The psychology of a married man's mistress. Relationship with a married man. Psychology of relations with a married man.

Most women cannot imagine relationships with married men. They try not to fall into them initially, and they manage to avoid falling in love with a busy man.

Some ladies, on the other hand, manage to experience passion and feelings only with a man who has a family. Let's try to figure out why this happens, and how to be a woman if a married man offers her a relationship.

Prudishness or common sense?

No wonder so many women resist the temptation to become the lover of a married man. This has its own sacred meaning. Women in general intuitively well feel the prospects of relationships with this or that man. So most of them have no illusions about male psychology in relation to a mistress. As research in the field of psychology shows, love triangles, which include a husband, wife and mistress, are unstable, full of drama and psychologically traumatic for all three.

It is believed that the most reliable way to end the triple alliance is to make a decision by the person who is singular in it. In a situation where one man meets two women, only he himself is able to break the love triangle in the best way for everyone. To do this, he must choose who to stay with. Such situations in real life are quite rare. In fact, the love triangle collapses due to the fact that one of the women cannot stand it and leaves. Or, more rarely, both tolerate the infidelity of a loved one, but neither is ready to leave. In this case, the relationship for three can drag on. And the longer they last, the more psychological trauma both women and the man himself receive.

This is why sane women try not to mess with married men. It is not known whether it will be possible to win their love, but problems can be made with almost one hundred percent probability.

Why married men have mistresses

Sexologists and psychologists believe that it is mainly problem men who have mistresses. Of course, there are exceptions when a normal man without any special complexes and mental problems has a mistress. However, male psychology is such that, as a rule, if a man has a stable, healthy, warm, sensual relationship with his wife, he will not waste time with mistresses. As soon as problems arise in the relationship, he begins to think about cheating. Men are less willing than women to work on relationships. And if they have a misunderstanding with their wife, they can try to find a more understanding person. They may clash with old friends and start pouring wine over their problems, or try to get away from them in hobbies like fishing or constant digging in the garage. But they can go to more radical methods - to have a mistress. Often men do not plan to leave the family. It is convenient for them: at home - an arranged life, well-groomed children and some routine, boredom, balanced by stability. And with a mistress, you can poke around, take your soul away, shake the old days. So it turns out that they have no special intentions regarding their mistress. There is only a desire to receive from life what is lacking in the family.

Why women date married men

As we have already noted, not every woman will go on to have an affair with a married woman. Usually, desperate, exhausted by loneliness ladies with low self-esteem go for it. Sometimes these are women who, due to circumstances, are afraid of close relationships with people. Having a family with a chosen one protects her from an overly close relationship with a man. She has rather superficial feelings towards him, and justifies this by external circumstances, and not by her inability to love. Often a woman is pushed to bond with married man a bad experience in personal relationships or a perception from a parent that all men are unworthy of her.

Male psychology in relation to a mistress, which includes a superficial relationship without obligation, may be fine with her. Behind the declared respect for the freedom of choice of such a man, fear and uncertainty about his own attractiveness can be hidden.

I must say that stepping on the path of an affair with a married woman, a woman only aggravates her problems. The constant feeling of immorality of the connection, of the duplicity of one's own nature is detrimental to a woman's self-esteem. A vicious circle ensues: the longer she meets with a married woman, the lower her self-esteem. And the lower the self-esteem, the less chances of a successful relationship with a free man who is ready to give her a stable and long-term relationship.

All this is aggravated by the reaction of the external environment. It rarely happens that no one condemns the mistress of a married man. In fact, she is often a persona "non grata" in the circle of friends and relatives of her chosen one. And if the romance began at work, then the mistress can also become an object of ridicule for colleagues, which clearly does not contribute to a successful career.

What to do if a feeling for a married person overtakes

Despite all the drama of the relationship with a married man, you should not renounce love for him. Love is not a feeling that we can control. Often it arises in our soul against our will, it is not for nothing that sayings and jokes on the theme "love is evil ..." are so popular.

If you find yourself overwhelmed by feelings for a married person, the first thing you should do is study the situation. The fact is that now people have become somehow easier to relate to the issues of registration and dissolution of marriage.

