Download presentation for the 80th anniversary of the Altai Territory. Class hour "Altai - a fabulous land"

About Altai - with love

Class hour for the 80th anniversary of the Altai Territory

Altai Territory is:

  • 168 thousand sq. km area
  • 17 thousand km length of roads (3rd place in the Russian Federation)
  • 2 400 000 inhabitants
  • 6,500,000 hectares of arable land

Coat of arms of the Altai Territory and its symbols

  • The smoking blast furnace embodies the metallurgy of the region.
  • The “queen of vases” depicted below, in turn, focuses our attention on the fact that the Altai Territory remembers its history and honors its traditions.
  • A few words should be said about the color design of the coat of arms. Red traditionally symbolizes courage and courage, azure - greatness, and yellow - wealth and fertility.
  • Wheat ears framing the shield symbolize agriculture, one of the key sectors of the region's economy.

Altai Territory flag

Like the coat of arms, the flag of the region was officially approved in 2000. Looking at it, it is easy to guess that it was based on the banner of the RSFSR of the 1954 model.

Altai in dates and facts

The first Russian village on the territory of the Altai Territory arose in 1696 - it was Karmatskaya, about 30 km from the present Barnaul.

Altai in person:

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, more than 600 thousand people went to the front from the Altai Territory.

Famous countrymen

V.V. Bianchi is a writer of children's stories about animals. Born in St. Petersburg, but lived in Biysk for a long time, taught geography at the 4th school.

Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich - artist, philosopher and public figure. TO theme of Altai N.K. Roerich repeatedly applied before his visit, and in subsequent years. As an artist, he embodied on his canvases the past of Altai and faith in its wonderful future. As a scientist, Roerich explored its natural resources and predicted significant discoveries in the field of archeology, history, and geology. As a humanist, he claimed his future cultural flourishing.

Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky is a famous poet of the times of the USSR, the author of poems and lyrics for many songs. Name at birth - Robert Stanislavovich Petkevich ; June 20 1932 , village Kosikha , West Siberian Territory, now - Altai region - August 19 1994 , Moscow)

G.S. Titov is a pilot-cosmonaut who made the first long flight into space. Was born 11 September 1935 , Verkh-Zhilino , Kosikhinsky district , Altai region - September 20 2000 , Moscow - Soviet astronaut, the first person to make a long space flight (more than a day), the second Soviet person in space, the second person in the world to make an orbital space flight, the youngest cosmonaut in history.

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Altai - a fabulous land

“You can see and know your land

either with my own eyes or with the help of books"


introduce children to the sights of Altai;

broaden the horizons of students, curiosity;

cultivate love for the native land, a sense of pride in it.

Registration: exhibition of drawings and photographs of children "Altai - a fabulous land", books about the Altai Territory.

Lesson progress:

slide 1 (class name)

slide 2


There are many places in the world

There is Crimea, the Caucasus and Paraguay.

But only this one is dear to my heart

My dear, beautiful Altai.

Altai Territory - A piece of land

Not noticeable from a huge map.

Look around you

See, he's great.

Endless expanses of Kulunda,

that bloom in fragrance,

Ancient mounds and hills -

Stories native charm.

The majesty of the azure shores

Lakes of Altai - the beloved region glorifies.

Invigorating spring water

Coolness in the summer heat will beckon you.

And we, as residents of Altai,

We can safely say to everyone

That there is no better region in Russia,

Which can be so loved!

slide 3


We live in Altai and, of course, we love our region. And how can you not love that corner of the earth where you were born and live! Wherever a person lives, wherever fate throws him, his native corner will forever remain in his heart.

This year the Altai Territory is 75 years old! For the region and for a person, this is a whole life. They contained both joys and sorrows. But, despite all this, the region lives and develops.

slide 4

Is on the map of Russia

Majestic Altai.

Many-sided, many-sided

This fabulous place.

Snowy peaks - as if to heaven,

Mountain peaks and mighty forest.

The spirit soars winged high in the mountains,

Reflected in the waters, as if in mirrors.

Waterfalls, rivers sing their song,

And the flowers and herbs behind them are calling:

The beauty of Altai cannot be recounted -

You have to see it, feel it with your heart.

Slide 5-31

(M. Evdokimov's song "Altai" sounds, slides about the nature of Altai alternate on the screen).


Do you know what the word "Altai" means? ( children's answers)

In the Altai language, the word "Altai" sounds "altyn" - it means "gold". This name is given to our land for its fabulous beauty.

What is Altai?

You ask a geologist about it,

A geologist will tell you about gold.

From forgotten centuries, from time immemorial,

This land of gold

The land of unprecedented generosity of mountains.

What is Altai?

You will hear - gold,

Hear the same word.

These are foxes and otters, stoats and sables.

It's soft gold

What the earth gives.

What is Altai?

You ask about that shepherd

"It's gold," he says.

Edge of the Golden Fleece:

Ask a farmer

combine and tractor driver,

"This is gold," they say, -

"In a clean field

Look around -

Without edges, without borders

golden ocean

Kulunda wheat.

slide 32


Altai is a pearl, the pride of Siberia, a fabulous land. Altai is our beautiful home.

