How to twist cherry compote. Cherry compote for the winter - only the best recipes! How to roll cherry compote without sugar

Not a single housewife will refuse to conserve A simple recipe (and absolutely no difficulties are foreseen), the speed of preparation, and most importantly - a full guarantee against explosions are attractive to everyone. Especially since everyone loves it. There may be doubts about other fruits. For example, a gooseberry drink is sour and rather fresh, and raspberry or strawberry is rarely obtained with whole non-spreading berries (in connection with which it is preferable to make jam from them). And cherry compote is drunk almost immediately upon opening. Moreover, quarrels over berries happen!

How to roll up a wonderful compote of cherries for the winter: a simple recipe, but careful preparation

In order for the workpiece to be unambiguously successful, it is necessary to follow simple, but well-defined rules.

  1. Cherries must be carefully sorted. Broken, bursting, crushed berries are ruthlessly set aside - you can even put them into dumplings. Unripe or too small specimens are not suitable for seaming.
  2. It is advisable to select cherries in compote, in which the tails are not torn off: the stalks are torn off immediately before laying in the jar, so the juice will not be lost, and bacteria will not penetrate through the hole.
  3. When cherry compote is closed for the winter, a simple recipe instructs to leave the bones in the berries. With this approach, the latter remain tight and beautiful. But compote will be stored no longer than a year; if the bones are taken out, it will not deteriorate even all three.
  4. After washing, the water from the cherries must be carefully drained. Usually, the berries are left in a colander for half an hour with occasional shaking.
  5. Banks for compote are washed thoroughly; whether to sterilize them or not depends on the specific recipe.
  6. Cherry is "friends" with any berries, fruits and even vegetables (with zucchini you get a very original compote). But experienced housewives advise combining it with pale berries - cherries, gooseberries, etc.

Fast and hassle-free

Even an inexperienced housewife can roll up the simplest cherry compote. Moreover, simple does not mean tasteless: it will turn out fragrant, ruby ​​​​color and resistant to storage. The only simplicity is that such cherry compote is made without sterilization, which greatly simplifies life and speeds up the process. Berries are packed in clean containers. It is not necessary to sterilize them before. Cherries should occupy half the volume, a maximum of two thirds. To avoid unnecessary voids, they are shaken when pouring. Pure water is boiled, poured into jars flush with the upper edge of the neck, the dishes are covered with clean lids and left for a third of an hour. Then the water is drained back and boiled again, and sugar is poured into the jars (a glass for a three-liter bottle). They are again filled with boiling water, immediately twisted, turned over and hidden under the covers. After cooling, the cherry compote is stored in the pantry or under the bed - it does not need coolness.

Rich taste

There is another way to roll cherry compote for the winter - a simple recipe, but for the patient. The beginning of its implementation is similar to that described above, but after pouring boiling water, the berries are left for half a day to infuse. Then the water is drained, supplemented with sugar in the same amount, syrup is boiled. Already they are filled with containers, after which they are closed. They are cooled in the same mode as in the previous recipe.

Compote on syrup

You can do without pre-filling with boiling water. In this case, the washed cherries are scalded before being packaged in jars, and the syrup is boiled immediately (proportions of water and sugar: two and a half liters per three hundred grams). The dishes are filled with boiling dressing, immediately sealed and sent to cool, as in other canning methods.

Fragrant Recipe

It is useful for those who are afraid that simple methods will not give long enough storage. Fruits are laid out in bottles, poured with steep syrup (half a kilo of sugar per liter of water), flavored with a pinch of vanilla or a few cloves - this will turn out to be a surprisingly fragrant cherry compote. Sterilization is carried out in the usual way, about half an hour per three-liter. If you prefer smaller dishes, then reduce the time to twenty minutes.

Cherry Apple Joy: Version #1

Cherries are combined with any other fruits and berries. However, compote of apples and cherries has almost the highest taste harmony. For the winter it can be closed in several ways. For those who are not lazy, who are not afraid of pasteurization with sterilization, the following recipe is suitable:

  1. Fruits are washed well and get rid of tails. If the apples are small, you can use them whole. But the seeds can give a specific taste, so it is better to cut the apples into quarters and remove most of the seeds.
  2. Cherry with apples mixed in is placed in cylinders.
  3. An incomplete glass of sugar is poured into each and boiling water is poured “under the neck”.
  4. The jars will be sterilized for three quarters of an hour - this is due to the high density of apples.

