Present simple tense presentation. Presentation on the topic "The Present Simple Tense"

slide number 1

Description of the slide:

slide number 2

Description of the slide:

Conjugation of the verb to be , this) is

slide number 3

Description of the slide:

Formation of narrative sentences with the verb to be I am a student. You are a student. He (she) is my friend. My friend is a student. We are students. They are students. The weather is fine. (In declarative sentences, the linking verb to be is placed after the subject)

slide number 4

Description of the slide:

Formation of negative sentences with the verb to be. I am not a student. You are not a student. My friend is not small. The sky is not blue. They are not schoolchildren. (In negative sentences, the subject is put first, then the linking verb, and after it the negation not)

slide number 5

slide number 6

Description of the slide:

Formation of special questions with the verb to be Who are you? How old are you? Who is she? What is he? (A special question begins with an interrogative word. The interrogative word is put first, then the linking verb, followed by the subject.)

slide number 7

Description of the slide:

Formation of general questions with the verb to be and short answers. Are you a student? Yes, I am. Is he your friend? Yes, he is. Are they school children? Yes, they are. Is the sky blue? No, it is not. (A general question begins with a linking verb, followed by a subject)

Slide No. 8

Description of the slide:

The use of Present Simple. Present Simple is used if the action in the sentence occurs regularly, always, sometimes, often, usually. Companion words Present Simple: usually, often, every day (week, year), regularly, always, sometimes. I go to school every day. It often snows in winter. Usually he watches TV in the evening. We always do our homework.

Slide No. 9

Description of the slide:

The use of Present Simple. In Present Simple with pronouns 3 persons singular. (he, she, it) or with nouns that can be replaced by these pronouns, the ending -s is added to the verb stem. My friend plays football every day. This girl speaks English very good. She cooks well.

Slide No. 10

Description of the slide:

General questions and short answers in Present Simple. In order to ask a general question (General question) to a sentence in Present Simple, you need to use the helper verb do (I, you, we, they) or does (he, she, it) , then the subject is put, and after it the verb-predicate in an indefinite form. Do you go to school every day? Yes, I do. Do they go to school on Saturday? No, they don't. Does he play football every day? Yes, he does. No, she doesn’t. (If does is used in the question, then the verb-predicate is put in an indefinite form and loses the ending -s)

slide number 11

Description of the slide:

Negative sentences in Present Simple. In order to build a negative sentence in Present Simple, you need to use the helper verb do (I, you, we, they) or does (he, she, it), and then the negation of not. I do not (don't) go to school on Sundays.He does not (doesn't) play basketball.She doesn't speak French.

Slide No. 12

Description of the slide:

Special question in Present Simple. In order to ask a special question (Special question) to a sentence in Present Simple, you need to use question words and the helper verb do (I, you, we, they) or does (he, she, it) . When do you go to school? When does he play football? What language does she speak? The question word is placed at the beginning of the sentence, then the helper verb, and after the subject.

Slide No. 13

Description of the slide:

Question to the subject in Present Simple. In order to ask a question to the subject, you need to remove the subject from this sentence and instead put the interrogative word what or who in the first place in the question, and add the ending -s to the verb-predicate. Who goes to school every day? Who plays football? Who speaks English very good?

The meaning of Present SimplePresent Simple expresses actions
or state in the present
time, while not specifying them
duration, completion,
precedence to
another action

1. When expressing repetitive or
permanent action in the present
2. When expressing an action or property,
which characterizes the subject in
present time or
3. When expressing general provisions or
known truths

Present Simple is used:

4. When denoting actions or states,
that are happening at the moment
speeches, if they are expressed by verbs,
which are not currently used.
long time. Usually this
verbs that express feelings
states, desires, thoughts, etc.

