Presentation "Dragonfly and Ant" presentation for the reading lesson (grade 4) on the topic. Presentation for the lesson "Works of Russian fabulists" I.A.

Class: 2

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Literary reading is one of the main subjects in teaching elementary schoolchildren. The success of the study of the literary reading course ensures the effectiveness in other subjects of elementary school. In the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, special importance is attached to the technologies of activity-based learning. In order to be successful in life (for example, to have a desired profession), it is necessary to form in oneself the ability to learn, which means - to find useful and necessary information to achieve your goal. In the classroom, I consider it important and relevant to raise the topic of the formation in children of the ability of an adequate reaction to the world around them, the education of resistance to laziness and frivolity. Revealing a life position can be built on negative examples of literary works. Pupils discussing the motives of the heroes' behavior, correlating them with moral norms, realize the spiritual and moral meaning of the read work. All this contributes to the formation of the student's self-affirmation.

Lesson type: lesson acquaintance with a literary work.

Didactic purpose of the lesson: to organize joint activities of students in order to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the fable.


Subject: to acquaint students with the personality of Ivan Andreevich Krylov and his fables, to distinguish the fable from other works.


  • cognitive: develop the ability to perceive by ear and consciously read the work; build a speech utterance orally; establish causal relationships; make a generalization; to teach to see and feel the deep meaning of the fable behind the lines of the work; cultivate good moral character.
  • communicative: to form the ability to take into account different opinions and listen to the opinions of classmates; enter into dialogue; participate in brainstorming;
  • regulatory: teach to set an educational problem in cooperation with classmates; plan your actions; independently adequately assess the correctness of the performance of actions;
  • personal: to form a motivational basis for educational activities; educational and cognitive interest in new educational material; develop the ability to self-esteem based on the criterion of the success of educational activities.

Teaching methods:

By the nature of educational and cognitive activity:problem-search.

By the way of organizing the implementation of cognitive activity: verbal, visual, practical.

By the degree of pedagogical management by the teacher: methods of indirect management of educational and cognitive activities of students using information sources.

Forms of organizing educational activities: frontal, group, individual.

Means of education:

  • L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky. Textbook "Literary reading" - M .: Education, 2011.
  • Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological units / S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Swedes; Grew up. Acad. sciences. Institute of Russian language. them. V.B. Vinogradov.-4th ed., Add. - M .: Azbukovnik, 1997.
  • computer presentation
  • Handout
  • Collection "Formation of information skills of primary schoolchildren." - St. Petersburg, 2011

Planned results:

Subject: the student will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the personality of Ivan Andreevich Krylov and his fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant".


  • cognitive: the student will have the opportunity to learn to perceive the work by ear; build a speech utterance orally; establish causal relationships; make a generalization; deliberately read a fable in order to satisfy interest, gain a reading experience;
  • communicative: the student will have the opportunity to learn to listen to different points of view; enter into dialogue; formulate their own opinion, participate in a collective discussion,
  • regulatory: the student will have the opportunity to set an educational problem in cooperation with classmates; plan your actions; independently adequately assess the correctness of the performance of actions;
  • personal: the student will have the opportunity to form a motivational basis for educational activities; educational and cognitive interest in new educational material; develop the ability to self-esteem based on the criterion of the success of educational activities.

During the classes

Teacher activity Student activities Note
Organizing time
Organization and testing of the workplace, creating a positive emotional mood of students Checking the readiness of the workplace for the lesson.
In addition to the usual school supplies, during the lesson, students will need handouts in the form of envelopes with diagrams and words.
Stage of motivation and goal setting
Organization of frontal work.
- Read and define the genre of the work (Slide 3)
- What is a pseudonym?
- What writer in his youth took such a pseudonym?
- Let's remember what a fable is, what is ridiculed in fables, the purpose of writing fables.
- What is the difference between the fable? (Slide 4)

Reading the text on a slide3 Students identify the genre, identify the fabulist's nickname.
Students express their assumptions, reason.

The teacher uses the multimedia complex to show the presentation.
Preparation for the initial perception of the text.
Organization of frontal work.
Guess the riddle and solve the rebus. (Slide 5)
- Guess what fable we are going to meet today?
- Who wrote this fable? (Slide 6)
- Ivan Krylov borrowed the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe fable about the Dragonfly and the Ant from the fabulist La Fontaine, who, in turn, spied on the plot from the less famous ancient Greek writer Aesop (Slide 7)
- Who will formulate the topic of our lesson?

Students guess the rebus, riddle, formulate the name of the fable.

Students determine the topic of the lesson.