Version #2

On the one hand, the recipe is simpler - there is no sterilization in it. On the other hand, it is longer, since it requires preliminary processing of apples. Cherry is immediately packaged in the right amount in the dishes, poured with boiling water and strained from it after a quarter of an hour. Cherry-flavoured water is poured into a large saucepan, sugar is poured into it and apple slices are put in. After about seven minutes of boiling, they are laid out with a slotted spoon to the cherries, the syrup is boiled again and poured. Received for the winter rolls up, turns over and turns warm until it cools.

Juicy compote

A very interesting recipe for which you don’t even need sugar. True, it is feasible only if you have a lot of cherries. Part of it is poured into cylinders, juice is squeezed out of the bulk. They are filled with packaging, and the jars are pasteurized (a quarter of an hour - liter, twice as long - "three rubles") at 85 ° Celsius. Even tastier if you combine cherries with the juice of wild berries, for example, blueberries.

step by step recipe with photo

A simple recipe will allow you to prepare cherry compote as quickly as possible and without sterilization, only at the first pour you need to properly warm up both the jar and the berries.

The taste of cherry juice is so rich that it does not need any additions, but if you wish, you can add a couple of clove inflorescences or a pinch of cinnamon to the compote. A slice of lemon will help preserve its rich color.

The fragrant ruby ​​drink will be an excellent base for jelly, any dessert drinks, punch or mulled wine, which are great help to pass the winter evening, and cherries from it will definitely wait for their cakes.


For a 1 liter jar you will need:

  • 350 g cherries
  • 120 g granulated sugar
  • 600-650 ml hot water


1. We clean the washed cherries from cuttings and seeds using fingers, a pin or a special device. Rinse a 1 liter jar and pour peeled berries into it.

2. Boil water in a saucepan and pour it into a jar, placing a knife, a wooden board or a spatula under the bottom of the container so that it does not burst. Cover the jar with a lid and let it rest for 10 minutes.

3. After the specified time, change the tin cover to a plastic one with drain holes and drain the water back into the pan. Let's boil again.

4. While the water is heating, pour granulated sugar into the jar. You can optionally add a little ground cinnamon or vanilla sugar.

5. Pour boiling water into the jar again. This method of preservation is called double filling. Sometimes they use triple filling, but we have pitted cherries, which means they are less dense.

6. Cover with a scalded lid and immediately roll up with a conservation key. Do not forget to check the tightness of the closure by turning the jar upside down. If everything is in order, the container with compote can be sent for storage. If you are used to placing blanks under a blanket, let the jar cool in it and then move it to the pantry.

In winter, a cup of cherry compote incredibly cheers up, and sometimes you can drink the whole jar in one sitting! That's how delicious cherry compote turns out without sterilization.

Note to the owner

1. The original "adult cake" is made on the basis of berries from such compote. 7–10 days before the culinary process, they are removed from the jar with a slotted spoon, squeezed lightly and poured with good vodka without a pronounced alcohol smell, brandy or rum. Be sure to keep cool and covered. Then the alcohol is filtered off - and the filling is ready for a magnificent biscuit, in which the middle is cut out in the form of a bowl. The trimmings are finely chopped, mixed with any light cream, or even just with whipped cream, and cover the cake with a picturesque slide. The name of the dessert is due to the base ingredient - "Drunken Cherry".

2. In order not to offend young gourmets, you also need to concoct something special for them. They will certainly like cherry mannik, made from the remains of porridge. With it, you need to mix a handful of fruits from this preservation, introduce gelatin diluted in the traditional way and protein turned into foam. The heat treatment is steamed in a gauze bag - details can be found in the recipes for the classic Old English pudding, and in general this delicacy will be very reminiscent of it. It is unsweetened, so a good idea is to wash down the steam manna with the compote remaining in the jar.

3. Children will name the most delicious afternoon snack a cold vitamin soup: a spoonful of cooled rice, a liquid diluted with mineral water from a homemade cherry preparation, plus a few berries from it.

There is nothing easier than cherry compote for the winter, recipes for this vitamin and refreshing drink are available for preparation even for novice housewives. The simplest compote is made from berries, water and sugar, for more interesting recipes you will need other fruits and spices.

