The key to loneliness: where to meet a man for a serious relationship? Serious man: where to find and how to recognize.

It's no secret that in modern world there are a lot of single people - both men and women. Moreover, in our Russian realities, single women are much higher. The reason for this can be called the early mortality of men, numerous wars, moving to other regions / countries due to the economic situation when changing jobs, etc.

But, dear friends, let's not despair. For the sake of fairness, we note that up to the age of 30, inclusive, there are more women in a quantitative ratio. And in rural areas, the percentage of men, in principle, is traditionally higher. In the period from 30 to 40 years, the ratio is compared and gradually the number of men begins to fall gradually, but not by much - literally by 2-7%.

Therefore, we, dear friends, have every chance to meet a man for a serious relationship and subsequently create a happy and strong family... Let's agree that we are only interested in free, serious, reliable men, aimed at creating a family. So where to meet for a serious relationship?

Ask all your girlfriends to introduce you. Of course, you do not need to insist on acquaintance and hope only for this method. You don't have to pretend to be a victim of your circumstances and pretend this is your last chance. Just be nice, kind and helpful with your friends. Reconnect old connections or try to find new friends among colleagues, at a fitness club, at parties, or at a hobby club.

Maintain good relationships with as many girlfriends, girlfriends and acquaintances as possible. And unobtrusively tell everyone that now you are free and are looking for a good man. Believe me, the female psyche is so arranged that helping a friend is simply a sacred duty. And a friend will do it at the first opportunity.

The whole secret is that your friends - both free and married - that is, almost all women have one characteristic feature: they are endowed with a matchmaker talent. Married female friends are, in principle, interested in arranging the life of their single female friends. In addition to their personal connections, they can ask their husband to find some free friend who wants to meet. That is, the circle of potential acquaintances is expanding significantly.

Well, unmarried girlfriends can advise you on those of their acquaintances whom they are not interested in. Moreover, these may not necessarily be some bad guys. It just happens that for a particular woman this particular man is “not her type”. But for you, quite the opposite may happen.

Thoroughly review all your old notebooks, phone, messenger and social media contacts. Select the contact details of those men with whom you have already met and for some reason decided that this is not your option. And especially pay attention to those who continue to write and call you, no matter what.

We women are sometimes hasty in our decisions and draw conclusions based on the first impression. But it is often deceiving! It is rare for a man to be a charismatic superhero with a Nordic character on a first date, especially if he likes a girl. Often the opposite is true. At the first meeting, a young man, only if he is not a professional womanizer, does not behave in the best way. He can be overly constrained and shy, or, conversely, overly playful and cheeky.

So the moral is simple: give him a second chance! If a guy still likes you, if he is ready to help you in word and deed - feel free to go on a date again and let him express himself to the fullest. Let him take care of yourself, let him win you over. It often happens that the second and subsequent dates go "with a bang" and the girl gets a really reliable and loyal fan.

But if on the second date he does not cause any emotions in you - because of his appearance or some kind of habits, character traits - then cut off all contacts with him. You cannot educate and change a person, so save your time and nerves for someone else, more worthy of your attention.

A very effective technique. Try to get the most out of your work. This applies not only to material reward, which, as you know, the more the better. But in terms of potential acquaintances, your work can be very rewarding and profitable. There is room for growth in almost every job. And the higher the position, the more people you will have to contact and interact with. The more contacts - the more choice, the closer and more regular communication - the stronger the ties are established and the easier it is to bring them to a new level.

However, there are professions where you don't even need to grow to expand contacts. These are waitresses, hostesses, salespeople and administrators, nurses and travel agents, realtors and office managers ... As a rule, women of these professions communicate with a large number of clients every day and do not have any difficulty in meeting the men they like. In general, you understand: the more men spinning around you, the better the chance to choose the best of them. Go for it!

An important nuance: do not try to be active at first. Just observe people, note their positive qualities, do not close your eyes to shortcomings, learn to think and analyze, do not rush into the pool of emotions with your head. When you get used to and are able to establish friendships with a large number of men, you can reasonably approach the choice and method of meeting the best of them.

Dear young girls and older girls, let's forget these old-fashioned advice about the fact that "a man should be 2-3 years older." This kind of taboo was popular among the generation of our mothers and aunts, but not in our time. Modern realities are such that age boundaries are erased in our time. There is no clear division into the generation of peers, peers and classmates, as was customary many decades ago.

