Two-color gatellow effect. Mandela's Effect, or Memories of Parallel Reality

Many of you have heard about such a phenomenon as mandela Effect. Who I did not hear, now I will tell. He lies in the fact that people are confident that some events accounted for exactly, their memory fixed it, but in fact there was no such thing. Just do not be confused with amnesia - we did not forget about something, namely, I remember, but incorrect information. This is a kind of false memories, characteristic of not a separate person, but a rather large group of people. And they all unite the same mischief memories.

The effect of Mandela arose in 2013, when the death of President South Africa Nelson Mandela was announced. After that, thousands of people began to be indignant that they were deceived, because They perfectly remember that Mandela died in prison in the 80s of the last century. And from this point in the world began to occur strange. Many events, phenomena, phrases are not as well as we know them.

Give a few examples of Mandela effects - You can make sure how much you are subject to it. So, you need to choose the correct answer to the question:

The capital of Israel:

1) Tel Aviv; 2) Jerusalem

Who wrote the lines "I sit behind the grille in the dungeon of raw"?

1) Lermontov 2) Pushkin

What did Dart Vader, Skaiokuer, said in the climax of "Star Wars":

1) »Luke, I am your father" 2) "No, that's what your father!" 3) "No .. Luke, I - Your Father!"

1) "I'm tired, I'm leaving" 2) "I'm leaving"

Remember the physical map of the world, what does the North Pole look like on it?

1) surrounded by ice 2) there are no ice

How many states are there in the USA?

1) 52 2) 50 3) 51

How many characters was on the Red Flag of the USSR?

What said Zheglov Sharapov in the film "Place a meeting cannot be changed"?

1) "Well, a face of you, Sharapov!" 2) "Well, a kind of you, Sharapov!"

As Lionke asks the turtle in the cartoon, where there was still a song "I'm lying in the sun ..."

1) »Take me, big Cherepakhaaaaa!" 2) "Take me, eh?"

And what does the wolf ps after a feather in the cartoon "lived - was the dog"?

1) "Well, you come in, if Che" 2) "Come in, if what"

On the world famous statue of Rozen "Thinker" How is a naked man sitting?

1) Superflowed hand in the forehead 2) put the chin hand

The point is not that we are mistaken or allow inaccuracy, but in the fact that we were absolutely confident in the option chosen by us.

So, the correct answer is under the number ... 2. But most people are confident that the truth is number 1. This is a proven fact - 3/4 of the respondents choose option 1! Such examples are constantly added. One of the last - chandelier in the Eliseevsk store in St. Petersburg. After the store was opened after repair, many began to complain that the huge crystal chandere was replaced with a network of small light bulbs. Older people in one voice argued that they live near the 50s and all their lives went past and admired this chandelier. Where is her Delhi and why?! But .. in reality it was never.

Versions of this phenomenon are several. I will start with the most frightening and conspiracy.

False memories are associated with collision parallel worldsThat happened after the launch of a large andron collider in 2008. Options at number 1 are actually true and we completely remember them - only it was in another reality. And after mixing reality, a number of facts have changed. There is another version about the matrix and government experiments.

After reading this, I laughed a little with my rational thinking. But today he also encountered such. Enchanting Wikipedia, I learned that the real name of the singer Madonna - Madonna Louise Checkon .. I completely know exactly and remember that Madonna is a pseudonym, and the real name of Louise Veronika Chikkon! This is 100%! But I just do not give up. Therefore, I decided to spend your own experiment with the effect of Mandela. The fact is that in the above examples, I almost chose everything correctly. Because I. exactly knew These facts. For example, I like "Star Wars", I periodically reviewing them and I know that Darth Vader said: "No, that's what your father!" I also perfectly remember the statue of the "thinker" and the exact number of states. I made mistakes only at those moments that did not study.

But about Madonna I remembered for sure! Therefore, I wrote my classmate, which fanate from this singer, and asked her about the real name. I am answered: "Louise Veronika Chikkon" ... I write "Natasha !! Why then Wikipedia and all other links argue that Madonna is her real name?! " And that's what she replies: "In fact, she is a Catholic, and with baptism, one of whom Madonna was given. Is it on the line of her mom "-" That is, this is the truth of her real name? " - "Yes". Everything fell into place. Well, I wanted to fix the Internet full name Singers 🙂

Next, I asked those questions to which I answered wrong, specialists in this area. About the capital of Israel and the flag of the USSR Dad - and he answered, naturally, as it should. The question about the poem "prisoner" of his teacher of literature. And she also gave the correct answer.

