Class hour and presentation for elementary grades "Heroes of the Fatherland Day". Presentation "heroes of the fatherland" presentation for the lesson (grade 4) on the topic Download presentation about the heroes of the fatherland rt

Order of St. George On December 7, 1769, a year after the start of the Russian-Turkish war, Empress Catherine II established the highest military award of the Russian Empire - the Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George - and placed on herself the signs of the first Order of St. George, I degree. Before the revolution, "George" of the highest category, which was abolished by the Bolsheviks in 1917, was awarded only 25 times.

Kononov Alexander Ivanovich - head of the department of the special forces detachment of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, lieutenant colonel. Born on May 17, 1978 in the city of Nakhodka, Primorsky Krai. Russian. In years he studied at secondary school 5 in the city of Nakhodka, then moved with his family to another city. In 1995 he graduated from 10 classes of high school. In the army in 1995. In 2000 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Military Institute (special intelligence course). In the years he served in the Special Forces Brigade of the Main (Intelligence) Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (the city of Solnechnogorsk, Moscow Region). Participant in hostilities on the territory of the Chechen Republic and the Republic of Dagestan. He also performed special assignments in Iraq, Syria, Ethiopia and Yugoslavia. He was fluent in English, German, French and Persian. When performing a combat mission to identify and eliminate members of illegal armed groups on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan on August 12, 2014, a special forces group led by Lieutenant Colonel A.I. Kononov came under fire from militants at the time of returning to the base. In a critical situation, he retained his composure, organized a rebuff to the enemy and the exit of the detachment from the shelling without losses on the part of the personnel. Already at the end of the battle, during the evacuation to the base, he died in a car blown up by a high-explosive explosive device. He was buried on the Alley of Heroes in the cemetery of the city of Solnechnogorsk, Moscow Region. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation 691 of October 28, 2014, for the courage and heroism shown in the performance of a special assignment, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Ivanovich Kononov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously). Lieutenant colonel. He was awarded the Order of Courage (2014), medals, including the Suvorov medal (). In 2015, memorial plaques in his honor were installed in the city of Nakhodka on the building of secondary school 5 and on the house where he lived.

1. The Order of St. George was awarded only ...? a) 15 times b) 20 times c) 25 times 2. What was the title of Kutuzov Mikhail and Barclay de Tolly? a) Pilot b) General c) Soldier 3. Which of the listed Heroes of the Soviet Union did not die on the battlefield? a) Alexei Maresyev b) Alexander Matrosov c) Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya 4. Whose fate inspired Boris Polevoy to write "a story about a real man"? a) Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya b) Mikhail Kutuzov c) Alexei Maresyev 5. Who was the first to be awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation? a) S.S. Oskanov b) Sergei Krikalev c) Mikhail Kutuzov

6. Which of the following was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union? a) Sidorenko Boris Stepanovich b) Mikhail Kutuzov c) Sergey Krikalev 7. In what school of our city did Alexander Ivanovich Kononov, Hero of the Russian Federation, study? a) School 4 b) School 7 c) School 5 8. Which of the Heroes of the Soviet Union was disabled? a) Alexander Matrosov b) Alexei Maresyev c) B.S. Sidorenko 9. Who was the Hero of the Russian Federation Sergey Krikalev? a) Pilot b) Tanker c) Cosmonaut 10. Who was captured by the Germans during the Great Patriotic War? a) Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya b) S.S. Oskanov c) Alexander Matrosov

Class hour Heroes of the Fatherland Day

Hero - a person who performs feats, unusual in his courage, valor, selflessness

Fatherland - the country where a person was born and to whose citizens he belongs.

From the history of the holiday On December 9, 1769, Catherine II established the highest military award in Russia - the Order of St. George. The order became a sign of personal prowess on the battlefield.


Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union

Gold Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor

Hero of the Russian Federation is the highest special title in the Russian Federation. Awarded for accomplishing an exceptional feat. The title is the highest state award in Russia.

The title was established by the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Establishment of the Title of Hero of the Russian Federation and the Establishment of a Sign of Special Distinction - the Gold Star Medal" dated March 20, 1992 and put into effect on the same day in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. The title of Hero of the Russian Federation is awarded once by the President of the Russian Federation.

Statistics In the post-war period (since March 1948) the title of Hero was received by: 491/69 (posthumously) + 13 cities Aircraft tests 122/9 (posthumously) Fights in Afghanistan 85/28 (posthumously). Space exploration 84/2 (posthumous) Heroes of submariners and divers 55/1 (posthumous) Events in Hungary 26/14 (posthumous) War in Korea 22/1 (posthumous) Polar exploration 21 Leadership of troops 17 + 3 twice Hero + 1 three times Hero Anniversaries 17 + 7 Heroes twice + 1 Hero three times + 2 Heroes four times Leaders of friendly countries 6 Fight against terrorism 9/3 (posthumous) State border protection 7/4 (posthumous) Foreign intelligence 6/2 (posthumous) Liquidation of Chernobyl 6/2 (posthumous) ) Liquidation of the coup of 1991 4/3 (posthumously) War in Egypt 2 Mastering of aircraft 2

Most of the awarded are participants of the I and II Chechen wars

Dorofeev Dmitry Yurievich 12. 10. 1974 - 26. 9. 2002 Hero of Russia

Igitov Yuri Sergeevich 26. 9. 1973 - 31. 12. 1994 Hero of Russia

Yanina Irina Yurievna 27. 11. 1966 - 31. 8. 1999 Hero of Russia

Turkin Andrey Alekseevich 21. 10. 1975 - 03. 09. 2004 Hero of Russia

Kadyrov Akhmat Abdulkhamidovich 23. 8. 1951 - 9. 5. 2004 Hero of Russia

Shoigu Sergey Kuzhugetovich 21. 5. 1955 Hero of Russia

Among those awarded the title of Hero of Russia are people of peaceful professions

Egorova Lyubov Ivanovna 0 5. 05. 1966 Hero of Russia

Karelin Alexander Alexandrovich 09/19/1967 Hero of Russia

For courage and heroism shown during space flights, 32 cosmonauts received the title of Hero of Russia

Kononenko Oleg Dmitrievich June 21, 1964 Hero of Russia

You can't understand Russia with your mind, You can't measure it with a common yardstick, It has a special way to become, You just have to believe in Russia. (F.I. Tyutchev).

Thank you very much for your work and attention!

Purpose: Expanding students' knowledge about the heroic pages of the history of our Fatherland. Raising patriotism, citizenship, a sense of pride and respect for the historical past of the Motherland.

Introduction December 9 is an official holiday in Russia, which is called the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland. This memorable date was established in 2007 by decision of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. The decision by the majority of deputies of the State Duma to create a personal holiday for all the heroes of Russia was adopted unanimously. On this day, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, full cavaliers of the Order of Glory and cavaliers of the Order of St. George are honored.

"Russians, marked with the honorary title of heroes, deserve to have their own holiday". The date of December 9 for the celebration of the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland was not chosen by chance. According to the old style, until 1917, December 9 was the date of the holiday dedicated to honoring the merits of the Knights of St. George.

Peter I In pre-revolutionary Russia there was no more honorable award for an officer than the white cross of the Order of St. George the Victorious. The idea to create such an award belongs to Peter 1. He intended to make such an award the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky, established in 1725. But the tsar himself did not have time to honor anyone, and after his death both military and civil ranks complained of this order.

Catherine II the Great The idea of ​​Peter I was brought to life by Empress Catherine II. Paying tribute to the military glory of the Russian army and striving to strengthen its influence on the military, on November 26, 1769, it approved a new military order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George.

St. George the Victorious The military order bore the name of the saint not by chance. Saint George the Victorious is a Christian saint, great martyr, the most revered saint of this name. The cult of St. George, who professed Christianity and was put to death for this, came to Russia with the adoption of this religion by the Russian people. Prince Yaroslav the Wise was the first of the Russian princes to take the second church name George. In 1037, after the victory over the Pechenegs, he founded a monastery in Kiev in honor of his patron.

The Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George is the highest military award of the Russian Empire. "For Service and Courage".

The full name of the order is the Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George. This award could be received by one who “personally leading the army, will win over the enemy, who is in significant forces, a complete victory, the consequence of which will be his complete destruction,” or, “personally leading the army, will take the fortress.” The order was also awarded for capturing the enemy banner, capturing the commander-in-chief or corps commander of the enemy army and other outstanding feats.