Altai is boundless steppes, and huge lakes, swift rivers and dense taiga. There are few places in the world where one could see literally everything: from semi-desert to mountain glaciers. Since ancient times, people have valued land, water and forests - the basis of life.

The word "Altai" comes from the Turkic word "Altytau", which means six mountains.

Slide 33 The main relief of the Altai mountain system really consists of six main ranges. There are 1300 glaciers on the tops of the Altai mountains.

caves - a unique creation of nature. Slide 34 No one knows yet how many caves there are in Altai, many of them have been explored, but a greater number are still hidden from people. There are caves where archaeologists

find traces of the habitation of ancient man. For example, in the Denisova Cave (valley of the Anui River in the Soloneshensky District), the remains of an ancient man aged 42,000 years were found.

Altai is an immense, boundless steppe. Slide 35 Steppes…. It seems that they cannot be compared with the beauty of the mountains. Meanwhile, it was they who brought the main glory to Altai - bread.

Water…. The blue wealth of Altai is great: several tens of thousands of rivers and lakes. slide 36

But it's not just about quantity. Some reservoirs are truly a unique natural phenomenon.

There are more than 20,000 rivers in Altai.

Name the major rivers of the region ( Ob, Biya, Katun, Alei, Charysh)

One of the powerful rivers of the country - the Ob - mixed the Teletsk waters of the Biya and Katun.

Slide 37

Ob taking in all the waters

Springs, rivers, rivers,

Drives boats to sea

Straightening his shoulders.

And not in vain before her, strong,

The path to the ocean is open.

And it is not in vain that she was given wings

Swan range.

For almost 500 kilometers, the main waterway of Western Siberia, the Ob, carries its waters along our region.


Where does the Ob flow from?

That was a long time ago. There were no high mountains in this place, as there are now, but there were vast plains. Huge herds of sheep, horses and other living creatures belonging to Khan Altai grazed on these plains. But more than riches, the khan had a daughter, the beautiful Katyng. Many heroes asked for the hand of a beauty, but they always received a refusal. Katyng secretly ardently loved the poor shepherd Biy.

When Katyng rejected another suitor, the father got angry and said: "I will give you for the one I want." Then Katyng decides to run to his beloved Biy. Upon learning of Katyng's decision, Biy abandoned the khan's flocks and ran to meet his beloved.

Having discovered the loss of his daughter, Khan Altai ordered his soldiers: "Whoever catches up with my daughter first will get her as a wife." The chase was faster than the wind. Everyone hoped to get the beautiful Kating as a wife. Many friends and girlfriends helped Kating escape. But the soldiers were zealous. The fastest of all were the heroes Bobyr, Sartakpai, Sarlyk. Sarlyk, having deceived his friend Katyng Ursula, rushed on. But on his way, Sema, Katyng's beloved friend, rose up, she turned into a river. Meanwhile, Biy and Katyng met and united forever into the Ob River.

In anger, Khan Altai turned his warriors into stones, he himself also turned to stone from grief. And the mane of the running horse Sarlyk was petrified by the Sema raised in front of the river and became the Seminsky pass, it is the last barrier before the meeting of two loving hearts of biy and Katun (Katyng), which formed the great river Ob.


Katun is the queen, the largest river of the Altai Mountains. It starts from the southern slope of Belukha.

Slide 38

Rush Katun playing with light,

Noisy stream!

There is no wave in this world

Cleaner than yours!

Dozens of tributaries run to the Ob, like to a mother. Among them are the slow Chumysh and Aley, the talkative Charysh.

Slide 39

“I want to ask everything Charysh:

Where are you flowing the river from?

And the river answered: “I am running from afar.

I came from a wonderful fairy tale

From the land of mighty mountains,

I bring dreams and caresses

And the land of magical paint,

Breaking out without fear

To the fast pace."


Interest in the Charysh region among Russian and foreign tourists grew after the famous presidential rafting, when in 2003 along the river. Charysh Vladimir Putin made his first water trip, accompanied by experienced instructors, and was pleasantly surprised by the beauty of these places and satisfied with the safety of the rafting. And in 2004, a new tourist route appeared, which is called “Presidential Rafting”.

Slide 40

The Biya is the second largest river in the Altai Mountains. Calm and sometimes wayward.

There are fast rivers that the path is long

Sometimes they start with a stream.

A Biya right at the source

Stormy, full-flowing, wide!

When you pronounce the word "Altai", you imagine - blue mountains, blue rivers, blue sky.

Slide 41

Blue - blue rivers

In the distance they run with a blue sound.

Absorbs wet soil.

Blue silk sky

Shuttle birds, flying, weave.

And the lakes are blue too

Dove, flow into my eyes.

Blue - blue firs

The fields are blue.

Blue - blue mountains

They rise under the golden sun.

My Altai

Your height is blue

My Altai

your purity is blue

My Altai

your kindness is blue.


There are more than 11,000 lakes in Altai. Slide 42

What lakes do you know? ( children's answers)

The biggest Kulunda . Slide 43

It is located 64 kilometers from Slavgorod. This is the largest lake in the Altai Territory. It is also called the "Altai Sea".

And the most beautiful Teletskoye . Slide 44

Like Baikal, Lake Teletskoye is very deep, stretched between mountains and has a much greater length than width, many rivers and streams flow into it (about 80), and only 1 river flows out - Biya. In Altai, Lake Teletskoye is called Altyn-Kol, which means “golden lake”.

Altyn - Kol ( V. Timofeeva)

Lake with healing springs,

With the strength of seven dozen rivers,

From waterfalls with sonorous speeches

The golden sword keeps from century to century.

The lake is beautiful and rich.

Altyn-Kol - called it the East.

The legend of Lake Teletskoye.

… That was a long time ago. In a lean year, when the taiga was empty, livestock died and barley burned out, people wandered in search of food. One shepherd was lucky: he found a piece of gold the size of a horse's head. His joy knew no bounds. The shepherd went through the villages in the hope of bartering for something to eat, but people lived so poorly that they could not offer anything in exchange for such wealth. Seeing that gold was powerless to help him, the shepherd climbed the highest mountain above the lake, threw this useless wealth into the abyss, and in despair rushed himself.

Since then, the lake has been called Golden and the mountain was named Golden - Altyn.


Lake And I is also one of the wonders of nature. The deepest in Altai. Slide 45

Slide 46 Raspberry Lake located in the Mikhailovsky district. It is bittersweet.

The unique crimson color of the water, which is created by the bacteria living in the lake.

The village of Raspberry Lake is located on the shore, where a chemical enterprise operates using local raw materials.

In ancient times, Raspberry Lake was the property of Empress Catherine II. Every year, 100 pounds of this salt was supplied to her table, and only she was served at the table during foreign receptions, because the salt was an exquisite pink-raspberry color.

Slide 47

Salt Lake Yarovoye has long been a place where a large number of vacationers flock to improve their health in the summer months

The most important property of the lake is its brine, brine.

"Big Yarovoye" dreams at night,

Its sandy shore, running wave,

Salty, cool, healing water,

In the morning, deserted coast, "palm trees" on the sand,

Small houses and attractions in the distance.

Here is a boat at the pier, it is carrying to the Warm Key,

In its clear waters I will fly my body.

Altai steppes, the wind will heal the soul,

Fill her with strength and youth.

A. Saltymakova


Waterfalls are also not uncommon in Altai. Slide 48

The waterfall on the Shinok River, not far from the Denisova Cave, about 70 meters high, until recently was known only to local residents. Now many people dream of visiting here. Currently, eight waterfalls are recorded on the Shinok River. In 2000, the "Cascade of waterfalls on the Shinok River" nature reserve acquired the status of a natural monument.

Slide 49

Beautiful nature of Altai. “Nowhere else in Siberia can you find such a combination of beautiful mountain ranges with snow and glaciers, alpine meadows, rocky gorges, turbulent rivers with rapids and waterfalls, gloomy spruce and fir black in the east and light larch forests in the west.”

(Academician V.A. Obruchev in 1937 at a scientific conference in the city of Oirot-Tura - now Gorno-Altaisk).

Diverse flora and fauna Slide 50-51

Name the owner of the taiga? Slide 52

Slide 53

Maral is one of the most unusual natural phenomena of Altai. Marals are bred in our country only in Altai and the Sayan Mountains. It is known that for many centuries people have used the blood of this animal as a remedy that strengthens the vitality of a person, delaying old age. From the end of the 18th century, Russian people began to breed deer in captivity. Although captivity, this can be called relatively, since a herd of marals lives on the slopes of the mountains, in the so-called marals - large pastures, fenced with a thin net. It is quite difficult to see a deer, as it is a very cautious, independent, aggressive animal.

What tree growing in our Altai is called a "pencil" tree? Slide 54

Cedar is a special wealth of Altai.

"Prayer at the cedar" ( B. Ukachin)

Dressed in heavenly white silk in winter,

Dressed in blue heavenly silk in summer,

The eternal cedar of Altai, my green,

Give a halt to arrange this place!

Majestic, slender, stay, prosper,

Sing in the wind like a living string.

We have one homeland - Altai,

And we have one fate with you.

What berry in Altai is called Siberian pineapple? Slide 55

The bowels of the Altai Territory are rich minerals. Slide 56

Altai attracts with deposits of gold, mercury, iron and manganese ores. The reserves of the most important building material - limestone - are practically inexhaustible in the region; valuable decorative building material - marble is mined.

Various types of sand are widespread in the Altai Territory. Quartz sands are used to make bricks, and glass is made from pure quartz sands.

Slide 57

In the village Kolyvan is a grinding factory. Vases and bowls made here adorn the halls of various museums in our country and abroad. And the largest thing made here - the Colossal bowl, which weighs 11 tons, is in the Hermitage of St. Petersburg. More often it is called the "Queen of Vases", and it was made for 15 years. It is no coincidence that the image of this vase is placed on the coat of arms of the Altai Territory.