Of all this, I concluded and my explanation of what is happening the following.

1. People simply do not initially own accurate information. Plus, our brain is simultaneously filled with facts, as a result of which mixing and replacing memories occurs. Where the memories are initially incorrect, because Do not own accurate information, we take on faith what other people say. For example, not everyone watched "Star Wars" or looked only 1-2 times. Therefore, they believed that the phrase sounds "Luke, I'm your father!" In addition, people are generally a bit of processing and "grinding" information - of course, the first phrase is more emotional and capacious than the second. It's like an anecdote that retells many times and no one knows how he sounded in the original.

Elizabeth Loftus is a US psychologist and a memory specialist conducted a number of experiments and proved that it is not much difficult to instill false memories. What people not only readily take them, but immediately begin to compose details (you remember exactly what kind of ghosts saw?))

2. I am not a psychiatrist and not even a psychotherapist, but from the course of psychology I know that false memories are one of the types of paramnezia, memory disorders. There are quite a lot of species - fantashes, feedback, cryptomosis. So our memory thing is very unreliable and easy to change. This is used, for example, people practicing regressive hypnosis. But I will tell about this next time.

Have you heard about the so called "Mandela Effect"?
In the West, the topic is discussed for a long time, but intensively - in recent times.
In the Russian-language environment, everything is just beginning.
At first glance, the effect of M. - Cheap sensation from the category flat land or world - Computer Game. However, the thing is that the evidence of the phenomenon is in sight (and on a hearing), just contact your own memory.
Before throwing out the idea into a trash bin, let's try to figure it out.
In fact, wildly interesting, and sometimes even scary.

The world has changed.

All wrong. Something happened. It seems that something irreversible.
It seems we all ended up in a parallel reality, without noticing it!
It all started with the death of Nelson Mandela in the 2013th. It turned out that many "remembered" (we are talking about thousands of people) that the flame fighter with apartheid has already been dying in the mid-80s. The Internet was filled with questions and complaints. This effect false memory called the "Mandela Effect".
Pandora's drawer was open, and people with amazement found inconsistency The world, who was in consciousness, and the one that surrounds them.

Video for surface familiarization:

People massively remember what was not!
Rather, what was, suddenly gone somewhere. From reality disappeared Many details, about which we all knew perfectly, who surrounded us all their lives.
Famous phrases from films now sound differently. Logos of famous companies are slightly transferred.
In the name of all known brands added extra letters, or replaced by sounding. Celebrity names are written no longer. Moreover, some famous peoplewho died in the past, turns out to be alive and healthy. Even in the canvases of great artists there were changes.

Some nonsense.
Mass hypnosis.

Examples mass. I will stay on them in more detail in my subsequent posts. While googled and see for yourself.

Immediately I will say that on my critical view, many facts leading in the in-nete look unconvincing. Many phrases from religious films are attracted for the ears.

Luke, I am your father,
I'm tired, I'm leaving,
Well, the face of you, Sharapov
- People's memory loves to round the volatile phrases, leading them to a common denominator, highlighting a common promise. Live example - No money, but you hold on!Only a few months passed, the video is still hanging on the network, but many people remember that Medvedev never pronounced of these words? He fastened to the pensioners of any nonsense in response to an uncomfortable question and hastily retreed, and phrase No money, but you hold on!- It is only a general meaning of what has been said. She became a folk folklore.

But other facts are absolutely not amenable to logical explanation.

For example, where a monocle was having a little banker from a popular game Monopoli ??
It was - became:

Round monocol on the rope, on the left eye of a funny peasant remember everything.
I remember.
It was a branded symbol. Even the game itself - monocle Ensharge with the title Monopoli.But now there is no round glance! At the merry bourgeois, vision magically improved. And this is not just a new version, the monocle disappeared from the past, of all drawings and design options box with cards. It is now believed that his it never happened! All options for pictures on the network exist without a monocle.

From such a casus, the brain actually begins to melt.

Another example is the Volkswagen logo.
On the one hand, what's the difference, was there a dividing chest in the middle, or not?
Maybe she was always, but we did not notice, did not attach importance.
But here you can believe me for the word, for when I studied the symbols, and their hidden esoteric meaning, then for a long time and carefully looked at VW in a circle, as conspirars argued that unscrupulous fascists hid in the logo of the car company a swastika. I remember exactly that the "belt on the waist", separating Vi from Double Yu 0n. The lines smoothly flowed one to another.
It was - became:

"Rebrending" badge either. Horror in the fact that the separation feature is simultaneously appeared on all real Volkswagen cars, all varieties and issues! Now it is believed that it was always.
Well, I do not agree. There was no line and that's it.

