Composition based on the painting by Vasnetsov “Alyonushka. Why Vasnetsov's "Alyonushka" was originally called the "fool", or Fabulous and real in the famous painting What is depicted in Viktor Vasnetsov's Alyonushka painting

Viktor Vasnetsov is the most beautiful painter of the turn of the century, he successfully worked in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, so the genre he chooses was constantly changing. At first, these were canvases in which their genre was more related to the everyday direction, then he moved on to portraits, and only then he moved on to oral folk art, to which he devoted the rest of his life. This happened after the artist read epics and fairy tales, which impressed the artist so much that he decided to reproduce all this in his paintings.

It is known that the artist wrote his painting "Alyonushka" in 1881, the plot of which was based on the events of Russian folk tale which is known to all. Viktor Vasnetsov was struck by the image of a young girl who was left alone, without parents, continuing to raise her brother. He was struck by her diligence and sense of responsibility. That's why he decided to show main character Russian folk tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

The artist placed the girl at the center of his painting. Alyonushka is wearing a simple, light and colorful dress. A beautiful and sad heroine sits alone and sadly on a large gray stone. She wrapped her arms tightly around her legs. She has no shoes on her feet. The girl sadly lowered her head to her knees, her wavy and blond hair managed to be disheveled and break out of her braid. The expression on the face of the hardworking heroine is kind, but very sad, as the viewer sees how wide and sad her eyes are open, and her mouth is slightly open, and her lips tremble a little. The strongest melancholy and sadness are read in all her lovely image.

Most likely, at that moment all her thoughts were about her brother, who got drunk from a puddle without listening to his sister, and now he has turned into a small and snow-white goat. Because of this, she is so sad and sad, because the girl does not know how to help him. And the painter depicted this image of sadness and sadness against the backdrop of a beautiful and early autumn. The girl is sitting on the bank of the river, so the darkish and still water of the river is depicted in the foreground, along the calm surface of which small yellow leaves float. A girl sitting on a stone, right on the river bank, looks into the water and clearly sees her image.

Near Alyonushka, tall and slender reeds grow in the water, the leaves of which are thin and bright green. They stand in the water and all around, wherever you look, reeds are everywhere. It can be seen that people practically do not come to this river in the forest. And only a girl who worries about her brother came here by accident.

In the background of the picture, behind the girl, a dark forest is visible. It grows low white-trunked birches and aspens with thin trunks. On the trees, the leaves are already beginning to turn yellow, and they, as if trying to hold the girl, are also sad and trembling from a light breeze. On one, stronger branch, a flock of birds perched. But they are also sad: they sit quietly, do not jump and do not frolic, as birds usually do, their cheerful and fervent songs are not heard.

A little further you can see a dense and impenetrable forest. In this thicket, fir trees are comfortably located, which are always green. And them dark color adds even more sadness, sadness and even gloom to the picture of Viktor Vasnetsov. All forest nature is in a tense period of withering, as if she, like the heroine of the picture, is sad. But not only the forest is gloomy in the picture of the painter. The unsightly and gray sky frightens with its dark colors. The sun does not peep on it and even one small ray will not slip out and shine. The vault of heaven is gloomy and sad.

The whole composition of the Vasnetsov picture is striking in its unified concept and in what color scheme the artist selects to display sadness and sadness in the life of a girl. All nature empathizes with her grief and tragedy with her. But right there, Viktor Mikhailovich also uses the technique of contrast, since against the background of all this gloomy and dark nature, where various shades of green are mainly used, the girl stands out. To depict her face, light and tender, the painter used only light colors.

The mood of the artist Vasnetsov himself is perfectly felt: he sympathizes with Alyonushka and worries about her fate. The whole picturesque Vasnetsov picture evokes in any viewer sympathy and compassion for the girl herself with a difficult fate. It is sad and sad to look at the heroine of the picture, who found herself in such a tragic situation, so I want to help her somehow, remove all the hardships and troubles from her life. The artist, using green colors, was able to bring realism to his canvas. It seems that just one more moment and everything will come to life in the picture: the forest will rustle and begin to tremble easily with its leaves, and the girl will suddenly come to life, raise her head, look and ask for help. This painting by the artist Viktor Vasnetsov was recognized as his best work.

Inspired by a lyrical fairy-tale image, Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" was written in 1881. The real girl noticed by the artist Akhtyrka became the prototype of the heroine of this picture. The dreary and sad look of a simple Russian girl prompted Vasnetsov to paint the painting "Alyonushka". And indeed, the real Russian spirit breathes from the picture.

Tired of searching for her brother Ivanushka, sister Alyonushka sits in a lonely pose on a stone near a gloomy pond in a dark coniferous forest. The girl's clothes are dilapidated from time to time, her feet are bare, and sadness and sadness can be traced in her eyes. It can be seen that Alyonushka does not leave disturbing thoughts about his brother Ivanushka. Maybe the insidious Baba Yaga turned him into a kid. Alyonushka blames herself for not saving her only brother and all the surrounding nature is experiencing and sad with her. The relationship between nature and Alyonushka in Vasnetsov's painting is very close. A magnificently painted landscape, as if echoing our heroine in anguish and sorrow. The close interweaving of nature and Alyonushka in the picture does not distract the viewer from the main plot and at the same time, even the most daring detail of the picture calls for thoughtful reflection. A lot of fairy tales were invented by the Russian people and writers, but we are used to representing them only mentally, but in this painting by Vasnetsov "Alyonushka", the artist skillfully expressed all the aspirations of the heroine of the fairy tale in the work of painting.

The picture was painted in the vicinity of Abramtsevo, where the picturesque expanses of spruce, oak, birch forests and groves are intricately divided by the winding river Vorey, ponds, deaf ravines, hillocks. It was these places that prompted Vasnetsov to paint pictures of the national landscape. In the painting "Alyonushka" Vasnetsov very penetratingly and most fully expressed the lyrical poetry of the Russian people. According to the artist, the idea of ​​painting a picture seemed to have been living in his head for a long time, but he could only start work when he met a girl who struck his imagination. Purely Russian sadness, longing and loneliness were visible in her eyes, and Vasnetsov turned to a fairy tale. The sitting girl thought about her hard fate and the gray sky echoed in tune with her, as well as the repulsive and frightening darkness of the surface of the pool, on which the yellow leaves froze. The deep dark green of the fir trees and gray faded tones of aspen foliage are very succinctly inscribed in the picture.

Although the most popular work Viktor Vasnetsov was written based on a Russian folk tale, painting "Alyonushka" cannot be called a mere illustration. The artist pursued a different goal - not so much to recreate a well-known plot, but to “revive” a fairy-tale character, make the image close and understandable, organically fit into the surrounding nature, create a psychologically accurate portrait of the heroine.

Vasnetsov confessed to Roerich that Alyonushka was his favorite work. He began to paint a picture in the summer of 1881 in Akhtyrka, near Abramtsevo, the estate of Savva Mamontov, where the best artists of that time gathered. And he finished the work already in the winter in Moscow, where the artist often attended musical evenings at the Tretyakovs - perhaps this is one of the reasons that the picture came out so lyrical.

An old sundress with faded flowers, disheveled hair, callous bare feet give out in Alyonushka not abstract fairy tale character, but a very real girl from the people. Although in facial features many guessed the resemblance to Savva Mamontov's daughter Vera - the one who posed for Serov for "The Girl with Peaches", all other details indicate that the peasant woman became the prototype of the heroine. Vasnetsov saw her in Akhtyrka, where he was at that time.

This version is confirmed by the words of the artist himself: “The picture seemed to have been living in my head for a long time, but in reality I saw it when I met one simple-haired girl. There was so much longing, loneliness and purely Russian sadness in her eyes ... some special Russian spirit emanated from her.

Initially, Vasnetsov called the painting "Fool Alyonushka", but there is nothing insulting or ironic about the artist's attitude towards his heroine. The fact is that the word "fool" in those days was called holy fools or orphans. Let's remember the fairy tale - after the death of their parents Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka are left alone, and desperate to find a disobedient brother, Alyonushka feels like an orphan, lonely and abandoned. Some critics insisted that this was not a fairy-tale image, but the embodiment of the orphanage of poor peasant women, such as could be found in every village.

The artist creates the general mood with the help of precise landscape details: the quiet autumn withering of nature, the dark pool at the feet of Alyonushka, muted tones, the gray sky in the clouds, fallen leaves on the shore and in the water seem to emphasize the longing and hopelessness on the face of the heroine. At the same time, the landscape cannot be called conditional or abstract - it is a recognizable nature of central Russia.

It was one of the first paintings in the history of Russian painting, where the inner experiences of a person were transmitted through a subtly reproduced state of nature. Considering that the picture was created based on a fairy tale, this is quite justified - psychological parallelism is inherent in many works of oral literature. folk art.

how will the fate of the "girl with peaches"- Vera Mamontova.

It is sad to be alone in the forest, not knowing what to do next. Immediately some kind of panic attacks, which is quickly replaced by a feeling of hopeless longing and confusion. Man invariably hopes for a miracle, but it does not always happen.

In the picture of Vasnetsov "Alyonushka" we see a girl who looks with hope and longing into a forest lake. She is trying to see something there, trying to find something extremely important there, but inaccessible to the understanding of other people.

The girl is surrounded by an impenetrable forest thicket, which frightens with its gloominess. To emphasize the plight of Alyonushka, the author painted the forest with dark colors. The water in the forest lake also scares away with its darkness, gloom and depth. Only calamus and stones become true friends of Alyonushka, only to them she can completely pour out her soul. It seems that the girl sends a silent cry for help, which can be answered higher power nature, for it will be inaccessible to the human ear.

Alyonushka is a simple and touching girl who ended up in difficult situation. She comes from a simple family, which can be seen from her modest outfit and lack of shoes. The girl is sitting near the lake, leaning slightly over the water, as if looking for the truth in its abyss.

The canvas evokes a feeling of regret and sadness. I just want to help Alyonushka, but, unfortunately, this is impossible.

The creation of the painting "Alyonushka" was completed in 1881. It is one of the author's many famous works. Famous picture written according to the plot of the fairy tale about "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka". The work is done in oil. The heroine of the picture was a simple village girl from Akhtyrka.

In the center of the picture we see a young woman on a large stone, beautiful girl who sits with his legs tucked under him. With her head on her knees, the lonely girl looks into the deep lake with the sad eyes of an orphan. The girl's eyes show pain and sadness. All her thoughts are about her brother Ivanushka, who is lost. Although the girl is very young, but the look is quite adult. The artist created an accurate psychological portrait of the heroine and managed to make her image understandable.

The girl's clothes are simple and modest, which was typical for simple Christian families. An old black skirt with flowers, a blouse and bare feet, which speaks of the girl's poverty. The dark tones in which the work is done contrast with the blush of a simple girl.

The beginning of autumn is the time of the year, which is shown in the picture. This is evidenced by fallen leaves on the water of a dark and deep lake. The surface of the water is smooth from which sedge sprouts. The creator of the picture so realistically conveyed that sadness and pain of the girl. That even nature senses it. A dense and inhospitable forest in the background, the autumn sky frowns. The picture creates the feeling that everything is frozen around, not a single twig is moving.

Only a flock of swallows that bring positive and pleasant sensations.

With the help of paints, the creator achieves the desired impression. The general tone of the picture is not bright, greens predominate, gray colors. The artist tried to understand, to express the Russian spirit, and he succeeded. This picture evokes a feeling of pity and sadness in every person.

Composition based on the painting "Alyonushka" Vasnetsov

V.M. Vasnetsov never ceases to amaze with his talent. Each of his works is a whole story in which there is a beginning and an end. And we viewers, although we have to see only a moment of this story, but come to mind for a long time famous fairy tales, and this makes it possible, as if to plunge into their world, to feel the joys and sorrows of the heroes.

The girl depicted on the canvas is so unhappy and lonely that you want to feel sorry for her. And there is a reason. It turns out she lost her beloved little brother. All day she tried to find him. And judging by the glow in the sky, it's already evening. Barefoot, she wandered through the forest, calling him with all her might. But now, her strength left, and she sat down by the water. Her legs, which had not known rest all day, were beaten and wounded, her dress was torn, and her hair was knocked out of her braid. But the most remarkable thing in the image of Alyonushka is her facial expressions. It reads immeasurable sadness and sadness. It is impossible to show this without experiencing pain. Even in the water display, only the girl's black skirt is visible. The artist did not want to show her bright face, arms and neck. He settled on paints in which pain is read.

What thoughts overcome the young girl? Perhaps she no longer hopes to find her brother? Maybe, when she sees a pond, the girl begins to guess what a terrible fate her dear person has? But then what should she do? Was she up to something bad? Why doesn't he go home to tell the terrible news to his relatives and neighbors? Or maybe there are no relatives? Maybe her brother is everyone who was dear and loved to her, and now she has no one to go to, and there is no need, that's why there is such a detachment in her expression.

Anyone who looks at the canvas feels sorry for Alyonushka. And in such truthfulness with which the author portrayed a lonely girl against the backdrop of magnificent nature, which, as a matter of fact, acts as a bright contrast, and one sees the talent of the author of the picture, his ability to use the viewer's imagination.

Composition based on the painting by Vasnetsov "Alyonushka"

When you read the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", you involuntarily imagine a forest pond, a girl sitting on its shore, bowing her head to her knees in anguish. The famous "Alyonushka" by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. How often the artist in his work turned to the works of oral folk art. And then already epic and fairy-tale heroes in the imagination they were drawn exactly as the great artist depicted them.

So it happened with Alyonushka. The lonely orphans Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka lived in a remote forest side. And trouble came: the brother, the only one, was gone native person on this earth. Alyonushka wandered for a long time in search of her brother. She tore her dress, making her way through the forest thicket. I came across a pond in the dark forest wilderness. And in inescapable anguish, she sank onto a stone on its shore.

Take a look at her face. How much longing in the eyes of a young girl. Her hair was disheveled from her long walk through the woods. But she does not notice the mess either in her hair or in her clothes. One thought overcomes her: “Where is brother Ivanushka?” A small kid is an easy prey for forest animals. Crying from grief Alyonushka. Tears fall into the dark depths of the pond. And he beckons with his black water, calls to forget himself in his waters.

The dark forest surrounded Alyonushka with a wall. Black is his thicket. The terrible forest does not want to release its prey. It seems that the face of an evil sorceress who has decided to destroy Alyonushka is about to flash in its blackness. And only thin trees next to the girl yearn with her, dropping yellow leaves on the black surface of the pond.

Created based on a fairy tale, Vasnetsov's painting lives an independent life, telling about the difficult lot of an orphan, about hopeless longing. But the fabulous image of the beautiful Alyonushka is associated with the way the artist depicted her on his canvas.

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The history of the masterpiece: "Alyonushka" Artist Viktor Vasnetsov. Why "Alyonushka" was originally called "fool"

Viktor Vasnetsov - Alyonushka. 1881. Oil on canvas. 173×121 cm
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

The plot was based on the fairy tale “About sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”. Alyonushka, tired of the fruitless search for her brother, sits in a lonely pose on a large stone near a gloomy pond, her head bowed to her knees. Anxious thoughts about her brother Ivanushka do not leave her. Alyonushka is yearning - she could not keep track of her brother - and with her, the nature around is yearning ...

The artist began work on the painting in 1880. At first he painted landscape sketches on the banks of the Vori in Abramtsevo, by the pond in Akhtyrka. 3 sketches of that time have been preserved.


Pond in Akhtyrka 1880

Alyonushkin Pond (Pond in Akhtyrka), 1880

Sedge, 1880
In Vasnetsov's painting Alyonushka, the landscape is very beautifully written in which Alyonushka is closely interconnected with nature, which is also saddened, like our heroine Alyonushka.
In the picture, not a single fragment distracts the viewer from the main thing, at the same time, every detail of the picture is material for thoughtful reflection.

Viktor Vasnetsov. Sketches for the painting "Alyonushka", 1881
Initially, Vasnetsov called the painting "Fool Alyonushka", but there is nothing insulting or ironic about the artist's attitude towards his heroine. The fact is that the word "fool" in those days was called holy fools or orphans. Let's remember the fairy tale - after the death of their parents Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka are left alone, and desperate to find a disobedient brother, Alyonushka feels like an orphan, lonely and abandoned.

Some critics insisted that this was not a fairy-tale image, but the embodiment of the orphanage of poor peasant women, such as could be found in every village. An old sundress with faded flowers, disheveled hair, coarsened bare feet betray in Alyonushka not an abstract fairy-tale character, but a very real girl from the people.

The work was completed in the winter of 1881 in Moscow, after which Vasnetsov sent it to the Traveling Exhibition. Critic I. E. Grabar called the picture one of the best pictures Russian school.
Vasnetsov himself spoke of his painting in the following way:

“Alyonushka” seemed to have been living in my head for a long time, but in reality I saw her in Akhtyrka when I met one simple-haired girl who struck my imagination. There was so much longing, loneliness and purely Russian sadness in her eyes ... Some kind of special Russian spirit emanated from her.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov
Russian painter and architect, master of historical and folklore painting.
Born on May 15, 1848 in the Russian village of Lopyal, Urzhum district, Vyatka province, in the family of an Orthodox priest Mikhail Vasilyevich Vasnetsov, who belonged to the ancient Vyatka family of the Vasnetsovs.
Initially, he intended to follow in his father's footsteps. But in the last year of the theological seminary he left his studies and went to St. Petersburg to enter the Academy of Arts.

At first, Vasnetsov wrote on everyday subjects. Subsequently, he developed the so-called "Vasnetsov style" - epic-historical at the core with a strong patriotic and religious bias.

Vasnetsov performed in all births: he was and historical painter, and religious, and portrait painter, and genre painter, and decorator, and graphic artist. In addition, he was an architect - according to his projects, the church in Abramtsevo, the facade of the Tretyakov Gallery, the Tsvetkov Gallery and his own house with a workshop in Troitsky Lane were built.

Viktor Vasnetsov died in Moscow on July 23, 1926, at the age of 79. The artist was buried at the Lazarevsky cemetery, after the destruction of which the ashes were transferred to the Vvedenskoye cemetery.