Recipe for tomatoes in tomato juice. Tomatoes in tomato juice for the winter

Tomatoes in their own juice are one of the tastiest and most popular preserves. Such an appetizer always “scatters” with a bang and goes well with fish and meat dishes. Therefore, many housewives, with the onset of the season, are in a hurry to prepare tomatoes in tomato juice for the winter without sterilization. Moreover, you can not only prepare the juice yourself, but also take an ordinary purchased drink for canning.

Recipe for tomatoes in tomato juice for the winter without sterilization


Servings: - + 40

  • tomatoes 2 kg
  • Large tomatoes (for juice) 2 kg
  • Salt 2.5 tbsp
  • Sugar 2.5 tbsp

per serving

Calories: 25 kcal

Proteins: 1.07 g

Fats: 0.19 g

Carbohydrates: 4.91 g

35 min. Video recipe Print

    The first step is to wash all the tomatoes. Then we lay them out in jars, pour boiling water there and let it brew for about 20 minutes.

    While the tomatoes are warming up, prepare the juice. We squeeze it out of large fruits. To do this, you can simply use a juicer. However, if it is not at hand, it is allowed to take a blender or a meat grinder, only at the end it is necessary to rub the whole mass through a sieve.

    We boil the juice for 5 minutes, not forgetting to add sugar and salt to it (1 tablespoon of each spice per liter of juice). The drink is ready!

    Drain the water from the tomatoes and replace it with tomato juice.

    We cork the jars, put them on the lid upside down, wrap them up and wait for them to cool.

    Ready-made containers with tomatoes can be safely transferred to the pantry or cellar, where they will be stored in the future.

    Advice: to make the workpiece last longer, many housewives add a regular aspirin tablet to each jar. The acid that it contains helps keep tomatoes longer, regardless of environmental conditions. However, with this method of preservation, it is advisable to add some spices to the composition of the winter harvest: currant or horseradish leaves, dill umbrellas, etc.

    A simple recipe for tomatoes in store-bought tomato juice for the winter

    Cooking time: 45 minutes

    Servings: 45

    The energy value

    • calorie content - 25.21 kcal;
    • proteins - 1.07 g;
    • fats - 0.2 g;
    • carbohydrates - 4.96 g.


    • tomatoes - 2 kg;
    • tomato juice - 2.5 l;
    • salt - 2.5 tablespoons;
    • sugar - 2.5 tablespoons;
    • allspice - 2-3 pcs. to each bank
    • vinegar essence - 1 tsp

    Step by step cooking

    1. Banks are sterilized. Wash tomatoes and arrange in bowls. The smaller the fruit, the better. A very tasty appetizer is obtained if you take cherry tomatoes.
    2. Add a peppercorn to each bowl.
    3. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, cover with lids and let the vegetables warm up (about half an hour). Then we drain the water.
    4. Boil the juice, adding salt, sugar and vinegar to it.
    5. Fill the tomatoes with the resulting liquid and cork.

    The preparation is almost ready! For additional sterilization, you need to turn the jars upside down, wrap them in something warm and leave them in this state for about a couple of days.

    Advice: so that the skin of the tomatoes does not burst, just pierce each fruit in several places with a toothpick. Garlic will add flavor and piquancy to the appetizer, chopped slices of which must be inserted into the tomato from the side of the stalk.

    It happens that tomatoes in their own juice are prepared for lasagna or other similar dishes. In this case, it is better to remove the skin altogether. To do this, you need to scald the vegetables with boiling water, and then immediately dip them in cold water. Thanks to this heat treatment, the skin will be removed very easily and the integrity of the fruit and its pulp will not be disturbed.

    It turns out that preparing such an appetizing snack for the winter table can be simple and fast. Tomatoes in their own juice will decorate any lunch or dinner and will always be a success. Their preservation takes very little time, and the result exceeds all expectations. Bon Appetit!

1 can

1 hour 25 minutes

83 kcal

3 /5 (2 )

Tomatoes in their own juice are an excellent snack and a great addition to various dishes in the winter. Canned tomatoes are also used to prepare various dishes, and the resulting juice cannot be compared with the purchased one.

Recipe for rolling tomatoes in tomato sauce

Kitchenware: a sterilized 3-liter jar, a sterilized iron lid, a kitchen scale and measuring utensils, a saucepan of at least 3 liters, a wooden long spoon, a lid-roller, a warm blanket.


Step by step cooking

  1. Thoroughly wash 2-2.5 kg of tomatoes, then spread them on a towel so that they dry completely.

  2. We sort the fruits by size and put them in a jar on top of the spices. Don't press them too hard, as they can wrinkle.

  3. Pour 2-2.5 liters of clean water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.

  4. Gently fill the jar of tomatoes with boiling water up to the very neck, while pouring water in the center, and not on the walls of the container.