Slide 58


Altai is a huge territory in the south of Western Siberia. It takes a day of continuous movement by car to cross the Altai from the city of Kamen on the Ob in the north to the south - with. Kosh-Agach.

Look at the map, name the cities of Altai. …..

Which city is the center of the Altai Territory? ( Barnaul) Slide 59

Slide 60

In 1709, by order of Tsar Peter 1, this city was built. In 2009, Biysk turned 300 years old.

At the confluence of the Katun and Biya

The town is small.

Son worthy of Peter and Russia,

He is famous for his hard work and intelligence.

Can't get bored and lazy

The famous Peter is a brother.

And rightfully proud today

Glorious title - science city.

And from here from childhood, from Biysk,

Runs off a lot of roads.

Only the heart will remain close

Territory dear, native corner.

Your first step and your first word

Everything will stay here forever.

The city of Biysk is the foundation of life

A place where you are remembered and expected.

Biysk is the end station of the railway line and the beginning of the Chuisky tract. Slide 61 The Chuysky tract connects Biysk with Mongolia.

Altai has 12 cities, 65 rural areas and our wonderful city - Yarovoe. Slide 62

My native city

Good hands have made you.

I'm proud of you -

You're a fusion of labor and science.

My native city

Yarovoe my dear,

Forever with you -

You are our beloved, holy.

Slide 63

In a flock of birches, similar to a swan,

In a bird soaring lightly in the sky,

In bread pollen over morning rye

In the cedar, to which the rocks are a support,

And in the waterfall, flying sheer,

In the haze crowning the proud mountains,

I feel the homeland, I feel the song:

With every blood

Every blade of grass

I feel my homeland - the eternal Altai!

Slide 64


Altai is the land of labor and military glory. There are 2 Orders of Lenin on his Banner. Our land is famous for its bread. At present, Altai plays a paramount role in supplying Russia with domestic food. The development of agriculture is an urgent task for the entire population of the region. Altai is unique and rich. Altai takes 1st place in the production of butter and cheese.

In the Altai Territory there are brands famous throughout the country, such as Lamber cheese, Ot Melnik flour and Granmulino pasta, Evalar balms.

Altai honey has been famous in Moscow for a long time.

Altai is the pantry of Russia. It has everything: a rich and diverse flora and fauna, fertile land, minerals and, of course, wonderful people.

Who glorified our Altai? ( children's responses). Slide 65

Slide 66

Many writers' names and artists are associated with the Altai land.

Altai is a literary land. Slide 67 (V. Bianki, R. Rozhdestvensky) The poems that sounded at the class hour were written by Altai poets ( V. Timofeeva, T. Ashmarina, B. Ukachin, ....

Slide 68 Vasily Makarovich Shukshin (p. Srostki) - writer, film director, actor. Valery Zolotukhin

Slide 69 Alexander Pankratov-Cherny (born in the village of Konevo - actor and director), Alexei Vanin - film actor.

Slide 70 Evgeny Lazarev (born in the village of Blagoveshchenka - actor, director, teacher). Nina Usanova (born in the village of Rubtsovka, Altai Territory).

Slide 71 Irina Miroshnichenko (born in Barnaul), Alexei Buldakov (artist, born March 26, 1951 in the Altai Territory, in the village of Mikhailovka). Then the Buldakov family moved to Pavlodar.

Slide 72 Vladimir Kashpur (born in the village of Severka), Ekaterina Savinova - actress.

Slide 73 Alena Stebunova (actress, born in the village of Kolyvanskoye, Pavlovsky district), Ivan Stebunov, singer Pavel

Space explorers come from Altai, who are they?

Slide 74

German Titov, Vasily Lazarev - the names of these astronauts are known all over the world. Fedor Bogdanov, spacesuit tester, was born and raised in Altai.

Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva (public activist, wife of the President of the USSR M.S. Gorbachev. Born in the city of Rubtsovsk, Altai Territory)

Mikhail Kalashnikov

Slide 75

Gennady Bachinsky (Radio host, producer, showman.)

Born on September 1, 1971 in the city of Yarovoe, Altai Territory. In St. Petersburg he worked on the radio. In 2001 he moved to Moscow. He worked at Russian Radio, MAXIMUM, Mayak. He also worked on television.

Vladim Kazantsev (Zaza Napoli) Lives in Moscow, works as a presenter on NTV and in the Birds of Paradise theater, talented designer, brilliant fashion designer, artist, singer, showman

Slide 76

"Golden Altai" T. Ashmarina

How did it happen that our land

People began to call Altai?

The translation is quite simple:

It means golden.

Here gold is often

found by our ancestors.

The beauty around is

Heavenly, golden.

Golden mountains, golden cliff,

Golden lake, golden oats:

And wheat in our region

That's right - gold.

Sea buckthorn and frying -

Golden lights.

And, of course, let's not forget -

People lived here

Glorified the native land

Golden head.

Do you know them? Write down:

Evdokimov and Shukshin,

Simonenkov and Titov,

Pyryev, Gushchin and Panov.

Our pride, our honor.