At this stage, the teacher needs to voice the names of the fables written by I. Krylov.
Stage of primary perception
Organization of frontal work.
- Listen, the dragonfly and the Ant fable. The text is read by the actor of theater and cinema Igor Masyuk. (Slide 7)
Primary Perception Test:
- Did you like the fable?
- Try to formulate the theme of the fable, what is it about?
- Read the fable again. Secondary reading check. Organization of work in groups.
- Set the sequence of illustrations and select fragments from the fable (slide 8)

Students perceive the text of the fable by ear

Students argue, express their assumptions, learn to formulate conclusions based on the information received. Students learn to listen to the opinions of classmates, complement, correct.
Self-reading of the fable.
Group work. Students learn to set an educational task, plan their actions, and distribute assignments. Learn to negotiate and interact with each other.

The teacher needs to remember what it means to define a topic.

Analysis of a literary work
Motivation for rereading and analyzing the work:
- If you analyze the fable very carefully, focusing on each word, you can understand any work, despite the huge number of incomprehensible words and expressions. Working with the lexical meaning of words and expressions. (Slides 9-11)

Children's assumptions about the lexical meaning of outdated words and expressions: winter rolls into the eyes, the pure field is dead, depressed with evil anguish, spring waters, godfather, gossip.
Organization of frontal work of students:
- Characterize the characters in the fable (Slide 12)
- What can you say about Ant? Describe it.
- How do you represent the Dragonfly? (Slide 12)
- Do you feel sorry for the Dragonfly?
- Did Ant do the right thing?

Students characterize the characters in the fable.

Students express and defend their opinions.
Students learn to listen to the views of their classmates.

Organization of students' independent work:
Choose how you want to work in pairs, groups or on your own? (The teacher hands out the cards.)
- Your task is to compose a proverb using the arrows from letters and syllables.
- Look at the screen (Slide 13)
- Try to compose the second proverb using the syllables and letters on the screen (Slide 14)
- What proverb fits the fable and why?
The teacher's story about the history of the creation of the monument to the fabulist (Slide 15)

Students complete assignments

Pupils learn to make proverbs, prove the correctness of their choice.

Pupils listen carefully to the story about the creation of the monument in the Summer Garden.

In addition to the usual school supplies in the lesson, students will need handouts in the form of envelopes with cards
The stage of summing up the results of the lesson. Reflection.
Organization of appraisal activities.
What work have we met today?
- Who wrote this fable?
- What did we do in class today?
- Which task did you like more?

- How do you assess your work in the lesson?
- Raise the red circle if you think you were actively working in the lesson;
- yellow circle if you think you can work better;
- green - tried, but worked inactive

Statements of children.
Students learn to listen to classmates' responses.

Self-assessment of activities in the lesson.
Students evaluate their work in the lesson in accordance with the assigned tasks.

Slide 2

Someone is tired of fairy tales, And someone is captivated by fairy tales. And our best lesson is Let's start with familiar names.

Slide 3

Fable by Ivan Andreevich Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant"

  • Slide 4

    Slide 5

    Fables are short, most often poetic stories, where animals, birds, trees, things act instead of people, and their life is told. In a fable there is always a lesson or morality, advice. In morality, stupid or bad deeds are condemned.

    Slide 6

    Ivan Andreevich Krylov (1769-1844)

  • Slide 7

    Physical education

  • Slide 8

    The life of ants is very complex and rich in various interesting facts. The main sense organ in ants is not sight, but smell and touch, the functions of which are performed by antennae. It must be remembered that anthills always need protection.

    Slide 9

    The dragonfly is a predator, it feeds on other insects, for example, mosquito larvae. Dragonflies, without turning their heads, can see what is happening behind.

    Slide 10

    Vocabulary work: - depressed - upset - spring - spring - did not have time to look back - everything went very quickly - the field was dead - The harvest was harvested. Flowers and herbs are withered. - as under each leaf she had a table and a house ready - she could find shelter everywhere. - and who will go to mind - no one will think

    Slide 11

    Physical education

    Slide 12

    Questions: - Which of the heroes of the fable did you like and why? - How did Dragonfly live in the summer? Read. - How did the life of a dragonfly change with the onset of winter? - To whom did the Dragonfly go for help? With what request did she turn to Ant? - Do you feel sorry for the Dragonfly or not? Explain your answer. - What would you do if you were Ant? Why? - What did I.A. Krylov want to tell us with his fable? - By the example of the Dragonfly and the Ant, whose actions are depicted in the fable?

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    Slide captions:

    I.A. Krylov. The fable "Dragonfly and the Ant" at the rock literary reading in grade 4 MBOU secondary school №13p. Shcherbinovsky

    What fables are illustrations from?