If his marriage exists only on paper, you can safely forget all of the above and plunge headlong into the novel. Just be careful: do not blindly trust the words of the man himself, check the information about the "formalities" of his marriage through mutual friends, relatives and acquaintances.

If his marriage turned out to be strong and does not "breathe", as he claims, try to do everything to avoid this relationship.

Take a time out in communication, if you work together, try not to meet at work. Take a vacation and spend a month away from it.

Be creative in the methods of avoiding such an affair, and then you will have a chance to build a truly warm and trusting relationship with some other, more decent and reliable man.

author Anastasia Sapsay

At a young age, almost all girls dream of getting married with an ideal, loving and beloved man. However, having matured, we understand that life circumstances make their own adjustments to our plans and dreams, and it is possible that this long-awaited and only person is already legally married. To agree to the role of the mistress of a married man or not is everyone's personal business. However, when building your romance with a non-free person, it is important to understand that these relationships are slightly different from those that our imagination draws. To understand what men are looking for in a novel on the side, psychologists conducted a mass survey and identified 10 signs of the ideal lover of a married man.

So, let's try to understand who is she - the ideal lover in the opinion of men?

1. She looks good

Many men begin to cheat on their wives because of dissatisfaction with their appearance. This is not surprising, because, unfortunately, women age earlier than men. However, in their mistresses, men want to see a living embodiment of their dreams. Regardless of natural external data, a mistress should always look well-groomed, stylish and attractive.

2. She should be fun

Over the years of family life, spouses plunge headlong into everyday life, raising children and taking care of material well-being, while losing that aura of romance, lightness and fun that bound them at the beginning of the relationship. It is the lack of this link that often becomes the reason why men decide on a relationship with their mistress. Accordingly, in their chosen one, they want to see not a woman tired of life, but an easy muse, in whose arms one can forget about everyday worries.

3. She treats him like a hero

Few spouses manage to live their lives avoiding quarrels, conflicts and reproaches towards each other. Having lived together for several years, the wife, like no one else, knows all the weaknesses and shortcomings of her husband, while in the eyes of his mistress, a man becomes a hero and an ideal partner. It is this attitude, filled with romance, admiration and respect, that keeps married men around their mistresses.

4. She is self-sufficient and confident

According to men, the ideal lover is a woman who loves and respects herself. In addition to her relationship with a non-free person, she has her own life, filled with various events, achievements and adventures. She does not put romance above all else, devoting a lot of time to her development and her hobbies.

5. She does not reproach or make scandals

In relationships on the side, men are looking for a holiday, ease and an opportunity to take a break from everyday worries. To maintain such a romance, you should not make any demands on your partner. And even more, there is no need to reproach him for lack of attention, since these reproaches will make him feel guilty, and very soon the man will get tired of being torn between his family and his mistress.

6. She does not claim his freedom

Starting a relationship with a married man, initially a woman must understand that she cannot claim his entire life. This man has a family and daily responsibilities associated with it, but when meeting with his mistress, he wants to forget about them. Therefore, any questions related to his family life, as well as plans for the future, will cause him unpleasant emotions.

7. She does not claim a joint future

Perhaps, in fact, everything is a little different and the mistress secretly hopes that sooner or later her partner will divorce his unloved wife and stay with her, but such thoughts in no case should be shown to a married man. A good lover should conduct a conversation without affecting plans for the future, as well as bypassing conversations about his family life.

8. She doesn't die of love

Of course, every man dreams of becoming an object of ardent and sincere love. However, young ladies who are too in love, ready for anything for the sake of their loved one, are hardly suitable for the role of mistresses. The fact is that excessive love on the part of his mistress will impose a burden of responsibility on the man, which he probably will not want to bear. Relationships of this format should be based on common sense. It is very good when both partners understand that their romance is based on mutual sympathy in the present, and its development in the future is not an obligatory goal.