  5. We cover the jar with a lid and leave it in this form to infuse and cool for 10 minutes.

  6. Pour 1-1.5 liters of tomato juice into the pan and put on medium heat.

  7. When the liquid begins to boil, reduce the heat to low and add 15-20 g of sugar, 45-50 g of salt.

  8. Mix everything well and add 9-11 pieces of black peppercorns, as well as 2 bay leaves and 10-12 ml of vinegar.

  9. Simmer the sauce for 13-15 minutes, while periodically stirring the mass and removing the resulting foam with a spoon.

  10. After 10 minutes, carefully drain the water from the jars, cover them with lids and wait for the sauce to cook.

  11. Fill the jar with hot sauce up to the neck.

  12. We cover the container with a lid and roll it up using a special machine designed for this. We turn the jar upside down and send it to a dark place.

  13. We wrap the preservation well with a warm blanket and leave it in this form until it cools completely.

  14. The cooled cans are sent to a place for conservation storage.

Video recipe for preserving tomatoes in tomato sauce for the winter

The step-by-step process of preserving tomatoes in tomato sauce can be viewed in the video below.

  • Before starting conservation, it is necessary to prepare jars. First things first, they must be thoroughly wiped with a stiff brush, rinsed in warm water with a little baking soda. Then rinse well with clean water and dry, turning upside down. Before directly filling with vegetables, glass containers must be poured over with boiling water again.
  • Iron lids also need to be thoroughly washed with soda or soap., then send to boiling water for 20 minutes. It is advisable to carry out this procedure before directly rolling the cans.
  • Tomatoes must be thoroughly washed in warm water, removing the slightest dust and dirt.
  • Do not use tomatoes of different varieties for preservation. It is best to choose dense, medium ripe fruits of the same size, preferably medium or small varieties.
  • In order for the fruits not to crack, they must be pierced with a thin needle or a toothpick in the stalk area.
  • During conservation, you can safely add various spices. according to personal taste preferences: horseradish, parsley, bay leaf, tarragon, dill, black allspice, whole garlic cloves, hot red pepper pieces, cherry and currant leaves.
  • According to this recipe, you can preserve green tomatoes in tomato sauce for the winter. The fruits have an unusual taste and will definitely retain their whole shape.

Recipe for preserving tomatoes in their own juice

Cooking time: 55-65 minutes.
Calorie content (per 100 g): 78-81 kcal.
Preservation amount: for six liter jars.
Kitchenware: several deep containers, kitchen scales and measuring utensils, a toothpick, six liter sterilized jars and iron lids, a juicer, a saucepan of at least 4 liters, a wooden long spoon, a cloth napkin, a large saucepan, a warm blanket, a machine for rolling caps.


Step by step cooking

  1. Thoroughly wash 3 kg of small, elastic, equally ripe tomatoes in warm water, then put them in a deep bowl. In a separate bowl, lay out 2 kg of washed fleshy tomatoes of any size. They will be needed to make tomato juice.

  2. We pierce small fruits with a toothpick in several places. It is advisable to make about four holes - this will guarantee that the tomatoes will not crack when poured with very hot juice.

  3. We tightly pack the prepared tomatoes in pre-washed and sterilized jars.

  4. We cut the meaty tomatoes into four parts and pass through a juicer. As a result, we get pure tomato juice.

  5. Pour the tomato juice into a saucepan and bring the liquid to a boil over medium to low heat.

  6. Add 45-50 g of salt and 25-30 g of sugar to the boiling liquid, mix everything well and reduce the heat to low.

  7. After boiling the juice for 10-15 minutes, we try it for salt, if necessary, add a little more and bring it to a boil again.

  8. Fill jars with tomatoes with hot juice up to the very neck.

  9. We cover them with lids, which we pour over with boiling water in advance. Now we select a large saucepan, put a cloth napkin on the bottom and put the filled jars into it.

  10. Pour warm, almost hot water into the pan. In this case, the water level should be at the shoulders of the container. Next, we wait for the water to boil, and thus sterilize the jars in water for about 8-10 minutes.

  11. After a while, take the jars out of the pan and roll them up. We turn the glass container upside down, send it to a dark place, wrap them in a thick blanket.

  12. Leave the preservation in this form until completely cooled.

    Did you know? Tender tomatoes in their own juice, cooked according to the above instructions, are well stored both in the cellar and in any other suitable place.

Video recipe for preserving tomatoes in their own juice for the winter

The complete process of preserving tomatoes in their own juice according to the above recipe is shown in the video below.