Too bad you can't count them all!

They were raised by our good land,

Golden, native Altai!

You and I should be proud that we live in this fabulous region - Altai. Tourists come to Altai only for a few days, but you and I have the opportunity every day to enjoy the aromas of fresh air, admire the unique beauty of nature. And it is not for nothing that Altai is called a paradise, a pearl, the pride of Siberia.

The artist Nicholas Roerich wrote in his diary: “It is both strange and wonderful - everywhere, all over the region, the Russian Altai is praised. And the mountains are beautiful, and the depths are mighty, and the rivers are fast, and the flowers are unprecedented ... Where does this general veneration of Altai come from?!”

You are my golden side
There couldn't be a better place.

In the Altai Territory
I am destined to live.

We, who live in it, need not only to maintain and preserve everything that nature generously endowed it with and that our ancestors bequeathed to us, but also to develop the region with our own labor.

Slide 77

Is on the map of Russia,

Far from Moscow

In the very center of Siberia

Corner with a beautiful name

And we call, my Altai,

We make you golden!

My Altai!

For me, you have always been family!

Sweet, kind and dear!

God is often forgotten

But there is no prettier place!

After all, they glorify you:

Kulunda steppe,

Belokurikha, Ob and Katun

So live, my Altai,

Take care of your people.

And bloom even more beautifully!

The verses of the Altai poets were sounded. The photographs are from the personal archive of Samoilova Lisa and Ponomarenko L.V.

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Text content of presentation slides:
The Altai Territory is 80 years old! Developer: Anna Shpomer MBOU "Yenisei secondary school" 2016 p. Yenisei

By the anniversary date in our region there is a gubernatorial program 75 * 75. Which facility in our village was put into operation in October 2011? Answer: Livestock breeding complex

By decree of which king was the Bikatun prison built? Answer: Peter I

The highest peak of Altai. Answer: Belukha

Which of the Altai writers starred in the film "Kalina Krasnaya?" Home Answer: V. M. Shukshin

What is the literal translation of the English name of the second hand stores, which also exist in Biysk and sell used clothes, shoes and other things? Answer:Second handHome

Who is depicted in this photo, and how is this person connected with Altai? Answer: Alexander Vasilyevich Pankratov-Cherny, was born in Altai

Where was V.M. Shukshin? Answer: Srostki village Home

Elegant, graceful deer of the Altai Territory. Answer:Roe deerHome

There are many sanatoriums, camp sites and resorts in Altai. The word "resort" was borrowed in the second half of the 19th century. and means "a place where you can get treatment." What language was it borrowed from?Answer:From GermanHome

By the anniversary date 5 years ago, the governor's program 75 * 75 was in effect in our region. What object of our village was put into operation in October 2011? Answer: Livestock complex

From which lake does the Biya flow? Answer: From Teletskoye

Cosmonaut No. 2 is a native of Altai. Answer: German Titov

What is the name of this building in the old center of Biysk? Answer:Assumption Cathedral

Whose name is the Biysk Museum of Local Lore? Answer: Writer V. Bianki Home

What is the main timber species in the Altai Territory? Answer: pine

Name a writer who is also known as an engineer-researcher of the Chui tract. Answer: V. Ya. Shishkov Home

Resort town in Altai. Answer: Belokurikha Home

The city of Biysk, like Barnaul, is a hydronym, which means it got its name from the river on the banks of which it is located. What did the root of the word "bi" mean in the language of the Samoyeds - the indigenous population of the banks of the Biya? Answer: River

In which city of the Altai Territory are tractors produced? Answer: Rubtsovsk

HomeAnswer:Biysk In what city of Altai does the Chuysky tract begin?

The largest bird in our forests. Answer: CapercaillieHome

On November 6, 2009, a film called "The Life of a Peasant's Son" was shot in Altai, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the legendary Altai gunsmith who created the machine gun. Who are we talking about?HomeMikhail KalashnikovAnswer:
Biya's largest fish. Answer: Taimen

What annual interregional festival is held in the village of Pleshkovo, Zonal District, Altai Territory, on the shores of Lake Utkul?

The famous restaurant and nightclub in the city of Biysk, has the English name "Cherry" (Cherry). How does it translate into Russian?Answer:CherryHome

What is the name of the world's largest stone vase made in Altai? Answer: Queen of vases Home

The Katun River - together with the Biya gives rise to the Ob River. Usually its name is explained through the Turkic word "katun, khatan - wife, woman." However, this is not in line with the basic principles of river naming. In what meaning does E.M.Murzaev cite the Turkic word "katyn" on the basis of rock runic inscriptions? Answer:RiverHome

Name a valuable fur animal of commercial importance, now settled in our forest. Answer: squirrel

Skiing and snowboarding from the mountains is popular at numerous Altai camp sites. What language did the word "snowboard" come from? Answer: From English Home

What is this famous architectural structure of the city of Biysk? Answer: The building of the city House of Culture

According to the Altai legend, the moon descended into the valley and grabbed the cannibal Delbegen there in order to save the human race. And the place where the moon descended turned into a lake, the name of which is translated as "moon". What kind of lake is this? Answer: Aya Home

From which Altai metal was money minted in Russia in the 18th century?

With which state does Altai have the longest border?Answer:KazakhstanMain

What is the name of this building in the old center of the city of Biysk? Answer: Assumption Cathedral

Where is this sculptural image of our famous countryman? Answer:In SplicesHome

In what year did the village of B. Yenisei arise? Answer: 1777

What is this famous architectural structure of the city of Biysk? Answer: The building of the city palace of culture

Name the most valuable fur animal of our region. Answer: Sable

What is this famous architectural structure of the city of Biysk? Answer: Biysk Drama Theater

In Biysk in 2011, a solemn opening of the monument to these saints took place. Who are they? Home Answer: Peter and Fevronia of Murom
What percentage of the total population of the Altai Territory, according to the results of the All-Russian Population Census of 2010, are Germans? Answer: 2% Home

From which Altai metal was money minted in Russia in the 18th century? Answer: silver

What is this famous architectural structure of the city of Biysk? Answer:Drama theaterHome

The names of rivers and rivers, which were given by Russians, most often reflect local features of nature: vegetation, wildlife, the nature of the channel and banks. Give an example of such names. Answer: Kamyshenka, Berezovka, Kamenka, Gryaznukha

Among the Altaians, this mountain peak is known as Kadyn-Bazhi - the top of the Katun and reflects their customary rule to name mountains by the names of the rivers that originate from them. And what is the name of this mountain in Russian? Answer:HomeKatun

Whose property were the lands of Altai considered in the 19th century?

Genre characteristic of Shukshin's prose. Home Answer: short story

Name the village, which is the administrative center of the German district in the Altai Territory. HomeAnswer:Halbstadt

In our rivers there is a rare fish of the salmon family. What is it called? HomeAnswer: sterlet

This artist was born in 1870 in the village of Ulala (now Gorno-Altaisk. Only at the age of 27 did he enter the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. The great Russian artist Shishkin, who became his teacher, saw the talent of the Altaian. Who is this artist? Gurkin

In which city of Altai does the Chuysky tract begin? Home Answer: Biysk

Altai self-taught mechanic who created the world's first steam engine. HomeAnswer: Ivan Polzunov

Name a city that does not exist on the map, but was invented by the Altai writer A. Nikolskaya-Exeli. HomeAnswer:City of Zashkafsk

How is the artistic director of the Moscow Taganka Theater connected with Altai?

Where did the name of the capital of the Altai Territory, the city of Barnaul, come from? HomeAnswer: Barnaul got its name from the river, which is listed as Boronour in the "Drawing Book of Siberia" by S. U. Remezov (1701), later - Baranoul, Barnaul

What enterprise of Altai were invited by the Germans as specialists in stone-cutting in the 18th century? HomeAnswer:Kolyvano-Voskresensky plant

Which deer's antlers are used to make medicines?

The plant, listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory, blooms in the first spring, what is the correct name for it and how do we call it? HomeAnswer:Postrel - snowdrop

In what year was the first theater group organized in Biysk? Home Answer: 1887

The most famous cave of Altai. Answer: Denisova Cave

One of the lakes in the Altai Territory got its name from its resemblance to the shape of a heart. What kind of lake is this? Answer: Manzherok

In which work does L. Quinn take the reader to occupied Hungary, where the hero is Lieutenant Sasha Musatov, originally from Altai?

The smallest bird in our forests. Answer: queen

This product of the Altai peasants was willingly bought by the inhabitants of England. Answer: Butter

Which Altai composer wrote music for songs based on poems by Altai poets, “Bow to Altai”, “Branch of mountain cedar”, “My village”, “Altai is the pearl of Siberia”, “My side, Siberia”? Answer: M Starikov

What is the name of a Russian German - a famous doctor, one of the founders of the Museum of Local Lore in Barnaul, an outstanding naturalist, whose name is the largest glacier in Belukha, who lived in Altai in the 19th century. Answer: Friedrich August Gebler

A medicinal plant, which is listed as rare, can also be found here in the spring. Answer: Adonis - old oak

In Biysk in 2011, a solemn opening of the monument to these saints took place. Who are they? Answer: Peter and Fevronia of Murom Home

This lake is located between the Ob and Irtysh rivers, and trade caravans in former times from Tomsk to the Kalmyk uluses usually passed by this lake and stayed here either for half a day or overnight. Then it was noticed that the water in the lake fluctuated from the smallest wind. That's where its name came from. What kind of lake is this? Answer: Kolyvanskoye Home

What is mined in the Salton region? Answer: Brown coal

In 1829 Altai was visited by a famous German scientist: physicist, meteorologist, geographer, botanist, zoologist and traveller. The trip enriched him with ideas, which he outlined in the three-volume book "Central Asia". What is the name of this scientist. Answer: Alexander Humboldt

This legend tells of a young shepherd who found a huge piece of gold. He was extremely happy. Then he decided to exchange gold for something edible, as there was a famine. But the people were poor, and no one could offer anything in return. Then the young man climbed the highest mountain above the lake and threw the gold into the lake. What is the name of this legend?HomeLegend of Lake TeletskoyeAnswer:

In which city of Altai in 1910 was the Prime Minister of Russia P.A. Stolypin? Answer: Slavgorod

On November 6, 2009, a film called "The Life of a Peasant's Son" was shot in Altai, dedicated to his 90th birthday. Who are we talking about? Answer: About the legendary gunsmith Mikhail Kalashnikov

Thanks for participating!

dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Altai Territory

Relevance: this class hour was developed for the 80th anniversary of the Altai Territory, with the aim of giving as much information as possible to students about their native land in an interesting, entertaining way using a slide presentation.

