We pickle cucumbers for the winter: crispy, spicy, with pepper and onion. Crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter

Well, tell me, who does not love spicy, spicy, crispy pickled cucumbers? Who has not yet hidden the best and the recipe for their preparation for the winter in jars, passed down from generation to generation? Every housewife sooner or later finds such a recipe and harvesting juicy vegetables for the winter turns into a wonderful tradition, as well as their use on holidays in salads, as an appetizer or just a delicious addition to a hearty lunch or dinner.

Crispy pickled cucumbers are loved by both adults and children. Their main secret, of course, is to make homemade canned food natural and tasty. They use both their own cucumbers from the country harvest, and store-bought ones, but always the freshest ones. After all, where does the crunch come from a sluggish old cucumber.

Today I will tell you about recipes for making very tasty pickled cucumbers with a must-have attribute - a sonorous crunch!

Step-by-step recipe for making crispy pickled cucumbers - blank with vinegar

What is the main difference between pickled cucumbers and salted ones? That's right, in that they are poured with a marinade of spices, salt, sugar and, of course, vinegar. Vinegar in such a recipe becomes the most important preservative, the one that prevents the cucumbers from spoiling, and the dominant note in taste.

I know that there are big fans of pickled cucumbers who have such a love for this type of canning solely for the spicy sour taste.

The second most important ingredients after vinegar are aromatic herbs and spices, as well as other vegetables and even berries that decorate the taste of cucumbers and make it recognizable.

The most common recipe that can rightfully be considered basic is crispy pickled cucumbers with herbs from the garden and garlic.

To prepare these cucumbers you will need:

  • fresh cucumbers of small or medium size - 1 kg,
  • fresh dill - 2 umbrellas or small bunches,
  • blackcurrant leaves - 4-6 pieces,
  • horseradish leaves - 1 piece,
  • garlic - 4 cloves,
  • black pepper - 6 peas,
  • allspice - 8 peas,
  • cloves - 2 sticks,
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt - a tablespoon,
  • vinegar 9% - 8 tablespoons or vinegar essence 70% - 2 teaspoons.

This number of cucumbers fits in two liter jars. All spices and herbs are calculated per liter of marinade. Approximately as much marinade is required to preserve crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter.

Only small cucumbers no more than 12-13 centimeters are suitable for pickling; set aside large specimens for pickling. Always check the elasticity of the vegetables and the thickness of the skin. Too thin and tender skin, which is easy to pierce with a fingernail, will not crackle in the end.

Cucumbers for pickling must necessarily be with pimples and a uniform dark green color, without yellow spots and buttocks. Yellowness indicates that the cucumbers lacked moisture during the growth process. Crispy pickled cucumbers will not work out of these either.


1. Thoroughly wash the cucumbers that you are going to pickle in advance. Make sure they are fresh with no signs of spoilage and do not have wilted soft sides.

Pour cucumbers with cold water and leave to soak for 4 hours. In an ideal situation, especially in the summer heat, the water must be changed, if it is warm, back to cold.

2. Wash all the leaves and herbs for the marinade. Prepare the spices as needed.

3. Sterilize jars and lids. There are many ways to do this:

  • put the jars upside down over a pot of boiling water using a special lid with holes,
  • warm the jars with a little water in the oven,
  • boil jars with a little water in the microwave.

I use the latter method because it is very simple and fast. You just need to wash the jar of baking soda, then pour about 1-2 fingers of water into it and put it in the microwave for 3-4 minutes. The water in the jar should boil actively for a couple of minutes, the rising steam will sterilize the glass. As my husband says: "nothing will be left alive."

The main thing is to take them out carefully, because they will be extremely hot. Use pot holders, mittens and towels.

Lids are sterilized by boiling in a ladle of water. Five minutes of boiling is enough.

4. Aromatic herbs, leaves and spices are placed in prepared and slightly cooled (so as not to burn your hands) jars.

Place 1 dill umbel (or small bunch) in each jar. Divide the leaves of blackcurrant and horseradish in half. Also, two cloves of garlic in each jar and peppercorns the same amount. In fact, all spices are divided into two jars equally. For what? So that the marinade and cucumbers in two different jars have the same taste.

5. Now the fun part. Did you love Tetris as a child, as I loved it? Why Tetris? Yes, because it is the turn of cucumbers to take their place in the banks. To do this, they need to be expanded as tightly as possible.

Never use crooked cucumbers for pickling. This Tetris will be too difficult. Good even cucumbers must first be placed vertically so that the maximum amount fits. And then lay horizontally on top. If necessary, cucumbers can be cut into pieces to fill the entire space of the jar.

Crispy pickled cucumbers should fill the jars as much as possible.

6. Boil a kettle or pot of water. Then pour boiling water over the cucumbers laid in the jar to the very top. Right on the edge of the bank.

Boiling water will sterilize cucumbers and herbs. Leave the jars for 15 minutes with boiling water inside.

7. Prepare the marinade. To do this, pour a liter of water into a separate saucepan, put salt, sugar, pepper and cloves in it.

Place the saucepan on the stove and bring to a boil while stirring. Salt and sugar should be completely dissolved. Let it simmer for a couple of minutes and remove from heat. Immediately add the vinegar to the marinade.

8. Once the marinade is ready, drain the boiling water from the cucumbers and replace it with the marinade. Fill it in exactly the same way along the very edge of the jar. The marinade should be enough to fill both jars.

Once filled, close with lids. If you use twisted ones, then wrap them as tightly as possible to the maximum of your strength. If there are special thin caps for seaming, then keep a seaming tool on hand and roll it right there.