9. She is outspoken and unpredictable

Another common reason men have mistresses is dissatisfaction in bed. Not all women are ready to experiment and realize their deepest fantasies in reality. However, excessive modesty is forgivable for the wife, but not for the mistress. A lady of the heart should bring a holiday to a man, surprising and striking the imagination.

10. She acts like his wife doesn't exist

Talking about family life, and especially about the spouse of a married man, should become taboo in a relationship. A good mistress should try to forget that her chosen one has a legal spouse. You can build relationships on passion, mutual hobbies and sympathy for each other, dissolving at the same time in momentary happiness and not looking into the future. And, of course, the ideal lover will never give her partner an ultimatum - either me or she.

Married men want their romance to resemble a game with clearly established rules and laws, which develops in parallel with their family life and does not interfere with everyday life. But this game should bring joy to both players, so the relationship of this format should last as long as it suits the partners. In addition, even at the beginning of the novel, you need to accustom yourself to the idea that such a relationship very rarely has a perspective and the possibility of developing into something more than an ordinary intrigue. And even if an affair with a married man develops, this development will not be able to pass easily and painlessly.

Answers to questions about love triangle for men and women.

The feeling of falling in love and the instinct to preserve the clan push men and women to create family unions. Sometimes people feel so acutely their loneliness that they are ready to sacrifice a lot in order to find their soul mate. But having found their beloved women and marrying them, men change their attitude towards them. After the seal on the marriage appears in the passport, women turn from an object of worship to housekeepers, dishwashers, cooks and educators. Often in the list of these things there is absolutely no communication and contact with the husband. Therefore, having found the perfect wife, men start looking for the perfect mistress.

What does the ideal wife look like in the eyes of a man?

  • She knows how to cook perfectly
  • She endlessly puts things in order in the family nest
  • She loyally cares for children
  • She gets along with her mother-in-law and other relatives of her husband.

What does the ideal lover look like in the eyes of a man?

  • She is beautiful and knows how to take care of herself
  • She never has a headache and is always ready for active sex
  • She does not walk around the house in a filthy robe and slippers.
  • She does not burden with problems of the family budget and poor grades of children in school.

Can a woman combine an ideal wife and an ideal lover? Practice shows that this task turns out to be impossible for women because, fulfilling the role of a voluntary slave of the stove and doormat, it turns out to be difficult for women to become a sex goddess.

Divorce due to cheating can be reduced by doing housework together

But, if she can shift at least part of the “light housework” onto the shoulders of her husband, she will have the time and desire to deal with new hairstyles, skin and body care and new outfits. Since it is easier and much more interesting for a man to find a woman on the side, and not to unload his wife from household work, this task remains impossible for a woman.

Why does a married man need a mistress, what does a mistress mean to him, what does he expect from her?

The main reason why men have an affair on the side is dissatisfaction with their sexual life with their wife. It can be difficult for husbands to understand what to expect from a woman who is spinning like a squirrel in a wheel of initiative and the embodiment of a man's desires is not worth it. If a woman works not only at home, but also goes to work, then returning home after a hard day, taking the children from kindergarten or school, washing the dishes, and feeding the family dinner, she dreams not of sex, but sleep.

A man, even if he went to work, but freed from domestic work, is full of energy and sexual desires. Perhaps many women will be surprised, but the vast majority of men, especially those under 30, want sex every day or every other day. If such a schedule does not coincide with the schedule of his wife's desires, he will seek satisfaction on the side.

As a result, unloading a man from domestic work and loading themselves, women themselves create the prerequisites for her husband's betrayal

Also, the reason that makes a man look for a mistress may not be the quantity, but the quality of sex. Many married couples are shy or afraid to discuss these topics with each other. And it is difficult for them not only to express wishes about what they would like to get from sex, but also difficult to talk about what they do not like in sexual intercourse.

What does a married man expect from his mistress?

Deciding to commit adultery, a man expects satisfaction of sexual requests from his mistress. But communication on the side involves not only having sex, but also communication. If there are scandals and a showdown in the family, and the mistress knows how to listen and understand the man, then an affair on the side can lead to a divorce from his wife. Many single women, entering into a love affair with a married man, seek to divorce such a man from his wife. And to achieve this goal, they skillfully use the contrast that a man sees between his mistress and his wife.

