For drawing a tank in stages for kindergartens. Draw a tank with a pencil

It costs that the skills of the drawing of the tank pencil can be needed not only for boys, but also for girls who, for example, will want to make a postcard and congratulate dads on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland.

Therefore, it is important for parents to know gradual drawing to help children learn how to do it on their own. The diagram of the image is not very complicated, but it is important to learn how to allocate the items. It is important to note that drawing tank can also be different. And the difference is not only in the model, but also in the complexity of the whole process. Parents should explain that the tank consists of three main parts, each of which needs to pay special attention and depict all the necessary details.

Simple image

First you need to prepare a pencil, eraser and a clean sheet. Remember that, dealing with children drawing, you not only learn the practical skills of the right image of objects, but also engage in the comprehensive development of the baby. Therefore, before starting it is appropriate to talk to the child on the topic of war and peace, military equipment, which is associated with children with such a car.

A simple tank drawing is designed for children 5-6 years. We start drawing gradually from the sharing of the image to 3 main parts:

  • lower - caterpillars;
  • the average is the hull of the tank;
  • upper - tower with a spirit.

These three components are drawn, starting from the bottom. It is depicted in the form of an inverted trapezium with rounded lower edges. These will be the caterpillars tank. Another trapezium is drawn on top of them, which also has rounded corners and on one side is slightly smaller in size from the size of the lower part. The upper part, which in the future there will be a tower with a bull, in size, the smallest is also the form of a trapezium with a narrower top edge.

The next stage of drawing with a pencil is drawing the details. Each part of the image has its own details that make a tank from our workpiece. When drawing with pencil parts, you can talk about the purpose of one or another element in the design of this military transport. For children, such information is very interesting.

Lower trapezium is car caterpillars. They draw up next to small circles. Next, make a hatch and a spare tank. The latter is drawn in the tower and small elements, such as emblems, inscriptions or flag. So phasately appears the simplest image of this military equipment.

A more complex image

Such a drawing is designed more for older children. It is usually suitable for younger students. Such drawing requires a child of sufficient knowledge and skills in this area. The tank is obtained more voluminous and realistic. Phased performance of such an image with a pencil is a guarantee of a good result.

  • The first to draw the basis in the form of two lines, helping us to distribute all the details correctly, which will be in the future our tank: oval at the top and two lines, which in the future will be the upper points of the caterpillars.
  • Based on these major parts, the drawings are phased first at first large details (caterpillars, a blow, cabin), and then smaller as shown in the figure.
  • The last stage is a hatching pencil. After that, the tank becomes more voluminous. To do this, it is important to remember which places are drawn more darkened and toned, and which you need to leave the clarified. The drawing becomes alive.

Drawing for children should be an interesting pastime. Such classes helps to develop and know the world.

Pictures of tanks are one of the most popular drawings, after the car. You can correctly draw a tank if you do it in a stepwise carefully following the proposed scheme. Draw the tank first with a pencil, and the star can paint the color pencil.
The tank is one of the most complex military machines. Its base is caterpillars, hull and tower. The most difficult draw in the tank its body. The front corpus is designed to reflect the shells, so it is always under a high inclination. This military trick complicates his drawing. The most important thing in drawing a tank is to draw the basis. We draw tank T-34.

1. Draw the basis for caterpillars and tank hull

First we will make the basis for caterpillars and tank hull. The basis for the caterpillars of the tank draw in the form of a hexagon. And immediately inside it we draw a central line, it will help to draw flat wheels. After the caterpillars drawing, we draw the basis for the tank hull. To do this, we will spend two trapezoids from the caterpillars, one will be in front, and the other side.

2. Tower for our tank

Further start drawing the tower for our tank. To do this, draw a rectangle with two rounded edges in the rear. Then we will spend from the contour of our tower line, which will connect it with the base of the tank. Then add a pipe for the future tank gun to the tower.