All of us - both younger and older - live in an era of globalization, which affects all aspects of life and forces all of us to develop at approximately the same pace. The issue of age and associated social stereotypes has long been out of date. Therefore, young girls seeking to find a good guy for a serious relationship and starting a family should pay attention to older men, that is, those who are already ripe for making responsible decisions, such as marriage.

And for girls who are a little over ..., it will be useful to pay attention to men younger than themselves. Surely, you yourself know a lot of couples in which a woman is much older than her chosen one. Such a relationship is possible only because the lady is not ashamed of her age and is not subject to social stereotypes, which, by the way, do not in any way affect the happiness of two loving people.

Let's make a reservation right away that this advice is not suitable for everyone. After all, we are talking about moving to another area or even a country. But if you are a determined girl, there really is little (or nothing) that keeps you in the place where you live now, then this advice is for you.

You can move in many cases, but this is especially true when looking for a new job or a new relationship. And often the place of residence is changed at the same time because of these two points. Many girls move for reasons of expediency: from a small village to a larger city, from a small provincial town to the regional center, to a million-plus city, to the capital or immediately abroad.

If you are ready to follow your potential man even to the ends of the world, then consider that the issue of dating for you personally has already been resolved. The fact is that when you move, many new opportunities open up at once on all the previous points. Here you have a new field of activity, and a new environment, and the support of local friends and girlfriends, and breaking all existing barriers in your head.

Of course, any move is a big stress and a global reassessment of your capabilities and resources. Such decisions are not made quickly. But, if, after weighing all the pros and cons, you still decide to make serious changes in your life, then you will have much wider opportunities for radical changes in life, do not forget about this.

Dear girls, do not try to embrace the immensity and do not rush to immediately apply all these tips and a million others in practice. Be reasonable and consistent in your actions. Your best bet is to pick one or two tips and follow them.

By the way, before you try all these methods on yourself, try going on in your city. This is an inexpensive and effective way to meet a sufficient number of men in a short time - reliable, cheerful and active. Many of them really want to meet for a serious relationship and dream of starting a family.

In general, try it, have fun with new acquaintances, bring your skills to perfection. And when you get the first results from one method of dating, then, most likely, you simply won't need another :)

Yana Happy

The main advice given to girls who want to meet a man is to visit more often where representatives of the stronger sex accumulate abundantly. Boxing matches, fishing spots on the river, chess clubs, car dealerships, hunting clubs ...

But tell me honestly: do you really like boxing? Or are you good at chess? Maybe you know how to effectively unwind a spinning rod, flirtatiously leaving your little finger and erotically arching your left thigh? If so, then I think you have no problems with men - they themselves are constantly hovering around.

But what about those whose list of hobbies does not include chess, fishing or other traditionally male activities? Do not force yourself to pretend that you like something that really only yawns! Yes, and endlessly pretending is still impossible.

But don't be in a hurry to despair - there are plenty of other opportunities to meet an interesting person. Of course, I will not argue that you need to look for a prince in a circle (although this happens!), But still, in quite ordinary (i.e. not purely male) places you can meet a man.

the site presents its list of places where you can meet, for those who are alien to men's hobbies.

Meeting at the office

  1. Meeting at the office
10 places to meet

If your whole life fits into the “home-work-home” scheme, this does not mean that you have no chance. It is at work that serious relationships are often struck. And this is quite understandable, because, seeing each other every day, you have the opportunity to get to know a person in his most different states and moods and understand how you can get along with him.

By the way, if you just looked around and did not find a single decent specimen there, then do not rush to get upset. After all, there is probably more than one company in your building, which means that there is always an opportunity to strike up a conversation with someone from the neighboring office. For example, in a smoking room, where most people do not go to smoke, but to communicate and take a break from work. Of course, starting smoking for the sake of communication is a very bad idea, but somehow it always works.

Another simple way that works: if you see the same person all the time, just start saying hello to them. And if you also smile, then this may well become a reason for dating.

All women, no matter what they say, want to see a handsome, intelligent and strong man next to them. And if he is also well-to-do, then this is generally excellent. But today, not only is it quite difficult to build a normal relationship, even finding an adequate guy is almost impossible. In this article, I would like to reveal several options for where to meet a man for a serious relationship.

Online dating site

Modern people are used to communicating through various computer devices. It's so much easier to make an acquaintance. Therefore, one of the places where you can meet a guy for a serious relationship is the Internet, namely, special dating sites. And even though there are a huge number of stories that only strange elements and people with various deviations are registered there, this is not so. Of course, there is a percentage of eccentrics, but there are also enough normal men there. You just need to competently approach the choice of an applicant for an acquaintance: evaluate a photo, a story about yourself, a profile. Much can already be learned from the correspondence and conclusions can be drawn. So do not be afraid of this method of dating, because today it is very relevant and gives excellent results.