To make the cherries give a lot of juice, we pierce them with a toothpick

Such blanks do not require mandatory sterilization, i.e., keeping the jar in boiling water before rolling. This greatly simplifies the process of preparing drinks. Some housewives still do not refuse sterilization, since boiling water treatment allows you to destroy all harmful microorganisms. It is enough to pour the berries with hot water, then drain the resulting syrup, bring it to a boil again, pour into containers and close with metal lids. Compotes rolled up in this way cost a year, or even a couple of years.

If it is decided to do without sterilization, then it is still necessary to prepare containers before laying berries. There are several processing methods:

Sterilization of compote from prepared cherries is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Place a rag or wire rack at the bottom of a large saucepan.
  2. Jars with ready-made contents are sent to the pan, cold water is poured so that it closes a third of the cans.
  3. The water is brought to a boil. Sterilize 3-liter containers with compote for 20-25 minutes.

At the end, they are rolled up with sterile lids and sent for storage.

  • Why turn over cans after rolling?

It's so easy to spot a leak. If the drink has leaked out, the jar needs to be opened, poured into a saucepan, boiled for 10 minutes, then rolled up again. Such a compote will be stored no worse than usual.

Recipes for hostesses:

  1. Cooking. It is unlikely that any drink can boast such a bright color that persists throughout the entire shelf life.
  2. Delicious: recipes with ingredients for a 3-liter jar, classic assorted options, tips for novice housewives.
  3. How to prepare several jars of delicious to diversify tea drinking with homemade cakes.

Secrets of delicious cherry compote

Cherry compote is popular because of its rich and pleasant taste. To make cooking as simple as possible, and preservation always turns out delicious, you need to know a few secrets:

Traditional recipes with bones without sterilization

Preservation does not take much time to prepare. If you want to get a sweeter drink, increase the amount of granulated sugar.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • 300 g of cherries and the same amount of sugar;
  • 2.7 liters of water.

The raw materials are washed, freed from tails, placed in sterilized jars, covered with sugar on top. Pour the contents with boiling water so that it completely covers the berries. Cover the container with lids, leave for 10 minutes. The water remaining in the pan is brought to a boil again, the jars are poured to the neck, rolled up with sterilized lids. Containers with cherry compote are turned upside down, wrapped in a blanket.

300 g cherries and the same amount of sugar

After complete cooling, the workpiece can be returned to its normal position, sent for storage in a dark, cool place.

Cherry compotes prepared with seeds can be stored for up to 1 year.

Another way to roll compote without sterilization:

  1. Water is mixed with sugar, sent to the fire. Heat, stirring, so that the grains dissolve faster.
  2. Peeled berries are sent to prepared jars, poured with boiling syrup, left for 15 minutes.
  3. The sweet liquid is poured back into the pan, boiled again. Cherries should be left in jars.
  4. Pour the containers with syrup, immediately roll up.

Video: a recipe for busy housewives, perfectly stored.

The easiest recipe with bones

All berries are thoroughly washed from debris. Damaged and wormy fruits are not suitable for compote.

For a three-liter jar you will need:

  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 0.5 kg of fresh berries.

Easy Cherry Recipe:

Berry mass can be cooked in a saucepan. It is enough for cherries to boil for 10 minutes. To avoid overcooking, the fire is slightly reduced. Sugar is added after removing the pan from the stove. After 10 minutes, everything is poured into jars, rolled up.

Seedless recipe in liter jars

Before preparing a drink, the collection is freed from the stones. They are conveniently removed after a small incision in the berry. Modern housewives prefer to use special machines. The extraction process is quite laborious, but such a drink is stored longer.

To prepare for 1 kg of fruit take:

Fill the prepared liter jars with berries completely. Syrup is boiled from water and sugar, poured into containers. Sterilize them in boiling water for 10-12 minutes and seal immediately.

Unusual assorted recipes for winter

Cherry is delicious both on its own and in combination with other berries and fruits. You can experiment indefinitely, combining different flavors of fruits, spices. For cooking, they use not only vanilla and cinnamon, but also allspice, cloves. Gourmets prefer to add a little mint, currant leaves.

4 peas of allspice, a pinch of vanilla, 4 cloves are usually put on a liter jar. Spices are added to boiling water, the mixture is infused for several minutes, then everything is removed, filling the berries with fragrant syrup.

How to make a jar of berry compote from cherries and raspberries?

For winter, when immunity is weakened, colds attack, practical housewives prepare drinks with raspberries. If the variety is sweet, reduce the amount of granulated sugar in the recipe.

Raspberries should be less than cherries, otherwise the cherry taste of the drink is lost.