3. Now draw the wheels in the caterpillars tank

Now we need to draw the wheels in the caterpillars, I have six of them, but you can have more, and maybe less, it depends on the size of the drawing of our tank. First draw a central wheel, paint it in the midline, which we spent earlier. Then add other wheels on the likeness of the central one. Then we need to round the sprinkles over the caterpillar. To draw the tank, it is necessary to observe all the little things, otherwise it will be not plausible, not real.

4. Add benzobak, steps and hatch

At the next stage, we will add: gas tank steps and hatch. I think you will have problems with these trifles. Then we need to raise the bottom line between the two caterpillars of the tank.

5. Draw more details of the tank tower

Now we need to break the tank tower into two parts. To do this, draw a round line near the gun. Further we will make a tank gun a little thinner, and add to its beginning several hoops. I will also add the beginning of the hatch to the top of the front of the tower.

6. Drawing the details of the tank

The next stage we will start drawing our tank. First, we clarify the caterpillars, adding the protector to it. Then let's start drawing the wheels. To do this, add the stroke to the old wheels, draw a pin in the middle of the wheel, and make the inner rim of the wheel. Further to the last wheels add cloves. Clarify the hatch on the tower and spread several parts on the housing of the tank.

7. Latest tank drawings

At this stage, we need to paint the wheels of the tank, it will deepen them. Then add some shadows. And you can draw a big star on the tower of our tank.

How to draw tank

Hello, dear lovers of fine art! Today we will learn to draw a tank.

The lesson will not be very difficult, however, it will require accurate adherence to the proportions and the sequence of steps. For an example drawing a tank, we will take the most famous tank of World War II - T-34 Tank. Let's start him and find out!

Step 1

Draw a tank will start with the tower and dula. Usually we start with stylet, but here we are not talking about a person, and we preferred to draw a tank from top to bottom, in parts. And start with the top of the tank - nothing complicated, just copy from our sample and move further. The tower is noted in the form of an oval, and a blowing with two parallel lines.

Step 2.

Note the housing of the tank and its running part is a tracked row. This and previous steps need to draw very light strokes so that later it was easier to erase all guide lines.

Step 3.

But now it is already quite similar to the sequence of our other lessons. As with drawing, for example, we have outlined the silhouette, and then they began to detail in the direction from top to bottom.

It's time to add volume and details. Note a pair of rounded lines on the sides relative to the dool, add the hatch and a couple more lines on the top of the tank. Gradually, we are erased all the guide lines unnecessary to us.

Step 4.

Smeuts from the tower extra guide lines, draw a blow of our tank T 34 and add a few more details.

Step 5.

Note the contours of armor (wings) closing the running part. Note that all lines of this step should be straight. From the front of the caterpillars, we can see small rectangular figures - parallelograms, which are formed by a small bend of the wings down.

Step 6.

We draw a few more round items on the front of the tank case, or rather - the machine gun on the left and headlight on the right. We also denote the square hatch and a rectangular bar in front. By the way, if this tank seems too complicated to you, try quite and (but also simple).

Step 7.

Write the wheels of the caterpillars. Be careful with the sizes of extreme wheels, they should be significantly less than the rest. In the same step, we end up with confident strokes, the entire case of a tank case and erase the markup from the previous steps so that the drawing of the tank began to look complete.

Step 8.

Now give the wheels and texture of the outer parts of the caterpillars tank.

Step 9.

The last stage we appline shadows on our tank t 34. They are completely simple - a significant part of the shadows looks like black contrasting spots. Those that are addressed are applied by the usual cross-hatching. To make a plot of more dark, it is necessary to add the number of cross-layers.

We hope that this lesson you came to the soul of our lesson about how to draw tank t 34. We drew it specifically for lovers of military topics, as well as various games about Tanks (World of Tanks, for example, which has now become incredibly popular). And we say goodbye to this, come in more often on our site, we constantly boil the work so that you can draw a cooler with every day! Yes, do not forget to look at our PC page, there is also a lot of interesting things!)

When a child is born, each parent lays the brightest hopes on him and hopes to grow a harmoniously developed personality from it. You can train his music, led into a variety of sports sections. However, it has been proven that a person cannot grow with a truly versatile horizon, if from the last one in his hands not to give a pencil.

