carefully and correctly, then you can thus get rid of extra hairs for a whole month.

This is an inexpensive and quite convenient method of hair removal, which is carried out for the bikini area using warm or hot wax. At home, it is better to work with warm, and you can work with hot only after you learn how to do it on other parts of the body so as not to burn yourself. You can read more about hair removal with wax at home and.

You need to buy wax in cassettes or in a jar, as well as clean paper strips. The skin must first be cleaned, wiped dry and treated with talc or baby powder. Heat the cassette wax in a special wax melter or in a water bath in a pot of water. You need to warm up to a temperature of no more than 40 ° C (hair removal of the bikini area with hot wax is carried out at a temperature of the latter up to 60 ° C). Next, it is applied to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin in the direction of hair growth, a paper strip is applied on top and smoothed several times. After 20 seconds, you need to quickly tear off the strip against growth, holding the skin. Repeat this all over the bikini area until there is no hair left.

Hot wax is applied to the skin in the same way, only here you can do without strips - the composition is simply picked up by your fingers after hardening. The biggest danger is not to calculate the temperature and burn the skin, which then has to be treated for a long time. If you do not have such experience, visit the salon several times, consult the master before doing the epilation of the intimate area yourself.

It is also difficult to do deep bikini hair removal at home - for this you need to see the direction of hair growth well. It is better to entrust this procedure to the master, and at home do hair removal along the bikini line and pubis.

After you have finished removing the hair, you need to wipe the skin with an oiled cloth - it will remove the remnants from the skin.

Depilation of the bikini area with sugar paste

Sugaring is hair removal using sugar paste, which is made from sugar, water and lemon juice. This method is great for the bikini area, because it is less painful than waxing, and also does not cause allergies and skin irritations due to the natural composition. Need or paste can be at home, which will practically not cost you money.

It is believed that sugaring is more suitable for depilation of the bikini area than wax, since the composition of the sugar paste is exclusively natural and will not cause allergies or irritations. Sugar paste is applied, unlike waxing, against hair growth, and breaks down in growth. You can remove it both with your hands and with paper strips. The effect of the procedure will also be quite long, and here it is also important to follow the direction of hair growth in order to avoid ingrown hairs.

An epilator is a special device that, due to rotating mechanisms, pulls out hairs from the root, providing you with smooth skin for up to a month. However, this process is very painful, so not every girl is suitable. Try using it on your legs or arms first and see how much it hurts. If you have a high pain threshold, then you can try epilating your bikini area with an epilator at home.

To relieve pain, modern epilators have various attachments, such as cooling or massage. They will help make the process more comfortable. You can also treat the epilation area with cream or an hour before the procedure. The length of the hairs should be no more than 1 cm, and preferably less, otherwise it will be very painful. Stock up on enough time - there is no need to rush here.

You need to run the device over the skin with short, quick movements. Do not immediately capture a large area. Here it is also better not to touch the deep bikini, but to limit yourself to the line of panties - the epilator will cope with this task quite well.

Electro, photo and laser epilation of the bikini line

For some time now, such devices have appeared on sale for home use. Their cost is quite high (on average from 20,000 rubles to 50-60,000). Each of them can remove hair for up to five years, but practice shows that home appliances are less powerful than salon ones and do not work as well as we would like.

In addition, in order to do bikini hair removal on your own, you need to have the appropriate skills that are best obtained in special courses. If you make a mistake in the settings of the device, you can get burns, severe irritation, scarring and other skin problems.

If you still decide to buy such a device, first consult a cosmetologist-dermatologist who will give the necessary recommendations.

Tips for effective self-hair removal of the bikini area:

  1. Always clean your skin thoroughly before removing hair to avoid infection. Immediately after depilation, treat the skin with a disinfectant.
  2. Use a nourishing cream suitable for the bikini area daily.
  3. Do a gentle scrub once a week.
  4. If you find an ingrown hair, do not try to remove it yourself. Contact a beautician - he will do it quickly and efficiently, without introducing an infection.
  5. If irritation or allergies occur, give your skin a break from any chemicals, use only natural cosmetics.