Step by step preparation:

Drink with gooseberries and currants

To brew a delicious fruit and berry drink, prepare for a 2 liter container:

  • 100 g of red currant and gooseberry, 200 g of cherry;
  • for cooking syrup 1.8 liters of water, 0.3 kg of sugar.

The fruits are sorted, cleaned of debris, washed and dried. Currants can be left on the branches. Well, if the gooseberries are a little unripe, this will keep them from cracking when pouring boiling syrup. Fruits can be layered or mixed.

Boiling syrup is poured over the contents of the jars. After 10 minutes, add the missing amount of sweetness. The containers are corked, turned over to cool, sent for storage.

Video: frozen cherries for drinks.

apples and cherries

Before preparing a delicious compote of cherries with apples, all fruits must be thoroughly washed. If you close soft varieties of apples in jars, the drink will turn out to be more saturated and fragrant.

For 3 liters add:

  • 0.5 kg of sugar,
  • 0.5 kg of apples,
  • 0.3 kg of cherries.

Apples are cut into 4 parts, moved to a colander, kept over boiling water for 15 minutes. Then the fruits are doused with cold water. Sugar and water are boiled in a separate saucepan, fruit and berry mass is poured. The containers are sterilized for at least 20 minutes, rolled up, sent under the covers until cool.

Cherry preparation is good in summer as a refreshing drink, in winter it is ideal for fortifying the body. Compote is served with pancakes, pies and other sweet pastries.

Cherry compote for the winter can be prepared even for those who are just trying their skills and abilities in preparing healthy berry-fruit. Cherry is considered a versatile addition to culinary dishes and recipes. The berry gained popularity and demand due to its rich color and a pleasant combination of sour and sweet taste. The drink is prepared from fresh, dried or frozen fruits - so you can enjoy the taste of this excellent all year round.

Cherry compote recipe for 3 liters

The variety of recipes for fragrant cherry compote for the winter is amazing. There is both a traditional one, which is prepared for a 3-liter jar, and more sophisticated ones in terms of choosing a composition.

Advice! Compote can be cooked with or without the addition of sweet syrup - everything is decided based on personal preferences and skills.


  • 2 tbsp. fruits;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 1 st. sugar (optional)

Wash the crop thoroughly, remove the seeds. Then the prepared berries should be moved to a clean bowl up to half. Pour boiling water up to the neck. Record 10 minutes. After the time has elapsed, pour the liquid into another container, sugar and turn on the fire. Remove the sweet syrup from the stove after boiling and pour over the berries again. After that, you should immediately roll up the jars, turn them over and cover with a blanket or blanket.

Frozen cherry compote

Owners of their own garden or garden plots often make preparations for the winter and freeze fresh fruits. Compote of frozen pitted cherries does not differ in taste from a fresh drink, so at any time you can prepare a delicious drink for the winter for the whole family.


  • 1 kg of frozen berries;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 1 st. Sahara;

Pour water into a saucepan, sugar, boil. It is not necessary to defrost the workpiece in advance. Pour the berries into boiling water and boil again. After that, boil them for several minutes. Cover and let steep 10 minutes. Roll into banks.

Cherry compote with seeds for the winter

You can cook compote from berries with or without seeds. There are no strict guidelines in this matter, however, it should be remembered that drinks with a stone will have to be consumed within a year. Soak the base for several hours beforehand. All ingredients in this recipe are designed for two 3-liter jars.


  • 3.5 kg of ripe berries;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;

The berries should be washed well and carefully sorted out, leaving only ripe and whole cherries. Fill prepared containers halfway with fruits. Then you should add water, sugar to the pan, turn on the fire and boil. Leave to boil for 30 minutes. Pour the prepared syrup over the berries in containers.

Important! In this case, it is important to be careful, otherwise the bank can easily burst. To prevent this from happening, the container must be slightly warmed up. Boiling water is poured in the center, without touching the walls.

Roll up jars with sterilized lids, place upside down on the floor and cover with a blanket. Keep until completely cooled, this is necessary to sterilize cherry compote.

Cherry compote with cranberries

Cherry goes well with other berry or fruit platters, which allows you to give free rein to your imagination and experiment freely by adding other fruits to the drink.


  • 500 g cranberries;
  • 500 g cherries;
  • floor st. Sahara;
  • 3 liters of water;

Remove pits from cherries and sort cranberries. Then pour water into the pan, turn on a strong fire and boil. Drop sugar. After boiling, pour the fruits into the pan and bring to a boil again. Cook compote for the winter for 10 minutes. Pour into clean bottles and roll up.