Psychology of relations between a married man and a mistress

As a rule, a married man, meeting with his mistress, does not seek to divorce and marry another woman. He is quite satisfied with the love triangle, where, in the family circle, he receives care from his wife, contact with his children, and from his mistress, complete satisfaction of sexual needs. Such a double life can cause him to feel petty remorse and guilt towards his wife. Unfortunately, these negative emotions do not in any way affect his intentions to leave this situation unchanged.

A woman who acts as a mistress cannot help but feel the inferiority of her position and will in every possible way strive to change it. If the mistress insists on a divorce, and the man opposes this, the idyll between her and the married man may be violated. This can lead to a gap between them.

Can a married man love both his wife and his mistress: signs

Men and women put different meanings into the word "love". So for a woman, love can be synonymous with fidelity, devotion, a feeling of inspiration and the desire to take care of a man. And for a man, "love" can mean a willingness to have sex with a woman. Can a man be willing to have sex with more than one woman? Unambiguously can and even strives for this. This does not mean that every man should be suspected of adultery with or without reason. The presumption of innocence or lack of proof of a crime applies not only to hardened criminals, but also to husbands.

Can a married man be jealous of his mistress?

Jealousy or a sense of ownership is inherent in the relationship of a married man and his mistress. Despite the fact that in the life of his mistress he is only "coming for an hour", she may be jealous of his wife. In addition, she cannot help but understand that she is not the only one to whom such a man could turn his attention. A man is able to be jealous of his mistress of other men and feel like the sultan of a harem, where each concubine is his property.

Why do married men have young lovers?

Often, middle-aged men give birth to young mistresses in order to increase their self-esteem and increase potency, if there is a tendency for it to fade away. This is because young women are the most sexually attractive. They attract the attention of men, like females capable of procreation. Here pheromones play a role, which a young woman smells of during the period of fertility.

Can a lover be older than a man?

At the same time, young, sexually inexperienced men tend to have experienced lovers older than them in age. If an elderly woman, in addition to successful sex, proposes young man delicious dinners, the ability to listen without getting annoyed and give wise advice - such a union can be very successful.

How many mistresses can a married man have?

If a man is in great sexual shape and wants sex every day, then the number of his mistresses can be equal to the number of his having sex. This is a slight exaggeration of the truth, which is that it is not difficult for a man who has allowed himself one mistress to have such a number that his body can withstand.

Does a man leave the family for his mistress: how often, in what cases?

In the overwhelming majority of cases, a man does not leave the family for his mistress. Because he perfectly understands that he is already in an excellent position. Often, the initiator of the gap is the wife who learned about her husband's betrayal. In this case, a man can reluctantly go to his mistress. He can also leave the family if his marriage is bursting at the seams due to a mutual misunderstanding between him and his wife.

If the mistress offers him attentive care and understanding instead of scandals in his family, he can buy into such tricks and leave his wife. In the event that a man marries his new passion and instead of the status of “mistress” she receives the status of “wife”, he risks repeating the failures of his first marriage, but in a harsher version, and his new wife risks getting the role of a wife waiting for her husband after the campaign to a new, more interesting woman.

What mistresses do men go to?

In order to win the love triangle, the mistress must be many times better than the wife. Often a woman tries so hard to get closer to the ideal of a man and win that she really becomes a beauty, a clever woman and a goddess of sex. The only thing that a man should remember when leaving for such a woman is that she works for such an image at the limit of her abilities and will stop stressing immediately after becoming a wife.

When do married men leave their mistresses?

Mistresses are not abandoned if they perform the functions assigned to them. But in the event that a woman who is in the role of a mistress begins to take over the functions of a wife, that is, a scandal, clarifies the relationship, refuses to have sex, then she receives the status of a former mistress, and the man finds a more interesting option for himself.

Does a man go through parting, do men forget their former lovers?