9. Once twisted, turn the jars upside down and place on the lids. Check with a tissue or finger to see if liquid is leaking at the neck. If it leaks, then it is urgent to replace the covers with new ones. To do this, you can sterilize more lids than cans. Spares never hurt.

Wrap the inverted jars in a thick thick blanket and leave to cool in this form until they are at room temperature. This will take at least a day, so immediately think of a place where your jars will stand until they cool and will not interfere with anyone.

After a day or two is better. Check the jars again for leaks and calmly put them in the ripening cabinet.

Delicious crispy pickled cucumbers will be ready after a while, and they are best consumed in winter. Bon Appetit!

Crispy pickled cucumbers in liter jars with currant berries

Another interesting pickled cucumber recipe that I discovered a couple of years ago. I really love it when cucumber marinade is prepared with the addition of a variety of flavors. She herself experimented with berries, vegetables, spices. I liked the recipe with blackcurrant for its unusualness. And it also came in handy when, along with cucumbers, the berry crop ripened in the country. If you have the same situation, then be sure to try preparing crispy pickled cucumbers with currants.

To prepare 1 kilogram of cucumbers you will need:

  • fresh cucumbers - 1 kilogram,
  • garlic - 4 cloves,
  • greens or dill inflorescences - 2 umbrellas or small twigs,
  • black currant leaves - 2 leaves,
  • cherry leaves - 4 leaves,
  • blackcurrant berries - 4 sprigs,
  • hot red pepper in pods - 1 pc,
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs,
  • fragrant peppercorns - 4 pcs,
  • carnation - 2 pcs,
  • table salt rock - 2 tablespoons,
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tablespoons,
  • vinegar 9% - 8 tablespoons (80 grams).

How to cook crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter:

Since in the first recipe I described in great detail almost all the steps for pickling cucumbers, in this I will do it more briefly so as not to repeat myself. After all, a lot of things will have to be done exactly the same.

1. First of all, soak the cucumbers in cold water. It is this process that will help them become elastic and crispy later, even after a long pickling in jars. We pickle cucumbers for the winter, so we will not eat soon.

Pour cold water over cucumbers and leave for at least 3 hours.

2. Sterilize jars well washed with baking soda. For 1 kg of cucumbers, 2 cans with a capacity of 1 liter will be required. If there are more cucumbers, increase the number of jars and marinade components proportionally. So for two kilograms of cucumbers, multiply all the numbers by 2.

Sterilization can be done quickly in the microwave. Just pour about 100 grams of water into a jar and put it in the microwave for 3 minutes. The water will boil and sterilize the cans.

3. Put spices in ready-made jars. In each jar, put: 1-2 cloves of garlic, a currant leaf, two cherry leaves, a red hot pepper ring, a sprig or dill inflorescence, a bay leaf.

4. Lay cucumbers on top of the herbs. This is done with the highest possible density. The bottom row of cucumbers is placed vertically. And the top is filled with cucumber slices, even if they are small rings. Put currant berries on top, 5-8 pieces per jar (that is, one branch). You can also put another small sprig of dill on top. So crispy pickled cucumbers will turn out even more fragrant.

5. Boil water in the kettle and immediately after turning it off, fill the jars with cucumbers to the very top. Cover with lids that have been sterilized in boiling water. (put a bucket of water on the stove and let the lids boil in it for a few minutes). Let it brew for 1-0 minutes and drain the water.

6. Repeat pouring cucumbers with boiling water for 10 minutes. But after the second filling, do not pour out the water, but carefully pour it from the cans into a large saucepan. From this water we will prepare the marinade. The aromas of cucumbers, herbs and currants are now mixed in it, and the color has become slightly pinkish due to the berries.

7. Pour salt, sugar, pepper and cloves (that is, all remaining spices) into the marinade water and mix. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Let it simmer for a couple of minutes, then remove it from the stove and add the necessary amount of vinegar to the marinade. Attention! Do not boil with vinegar, it is added at the end.

8. Pour the finished hot marinade into jars with a large ladle. The liquid should cover all the cucumbers to the edge of the jar.

9. After that, immediately close the lids. Twist them very tightly and turn the jar upside down. Check the edges of the jar near the lid, there should be no leaking water. Now put all the jars together and wrap them in a blanket. In this form, they should stand for a day or even more until the banks cool completely.

After that, the jars can be cleaned in a dark place, such as a closet, and stored until winter. In this form, crispy pickled cucumbers do not spoil for a very long time, and when you open them, you will definitely like the result.

Eat to your health!

Recipe for crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter without sterilization

Traditionally, I share a video recipe, which I also used when preparing cucumbers. It will help you understand the whole process more clearly. In this recipe, there is no need to sterilize jars and lids for harvesting cucumbers. This may be helpful to you.

As you can see, the principles of harvesting are very similar. The difference will be mainly in how much extra flavor your crispy pickles will get, depending on what spices and herbs are added to the marinade.

Pickled cucumbers with chili ketchup - an original and very tasty recipe

  • bay leaf - 2 pieces,
  • allspice - 4 peas,
  • garlic - 2-4 cloves,
  • black pepper - 6 peas,
  • salt - 1 tablespoon,
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • vinegar 9% - 70-80 gr (7-8 tablespoons).
  • Cooking:

    The preparation of such pickled cucumbers is quite standard, with the exception of the marinade. Therefore, for a more detailed description, you can go to the beginning of the article to the first recipe.