The Order of St. George had four degrees of distinction. Moreover, the award was made from the fourth degree, then the third was awarded, then the second, and, finally, the one who accomplished the fourth outstanding feat could be presented for awarding the Order of George of the first degree. The motto of the order is "For Service and Courage". The St. George ribbon of the Order of all degrees had alternating three black and two orange longitudinal stripes. Later, many military awards received an orange and black ribbon.

Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly

Ivan Fedorovich Paskevich Ivan Ivanovich Dibich-Zabalkansky

Field Marshal General, His Serene Highness Prince Smolensky - was the first to be awarded all the degrees of the military Order of St. George. This illustrious Russian commander, all his life, his entire military path from ensign to field marshal, went along with the Russian army. The troops under his command took part in all the wars waged by Russia in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. He was born on September 5, 1745 in St. Petersburg. In 1757 he was assigned to an engineering and artillery school, and on January 1, 1761 he was promoted to ensign. Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov (1745 - 1813)

Kutuzov received his first St. George Cross of the fourth degree, being a battalion commander, for exceptional courage during the battles near the village of Shumy near Alushta during the Russian-Turkish war of 1768 - 1774. With a banner in his hands, he personally led the battalion to attack the Turks. During this battle, Kutuzov was seriously wounded in the head, after which he lost an eye. The victory of the Russian army near Izmail on December 1, 1790 predetermined the outcome of the Russian-Turkish war of 1778-1791. M.I. also played a significant role in its achievement. Kutuzov, who commanded one of the columns that stormed the Kiliya Gates. For Ishmael, he was awarded the Order of St. George of the third degree.

In the same war, in the battle near Machin on June 28, 1791, Kutuzov's troops, with a blow to the right flank of the enemy, largely contributed to the decisive victory over the Supreme Vizier Yusuf Pasha. For the victory at Machin, Kutuzov was awarded the Order of St. George of the second degree. In August 1812, Mikhail Illarionovich led the Russian army, which defeated Napoleon. In honor of the great victory, Alexander I awarded the field marshal with the Order of St. George of the first degree. With the receipt of this highest award, Kutuzov became a full holder of all four degrees of the Order of St. George.

Field Marshal General, Prince. He was a member of the Russian-Turkish 1787 - 1791. and Russian-Swedish 1788 1790. wars. In the war with France 1806-1807. and the Russian-Swedish war of 1808-1809. commanded a division and a corps. In 1810 - 1812. - Minister of War of Russia. During the Patriotic War of 1812, he led the 1st Western Army. In the battle of Borodino, he commanded the right wing and the center of the Russian troops, and in foreign campaigns in 1813-1814. led the combined Russian-Prussian army. He successfully led it in the battles of Thorn, Kulm and Leipzig. M.B. Barclay de Tolly was born on December 16, 1761 Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly (1761 - 1818)

His childhood years were spent in St. Petersburg. He began his service at the age of 14 in the Pskov Carabinieri Regiment. At the age of 16 he received his first officer rank, and soon he was appointed adjutant to Lieutenant General Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg. After a few years of his successful military career, Barclay de Tolly was assigned to the newly formed St. Petersburg Grenadier Regiment, with whom he went to Poland. He participated in numerous battles. For distinction in the war with the Polish confederates he was awarded the Order of St. George of the fourth degree.

In September 1806, large-scale actions of the armies of the 4th anti-French coalition against Napoleonic France began. In November 1806, Russia entered the war. The first major battle of the Russian and French troops took place near Pultusk on December 14, 1806. Largely thanks to the skillful actions of the then Major General Barclay de Tolly, who commanded the advance detachment, the Russian troops not only managed to hold back the onslaught of the French regiments of Marshal Lannes, but also inflicted significant damage to them. For courage and distinction shown in the battle of Pultusk, Mikhail Bogdanovich was awarded the Order of St. George of the third degree.

Subsequently, during the Patriotic War of 1812, Barclay de Tolly was awarded the Order of St. George of the second degree for the skillful leadership of the troops in the Battle of Borodino and the displayed courage. In foreign campaigns 1813 - 1814. Barclay de Tolly led the combined Russian-Prussian army. Under his command, 64 French troops were defeated in the battle of Kulm (August 18, 1813), for which he was awarded the Order of St. George of the first degree.

Ivan Fedorovich Paskevich (1782 -1856) Field Marshal, Count of Erivan, His Serene Highness Prince of Warsaw. Born on May 19, 1782, at the age of 12 he was appointed to the Corps of Pages, and in October 1800, among the first graduates, he was sent as a lieutenant to the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment. Paskevich made his first military campaign in 1805, but he received real combat training during the Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812. He went from captain to major general in five years. Paskevich was a participant in many battles of this war, and in 1810, for capturing enemy batteries at Cape Galotburg during the siege of the fortress of Varna, he earned his first Order of St. George of the fourth degree.

18 days later, in the same place, the Vitebsk regiment, commanded by Colonel Paskevich, repelled the attacks of the Turkish army throughout the day. The fierce battle ended in a complete victory for the Russians, who not only fought on the defensive with a numerically superior enemy, but also counterattacked themselves. This feat became widely known in the army, and the young commander of the Vitebsk regiment was awarded the Order of St. George of the third degree. Russo-Persian War 1826-1828 Paskevich met in the Caucasus, where he replaced General Yermolov as commander of the Separate Corps. In the war with the Persians, he acted decisively. During the campaign of 1827, Paskevich occupied Nakhichevan, the fortress of Abbas-Abad, which was of great strategic importance, and in October, the fortress of Erivan. The rescript of Nicholas I said: “For the excellent courage, firmness and skill shown by Adjutant General Paskevich during the conquest of Sardar Abbad and the important conquest of the famous Asian fortress of Erivan, welcome the Order of St. George the Victorious 2nd degree of the big cross.” With the capture of Erivan, the Russian-Persian war actually ended. In 1828 peace was signed in Turkmanchai.

In June 1829, in a field battle, Paskevich utterly defeated the Turkish army under the command of Gakki Pasha. During the two-day battles near the village of Kainly, the Sultan's army ceased to exist. Then, having made a march of more than 100 km in three days, on July 5 the Russian corps occupied the Gasean-Kale fortress, and four days later the Russian soldiers entered rich Erzurum, the control center of Asian Turkey. For Erzurum, Infantry General Ivan Fedorovich Paskevich was awarded the Order of St. George of the first degree and became the third full holder of the highest military award of the empire.

Ivan Ivanovich Dibich-Zabalkansky (1785 - 1831) Field Marshal General, Count, participant in the wars with France 1805 - 1807. and the Patriotic War of 1812. During the foreign campaign of the Russian army in 1813-1814. - quartermaster of the corps, quartermaster general of the army and allied Russian-Prussian troops. From 1815 - Chief of Staff of the 1st Army, from 1823 - Chief of the General Staff. In the Russian-Turkish war of 1828 - 1829. - Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army.

Ivan Ivanovich Dibich was born on May 2, 1785 in the Grosleine estate in the family of a colonel in the Prussian army. His true name is Johann Karl Friedrich Anton. In the Russian manner, they began to call him from 1801, when the father of Johann, at one time the adjutant of Frederick the Great, was invited to St. Petersburg by Paul I. Russia became the true Fatherland for the young Dibich, in whose service he entered decisively and irrevocably. The seventeen-year-old ensign studied Russian intensively and studied military service. The first serious combat test was for Dibich Austerlitz (November 20, 1805). Wounded in his right hand, he intercepted the blade with his left, and did not leave the battlefield until the end of the battle. He was awarded a sword with the inscription "For Bravery". He also distinguished himself at Preussisch-Eylau (January 26 - 27, 1807).

In 1807, Dibich took part in the battles of Gaustatt, Geislsberg and Friedland. For his "personal courage and diligence" in the last battle, he was awarded the Order of St. George of the fourth degree. Dibich met the Patriotic War of 1812 in the rank of colonel at the post of chief quartermaster of the corps of Count P.Kh. Wittgenstein. For the qualities shown in the battles of Klyastitsy, he was awarded the Order of St. George of the third degree.

During the Russian-Turkish war of 1828 - 1829. Ivan Ivanovich led the Russian troops in the Balkans. For the organization of the siege and the capture of Varna, he was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. For the battle at Kulevcha, where Dibich defeated the 40,000th army of Rashid Pasha, he was awarded the Order of St. George of the second degree. At the end of the war, for the victory in which Dibich did a lot, he was granted an honorary addition to his surname - Zabalkansky. He was awarded the field marshal's baton and the Order of St. George, first degree.