If the separation between two people happened by mutual agreement, then it can go painlessly for both men and women. If such people remember the time spent together, then with a slight sadness and gratitude. If the breakup was painful and on the initiative of one of the parties, then the man or woman who lost intimacy will suffer and suffer from experiences. If the woman who left was a bright, non-standard and Personality with a capital letter, then it will be impossible for a man to forget such a woman.

How to part with his mistress for a married man?

If a man wants to leave a woman beautifully, and without inflicting too much moral harm on her, he should think about what will fill the vacuum or the void that will form after he leaves. The most banal, primitive, but working way to "leave unnoticed" is to introduce such a woman to a man who may be interested in a sexually anxious lady. If the vacuum is not filled, then the one who abandoned his mistress to the mercy of fate is guaranteed to receive phone calls from his former mistress with requests to meet or "random meetings" on the street.

The best way to leave a mistress is to captivate her with a new man

Love triangles or polygons existed in the distant past, are in the present and will be in the future as long as humanity exists. And one can only analyze and state such facts, without trying to give miraculous recipes for solving this problem.

Every woman dreams of being happy. For some, this is an interesting job, for others, traveling. But still almost everyone dreams of happy family... A caring husband, healthy, cheerful children, a cozy home ... Only sometimes it happens that a beloved man already has a family. There is a house and children. A relationship with a married man is not an easy burden.

Lover and mistress

Mistresses are not always unhappy. There are women who quite deliberately make a connection with a married man. And this state of affairs suits them quite well. Let's say a married lady is just looking for pleasure on the side. A man with a family is ideal for such purposes. He will be careful and prudent, he will not bother with calls and SMS. It would never occur to the father of the family to drop in to his beloved to have a serious talk with her husband. A highly functional relationship in which both partners are looking for what they lack in marriage. Adrenaline, romance, intimate moments that are unacceptable for a spouse.

The second option is a classic mistress. A beautiful well-groomed girl who is just looking for a "sponsor". She is interested not so much in a man as in his wallet, so whether he is married or not is not so important. Nothing personal, just business. And if such a girl decides to take a man out of the family, it will not be because of suddenly flared up feelings. It is, rather, a raider takeover, not a love drama. And why? After all, a lover can always be changed to a richer or more attractive one, and a divorced man will pay alimony and help his ex-wife.

Option for singles

Business women are also not always eager to get married. If a woman is comfortable with her own life, but just wants to have a non-binding romance, a relationship with a married man is ideal. Stable, comfortable, hassle-free communication that will not cause any inconvenience. A married man will not be jealous of hobbies and work, he does not need to wash and cook - there is a legal spouse for this. Lovely conversations, joint dinners in some uncrowded cafe and high-quality sex - all that such a mistress needs from a partner. And marriage is not included in her plans at all.

Is it easy to be a lover

But the cases when a lady agrees to the role of mistress, without pretending to be more, is rather an exception than a rule. The attitude of a married man to a woman can be just fabulous - care, material assistance, bouquets every weekend. But this is not what the ladies need. They dream that one fine day the beloved will divorce the hateful wife and marry. Maybe not now, maybe later, but he must marry. They have been waiting for this for years, hoping for happiness.

Such a relationship requires a woman of great patience and self-denial. It is necessary to be constantly, every minute in "combat readiness". What if he calls right now? What if he will find a free minute and come in? Or maybe, on the contrary, he will make an appointment, but he will not come, because I had to go to my mother-in-law for dinner ... I have to resignedly listen to endless complaints about my wife, stories about children, when any mention of someone else's family is echoed in my soul with deep pain. Letting go of a loved one, each time realizing that he is leaving for another woman. Kisses her in the hallway, eats her dinner, goes to bed with her. It's very hard.

Men are in no hurry to leave

Sometimes women start dating married men just for fun, and then the relationship drags on and does not let go. But much more often they do not even suspect that their chosen one is married. The truth comes as a shock to them. It would seem that you should immediately end your relationship with a married man. But many ladies forgive deception. They wait and hope. Such a relationship often lasts for years, leading a woman to despair.