    1. Pour cleanly washed cucumbers with cold water and leave for 3-4 hours.

    2. Sterilize the jars in your favorite way. (you can also read about this in the very first recipe, I share my proven method).

    3. Prepare the marinade. To do this, pour water into a saucepan, then add salt, sugar and chili ketchup. Mix well and let it boil. After 2-3 minutes of boiling, remove from heat and pour in the vinegar.

    4. Put the bay leaf, garlic and pepper in the jars, dividing the spices equally between the jars.

    5. Then lay the cucumbers very tightly.

    6. Now pour the cucumbers in jars with a very burning, freshly boiled marinade. The marinade should not have time to cool. It will be red in color and crispy pickled cucumbers will look like they are cooked in tomato juice.

    7. Hot jars, immediately after pouring the marinade, must be tightened with lids or rolled up (depending on what you use), turn over and put on the lids. Check the tightness of the jars. Wrap with a blanket and leave for a day to cool completely.

    The result will please you very much. Bon Appetit!

    Spicy cucumber salad for the winter is a great appetizer that stimulates the appetite, they are served with strong alcoholic drinks, used as side dishes. They can be eaten with bread. They are varied in taste.

    Preparing such salads is quite simple, cooking is available even to the hostess without culinary experience. However, they are very low budget.

    Cucumbers for spicy salads prepared for the winter should be cut as thin as possible - so they are more fully saturated with marinade, and the dish will turn out tastier.

    The selection contains the main layouts of salads. They can be easily diversified by supplementing with other vegetables - cabbage, eggplant, squash, seasonal vegetables.

    In the given recipes, the sterilization time for the blanks is 15 minutes. This is the time during which half-liter jars are sterilized. If the jars are larger, the sterilization time is increased.

    How to cook a spicy cucumber salad for the winter - 15 varieties

    A salad prepared according to this recipe will remind you of summer with its fresh aroma.


    • Cucumbers - 2 kg.
    • Garlic - 1 head
    • Onion - 4 pcs.
    • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
    • Salt - 2 tablespoons
    • Mustard - 2 tablespoons
    • Vinegar - 4 tablespoons
    • Ground black pepper - on the tip of a knife
    • Dill - 10 gr.


    Peel cucumbers. Cut into small pieces. Onion - chop. Cut the garlic into slices. Finely chop the dill.

    Mix ingredients. Leave overnight to extract juice.

    Before laying the salad, the jars are prepared - they are washed with a warm soda solution at the rate of 1 liter. water spoon table soda. Scalded with boiling water and sterilized in an oven at 100°C. Metal lids are prepared in the same way.

    Arrange the prepared salad in jars.

    Sterilize in boiling water, roll up, wrap warmly, leave to cool in a warm place upside down.

    The salad turns out to be quite spicy, which reminds many of the summer heat.


    • Cucumbers - 1 kg.
    • Garlic - 4 cloves
    • Hot chili pepper - 1 pc.
    • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
    • Sugar - 1/3 dessert spoon
    • Salt - 1 dessert spoon
    • Sunflower oil - 4 dessert spoons
    • Vinegar - 4 tablespoons
    • Onion - 1 pc.


    Peel cucumbers. Cut into circles. Cut the onion into rings, bell pepper into slices, chop the chili and garlic.

    Mix all salad ingredients, arrange in jars.

    Sterilize in boiling water for 15 minutes. Then close.

    Delicious salad that perfectly diversifies the home menu.


    • Cucumbers - 4 kg.
    • Chopped garlic - 3 tablespoons
    • Sugar - 1 cup
    • Salt - 3 tablespoons
    • Mustard powder - 2 tablespoons
    • Vinegar - 1 cup
    • Sunflower oil - 1 cup
    • Ground black pepper - 2 tablespoons
    • Ground red pepper - 1 tablespoon
    • Onion - 1 pc.


    Peel cucumbers. Cut into strips lengthwise. Onion cut into half rings. Mince the garlic.

    Mix all the ingredients of the salad, let stand for four hours.

    Arrange the salad in jars, pour over the juice and sterilize for 15 minutes.

    Then roll up.

    Such a salad can not only be served as an appetizer, but also used to prepare a pickle.


    • Cucumbers - 2 kg.
    • Garlic - 100 gr.
    • Sugar - 100 gr.
    • Salt - 4 tablespoons
    • Vinegar - 4 tablespoons
    • Sunflower oil - 100 ml.
    • Onion - ½ kg.


    Peel cucumbers. Cut into circles. Cut the onion into half rings, chop the garlic.

    Put the prepared vegetables in a bowl, mix with the rest of the ingredients and set aside for three hours.

    Arrange the salad in jars, pour over the resulting juice and sterilize by boiling for 15 minutes. Then roll up, let cool wrapped and put in storage.

    This salad can be served both as an appetizer and as a side dish for meat.


    • Cucumbers - 3 kg.
    • Zucchini - 2 pcs.
    • Garlic - 5 cloves
    • Sugar - 100 gr.
    • Salt - 1 table spoon
    • Vinegar - 200 ml.
    • Water - 3 glasses
    • Sunflower oil - 100 ml.
    • Carrots - 4 pcs.
    • Tomato puree - 200 ml.
    • Ground black pepper - table spoon
    • Onion - 2 pcs.


    Cucumbers cut into circles, mix with salt and set aside for two hours.

    Cut the onion into quarter rings, zucchini - into cubes, chop the garlic, grate the carrots.

    Drain the juice extracted from the cucumbers.

    In a saucepan with water, mix spices, salt, vinegar, sugar and tomato puree. Add prepared vegetables and cook until boiling.