Internet: social media

Another option, for a serious relationship, is on social networks. Today, only a lazy person or someone who has nothing to tell about himself and has no one to communicate with is not registered there. So why not look for a life partner there? Moreover, from information about yourself and photos, again, you can learn a lot: what kind of life a man prefers, what kind of comrades he has, and so on. You can get acquainted there in specialized communities (there are such too). And one more simple way to get acquainted with "VKontakte" or "Odnoklassniki": just write a message to the male representative you like. The text can be as simple as “hello, let's get acquainted”. Alternatively, it's a good idea to compliment the avatar or point out the guy's special hobbies or hobbies (seen in the photo).

Internet: forums, chats, various communities

The Internet is a great place to meet, because there you can find someone with the same outlook on life or hobbies as you do. To do this, it is enough to run around various forums and stumble upon a guy with sound reasoning, you can get acquainted in chats, where everyone is used to discussing various problems. It is also good to register in a community of like-minded people and look for a life partner there. This is generally a great place to meet a normal man, because this way you can spend a lot of time together at your favorite pastime.

Special theme nights

There are also interesting options where to meet a man for a serious relationship. So, it can be organized meeting evenings like American quick dates. There, in a short time, a woman communicates with about 20-30 representatives of the stronger sex for about 2-3 minutes, asking them the questions that interest her. After that, all people get up and continue to communicate in free conversation. So often pleasant acquaintances are created, which develop into strong friendship and, moreover, a serious relationship. However, it should be noted that you can only get to such events in big cities. They are especially often held on the territories of various universities among students who are more open to everything new.


A good old version of where to meet a man for a serious relationship: on the street. To do this, you do not need to specifically go hunting and look closely at all the stronger sex. This can be done even spontaneously, by accidentally bumping into a guy. Often, an apology turns into a sweet conversation, followed by an invitation to a date and a strong relationship. If a lady sees a man she likes in front of her, you can provoke a small situation in which the girl can drop the packages or just twist her leg. A real man will always help a lady, and if he passes by, it means that a woman simply does not need such a guy. You can also meet in a line for bread or at the checkout in a supermarket, which is not a great way to kill two birds with one stone: while away the time and make an acquaintance, even if it does not entail anything serious?


There is an opinion that decent girls in transport do not meet. But this is absolutely not the case. On the way to work on the bus, you can sit next to a nice guy, why not have a light, casual conversation? Who knows what it may turn into later? It's especially good to get to know each other on long trips. So, it can be various bus tours around the country or even abroad, when people, although not for long, are in the same situations, see each other every minute and are in the same places. Every now and then you start to greet everyone in the morning, no one has canceled the rules of decency. And if the girl liked someone, you should not hesitate to develop the relationship further, gradually recognizing the man and starting just friendship with him at first. If destined, it will grow into something more serious and beautiful.

Places of testosterone accumulation

If a woman has an obsessive thought “I want to meet a man,” why shouldn't she visit places where the stronger sex gathers? What could it be? First of all, gyms. And although men do not go there for acquaintances, they will never miss at least a glance a girl who also came to correct her figure. However, there is one nuance: the lady, in principle, should be all right. She must be well-groomed, with normal forms, otherwise men simply will not notice such a gray mouse. Alternatively, you can get a job as a coach in the men's gym (if you have special qualifications). Where else can you go hunting guys? A great place is pubs or sports bars, where mostly men go to cheer for the players of their favorite team. During the game, it's still better not to meddle with men, but after it, especially if your favorite team won, you can try to decorate the evening of the man you like. However, guys often go there in groups, so it's better to take your girlfriends with you so as not to look at least strange.

Various events

Another option where to meet a normal man is to attend all kinds of events that can be organized in the city. So, these are various holidays, promotions, fairs and exhibitions. It is also good to get to know each other during the intermission in the theater, before the movie in the cinema, and so on. So you can start a pleasant conversation on a certain topic and then see how events may develop.


A lady can also come with the problem "I want to meet a man" to specialists, i.e. matchmaker. Such women are called upon to find a match for any person who asks for help in this. More often than not, they just have small "cases" for everyone who wants to meet, and they bring people together according to certain criteria. This is something like a real, not a virtual dating club. If the first option did not suit the woman, the matchmaker is ready to offer her a few more. And so on until the girl finds something suitable for herself.