The Day of Heroes of the Fatherland is included in the law "On the Days of Military Glory and Commemorative Dates of Russia".

The status of the highest military award of the Russian Federation was returned to the Order of St. George in 2000. The Day of Heroes of the Fatherland is included in the law "On the Days of Military Glory and Commemorative Dates of Russia". The bill, adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation, proposes to honor on December 9 the heroes of the Russian Federation, the heroes of the Soviet Union, holders of the Order of St. George and the Order of Glory.

Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union Star of the Hero of the Russian Federation Order of Glory Order of St. George

Pyotr Alexandrovich Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky Sergei Pavlovich Avdeev Major General I. E. Tikhotsky Vasily Mikhailovich Dolgorukov-Crimean Supreme Ruler of Russia and Supreme Commander of the Russian Army Admiral A. V. Kolchak

Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich Senior General N. N. Yudenich Platon Ivanovich Kablukov (1779 - 1835) - lieutenant general, participant in the war of 1812.

A.V. Suvorov. The great commander in 1771 received the Order of St. George of the 3rd degree, adding to it later the 2nd and 1st. Suvorov's aphorisms contain advice that the generation of the 21st century should also live by: "From a young age, learn to forgive the actions of your neighbor and never forgive your own" "No matter how bad it is, never despair, hold on while you have strength."

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Heroes of the Fatherland Day Presentation for elementary school

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December 9 is the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland. On this day, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, holders of the Order of St. George and the Order of Glory are honored.

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Peter I
In pre-revolutionary Russia, there was no more honorable award for an officer than the white cross of the Order of St. George the Victorious. The idea to create such an award belongs to Peter 1. He intended to make such an award the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky, established in 1725. But the tsar himself did not have time to honor anyone, and after his death both military and civil ranks complained of this order.

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Catherine II the Great
The idea of ​​Peter I was brought to life by Empress Catherine II. Paying tribute to the military glory of the Russian army and striving to strengthen its influence on the military, on November 26, 1769, it approved a new military order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George.

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This date was established in 2007 and timed to coincide with the events of the reign of Catherine II. The Empress in 1769 established the Order of St. George the Victorious.
This order was awarded to soldiers who showed valor, courage and courage.

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Saint George the Victorious
The military order bore the name of the saint not by chance. Saint George the Victorious is a Christian saint, great martyr, the most revered saint of this name. The cult of St. George, who professed Christianity and was put to death for this, came to Russia with the adoption of this religion by the Russian people. Prince Yaroslav the Wise was the first of the Russian princes to take the second church name George. In 1037, after the victory over the Pechenegs, he founded a monastery in Kiev in honor of his patron.

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The symbol of the order - a rider sitting on a white horse, striking a dragon with a spear - personified the courage of a warrior capable of defending his land from enemies.
George the Victorious - one of the popular Christian saints

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The Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George is the highest military award of the Russian Empire.
"For Service and Courage"

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Catherine II honored herself with this award in honor of the establishment of the Order of St. George the Victorious

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The full name of the order is the Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George. This award could be received by one who “personally leading the army, will win over the enemy, who is in significant forces, a complete victory, the consequence of which will be his complete destruction,” or, “personally leading the army, will take the fortress.” The order was also awarded for capturing the enemy banner, capturing the commander-in-chief or corps commander of the enemy army and other outstanding feats.

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The order had 4 degrees of distinction.
Moreover, the award was made from the fourth degree, then the third was awarded, then the second, and, finally, the one who accomplished the fourth outstanding feat could be presented for awarding the Order of George of the first degree.

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The motto of the order: "For Service and Courage" The order consists of signs: a golden cross, a ribbon and a four-pointed star. The St. George ribbon of the Order of all degrees had alternating three black and two orange longitudinal stripes. Later, many military awards received an orange and black ribbon. The order was worn: I degree - a cross on a ribbon 10 cm wide over the right shoulder, a star on the left side of the chest. II degree - a cross on the neck on a ribbon 5 cm wide, a star on the left side of the chest. III degree - a cross on the neck on a ribbon 3.2 cm wide IV degree - a cross on the chest on a ribbon 2.2 cm wide

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Full cavaliers of the order, that is, having all four degrees, are four outstanding Russian commanders: Prince, Field Marshal M. I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Smolensky; Prince, Field Marshal M. B. Barclay de Tolly; Count, Field Marshal I. F. Paskevich-Erivan Prince of Warsaw; Count, Field Marshal I. I. Dibich-Zabalkansky.