    Arrange the salad in jars and sterilize in boiling water for 15 minutes.

    Roll up.

    Spicy cucumber salad for the winter "Teschin language" without sterilization

    This type of salad got its original name for its spiciness.


    • Cucumbers - 3 kg.
    • Hot pepper - 2 pcs.
    • Sweet pepper - 4 pcs.
    • Tomatoes - 1 ½ kg.
    • Garlic - 100 gr.
    • Salt - 2 tablespoons
    • Vegetable oil - 1 cup
    • Vinegar 6% - ½ cup
    • Sugar - 100 gr.


    Cucumbers cut into circles, pass the rest of the ingredients through a meat grinder.

    Mix and cook for 30 minutes. after boiling.

    Add vinegar 5 min. before the end of cooking.

    Arrange the finished salad in jars, roll up, wrap up and put, turning over, in a warm place.

    When preparing spicy salads for the winter, you can use citric acid instead of vinegar. To replace 70% of vinegar essence, dilute one tablespoon of dry citric acid in 2 tablespoons of water. To get a replacement for 6% vinegar, dilute a teaspoon of citric acid in 22 tablespoons of water, 9% vinegar - a teaspoon of citric acid in 14 tablespoons of water.

    This salad is perfect as an appetizer for strong alcohol. It can also be used as an additional ingredient for other salads.


    • Cucumbers - 1/2 kg.
    • Garlic - 3 cloves
    • Dill - ½ bunch
    • Parsley - ½ bunch
    • Salt - 1 teaspoon
    • Vinegar - 4 tablespoons
    • Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons
    • Hot pepper "light" - 1 pod
    • Onion - 1 pc.


    Cut the cucumbers into circles, cut the onion into rings, slice the garlic, greens, "light" - chop very finely.

    Cucumbers, onions, herbs, garlic mix, salt and water with vinegar.

    At the bottom of the jars, put pepper, pour oil and put the salad.

    Sterilize in boiling water for 15 minutes.

    Roll up, wrap up, put away for storage in a day.

    The salad will appeal to those who like the aroma of celery.


    • Cucumbers - 12 pcs.
    • Mustard seeds - 2 tablespoons
    • Sugar - 200 gr.
    • Salt - 3 tablespoons
    • Celery seeds - 1 teaspoon
    • Apple cider vinegar - 600 ml.
    • Chili flakes - 1 teaspoon
    • Onion - 3 pcs.


    Chop the cucumbers, finely chop the onion.

    Mix the ingredients (vinegar ½) in a saucepan and put on a very low heat for half an hour.

    Drain the resulting liquid and again sweat for 5 minutes.

    Fill jars with lettuce and sterilize for 10 minutes.

    This is a savory and at the same time satisfying snack, and the released juice can be used as a gravy.


    • Cucumbers - 2 kg.
    • Sugar - 100 gr.
    • Suneli hops - 2 teaspoons
    • Salt - 1 table spoon
    • Coriander - 1 teaspoon
    • Vinegar - 100 ml.
    • Sunflower oil - 100 ml.
    • Hot pepper - 3 pods
    • Tomatoes - 0.7 kg.


    Cut the cucumbers into circles, chop the garlic, blend the tomatoes with pepper.

    Boil the tomato mixture for 15 minutes. Set aside from the stove, add vinegar and spices.

    Put cucumbers and garlic in a saucepan, pour over the tomato mixture and cook for 10 minutes after boiling.

    Arrange in sterilized jars and roll up.

    This salad is a great substitute for pickled cucumbers. It can be served both as an appetizer and as an addition to hot second courses.


    • Cucumbers - 2 kg.
    • Sugar - 100 gr.
    • Salt - 4 tablespoons
    • Vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons
    • Sunflower oil - 100 ml.
    • Ground red pepper - table spoon
    • Onion - 0.5 kg.


    Cucumbers cut into thin circles, onions - half rings. Put in a saucepan, add salt, sugar, oil, pepper, vinegar, mix. Leave for three hours. Shake every 15 minutes.

    Put the pickled vegetables in jars, pour over the juice and sterilize for 15 minutes.

    Wrap up and put away for storage in a day.

    The salad turns out to be spicy, with obvious notes of garlic, as well as the sharpness of mustard.


    • Minced garlic - 2 tablespoons
    • Sugar - 1 cup
    • Bulgarian red pepper - 1 pc.
    • Salt - 2 tablespoons
    • Mustard seeds - 2 tablespoons
    • Vinegar 9% - 1 cup
    • Sunflower oil - 1 cup
    • Ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon
    • Ground red pepper - 1 teaspoon
    • Dill - 2 tablespoons
    • Cucumbers - 4 kg.


    Peel cucumbers. Cut into slices ½ cm thick.

    Garlic and dill - chop.

    Mix all the ingredients and leave for three hours.

    Arrange in jars, pour over the separated marinade and sterilize for 15 minutes. Then roll up.

    Leave warm for a day, then put away for storage.

    A delicious dish, as spicy as a Korean carrot.


    • Cucumbers - 1 kg.
    • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.
    • Garlic - 6 cloves
    • Onion - 2 pcs.
    • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
    • Salt - table spoon
    • Ready seasoning in Korean - 1 tablespoon
    • Hot pepper - optional
    • Vinegar 9% - 50 ml.
    • Carrot - 1 pc.


    Cucumbers cut into circles. Carrots - stripes. Cut the onion into half rings, chop the garlic finely.

    Combine vegetables in a bowl, add salt, seasonings, oil, vinegar and mix well.

    Leave for four hours.