Or another example, chilling a soul.
Who and when he managed to change the famous phrase (absolutely in all versions and translations of the sacred book) that the times would come when the lion will recoup with the lamb. It is in mind that the world will reign everywhere, predators will stop killing their victims. The world will become good, love will rear. Forgive me such a free interpretation.
But now the lion was suited somewhere, and with a lamb found himself ... Wolf!

Lion I. it was never. There was always a wolf, eyes shoe.
And if you remember the following image, then congratulations! Welcome to the Club! It's time to go to the doctor and take the medicine from the effect of Mandela.

So what happened?
There are several theories. In order to light them, you will need several posts.

One of the most interesting, fantastic hypotheses, is what we jumped into a parallel reality, and here everything is a little different. Remember Trihlebov's lectures? He very clearly talked about life as a simulator for the development of the soul, where our "I" passes various experience in all variants of reality.\u003dis-wrhgsihi.

The first version:

Buck is to blame - The Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland!

When did it happen?
Perhaps September 10, 2008, when the collider was first launched. Or in 2012, remember the promised "end of the world"? In the West, many will call the date of 2013, when there was a failure in the work of a giant accelerator. And maybe in 2015, when after repairing the hellish pipe earned in doubles.
One way or another, there were many concerns about the possible consequences of the collider's work. It was afraid that our land can disappear to the devils of a dog to the hundredth of a second after its inclusion.
But everything happened, the collider works, we continue to exist.
However, it is possible that the Cotastopaph is still occurred And our world was destroyed!

What if the study by sorcerers-scientists "Dark matter", the acceleration of particles to the speed of light in vacuo and education, as a result of this microscopic black hole, led to the fact that our reality was immediately drawn into one of these holes, where he melted without a trace. But according to the law of conservation of energy, we are all, with all our energy baggage emerged in reality the closest distinguished from ours. Now we live in a parallel reality, in the parallel universe. We brought with you all our memory, all experience, all information, and at the beginning did not notice anything unusual. Life continues, the collider continues to chase the poor electron and in the tail and in the mane. Everyone was relieved, laughed at unjustified fears.
But a number of non-stalks were revealed soon. Facts manifested themselves, albeit insignificant, but completely unexplained from the point of view of earthly logic and material representation of the world.

Very well voiced the version of the parallel worlds talented American boy, Wunderkind, young physicist. Sorry, if you do not own English, Max (Max Loughan) speaks very well! And he gives his explanation to the effect of Mandela (from the 6th minute). True adds that still does not understand why some people have a memory of the old world, others have no memory.
Try to include subtitles and read, even if in English.

The imperfection of this version is that some people remember one, others - the other.
It turns out some chamomile: I remember here, I do not remember. WHAT, did you follow here from different reality ??
The memory is generally subject to influences, emotions, and is an unreliable source.

As for the collider and CERN, the place is definitely frowning. They will be with them. That heaven above the place will be sprinkled:

(Okay, maybe it is Photoshop)
That the gods of the ceremonies are arranged there with the Dead's parade, goat dances and a sin.
Ugh, the eyes would not look! Satanists that take them. This is certainly not photoshop.

Here are still pictures to see

About such a thing as the Mandela Effect, I learned in the fall of 2017. About him a glimpse of Oksana Punny in his video blog, I became interested and began to read more. I'm started literally shake when I realized what he means. It turned out that I have already lived for many years, not knowing that many people around the world, as well as I am faced with the fact that you remember the events that were not at all, or describe their details that disagree with other people's memories / official history.

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So large-scale phenomenon of false memory can not be explained only by human scattered and a tendency to fudge. When thousands, in no way connected with each other of personalities, tell the same version of the past, which allegedly never existed, you begin to doubt the unity of reality.

For the first time on a global scale, the effect manifested itself at the end of 2013, immediately after the death of the former leader South Africa Nelson Mandela. People from all over the globe began to write outrageous feedback on the work of the press, which allegedly speculates on the identity of the long-lasting revolutionary.

In their memory, I brightly imprinted the memory that Mandela died in the late 80s in prison, and without waiting for his release. They remembered how widely covered his funeral, and were amazed that he was not dead all these years, but continued to live, actively engaged in the expansion of human rights, both during his presidential term and after him.

Such an unusual response to the real fact of the past caused interest among a group of people who called him the effect of Mandela and ran under this name. On the wave of increasing popularity of the topic, more and more bloggers began to write about false memories, conducting their handicraft research through the voting-built articles.

With a purely scientific point of view, this effect was either not studied, or the results of research were not publicly represented. All that they write about him is the opinion of ordinary people. Negone or believing, a personal choice of each.

Speaking for myself, I can openly declare that I am 100% confident in the existence of different options of the past, so the Mandela effect is not speculation, but a reality. After I learned that there are many people in the world who are faced with the fact that their memories do not coincide with the facts, it became easier for me. This confirmed my beliefs about the multiplicity of the past, present and future. It made it possible to feel not in some eccentric, who remembers not the fact that everything, but a man who knows the truth and is ready to put up with the fact that others are not accepted.

General examples

  1. Since 2013, many examples have appeared that prove that you also have fallen under the effect. I will give here only those that worked for me:
  2. In the Soviet cartoon of Lionok asks for a turtle to ride it. I was sure that the phrase sounds like this: "Take me, big turtle." Now there is only: "Take me, a".
  3. In my memory, the Thinker Rodna rests on a fist in the forehead, actually the sculpture looks somewhat different: the hand is at the mouth.
  4. I clearly remember the striped Nutella on store shelves. However, Nutella always produced only chocolate, without white strips.
  5. Imaginary memorized that in America 51 states and the same number of stars on the state flag. In today's reality, America includes exactly 50 states.
  6. From school believed that Alaska was sold (leased) in times of Catherine II. It became the news for me that the deal occurred later, at the board of Alexander II.

Personal examples

  • I am with my family I sit at the festive table. There is a discussion of the cousin. Her grandmother (my godfather) complains that she is too often erased. Say, a small speck on clothes and immediately in washing. I'm shooting with the phrase that this is not a problem with the machine, you ourselves recently bought, probably they also felt that it was easier to wash. The godfather got angry, she did not buy any automatic where she had money on him! Still erases in normal. I shocked in shock, do not even say that I remember completely different. Approximately a year before this feast was another, where the godfather on the interruption with the aunt persuaded my mother to buy a machine machine. At the aunt she is long, and the godfather recently bought himself a narrow and now from her delighted. It turns out that there remains a different past in my memory, with whom my family does not agree.
  • At one time with the drink read Trevel blogs. I really liked how Masha Dubrovskaya writes. She was not afraid and went from Peter to travel around Asia. He lived in India, Thailand, Philippines. And when I read it, I came across articles where she says that he drives with his cat. Once I wanted to find them to find out which formalities need to be observed to fly with animals. I was looking for, I was looking for and stumbled upon a post, where Masha says that yes, she had a cat, but she left her in St. Petersburg to friends. OPA, the next memory error, or did I live another past?
  • The most relevant example of the effect is right now. I go to the statistics of my blog daily to view attendance for yesterday. Approximately 2 weeks ago, I noticed that the schedule of statistics for the previous month was higher: on certain days, visitors became much more than I remember when I checked last time. I am at the same time surprising at the same time, and pleases attendance, which is observed in the already accomplished past.

Causes of the effect of Mandela

№1 Human inattention and tendency to distort memories

This reason is suitable for those who are configured skeptically and believes that the hype around the effect of Mandela is unreasonably bloated. Indeed, people may mistakenly remember how many states in America and other historical / geographical / political details. But the effect applies not only to general facts. There are family events that different family members remembered in their own way. It is no longer possible to write off the uneducation and inattention.

№2 Government plot

For some reason governments different countries They entered their collusion and drag the story, cutting out some facts and inserting others. This version seems to me not convincing enough, due to the same as indicated in the previous paragraph. Not only global facts are changed, but family and personal! No government is capable of such a complex substitution.

№3 Failure in the matrix

We all live in the real world, but are connected to its simulation. From time to time, malfunctions occur, as a result of which non-coordinated memory of the memory loaded with the data recorded in the program. For myself, I will celebrate a similar explanation of the effect, because I adhere to.


Something similar to the conspiracy of the government and the matrix, only here the aliens will fly in the earthly past or play with the memory of people. It is likely that a blockbuster could be created on this, but for me it is only a fantasy. I believe in an absolutely free will for every creature, so no one can play someone else's mind.