Compote of apples and cherries

Ripe berries and juicy plum apples - this wonderful combination exists especially for true connoisseurs of taste. In such a drink for the winter, you can add fragrant cinnamon or a sprig of mint - there are no culinary barriers. For cooking according to this recipe for the winter, apples of any variety are suitable.


  • ½ kg of ripe fruits;
  • 2 kg of apples;
  • one st. Sahara;
  • 2 liters of water;

Prepare container and sterilize. Rinse berries and fruits thoroughly. Peel the cherries with a special device or manually. Peel apples, cut into slices, remove pits and core. Place the prepared fruits in a saucepan, pour water and boil. As soon as the water boils, set the timer for 30 minutes and boil over low heat, adding sugar.

Pour the finished compote for the winter into sterile containers, roll up with a machine. Turn the containers over and place them on the floor, covering them tightly with something warm. Leave until the drink has completely cooled down.

Cherry and strawberry compote

In search of exquisite taste, you can cook compote from berries and strawberries for the winter. If the workpiece turns out to be sugary-sweet, it can be diluted with drinking water. So the drink for the winter will turn out even more.


  • ripe strawberries;
  • juicy fruits;
  • 1 st. Sahara;
  • cinnamon and cardamom optional

Peel the strawberries from the leaves, carefully sort out the cherries. Place the fruits in a colander, rinse well under water. Place the kit in equal proportions into the prepared clean containers, filling the container up to half. Pour the dishes with boiling water, leaving a little space for granulated sugar.

Cover and leave for 10 minutes so that the base is well steamed. Pour water from cans into a saucepan using a special lid with holes. Add sugar and wait until it boils. Pour the syrup back into jars and roll up. Turn the compote over for the winter and cover tightly, leaving it like that for the whole day.

Dry cherry compote

The recipe for a drink from dried berries for the winter is extremely simple, despite the fact that not everyone knows how to cook compote from dry cherries in a saucepan. This drink contains a minimum of calories.


  • 2 tbsp. dried fruits;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • Art. Sahara;

Soak dry cherries in warm water for half an hour. Then pour it into a saucepan and turn on a strong fire. Wait until it boils and boil for 10 minutes. Then sugar. Turn off the fire, cover and let it brew. Pour into bottles, turn over and wrap tightly. Endure the day.

Cherry and currant compote

A duet of ripe cherries and red currants is a well-known berry combination for making compote for the winter. Despite the simplicity of the recipe, this preparation has a unique taste and pleasant aroma. For cooking, you can use both red and black currants. According to this recipe, you can judge how much to cook cherry compote.


  • 2 tbsp. berries;
  • 500 g of red currant;
  • 3 art. l sugar;
  • 2.5 liters of water;

Carefully sort out the fruits, eliminate overripe or spoiled. Currants can not be peeled from twigs, but added to the compote. At this time, you can put the bottles in a water bath and sterilize. It is necessary to place the fruits in the prepared dishes, pour boiling water almost to the top. Cover and leave for at least half an hour.

Pour the infused water into a saucepan again, turn on the fire and boil. Pour sugar into the container and pour boiling water again a second time. Then you should roll up the bottles and do the standard procedure: turn over and wrap in warm. Wait for the drink to cool completely for the winter.

How to make cherry compote without sterilization

To significantly speed up the process of preparing a healthy composition of cherries for the winter, you can do without sterilization and brew the drink in another way. This is a cherry compote recipe for two 2-liter jars.


  • 2 kg of ripe fruits;
  • 1 st. Sahara;
  • 3 liters of water;

First you need to wash the bottles with a solution of soda. Heat the jars in the oven or over a water bath. Carefully sort out the fruits, remove the seeds (if necessary). Pour water into a large saucepan and wait until it boils. Place prepared cherries in clean jars, filling them by a third. Then the container should be filled with boiling water to the very top and left for half an hour.

Next, you need a special lid with holes so that you can easily drain the water. Sweeten the liquid poured into the pan with sugar or fructose. Wait for a boil. Pour the prepared syrup back into the bottles with berries and immediately roll up the lids. Put the jars on the floor, turning them over and covering them with a blanket. More information on how to close a cherry drink for the winter without sterilization in this video:


Cherry compote for the winter will brighten up even the coldest evening, reminding with its taste of unforgettable summer experiences. When cooking, it is important to follow the recipe and observe important nuances that relate to the proper sterilization of containers. You can diversify vitamin preparations for the winter with other berries and fruits. Harvested cherries should not be stored for a long time, as the result may be a wine drink.

