Love triangle: admirer of female beauty Ilya Glazunov and his muse. Ilya Glazunov - biography, photos, paintings, personal life of the artist The mysterious death of Ilya Glazunov's wife

Love triangle: Ilya Glazunov, Nina Benois, Larisa Kadochnikova.

"I owe everything to the Woman ... I, a sinner, repent that the only force that I could not resist is female beauty."
The talented artist, founder of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture - Ilya Sergeevich Glazunov (1930) was rewarded by fate with talent from God and love for women. Unusually beautiful and famous women of the planet: Indira Gandhi, Claudia Cardinale, Juliet Mazina, Gina Lollobrigida were the heroines of the famous artist's paintings. And there were also muses who walked alongside in life, loved, inspired and adored.

Nina Vinogradova-Benois is Glazunov's only wife.

Ilya Glazunov and Nina Vinogradova-Benois at the artist's first exhibition. 1957 year. Moscow.

Their love story was a drama with a tragic ending.
Nina, the daughter of the great Russian architect Leonty Benois, being a talented costume designer and art critic, gave up her career in order to serve the great genius - Ilya Glazunov.

Ilya Glazunov and Nina Vinogradova-Benois.

As a student of the Faculty of Art History, Nina fell in love with a 25-year-old unknown poor artist. Contrary to the arguments and protests of her parents, she married him, and became a faithful friend and devoted wife. It was said about Glazunov that the young artist “adhered” to the famous surname in order to enter the world of art.

Ilya Glazunov and Nina Benois.

Nina's love was strong before self-sacrifice: in difficult times, she donated her blood to buy her husband paints for work. But these sacrifices were nothing compared to what she had to endure throughout their married life for the sake of love for Glazunov.

Ilya Glazunov and Nina Benois.

After all, the fact that the artist became famous not only for his work, but also for his very stormy personal life, about which there were legends. He himself admitted that he could not resist the power of a woman's beauty. The wife took all his novels with dignity, without complaining about fate. And to justify the artist, she even said: "... for creativity he needs to be constantly in a state of love." And Ilya always emphasized that despite his romantic hobbies on the side, he really only loves her - Nina.

Ilya Glazunov, Nina Benois with their son Vanya.

He always said that they were tied not just by marriage, but by the union of two kindred souls, and that he would never leave her, under any circumstances. After all, only from Nina the artist wanted to have his children, and this he considered the most important proof of love. In 1969, a son Ivan was born in the family, and three years later a daughter, Vera, was born.

Ilya and Nina with their children.

Nina fulfilled her destiny completely: her whole life was devoted to Glazunov - her beloved husband, father of her children, friend, creator, famous artist. And he idolized her and very often painted her portraits with a very beautiful, but sad face.

Ilya Glazunov at work on the portrait of his wife.

Ilya and Nina lived together for about thirty years. But everything collapsed overnight, when in the spring of 1986 a terrible news shook Moscow: the wife of the famous painter threw herself out of the window. The death of Nina has remained a mystery to this day. She was found falling out of the window of a Moscow apartment, wearing a winter hat: she was afraid that her husband would see her disfigured face. To this day, Ilya Sergeevich does not believe that this is suicide. Left alone with two children, who so reminded him of Nina - now with a familiar look, now with a gesture, Glazunov experienced a sharp pain piercing his heart. The question constantly tormented: who and why?

Vanya and Vera / Ilya Glazunov and his children Ivan and Vera 1986

Larisa Kadochnikova and Ilya Glazunov: Three Years of Passion and Madness.

They say that Nina always knew about her husband's addictions, but she always inspired herself that the creator needs a muse for inspiration. And it happened so that she unwittingly pushed the “inspirers” to her husband, who later became his mistresses.

Young actress Larisa Kadochnikova.

In early 1957, a stunning romance began between Glazunov and 18-year-old Larisa Kadochnikova, who came to the first exhibition of the young artist with her mother, the famous film actress Nina Alisova. And ironically, Nina herself introduced them, and immediately drew her husband's attention to the girl's extraordinary beauty.

An aspiring actress with "mermaid eyes" immediately became a source of inspiration for Ilya to create the greatest canvases that became world famous. Their frantic romance lasted over three years.

Larisa Kadochnikova has been inspiring the artist for three years.

The notoriety that had a reputation in Moscow, the wild jealousy of a loved one, two abortions after which it was already impossible to have children, brought Kadochnikova to nervous exhaustion. Seeing how her daughter disappears from insane love, Nina Alisova did not let Larisa go on a date with Glazunov, tying her to the bed.

Subsequently, Ilya tried to avoid meeting with Larisa. And she, having thrown the veil from her eyes, no longer burned with the desire to see him. The actress could have ended her life deplorably, if not for the operator Yuri Ilyenko, who was then nearby. Larisa literally fled to marriage with Yuri from excruciating suffering and experiences.

Larisa Kadochnikova and Yuri Ilyenko.

The artist's wife took this novel with dignity, as did all the subsequent numerous hobbies of her husband.

The monstrous tragedy that happened to Nina did not give Glazunov the moral right to marry again. He never dared to call any woman his wife. Although the muses were still and changed often: it was difficult to withstand the wayward character of the master.

Inessa Orlova.

Soon next to the artist was a new muse - Inessa Orlova. Having met her just on the street, Ilya immediately burst out: "I am an artist, I want to draw you!"

Ilya Glazunov and Inessa Orlova.

And now for about twenty years Inessa - a beloved woman, a faithful friend and assistant to the artist - brightens up loneliness, surrounds with care and attention. Today she is the director of the gallery on Volkhonka, 13. The big age difference does not prevent them from being together for how many years.

Ilya Glazunov with children Ivan and Vera. 1996

The children of Ilya Glazunov, following in the footsteps of their parents, became artists.


Three years of humiliation and two abortions. This is what the actress Larisa Kadochnikova received after she became Ilya Glazunov's mistress at the age of 18. Larisa told about her story in the new issue of the magazine "Caravan of stories". In particular, she described her first meeting with the artist in 1957. She was then a student, he was already a famous "art worker". Somehow casually Glazunov invited the girl to pose for him a little. She agreed.

Women shouldn’t be surprised: “I had no idea that he would turn out to be so cruel.” The dictator usually manifests itself immediately, almost from the first minutes. So Glazunov, first of all, pulled off her clips from an actually unfamiliar girl - he said that this was ugliness. Another would say: "What do you allow yourself?" But Larisa even began to make excuses. All. Bingo! The sadist realized that he had found his victim. Understood, most likely unconsciously, intuitively. Skin. And she, a child who grew up without a father, I am sure, realized that she had found “her man”, a daddy who knows everything, obeyed and set her tail between her legs. So began three years of dancing. His control, dictatorial habits, the desire to remake her to her taste - she took all this classic behavior of "domestic tyrants" for love, although her friends constantly asked: "Why do you need this?" ... And in parallel, another female tragedy developed - the artist's wife.

... Glazunov sat me down on a stool and began to unhurriedly look at me like some kind of statue. I felt uncomfortable. And I had clips that day. Very fashionable, but cheap, plastic. Ilya winced when he saw them, pulled them off my ears and said irritably:
- What an ugliness! You can't wear that.
He suddenly switched to "you".
- They, of course, are unpretentious, - I began, but Glazunov interrupted:
- Don't you understand! Modern crafts, rude and vulgar, are contraindicated for a person like yours ... - I became quiet, and he continued in some incomprehensible delight: - A strange oval, alarming black eyes, suffering and making you suffer. What I was looking for. Dostoevsky's heroines had such faces ...

... Three hours flew by like an instant. I did not even notice when Ilya had time to draw me, and with difficulty returned to reality. We started dating - almost every day. At first they just worked and talked - about literature, painting, history. Glazunov's knowledge in various fields of knowledge was amazing. I listened with my mouth open. And as soon as he called, she rushed to the workshop at the agreed time, since there was no one to forbid it. Mom left again, and my grandmother did not interfere in my affairs.

... Once we said goodbye after a session, and I went home by trolleybus. It took me a long time to get there and thought about Ilya all the way. For some reason, my heart was uneasy. I entered the entrance, took the elevator to the third floor and was stunned - at our door stood ... Glazunov.
I got lost:
- How did you get here? What for?
“I don’t know myself. Suddenly I realized that I could not part with you.
At that moment, a spark ran between us. I felt as if I had been shocked. She froze with sweet horror and thought: “Lord, this cannot be! I love him!" In some incomprehensible way, in just a few short meetings, this person became for me the closest and dearest on earth.