What makes ladies keep in touch with a married man? The psychology behind this connection usually has some kind of inner wormhole. A woman who is confident in herself, contented with life and her surroundings will not condemn herself to endless waiting. Yes, for sure everyone can name a couple of men who still left their wives for their mistresses. But this is a drop in the ocean. Usually husbands "go to the left" for years, but if they still decide on an act, then, as a rule, they leave their mistress, not their family.

And public opinion has always condemned the "homeless women", blaming them for the destroyed family hearth. The statement is, of course, controversial.

The decision is made by a man, and if he wants to have a mistress, he will take her, not this one, so another. And if he decided to leave the family, he will leave. Maybe not even to a woman, but to my mother. Or in a hotel room, or anywhere. When the husband leaves the family, it means that the family as such has not existed for a long time. And the mistress is just a logical consequence of the current situation. The relationship of a married man to his mistress is often quite functional. She is in love. And a man, at best, is carried away and simply takes advantage of someone else's weakness.

Mistress - who is this?

And yet women are in no hurry to break off relations with a married man. Psychology explains this by some specific features that are initially present in the character.

Chronic lovers are usually extremely insecure. The inner conviction that she is not worthy of the best makes a woman transfer all her dreams and aspirations to the available man. Subconsciously, she is afraid to take risks, afraid to be all alone. At the same time, the paradox of the situation is that such a woman to some extent also enjoys the situation. Deeply experiencing her own imaginary unattractiveness, she seeks to prove to herself and others that she is not only no worse - better than others! And what could be a more weighty argument in such a dispute than a man reclaimed from a rival?

In addition, the status of a lover has a certain romantic halo, albeit very controversial. Psychology defines relationships with a married man as attractive precisely because of their ambiguity. On the one hand, this is proof of female attractiveness, on the other hand, it is a reason to feel like a victim of circumstances. And self-pity is a pretty good feeling. And a great excuse for any wrongdoing and blunder. “Yes, it was stupid. But how can you judge me? I'm so unhappy! "

One more last chance

Often, mistresses have been waiting for a man for years, although it seems already obvious that he is not going to leave the family. New excuses every time, new arguments every time.

Psychology characterizes relationships with a married man as addictive. The woman gets used to it. She convinces herself to believe again, now for sure the last. Although one last one has already been. And one more. And further. After all, it seems that the goal is so close ... Admitting your own mistakes is always difficult. It's not that the man is so convincing. It's just that the woman doesn't want to face the truth. So much effort wasted waiting, so much nerve wasted.

And the woman tries more and more. She goes out of her way to become the best, and all in the hope that the beloved will appreciate the efforts. In this case, the man simply does not care. He is comfortable, he is satisfied with this state of affairs. Perhaps even his wife has already got used to constant betrayal and got used to it. So the unfortunate mistress is the only one who seeks to break the tightening knot.

You need to break off relations decisively

Although does it really strive? Does she really need a family? If this is precisely her goal, then what prevents her from breaking off a relationship with a married man?

Then you can move on, look for someone who is ready to start a family. But the mistress doesn't do that. According to psychologists, this is due to the fact that in fact a woman is afraid of such responsibility and subconsciously seeks a way to avoid it. And what is better for this than hopeless love?

Those women who really want to break out of the vicious circle and go forward need, first of all, to work on themselves. Cut off all ties with your lover, change the phone number and the lock on the door. And then turn to a psychologist. Friends will not help here, you need a professional. He will help you get through a difficult moment and tell you how to change yourself. Both an inferiority complex and self-doubt are just psychological problems that can and should be dealt with. Only by eliminating the internal reasons, you can really change your life, create it anew.

What drives girls and women to become the lover of a married man? Love, sober calculation or hopelessness of loneliness? Each woman has her own motivation, prompting to decide on such a step, therefore, her own psychology.
Based on practice, psychologists say that most of the mistresses are divided into three main categories: women who fell in love with a married man, women decided to have a relationship with a married man from loneliness, women who, for one reason or another, deliberately went to create a love triangle.