Video: perfect epilation of the bikini area at home on your own

Skin care in the intimate area after epilation

Whatever method of hair removal at home you choose, it is always necessary to provide the skin with good aftercare.

  • Immediately after the procedure, you can only rinse the skin and apply a moisturizing and soothing cream on a natural basis. Let your skin rest.

The modern world is demanding and unpredictable. In society, there are certain stereotypes that dictate the rules of appearance to people. Today, being well-dressed, having excellent makeup and hair is no longer enough... To be modern means to be perfect in every way.

This also applies to the state of the body of a woman, to which special requirements are imposed. It's about hair growing on a woman's body.

Of course, there are areas where the presence of hair is simply necessary. But if we talk about hair removal in intimate places, opinions differ. This procedure is not only a way to look well-groomed. It is also a kind of measure to maintain personal hygiene. And every year more and more women turn to different ones. Bikini waxing is especially popular among women who value their time. This procedure is done quite quickly and provides a lasting effect.

Depilation of hair in the bikini area

Types of hair removal

Today, beauty salons offer women a wide range of services that can help solve the problem of unwanted vegetation in the intimate area. These include deep bikini shugaring and various types of hair removal:

  • laser;
  • electric;
  • mechanical;
  • photoepilation.

Each of them is good in its own way, but can lead to skin irritation and the appearance of redness on it. Therefore, many women choose an alternative method of hair removal with wax. We bring to your attention a wax technique for removing hair in the bikini area.

Waxing the bikini zone at home

Waxing (waxing) is considered one of the most popular and most effective ways to remove unwanted hair from the female body.

This method of getting rid of hair has been used since ancient times. For example, the women of ancient Egypt used a viscous mixture to remove vegetation from their bodies. Also, hot resin was used in Russia.

Years have passed, and this procedure has experienced a number of changes and transformations. They began to make wax-based cosmetics that can save a woman from even the most dense vegetation on her body. Moreover, wax can be used for very delicate and sensitive areas. We are talking about the bikini area and the armpit area.

This procedure has a number of undeniable advantages:

Photoepilation of the bikini zone

  • ease of implementation;
  • low cost;
  • no side effects;
  • long-term result;
  • smooth skin;
  • the ability to wax hair removal at home.

Types of waxing for the bikini area

Before you do epilation of the bikini zone, it does not hurt to understand its main types. It is customary to distinguish between the following styles:

Deep waxing of the pubis and labia deserves special attention. It must be done very carefully to avoid getting the viscous mixture on the mucous membranes.

How to do waxing in the intimate area

For everything to go smoothly, correctly and without consequences, you just need to follow all the recommendations for this procedure. If you decide to wax with wax strips, in order for everything to go as it should, you must follow this sequence:

Also, epilation can be done with the help of wax and cartridges. Again, to do everything right, do the procedure in stages, following these recommendations:

  • put a special cartridge in and let it warm up;
  • after 20 minutes, turn off the power of the device;
  • wipe the bikini area with a towel or napkin and sprinkle powder or talcum powder on it;
  • run the wax melter along the leg in the direction of hair growth;
  • place the waxing strip on top and press it a little with your hand;
  • tear it sharply from the skin, always against hair growth.

You need to do epilation several times, until there is no unwanted hair left in the bikini area.

Removing marks in the bikini area

As you can see for yourself, waxing is quite easy to do. But after the end of the procedure, it is still necessary to take care that not the slightest drop of a sticky mixture remains on the skin. ? In order to remove residues, you can use various oils. Jojoba or avocado extract will do. But if neither one nor the other was at hand, you can use ordinary olive oil. All that needs to be done is to apply it with a non-cotton swab or napkin and carefully remove the remnants of the viscous mixture from the skin with gentle massaging movements.

After you clean your skin from the viscous mixture, you need to do an antiseptic procedure. Treat it with an antibacterial agent. You can then apply a moisturizer or anti-hair growth product, which will also help soften the skin.