Present Simple is used:

Desire verbs
to want - want
to desire - desire
to wish - wish
to mind - worry
to refuse - refuse
to forgive - forgive
to demand - demand

Present Simple is used:

Verbs of feelings and emotions:
to love - to love
to hate - to hate
to like - like
to dislike - dislike, dislike
to adore - to adore
to respect - respect
to detest - disgust
to care for - to love

Verbs of physical perceptions and thinking:

to hear - to hear
to see - see
to smell - to smell
to agree - agree
to believe - to believe
to notice - notice
to forget - forget
to remember - remember
to suppose - to believe
to understand - understand
to recognize - recognize
to mean - keep in mind

General verbs

to belong to - belong
to differ from - differ
to concern - touch
to consist of - consist of
to contain - contain
to resemble - remind,
to depend on - depend on
to own - own
to equal - equal
to include - include
to remain - stay

Present Simple is used:

5. When expressing future actions or
states (foreseen in the future) in
subordinate clauses
offers of time and conditions after
if - if
when - when
unless - if not
as son as - as soon as
till, until - until (not)
before - before


always - always
often - often
daily - daily
usually - usually
every day - every day
regularly - regularly
never - never
sometimes - sometimes
seldom - rare
rarely - infrequently




is (she, he, it)
are (we, you, they)
she, he, it
I, we, you, they




I, we, you, they
she, he, it


I, we, you, they
she, he, it


Put the verbs in
brackets in PRESENT SIMPLE
1. I (to do) morning exercises.
2. He (to work) at the university.
3. She (to sleep) after dinner.
4. We (to work) all day.
5. They (to drink) tea every day.
6. Mike (to be) a student.
7. Helen (to have) a car.
8. She (to be) beautiful.
9. You (to be) good friends.
10. It (to be) difficult to remember everything.


Put the verb "to be" in
1. I ... a student.
2. My father ... not a shop assistant, he ... a doctor.
3. ... your aunt a nurse? - Yes, she ... .
4. ... they at home? - No, they ... not. school.
5. ... are you an engineer? - Yes, I...
6. ... your friend a photographer? No, she... not a photographer, she
... a student.
7. ... your brothers at school? - Yes, they ... .
8. ... this her watch? - Yes, it ... .
9. Max ... an office worker.
10. We ... late, sorry!


Use don't / doesn't
1. We … listen to the radio every night.
2. Mr. Johnson … have a private office.
3. The boys … study at the library every day.
4. These exercises … seem very difficult.
5. The men … always eat at that cafe.
6. That tall man … work for this company.
7. The people … speak English very well.
8. I ... like this boring film.
9. You…. go to school every day.
10. The cat … sleep in the morning.


Put the verbs in
brackets in PRESENT SIMPLE
1) They _____ football at the institute. (to play)
2) She _____ emails. (not / to write)
3) ____ you____ English? (to speak)
4) My mother____ fish. (not/to like)
5) ____ Ann ____ any friends? (to have)
6) His brother _____ in an office. (to work)
7) She___ very fast. (cannot/to read)
8) ____ they ____ the flowers every 3 days? (to water)
9) His wife _____ a motorbike. (not / to ride)
10) ____ Elizabeth_____ coffee? (to drink)

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Slides captions:

Hello! Glad to see you!

Present Simple Tense Today is the of The theme of today's lesson is

Present Simple Tense (present simple tense) is used to express an ordinary action that occurs in general, and not at the moment of speech

I (we, you, they) work at school. He, she, it work at school. The Present Simple is the same as the infinitive (without to) in all persons, except for the 3rd person singular, which takes the ending -s 3

Present Simple Tense is usually used with adverbs: always usually often sometimes rarely never As a rule, these adverbs are placed before the semantic verb, but after the verb to be.

Present Simple Tense is usually used with expressions: every Monday/week/year/etc each Monday/week/year/etc once/twice a week/month/etc three times a week/month/etc

The negative form is formed using the auxiliary verb do in the present tense (do and does), the particle not and the infinitive form of the semantic verb (without to). I don't work at school. He does not work at school.

The interrogative form is formed using the auxiliary verb do / does (do with all persons except the 3rd person singular, with which does is used) and the infinitive form (without to) of the semantic verb, and the auxiliary verb is placed before the subject: Do you work at school? Does he work at school?