Relatives and friends

You can also get acquainted for a serious relationship in the circle of close people. So, you can go to a friend's wedding and make acquaintance with a distant relative of the groom or his friend. Alternatively, you can ask your mother or sister to find someone suitable among your friends.

The main rule

But all the same I want to say that it is better to know “how” and not “where” it is better to get to know a man. It’s not so easy to start a casual conversation with a complete stranger. And there are, in fact, a huge amount of places, you just want to and you can meet a good man in a fairly short time.

Many gentlemen are good, but a serious gentleman is better. This phrase contains the psychology of most girls who are ready for a serious relationship. They do not necessarily dream of an imminent wedding, but they want to be a couple, have joint plans for the future. However, not all men want a serious relationship, many are satisfied with fleeting relationships, polygamy. Finding the right person for a serious relationship is not easy, but you shouldn't despair. Consider how and where you can meet a serious man.

Serious man for serious relationship - how to find him

You can meet a man for a serious relationship at any time, but the lack of clear ideas about your desires will prevent the acquaintance from developing into a relationship. Psychologists recommend following a technique that will help you find a man for a serious relationship:

  • Determine the image of your future partner in your thoughts. What specific qualities of character he should have, the preferred type of appearance. Realize which flaws you cannot accept.
  • Record all the characteristics on paper, while prioritizing. A workaholic man will be able to provide a high material level of the family, but he will not pay much attention to it.
  • Work out your preferences about the range of interests of the man,

By understanding exactly what you want from a man and future relationships, you can concentrate on finding an object that suits your requirements. With a new acquaintance, you can really evaluate a new candidate, and if he meets most of the requirements, you can activate your acquaintance.

Where to meet a man for a serious relationship

If you want to have a serious relationship, then give up dating in bars and clubs. Of course, miracles happen there too, but their percentage is very small. It is better to choose places where serious men who are inclined to self-development or cultural recreation go.

In addition to common places, you can even meet a man for a serious relationship in public transport... The main thing is to be open to new acquaintances and do not be too categorical about the first impression. More serious representatives of the stronger half may be embarrassed or confused when meeting. Give them a chance to show all their strengths.

Serious intentions of a man: how to recognize

After several dates, you can draw a conclusion about the seriousness of the man's intentions on several grounds:

A serious man cannot be distinguished by a formal suit or glasses. The integrity of his nature must be judged by his actions. A weekend with his family or friends will tell about the seriousness of his relationship more than any big words.


If you are tired of loneliness, but cannot find your soul mate in any way, do not rush to complain about fate. We hurry to the rescue and reveal the places where single serious men are found!

Even those self-sufficient women who give the impression of ladies enjoying a free life, sadly hug a pillow at night and yearn for loneliness. Certainly absence in life the right person - not a reason to surround yourself with empty men, therefore, we will not urge you to rush at strange creatures whose passport indicates a male gender. We will tell you about where to meet a serious man who does not waste his time on trifles and is waiting for his only soul mate.

Virtual sites - affordable and fast

Let's not argue with the fact that the easiest way for modern people to get acquainted on the Internet. We have already written about how they live there, why they and how in the vastness of the global network. Once again I would like to remind the main thing: the same people who live near you are registered on dating sites, there are no aliens or special creatures.

Therefore, on the site you can meet anyone: a busy businessman, an official, absorbed in social work, and an overly modest student, and a gigolo, anxious about how profitable it is to settle down at someone else's expense, and a normal single man looking for where to meet for a serious relationship with his half.

Our advice may seem strange, but even if you are against virtual communication, be sure to register there - it will come in handy for dating in the real world. How? Hundreds of compliments, dozens of people who want to get to know each other and an army of numerous fans will raise self-esteem, “light up” sparkle in your eyes, improve your mood and make you more attractive to other men!

It has long been proven that representatives of the stronger sex, with some unknown instinct, feel that a woman is already liked by someone, and it is such ladies for some reason subconsciously attracted to males!

Finishing touches for an irresistible portrait

And now, confident in ourselves and in our irresistibility, we will go to places where you can meet a serious and decent man. But before leaving the house, critically examine yourself in the mirror. Perhaps the hunt should be postponed for three days in order to have time to lose a few kilograms on a fast one, or maybe it is worth putting in order, or?

If everything is okay with the appearance, open the closet and choose outfits that will not look too provocative, but will attract a man's attention. Remember: you have to spin in an ordinary everyday environment, where frank necklines and vulgar mini look inappropriate. For a successful hunt, dresses, sets from a skirt and the right one matched to it are suitable.