OBJECTIVES of the class:

1. Increasing the level of knowledge of students about the Altai Territory - their small homeland.

2. Raising a feeling of love for the Altai Territory.

3. Education of patriotism, pride and love for the ancestors and the Motherland.


1. Giveinitial information about the Altai Territory.

2. Introducethe symbolism of the region.

3. Develop a sense of pride in your country.


Computer, multimedia installation, presentation.

Class hour progress


Hello guys! Today our class hour is dedicated to the anniversary of the Altai Territory, its eightieth anniversary.

Today we will remember the history of the formation of the Altai Territory, consider in detail and study the flag and coat of arms of our region, get acquainted with famous people of the Altai Territory.


From forgotten centuries, from time immemorial
This land of gold
The land of unprecedented generosity of mountains.
What is Altai?
Now you ask the trapper,
And hear - gold,
Hear the same word.
These are foxes and otters, stoats and sables
It's soft gold
What the earth gives.

( Alexander Gavryushkin )

Teacher: Guys, do you know where our homeland is located - the Altai Territory?

The Altai Territory is located in the southeast of Western Siberia, occupies a part of Altai and parts of the West Siberian Plain adjacent to it in the north. It borders on Kazakhstan, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo regions, and the Altai Republic. The area is 169.1 thousand square meters. km. The population is over 2755 thousand people. There are 11 cities and 30 urban-type settlements in the Altai Territory. Barnaul is the capital of the Altai Territory. Founded in 1730, cityRIt is located on the left bank of the Ob River, at the confluence of the Barnaulka River. Junction of railway lines and roads. It has a river port and an airport. Population 666.3 thousand people

People first appeared on the territory of Altai about one and a half million years ago. At the end of the VI century BC. e. groups of newcomers appear on the territory of Altai. The culture of the alien population was called "Afanasievskaya" - after the name of the mountain in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, near which the first burial ground dating back to this period was excavated. The Afanasiev tribes settled in Altai along the Biya and Katun rivers in the south and along the Ob in the north.

In the 1st century BC e in Altai there was a culture of the Scythian type, which left a huge number of unique monuments. The main occupation of the population of Altai at that time was cattle breeding. In the summer people roamed the plains and foothills, and with the onset of winter they drove the cattle to the mountain valleys.

From the end of the III century - the beginning of the II centuries BC. e. Altai was in the sphere of influence of the tribal union of the Xiongnu - the ancestors of the Huns, who subsequently conquered many European peoples in the process of the "great migration of peoples".

Settling of the Upper Ob and Altai foothills by Russians began in the 2nd half of the17th century . The development of Altai began after the construction of Beloyarskaya (1717 ) and Bikatunskaya (1718 ) fortresses . For this purpose, exploration of valuable ore deposits was equipped with search parties in the Altai. The father and son of the Kostylevs are considered the discoverers, later the Ural breeder took advantage of the discoveries.Akinfiy Demidov .

In parallel with copper production, silver smelting began. The result of the activities of Akinfiy Demidov and his clerks in Altai was the creation of a feudal mining industry based on the serf labor of bonded peasants and artisans.

Formed by the 2nd halfXVIII century Altai mining district - this is a territory that included the current Altai Territory, Novosibirsk and Kemerovo, part of the Tomsk and East Kazakhstan regions, with a total area of ​​\u200b\u200bmore than 500 thousand km2 and a population of more than 130 thousand souls of both sexes.Emperor was the owner of the Altai factories, mines, lands and forests, the main management of them was carried out by the Cabinet, locatedv . The backbone of local control was made up of mountain officers. But the main role in production was played by non-commissioned officers and technicians, from whose ranks came talented craftsmen and inventors I.I.Polzunov , K. D.Frolov , P. M. Zalesov, M. S. Laulin.

At the end of the 19th century, a section of the Siberian railway passed through the northern part of the district, by 1915 the Altai railway was built, connecting Novonikolaevsk, Barnaul and Semipalatinsk.

The Stolypin land reform gave impetus to the resettlement movement in the Altai, which generally contributed to the economic recovery of the region.

In July 1917, the Altai province was formed with the center in the city of Barnaul, which lasted until 1925. From 1925 to 1937, the territory of Altai was part of the West Siberian Territory, and on September 28, 1937, the Altai Territory was formed.