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Full St. George Cavaliers
Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov

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Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov First Full Commander of the Order of St. George
Russian commander, Field Marshal General, His Holiness Prince, Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812.

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Field Marshal General, His Serene Highness Prince Smolensky - was the first to be awarded all the degrees of the military Order of St. George. This illustrious Russian commander, all his life, his entire military path from ensign to field marshal, went along with the Russian army. The troops under his command took part in all the wars waged by Russia in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. He was born on September 5, 1745 in St. Petersburg. In 1757 he was assigned to an engineering and artillery school, and on January 1, 1761 he was promoted to ensign.
Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov (1745 - 1813)

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Kutuzov received his first St. George Cross of the fourth degree, being a battalion commander, for exceptional courage during the battles near the village of Shumy near Alushta during the Russian-Turkish war of 1768 - 1774. With a banner in his hands, he personally led the battalion to attack the Turks. During this battle, Kutuzov was seriously wounded in the head, after which he lost an eye. The victory of the Russian army near Izmail on December 1, 1790 predetermined the outcome of the Russian-Turkish war of 1778-1791. M.I. also played a significant role in its achievement. Kutuzov, who commanded one of the columns that stormed the Kiliya Gates. For Ishmael, he was awarded the Order of St. George of the third degree.

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In the same war, in the battle near Machin on June 28, 1791, Kutuzov's troops, with a blow to the right flank of the enemy, largely contributed to the decisive victory over the Supreme Vizier Yusuf Pasha. For the victory at Machin, Kutuzov was awarded the Order of St. George of the second degree. In August 1812, Mikhail Illarionovich led the Russian army, which defeated Napoleon. In honor of the great victory, Alexander I awarded the field marshal with the Order of St. George of the first degree. With the receipt of this highest award, Kutuzov became a full holder of all four degrees of the Order of St. George.

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Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly Full Knight of the Order of St. George
An outstanding Russian commander, field marshal general, minister of war, prince, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812.

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Field Marshal General, Prince. He was a member of the Russian-Turkish 1787 - 1791. and Russian-Swedish 1788 1790. wars. In the war with France 1806-1807. and the Russian-Swedish war of 1808-1809. commanded a division and a corps. In 1810 - 1812. - Minister of War of Russia. During the Patriotic War of 1812, he led the 1st Western Army. In the battle of Borodino, he commanded the right wing and the center of the Russian troops, and in foreign campaigns in 1813-1814. led the combined Russian-Prussian army. He successfully led it in the battles of Thorn, Kulm and Leipzig. M.B. Barclay de Tolly was born December 16, 1761.
Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly (1761 - 1818)

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His childhood years were spent in St. Petersburg. He began his service at the age of 14 in the Pskov Carabinieri Regiment. At the age of 16 he received his first officer rank, and soon he was appointed adjutant to Lieutenant General Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg. After a few years of his successful military career, Barclay de Tolly was assigned to the newly formed St. Petersburg Grenadier Regiment, with whom he went to Poland. He participated in numerous battles. For distinction in the war with the Polish confederates he was awarded the Order of St. George of the fourth degree.

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In September 1806, large-scale actions of the armies of the 4th anti-French coalition against Napoleonic France began. In November 1806, Russia entered the war. The first major battle of the Russian and French troops took place near Pultusk on December 14, 1806. Largely thanks to the skillful actions of the then Major General Barclay de Tolly, who commanded the advance detachment, the Russian troops not only managed to hold back the onslaught of the French regiments of Marshal Lannes, but also inflicted significant damage to them. For courage and distinction shown in the battle of Pultusk, Mikhail Bogdanovich was awarded the Order of St. George of the third degree.

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Subsequently, during the Patriotic War of 1812, Barclay de Tolly was awarded the Order of St. George of the second degree for the skillful leadership of the troops in the Battle of Borodino and the displayed courage. In foreign campaigns 1813 - 1814. Barclay de Tolly led the combined Russian-Prussian army. Under his command, 64 French troops were defeated in the battle of Kulm (August 18, 1813), for which he was awarded the Order of St. George of the first degree.