    Arrange the salad in jars and sterilize.

    A spicy and tasty version of the famous Bulgarian dish.


    • Cucumbers - 1 kg.
    • Tomatoes - 0.5 kg.
    • Bulgarian pepper - 0.3 kg.
    • Garlic - 15 gr.
    • Carrots - 80 gr.
    • Hot peppers - 10 gr.
    • Salt 5 gr.
    • Sugar - 60 gr.
    • Vegetable oil - 60 ml.
    • Vinegar - 50 ml.


    Cut carrots into strips, bell peppers into cubes. Fry in vegetable oil in a deep frying pan, add a little water and simmer.

    Make a puree from the tomatoes. Hot pepper - chop. Press the garlic through a press. Cucumbers cut into quarters.

    Pour the tomato puree into the pan, add all the ingredients. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for half an hour.

    Fill sterilized jars with prepared salad and roll up.

    The salad is very spicy. If strong spiciness is not needed, you can reduce the amount of pepper.


    • Cucumbers - 3 kg.
    • Garlic - 1 head
    • Sugar - 800 gr.
    • Vinegar 9% - 250 ml.
    • Ground hot pepper - 15 gr.
    • Salt - 120 gr.
    • Sunflower oil - 70 ml.


    Chop the cucumbers, sprinkle with salt and set aside to extract the juice.

    Drain the juice and prepare the marinade - add sugar, salt, oil and pepper to it, bring to a boil and pour in the vinegar.

    Arrange cucumbers in jars, top with thinly sliced ​​garlic and pour hot marinade over.

    Sterilize 15 min.

    Delicious and simple cucumber salad for the winter with sweet notes of tomatoes and bell peppers.


    • Cucumbers - 2 kg.
    • Tomatoes - 2 kg.
    • Bulgarian pepper - 1 kg
    • Onion - 1 kg.
    • Dill - bunch
    • Allspice - 10 peas
    • Black pepper - 10 peas
    • Salt - 4 tablespoons
    • Sugar - 4 tablespoons
    • Vegetable oil - 200 gr.


    Cut vegetables. Cut half of the tomatoes, the second - skip with garlic through a meat grinder. Cut the dill into small pieces.

    Combine vegetables, add salt, sugar, spices, oil, mix and set aside for forty minutes to extract juice.

    Put the salad on the fire, let it boil for 15 minutes, pour in the vinegar, let it boil a little and arrange it in jars.

    Usually cucumbers are pickled with traditional spices and herbs, they turn out salty and crispy, as everyone is used to. However, there are many unusual recipes. These can be salads or cucumber snacks, various vegetable mixes. Next, the best recipes for spicy pickled cucumbers will be presented. They will definitely help surprise guests and pamper loved ones with unusual preparations.

    The sharp taste of cucumbers is achieved by adding various hot ingredients and seasonings. It can be fresh spicy pepper, dried and ground garlic, horseradish, spicy ketchup and so on. Each of these ingredients gives its own special taste and aroma. Spicy cucumbers are quite unusual, but at the same time they will delight thrill-seekers with their taste.

    What you need for cooking

    Before cooking, prepare everything you need.


    In the preparation of hot cucumbers, the main ingredient is, of course, the cucumber. However, spicy foods, such as peppers or garlic, are equally important. In recipes where cucumbers are sliced, you can also take overgrown fruits, and for pickling whole cucumbers, it is better to take small, neat cucumbers. To prepare the cucumbers, they must be washed, the pimples removed and soaked in cold water for 2-3 hours, especially if the cucumbers are not the freshest.


    Cooking cucumbers is best in glass jars with a volume of 0.5 to 3 liters, depending on the recipe. Whole cucumbers can be placed in three-liter jars, chopped - in smaller jars. Jars must be sterilized before cooking. This can be done in several ways. For example, keep them over boiling water, and thus they will be cleaned of germs with the help of steam.

    Delicious recipes for spicy cucumbers for the winter

    Use one of the simple recipes.

    Classic variant


    • Garlic.
    • Currant and cherry leaves.
    • Peppercorns.
    • Hot pepper.
    • Bay leaf.
    • Horseradish.
    • Dill.
    • Coriander.
    • Tarragon.
    • Basil.
    • 3 large spoons of vodka.
    • 120 ml of acetic acid.
    • 70 g salt.
    • 140 g sugar.

    How to do:

    1. Put greens and seasonings in jars, load cucumbers while standing.
    2. Boil water with salt and sugar, heat until completely dissolved.
    3. Pour cucumbers with marinade, pour acetic acid and vodka.
    4. Finish marinating by rolling up the lids.

    Crispy Cucumbers with Chili Peppers


    • Chili pepper.
    • Mustard change.
    • Horseradish.
    • Dill.
    • Garlic.
    • Peppercorns.
    • Bay leaf.
    • 100 ml wine vinegar.
    • 4 large spoons of salt.
    • 5 large spoons of sugar.

    How to do:

    1. Put seasonings and herbs on the bottom.
    2. Tamp the fruits into jars very tightly.
    3. Prepare the marinade, for this, dissolve salt and sugar in water, boil.
    4. Pour vegetables with marinade and hold for 3 minutes, pour brine into a saucepan and boil again.
    5. Pour in brine, pour in acetic acid and close the jars.

    Recipe with vinegar without sterilization


    • Hot pepper.
    • Garlic.
    • Black peppercorns.
    • Dill.
    • Fuck leaves.
    • 100 ml of acetic acid.
    • 3 large spoons of salt.
    • 3 large spoons of sugar.