    What fables are illustrations from? "Swan, crayfish and pike" "The crow and the fox" "The wolf and the lamb" "The fox and the grapes" "The cockerel and the bean grain"

    1769-1844 Ivan Andreevich Krylov

    “I love where there is a chance to pinch vices” I.А. Krylov

    Fable is a literary genre with a short form of narration, where animals, birds, things act, and people are meant by them, their vices are ridiculed. In a fable, there is necessarily morality, which is most often distinguished as an independent part of it and is located either at the beginning or at the end of the fable.

    Speech warm-up Without work for the life of me, An ant cannot live. Over the meadow where goats graze, Dragonflies flutter on transparent wings.

    Smart caring worker beauty windy carefree cheerful

    "Dragonfly and Ant"

    LESSON QUESTION: The moral of the fable by IA Krylov "Dragonfly and the Ant".

    The work will be scored on the following criteria. The work will be scored on the following criteria. How did the group divide the work among themselves? Are the group members attentive or distracted? Did everyone complete each task? How many assignments did you complete in a lesson? Did you complete the tasks correctly? How is the interaction in the group organized? How are the results of the work formalized? good there are flaws bad

    How to work in groups Work together. Express your opinion calmly. Respect the opinion of the other. Listen patiently to the thoughts of others. Find the right solution together. The captain identifies the speaker.

    My head was spinning. There is a dead silence in the field. Winter is rolling in your eyes. I forgot about everything. In soft ants we have. I don’t want to think. I didn’t have time to look back. Winter has suddenly come. It will go into the mind. It passed quickly. The field is dead. Years. Dejected by angry anguish. In the soft grass with us. Relate.


    Moral of the fable “You sang everything? This is the case: So go and dance! "

    Homework (optional) Expressive reading of the fable by roles. To come up with your own end to the fable, if the Ant still let the Dragonfly live with him, to draw an illustration for the fable. Expressive reading of the fable by heart.

    On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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    We are used to seeing cats, dogs, hamsters and parrots as pets. And we don't notice ants, little fussy laborers in the forest or "disgusting mushrooms" in the apartment. But for me, mur ...

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    Lesson using IT on Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and Ant"

    The analysis of the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant" is based on the cartoon of the same name, which makes boring work interesting and relevant for children ....

    Environmental Operation Ant

    Environmental operation "Ant" Form of conduct: "environmental reconnaissance" Having received a letter from the ant-statistician, young naturalists perform tasks. In the course of environmental exploration, the guys ...

    Fable is a literary genre, in the form of a short story, often poetic, always moral in nature. At the beginning or at the end of the work, a conclusion is formulated, the main instructive thought is morality. The heroes of the fable are people, animals, plants, birds, fish, things. - This is a literary genre, in the form of a short story, often poetic, always moral in nature. At the beginning or at the end of the work, a conclusion is formulated, the main instructive thought is morality. The heroes of the fable are people, animals, plants, birds, fish, things.

    "The Traveler and the Viper" The fable shows that an evil soul not only does not pay with gratitude in return for good, but even rebelles against the benefactor. The fable shows that an evil soul not only does not pay with gratitude in return for good, but even rebelles against the benefactor.

    WRITE DOWN. REMEMBER. A fable is a short story in verse or prose of a moralizing nature with a moral conclusion. A fable is a short story in verse or prose of a moralizing nature with a moral conclusion. Allegory is an allegorical depiction of objects or qualities of people. Allegory is an allegorical depiction of objects or qualities of people. Morality is a lesson, a conclusion at the beginning Morality is a lesson, a conclusion at the beginning or at the end of the fable. or at the end of a fable.

    The relation of morality to fables with proverbs. Write down epic stories close to morality. 1. Own land and a handful of sweet. 2. Skill and work will grind everything. 3. You cannot get bread by indulgence. 4. Good brotherhood is dearer than wealth. 5. Without sciences as without hands. 6. Prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter. 7. One is not a warrior in the field. 8. The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.

    Dictionary work. Need - zurulik, mұқtazh Need - zurulik, mұқtazh depressed - grieved, depressed depressed - grieved, depressed spring days - spring days spring days - spring days murava - young grass murava - young grass dear - kөketay darling - kumketushka - kum , gossip - tamyr dance - dance dance - dance

    Homework 1. Write a letter to Dragonfly Ant 1. Write a letter to Dragonfly Ant begins with the words: "Hello, godfather, begins with the words:" Hello, godfather, the creepers have already passed ... " Read the following fable, find morality. morality.