If you are overweight, use tricks to help hide excess volume and emphasize your dignity. Do not neglect high heels, but if you are a very tall lady, then they can reduce the number of potential fans, whose height is not much taller than you. (Read the tips for those).

Makeup is important, but don't make it too flashy. Save the war paint for another occasion, and for the first casual acquaintance, natural tones and light shades are more suitable. Do not forget that you need to highlight one thing: either the lips or the eyes.

Places where serious men gather

And now about the most important and important thing: where can you meet a man in our fast paced time? Try to benefit from your favorite activity - shopping... Only this time, visit the departments not with women's, but with men's goods. Take your time to review ties, shirts, briefcases, and other accessories. Just do not circle around your underwear - this is how a potential groom might think that you are choosing panties for your husband or lover.

Be prepared for a man to take the initiative and ask for advice or help in choosing one thing or another. Be sure to help and not with dry phrases, but showing sincere interest and participation. Immediately ask him to help you "choose a gift for your boss, brother or colleague." Courageous ladies may not wait for the initiative from the representatives of the "modest sex" and show it themselves by asking the man they like to try on a sweater "for his brother."

A good chance for those who are looking for where to meet a rich man are provided car dealerships... Go around among those who choose expensive cars, ask for advice, share your opinions. Complain that you are just going to study law and would like to practice, but there are no friends who would give a few lessons. Perhaps luck will touch you with its firebird tail, and the young man you like will ask for a phone number.

Continuing the theme of shopping, we can recommend places such as construction supermarkets, computer goods stores, departments for fishermen and hunters (to help those who dare to go there - a small educational program). Don't want to complicate your searches?

Spend more time in departments of semi-finished products and ready-made cooking in a regular supermarket - where single men, as a rule, buy their simple dinner. You can also go to the ranks of alcoholic beverages, where they sell good brandy, and play out the scene of choosing a gift for a doctor. (Read a nice one about dating in the store).

Besides shopping, there are other places where you can meet a good man in just one day. it exhibitions, which are now regularly held in various cities. Crowds of men, some of whom are lonely, attend exhibitions dedicated to cars, construction, computer technology, and medicine.

Where else can you go to meet a guy

When you ask the question of where a girl can meet a guy, and you get the option: a cafe, do not rush to reject this offer. IN a cafe you can get acquainted for a serious relationship, only you need to go there not late in the evening, but at lunchtime. It was at this time that the employees of banks, offices and all those who could not eat at home or take with them to work the cutlets prepared by a caring wife, came there just to eat.

Just keep in mind: well-fed men are usually disposed towards acquaintance, so first give the guy a meal, then cast your modest but interested glance at him. For very brave girls, it will not be difficult to start a conversation first and get hooked on the man who has already started his dinner, and the modest girls can only wait for their prince.

Girls who are happy with their bodies may well go alone on beach and wait for your "dolphin" there, and if there is no beach, then nothing prevents you from signing up for the gym, where lonely guys often work on their muscles, dreaming of a faithful and devoted friend.

Statistics say that 60% of dating ends in failure and the reason for this is the woman's wrong behavior. How can one avoid a mistake and not miss the possible happiness that has managed to be in the hands of?

  1. Do not give away your main goal in any way - you have come to the point of congregation of men in your business, and not looking for a place where it is better to get to know the lonely prince. Don't be overly happy and interested when the guy pays attention and takes the initiative. Remember: representatives of the opposite sex love to hunt, and prey that falls into their hands is of little interest to them.
  2. Do not rush to immediately accept the offer to continue your acquaintance and go with the guy to a cafe or to another place, refer to being busy, but do everything so that he asks for your phone number. It would be nice to have business cards in this case, they can be unobtrusively distributed to new friends. Do not worry if the guy after the first refusal loses interest in you - either he is not interested in you, or offered a continuation only because he was sure of a negative answer.
  3. Don't be too active or intrusive. If, after the first question, the man did not show a response, back off and wait for a new applicant.
  4. Do not attack the "victim" immediately, let your potential lover notice you, evaluate, draw conclusions, and only then take the initiative. Otherwise, he simply will not have time to understand that before him is his fate!

After meeting, be prepared for the fact that your husband may ask you to suggest a place for a date. Arm yourself how to behave there in advance!

If you can't get to know a guy for a long time, go through which will help you understand who your ideal is, maybe you are just looking for that man.

Dear ladies, if you know more places where you can meet a man, write about it in the comments. Let's help each other and share useful information! Also, if you want your friends to read this article, click on the button social networks... I wish you happiness and great love!

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