    How to do:

    1. Fill jars with vegetables and spices.
    2. Put the water to boil, add salt and sugar.
    3. Turn off as soon as the water boils and add acetic acid.
    4. Fill the jars with brine and close the lids.

    Pickled gherkins with pepper


    • Dill.
    • Hot pepper.
    • Bay leaf.
    • Coriander seeds.
    • Peppercorns.
    • 3 large spoons of sugar.
    • 1 tablespoon of salt.
    • 100 ml of acetic acid.

    How to do:

    1. Put dill, pepper, coriander and bay leaf on the bottom of the jars.
    2. Put the gherkins tightly on top of the jars, pour boiling water over them.
    3. After 20 minutes, drain the water into a saucepan, put the brine to boil.
    4. Add sugar and salt.
    5. After boiling, add vinegar, cook for another 2 minutes.
    6. Fill the jars with brine, close the lids.

    Canned vegetables with hot peppers for the winter


    • Tomatoes.
    • Bulgarian pepper.
    • Carrot.
    • Sharp pepper.
    • Peppercorns.
    • Fuck leaves.
    • Dill.
    • 100 ml of acetic acid.
    • 4 large spoons of sugar.
    • 3 large spoons of salt.

    How to do:

    1. Carrot cut into circles.
    2. Pepper cut into strips.
    3. Put cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes and peppers in jars.
    4. Add herbs and seasonings.
    5. Put some water on the fire, add sugar, salt and boil.
    6. Pour brine over vegetables, pour vinegar.
    7. Sterilize for 10 minutes.
    8. Close lids and set aside to cool.

    Recipe "Lick your fingers"

    According to this recipe, excellent spicy cucumbers are obtained, which are ideal as a snack.


    • Sharp pepper.
    • Garlic.
    • Parsley.
    • 30 ml sunflower oil.
    • 3 large spoons of sugar.
    • 2 large spoons of salt.
    • 70 ml of vinegar.

    How to do:

    1. Cucumbers cut into strips.
    2. Cut pepper and garlic into slices.
    3. Chop greens.
    4. Place all vegetables in one bowl.
    5. Sprinkle sugar and salt.
    6. Pour in oil and vinegar.
    7. Stir and infuse for about 1 hour.
    8. Pour into jars and sterilize.
    9. Close with lids and store.

    With onion


    • onion
    • 100 ml sunflower oil.
    • 1 tablespoon of salt.
    • 1.5 large spoons of sugar.
    • Half a teaspoon of vinegar essence.
    • Black and red ground pepper.

    How to do:

    1. Onions and cucumbers cut into rings.
    2. Add salt, sugar and pepper.
    3. Pour vinegar and vegetable oil.
    4. Stir thoroughly and leave in a warm place for several hours so that the cucumbers give a sufficient amount of juice.
    5. Transfer to jars, cover with a lid, sterilize.
    6. Close jars and store.

    Cucumbers with chili ketchup for the winter without sterilization


    • 6 large spoons of spicy ketchup.
    • 3 large spoons of salt.
    • Bay leaf.
    • Peppercorns.
    • Garlic.
    • Dill.
    • 180 g sugar.
    • 200 ml of acetic acid.

    How to do:

    1. Put cucumbers, peppers, bay leaves, herbs and garlic in jars.
    2. Make a marinade: stir some water with ketchup with hot pepper in a ratio of 1: 1, put on fire, add sugar, salt and boil.
    3. Pour cucumbers with marinade, pour vinegar, close and remove to cool.

    Spicy ketchup, if desired, can be prepared independently, for this, take a spicy pepper, garlic and tomato paste, stir everything and cook for a while.

    With horseradish and garlic

    An excellent recipe with hot red pepper, garlic and grated horseradish root.


    • Garlic.
    • Fuck root.
    • Peppercorns.
    • Bay leaf.
    • 3 large spoons of sugar.
    • 3 large spoons of salt.
    • 100 ml vinegar 9%.
    • Chili pepper.

    How to do:

    1. Grate garlic and horseradish root on a fine grater.
    2. Put cucumbers, pepper and bay leaf in jars.
    3. Add garlic with horseradish.
    4. Prepare the marinade: put some water on the stove, pour sugar, salt, boil, remove from heat and pour in the vinegar.
    5. Pour the marinade over the cucumbers, close the lids and leave to cool.

    Georgian canned cucumbers

    An excellent preparation of cucumbers and tomatoes, can be served as an appetizer.


    • Tomatoes.
    • 1 glass of sunflower oil.
    • 1 cup sugar.
    • 3 large spoons of salt.
    • Garlic.
    • 250 ml table vinegar.
    • Seasonings to taste.

    How to do:

    1. Twist the tomatoes in a meat grinder.
    2. Cucumbers cut into circles.
    3. Place the grated tomatoes in a saucepan, add oil, salt and sugar.
    4. Boil and cook for 20 minutes.
    5. Put the chopped garlic and pour the vinegar, cook a little.
    6. Add cucumbers, stir and cook under the lid for another 10-15 minutes.
    7. Put in jars, close the lids and wrap under a blanket to cool.

    Pickled cucumber salad


    • A glass of vegetable oil.
    • 100 ml of vinegar.
    • 3 large spoons of salt.
    • 5 large spoons of sugar.
    • Garlic.
    • Luchok.
    • Hot pepper.
    • Peppercorns.
    • Bay leaf.

    How to do:

    1. Cut cucumbers and onions into rings.
    2. Chop the garlic.
    3. Cut the hot pepper and remove the seeds.
    4. Mix all the ingredients in one container, leave for a few hours so that the cucumbers darken a little and let the juice flow.
    5. Arrange the resulting salad in jars, tighten the lids.