In addition, the possession of markers or pencils helps the baby to develop a small motorcycle. Pictures allow him to show his relatives, as he sees and feels around the world. Drawing love all kids, only boys and girls prefer to portray completely different things. So, if a small artist is most likely to draw flowers, a sun or other positive, then the boys most often will prefer to portray cars, explosions, military equipment. Little kids, as a rule, cope with their arts on their own, but the older guys often ask parents to help draw one or another picture, setting the "strip higher". Today we would like to help children and their parents and tell in detail how gradually a heavy military equipment is drawn, in particular, how to draw a tank.

How to draw tank t 34

The easiest feature is drawn T 34 (the most popular and famous tank of times of the Great Patriotic War), if you apply the method of phasing it. This means that on a sheet of white paper, individual details will be depicted, which at the end will be combined into a general correct pattern.

Speaking generalized, it is necessary to draw simple geometric shapes (rectangles, ovals, squares, triangles, circles). In the future, you will need only a little modify the main outlines of the tank: where you need to - wipe the corners, if you need to draw some specific things. Looking forward, let's say that many small details are applied to almost the finished drawing.

Especially pointed at such a moment: it is very important not to put pressure on the pencil at the moment of the image of the primary contours. The kid should understand that the contours of the picture must be thin so that they can be easily erased with a rubber band and hold new lines. With confidence, we declare that if you or your child, will definitely follow our instructions, it is quite possible that in the picture you can find out the tank.

How to draw a tank in stages

So, how to draw a tank with a pencil phased? You need to know that small details are not so important for children, enough that general contours and major speakers remind him of the famous car. In order to learn how to draw a tank correctly, you need to do the following.

  1. In the center of the sheet, in its lower part it is draws a large rectangle and reinstall the left and right of it two small triangles.
  2. The external faces of the triangle should be slightly rounded, and the extra lines - erase. Thus, we painted the contours of the future chassis of the tank (caterpillars).
  3. The next step shows that within the depicted design you need to carry out the same lines repeating the previous contours, only smaller.
  4. Drawing inside the second (smaller rectangle size) multiple circles will complete the image of the caterpillar of the tank. At this stage, it is important to neatly erase all the extra lines. An adult should necessarily help the baby, because at an early age, the motility of children is imperfect, and in inexperience the boy risks erased and the necessary lines.
  5. Apply the contours of the reservation tank. To do this, we draw a thin rectangle over the tracks that are not beyond the circuit breakers.
  6. Above armor should draw a small semicircle, it will depict a tank viewing tower. Please note that the semicircle (tank T34 tank) has some features. The height of the tower should be somewhat more than the height of the armor, and its edges should not be for the contours of the armor. Moreover, from the edge of the protective part of the tank, he (dome) should defend a couple of centimeters on each side.

Next, it remains to be portrayed on the "nettle" the most real gun. It is enough to paint one thin and long rectangle to the tower. But that he is as much as possible on the gun, one of his edge should round. At the end of the gun to accurately, you can paint the plane sensor. It is made extremely simple: on some indent from the outer edge of the gun draw a small square. When the drawing is ready, it will need to give color. Provide the choice of the color gamut of the child yourself, it will give the feeling that the whole drawing was made by the baby himself. Decorate the image of a real combat vehicle can be a big red star. Actually, this is the whole instruction following which you can draw a tank.

How to draw tank: Other ways

Today, in the kiosks of the Soyphrine, you can purchase a lot of coloring books designed for children of different ages. Believe me, the child will be interested in connecting points, repeating the contours of the fighting machine and then paint them. This method is somewhat simplified and frees parents from additional trouble, but allows the baby to show his abilities independently.

You can redraw an image of a tank using a copy paper. Such an occupation will give the child confidence in their power, because he will be able to portray the exact copy of the picture on which the tank is drawn.

There is another option. You can take a picture on which the combat machine is depicted, spread it on equal squares. Then do the same on the pure sheet of paper. Next redraw the images in each square on the sheet. This technique suggests that the co-author of the kid should be at least minimal drawing skills. At worst, you can download the Internet and find samples with videos in which the technology drawing tanks is stipulated. We are confident that everything will succeed!