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Full St. George Cavaliers
Ivan Fyodorovich Paskevich
Ivan Ivanovich Dibich-Zabalkansky

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Ivan Fedorovich Paskevich (1782 -1856)
Field Marshal General, Count of Erivan, His Serene Highness Prince of Warsaw. Born on May 19, 1782, at the age of 12 he was appointed to the Corps of Pages, and in October 1800, among the first graduates, he was sent as a lieutenant to the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment. Paskevich made his first military campaign in 1805, but he received real combat training during the Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812. He went from captain to major general in five years. Paskevich was a participant in many battles of this war, and in 1810, for capturing enemy batteries at Cape Galotburg during the siege of the fortress of Varna, he earned his first Order of St. George of the fourth degree.

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18 days later, in the same place, the Vitebsk regiment, commanded by Colonel Paskevich, repelled the attacks of the Turkish army throughout the day. The fierce battle ended in a complete victory for the Russians, who not only fought on the defensive with a numerically superior enemy, but also counterattacked themselves. This feat became widely known in the army, and the young commander of the Vitebsk regiment was awarded the Order of St. George of the third degree. Russo-Persian War 1826-1828 Paskevich met in the Caucasus, where he replaced General Yermolov as commander of the Separate Corps. In the war with the Persians, he acted decisively. During the campaign of 1827, Paskevich occupied Nakhichevan, the fortress of Abbas-Abad, which was of great strategic importance, and in October, the fortress of Erivan. The rescript of Nicholas I said: “For the excellent courage, firmness and skill shown by Adjutant General Paskevich during the conquest of Sardar Abbad and the important conquest of the famous Asian fortress of Erivan, welcome the Order of St. George the Victorious 2nd degree of the big cross.” With the capture of Erivan, the Russian-Persian war actually ended. In 1828 peace was signed in Turkmanchai.

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In June 1829, in a field battle, Paskevich utterly defeated the Turkish army under the command of Gakki Pasha. During the two-day battles near the village of Kainly, the Sultan's army ceased to exist. Then, having made a march of more than 100 km in three days, on July 5 the Russian corps occupied the Gasean-Kale fortress, and four days later the Russian soldiers entered rich Erzurum, the control center of Asian Turkey. For Erzurum, Infantry General Ivan Fedorovich Paskevich was awarded the Order of St. George of the first degree and became the third full holder of the highest military award of the empire.

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Ivan Ivanovich Dibich-Zabalkansky (1785 - 1831)
Field Marshal General, Count, participant in the wars with France 1805 - 1807. and the Patriotic War of 1812. During the foreign campaign of the Russian army in 1813-1814. - quartermaster of the corps, quartermaster general of the army and allied Russian-Prussian troops. From 1815 - Chief of Staff of the 1st Army, from 1823 - Chief of the General Staff. In the Russian-Turkish war of 1828 - 1829. - Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army.

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Ivan Ivanovich Dibich was born on May 2, 1785 in the Grosleine estate in the family of a colonel in the Prussian army. His true name is Johann Karl Friedrich Anton. In the Russian manner, they began to call him from 1801, when the father of Johann, at one time the adjutant of Frederick the Great, was invited to St. Petersburg by Paul I. Russia became the true Fatherland for the young Dibich, in whose service he entered decisively and irrevocably. The seventeen-year-old ensign studied Russian intensively and studied military service. The first serious combat test was for Dibich Austerlitz (November 20, 1805). Wounded in his right hand, he intercepted the blade with his left, and did not leave the battlefield until the end of the battle. He was awarded a sword with the inscription "For Bravery". He also distinguished himself at Preussisch-Eylau (January 26 - 27, 1807).

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In 1807, Dibich took part in the battles of Gaustatt, Geislsberg and Friedland. For his "personal courage and diligence" in the last battle, he was awarded the Order of St. George of the fourth degree. Dibich met the Patriotic War of 1812 in the rank of colonel at the post of chief quartermaster of the corps of Count P.Kh. Wittgenstein. For the qualities shown in the battles of Klyastitsy, he was awarded the Order of St. George of the third degree.