... I threw myself into an affair with Glazunov like a whirlpool. Before that there was no experience - just a couple of innocent school stories. I really fell in love with Ilya, I could not live a day without him. And he barely got along without me. If it was not possible to meet, he called ten times a day, came home or to the institute. He said that I was his muse. How many times has it happened: I’m sitting in class and suddenly the door opens - Ilya. All eyes are immediately fixed on him. The teacher grumbles with displeasure. And he, as if not noticing nothing, calls out: “Larissa! Larissa! " I blush and show with signs that I cannot get out. Ilya insists. Nothing to do, I run out into the corridor. It turns out that the beloved was worried, because in the morning he did not have time to talk to me on the phone, and in the afternoon no one answered the phone.
- So what? - I wonder.
“But you never know what could have happened,” Ilya hisses. - And in general, I must know where you are and what you are doing, otherwise I cannot work!
- You know perfectly well that I am at the institute!
- So call in between classes! Say you missed me!
And I throw myself on his neck ... He was so passionate and at the same time so gentle and caring! In a sense, Glazunov replaced my father, whose absence I felt so acutely from early childhood, and even ... my mother. Because of her constant travels, we rarely had the opportunity to confer in a woman's way, to talk heart to heart.

... Glazunov said that art is the main meaning of its existence. And he worked around the clock. His days were scheduled by the minute. I often heard: “At twelve N. will come in. At one o'clock they are waiting at the embassy. At three - I'm going to the publishing house. Then - a session until the evening. And at eleven we will meet at my place. And try to forget or be late!

Portraits by Ilya Glazunov of different years: Brezhnev, Luzhkov.

... Clients were delighted with Ilya's portraits. Moreover, he wrote them in three or four hours! By the way, my beloved never gave me a single portrait of me - he believed that only an artist had the right to his work.
In those years I wore pretty catchy makeup. She outlined her eyes with black pencil, smeared her lips with red lipstick. Glazunov praised me. I thought that I paint in my style - the fatal women of Dostoevsky. He said: “You should definitely highlight your eyes and lips. The image is more expressive and dramatic. " But Ilya did not recognize pants on me! They were definitely not suitable for "Dostoevsky's woman". I didn't argue. I did everything as Glazunov wanted. His charm extended not only to me. If desired, he could charm any woman. Later I learned that Glazunov's wife Nina, when they were still in Leningrad, donated blood in order to buy paints for her beloved with the proceeds!

Left: Glazunov with his wife Nina and children, right: his mistress Larisa.

... Once we crossed paths with her in the workshop. I was nervous: the novel of Glazunov and Alisova's daughter was discussed by the whole secular Moscow. But Nina behaved so naturally and friendly that bewilderment replaced anxiety. “Doesn't she know anything? - I thought. - But this is impossible! I could not smile at my husband's mistress. She probably has a different temperament ... "
Of course, everything was much simpler: Nina, who was madly in love with her husband, turned a blind eye to his betrayal, so long as he stayed with her. And Glazunov was quite satisfied with such a "free" marriage. He almost immediately made it clear that he would not leave his wife, although I did not even stutter about it. Only once did she mention that she had always dreamed of getting married for great love. Ilya looked at me as if I were a complete idiot: “Marriage grounds a person's creative aspirations. And our lives with you belong to art. And our relationship is above this obsolete convention. "
At the same time, he openly used Nina's kindness and self-sacrifice. She was a very gifted artist, but she abandoned her own career for the sake of her beloved Ilya. She became not just his wife, but also a nanny, housekeeper, secretary. How could such a treasure be exchanged for some kind of muse, of which Glazunov - both before and after me - had a lot.

... Theater director Anatoly Efros grabbed me at once:
- Larissa, you have to work in the theater. Such one hundred percent hits as you did in this play are rare.
- And Ilya thinks that I need to act.
- Well, then you will act in a hundred other films! Cinema is not going anywhere from you. And there may not be such roles in the theater.
- There is also a good role. And the script is interesting. Ilya says - we have to go.
- What did you do with it - Ilya and Ilya! It's time for you to live your mind. And build your own career. With Glazunov, nothing will come of it.
- Are you all conspiring, or what? - I got angry. - Lately, I only hear from all sides: Glazunov so and so, get away from him. And you too! And in general - this is not your last performance. We'll do some more work.
“Okay, let's rehearse“ Dreams of Simone Machar ”by Bertold Brecht,” Efros suggested. - You are absolutely perfect Simone.
- No, not now, after filming. I’ll come and begin.
But he didn't wait for me. Found Olga Yakovleva. And for many years she became the "main" actress of Anatoly Efros. And she - if not for my blind love for Glazunov - could be me ...

… Many people advised me to quit, but I did not listen. And she wondered: why do these people dislike Ilya so much? At VGIK, some teachers and students simply could not stand him. The guys from our company - Gena Shpalikov, Sasha Knyazhinsky, Yura Ilyenko - said that I had lost my mind, that I was spending the best years of my life on a narcissistic and cruel person. I considered it jealousy and envy. Glazunov was handsome, charming, successful and famous. And his "critics" still had to prove what they are capable of.

... The girls sympathized with me:
- Lariska, you and this artist have become completely transparent. Skin and bones. He drank all the blood out of you.
“Nonsense,” I fought back. - I just have such a constitution. And it doesn't always work out to eat.
- Come on, don't we understand ?!
But I really didn't eat well.
I didn't have breakfast in the morning, I didn't want to, and then I sat hungry at VGIK until the evening. To grab some dried pie, you had to come to the buffet early and stand in a long line, for which there was neither time nor desire. Ilya, to whom I almost always went after class, had no food. In the best case, tea with bagels or sandwiches. Glazunov was not engaged in everyday life, he had Nina for this. When I was there, she did not appear in the workshop. And I did not manage there.
She returned home at night and immediately fell into bed. In order to catch the first pair, I had to get up quite early. There was no question of being late or missing. Our master, Olga Ivanovna Pyzhova, mercilessly drove out negligent students.

... I went to the shooting of the film "Vasily Surikov", so Ilya rushed after me, fortunately, they were based not far from Moscow. I played the artist's first wife, Elizaveta Avgustovna, who died very young of a heart defect and fleeting consumption. Glazunov adored Surikov, considered himself an expert in him and tortured me with advice on how to play. Fortunately, he was not allowed to enter the site, otherwise I simply would not have been able to work. She sighed with relief when he left for Moscow.
Operator Gabriel Egiazarov, who later became a director and shot many wonderful films, treated me like a daughter. At the beginning of filming, I remember, I was all lamenting that I looked bad:
- Well, where am I going to put these veins and bones? How to film you?
And he tried to somehow influence me:
- Larissa, find a good guy, free, young. Why do you need this married artist? He will drive you into the coffin!
- And Ilya likes how I look. The worse for him, the better.

Glazunov's illustrations for the works of Dostoevsky.

... Glazunov made scenes for any reason. If I could not get out to the workshop, I would run to Dorogomilovka in the middle of the night:
- Where have you been? With whom?
- We were detained during the run-through of the performance.
- Why didn't you call?
- Did not make it.
- You have such a frightened look ... You're lying!
- Ilya, listen ...
- No, you listen to me!
It all ended with the fact that Glazunov, slamming the door, ran out of the apartment in a rage, and I sobbed until morning, unable to fall asleep. In the morning he usually called and asked for forgiveness. Or came to VGIK in the afternoon with a bouquet of flowers. We made up, and for a while he calmed down. And then it all started all over again: where did you go, with whom, why? ..

... Glazunov clearly believed that my life belonged to him, and kept it under vigilant control. What I once took for tender care turned out to be the jealous dictate of a capricious star. Sometimes I felt that Ilya deliberately escalated the situation, creating an elephant out of a fly. He turned himself on and me, and then, saturated with strong emotions, like a vampire with blood, he calmed down and apologized. It was not for nothing that he loved Dostoevsky so much, his heroes often did the same. And Glazunov tried to turn our relations into some kind of "dostoyevschina".
Some people need to constantly quarrel, sort things out in order to keep the flame of love alive. Glazunov artificially created tension, thus fanning the creative "fire". He liked to say: "For every moment of happiness and creative take-off, you have to pay with blood and suffering." I don't know about him, but I paid in full for my love ...