Learn draw tank I want every boy. Probably, therefore, the pictures of tanks, after the pictures of the machines, are considered the most polar patterns. The tank is considered complex military equipment. It is like a symbiosis of a caterpillar tractor and guns. Therefore, the tank consists of two parts: the hull with the caterpillars and the tower with an artillery gun. The most difficult thing to draw in the tank its body, so try first of all correctly portray this part of the tank. So let's try draw tank The times of World War II T-34. Draw a tank with a simple pencil, and a five-pointed star on the tower can paint with a color pencil.

1. Markup Marking Tank Drawing

You can correctly draw a tank if you do it in stages, it is desirable following the proposed pattern markup scheme. Divide the sheet with weak contour lines for 8 squares, they will help you accurately make the initial contours.

2. Draw the basis for caterpillars and corps

Draw the overall loop of the caterpillars and the tank case. Divide the area where the wheels of the tracked mechanism will be placed. This line for the central wheel will help properly draw all 5 wheels of the same size. Calculate the width of the caterpillars and draw their contour on the front of the tank case.

3. Figure tank. Tower of Military Tank

Further begin to draw tank tower. To do this, draw a rectangle with a beveled back side, and the front side of the tower is rounded, approximately as on my drawing. Connect the outline of the base of the housing with the tower and draw an artillery gun (gun) using a ruler.

4. Draw the wheels in tracked tracks

Now we need to paint the wheels in the caterpillars, I have them in Figure five, that is, six, but the sixth wheel of smaller diameter and serves it for tensioning the caterpillar track. First draw a central wheel. The line we spent earlier will share it in half. Then add other wheels of the same size as a central wheel. Then you need to round the mudguards (protection against dirt) over the tracks. Note that draw tank That's right, you need to observe not only the proportions, but also all the "little things", otherwise the tank will be implausible.

5. Petrol, steps and hatch

At this stage, we will add a benzobak tank in the drawing, the steps for which the tankers are closed into the tower and the front of the driver-mechanic driver, replacing the car windshield tank. I think with these details of the picture you will not have any problems and you will just draw the tower in detail in detail.

6. Draw a tank tower in detail

The frontal part of the tower is designed to reflect the shells, so its plane is under the tilt, rounded. This military trick will remove the tank from the frontal entry of the projectile. Pay this element of the picture most of all attention, since the tower and gun first attract the attention of the viewer. Draw in the details of the tower, including the attachment of the gun to the tower. The trunk of the tank tool can be drawn slightly thinner if you are mistaken with its diameter. Just erase the line of the line and draw a new line. Do not forget to draw a hatch cover on top of the tower.

7. Drawing small parts

We already finish drawing the tank and the next step you only need to draw various small details of the tank. First draw a tracked track in the details. Then finish drawing details of tank wheels. To do this, add the stroke to the old wheel circuts, draw the pin in the middle of the wheel (axis) and make the inner rim of the wheel. On extreme wheels, draw the cloves, it is these small wheels that engages the caterpillar and the tank moves. Specify additionally details of the hatch, and see what else you can draw on the tank body. Many tank workers on the body installed additional barrels with fuel.

8. Latest touches in the picture

To this step, you must fully draw a tank and will remain only shaken by a soft simple pencil drawing a tank. First of all, the wheels are sharpening, which will make them volumetric and more realistic. Take this step more time, draw almost all parts of the wheels, carefully working out all the little things. These little things make a tank drawing realistic.
Do not forget that this figure Tank Decoded to the famous T-34 tank, which as well as the Kalashnikov machine gun, brought victory to our country during World War II. Therefore, you need to draw a big red star on the T-34 tank. And the little asterisks tankers drew on the tower to keep their victories with enemy tanks. Now you can see what the tank is not so difficult to draw and you can begin to draw another military equipment, for example, a military helicopter flying over the tank.

Learning to draw realistic tank can be in this lesson. