Dried waterproof mascara than to dilute. How to dilute dried mascara

Mascara is decorative cosmetics with the shortest shelf life. A month after opening the bottle, the product begins to lose its properties. For dense thick textures, professionals use special solvents, but you can extend the life of this tool at home - on your own. We will tell you how to dilute mascara so that it is safe for the eyes.

Causes of dry mascara

The first versions of eyelash dye contained mineral and vegetable oils, petroleum jelly, and wax. The oily base evaporated slowly, so the mascara could be used for a long time. The tool of this format was packed in a briquette.

A tube filled with mascara is called a brasmatic. Modern variations are made mainly on a water basis. They are more liquid, easier to apply, less likely to cause irritation. But the shelf life has been significantly reduced, such paint begins to dry out after the first month of use. It contains more than 55% liquid solvent, which gradually evaporates. As a result, only dry pigment remains in the bottle.

Less often you can find mascara based on paraffin and wax. If these ingredients are indicated in the composition, the dried product can be restored to working properties using a water bath.

The main cause of drying is air entering the vial. This is unavoidable even with careful use, and the quick pushing movements of the brush in the tube accelerate evaporation.

After opening the vial, the shelf life is six months. In fact, the product is usable for a couple of months. By this time, the paint becomes dry, stains the eyelashes worse and crumbles. The service life of cosmetics depends on several factors:

  • Compound;
  • Intensity of use;
  • Storage conditions;
  • Remaining shelf life from date of manufacture.

When buying a product, pay attention to the date of manufacture. From its moment, no more than 1/3 of the expiration date should pass. Ideally, the bottle should be sold in individual packaging - a plastic film or a cardboard box with a sticker. This ensures that after production it has not been opened and no air has entered.

What funds are allowed to be added to dry mascara

The diluent must be safe for the eyes and skin of the eyelids. Major cosmetic brands produce special products that can bring dried mascara, cream shadows or eyeliner back to life.

They come in the form of a solution, gel or silicone and oil drops.

At home, you can restore dried paint using natural oils, herbal infusions or pharmacy products.

Substances in cosmetics (lotions, micellar water) and mascaras can enter into an unpredictable chemical reaction. If you experience burning or other eye discomfort when applying diluted eyelash dye, remove makeup immediately. The tube should be thrown away.

Effective ways to restore dried mascara

Mascara can easily be made liquid using homemade water- or oil-based solvents. Industrial products are made on the basis of silicone and mild surfactants. After adding the substance to the bottle, close it tightly and shake well several times.

Hot water

Pour hot water into a bowl, and then put a tightly closed vial there. After ten minutes, the product will heat up, become more liquid.

Cons of a water bath - a short-term effect. After 1-2 applications, the paint dries again.

Reception is suitable for thickened, but not dry carcasses. If the product is almost dry, use other methods to restore.

Do not use boiling water as the plastic packaging may warp.

Eye drops

This is one of the cheapest and safest ways to restore the creaminess of your mascara. Ophthalmic products are made on the basis of purified water, soothing and moisturizing ingredients, which makes this method safe.

Application: drip 2-3 drops into the bottle, shake well and let stand for 2-3 hours.

Use neutral moisturizing drops. The composition should not contain hormones and antibiotics. Vasoconstrictor drops are also prohibited.

Eye makeup remover

Any makeup remover works by dissolving makeup particles on the skin. You can use this property to restore the carcass. A classic makeup remover or micellar water will do. One bottle will require 3-4 drops of makeup remover.

Do not use biphasic options or micellar water with oils. The product will exfoliate and a precipitate will appear.

Facial tonic or lotion

It is best to use products that contain glycerin. It is a moisturizing and softening component that does not adversely affect the technical characteristics of the carcass. The tonic should not contain alcohol and essential oils - they irritate the eyes and thin skin of the eyelids. Also, there should be no acids, retinol, vitamin C. Depending on the density of the lotion, 3-6 drops of the product will be required.

Infusion of strong tea

A few drops of tea leaves will not spoil the quality of the cosmetic and will significantly improve its consistency. Tea has antibacterial properties - for inflammation of the eyes it is used in the form of compresses.

Liquid for storing contact lenses

Means for contact lenses pass ophthalmological control and do not pose a danger to the eyes and skin of the eyelids. It is enough to add 5-7 drops of liquid to the bottle. One of the advantages of this method is the presence of antibacterial components in the lens fluid. For moisturizing action, hyaluronic acid is often included in the composition.

Do not neglect the dosage, as contact lens fluid contains cleaning surfactants, which, if in excess, can cause eye irritation.

Castor or burdock oil

Castor oil is used to restore eyelashes - the hairs become longer, thicker and darker. Burdock oil is known as a remedy for strengthening hair roots. These oils are also used to remove makeup - they dissolve even waterproof cosmetics. Using them, it is easy to renew completely dried mascara.

With an excess of oil, cosmetics roll off and become unusable. In order to accurately comply with the norm, you will need a pipette. One small drop is enough for a bottle.

It is advisable to preheat the oils a little in a water bath.

How not to dilute mascara

Not every liquid is suitable for restoring old paint. There are substances that women often use as a solvent, but they are extremely dangerous for eye health. In no case do not repeat such mistakes, pity your eyes. So, bad list:

Alcohol-containing products

It is forbidden to use products containing alcohol. These include perfumes, alcoholic beverages, rubbing alcohol, and other liquids. The substance will dissolve mascara well, however, if it comes into contact with the eyes, it can cause burns to the skin or eyeball.


This is a good breeding ground for bacteria, so the mascara will go bad quickly. The smell will change and the product will exfoliate. In addition, saliva evaporates quickly. The product will re-dry after the first application.

Hydrogen peroxide

An aggressive agent that causes eye irritation and dryness of the skin of the eyelids. In addition, when interacting with the bacterial environment, peroxide begins to release oxygen bubbles. The consistency of the carcass may become heterogeneous - lumps will appear, delamination will begin).

Vegetable or olive oil

These oils are not suitable for diluting eyelash dye. They quickly oxidize and provoke stratification of the product. Dense oils make the texture of the product creamy, but liquid olive and sunflower oils do not mix well with dry pigment and do not completely dissolve it.

Tips to help extend the shelf life of your mascara

Last update was on: 22.01.2020 18:09

In order for the mascara to retain its properties for more than two months, follow the recommendations:

  1. When using, cover the neck of the tube with a silicone cap or your finger. The access of oxygen to cosmetics speeds up drying. The same technique is suitable for eyeliners.
  2. In the store, choose fresh mascara, from the date of production of which no more than six months have passed.
  3. A common tip for volumizing your lashes is to apply a layer of powder on them and then use mascara. This is an efficient way. However, particles of powder that have settled on the brush spoil the quality of the product and shorten its shelf life. The same applies to mascara bases - they include cellulose fibers.
  4. If the paint does not stain the eyelashes well, try rinsing the brush thoroughly with running water, and then pick up a new layer of the product.
  5. Do not expose cosmetics to temperature extremes. At home, store the vial at room temperature, away from direct sunlight. It is advisable not to carry the product in your purse and do not leave your cosmetic bag in the car.
  6. If the paint has changed smell or exfoliated, it should be discarded - even if the expiration date is normal!
  7. Pick up the product on the brush without sudden movements, gently lowering it to the bottom of the tube. This will allow less air to enter the bottle.


Thickened paint can easily last a few more weeks. Now you know how to reanimate with budgetary funds. Everything you need can be found in the kitchen, dressing table or pharmacy. The solvent for cosmetics must be safe for the eyes and not spoil its characteristics. Follow our recommendations, prolong the "life" of cosmetics and be beautiful!

Dried mascara is a problem that is probably familiar to every woman who uses cosmetics. As a rule, after a month - another use (or even earlier), when there is still a lot of mascara in the bottle, its quality ceases to satisfy. It becomes too thick, viscous, does not fit well on the eyelashes, or even leaves lumps. So, you need to reanimate it, make it again convenient for application. Consider the methods used for this.

thermal effect

This method of returning mascara fluidity and uniformity is used by many women. But it is good only if there is enough paraffin in the composition of the carcass. For water-based mascara, the product is practically not effective. It is often difficult to determine this on your own, especially if the composition is not indicated on the bottle itself, and the box in which it was bought has long been thrown away.

For resuscitation, you need about half a glass of hot water. It is in the water that the tightly closed vial is lowered by the part in which the mascara is directly located. If the water is hot, 30 seconds is enough for the mascara to become more liquid and wonderfully lay on the eyelashes. In warm water, you need to hold a little longer: 2 - 3 minutes.

Advantages of this method:

  • Its simplicity and accessibility;
  • The consistency of the mascara really gets better;
  • It is not required to add third-party ingredients inside the tube, which is always a risk;

The disadvantage is that you will have to repeat this procedure often, perhaps even every time.

Use of liquids

Whatever they try to dilute the mascara to make it more convenient to use. Consider first the most harmless methods that are really worth using.

  1. The liquid in which the lenses are stored. Those who have tried this method claim that it is perhaps the best: the mascara manages to make it pleasant to apply for a long time, it does not change its properties. In addition, it does not develop unnecessary flora that can harm the eyes. But it is more suitable for those who use contact lenses. It is not rational to buy this liquid specifically in case “maybe it will come in handy”.
  2. Drops of the "artificial tear" type. Most often, dried ink is also well reanimated. In addition, for those who use a computer a lot and often, these drops are a must to maintain visual acuity. That is - many people have them and they are beneficial in addition to the fact that they can be dripped into bottles with brasmatic.
  3. Alcohol-free face tonics. This should be stated on the tonic bottle itself. If in doubt, then you need to take a tonic for dry skin - it definitely does not have alcohol in its composition. These tools do an excellent job of diluting the carcass.
  4. Vegetable oils. The method is not bad, but not suitable for everyone, many do not like it: the mascara can float, smear, become viscous and poorly applied. In addition, olive or sunflower oil may contain bad microorganisms that can cause inflammation of the eyes. Therefore, if you decide to use the "oil" method, the best oils for this are: castor, burdock, peach kernels, almond, jojoba. They, among other things, have a therapeutic effect on eyelashes: they contribute to their growth and density.

Solvent quantity

Be mindful of the amount of fluid you use. Most often, only a few drops are needed - literally 2 - 3, in case of severe drying - 4. After adding (as well as during eyelash dyeing), in no case should you act as a brasmatic like a piston. This leads to the injection of excess air filled with microorganisms, and, moreover, it contributes to the rapid drying of the carcass. It is necessary to turn the brush inside several times, gradually pulling out and “screwing in”, then leave the tube for several hours in a horizontal position, and you can use it.

risky ways

Let us also recall the well-known methods that are better to refuse, since the benefits from them are doubtful, and harming yourself is quite real. Further eye treatment will cost much more than buying a new mascara.

  • Own saliva. It would seem - what is easier: spit on the brush, and normally paint over the eyelashes. Maybe you can use it - but only once before you throw away the brasmatik. There are so many microbes in saliva that it is better not to risk it.
  • Boiled (mineral, purified) water. Not the best solution, primarily for the reason that mascara, diluted with water, crumbles very quickly, spoiling the whole impression of carefully made makeup.
  • Spraying perfume (cologne, eau de toilette) into a bottle is an effective, but very risky way. These liquids most often contain alcohol. And this is fraught with a burn of the mucous membrane if the mascara gets into the eyes.

Therefore, use only safe methods of resuscitation of your brasmatic and do not use it after opening for more than six months.

Can you dilute mascara at home? Of course. In this article, we will talk about dilution methods and consider their main advantages and disadvantages. It is important to note that all methods will help if the mascara has not expired.

How to dilute mascara?

How to dilute dried mascara

Before diluting mascara, pay attention to its composition. If paraffin is present among the components, then the closed vial must be lowered into a container with hot water for 10 minutes. This simple procedure will help restore the carcass to its original consistency.

If there is no paraffin in the composition of the carcass, then it can be diluted with plain boiled water. However, this method has a couple of drawbacks:

Suitable only for those who do not have allergies;

Water causes irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye;

Lumps form, or mascara becomes too liquid;

After a while, the water evaporates, and the ink becomes thick again.

Before dilution, it is necessary to boil and cool the water. Then add it to the mascara with a pipette to the desired consistency, then remove and store in the refrigerator. By the way, instead of boiled water, it is better to use distilled or mineral water, as they are purified from various impurities.

It can also be diluted with eye drops. For this, tools such as Vizin or Oftagel are suitable. They relieve irritation and eye fatigue, and also have antimicrobial properties.

Contact lens fluid will help to cope with dried mascara. It does not cause allergies, so it is suitable for sensitive eyes. The chemical composition of the liquid and tears is almost identical. However, the opposite effect should not be ruled out when contacting lens fluid with mascara.

It is necessary to dilute the mascara with a make-up remover very carefully, as it provokes irritation, redness and an allergic reaction. Using this method, choose mascara and make-up remover from the same manufacturer. Give preference to those products that do not contain alcohol in their composition.

Mascara is one of the most essential tools for everyday makeup. With its help, the eyelashes become longer and thicker, and the look is more expressive. But, like any product, over time it loses its original properties, dries out, and it is impossible to use it. If the mascara has dried up, and there is no extra money or time to buy a new one, then you can try one of the ways to restore it at home.

Causes of drying

Before reanimating the mascara, you should understand the reason why it dried up. It could be:

  • Expired or nearly expired. The average life of eyelash products is three months, no matter how often you use it. By the end of this period, it ends and dries up, in which case it is useless to use any restorative methods, and it is better to simply throw away such a remedy so as not to harm your eyes.
  • Failure to comply with storage conditions also contributes to a reduction in the service life. If the tube was periodically exposed to direct sunlight, near hot objects (for example, stoves or batteries), or, conversely, was at too low temperatures, it is not surprising that the original properties of its contents have changed.

  • Incorrect use. The component that additionally contributes to drying is air. You should not pull the brush out of the tube with sharp movements, jerks, and also do not put it back, no matter how much time is left before the exit. The brush should be carefully unscrewed and also carefully screwed into the bottle, thereby minimizing the amount of oxygen entering inside. Also, do not forget to close the bottle tightly and do not leave the mascara open for a long time, otherwise it will dry out very quickly.
  • Poor neck shape. Before buying a product, carefully look at the diameter of the hole for the brush - the narrower it is, the less air will enter the tube and, therefore, the longer it will last.

Previously, there was a theory in everyday life, according to which, if you remove the mascara limiter from the tube, then it will last longer. This legend has nothing to do with reality for several reasons. Firstly, having released the bottle from the limiter, it will be difficult to use the mascara, since the excess amount on the brush will need to be manually removed with a napkin. Secondly, the absence of a narrow limiter will lead to an increase in the amount of air entering the tube, which, on the contrary, will lead to an even faster drying of the product.

In what cases can dried ink be reanimated?

If the reason for the drying of the carcass is not the expiration date, then it is quite possible to try to return it to its original properties and dilute it. After all, the reason for drying lies in the evaporation of moisture, and therefore, in order to save the carcass, they are trying to restore this moisture. It should be noted that the methods presented below are intended mainly for single use and if the mascara dries again after one of the restoration methods, then there is nothing more to do with it, except to throw it away and buy a new one.

Effective ways to recover at home

There are several ways to restore dry or old mascara. Before using any of the solvents, it should be remembered that it must be non-allergic and clean so as not to harm the eyes.

Before embarking on restorative procedures, carefully study the composition of the carcass, since it depends on which method is suitable. Depending on the composition, the agent may be:

  1. Based on paraffin or wax. In such a case, the best way is to use hot water as a medium to heat the tube.
  2. Water based. Here are safe ways that can restore water balance: distilled water, soothing eye drops, lens fluid, make-up remover, hot tea.
  3. Waterproof mascaras. They cannot be restored with water, as this contradicts the very name of the remedy. For products of this type, heating, adding a remover for waterproof cosmetics will help.

Let's take a closer look at these methods:

Hot water

Water is the very first dilution agent that comes to mind. As you know, it is a universal solvent, therefore, by adding a couple of drops to the tube (it is better to do this with a pipette so as not to overdo it with the amount of water), closing it tightly and shaking it well, you can achieve a good effect. But it is worth remembering the nuances associated with its use:

  • this method is contraindicated for waterproof and alcohol-based mascara due to their special composition;
  • plain water contains many bacteria, which can adversely affect the condition of the eyes. Therefore, it will be better to use distilled water;
  • when diluted with water, the consistency of the product is likely to be heterogeneous, with lumps, and applying it can be uncomfortable;
  • water evaporates pretty quickly and soon the mascara may become even thicker than it was, then it will definitely have to be replaced;
  • shortly after applying plain boiled water, the carcass may develop an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of swamp mud.

Before adding water, study the composition of the mascara on the bottle. If paraffin is present in it, then it will not be difficult to revive it - just put the tube in hot water for a few minutes - the paraffin will melt, and the mascara will again be suitable for use.

Eye drops

Eye drops are one of the safest methods for the eyes, as their composition is specially designed for contact with the mucous membrane of the eye. It is necessary to distinguish between the purpose of a drop - drugs or hormones are often added to the therapeutic composition, so they should not be used. And moisturizers, for example, "Vizin" or "Artificial tear", will perfectly be able to renew the dry composition and will not harm the eyes and skin around them even after long contact. Carefully look at the expiration date of a drop after opening the package - for some companies it is no more than two weeks.

Lens fluid

Lens fluid, like drops, is one of the safest means with which you can not worry about the effect that a diluted product will have on your eyes. Just carefully study its composition - new brands can add cleansers or lubricating components, they can harm the skin and eyelashes. Its only drawback is that it is not available in every home, but only in those who, accordingly, use contact lenses, so this method is not available to everyone.

Strong tea

No matter how strange it may sound, strong tea can refresh old mascara, and besides, unlike the same liquid for lenses, it is available to everyone. Just add a couple of drops with a pipette into the bottle or dip the mascara wand into the tea itself (previously rinsing it well), then close the tube tightly and shake. The main thing in this method is to use only natural black leaf tea, without the addition of flavorings and other chemicals, since it is not known how this will affect the eyes. And in no case do not add sugar - this is a solution that is favorable for the multiplication of many types of bacteria and, in addition, it will glue the eyelashes.

Eau de toilette or perfume

Favorite perfumes can also act as a reducing agent if they are made on an alcohol-free basis, since alcohol will have a very bad effect on the condition of the eyes and can lead to burns. Spray 1-2 times into the tube and shake well. Apply the resulting mascara carefully, avoiding contact with the eyes and skin around the eyes, and do not keep it on the eyelashes for more than three to four hours.

Castor, almond or burdock oil

Safe way to dilute: add a drop of castor, almond, burdock and some other oils. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the consistency will become viscous, and the mascara will leave marks on the eyelids and under the eyes.

Eye makeup remover

Eye makeup remover is also a good option for mascara that has become too thick. You can use different types - cream, tonic, milk, it is only desirable that the mascara and the product have the same manufacturer, and that there is no alcohol in the composition, of course. This method has several advantages - it will not harm the eyes, it will extend the life of the mascara up to several weeks, and it is suitable even for waterproof mascara.

Milk or facial cleanser

Facial cleansing milk or cream, as well as eye makeup remover, can effectively bring mascara back to life. Here you can give some advice: choose a product that does not cause allergies and does not contain alcohol, and do not overdo it with the amount so as not to get too liquid product.

Please note that mascara can only be diluted in one of the above ways, they cannot be combined - for example, using lens liquid on one day, adding eye makeup remover on the other, and black sweet tea on the third. And, if possible, you should not breed it more than once - it is better to buy a new one.

When applying any restorative agent, it is very important not to overdo it with the dosage - most often, the reason that the mascara has irrevocably deteriorated is the addition of too much water or an eye drop.

It is also important to remember that for various reasons, it is possible that none of the above methods will help bring mascara back to life. It depends both on its composition and on the characteristics of storage and use. In this case, you just have to throw it away without regret - she served as much as she could.

What can't be bred?

In addition, in order to know how to dilute mascara that has thickened, it is also important to know how it should not be diluted in any case, since you can inadvertently harm yourself. Prohibited breeding methods:


Saliva is a complex biological compound that contains many bacteria and microbes that are not compatible with the eye environment. Therefore, even if someone says that you can wet the brush with saliva and nothing will happen, you should not believe it. Such carelessness can lead to conjunctivitis and other eye diseases.

Alcohol-based products are good solvents, but in this case it is absolutely impossible to use them - they will lead to allergies, irritation, redness of the eyes and other problems. It will also negatively affect the eyelashes - will lead to increased loss.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is the most dangerous carcass thinner and should never be used. If it gets into the eyes, it can cause severe burns, inflammation of the eye ducts, and even lead to a decrease in vision.

Vegetable oil

The consistency of the oil will cause the mascara to clump and become unusable. In addition, the oil will stick the eyelashes together, and the mascara will flow, and you still won’t be able to make up your eyes beautifully.

How to extend the service life?

Sooner or later, any cosmetic product ends, and mascara is no exception. To use its capabilities to the maximum and not throw it away ahead of time, you need to know some simple secrets that can extend the life of your favorite product:

  1. When picking up mascara on a brush, you should not drive it back and forth in a bottle, otherwise, excess air will enter inside, which will lead to early drying.
  2. Open and close the tube carefully, twisting and twisting movements, in a spiral - this will also protect against air ingress.
  3. After staining the eyelashes, close the package tightly. Also monitor the condition of the neck: over time, carcass residues accumulate on it, which can interfere with tight closure - they can be easily removed with a cotton swab.
  4. Observe storage conditions. Do not leave it in the open sun and near very hot objects, protect it from sudden changes in temperature in winter. The optimum temperature is from 5 to 25 degrees Celsius.
  5. Check the condition of the brush. Periodically, dust or dried particles of carcass may collect on it, so it must be washed.
  6. If you pry off the ring to remove the remnants of the carcass on the neck, then you can also find a certain amount of funds there, which can be very helpful in an emergency.

Women color their eyelashes to make their eyes expressive and alluring. At the same time, almost everyone is faced with the fact that at first the mascara thickens, and dries out over time. It often happens that there is still enough product inside the tube, but it is no longer possible to make up the eyelashes. In order not to throw away your favorite cosmetics, we suggest learning how to “reanimate” it, especially if the expiration date indicated on the tube is not coming out soon.

Agree, your favorite mascara always dries up at the most inopportune moment. It is clear that you can always buy a new one, but what if there is an important meeting ahead, but there is simply no time to run to the store? We will tell you how to dilute dried mascara and save you from wasting money.

