Reading Griboyedov's comedy grief from wit essay. Images of the comedy "Woe from Wit"

This brilliant play is dedicated to the life and customs of the noble society. And in the center of the story is a person whose worldview is significantly different from the system of views of those around him. Essay on the topic “Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit" "is written by schoolchildren from year to year. Comedy will never lose its moral and artistic power, and therefore it is one of those great works that should not only be read, but also analyzed.

Writing history

Griboyedov's play "Woe from Wit" took about three years to create. In 1822, the work was completed. However, it was published only seventeen years later and in a distorted form. Censored edits have significantly changed the author's text. The play was published in its original form much later.

It is rather difficult to imagine Russian literature without this work. The unsurpassed work "Woe from Wit", the images of which personify the vices of the capital's society, also conveys the oppositional spirit that embraced the most advanced representatives of the nobility.


The comedy "Woe from Wit" touches on acute socio-political problems. Writing on one of the topics involves the study of artistic conflict. And here he is not alone. At the beginning of the work, a kind of love conflict is tied up. Then the comedy author raises socio-political issues. On the one hand, a progressive-minded young man. On the other, representatives of the reactionary nobility. Their time is running out, but there is still no place for progressive ideas in this society. The clash of two social worlds alien to each other is traditionally devoted to the themes of essays.

"Woe from Wit" is a work with an open ending. Who has won? Chatsky? Or taciturn and famus? The comedy "Woe from Wit" does not give a clear answer to these questions. For almost two centuries, the work of the tragically deceased diplomat and playwright has provided food for deep philosophical reflections.


The very name of the comedy speaks of the misfortune of the protagonist. Chatsky's problem is that he is smart. Here, however, the mind is rather synonymous with the word "freethinking".

The author makes it clear to the reader that all his characters, with the exception of Chatsky, are stupid. But each of them does not know about this, believing himself to be smart, but a madman who does not want to share his views. Essay on the topic “Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit" "can reveal the question of the ambiguity of such a concept as mind. After all, Famusov and Molchalin believe that he is nothing more than the ability to adapt and derive material benefits. To sneak, commit meanness and marry solely for convenience - this is a peculiar way of thinking and way of life that reign in Moscow society, modern to Griboyedov.

Two hundred years later, little has changed in the worldview of people. That is why the essay on the theme “Griboyedov. “Woe from Wit” ”can answer such questions as“ What is the modern comedy of a Russian classic? ”,“ What is its relevance? ”.

Chatsky's image

This hero occupies a special place in Russian literature. The work contains the Decembrist spirit, so relevant for that time. The author pays attention to national-historical, social and political issues.

But if you close your eyes to the events in the atmosphere of which the brilliant play was created, and see in the system of images only characteristic psychological types that are invariably present in society, the question arises: "Is such a Chatsky capable of evoking sympathy today?" Hardly. He is witty and intelligent, independent in his judgments and sincere. However, appear now before those who pored over literature textbooks during their school years, creating an essay on the theme “Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit" ", he would not have been understood. He would only have seen the bewildered Famusian look.

Artistic originality

Griboyedov combined in his work the features of dying classicism and a new literary trend for that period - realism. The play is also not devoid of romantic features.

The author does not ignore the obligatory principles of classicism. There is only one storyline in the work, and all the actions take place in one place. The author endowed his characters with speaking surnames, which is characteristic of creativity. But Chatsky's romantic exclusivity is unusual for this literary trend. And finally, comedy has historical accuracy, which is a sign of realism.

The school curriculum offers a variety of essay topics. "Woe from Wit" is a unique work of art. The literary techniques used in it should not be ignored in the work on a creative task. This play was written at a turning point in the history of Russian literature. That is why he combines such different artistic forms.

Lived in the present, he would be called a child prodigy. At the age of seven, the boy was sent to the Moscow University boarding school, and at the age of eleven he became a student of the verbal department of the philosophy faculty of Moscow University. But Alexander Sergeevich did not calm down on this, having finished his studies at the Faculty of Philosophy, he entered the Faculty of Law of the University and received a PhD in Law.

Home education allowed the boy to learn English, French, German and Italian, and during his studies he mastered Arabic, Persian and Turkish. In addition, he was musically gifted, played the piano and flute, and composed music.

Ministry of Alexander Griboyedov

During World War II with Napoleon, Griboyedov voluntarily signed up for the front as a cornet (a junior officer) in the hussar regiment. And later he resigned and entered the Collegium of Foreign Affairs, where A.S. Pushkin also served at that time.

Not surprisingly, he is assigned to serve in the Caucasus and conduct diplomatic relations with Turkey and Persia.

As a result, he becomes a victim of a conspiracy of Persian fanatics. His death is, in a sense, a symbol of how limitation and darkness kills all living and talented. As a cultured and gifted person, Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov could have left an indelible legacy for the country and the future generation, but he did not have time. With us remained only his two waltzes and the famous comedy play in verse "Woe from Wit".

Composition on "Woe from Wit" by Griboyedov

His immortal comedy Woe From Wit takes place in high school. The content is known to everyone, but every time you read it, you can discover something new for yourself, especially in the image of Chatsky. The author shows how the mores, minds, views of people of different social strata and generations collide with each other.

There Famusov, a representative of the aristocratic Moscow society, lives according to the principle: the richer the better. He does not value the moral qualities of a person, he does not consider his servants and serfs to be people at all, especially equal to himself. With the mighty of this world, he fawns and knows how to get close to them with flattery. For his only daughter, he wants the same groom as himself, since not only money is important to him, but also position in society.

Famus Society

At school, when asking an essay on "Woe from Wit" by Griboyedov, the content of the play is often divided into several topics. There is such a topic as "Famus Society", the name of which has already become a household name.

And now people united by similar ideas are called "Famus society". The life attitudes of this society are deprived of freedom, it is important for them to destroy freethinking, obediently obey the authorities and be financially secure. Only in money do they see the meaning of life and respect and value the mighty of this world. They do not see anything reprehensible in their limitations, on the contrary, in education they notice only shortcomings, negative aspects and seriously believe that it interferes with human society.

A hero of his time

In addition to the "Famus society", teachers are given the task to write an essay on the comedy "Woe from Wit", where the main character - Alexander Andreyevich Chatsky - opposes this society. Indeed, the comedy begins with the visit of their friend Alexander Chatsky to the Famusovs. He is a brilliant person with great knowledge and broad views. The young man (he was absent for three years) comes to this house with only one purpose - to see Sophia, the daughter of Famusov, with whom he was in love before leaving, and whom he still loves. However, Sophia meets him somewhat coldly. At first, Chatsky does not understand what the matter is, but having learned the true reason, he remains at a loss.

Sofia Famusova in the comedy of Griboyedov

Essay on the topic “Sophia. Woe from Wit "girls like to write. But not all of them fully understand how the educated, witty Sophia Famusova (it was not for nothing that the main character fell in love with her) preferred the close-minded Molchalin to Chatsky. Sophia in the comedy is one of the most difficult characters. On the one hand, she is the closest in spirit to Chatsky, on the other, she is the reason for his flight from the "Famus society".

Sophia is educated, intelligent, loves to spend time reading books (especially French), she is not afraid to express her opinion. In this quality, she is similar to Chatsky, but, as they say, love is evil ...

The composition “Woe from Wit. Images of the main characters of the comedy "

Sophia falls in love with the quiet Molchalin, thinking that he is smart and modest, similar to the heroes of novels, but out of inexperience, takes his duplicity at face value, for real feelings. After all, it is profitable for Molchalin to marry her, he has everything thought out and painted. Molchalin's motto is "moderation and accuracy." The fact that Sophia preferred Molchalin to Chatsky becomes clear later, after carefully reading the immortal comedy. Sophia grew up in a society that could not but leave an imprint on her. Matriarchy dominated in her circle, women were the head of the family, so on an unconscious level she opted for who she could push around (especially since he is poor).

Writing on "Woe from Wit" from the position of Sophia is the most difficult to write, since her image is the most tragic in the play. For quite a long time, a young girl has to defend her love, her feelings from the attacks of Chatsky, who makes jokes about Molchalin. It is she who spreads the rumor about Chatsky's madness and then bitterly repents of what she did. Only a chance helps her to expose Molchalin, to see his low nature. However, with Chatsky, she would be unhappy, her strong character needs a husband who would please and obey her in everything.

An essay on the topic “Woe from Wit. Chatsky ”is a favorite topic of schoolchildren. If you look up to someone in comedy, then only this smart, educated and witty person. At first, Griboyedov wanted to give his hero the surname Chadsky from the word "child", showing that he is in the daze of his own ideals and upheavals.