I did not immediately realize that she was pregnant. Stomach problems have happened before, and I did not attach serious importance to the nausea every now and then. I drank pills, but it didn't work. But there was a wild weakness. Once I almost fell at the institute in a dance lesson. My head was dizzy, my eyes darkened. They barely managed to catch me. The girls decided it was a hungry swoon:
- Lariska, have you eaten anything again?
- Yes, what food when you feel sick all the time.
- And does not pull on salty? they laughed. - You're not pregnant for an hour? Go check it out.
I went. And I learned that I would have a child. From the doctor came out in shock. I was just a girl and didn't know what to do. I decided to consult with Ilya. He just shrugged his shoulders when he heard that he would become a father:
- So, what is next?
- Farther? - I was surprised. - Pregnancy usually ends in childbirth.
- Do you want a child so much? - in turn he was surprised.
- And what could be more beautiful than giving birth from a loved one?
“Of course, you can give birth,” he said, “but personally, I'm not ready to become a father. Now this is completely inappropriate.
And that's all. Do as you like.

… I don't know what my mother was counting on when she invited Glazunov to us. What does he recognize as a child? Marry me? Ilya immediately said how he snapped:
- I do not intend to divorce.
- And what will happen to Larisa, Ilyusha? - Mom whined plaintively. - The girl will lose everything if she gives birth.
- Then let him have an abortion, - he answered just as harshly. - I already told Larisa, my child is not at the right time. But it's up to you, of course. These are your women's affairs.
She still tried to pity him - to no avail. After Glazunov left, my mother said: “All men are equally cruel. Even ingenious. " Ilya didn't care what happened to me. In the life of the great artist, whom he considered himself to be, there was no place for such annoying trifles as the pregnancy of a muse.
Mom was terribly worried. And I did not understand at all what was happening. I felt so bad all the time! It's scary to remember. I suffered, suffered and went for an abortion.

... Life seems to have improved. We even went with Glazunov to the Crimea, to Gurzuf. It was wonderful there. Sun, sea, fruits. In this paradise, even Ilya relaxed a little, became softer, more human. But I still ran to the post office, called and sent telegrams. He was incorrigible. And soon after arriving from Gurzuf, I unexpectedly received a letter from Nina.
It turns out that while her husband and I were in Crimea, she also rested somewhere, alone. She did not accuse me or Ilya of anything. On the contrary, she forgave us all sins and admired me as a woman and a creative person. She wrote: “You are the sky. And I am the land on which Ilya walks. But he cannot do without this firmament, nor without this height. He needs both of us. " With this letter, she seemed to give permission for our novel. Nina also believed that the artist should have a muse. And recognizing me as this muse, she agreed to recede into the background. She dedicated her life to Glazunov. What did the several years of my humiliation and insults mean in comparison with this sacrifice ?! Did I feel guilty about Nina? No, only reciprocal admiration - the breadth of her personality and views. I was very young, in love, which means that I thought only about myself and my feelings.

… A few months later, the nightmare repeated itself - I became pregnant again. And she was ready to howl with longing, realizing that this child would also have to be killed. I wouldn't have pulled it out alone. And Glazunov was still interested only in his work.
It was not possible to "slip through" the second time. After the abortion, I was ill for a very long time, although a good doctor did it. Problems began in the female part, I never became a mother ...

... I continued to meet with Ilya for some time. It was no longer love, but some kind of obsession, hypnosis. For too long he has hammered into my head that I should be with him and live only his life. I lived it for three whole years. Some people have already perceived Larisa Kadochnikova exclusively as Glazunov's mistress. And they relished the details of our life with pleasure.

Larissa with Vyacheslav Tikhonov in the film "Warrant Officer Panin".

... Being pregnant for the second time, I starred with Mikhail Schweitzer and his wife Sofia Milkina in the film "Warrant Officer Panin". The main role was played by Vyacheslav Tikhonov. I was a French dancer in a rather short but very effective episode. They made up and dressed me amazingly. I still look and wonder: how great I look! But she was holding on with difficulty. Toxicosis, like the first time, was terrible.
I remember I came to the studio once, got dressed, put on my make-up and went out into the corridor. I felt sick, I leaned against the door and heard the make-up artists gossip:
- Have you seen a beauty? Breathing hard. Pregnant. Do you know from whom? From the artist Glazunov.
- Yes, he seems to be married.
- So what? The wife knows. They have love three of them. These young artists have no shame or conscience.
And suddenly Tikhonov's voice rang out. He was still making up:
- Well, stop now! So that I no longer hear a single bad word about this woman. Aren't you ashamed to say that yourself ?!

… Now my mother was persistently persuading me to leave Ilya. She explained that in the last year you have to think about work and entering the theater, and not about love. I knew she was right. Moreover, Glazunov has recently had less and less time for me. He was wildly busy.

... I did not follow the life and work of Glazunov, but the news of the death of his wife Nina shocked. I was struck by a terrible detail: Nina threw herself out of the window in a fur hat. She didn't want her husband to see her face disfigured for the last time. It was so pity for the woman who sacrificed everything for Glazunov, but obviously did not find happiness, meaning, or gratitude ...

Ilya Glazunov is a supporter of monarchy, estate privileges and restrictions, an opponent of democracy and equality of rights. On February 9, 2012, he was officially registered as a confidant of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation and the current Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

... About five years ago, a Russian TV channel began to "annoy" me to act in a program about Glazunov. Ilya and I agreed to film me in his gallery. He promised to participate too. We arrived at Volkhonka, I began to pose around the pictures, but Glazunov was still gone. An assistant came up, who has been working with Ilya for a long time and knows me.
- Larissa, and you have not changed much, only slightly recovered, but basically remained the same.
- Where is Ilya? - I asked.
- Oh, he has problems with his throat, even had a small operation. He will not come.

Larisa Kadochnikova.

I could hardly resist an ironic remark. And to myself she was surprised: is Glazunov really afraid to meet? Well, just think - they would talk, laugh, remember their youth. Yet the past has grown. Whatever it is, I have no grudge against him.
Much more often than any grievances and torments, I remember the happy hours and days that we spent together. I loved Ilya, admired his paintings and himself. Otherwise, she would not have been able to endure this complex and capricious genius for three years. Maybe because I suffered so much with him, I became an actress. Pyzhova was right - suffering is good. They strengthen the soul.



Ilya Sergeevich, you recently said that the president of Russia should be elected for 10 years - do you really think so?

I said? Honestly, I don't remember where and when. No, I don’t refuse, maybe it was the case ...

- I read about it on the Internet ...

Oh, you know, the Internet is such a trash heap: I don’t use it, I don’t know how. I am as dark as a cr-s - a Tyan grandmother from a Pskov village or from Kanev, but can I finish the story that I started? - this is very important for Kiev, moreover, I don’t think that it is widely known.

It means that I am sitting in Kanev with Ru-dolph Karklin, with my friend, half-Russian-kim-half-Latvian ... Karl Marx, by the way, is absolutely anti-scientific when he stated: “The history of all societies that have existed so far was the history of classes ", but Benja - min Disraeli, being also a Jew, Prime Minister of Great Britain, reasoned correctly:" Race means everything, there is no other truth ... No one can treat the racial principle with indifference, since it forms the key to history ”- and with this key you can open all events, including ours today.

- Wisely, yes. So, you are in Kanev ...

Yes, I live there, autumn is already beginning ... I will not tell you what wonderful people there are, and suddenly the old man comes up: “Sinku, ti stars? I've been bachin 'you here for a long time. - “From Leningrad, - I say, - I am a student, here in practice.” - “Do you want to give to those whom you don’t know?”. Me: "I would be glad ..." - and called him by his first name and patronymic (I do not like it when they are addressed in a simple way: grandfather Stepan or grandfather Ivan). “The axis,” he says, “as soon as they went down, got a lot of checks, they got rid of them. The stench thought that they had taken away a nimtsi or an Ounivtsi-Ukrainian trunus with Taras Grigorovich, and I was bachiv with my ochim: they dug up a zinc trunus with a vykonets, and there vus - well, live Shevchenko. Usi todi saw her and they buried Taras Grigorovich's knowledge ”- no one knows this, but I'll finish the thought.


Of my third, received for the exhibition in Kiev, I donated a part to the restoration of the Shevchenko na-tsi-o-na-l-nogo reserve "Ta-ra-so-va gora", and when one day my friend Kirkevich took somewhere walked, there was one Rukhovets who began to think: “Again you about your Muscovite? Who is he ?! " Vitya only asked him one question: "Tell me, please, did at least one Ukrainian intellectual donate money to restore the Shevchenko memorial in Kanev?" He became sad: "Yes, karbovanets (with the stress on the second "a". - D. G . ) he didn’t give anything! ”, and Kirkevich said to him:“ And the Muscovite, as you call him, Glazunov listed so many ”. There was a lot of money there, because the people at my exhibition were in darkness, and I divided the proceeds due to me from ticket sales: on Kanev, on the restoration of the monument to Princess Olga, on the restoration of the grave of Stoly-pina. We got a cross from her - we buried it so as not to break it.


Your father, I know, fiercely hated the Bolsheviks and the Soviet regime, but why, pray tell, did you go to Moscow to bury Stalin?

Oh, this was a great event, and I wanted to witness it. After the death of Stalin, we were gathered in the adjoining church at the building of the Academy of Arts on the Universitetskaya na-be-r-ezhnoy, where when Vrubel was buried. Now there is again a church, and then there was a hall with a bust of Lenin, everyone performed, and my friend Vyrzhik, a half-Pole, half-Ukrainian (Vyrzhikovsky, already deceased, was a wonderful landscape painter), cried: “Oh, Ilyukha, what will happen without Stalin? We'll be gone, ”and I watched and remembered. Then with Zhenya Maltsev (he was also a very good artist) we went out into the street, the sky was dreary ... So we didn’t react to all this. He said: "Well, old man, are new times coming?" I nodded: "They are coming" - and went to the funeral to see it, but I saw only the square crowded with people - I couldn't go there myself ...

- ... didn't hit, of course ...

No, but I found there an image that still lives in my heart - a gray-haired girl. She had a face like the boyaryn Morozova, and only her eyes were burning: she walked so wary, she was afraid of me. Perhaps I just returned from exile ... I wanted to ask if I could draw it, but did not dare.

That was how people were allowed to go to the coffin, but I was not among them, I went in vain, and then returned under a shelf in a train carriage. All the passengers sympathized with me and when the controller came, they covered me with a newspaper - no, I do not regret that I broke ...

In Vitaly Alekseevich Korotich's apartment, I saw him a huge, full-length, full-length portrait of your brush, I know that you painted prominent people of your time - Salvador Allende, Indira Gandhi, Federico Fellini, Urho Kalev Kekkonen, David Siqueiros, Gina Lollobrigida , Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Vitaly Sevastyanov, Alexei Kosygin, Mikhail Suslov, Andrey Gromyko, Nikolai Shchelokov ...

Sergey Bondarchuk ...

- ... but Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev was offered to draw you?

Even how persistently, but in a nutshell you cannot tell. The fact is that Indira Gandhi invited me to paint her portrait - the first time Furtseva refused her, and instead of me Nalbandyan was sent.

Well, yes, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of Lenin and twice Stalin prizes, he also painted Stalin and almost the entire Politburo - he was a courtier a painter ...

They called him "the mountain sheep of our party" - Dmitry Arkadyevich was not a bad person, but he always voted against me. Darling - now there are no such artists (after all, he grew up at that school), but Indira Gandi returned her port-ret to him, saying: “I'm not an Armenian,” and he later exhibited this work, signing: “Sobs -t-veinness of the author ".

Suddenly, in general, I was summoned to the Ministry of Culture: "Get ready to go to India urgently." Me: “Why? For two years you have not let me in, there is Nalbandian. " “Don't you know? A historic visit to Delhi of Leonid Ilyich is planned, and if you succeed with the portrait of Indira Gandhi, it will be presented to her as a gift. I immediately got my bearings: "I won't go without a wife," and they never let us go together. We thought, it’s obvious that I’ll be torn, and that’s all, but then they realized that I would never stay abroad.

For the first time I was allowed to go with Ninochka - from cold Moscow, as if into a Russian oven: ah-ah! - there is such a hundred-I-la heat! At the Soviet embassy, \u200b\u200bthe deputy ambassador met me, since the ambassador himself was in Moscow and, obviously, was preparing the historical visit of the head of the Soviet state. He began to lament: “Oh, how are you nex-ta-ti - just like snow on your head. Time is left with gulkin's nose. This is not like you - Nalbandian himself spent a month over her portrait - so she kicked him in the ass: I can imagine what will happen to you! " “Be calm, comrade deputy ambassador,” I answer. - In 10 days, Indira Gandhi will invite you to her place and flood your white suit with tears of delight - okay? Now don't whine like a dog. " He was taken aback - indeed, this was arrogance on my part, but that is what happened: two weeks later, Mrs. Gandhi called him to tell him that she was satisfied.

A very nice woman, intelligent, a strand of gray in her hair. I asked: "Where are you from?" She: "I am from Kashmir of course" ("I am from Kashmir, of course") - this is the Aryan part of India, north.

In short, they kicked me home with Nina to Moscow, and a week later Leonid Ilyich arrived, and Andrei Andreevich Gromyko told me, I even have a photo with him (copies): “We usually donate Indian factories, planes and ships, she Moderately thanks: "Thank you very much" - that's all, but when the portrait was brought in, I didn't even imagine that this was possible! - flushed like a girl. " A large portrait, full-length: she is there with a lotus flower, her beloved is Indiya, and behind the mountains, Kashmir ...

And here the phrase was uttered (copies Brezhnev): “Why does Glazunov only draw bourgeois presidents? - and I have an anniversary on my nose. " They called me in Moscow, and I said: "I need four sessions, at least 40 minutes each." - "Come in - we will first give you your favorite photo of Brezhnev, so that you ...".

I have never seen Leonid Ilyich and have never seen him. They gave me pictures of him, and I did a stupid thing, as often happens to me, - I made a preliminary life-size portrait: without orders, outside the Kremlin window, cut crosses ... In general, I overdid it - I had to leave it unfinished. I brought it and I'm waiting, but there was silence. I called: “When will the first session be?”, And in response to me: “Comrade Glazunov? we (we! - I. G.) - We sincerely congratulate you. " Me: "With what?" - “Leonid Ilyich writes a lot of portraits, he says:“ Send this one to the House of Culture, this one - to my homeland, and yours took home and said (copies Brezhnev): “Nothing else is needed - Glazunov will only spoil”. I later saw this portrait in the photo: Galya Brezhneva is dancing against its background. They didn’t pay me a penny, didn’t say - they even gave me a "thank you" - only Aleksandrov-Agents, in my opinion - it was he ...

- ... yes, Brezhnev's assistant ...

But I can’t guarantee it, he said at last in a chekist tone: “I have a personal question for you.” Me: "Which one?" - “Why didn't you draw the order on Leonid Ilyich's chest? He's like a simple man here. " I, Dimochka, go ahead when necessary (and now, if there are such questions, I'm ready), so I said: “Do you know, comrade (I do not remember his name. - I. G.), I painted a portrait of a person, not orders. " - “A-ha! And you are brave! " “Yes,” I say, “I’m a Soviet man, therefore I’m brave,” and hung up, but since Brezhnev considered this portrait the best for the anniversary, he ordered (copies): "Type in Glazunov's Ogonyok".

- And printed?

Of course.

- Awesome!

There was a wild excitement, everyone asked: “Old man, tell me, how is your eyebrow-eyed man? What were they talking about? ", But I could not admit that I had not seen him, and got off with general phrases:" Well, the secret of the relationship between the model and the artist exists ...

- ... and let everything remain between us "...

That's it.


“I think,” you said, “that a man really loves the woman from whom he wants to have children. I wanted to have children only from my wife Nina "...

Yes it's true.

Your wife Nina Aleksandrovna Vinogradova-Benois, who went through a lot with you, helped in everything, was your soul, your conscience ...

An unbreakable wall ...

- ... passed away tragically ...

- (Sighs).

- They say - excuse me for being tactless! - that before jumping out of the window,

she put a hat on her head so that her face would not be hurt ...

They put it on because that hat was someone else's, we didn't have one.

- Do you think it was murder?

I think so - that's what a man I met at the House of Journalists three months later told me. He asked: "Do you remember, I interrogated you?" I was surprised: "Nobody interrogated me." “You just forgot, because you were insane then, and I knew who killed your wife, and because of this I ended up in the Union of Journalists. I insisted on the investigation, but they told me: "This is not your business."

- Did you take the loss hard?

Just like the blockade, this is the second terrible scar on my heart. Yes, Dima, I am a sinner: beauty is such a force before which I could never resist, I even have many sins and repent of it, but a wife is a completely different concept, this is the concept of spirit, procreation, offspring and, as philosophers say, personal immortality. When I met Nina, she was 18 years old, and I was 25 ...

“In the darkness of the old park, Nina told me that when she was very young she loved to wander alone in the autumn parks of our Blok's Petrograd side - not far from the church near the bridge on Kamennoostrovsky, on the bank of the Nevka, built in the Masonic-Gothic style by an inconsolable mother at the site of her son's duel. These were the places of fights (usually taking place at dawn) of the Petersburg aristocracy - not far from the place of Pushkin's murder on the Black River. Obliquely from the church on the other bank of the Nevka there was a house built immediately after the war, where the family of Nina's father, the architect Vinogradov, lived. The embankments were overgrown with nettles and were covered with rusty old beds at one time, even before the bombing and famine of the blockade months that Leningraders lived there. During the day, the alleys of the park were especially deserted, and it seemed to her that along one of them, where the walls of black tree trunks seemed endless, lost in the spring haze, the one she was waiting for and would love all her life would come.

Like green lights, buds blossomed on old trees - an incomparable spring in St. Petersburg ... The piercing words she said then will forever remain in my heart: “You were not there, only ice rang and crumbled on the blue Neva, but I waited for you - such a handsome and incorruptible knight, smelling of paint, with an ever tired, pale face. My parents, as you know, immediately disliked you, considering you dissolute and frivolous, albeit talented - they, like your uncle Misha, are sure that you will be with me for several months. Everything, as the Bible says, passes, but they do not know that we will be together until the end - I will endure everything and will be devoted to you, like Solveig ... ".

In the darkness of the twilight, splashes spread over the water of the black pond, like golden rings, and after a dark lonely park, the Petrograd side seethes and burns with lights, how powerfully and beautifully the high-rise buildings built on the eve of the revolution on Kamennoostrovsky Prospect stand. The glowing eyes of the windows, and each has its own life, its own fates and tragedies: here it is, one of the mysteries of the reality of the world in all its poetic ineffability and simplicity.

The lights of the windows, passing into the starry sky above the city, were reflected in Nina's eyes - covered with fluffy eyelashes, they radiated love and purity of tenderness. She was then 18 years old, and the glow of the window lights merged with the twinkling of the lone stars of the hazy night sky - they became especially bright when viewed from the cobblestones in the Petersburg style of a deep and dark courtyard-well.

... After 30 years in Moscow they will bring me from the 83rd police station her wedding ring with a cardboard attached to it - on the tag it was written in a simple pencil: Nina Aleksandrovna Vinogradova-Benois, born 1936, died on May 24, 1986 ... They hit me - they hit her. Through the black fog of grief, I hardly remember those terrible days of her death ... Why was her wedding ring not given to me for six months? And why and who gave it away? I can’t, I don’t have the strength to touch this enduring pain, but while I was happy that she, sitting next to me in the studio, enthusiastically and soulfully examined my work. Nina studied at the art history department of Leningrad State University - I saw her, similar to a Roman cameo, profile and felt the great spirituality of her nature, characteristic of many representatives of the Benois family so glorious for the history of Russia.

I remember how one day, while working on the canvas "The Roads of War", I discovered that I had run out of paint.

With his wife Nina Vinogradova-Benois, son Vanya and daughter Vera

There was no money, and then my good fairy appeared at the door - joyful Nina. “Here are the paints,” she said, placing a heavy bag on the floor. Looking into her happy eyes, I asked: "Where from?" Lowering her eyes for a second, she replied: "My parents gave me the money." - "I would not like to take anything from your parents - I feel like your father does not actively love me." Looking enthusiastically at my picture, she, sitting down next to me, confessed: “These beauties are from me, not from them. You have to finish your brilliant work - it bears the great truth, from which everyone is unaccustomed "...

A few days later, I do not remember under what circumstances, a green ticket fell out of her passport. I bent down, picked it up and read: "Donor Lunch". A guess flashed in my head - that's why it has become so pale lately. This is not fatigue! - my wife sold her blood and exchanged it for paints with which I wrote, not knowing at what price they were obtained!

When I remember this today, as then, I cannot find words of surprise, gratitude and anger at myself - my heart contracts with tenderness, tears well up in my eyes. As if I hear her voice: “I give you my whole life, I believe that a higher power is working through you, and my purpose is to love you and be faithful. You once said that you can never marry anyone - you are a warrior and you should be free in your actions. I know: my duty and the meaning of my life is serving you. "

My wife's faith in my mission foreseen by God gave me great strength and tranquility, which helped me to withstand the terrible struggle - it was no coincidence that my Moscow friends later called her Boyaryna Morozova. To deprive me of my indestructible wall - indomitable, tender, strong-willed and fierce Nina - was the dream of many black people and secret forces: her end shook me to the ground with mortal pain and horror, it was predetermined, and the sentence was carried out.

She left two children in my arms, looking at whom I often shudder from her unexpected gaze, movement, intonation that I find in our Ivan and Vera ... The Icon of the Mother of God "Seeking the Lost" gives me quiet joy, even if it mutes the hopeless grief of the years of my happiness with Nina gone forever, our common fierce struggle for Russia.

“There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and will” - today, more than ever, I understand the woeful meaning of these words of the all-embracing Russian genius. There is no peace, but there is will, and there is happiness in service ... Among the angry howl and implacability of enemies, in the joy and love of my spectators. "


- I saw in your gallery a photo with the beautiful Gina Lollobrigida ...

I love her!..

- ... and I heard that you had an affair with her ...

I would not like to answer this question, because we can go far. I can only say one thing: if not for Gina ... She always corrects: Lollobrigida (with emphasis on the first "and") ...They came to me for two hours: for half an hour they took her, Luchino Visconti, De Santis, Fellini to portraits ... I made the graphic ones, and she asked: "I want oil." I didn't speak Italian at all ...

- ... but they offered to stay ...

I said, "Either you stay, or I will come to Rome." She exclaimed: “Grand idea!”, And they took Furtseva by the throat ...

It was in the 61st year, during the Moscow Film Festival, and in 63rd, for the first time in my life, I was released to Rome alone, where I lived for three months - by this time I had learned Italian, because I had been waiting for two years.

“She was insanely good, wasn't she?

Oh, of extraordinary beauty: both external and spiritual, internal - this is not some kind of Marilyn - ugh! - Monroe ...

- Not a dummy ...

Or was there, remember, the German film The Woman of My Dreams?

- Trophy ...

You are still small, you have hardly seen ... There is such (shows - busty, with a figure) the female was playing ... Sorry, I forgot ...

- Marika Rekk ...

- (Hums):"In der Nacht ist der Mensch nicht gern" alleine "... Primitive? Yes! - but a beauty, but a horse can be just as beautiful, and Gina is a miracle.

With children and grandchildren

- An artist cannot live without a muse ...

I agree.

- Do you have a muse now?

Of course - over there, he keeps looking at us all the time. This is Inna Orlova - we met 17 years ago on the street. She went to the conservatory, and I was struck by her beautiful face! "I am an artist, I want to draw you!" - I said. Now Inna works as the director of my gallery here on Volkhonka - she loves me very much, and I completely trust her, although I don’t trust anyone - especially women.

- They say you are very jealous ...

When you love, you are always jealous, but, however, there should be a measure (laughs).

- From the women who loved you, I heard that you are unusually generous ...

In what sense? - I've always been a beggar rat.

From the book by Ilya Glazunov "Crucified Russia".

“Living in a university dormitory and being surprised that I had not yet been kicked out, at the suggestion of the great actress Tamara Fedorovna Makarova and her husband Sergei Apollinarievich Gerasimov, I started working as an artist on a film about an American pilot who was shot down during the Great Patriotic War. years, he returns to Russia to visit the village again, where the storm of war brought him. Like everyone else, I loved cinema, and I considered the best film to be a French film with Jean Gabin in the title role - "At the Walls of Malapagi", but I will not hide: I was especially interested in the promised Moscow residence permit with a room and, of course, the fee.

The director of the film was then the aspiring Tatyana Lioznova - I worked with enthusiasm on the sketches and somehow did not attach much importance to the fact that a contract had to be concluded first. I liked my sketches, Lioznova rejected only one of them - the hut of the collective farm chairman: “You should not show the beggarly situation, but depict the interior richer so that the returning American pilot would understand how much has changed in our country after the war. It is necessary that there was a city set in the hut - after all, our collective farms are rich! " I was young, hot, and flatly refused to create a fake interior in the collective farm huts so familiar to me. “I am for the truth of life, and not for the truth of socialist realism,” I tried to convince Lioznova, but she was adamant: “Leave your sketches - we will pay off in the end”.

Several months passed, and I learned that a certain Noy Senderov, an employee of the Sverdlovsk film studio, had been appointed the main artist of the picture. I will never forget how I, a beggar and hungry, literally stunned by the hopelessness of my position, came to the Gorky Film Studio to receive the promised fee. I was greeted by a synclite of unknown persons sitting at the table: "How will you prove that your sketches were used in the film?" one of those sitting angrily asked. “You can see it on the footage,” I replied. "Where are your sketches?" - the interrogation continued. "As where? Left at the studio at the request of Lioznova. " - "We have not seen any sketches, but if so, show the document - when and how much you left." “I don’t have any documents,” I replied, confused. “Did you really work without a contract? - the interrogator was surprised.

- But under the contract, the artist Senderov is working on this film, and all your claims for payment for non-existent sketches are extremely strange and smack of criminality. Another member of the “tribunal” intervened: “How many times have I said that you don't need to invite anyone from the street - professionals and honest people should work in the cinema, but you,” he looked at me, “may not be good for such harassment. I do not advise you to appear in the studio again. "

Depressed, with a disgusting feeling of insolent deception, I went to see Tamara Fyodorovna Makarova, so respected by me, who lived in a high-rise building on Kutuzovsky Prospect. “Ilyusha, Sergei Apollinarievich and I treat you with sincere love, every morning we admire your Girl with a Dandelion, which you gave me. There is so much purity and tenderness in it, but here I can do nothing to help. The studio has its own laws, and the main person is the director. I myself was invited to play in this film - you refused to do what Tanechka Lioznova asked. " And, smiling with her charming secular smile, she added: "Lioznova is a film director, talented and intelligent, by the way, her dad is a KGB general."

After a significant pause, Tamara Fedorovna continued: “Our family admires you, I am very glad that you have made friends with my nephew Artur Makarov. I know that you have made excellent sketches for the film, but Tanya chose another artist, and no one really knows where your sketches are now, and therefore you will not be able to receive the fee, the promised residence permit and the one-room apartment that was discussed at first. " And again she gave me a charming smile, familiar to me from childhood in many films: “For example, all my life I dreamed of playing a heroine who would not mentally slap on the shoulder - I am still waiting for my cherished role. It is easier for artists - they create alone ... ”.

- Those, however, whom they loved, were literally showered with gifts - is that so?

I guess what (or rather, who) you are hinting at, but when after my first exhibition I moved to Moscow (I remind you that I was appointed a drawing teacher without the right to live in the capital, but Mikhalkov the benefactor helped me get a job here), he worked as a loader - I have a certificate. I could not give expensive gifts, but my late wife said that I have a gift addiction. I always want to present something as a keepsake - so I will give you a two-volume edition of my works ... It was published a long time ago: there are illustrations for Blok and separate paintings.

I believe that gifts are a property of a broad soul, and the worst thing for me is when you give people trust, attention, friendship (and I put male friendship higher than love, because, I repeat, I don’t believe women), but you are paid with treason , especially friends. It happened to me twice: one cheated because he lost his mind (it was a long time ago), and the second began to envy me - I don't know why? I gave him everything I could, shared my spirituality, as far as I have it, introduced him to such worlds, and he told me: “Now I have a mustache myself - you have already brought me into orbit,” and it offended me, because what he...

- ... betrayed ...

And in a big way. This really hurts me, and when women betray ...

- ... you are not offended because you foresee this ...

I am surprised only by the length of time when they do not betray.


- Ilya Sergeevich, I am happy that I managed to meet with you - you can talk to you endlessly ...

Let's make a five-part film! ..

But I know that one of these days you have an exhibition in St. Petersburg, so I dare not abuse your attention and detain you. I would like to thank you for the excellent interview, for touching the real, great, high art today - firstly, walking through the gallery and seeing your wonderful works ...

Thank you, Dima ...

And secondly, by talking to you. It made an indelible impression on me, and I'm sure our readers feel the same now: thank you for being ...

So let's be friends! - Do you know what my dream is? Make an exhibition in Kiev.

- In my opinion, there is no problem with that ...

ABOUT! - there are, and great! First of all, this is a different country, that is, you have to pay. Now it is more difficult for artists than ever - do you, for example, know how much it costs to rent the Moscow Manege? Right here, next to us ...

- I think a lot ...

Will you risk calling the amount?

- Well, 30 thousand dollars a day ...

And a month?

- I think about a million "green" ...

That's right, a million two hundred, so who, tell me, can shell out that kind of money? Is it that Berezovsky could, and which of the artists?

- Patrons should be ...

No, I give my word of honor! - there are only random patrons, and here's the simplest example. I’m not complaining: it’s good that the exhibition will take place, although it will be without a catalog - it needs money, and besides, the work must be insured. For example, the Russian Museum, which has 17 of my graphic works, has never shown them, which means that for me it is already a non-Russian museum. In order to get them out of the cellars and provide them for my exhibition, they demanded a total of about 20 thousand dollars: they say, these works need to be formalized, but at first they refused to exhibit them at all - so are others.

My favorite work of my youth "The Last Bus" is in Odessa, and I dream of exchanging it for anything: for an icon, for some painting of mine, new or old, because it is a part of my life. Then I was in love with a very beautiful woman (this was a year before Ninochka) to Ada, and now I portrayed her. Then they were skeptical about this: they say, it was too family-like. In the last bus rides a distracted, alarming modern stranger, in the back seat a married couple is clearly returning from the guests, a drunken husband slumbers, his wife yawns), the conductor counts money, dim light, darkness, and she is in red ... I studied Rembrandt for a long time whose red sounds like fire.

I had two exhibitions in Odessa (then there was a wonderful director there), I really love this city where my work remained - well, how can I get it? We called, they said: “You have to do this and that,” but I can't allow Vla-di-mir Vladimirovich Putin to ask ...

- ... Viktor Fedorovich Yanukovych ...

- ... "Oh, sorry, send this picture." They say to me: "This is a different state", but can I summarize our interview?

- Sure...

Dear friends, my dear brothers! I believe that we should all live in this world under the broad wings of a two-headed eagle looking to the west and to the east. I do not call you Ukrainians, because this is from the word "outskirts" - I am talking about Little Russians, Great Russians and Belarusians. Now they zealously play us off on class grounds, on national grounds, impose a tendency towards destruction, but all this, I am convinced, is in vain.

By the way, the last head of state who wanted me to paint his portrait was Muammar Gaddafi - that was a long time ago, I had to go to the desert, and, you know, I refused. They promised a lot of money, but not in them, as they say, happiness, and in the name of the so-called democracy he was killed. At night, when I come barely alive to my house near Moscow, I always turn on the news, and recently I heard a statement that sounded very Soviet. Some of the Libyans sighed: "Under Gaddafi, everything was: this, and that, and cheap gasoline, but now there is nothing" - well, if this is called democracy, then ...

I continue, completing the circle, as in Shakespeare's Wreath of Sonnets ... My father Sergei Fedorovich Glazunov told how he was in Ukraine, and 30 years later I, a student, came to Kanev. There were such yellow fruits ...

- ... apricots ...

They were laid out for drying, like jewels, like diamonds, and my father told me that they were bought in wagons, and people came and tried them right from the wagon. Here's the difference, because monarchy is the oldest form of government. There is a Book of Kings in the Bible, in the Old Testament, monarchy is spoken of in the ancient Aryan books "Rigveda" and "Avesta" ... Monarchy is a power overshadowed by God's blessing, that's why our intelligentsia paid so cruelly for welcoming (claps in hands) of this villain Kerensky and hated the tsar. So we got it, so it seems to me that one should not violate the age-old traditions of each nation and strive for isolation, for the creation of separate, supposedly independent, states.

It pains me that 26 million of my Russian brothers have now remained abroad - in those republics that they raised from ruins when the party, Lenins, Trotsky, Bukharins, Stalin sent them there, but if you ask me: what kind of state is ideal today? - I will surprise you a little, because I think: this is Israel. It is necessary to take off your hat in front of the people who have resurrected a dead language, returned to their promised land (I do not touch on their clashes with the Arabs - I just take it as a fact). I would very much like the Russians and my brothers Little Russians and Belarusians to love their people as much as the Jews to theirs, and to have the responsiveness to which the world's greatest writer, thinker and clairvoyant Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky called.

Kiev - Moscow - Kiev

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Ilya Glazunov

In an interview given by Ilya Glazunov to the correspondent of the AiF publication Olga Shablinskaya, the master hardly raises his favorite theme of monarchism and patriotism, but shares his personal, answering questions from readers, sometimes very insidious ...

Ilya Glazunov and Svetlana Medvedeva at the Moscow State Art Gallery. 2010 year.

- A letter from a certain Vladimir. “When I was young, I went to your semi-forbidden exhibitions and generally considered you one of the most worthy people in Russia. Unfortunately, in old age you have changed, maybe politics is not your business, you do not seem to me now to be the spokesman for the masses. ideas, but rather a chauvinist, cave anti-Semite, whose answers are known in advance. Or, keeping a faint hope, am I wrong? Vladimir ".

- Vladimir, your question is banal and tendentious. You are trying to create my political image without knowing me. And they've obviously never seen my work. I was asked such cave questions back in Soviet times.
Scolding in the official press for religious and historical motives, for the images of Dostoevsky, the history of Ancient Russia. So, closing one of my exhibitions a few days after its opening in the Manege, the party bureau of the Union of Artists asked me how I "think about my participation in the building of communism."

True, even the most vicious critics of the past and present have never accused me of anti-Semitism and chauvinism. Chauvinism, as is well known, is generated by the saying of a corporal of the Napoleonic army named Chauvinet: "The French are the best nation, and all other nations are worse."

The same slogan, but the ideologists of the Third Reich preached about the Germans. And now - under the leadership of America, the self-styled Kiev government is carrying out the genocide of its people.

I strongly advise you to come to my Moscow gallery open to all on Volkhonka, after which, I am sure of this, you will ask me through the newspaper AiF, which I love so much, a serious question, and not tendentious stupidity.

- A question from Alexander Yarovoy from Krasnoyarsk. Which of your recent works is most dear to you?

- For an artist, all paintings are dear, as for a mother - all her children. In one of my last works, completed four years ago, in 2010, "Disposal" - 8 meters by 4 meters - I made the dream of my youth come true.

The picture I conceived in my student years of the greatest crime of Stalin and the Bolshevik regime - the destruction of the so-called kulaks, the most hard-working and therefore wealthy peasants who feed not only Russia, but also half the world with bread.

This was a terrible de-peasantization of the peasantry. Tens of millions of peasants died and were expelled - from Russia, Little Russia, Belarus. When I was studying, my classmates told me: even if you show a sketch like this, they will kick you out of the academy and send you to a place where Makar did not drive calves - the GULAG was then a terrible reality.

But in those years I sketched amazing peasant faces that you won't see now. And everywhere: on the Volga, near Leningrad, near Moscow - I was told how that brutal destruction of our breadwinners took place.

When Russia was an agrarian country, and only three percent of its population could be called proletarians. The Bolshevik power of the Comintern, the power of Lenin and Stalin, was established in Russia through unprecedented terror. And violence.

Our democratic, not Soviet, public greeted this picture with deathly silence both on television and in the media.

From the height of my age, I can tell you, dear reader, I feel like a young and creative artist. But today it is even more difficult for me to live than before, because instead of socialist realism, avant-garde, supported by the authorities and some oligarchs, is becoming the official art of post-reform Russia.

In Soviet times, I was persecuted as an enemy of socialist realism, but now I am persecuted as an artist, because I cannot recognize Malevich's Black Square as art, nor the upside-down toilet bowl with a glued Marlboro pack passed off as "contemporary" and "contemporary art" ...

And I think, like millions of people, that art should be understood and loved by the people. And the people are you and me.

Ilya Sergeevich Glazunov at the second personal exhibition in the Manezh. 1978 year.

- A very personal question from Irina from Nizhny Novgorod. Ilya Sergeevich, have you been betrayed in life?

- Unfortunately, they betrayed me. And I believe that betrayal is one of the most terrible and unforgivable sins.

I was more often betrayed by women. The weaker sex is generally more inclined towards betrayal, and female betrayal is always more expected. Let's not forget that the fall of mankind, according to the Bible, was due to the fault of Eve.

I experienced betrayal as a terrible disease. And the betrayal of men, especially friends, is more terrible, because this betrayal is not due to weakness of spirit, as in the case of women, but ideological, fratricidal.

The teacher betrayed me. I studied with Professor Ioganson, a student of Korovin. I remember how he told us about Korovin, coming from Moscow on the "Red Arrow" to our workshop.

He accepted me into his workshop and supported me with his teacher's approval and attention. When I, the only student, received the Grand Prix at the International Exhibition in Prague for the painting "The Poet in Prison", my first personal exhibition in Moscow was organized.

Which, as the press later wrote, was like a bomb that exploded destroying the lies of socialist realism. They wrote everything - from the American press to the Japanese and Chilean. Journalists characterized it as a stab in the back of socialist realism. And I was declared the number 1 dissident.

Then there was still no smell of the sixties. They sat quietly. And it was then that my teacher Boris Vladimirovich Ioganson, vice-president of the USSR Academy of Arts, was summoned to the Central Committee of the CPSU.

The result of which was his article in the newspaper "Soviet Culture" "The Way Pointed by the Party", where he accused me of decadence, alien to Soviet art and not in line with the general line of the party.

Many years later I wrote the book "Russia Crucified", in which I dedicated a chapter to my teacher Boris Vladimirovich Ioganson. In which he wrote about his education system and about him as a person, but did not write a word about his betrayal.

Did they write denunciations against me, you ask? There were a lot of informers on me. My benefactor Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov said: “Listen, everyone around you is knocking that you are an anti-Soviet, such and such! Language is your enemy. You have to conquer people, and you lose them, because you are frank with everyone.

You must understand who and what you can talk to. " Once my former friend from the Ministry of Culture Volodya Desyatnikov, for the sake of interest, went to the personnel department of the USSR Ministry of Culture. Then he said: “N-yes-ah… Amazing. They all have daddies on them, and you have this volume on you. "

After all, after my sensational, with crowds of people, exhibition in the Central House of Arts in 1976 and after Ioganson's article, upon receiving my diploma, I was sent ... as a drawing teacher, first to the city of Izhevsk. Then replacing it with the city of Ivanovo. Where I ended up unnecessary. In fact, I was kicked out of my hometown, where my ancestors lived since the 18th century.

And one of my new friends, Artur Makarov, put me and my wife in a four-meter closet behind the kitchen in a large communal apartment in Moscow on the former Vorovskogo street. We slept on the floor.

Ilya Glazunov in his workshop. 1981 year.

- Ilya Sergeevich, did you betray?

- Your idea? Never.

- People, other people ...

- I'll be honest. I have never betrayed anyone, but if we talk about my long relationships with women, then we can say that I did not betray them, but changed. And I very much repent of this. But I did not betray them.

- And what is the fundamental difference between betrayal and treason then?

- I will give an allegorical example. For example, I, madly in love with Rachmaninov (this is actually so), will suddenly go to the operetta, to "Silva", attracted by the sparkling music of Lehar.

Although the operetta is completely alien to me. So, this will be treason, but not betrayal. But if I say: to hell with this Rachmaninov, Albinoni, Beethoven, Rimsky-Korsakov and Mussorgsky, Borodin, there is only dub-dub-dub-boo-doo and all this anti-music pop. Then it's a betrayal.

What is the difference between love and being in love? I could never resist beauty, I am sinful. But he loved only one woman - the one from whom he wanted to have children. This was my wife Nina from the glorious Benois dynasty.

Now deceased, tragically lost. From Ninochka I have a son and a daughter. I am proud that my son became a wonderful artist, icon painter and art critic, in love with Russian culture during the era of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

Ivan - Chair of the Ilya Glazunov Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, which I founded almost 30 years ago. He heads the workshop of religious and historical painting. I really like his work, as well as those who come to his exhibitions. My daughter Vera graduated from our academy and became an excellent artist too. I have six grandchildren.

I didn't want to have children from anyone else, which means that everything else was hobbies. And there is only one love.

Vera Glazunova, daughter of Ilya Glazunov. 1993 year.

- There are the most unexpected questions. For example, one reader who was probably ashamed to subscribe asks: “Dear Ilya Sergeevich, do you get turned on when you draw beautiful naked women? If not, how can a man be healthy if he sees naked female flesh, but does not long for it? "

- Well, you know, this is a very good and clear question. The same question can be asked to doctors who see naked patients. A normal man, probably from the age of 16, when he sees a naked beautiful woman, cannot but react.

Beauty excites the artist and contributes to his creativity. In my opinion, the best works of art are born from the love of a poet, artist, sculptor with his model. For an artist who paints a beautiful naked woman, she is like a living antique sculpture, he admires her.

But he writes it not to put it in bed and say: "Here, Mash, now you are mine." It would be primitive to think so, because this is no longer art, but a means of acquaintance.

I remember an incident from my life, it will be interesting to our anonymous reader. After my first show, I received the Grand Prix. I was 27 years old. And more and more often they began to gossip: Ilya Glazunov will not miss a single beautiful model. I think: the enemies say that I draw poorly, and such and such, and generally not greased, not greased, now this is this.

Ilya Glazunov is working on a portrait of the Italian film actress Gina Lollobrigida. 1964 year.

One late evening, at 11 o'clock, I went to my graduation workshop at the academy - I forgot something ... We kept the keys under the rug then. I go up the spiral stone staircase. I look: light. The thieves? But what is there to steal? There is nothing. Only my paintings are unfinished, tubes and paints.
I hear some quiet conversation outside the door. I knocked. And my classmate opens it to me - he was an art critic, not an artist. And behind - a half-naked girl, very beautiful.

I was indignant: “And what are you doing in my workshop, gentlemen? Vitya, what is this? " It turns out that many people, after I became famous after my first exhibition, began to use my name. I spotted Vitya, but they told me about others.

They approached beautiful women, called by my name: "Girl, I want to draw you." Then they took some kind of cardboard, drew two or three lines with coal and said: “Today I am not in the mood for something. Maybe we can have a glass of champagne with you? " Of course, it didn't end with a drawing.

I was always excited by female beauty, I liked these Greek sculptures, stunning Greek bas-reliefs. We had wonderful models.

I have always painted beautiful naked women with admiration, but this does not mean that I painted them, because I am a sex maniac, as the author of the question thinks. This means that part of the art of our visible world is the beauty of the sky, the sound of the surf, the running of the clouds, the smile of a beautiful woman, her unique beauty, which was sung by ancient artists and sculptors. And not like now ...

- Did I understand your thought correctly that falling in love gives an even greater stimulus to the artist?

- Sure. If you do not feel the beauty of nature, the music of the human soul (if we are talking about a portrait), nothing will work. But this is not just about the naked body.

For me, a portrait painter is someone who feels the inner music of a person's soul. And conveying the appearance of a man or woman, it conveys an absolute anatomical similarity, conveys its unique individuality. For me, a great creative joy is writing not only portraits of men and women, but also portraits of children with their purity and chastity.

- Ilya Sergeevich, a letter from Nina from Mytishchi. Ilya Sergeevich, your wife Nina died tragically. Either she threw herself out of the window, or she was thrown out. What really happened there?

- (He lowers his head and keeps silence for a long, long time.) What a tactless, cruel and merciless question ... (He turns to me.) Personally, Olga, I will explain. In my long life, I have experienced two terrible blows. They nearly broke my soul. The first is the death of parents during the Leningrad blockade. The second is the death of my wife.

Ilya Glazunov

Age: 87 years old

Place of birth: St. Petersburg, Russia

Place of death: Moscow

Activity: artist, teacher

He painted 6 thousand paintings, saved hundreds of icons from death, founded the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. It's hard to believe that Ilya Sergeevich is no longer there. He seemed eternal, like Russia itself, sung by him many times.

Childhood, the artist's family

Glazunov received an upbringing atypical for his time. While other Soviet children read books about Chapaev and sang songs about Lenin, little Ilya walked around the Hermitage, listened to Tchaikovsky and read biographies of Russian tsars. And this is all in the 30s of the XX century.

Ilya's father was a historian and economist. The mother, the daughter of an adviser to the emperor, belonged to a noble Czech family descended from Queen Lubusz. “On the eve of my departure to school, my mother sobbed for six hours! - the artist recalled. "I was so afraid that they would spoil me there."

Everything turned out to be even worse: the Great Patriotic War broke out, Leningrad was in the ring of the blockade. Uncle Glazunov was the first to die of hunger, then his father, grandmother and mother. Ilya was saved from certain death by another brother of his father. He transported a 12-year-old boy across Lake Ladoga in a truck.

When the blockade was lifted, Glazunov returned to his native Leningrad and immediately went to the Hermitage. “Where could I go, a complete orphan? - he later said. “The great canvases calmed me down. I suddenly realized that I was not alone. With me is my Motherland, its art, history. At that moment I became an artist. "

Ilya Glazunov - paintings

Glazunov began his great life in art with a scandal. As a thesis in Leningrad im. I.E. Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture exhibited "The Roads of War". “What did you paint on that? roared the chairman of the commission. "The shameful retreat of the Red Army ?!" With a C in the student's book, the rebel artist flew out not only from the university, but also from Leningrad. By distribution, he ended up in Izhevsk, as a school drawing teacher ... Later he managed to transfer to Ivanovo, and from there to the capital.

In 1957, a new scandal: Glazunov received the main prize at the World Exhibition of Youth in Prague. The hero of the sensational picture was Julius Fucik, a Prague journalist who was executed by the Nazis. And all would be fine, but the canvas did not meet the requirements of socialist realism. However, the authorities of the USSR did not dare to ban the exhibition of Glazunov. After all, the entire world community drew attention to the artist.

In the early 1960s, Sergei Mikhalkov became the painter's best friend. He got from Furtseva that the artist received a room and a basement for his workshop, as well as permission for a new exhibition. And Glazunov took, and put all the same "Roads of War"! The intelligentsia sobbed with delight, the authorities - with rage.

Andrei Gromyko, Minister of Foreign Affairs, made Ilya Sergeevich a global figure. “I liked your project for a museum of folk art in Palekh,” he said to Glazunov. - Will you take care of the interior of our embassy in Madrid? He gladly agreed.

You don't need to travel to Russia to understand the Russian spirit, all the Spanish newspapers of those years wrote in unison. "It is enough just to visit the USSR embassy, \u200b\u200bdecorated by Glazunov." Overnight, Ilya Sergeevich became the richest and most successful artist of the Union. Not only the first persons of our state, but also world celebrities wanted to have a portrait of his brush (paintings). Whoever Glazunov drew: Salvador Allende, Federico Fellini, Gina Lollo-Brigida, Indira Gandhi, Fidel Castro, Charles de Gaulle, Claudia Cardinale, Juliet Mazina ...

Once, at a personal exhibition in Rome, Fellini asked the painter: “Why don't you want to stay in Italy? After all, Russia is a prison for you! " “I am Russian and want to be useful to my country,” he answered without hesitation. Love for the Motherland has always been in the first place for Glazunov ... More important than money and even women, without which he could not create.

Ilya Glazunov - biography of personal life

Officially, Ilya Sergeevich was married only once - to Nina Vinogradova-Benois. The girl's relatives did not approve of the marriage. The groom is already 26, and the bride is only 18. He is an orphan and an unknown artist, and she came from a famous family that gave the world famous architects, sculptors and painters.

It turned out to be difficult to live without parental help. Young people were starving, huddled in communal apartments. Sometimes there was not even money for brushes and paints. Then Nina, who loved her husband to madness, secretly went to donate her blood for a penny. Glazunov idolized his wife, but treated her like merchants to their wives in the 19th century. His job is to create, and hers is to stay at home with the children, cook and wash. Such a muse was clearly not suitable.

In 1957, at that very first scandalous exhibition, Glazunov met Larisa Kadochnikova, an 18-year-old student of VGIK. “I have to draw you! - Glazunov threw Larissa in an almost commanding tone. - Give me your phone.

A week later, the artist invited Kadochnikova to his studio and painted her portrait in 3 hours. "Present?" - the model asked timidly. "No!" Glazunov snapped coldly. He immediately understood: Larissa would obey his orders. In some ways she was like a wife. The same timid and already madly in love. The attention of the famous artist flattered her incredibly. Even Larisa's mother, actress Nina Alisova, was proud of her daughter's boyfriend. The fact that the painter had a legal wife did not bother anyone. Glazunov immediately made it clear that he is a free artist. And everyone accepted the rules of the game.

Larisa decided to break with Glazunov only after two abortions. “If you want, give birth,” the artist declared to his muse every time. "But I will not divorce my wife and I will not raise your child." Domestic troubles irritated Ilya Sergeevich. He devoted himself entirely to art and service to the Motherland.

But Glazunov's wife could not leave the artist. For 30 years, she put up with his difficult character, endless travels and rumors about another muse. In 1986, Nina committed suicide by jumping out of a window. Before the jump, she pulled a hat up to her chin so that her husband would not see her disfigured face ... In one day, the artist aged by a decade. He went headlong into painting, collecting icons, saving churches from demolition. Tried to atone for sins? Maybe. “Freedom is a heavy cross,” says the Bible. The artist understood the bitter meaning of these words only at the end of his life.

Soon, Inna Orlova becomes Glazunov's second wife


Ilya Glazunov died on the night of July 8-9 in a dream from cardiac arrest, a month after his 87th birthday. He spent the last years of his life with Inessa Orlova, who served as director of his gallery. He did not dare to officially marry his common-law spouse. In memory of Nina ...

The artist wanted to do a lot. Finish the canvases "The Abduction of Europe", "Russia before the Revolution" and "Russia after the Revolution", complete the fifth and sixth volumes of the memoirs "Russia Crucified". The works of Glazunov can be treated in different ways - ranked as masterpieces or considered pop art. This is not the point. Throughout his life, he proved by personal example that it is not a shame to be a Russian, and Russia needs each of us. Decent position for our mercantile time.