How not to dilute mascara

In fact, there are not very many methods for diluting mascara, but even fewer are those that are considered safe for eyelashes and the health of your eyes. To begin with, we propose to find out how NOT to dilute mascara:

  1. Saliva. As you know, human saliva contains many bacteria that cannot be useful for the microflora of the eye.
  2. or cologne. Perfumery compositions are not designed to interact with the eyes, therefore, they often cause allergic reactions, redness and swelling of the eyelids.
  3. Cognac or alcohol. If you don't want your eyelids to itch and become inflamed, don't use this method!
  4. Vegetable oil. Mascara diluted with oil will spread over the skin, as a result of which the makeup will lose its attractiveness, and the drawn arrows will spread. By the way, in one of our articles you can learn how to draw correctly.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide. This method is fraught with burns of the mucous membrane of the eye.

Some facts about mascara

Did you know that a long time ago women used soot mixed with oil as their mascara? Ancient Roman women dyed their eyelashes with a product made from crushed lead, but after cases of blindness began to increase, mascara was forgotten for a long time.

In ancient writings, recipes for the preparation of mascara were found, based on the product of burning trees of different species, resulting in eye makeup with various shades. The recipe based on burnt grape seeds was recognized as the best.

In the Middle Ages, the carcass was not remembered, and it returned to use only at the beginning of the 20th century. It was then that movie stars began to use it, which led to a general fashion for an expressive and charming look among ordinary women.

In the days of the USSR, mascara in tubes was not available to most women, so everyone used Leningradskaya, which was sold in a cardboard box. To apply it, it was enough to moisten a rectangular piece of mascara and use a plastic brush to thickly make up the eyelashes. In fairness, it should be noted that the Leningrad ink was a completely safe and environmentally friendly product, which simply has no analogues on the modern market.

Even if you are minimalist when using cosmetics, normal makeup without the use of mascara is almost impossible. And now we will tell you how to make a full-fledged product from a dried product.


The use of water is considered the most popular method of diluting dried carcasses, because it is available and cheap. But even here there are "pitfalls":

If you use water, it is better that it be distilled. But if only boiled is at hand, it will do in case of emergency. In order not to pour in too much water, do it with a syringe or pipette, constantly monitoring the process.

By the way, water can be used not only inside the tube. You can dilute the mascara, if it has thickened, with the help of “water baths”. If the product is based on paraffin, dip the tightly closed tube into a container of hot water for 15 minutes and shake well.

Eye drops

This tool is considered effective and completely safe. Naturally, neutral drops such as Vizin or artificial tears should be taken as a diluent. To get moisturized mascara, just drop a small amount of eye drops into the tube and shake well. Such a tool practically does not cause allergic reactions and is able to dilute even waterproof brasmatik. Make sure that the drops do not contain hormones!

Liquid for care of contact lenses

Like eye drops, the solution in which the lenses are stored prevents the occurrence of allergies. However, given the specific composition of the liquid, one should be careful with its use and strictly control the dose! Mix lens fluid with a couple of drops of distilled water to avoid possible problems.

Strong freshly brewed tea

Yes, don't be surprised! It is fresh sugared black tea that is added to the tube to dilute the mascara if it is dry. You will get a more pronounced effect if you dip a brassmatic brush into the liquid with tea.

Lotion or eye makeup remover

An alcohol-free eye makeup remover is considered ideal for diluting mascara. But if there is a small amount of them, then nothing terrible will happen, just make sure that there is no allergy.

Almond oil or castor oil

It takes only 1-2 drops of almond oil or so that the brasmatik begins to dye eyelashes normally again. But make sure that the product does not become too oily, otherwise it will spread.

There is another method that not everyone knows about. Each mascara tube has a so-called "reserve" that fits snugly against the inside of the body. It is a ring on the neck of the tube, with which excess paint is removed. If your mascara is completely dry, pry off the spare with nail scissors and remove it. As a result, a certain amount of mascara will appear inside the tube, which can be used.

The average shelf life of mascara is about 3 months, and it does not matter whether you use it or not. If the tube is not tight, the product begins to dry out and thicken. Ideally, thickened mascara is thrown away and a new one is bought, and the old product is “revived” only in case of emergency. Take care of your eyes and be beautiful!