Jojoba oil to remove wax residue

Before doing depilation in intimate places, you must carefully read all the contraindications to its use. Manipulation is prohibited when:

  • skin wounds or cracks;
  • gynecological problems;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • skin pathologies.

In addition to the above contraindications, there are also useful tips that will help reduce pain and reduce the risk of discomfort after the procedure.

Until recently, it was possible to get rid of excess hair in the intimate area on your own only with the help of depilation, that is, hair removal without destroying the follicles. Shaving and using depilatory creams can quickly and painlessly make the skin smooth, but, unfortunately, only for 1-3 days. Sugaring and waxing remove hairs for 3-4 weeks, but the procedure is accompanied by severe pain.

What is epilation? To obtain a more lasting effect, it is necessary not only to remove the hair from the surface of the skin along with the root, but also to destroy the follicle in which the hair originates, develops and grows. That is, if the complex system that feeds the hair root is destroyed, then not only the hair will die, but a new root will never form in this place. Thus, the skin will remain smooth for a long time.

When the components of the follicle are destroyed, the hair dies

Types and technique of hair removal at home

In professional salons for hair removal in the bikini area, laser and photoepilation are the most popular.

In the laser method, pulsed laser radiation acts on the surface of the skin. In the core of each hair is the coloring pigment melanin (the more it is, the darker the hair color). Melanin absorbs the energy of the laser beam, converts it into heat, and the hair body is heated to high temperatures. Under the influence of heat, blood vessels, nerve endings and other components that ensure the normal development and growth of the hair are destroyed. As a result, the hair stops receiving the necessary nutrition and dies.

Photoepilation acts on hair follicles in a similar way, only instead of laser radiation, a high-pulse light beam is applied to the skin surface.

Video: how it works

Until recently, it was believed that hair removal can only be done in beauty salons using professional equipment. But manufacturers have created portable devices that can be used at home.

The power of a home laser and photoepilator is much lower than that of a salon device. The manufacturers made sure that during the procedure no damage was done to the health of the consumer, in particular, the possibility of burns is excluded. Therefore, the result after home hair removal will last less than after salon services.

Photoepilators and laser epilators are similar to each other not only in principle of operation, but also in appearance

The effectiveness of the home procedure

According to manufacturers of devices for self-use, the effect of smooth skin in the bikini area will last for 6 months. However, this indicator is relative, since much depends on the physiological characteristics of the body (color, density, thickness of hair, their growth rate, etc.).

It should be noted that the darker the hair, the stronger the impact on it and its follicle of laser and light radiation.

It should be understood that it is impossible to get rid of all the hairs in the bikini area in one session. A laser or light beam can only remove hair that is in the stage of active growth, when there is access to all components of the follicle. If the hair is in the stage of dying or falling out, then a new hair will grow in its place.

The laser or light beam affects only the hair in the anagen phase

During one session, you can get rid of only 20-30% of the hair in the intimate area. The next procedure should be carried out after 2-5 weeks (it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body), when new hairs will be in the active growth phase. For complete hair removal, it will be necessary to carry out 6-8 procedures.

It has been established that already after 5 sessions, in 92% of women, the hairs stop growing in the bikini area, and in 78%, the skin remains completely smooth after 3 procedures.

When not to buy a portable device

There are a number of contraindications in which laser and photoepilation cannot be performed:

  • psoriasis, eczema or other skin ailments in the bikini area;
  • diabetes mellitus in decompensated form;
  • cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, ischemia, etc.);
  • CNS diseases (epilepsy);
  • cancerous tumors;
  • the presence of electronic devices in the body (pacemaker, insulin pump, etc.);
  • neoplasms in the treated area (warts, papillomas, moles);
  • wounds, scratches, cuts;
  • tattoos.

There are a number of relative limitations to the use of laser and light pulse hair removal. These include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • adolescence;
  • menstruation.