Chatsky's character

If you look closely at the character of the hero, you can find in him such qualities as hot temper and even some tactlessness (Sofia Famusova points out to him). The ardor of a young man can be attributed to youth and inexperience, besides, he is in love, and, as he later realizes, is hopelessly in love. Pondering how to write an essay on Woe from Wit (Griboyedov's comedy), some schoolchildren justify Chatsky's sharp tone by the fact that he sees the immorality of the society in which he has to live. He is not at all amused or admired by Uncle Famusov, who fell on purpose at a reception with the Empress. On the contrary, it arouses disgust in him, the statement "I would be glad to serve - it is sickening to serve" becomes his credo. Among the nobles, he does not see those from whom one could take an example, notes that Moscow noblemen attend balls with only one purpose: to make useful acquaintances.

School essay topics

All high school students have to write an essay on the comedy "Woe from Wit", often they include excerpts from the comedy in exam tickets, or I propose to children to describe the image of one or another hero of Griboyedov's work. Therefore, it is important to understand the play, to know by heart excerpts from the monologues of Chatsky and Famusov.

It is not without reason that modern schoolchildren are offered to carefully study the play "Woe from Wit". The essay topics for this immortal comedy for examinations include the following content:

  • "The present century and the past century."
  • “Chatsky and Famus society - a conflict of generations”.
  • Famusovskaya Moscow.
  • "The Author and His Hero".
  • "Hero and Era".
  • "Chatsky and Sophia".
  • "The meaning of the name of the comedy."
  • "Artistic innovation of A. S. Griboyedov".

The very name of the comedy "Woe from Wit" is prophetic. For many people, the mind is synonymous with happiness, but not all carriers of the mind became happy, rather the opposite. They had to face ignorance and narrow-mindedness, and the advanced ones themselves were often declared insane.

1.ABOUT chatsky's conflict with Famusian society .

2. Chatsky and Sophia.

3. Chatsky.

/ Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit." /

The comedy "Woe from Wit" was completed by Griboyedov in one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four. Immediately banned by the censorship, during the life of the author it never appeared either in print or on stage. But the comedy manuscript was rewritten by hand, and the lists were distributed throughout Russia. By the time of the first theatrical performances of Woe from Wit, the audience knew the text of the comedy by heart.

"Woe from Wit", as a political comedy, was immediately perceived correctly and highly appreciated by the Decembrists.

The first pages of the comedy were read ... It became clear: everyone in Famusov's house was waiting for the person who had so interested me. Who is he? Why is it only about him and they talk in this house? Why does Liza, the maid, remember him as a cheerful, witty person, and Sophia, Famusov's daughter, does not even want to hear about Chatsky? And later I am convinced that Famusov is annoyed and alarmed. Why? I need to resolve all these questions. Comedy from the very first pages interested me.

So, it turns out that Chatsky, who was left an orphan early, lived in the house of his guardian Famusov, father's friend , and was brought up with his daughter, having received an excellent education at home from foreign tutors. "The habit of being together every day is inseparable" linked them with childhood friendship. But soon the young man Chatsky became "bored" in Famusov's house, where there were no serious intellectual interests, and he "moved out", that is, began to live separately, on his own, made good friends, and seriously took up science. During these years, his friendly disposition towards Sophia becomes a serious feeling. But his love for the girl did not distract him from the desire for knowledge, for the study of life. He goes to "wander". Three years have passed ... And now our hero is again in Moscow, in the house of Famusov. He is in a hurry to see Sophia, whom he passionately loves. And such sincerity, such love and joy from meeting with his beloved girl are heard in his voice! He is lively, cheerful, witty, handsome! Chatsky is all overflowing with the joy of life and does not know that trouble awaits him: after all, Sophia loves not him, but her father's secretary, the cunning liar Molchalin.

Chatsky does not even suspect how Sophia has changed during his absence, he trusts her, as in the days of his early youth. And Sophia not only does not love him, but is even ready to hate him for the sharp words addressed to Molchalin. She is capable of lying, pretending, gossip, just to hurt, to take revenge on Chatsky. In Chatsky's playful, sarcastic remarks, she cannot feel the pain of a person who truly loves his homeland. Chatsky and Famusov meet as close people. But soon we are convinced that collisions constantly occur between them.

At Famusov's house, Chatsky meets Skalozub, a possible contender for Sophia's hand. It is here that between Famusov, the defender of the autocratic-feudal order, and Chatsky, the patriot, the defender of "free life", the spokesman for the ideas of the Decembrists, new ideas about man and his place in society, an intense ideological struggle arises and flares up. The dispute between them is about the dignity of a person, his value, about honor and honesty, about the attitude to service, about a person's place in society.

Chatsky sarcastically criticizes the feudal tyranny, cynicism and heartlessness of the "fathers of the fatherland", their pitiful admiration for everything foreign, their careerism, fierce resistance to moving forward, to a better life.

Famusov is afraid of people like Chatsky, since they encroach on the order of life that is the basis of well-being for the Famusovs. The self-righteous serf-owner teaches "today's proud men" how to live, he sets up sycophants and careerists like Maxim Petrovich as an example.

Could, in such a case, keep silent, say, Belinsky, Ryleev, Griboyedov? Hardly! That is why we so naturally perceive Chatsky's accusatory monologues and remarks. The hero is indignant, despises, mocks, blames, while thinking aloud, not paying attention to how others will react to his thoughts.

Chatsky has an ebullient passion for a fighter for a just society. He wants to bring the enemies to the "white heat" and express his truth.

A citizen's anger and resentment gives him energy.

Reading the comedy, I admire more and more how expressively Griboyedov compared Chatsky and his rivals. Chatsky evokes sympathy and respect in me, recognition of his noble deeds. His statements about the world of serfs are close and dear to me.

The secular crowd, skillfully depicted by Griboyedov's pen, is the personification , meanness, ignorance, inertia. In my opinion, this crowd includes Sophia, whom our hero loves so much. After all, it is she who inflicts a treacherous blow on him : composing gossip about Chatsky's madness. I understand that she wanted to avenge his ridicule in relation to Molchalin. But you can't be so cruel and inhuman! After all, she is a representative of the fair sex and suddenly .... such meanness! The fiction about Chatsky's madness is spreading with lightning speed. Nobody believes, but everyone repeats. Finally, this gossip reaches Famusov. When the guests begin to list the reason for Chatsky's madness, another meaning of this phrase is revealed: according to their opinions, a madman means "a free-thinker." Everyone is trying to establish the cause of the madness. Khlestova says: “I drank tea beyond my years,” but Famusov is firmly convinced:

Learning is a plague

Learning is the reason ...

Then various measures are proposed to combat the "madness". Colonel Skalozub, a narcissistic, stupid colonel of a cane drill, an enemy of freedom and enlightenment, dreaming of the rank of general, says:

I will please you: everyone's rumor,

That there is a project at the expense of lyceums, schools, gymnasiums;

They will only teach in our way: one, two;

And schools will keep it this way: for big occasions.

And Famusov, as if summarizing the statements made about enlightenment, says:

If you stop evil:

Take all the books and burn them.

Thus, Chatsky is recognized as a madman for his free thinking. He is hated by a reactionary society as an ideological enemy, as an advanced freedom-loving person. And society is taking measures to render him harmless - he raises vile slander against him. Soon Chatsky heard gossip about his madness. He is in pain, bitter, but this does not bother him as deeply as who does Sophia love, why she is so cold to him.

And suddenly there is an unexpected resolution of these issues. Chatsky witnessed an overheard conversation between Molchalin and the maid Liza. Molchalin confesses his love to the girl, but dare about the maid hints at his wedding with the young lady, Sophia, shames Molchalin. And then Molchalin "takes off his mask": he confesses to Liza that "there is nothing enviable in Sofya Pavlovna," that he is in love with her "according to his position", "who feeds and drinks, and sometimes will give him a rank." Anger and shame torment Chatsky: “Here I donated to whom!”. How deceived he was in Sophia! His lucky rival is Molchalin, a lowly hypocrite and deceiver, a “fool”, a “famous servant,” convinced that “in his age,” in his rank “one should not dare to have one's own judgment,” but should, “pleasing everyone, and take awards and have fun. "

And Sophia, who was heading on a date to Molchalin, accidentally heard his frank confession to Lisa. She is surprised, insulted, humiliated! After all, she loved him so much, idealized this insignificant person! What a pitiful role Sophia played in his life! But the girl finds the strength to forever abandon delusions, push away Molchalin crawling at her feet, but she cannot defend and justify herself in front of Chatsky. Chatsky suffered another wound: he learns that the ridiculous gossip about his madness belongs to Sophia. No, he will never be able to forgive her, since he considers her a representative of the Famus society, hostile to him. Chatsky decided to leave Moscow for good. Why? Leaving "the tormentors of the crowd, in the love of traitors, in the enmity of the indefatigable," he intends to "look around the world where the offended feeling has a corner."

And Sophia? After all, it was so possible reconciliation with her! But Chatsky, having ranked her among the world of his enemies, is convinced that "there will be another well-behaved low-worshiper and businessman." May be , our hero is right. After all, Sophia, brought up in a spirit of hatred for everything progressive, new, would not bring happiness to a person who has a definite opinion about serfdom, education, service. No wonder the Decembrists saw in Chatsky their like-minded person.

I, I confess, feel sorry for Sophia, because she is not a bad girl, not immoral, but, unfortunately, she turned out to be a victim of the lie that is characteristic of the Famus society, which destroyed her.

The comedy "Woe from Wit" has entered the treasury of our national culture. She has not lost her moral and artistic strength even now. We, people of the new generation, understand and closely the angry, irreconcilable attitude of Griboyedov to injustice, meanness, hypocrisy, which are so often encountered in our life.

The main character of the comedy teaches us to be irreconcilable to everything low and vulgar, teaches us to be honest, kind and principled.

Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" is a truly brilliant work. Otherwise, she would not have become so famous, would not have remained relevant for almost two centuries, there would not have been dozens of her remarks in catchphrases ... And, as in any carefully crafted work of fiction, there is not a single “superfluous” hero in this comedy - every image is needed here. But still, a number of the most striking characters can be distinguished. This is, of course, Chatsky, and also - Sophia. Molchalin, Liza, Famusov and Skalozub. Chatsky is the most charming. He is clearly sympathetic to the author, and Griboyedov endows his beloved hero with a sharp and evil language, the ability to notice everything correctly, to form his thoughts precisely. But does it help Chatsky? .. It was always surprising that with his bright mind, with his extraordinary intellect, he tries to convey his progressive views and ideas to those who not only do not want, but are simply unable to understand him ?! Doesn't he see that these are people who:

Judgments are drawn from the forgotten newspapers of the Times of Ochakovsky and the conquest of the Crimea,

that these people cannot understand him ?! Yes, Chatsky is smart, but he is not yet able to direct his mind in the right direction. But in the comedy finale, when he is declared insane, Chatsky finally realizes how much energy he wasted. Now his main desire is to move away from the incomprehensible society. Molchalin is not like that. On the contrary, he is looking for an opportunity to gain a foothold in society as firmly as possible, he is ready for this to humiliate and toady. Possessing only two virtues - moderation and accuracy, he admits:

After all, one must be dependent on others.

And I'm ready to do anything for the sake of the patronage of some Tatyana Yurievna. He wants to please everyone, even "the janitor's dog, to be affectionate." And Griboyedov clearly opposes Chatsky to Molchalin.

Two pitiful images - Liza and Sophia. We are surprised how Sophia, an intelligent and straightforward girl, could fall in love with a person like Molchalin. Did she not understand what this nonentity is ?! But then it becomes clear that she could not understand - after all, Molchalin is completely false. He pretends to be who they want to see him. If Chatsky is the same with everyone, then Molchalin is always different - depending on what he wants to achieve. That is why Sophia fell in love with him, that she saw another person in him ... Liza is a classic image of a playful and sweet servant, smarter and sharper than her mistress. Ego is a girl from the people, and she is characterized by lively humor and a subtle mind. Liza, in her caustic remarks, is perhaps much more caustic than Chatsky. And she. like Chatsky, it is clearly dear to the author.

In the form of Skalozub, Griboyedov brings a poor-minded military man onto the stage. Soldafonism - this is the main feature of his character, his dignity lies only in the fact that he “is both a golden bag and marks the generals.” Skalozub is not used to thinking - they order him, and he does it. It is about such people that Chatsky said:

"I would be glad to serve - it is sickening to serve."

Such as Skalozub can only be served.

Famusov is the personification of the old order, the old society. His ideals are Maxim Petrovich, Marya Alekseevna. Kuzma Petrovich ... Like Molchatin, he is ready to achieve his goal - material well-being - by absolutely any methods ... They are strangely similar to each other, and this is not surprising: the Famusovs are obtained from the silent ones who have made their way.

Griboyedov in each image showed a whole type of people, a whole layer of society. His comedy is still modern today, and it will be relevant as long as the Skalozubs, Molchalins and Famusovs live and live.