Recipe for green tomatoes in their own juice

Cooking time: 15-25 minutes.
Calorie content (per 100 g): 76-79 kcal.
Preservation amount: for one 3 liter jar.
Kitchenware: one 3-liter jar, a kitchen long knife, a pan of at least 3 liters, a measuring cup, a nylon lid.


horseradish leaf2-3 pcs.
cherry leaf2 pcs.
currant leaf2 pcs.
garlic8-10 teeth
Dill2-3 umbrellas
green tomato15-20 pcs.
black peppercorns10-15 pcs.
water1.5 l
granulated sugar20-25 g
salt20-25 g
mustard20-25 ml

Step by step cooking

  1. At the bottom of a clean and dry three-liter jar, lay out 2-3 dill umbrellas.

  2. Cut the garlic cloves in the amount of 8-10 pieces in half so that the tomatoes are well marinated. Put half of the total amount of garlic on top of the dill.

  3. Add 2 leaves of horseradish, cherries and currants.

  4. Green tomatoes in the amount of 15-20 pieces are thoroughly washed in warm water, then dried. We cut each fruit slightly crosswise with a sharp knife so that the fruits are well marinated.

  5. We tightly pack the prepared tomatoes in a glass container.

  6. On top of the fruits, lay out the remaining garlic cloves, a horseradish leaf and 10-15 pieces of black peppercorns.

  7. Pour 1.5 liters of water into the pan, then add 20-25 g of sugar, 20-25 g of salt and 20-25 ml of mustard.

  8. Stir the cold marinade until all ingredients are completely dissolved in water.

  9. Pour the packed tomatoes up to the very neck with the finished marinade. We cover the jar with a nylon lid and send it to a cold, dark place.

Video recipe for preserving green tomatoes for the winter

The process of canning green tomatoes according to the above recipe is shown in the video below.

  • Don't skimp on horseradish leaves because they contribute to the preservation of the density of tomatoes.
  • For making brine it is best to use mineral, spring or purified water. In no case do not use tap water, as it adversely affects the taste of the product.

I advise you to read the detailed information on how to cook. This is a very satisfying and healthy snack with a spicy aftertaste. Most modern hostesses love to do. A fragrant dish will delight everyone who prefers healthy and tasty food.

Delicious tomatoes in tomato juice will delight you in the winter when you decide to taste pickles. A good housewife will definitely take care of preparing tomatoes for the winter. The step by step recipe for these tomatoes is presented below.

Tomatoes in tomato juice for the winter

Many are depressing by the fact that when a jar of canned tomatoes is opened in winter, most of the brine simply pours out. That is, it turns out that the forces for harvesting tomatoes and the volume of dishes are spent very irrationally.

It will be much better if you use those methods of canning when the tomato filling of tomatoes is drunk with pleasure. But when the harvest does not allow you to cook tomatoes in your own juice, the recipes of which require the presence of a large number of vegetables, you can resort to purchased tomato. Here is one way step by step.

Recipe for cooking tomatoes in tomato juice

Step 1. Tomatoes are thoroughly washed, the stalks are removed, allowed to dry.

Canned only selected tomatoes, without damage and stains. Do not use soft and stale tomatoes. Canning low-quality tomatoes can lead to the fact that banks can explode at any moment, and all the work will go down the drain.

Step 2 You also need to prepare spices for canning tomatoes:

  • Bay leaf;
  • cherry leaves;
  • currant leaves;
  • pepper;
  • cloves;
  • Dill;
  • garlic.

There are no strict regulations here - as they say, there is no comrade for taste and color. Some prefer to make tomatoes with horseradish. This additive will only add piquancy to canned food. The hostess must first thoroughly clean the horseradish roots and cut them into rings. Only leaves can be used.

Although there is no crime in the event that the hostess decides to do without spices at all, giving the aroma of leaves, garlic and pepper. Tomatoes even then turn out to have an amazing taste, and even small children drink rossol after them with pleasure.

Step 3 To cook tomatoes without sterilization, they are heated with boiling water. This procedure resembles salting vegetables with a hot marinade.

So, the tomatoes are carefully placed in steamed jars along with spices and seasonings.

Step 4. Then boiling water is poured into the jars. After 5-7 minutes, the water is drained and the procedure is repeated.

Step 5 At this time, prepare the marinade from the juice. To do this, the juice is poured into a container, sugar and salt are added at the rate of one and a half liters per tablespoon without top and brought to a boil. By the way, if you want to cook sweet tomatoes in tomato juice for the winter, a portion of sugar can be increased almost twice.

Step 6 After 3 minutes of boiling, add a tablespoon of 9% vinegar to the juice and boil for a couple more minutes.

Step 7 The time has come to drain the water from the cans of tomatoes and pour the boiling marinade over. It should be poured to the very top so that there is no empty space left in the container at all.

Step 8 Immediately, a jar of tomatoes is corked with sterilized metal or glass lids.

Step 9 The sealed containers are turned upside down and wrapped warmly.

Only after cooling the container with canned tomatoes can be removed to a permanent storage place.

Now there is something to please both family members and guests. It should be noted that the taste of these tomatoes is excellent, everyone treats them with great pleasure.