During the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding, the hormonal background of a woman is very unstable, therefore, the photosensitivity of the skin may increase. As a result, pigment spots can form on the skin. Therefore, a pregnant or lactating woman should consult a doctor and decide for herself whether to use a home epilator for hair removal.

Pregnancy is a relative contraindication to hair removal

Puberty is accompanied by a constant change in the set of hormones. And a necessary condition for obtaining a reliable result is the stability of the hormonal background. In adolescence, the body is in a stage of intensive development, and it may not adequately respond to epilation with the appearance of even more hair.

During menstruation, a woman's pain threshold is greatly underestimated, so laser removal and photoepilation, instead of tolerable tingling, can cause severe pain. It is better to postpone the procedure and carry it out for 5-6 days from the beginning of the cycle.

Possible consequences

If mistakes were made during hair removal with a laser or light beam or contraindications were ignored, then unpleasant manifestations are quite possible:

  • redness;
  • burning and burning of the skin;
  • dryness and peeling;
  • development of folliculitis;
  • skin pigmentation.

Preparing the skin before the session

If the skin of the bikini zone is properly prepared before the start of epilation, the effect will be maximum and no unpleasant consequences will appear:

  • 2 weeks before the procedure, it is necessary to abandon such methods of hair removal as sugaring and waxing. You can only use a razor. If the hairs are shaved, they will remain in the active growth phase, and “awakened” hairs will be added to them. Then, by the time of epilation, the amount of hair in the bikini area in the anagen stage will reach its maximum value. If the hairs are pulled out along with the root, then the subsequent number of procedures will have to be increased;
  • 14 days before the session, you should stop taking antibiotics, steroids and tranquilizers, because these medications increase the photosensitivity of the skin, as a result of which pigmentation may occur under the influence of a laser or light beam;
  • to avoid the appearance of burns, you can not sunbathe and visit solariums for two weeks before epilation. Ultraviolet rays increase the level of melanin in skin cells, so when a laser or light beam is applied to the skin surface, a burn may occur;
  • immediately before the procedure, the skin should be cleaned, dried and disinfected with an antiseptic (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, etc.).

What should be the length of the hair

The effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on the length of the hair. For laser hair removal, it should be 1–2 mm, and before photoepilation, the hairs should be completely shaved, i.e., their length should not exceed 0.5–1 mm.

If the length of the hair is longer than recommended, then the heat converted from the energy beam will be spent on heating the hair shaft. As a result, the temperature required for the destruction of capillaries and nerve endings will not reach the desired values.


The skin in the bikini area is highly sensitive, so during the procedure, pain may occur. To make the session more comfortable, it is recommended to initially anesthetize the treated area.

At home, Emla anesthetic cream is often used with two active substances - lidocaine and prilocaine, which act on nerve endings and block the impulse they transmit to the brain.

Emla cream can be used for deep bikini anesthesia

Emla cream can also be used in the deep bikini area, since this drug is widely used in gynecology during local operations.

Anesthesia is done as follows:

  1. Before applying the drug, it is recommended to steam the treated area. To do this, just take a hot shower or apply a hot towel to the bikini area for 10 minutes. As a result of this, the pores of the skin will open, and the active ingredients will more easily penetrate the skin layers.
  2. On clean and dry skin, apply an anesthetic in a thick layer so that the skin is not visible.
  3. Apply an occlusive dressing on top of the cream, which will prevent the evaporation of active substances from the skin surface and promote their better absorption.
  4. After 30–60 min. remove the application.
  5. Remove the remains of Emla with a dry cloth.
  6. Start hair removal with laser or light beam.

How is the procedure carried out

  1. First of all, it is necessary to determine the skin phototype. This can be done either using the palette of skin tones attached to the instructions or using the device itself if it has a built-in touch indicator. In this case, the device should be brought to the skin surface by the side where the sensor is located. The device will recognize the shade and suggest the optimal settings.
  2. Manufacturers recommend confirming the parameters selected by the device. More advanced users can manually set the mode.
  3. If a set of nozzles comes with a laser or photoepilator, you need to put on the device the one that is designed for the bikini area.
  4. Bring the device to the skin. After the flash, move it to the next area of ​​the body.
  5. Consistently process the entire intimate area. Treatment of the bikini area takes an average of 25-40 minutes.
  6. At the end of the procedure, a soothing agent (Panthenol, Bepanten) can be applied to the skin.