CERN (European Council of Nuclear Research) is not the first year experiments in the Great Hadron Collider. As a result, the mixing of parallel realities arose. In fact, people who lived in one reality moved to another, so they remember at all the past, which happened here. I like this theory, because such a large-scale project as a tank could not pass without consequences. I consider it additional to the reason that the next one will be described.

№6 Transition from one parallel reality to another

It is very similar to the previous reason, only the meaning is that the exchange between parallel realities is performed naturally according to the inner device of the universe. When a person or many people change so much their ideas about himself, its place in the world and the world, they make a natural transition to the version of reality that matches their beliefs. It happens for a person unnoticed, but if you dig deeper, there will be inconsistencies that will make it clear that you now live in the reality in which before. This is called the Mandela effect when your memories that were true in the previous reality now become false. This theory is closest to me, especially if it combines her with a tank. At first there was only a natural transition as a result of a change of worldview, and then launched the tank, which began to artificially mix parallel reality.

Today it is fulfilled exactly a year since I wrote the first article about Mandela, which was called the Mandela effect - prepare stretchers. It's right to say, then I didn't have to write that I would write about Mandela for so long. Following, I wrote another article, about Mandelle plants and animals, then about geomandel, and I thought that we could solemnly finish. However, the readers who were looking for a new infusion on Mandelas in Russian, who were looking for a new infusion on Mandelas in Russian, they pushed a few more Mandel in the comments, and had to make new articles for them. Then also still, until the articles are transformed into dozens, which began to go out regularly once or twice a week, and sometimes every other day. A year later, I still do this business and I can not imagine whether it will ever be the end.

In the first months of dating with the effect of Mandela, I was firmly sure that the number and power of Mandel will increase, and by the fall of 2017 or the maximum of the spring of 2018 we are waiting for anybody's grand final (we are all die). But everything turned out to be at all easy. Mandela is not growing according to the exponent, but rolling the waves and, and, by waves of different categories and amplitudes. It will be a wave of geomandel, they will appear new animals and plants, the pictures will be changed, then the sculptures, the texts of songs and poems, then the technique, then the celebrities are resurrected, and there are closures between all these waves, sometimes for a few days. And so continues for several years, except for people who are watching changes becomes more and more.

The reasons for the occurrence of Mandel so far and are not clear to anyone, although theories people drew a great set. Especially prolificed in this plan was 2017. However, since none of theories cannot be checked in practice, then their value seeks to zero, and none of them become dominant that it stimulates people constantly forget some theories and invent new ones. The most popular version of the conspiraologists still remains the one that all this is the tricks of CERN with their particle colliding experiments. But even if it were so, then in the very CERN in it anyway no one would have believed. There, after all, the same ordinary people work, as elsewhere, 99% of whom do not see any melde. They would simply say that they had nothing changed, so CERN is not accustomed here :))

In short, while there is something to write about, while it is interesting to me, and while readers are interested in reading all this and participate in discussions, I will have to continue to carry this heavy cross. Perhaps someday eventually we still understand what is happening. At least on a little :)

1. Grocery on the serenity screensaver from Windows XP.
2. Natasha's song Koroleva "White Blue Swans".
3. Black clothes Ilya Muromets on the picture "Bogatyri" Vasnetsova.
4. Pharaoh Ramses Ramses.
5. The actor James Belushi died in the 90s alive.
6. Actor Jason Statham Steate.
7. "From the southern seas to the polar circle of the edge" (anthem Russian Federation).
8. Singer Montserrat Montserrat Caballe.
9. Pyramids Giza approached the city.
10. Pregnant statue of freedom.

1. Saver "serenity" on the desktop in Windows XP has once again with one Mandela, but it was only the beginning. Of course, the screensaver itself changes, but the terrain that was photographed, that is, all this refers to the geomandel category, but we are in principle anyway. The main thing is that we remember the screensaver of one, and now it looks different, and this is a blatant example of what is wrong with the world. Now a wide groove appeared in the photo, as if the tractor swell the field. This is especially noticeable from the left side. And maybe it is not a furrow at all, and the trench, and in it sought partisans? :))

2. At the famous pop singer of the 90s Natasha Koroleva was in those distant years, which was called "Blue Swan". Let's remind her chorus:

Blue Swans, bright dreams

Proud Birds of Magic Spring

You deceived me, flew up for distant Dali

Blue Swans where you are where

Shadows opened on blue water

You love to save me promised me

Our readers have been indignant by the fact that swans actually should not be blue, but white. True, they remember it insecure, and the same nonsense is going on on the Internet. There is no such abundance of residues, as it usually happens according to the well-known phrases, so instead of the traditional screenshot with search results will have to be selectively walk through the sites. Most often, the remnants are on sites with lyrics, when the title is written "White Swans", and in the text "blue". You agree with me that it would be a complete absurd to write in the title not at all what goes in the song? This is except that the blind person is fortunately or troll. Especially when it is present on many sites, independently of each other. It just happened that the name people wrote around the memory, and the text of the song from somewhere scopped. As a result, the copy-paste changed along with reality, and the title is not.

An even more rare option is also found that swans were wild. After a long random, I decided that I still like "Wild Swans" like more than an alien to my hearing "Blue Swans" and "White Swans". But there is no complete confidence again. Here is one of the remnants:

And finally, the old video, where Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolayev appear on the scene. Suites from them white color With long trinkets on the sleeves. A sort of stylized cosplay under the swans. Under the White Swans, notice :) True, they could be white and wild at the same time.

3. The massive changes in the "Bogatyri" pattern Vasnetsov have long passed, but sometimes something continues to slip. Now Ilya Murom has changed the color of clothes under the chalch. She became black. What color was clothes before, it's confidently remember to remember anyone. Some say that blue, others, that brown, and I'm not talking anything at all. How from my head bounced. But definitely not black. It seems that Ilya Muromets invented new way disguise. He now mimicries under the color of his horse.

4. Text Mandel today is a lot, so we will continue next without ceremonies. The pharaoh name Ramses now has a random Ramses. Whether it is the first, second or third Ramses, no matter. The number of use of both the old option and the new on the Internet is the same, so there is no sense to focus on some individual residues. This is an indicative example of how two versions of the word exist in parallel.

5. Humanity Mandela does not know borders. She continues and continues to resurrect people. Now the American actor James Belushi came to life, who died back in the 90s. I would doubt it if on a half-time coincidence of the circumstances of the month two or three years ago did not revise the film "Red Heat" with his participation, after which I decided to check out the curiosity from curiosity, why I haven't heard anything about it for a long time. To my chagrin, it was said that he died at the end of the last century, and his filmography ended in the 90s. In the photo, he remained young. And now (about a miracle!) In the same article, it is already said that the actor is 63 years old, and it continues to be fruitfully filled in films. True, I have not seen any of his new low-budget trusses, so for me he was that was not - no difference. And the photo was noticeably aged, of course.

6. Another American actor in our ten, the hero of the militants Jason Statham, who has now become Staten.

I do not know how his surname in English was written before - maybe, just likely - but if the word Statham is correctly pronounced, then Statey is suitable as it is impossible. If so, why do we write it wrong for so long? Moreover, so long that the whole Internet is now in this Statham. Even since the time "cards, money, two trunks."

7. If you are a Russian patriot, then you probably know the anthem of the Russian Federation. Especially these lines:

From the southern seas to the polar the edges

Our forests and fields spread out.

One you're in the world! One thing you are

Horn by God native land!

The polar region is a new Russian-speaking phrase, invented specifically for the anthem of Russia. The so-called neologism. It is no longer used anywhere, because traditionally polar there is a circle, and not the edge. And our readers confirm that the hymn was the words "to the polar circle". However, see what a trick turn out. The phrase "to the polar circle" is not rhymes with the phrase "one you are". But "to the polar edge" is very well rhyme. Why is like that - most likely, no one will say no longer. But we can check whether there are many people on the Internet to remember the old phrase. Apparently, a lot.

8. The Great Opera Singer Montserrat Caballe received the second version of the name - Montserrat. Not to say that I changed, because the first option remained, although Vicky adds that "more often Montserrat," but now you will not understand what to use. Catalanca was (or was) Montserrat, so in many places they are told logically and translate into a Russian letter in the letter. At first glance, it seems that this is Mandela with a big stretch, and Montserrat is rather an exception than the rule, if not the posters of the future speech of the singer in Moscow. For some reason, a new version of the name is used in them.

9. Somewhere two weeks ago, the "parties" were very concerned about the fact that the pyramids on the Plateau Giza became too close to the city. I looked at their rollers and did not understand what a trick. And only the other day before me, finally came. Probably, all this time, while I read and looked about the new location of the pyramids, I continued to see the old reality, and only now to my brain it was loaded what other people said about this. Now I also see that a full attack happens to the pyramids. For example, Heopsy's pyramid stands on the edge of the cliff, and a small stale fence separates it from the city.