Past Present Simple Tense 3 - ? ++ Past Future Now

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Slides captions:

PRESENT INDEFINITE (SIMPLE) TENSE Uralsky" The presentation was prepared by the teacher of the municipal educational institution "Secondary School p. Uralsky" Tsypkina Olga Fedorovna

THE ACTION HAPPENS IN THE PRESENT TIME, IN GENERAL, THE MOMENT IS NOT DETERMINED Helper words: usually - usually always - always sometimes - sometimes often - often never - never every day - every day, etc

How is this species-temporal form formed? The affirmative form is formed with the help of a semantic verb. For the subjects of all persons and numbers, the verb is taken in its initial form, but for the subjects 3 l. units h. the ending “s” is added to the verb I (you, we, they) write a letter He (she) writes a letter

Interrogative form To form an interrogative form in the times of the Simple group, the auxiliary verb “to do” will appear. For subjects of all persons and numbers, the auxiliary verb “Do” is used, and for subjects 3l.sing. the auxiliary verb “Does” is used

Do I (you, we they) write a letter? Yes, I do No, I don't Does he (she) write a letter? Yes, he does No, he doesn't

NEGATIVE FORM In the negative form, the particle not will join the auxiliary verb I (you, we, they) don’t write a letter He (she) doesn’t write a letter

Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Simple: My working day (to begin) at seven o'clock. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises. It (to take) me fifteen minutes. At half past seven we (to have) breakfast. My father and I (to leave) home at eight o'clock. He (to take) a bus to his factory. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o'clock. In the evening we (to gather) in the living room. We (to watch) TV and (to talk).

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The Present Simple Tense

Romanova Svetlana Vladimirovna

foreign language teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 5"

Donskoy, Tula region

Education the Present Simple Tense

The Present Simple tense is formed using the main verb in I form (V 1 ). In 3 l.u.h. Most verbs end in -s (V s ).

Verb conjugation in the Present Simple Tense

We swim.

You swim.

They swim.

In 3 l.u.h. most verbs take on the ending -s

He swims.

She swims.

It swims.

End reading -s

  • After vowels and voiced consonants.

after voiceless consonants.


  • Verbs that end in -o are added with the ending –es .

For verbs that end in


(go-goes, do-does)

  • If the verb ends in y , which comes after the vowel, the ending is added to the verb –es . ( y changes to i )

(fly fly)

ending is added –es .





Use The Present Simple Tense

Verbs in the Present Simple form are used to express actions that take place

  • every day (everyday)
  • usually (usually)
  • normally (usually)
  • often (often)
  • always (always)
  • sometimes (sometimes)

Formation of affirmative sentences

V 1 )+ VChP.

I drink tea every day.

You drink tea every day.

We drink tea every day.

They drink tea every day.

Subject + main verb ( V S )+ VChP.

He drink s tea every day.

She drink s tea every day.

you do do not (don't)

she does does not (doesn't)

Formation of negative sentences

Subject + don't/doesn't + main verb ( V1 )+VChP.

I don't drink tea every day.

You don't drink tea every day.

We don't drink tea every day.

They don't drink tea every day.

He don't drink tea every day.

She don't drink tea every day.

General Question Education

Do/Does+subject+main verb( V1 ) + VChP?

Do I drink tea every day?

Do do we drink tea every day?

Do do you drink tea every day?

Do they drink tea every day?

Does he drink tea every day?

Does she drink tea every day?

Formation of an alternative question

General question + or + general question?

Do I drink tea every day or(do I drink) coffee?

Do we drink tea every day or(do we drink) coffee?

Do you drink tea every day or(do you drink) coffee?

Do they drink tea every day or(do they drink) coffee?

Does he drink tea every day or(does he drink) coffee?

Does she drink tea every day or(does she drink) coffee?

Formation of a special question

Interrogative word + do/does+subject + main verb( V1 ) + VChP?

What do I eat every day?

What do we eat every day?

What do you eat every day?

What do they eat every day?

What does he eat every day?

What does she eat every day?

What does it eat every day?

Forming a question to the subject

Who + main verb in 3rd person ( V S )+ VChP + ?