Video: an example of using a home photoepilator

After 5-14 days, the dead hairs in the treatment area will fall out. They can be shaved 2-3 days after the procedure to see how quickly new hairs grow.

Security measures during the session

Since the epilation of the bikini zone is associated with the use of a laser or photoepilator, there is a potential for harm to health if the procedure is not carried out correctly. To avoid this, certain security measures must be observed:

  1. Check if the device is working.
  2. Set the correct mode in accordance with the skin phototype, the color of the hairs, their thickness, otherwise either the hair will be inefficiently removed, or unpleasant consequences may appear on the skin in the form of burning or burns.
  3. Prepare the skin for the procedure, namely, clean and disinfect it in order to exclude the possibility of further infection of the skin and the development of inflammatory processes in the follicles.
  4. Do not treat the same area of ​​the skin more than once per session, otherwise there is a high probability of getting a burn.
  5. Provide competent care for the surface of the skin after the session.

Skin care after epilation

In order for the epilation of the intimate zone to give the expected result, and at the same time there were no unpleasant manifestations, after it is carried out, it is important to observe a simple, but very important care for the skin surface:

  • in the first 24 hours, it is recommended not to wet the treated area;
  • if the skin still has irritations, they can be removed with aloe vera. To do this, the leaf of the plant should be cut and lubricated with pulp on the skin surface 2-3 times a day;
  • the skin needs to be moisturized, because laser and light radiation dries out the skin. However, moisturizers can only be used 2-3 days after the procedure;
  • for the speedy restoration of the water balance of the skin, it is also necessary to observe the drinking regimen. It is recommended to drink 1.5–2 liters of pure water per day;
  • if new hairs have grown between sessions, they can be shaved off.

What not to do after the procedure

In addition to basic skin care, some restrictions should also be observed:

  • within 2-3 weeks, you should not expose the treated skin to direct sunlight or sunbathe in a solarium, otherwise dark pigment spots may appear on the bikini line;
  • the first 7 days you should not visit baths, saunas, pools, because there is a high probability of infection of the skin.

After the procedure for 2-3 weeks you need to forget about sunburn

Advantages and disadvantages of hair removal at home

All the advantages of using a home laser or photoepilator are determined primarily by consumers. Those who have already tried the action of the device note the following advantages:

  • long-term effect;
  • slight pain;
  • method safety. Do not be afraid of exposure, because the device is equipped with filters that delay dangerous light spectra;
  • the duration of the procedure is less than one hour.

However, it was not without drawbacks. Consumers call the following disadvantages of home hair removal with a laser or a light pulse:

  • devices affect only the hairs containing the coloring pigment. If there is gray or blond hair in the bikini area, they have to be removed in other ways;
  • unpleasant consequences may occur;
  • the need for a course of procedures;
  • significant list of contraindications.

Expert opinion

Professionals appreciate the fact that manufacturers have taken care of the safety of consumers and made devices with low power. At the same time, the effectiveness of epilation is much higher than that of other methods of hair removal at home (sugaring, wax, tweezers), and the pain is several times lower. In addition, laser or photoepilation, when choosing the right mode for the procedure, does not injure the skin at all, which is especially important for the bikini area.

Therefore, experts believe that the use of portable devices for hair removal of the bikini area today is the best way to eliminate hairs at home.

Home epilation of the bikini area has become a real procedure. It is much more effective than other hair removal methods. To get the maximum result and avoid unpleasant consequences, you should properly prepare for the procedure, observe safety measures during the session and properly care for the skin after epilation.

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With a razor. However, the effect of shaving does not last long - the treated area turns into a prickly hedgehog after a couple of days. In this case, irritation often occurs on the skin.