View from the opposite side is still eloquent.

There are no such eloquent photos on the Sphynx, it is always photographed in front, but it is clearly clearly seen that from him to the nearest house hand to file.

10. A few words about the statue of freedom. Maybe not all this will notice, but "partners" and in it saw nothing. As one, they argue that the statue of stunned, as if she is in late pregnancy. Of course, this is a metaphor, pregnancy looks a bit wrong, and in this case we have a banal "need to eat less", but apparently, and without that fat statue really became thicker. Especially if you look at it on the side.

Or below.

But if you look at the front, it becomes clear what is the secret. A large fold appeared on the dress, resembling a fresh red-Armic chinel. Which from other angles increases body volume.

Although the ass is still big, as it is neither cool.

Tell me, did you have a feeling that you perfectly remembered what has never happened or happened, but absolutely different? This strange and little learned phenomenon is called the Mandela Effect. The last decade he is under the close attention of scientists. The name was invented by an eccentric huntry for paranormal phenomena Fiona Bruum. According to her statements, she and many more people greatly remember how Nelson Mandela died in the 80s of the twentieth century in prison (and not in 2013 from illness, according to official sources). As expected, for last years There was a bunch of other cases of this effect. Be careful - you can become the next victim of false memories!

Did the African president know that many buried him 30 years before death?

As mentioned above, Nelson Mandela, the most famous African politician, revolutionary and president of South Africa from 94 to 99 years of century died in his home in Houghton on December 5, 2013. At the time of death, he was 95 years old. Despite the broad publicity of this event, many people around the world claimed that the death of Mandela was perfectly remembered in the 1980s in the twentieth century. Many "false witnesses" also remember the funeral that broadcast on TV.

Or Bernstein, or benestine, or berenstain

Many people from the USA and the UK remember the series of books dedicated to the family of bears under the authorship of Berentine. Later on the books came out and a cartooner. Nothing foreshadowed conspiramic theories, but a branch appeared on one forum that everything was confident in writing "Berenstein", even at least it was right "Berentine". According to another version, at a certain point in time, our land crossed with parallel. This was the reason for such a "matrix failure."

Renderpenik, who has become a victim of false memories of his death

Bill Gram is a popular evangelical preacher in the United States. At the time of writing the material, he was in a sober mind and good health. The famous Fiona Bruum and her "Witnesses" also perfectly remember how Graham's funeral was seen on TV. There are even eyewitnesses, remembering the ceremony in detail. For example, Bill Clinton's speech near the coffin of the deceased.

Non-pedigree or gloves?

The portrait of Heinrich was written by the artist Hans Golbein approximately in 1540. As you can notice, in the right hand of the monarch only a pair of gloves. But many people are ready to swear that he keeps the leg of turkey as a symbol of royal luxury and power.

Where are two other states?

According to official documents, the United States of America - the federal republic, consisting of 50 states. However, many people are confident that the composition of this state is 51 or even 52 states. But as you can see, there are still 50 on the map.

The legendary nun and did not suspect her holiness

Perhaps the most famous Catholic nun and missionary, Mother Teresa, was canonized on September 4, 2016, 16 years after her death. The fact of the date of this strong woman to the saint face is confirmed by a papal solution and documented. But many zealous Catholics are confident that the canonization has occurred much earlier, during the life of Teresa, in 1990. They also refer to documents signed by Pope John Paul II.

WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS Lyrics - One of the Common Mandela Effects

Still, not all fans are attentive

We all know the legendary song of the Queen group, and many remember her by heart. But there is an interesting detail: almost all people are confident that the final line sounds like this: "No Time for Losers, 'Cause We Are The Champions ... of the World!" But no "of the world!" There is no! This fact makes to go crazy even the group fans, which with foam at the mouth prove that the end of the masterpiece is that.

In the imagination of people, "Challenger" exploded long before the takeoff

On January 28, 1986, a tragedy took place in the textbooks of the Kosmos conquest history: Cosmic Shuttle "Challenger" exploded after a few tens of seconds after the start. All seven crew members died. At the same time, many people are confident that the catastrophe occurred earlier, in 1984.