Love is evil, love a married man

I saw and fell in love at first sight, as it turned out, in a married man. She believed that he reciprocated. Previously, she herself condemned such women, but she cannot control herself; attracts to him, despite all the prohibitions. The first few months loving woman enjoys his love without thinking about the future and the current situation. Over time, she begins to be oppressed by the fact that the man is trying to hide his relationship with her from colleagues, friends and acquaintances; feels humiliated when it is necessary to hide so that the wife does not find out about her husband's betrayal. She is offended that, due to his family circumstances, the long-awaited meetings have to be canceled. The whole life of such a mistress begins to take shape in endless hours of waiting, which brings her to despair.

A loving mistress is constantly tormented by doubts and tormented by her conscience, which does evil for his family and children. At the same time, she never stops hoping that the man will leave his wife. At times, the degree of waiting reaches a critical point. She begins to torment herself and the man with questions about when he will get divorced and they will get married. Sometimes the mistress tries to seek a meeting with the wife of her beloved, in order to ask her to let her husband go.

Usually, a man does not approve of this behavior.... Having received a charge of love adrenaline, he goes to the family to the children and his lawful wife, and the frequent reproaches and quarrels inevitably lead to a break.

Lonely lover

There are many reasons for a single girl to become a lover of a married woman. Years go by, monotonous workdays do not end in sight, and personal life does not add up. All her friends have been married for a long time, and she has no one to while away lonely evenings with. I would like to have a reliable man's shoulder and gentle hands that can warm and comfort. Over the years, the need to feel the joy of intimacy with a man becomes more acute.

Usually, there are not many single men in the “field of vision” of single girls. Therefore, she believes that one should not miss the chance if a married one drew attention to her. We must be comforted by what we have. At first, his mistress is satisfied with his attention: gifts, flowers and romantic dates. Over time, rare meetings become not enough, and spending weekends and holidays alone is very difficult and offensive. She begins to be jealous of her lover for his wife, reproach and accuse him of not in a hurry to associate life with her. She really wants to get married and have a normal family. The fear of the impending loneliness settles in her mind. The consequence of this is apathy, depression, a fall in one's own self-esteem. After all, the promises that the lover made are usually not fulfilled.

The psychology of a divorced woman is somewhat different. After an unsuccessful marriage, she wants to feel loved and desired again, to find a stimulus for life: to be successful and attractive. In addition, she is driven by a desire to take revenge on her ex-spouse and prove to him that she is popular with men. Let him know what treasure he has lost. A divorced woman understands that it is unrealistic to make plans for the future with a married lover. She is satisfied with such a relationship. She will not reproach her lover for hurrying from her to his family, but will try to prolong the relationship as long as possible. But if suddenly her connection with a married admirer develops into love, this brings suffering and becomes dangerous for the woman's psyche.

Mistress of convenience

A woman who becomes a lover of convenience proudly calls herself a bitch. This is her way and lifestyle. Such behavior adds adrenaline to life, makes it more intense and interesting. Such a woman is more busy with her career and does not plan to get married and have children in the foreseeable future. But she does not refuse love for the opposite sex. On the contrary, considering herself a real predator, she chooses a man as a victim and by any means achieves him. She usually doesn't care that a man has a family and small children. Often their bosses come under the sight of such a woman.

Knowing that the boss's wife is busy all day raising children and pays less attention to her husband, she outlines a plan of action on how to brighten up his monotonous life. And she often succeeds. The boss falls into the "outstretched networks" of his subordinate and she becomes his mistress. Having achieved her goal, such a woman values \u200b\u200bher position. She fills her partner's life with a manifestation of passionate feelings and she herself enjoys. The mistress does not compromise the man, on the contrary, she tries to prevent her colleagues and family from knowing about their proximity. She knows that their relationship may end sooner or later and does not require anything from a partner.

A lover of convenience does not sink to hysterics, she is always polite, restrained in her judgments and self-confident. She always tries to be well-groomed, beautiful, stylishly dressed. Such a mistress is sure that she is more beautiful and smarter than his wife, but she will never tell her partner badly about her; does not ask him for anything, but he takes all his presents for granted. When she sees that a man's feelings are cooling down, she herself may propose to end the relationship.