To get rid of annoying hairs in the intimate area for a couple of weeks, you should do bikini hair removal.

Using a bikini epilator

One of the most common ways to epilate the bikini area is to remove hairs by plucking with a special device. Modern epilators have many special attachments to reduce soreness. Among them are massage pads, cooling mittens, rollers for lifting hairs. Since plucking occurs against hair growth, a serious disadvantage of this method is their ingrowth into the skin. In addition, not every woman is able to do epilation of the intimate zone by this method on her own. This is due not only to severe pain, but also to the purely physical inconvenience of such a procedure.


A popular method of hair removal in the panty area is waxing. You can carry out the procedure at home with cold and warm wax (using special strips). To do this, they need to be warmed up in the hands, in a water bath or in a microwave oven (in accordance with the instructions), applied to the epilation area, stroked and torn off against hair growth. Their removal with wax occurs much faster than with the help of an epilator, however, the pain is not less, and often even more.

Hot waxing is less painful due to the fact that the pores expand when heated and the hairs come out somewhat easier. However, this procedure is not recommended due to the high likelihood of burns.

After wax procedures, ingrown hairs also appear, in contrast to the recently gaining popularity of shugaring.

Sugar waxing bikini

With sugar hair removal, the hair is plucked against growth, and therefore less damage is caused to the hair follicle. You can make your own sugar paste for shugaring or buy it. Doing shugaring at home is much more convenient than removing hair with wax. Therefore, if you do not want to seek help from a specialist, then it is better to do bikini hair removal using this method.

Creams and lotions for hair removal

You can also remove hair in the intimate area chemically. This method is very convenient to use at home and often does not bring pain. Depending on the selected cream, ointment, lotion, the result lasts from two to ten days. Removing excess hair is very simple - you just need to apply a special solution to the bikini area, hold it for a certain time in accordance with the instructions for use, remove it with a special spatula and wash off the remnants of the product. The downside of chemical hair removal is not always uniform hair removal; when using more gentle and inexpensive products, hard hairs remain in place. Also, good drugs have a significant cost.

Permanent hair removal in the bikini area

There are ways to remove hair for a longer period. Among them are laser, enzyme, electric, ultrasonic and photoepilation. All these methods allow you to get rid of hair in the zone, however, they require a lot of money and time, and they are not suitable for everyone.

During enzymatic epilation of the intimate area, special enzymes are applied to the skin under the influence of high temperatures, which destroy germ cells, after which the hair is easily removed with warm wax. This procedure is contraindicated in the presence of inflammation, neoplasms and similar diseases on the skin. Enzymatic bikini hair removal can be done mainly in large cities, since this method has not received wide distribution due to its high cost.

Electric hair removal is a special type of hair removal in the bikini area. The hair follicles are exposed to high-frequency current, after which the hairs are easily removed. For each hair, you have to spend from 20 to 60 seconds, and therefore this procedure requires a lot of time. From the first time, it will not work to stop the growth of unwanted hair, it will take about 6 procedures with an interval of one to two months. Electrolysis of the bikini area has many side effects: ingrown hairs, folliculitis, burns, hyperpigmentation, scars. In some cases, the follicle may wake up again. Current does not work on curly hair at all.

Laser epilation of the intimate area can only be carried out on dark hair. The follicles stop working only after a few sessions, therefore, having decided to permanently get rid of unwanted hair by this method, you should also stock up on patience and money. The list of side effects is significant. This is itching, swelling, redness, burns, hyperpigmentation.

Bikini photoepilation is carried out using impulsive light. During the procedure, the hair follicle is completely destroyed. The effect can be achieved after one or several procedures. Among the advantages, one can single out the painlessness of the method, as well as the ability to simultaneously clean large areas of skin from hair. But this method is not suitable for everyone, and is also quite expensive. It is impossible to carry out the procedure on tanned skin.

If you decide to do epilation of the bikini area with one of the methods listed, be sure to consult your doctor first.