Error started by a canon for Russian-speaking fans

The reference romantic comedy about the life of middle-aged women in the original is called Sex and The City ("Sex and the Big City"), but many Americans are confident that his name is sex in the city. Perhaps the same mistake caused such a translation into Russian.

JIF or Jiffy.

The jar of this oil can be found in every US supermarket. It is the leader in the industry since 1981. But many customers have been confident that it is called Jiffy for 30 years.

Neightened monkey with tail? Why not?

Curious George is a small abrupt monkey, a hero of a series of children's books and cartoons. Never and anywhere there was a hint of a tail, but many people confidently declare - they saw a series where George used the "fifth hand" during the movement on the trees.

"No", not "Luke"

The famous phrase from the film "Star Wars: The Empire is putting a return kick" sounds like "no, I'm your father." But even fans franchise often say that Darth Vader said: "Luke, I'm your father."

Silver detail of its case invisible for many viewers

Another fact is associated with a famous series of films: in the fourth episode (the legendary "new hope"), the C-3PO robot is covered with gilding. Not all fans noticed that throughout the entire film at Android silver leg. Perhaps that is why many spectators were indignant with her red hand in the new, seventh episode.

The most loud abduction of the child in the USA

The abduction and killing of the baby Charles Aurugsta Lindberg Jr. became the most famous and promoted crime against the child. Baby was found dead on May 12, 1932. At the same time, many people have been confident that for 90 years that Charles's body did not find it. There are also different versions of writing the surname in English (this fact serves as another evidence for people who believe in the intersection of parallel worlds).

One of the most famous photos of the end of the 80s is still enveloped by halo of mystery

This is called an unknown person who alone held back the tank column for half an hour on Tanyannian Square during the Beijing riots on June 5, 1989. The personality of this person is still unknown, but many people greatly remember that the tanks eventually dispersed the poor fellow (which is not true, of course).

Brand, who became the hostage of his logo

The famous brand of hot dogs and Langers is written like Mayer, but many buyers are confident that instead of "A" is written "E" and read "Meyer".

Leo deserved his statuette in childhood, but received it only last year

It is difficult to forget the truly historical, the long-awaited moment when Leo was still received by the golden statuette of the American Film Academy for a major role in the film "Survivor" in February 2016. However, many movie lovers are confident that Dicaprio became the owner of Oscar a few years before this event.

Like Elvis, Patrick will always be alive in the hearts of fans

Patrick Suyes, the famous American actor and dancer (few people do not know His roles in the films "Dirty Dancing" and "Ghost"), died of pancreatic cancer on September 14, 2009 aged 57 years. This version refute the fans, confident that Patrick completely cured and dwells in good health.

No monocle? Are you sure?

Remember the little man from the logo of this famous game? Tell me, does he wear a monocle? You can say with 90% confidence that you will give an affirmative answer. But no monocle has never been.

Drink tea, and where he - do not know

The "Mandela Effect" is also often found in geography. One of the most popular geographical false memories relates to finding Sri Lanka Island. According to many people, he is south of India, although in fact its location is southeast of the Indian Ocean.

Black tips - only from the ears

The most famous pokemon in the world is often drawn with a black tail tip. Many fans are confident in this detail. But as you can see in the drawing, there is no black color there.

What does the evil queen say?

In the English version of the film and the Cartoon Snow White and Seven Dwarfs, the evil queen addresses the Magic Mirror On the Wall mirror, but many are confident that the phrase sounds "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall." In Russian translation, this error is lost.

Different versions - Miscellaneous Weapons

According to the official version of the investigation, Martin Luther King's killer was Sniper James Earl Ray. The murder occurred on April 4, 1968 in the Motel "Lorein" in Memphis, Tennessee. The shot was produced from the Remington Gamemaster rifle owned by Ray. At the same time, many people confidently say that MLK was killed from a pistol or blown up with a self-made bomb.

Here he is a wandering castle

Some visitors of the Amusement Park are confident that the entrance to it is in Cinderella Castle. Others believe that this wonderful building is much closer to the entrance than it really is.

The death of Nile Armstrong

The legendary cosmos conqueror just went to the Earth's satellite

One of the most famous astronauts and the first person on the moon, Neil Armstrong died on August 25, 2012 in Cincinnati, Ohio, but there is a common version that death came for a year later.

Although the "Mandela Effect" is not studied, but each person can remember many similar cases from his experience. You can write them off on brain failures, like a sleepy paralysis or deja. However, it is always more interesting to see an unknown phenomenon and the mystery that goes beyond the rational, right?