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Compote is preserved from cherries for the winter, jam is made and cherries are made in their own juice. Cherry canning winter will be a real find.

Delicious, sweet compote quench your thirst. Cherries in their own juice suitable for various pastries, dumplings. Cherry jam Great option for winter tea.

The article gives proven recipes for cherry compote, jam, cherries in their own juice, frozen cherries for the winter.

Delicious cherry compote without sterilization. Easy to prepare, a refreshing drink will come out.

Ingredients: fresh cherries, sugar, water.


On the three-liter jar you will need 500 grams of cherries, 250 grams of sugar, 2.5 liters of water.

Sort cherries, wash. Wash and sterilize jars and metal lids.

Arrange the cherries in jars, add sugar, pour boiling water halfway. Cover with lids and leave for 10 minutes to melt the sugar.

Add boiling water to the top, roll up the lids. Turn jars upside down and cover until completely cool. Store the drink in the basement.

Ingredients: cherries, sugar.


Wash and sterilize jars and lids. Sort and wash cherries. Pour cherries into jars, about 1 kg each.

Pour boiling water into jars with cherries to the top, cover with lids and leave for 30 minutes, infuse.

Drain the water from the jars into the pan, add sugar (700 grams per 3 liter jar, in winter I mix the compote with water, it doesn’t affect the taste much - I do this to save space and jars, if you don’t mix, add 300 grams of sugar per 3 liter jar). Stir and bring to a boil. Ready syrup pours jars with cherries and roll up the lids.

Turn the jars upside down and cover, leaving to cool completely. Compote can be stored in a pantry at room temperature.

Such canned cherries are suitable for baking muffins, pies, cakes. For conservation, you need a little sugar.

Ingredients: cherries, sugar.

Wash and sterilize the jars (I have half a liter). Pour cherries 1/4 of the way into jars. Then fall asleep 1 tbsp. l. into each jar on the surface.

Again a layer of cherries and a layer of sugar, repeat to the very top. It took me 3 tbsp for a jar. l. Sahara.

Cover the jars with lids and sterilize for 15 minutes (liter for 20 minutes).

We take out the jars and roll them up with lids, turn them over until they cool completely.

Compotes, jelly are cooked from such cherries in winter, dumplings with cherries are molded. Add to cakes, and various pastries.

Properly and quickly cooked cherries in their own juice retain more vitamins than jam or jam.

Ingredients: cherries - 1.5 kg., sugar - 1 kg.

Cherry in own juice recipe

Wash and sterilize jars and lids. Wash and sort the cherries well, remove the seeds.

Cover jars with lids and sterilize in a saucepan with water for 15 minutes.

We take out the jars and roll up the lids. If the sugar has not melted completely, put the rolled jars on their side and twist around the table until the sugar has completely melted.

Turn jars upside down and leave to cool.

Video - Cherries in their own juice with sugar for the winter

This recipe is suitable for baking pies and for tea. Tasty and fragrant cherry jam for the winter - popularly called a five-minute.

Ingredients: cherries - 1 kg., sugar - 1 kg.

jam recipe

Sort and wash the cherries, remove the seeds. Place in a non-stick pan. Sprinkle the cherries with sugar and leave for 1 hour to let the juice flow.

We put the pan on the fire, as soon as it boils, cook for 5 minutes, removing the foam. Remove the pan from the heat and leave the cherries for 3-5 hours, cover with a towel.

Cook again for 5 minutes after boiling, insist 5 hours. So repeat 3 times.

Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars and roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down, wrap with a blanket, leave to cool completely.

Video - Seedless cherry jam

For the winter, you can freeze pitted cherries in the freezer. Probably the fastest recipe for harvesting cherries for the winter. Cherry does not lose its taste and useful qualities. Such cherries are suitable for making pastries, dumplings, compotes.

Ingredients: cherries - 1 kg., sugar - 100 g.

frozen cherry recipe

Wash and sort ripe cherries well. Remove the bones, sprinkle with sugar. Pour the cherries with sugar into a bag and put in the freezer.

In winter, get the required amount and cook various dishes.

Video - How to remove (pull out, take out) pits from cherries?

Here are such simple and proven recipes for canning cherries for the winter.