The outbreak of the Great Patriotic War required a restructuring of the work of the entire economy. Altai received more than 100 evacuated enterprises from the western regions of the country, including 24 plants of all-Union significance. The war fundamentally changed the economic appearance of Altai, giving a powerful impetus to the development of its industry. At the same time, the region remained one of the main granaries of the country, being a major producer of bread, meat, butter, honey, wool and other agricultural products.

The first post-war decade was a period of mass development of new equipment and technology. The growth rate of the region's industry exceeded the all-Union. By the beginning of the 60s, more than 80% of tractor plows, over 30% of freight cars and steam boilers produced by that time in the RSFSR were produced in Altai.

In the 1970s and 1980s, there was a transition from separately operating enterprises and industries to the formation of territorial production complexes: agro-industrial units, production and production and scientific associations.

Today Altai Krai is one of the largest agricultural regions in the Siberian Federal District and in the Russian Federation.

It ranks third in grain and milk production, and fifth in meat production. Huge areas are occupied by sunflower, soybean and sugar beet plantations.

Altai region- one of the most interesting, in terms of tourism, corners of Russia. Over the past three years, tourists from 60 countries have visited it.

Symbols of the Altai Territory - flag and coat of arms

The flag of the Altai Territory is a rectangular red cloth with a blue stripe at the pole (mast) across the entire width of the Flag and a stylized image on this stripe of a yellow ear as a symbol of agriculture - the leading branch of the economy of the Altai Territory. In the center of the Flag, the image of the coat of arms of the Altai Territory is reproduced.

The emblem of the Altai Territory is a French-shaped heraldic shield, which is horizontally divided into upper and lower parts of equal height.
In the upper part of the shield in an azure (blue, light blue) field, a silver smoking blast furnace is depicted.XVIIIcentury.
In the lower part of the shield in a scarlet (red) field is depicted the Kolyvan "Queen of the Vases" kept in the State Hermitage Museum of greenish color (the natural color of green jasper). The shield is framed by a wreath of golden ears of wheat intertwined with an azure ribbon.

The coat of arms contains an image of the unique "Queen of Vases", kept in the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. This vase is 2.5 meters high, 5 meters in diameter and weighs 19,200 kg. For 8 years, from 1825 to 1833, it was made from a single monolith of green jasper at the Kolyvan stone-cutting and grinding factory.

In accordance with the official descriptions in these laws, the following symbolic meaning of colors and images on the emblem and flag of the Altai Territory is established:
red symbolizes dignity, courage and courage; blue (blue) - greatness;
ears of wheat represent agriculture, the leading branch of the economy of the Altai Territory.

Presentation "Our countrymen are the pride of the Altai land"

Slide 1. Title of the presentation.

Slide 2. The Altai Territory became famous for the famous names of actors, directors, poets and artists. We are well aware of the names of Mikhail Evdokimov, Vasily Shukshin, Valery Zolotukhin. Originally from Altai was a cosmonaut - German Titov, a scientist - Ivan Polzunov, an inventor of weapons Mikhail Kalashnikov.

Slide 3. German Stepanovich Titov was born in 1935 in the village of Polkovnikovo, Altai Territory. When he grew up he became a military pilot. On August 6, 1961, our fellow countryman flew into space on the Vostok-2 spacecraft. German Titov spent about a day in space.

Slide 4. Vasily Makarovich Shukshin.

Slide 5. Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov.

Slide 6. Mikhail Sergeevich Evdokimov.

Slide 7. Valery Sergeevich Zolotukhin.

Slide 8. Alexander Vasilyevich Pankratov-Cherny.

Quiz "The land where I live"


Teacher: Unfortunately, in one lesson it is impossible to tell about everything that our native land is famous for and good for.I think you love your homeland not for something, but simply because you were born here and are growing up.And no matter how your life develops in the future, wherever fate throws you, and wherever you live, you will always keep a piece of your native land in your heart. And maybe your names will appear, because we are the present and the future of our region, our country, the history of which we are writing together.

We would like to end our event with poems by the Altai poet Yuri Knyazentsev:

Altai Territory - the soul of Russia!

No wonder people say.

Here are the domes of churches, saints,

In the sun, they burn with gold.

And floats away on the patronal feast,

Crystal ringing bells

Above blessed land

Flying up to the clouds.

Love you! My region is Altai,

I'm proud of you, I live for you!

And all from end to end,

You are dear to my heart.

With their grain fields

You are glorious from time immemorial.

And the feat of arms of heroes,

Russia's devoted sons.

I love your meadows expanse

And your boundless space.

Your forests, fields and rivers,

And the sadness of thoughtful lakes.

I love birch groves

When the nightingales sing in them.

All night long I'm ready to listen

Their love serenades.

Inexplicable, bright sadness,

Spring night, among the birches.

Suddenly squeeze the heart and let go

In the chest to pain and to tears.

unique sunrises,

I like to meet by the river.

And every day for this happiness

I thank you, my land!

You are a glorious son of a great country,

I am proud of you, I live for you.

With a generous and open soul,

You are dear to my heart.

And let them shine on you

Churches, golden domes.

Altai Territory is the soul of Russia!

No wonder people say.