    To make the cucumbers even more crispy, you can add oak, cherry or currant leaves to the workpiece. They contain tannins, which will give a special crunch to the fruit. In addition, they will give a special taste and aroma to pickles.

    In order for cucumbers to be stored for a long time, certain rules must be observed. It is necessary to keep blanks in a dark, cold room. A basement, cellar or garage pit is ideal for this purpose. If none of this is available, then you can store the blanks simply in the apartment, but this will shorten the period. After opening the lid, you need to put the pickles in the refrigerator and use it in just a couple of weeks.

    Recipes for cucumbers for the winter are very diverse. Cucumbers can be preserved whole and sliced, in salads, and even make cucumber jam. But almost every recipe for seaming cucumbers can be described either as a recipe for pickling cucumbers (sourdough) or as a recipe for pickled cucumbers.

    Canning cucumbers without vinegar is called salting or sourdough. How to pickle cucumbers? Before pickling cucumbers, keep in mind that pickling cucumbers takes time - pickling cucumbers occurs within 3-10 days. Pickling cucumbers in a cold way - soaking cucumbers with cooled brine. And for quick salting, the pickle for cucumbers is preheated. Salting cucumbers with vodka allows you to preserve their color. The dry salting of cucumbers is very interesting - in this case, cucumbers sprinkled with salt secrete juice, water is not used. Pickling cucumbers in the classic version is pickling cucumbers in a barrel, preferably oak. The recipe for barrel cucumbers is simple, but it is the wooden barrel that gives the cucumbers a special taste - pickled cucumbers cannot be confused with anything! Pickled cucumbers are often stored without additional heat treatment in a cool, dry place. But the preservation of cucumbers is also possible - after salting they are placed in jars, poured with hot brine and rolled up. Pickling cucumbers with mustard gives an interesting taste and a guarantee that the cucumber blanks will not “explode”.

    Pickling cucumbers - twisting cucumbers with the addition of vinegar. How to pickle cucumbers? Marinade for cucumbers is brought to a boil, then the cucumbers previously laid out in jars are poured into them and sterilized. You can also pickle cucumbers with citric acid.

    Pickled crispy cucumbers, delicious pickled cucumbers with mustard are indispensable on the winter holiday table. A cucumber salad for the winter will also come to the aid of the hostess. Canning cucumber salads, pickling cucumbers for the winter, pickling cucumbers in jars, canning cucumbers - the recipes for all these preparations are varied and allow us to diversify our menu.

    From the recipes on our website you will learn detailed answers to questions: how to roll cucumbers, how to pickle cucumbers in jars, how to pickle cucumbers correctly, how to make canned cucumber salad, how to roll cucumbers in tomato sauce. And also how to make crunchy canned cucumbers, how to spin pickled cucumbers for the winter, how to cook pickled crispy cucumbers and pickled cucumbers for the winter, and even how to close canned cucumbers with ketchup and canned cucumbers with mustard. After all, we have hundreds of different recipes for cucumber preparations, canned cucumber recipes, including a recipe for sour cucumbers, a recipe for pickled cucumbers, a recipe for delicious pickled cucumbers, barrel cucumbers, a recipe for pickled cucumbers ...

    Among canned vegetables prepared for the winter, recipes for cooking hot cucumbers in different variations should be highlighted. Hot peppers, mustard, garlic give spiciness to the preparations, and other vegetables, which include zucchini, carrots, tomatoes, soften the taste of the dish. Some salads and snacks are sterilized, but there are canned foods that do not require sterilization.

    Harvest vegetables with any spices, hot peppers are sure to be added for spiciness. Garlic and horseradish root are added as desired.

    Selection and preparation of cucumbers

    For preservation, whole, not yellowed fruits are selected. Overgrown vegetables are used in salads.

    Cucumbers are immersed in cold water for five hours, during which time the fruits absorb the necessary moisture and become crispy.

    Preparing containers for seaming

    In order for the preservation to be stored for a long time and not to ferment, it is necessary to properly process the jars. Glass containers are thoroughly washed with soda, rinsed, steamed for 15 minutes.

    Spicy Cucumber Recipes

    Cucumber fruits can be preserved whole or made into salads.

    Classic recipe - lick your fingers

    For canning, it is better to take small, young cucumbers.

    • kilogram of gherkins;
    • 4 cloves of garlic;
    • a small piece of horseradish, hot pepper;
    • half a liter of spring water;
    • a third of a glass of vinegar;
    • 40 grams of fine sugar;
    • 1.5 teaspoons of rock salt;
    • 2 coffee spoons of mustard beans;
    • dill bush.

    To make cucumbers crispy, they are poured with water for three hours. Spices, herbs, garlic, pepper are placed in a jar. Stack up the fruits.

    Water is combined with salt and sugar, vinegar is poured in. The brine is allowed to boil, then the cucumbers are poured. Sterilize for 12 minutes, cork.

    Variation without sterilization

    Delicious spicy cucumbers can be closed quickly without wasting time on sterilization.


    • 2 kilograms of young cucumbers;
    • a glass of oil;
    • the same amount of vinegar;
    • 40 grams of salt;
    • sugar - 2 times more;
    • a small head of young garlic;
    • chilli.

    Peppers, garlic, chopped cucumbers are placed in a jar, boiling water is poured in, insisted for 17 minutes. A brine is prepared from the rest of the products, heated vegetables are poured. Clog.

    Spicy cucumber salad with mustard powder

    This recipe is not difficult to prepare.

    • kilogram of cucumbers;
    • dill bush;
    • 2 coffee spoons of mustard;
    • 5 cloves of garlic;
    • a piece of chili;
    • a glass of vinegar;
    • half a glass of sunflower oil;
    • a teaspoon of rock salt;
    • 2 teaspoons fine sugar.

    Canning begins with the preparation of products. They are cut into rings, pepper, garlic, herbs are chopped. The cut is mixed with other ingredients, kept for 2 hours. Boil for seven minutes, cork.

    with garlic

    The blank is used when cooking pickle.


    • 2 kilograms of medium cucumbers;
    • 100 grams of young garlic;
    • half a kilo of onions;
    • chilli;
    • 100 grams of sugar;
    • 1/3 glass of salt;
    • a glass of oil;
    • vinegar - half the amount.

    Onions with cucumbers, peppers are cut into rings, garlic is squeezed out, the rest of the products are added, mixed, insisted for 4 hours. Distributed in glass containers, sterilized for 18 minutes. After it should be rolled up.

    With zucchini

    A simple but tasty recipe.

    • 1.5 kilograms of cucumbers;
    • the same number of young zucchini;
    • one medium hot pepper;
    • head of garlic.

    For filling:

    • a glass of sugar;
    • oils - 2 times more;
    • 1/4 cup vinegar;
    • 0.5 glass of salt;
    • 500 grams of tomato paste.

    Zucchini with cucumbers and peppers are cut into arbitrary pieces, the garlic is crushed, placed in a deep bowl.

    The ingredients for the filling are mixed, seasoned with a salad, stewed for twenty minutes, distributed in jars. Clog.

    with celery

    An appetizer with celery is prepared according to the recipe "Spicy Cucumber Salad with Mustard Powder", replacing the dill with celery stalks.

    in Georgian

    A Georgian appetizer is suitable for any dish.

    Required products:

    • kilogram of ripe tomatoes;
    • 2.5 kilograms of cucumbers;
    • 5 large cloves of garlic;
    • pepper light;
    • a glass of oil;
    • 125 grams of sugar;
    • 45 grams of salt;
    • a glass of vinegar.

    Tomatoes are twisted with pepper and garlic, oil, salt and sugar are laid, stewed for 12 minutes, cucumbers are sent, cut into rings, cooked for another 4 minutes, vinegar is poured, put into jars, twisted.

    in Korean

    A snack with a pleasant taste will be appreciated by lovers of Korean cuisine.

    • 2 kilograms of small cucumbers;
    • 2 large carrots;
    • half a head of young garlic;
    • a tablespoon of Korean seasoning;
    • a third of a glass of table salt;
    • a glass of fine sugar;
    • a glass of vinegar;
    • half a glass of oil;
    • a piece of hot pepper.

    Cucumbers are cut into quarters. Grate the carrots, squeeze the garlic, chop the pepper. Dressed with oil, vinegar, seasoning, sugar and salt. The cut is put in the cold for 2.5 hours.

    Pickled fruits are distributed in containers, sterilized for 17 minutes, closed.

    Lecho of cucumbers

    Prepared according to the Georgian cucumber recipe, with the addition of bell pepper in the amount of 500 grams.

    Spicy overgrown cucumber salad

    Wholely harvested overgrown cucumbers have a specific taste, many will not like it. These vegetables are best prepared in the form of salads.


    • 3 kilograms of overgrown cucumbers;
    • a kilogram of juicy carrots;
    • one kilogram of roundum;
    • 500 grams of lettuce;
    • 3 heads of garlic;
    • 250 milliliters of adjika;
    • a glass of purified water;
    • faceted glass of oil;
    • the same amount of sugar;
    • a third of a glass of salt;
    • 120 milliliters of vinegar.

    Cucumbers are peeled, then cut into strips with pepper and onion. Carrots are rubbed, garlic is finely chopped, combined with other products, mixed, insisted for 2 hours. The salad is laid out in jars, sterilized for 17 minutes. They screw it up.

    With hot pepper

    Unusually tasty, spicy snack with sterilization.

    Required components:

    • 2 kilograms of large cucumbers;
    • half a pod of hot pepper;
    • a small head of young garlic;
    • a bunch of curly parsley;
    • 0.5 cups of vinegar and oil;
    • 40 grams of salt;
    • half a faceted glass of sugar.

    Cucumbers are cut lengthwise into quarters, put in bulk dishes. Pepper, garlic, greens are cut, sent to cucumbers. The rest of the ingredients are added to the workpiece, stirred. Last six hours. Distributed into jars, sterilized for twenty-five minutes. Clog.

    Products are designed for five liter jars.

    • cucumbers;
    • a few dill bushes;
    • horseradish leaf;
    • 5 small cloves of garlic;
    • one large pod of hot pepper;
    • 5 currant leaves.

    For marinade:

    • 2 liters of spring water;
    • 60 grams of rock salt;
    • a glass of sugar;
    • the same amount of vinegar.

    Washed cucumbers are immersed for four hours in spring water. Greens with garlic, pepper and cucumbers are evenly laid out in jars.

    All ingredients for the marinade are mixed, boiled for two minutes, poured into a sterile container with fruits. Sterilized for twenty minutes. Cork.

    How to store canned cucumbers

    Homemade, at a low temperature, can be stored for several years. The ideal place for conservation is the basement, where the air temperature does not exceed five degrees.

    In an apartment, it is better to store the blockage in a dark, cool room. Canned cucumbers in the pantry are best eaten within a year.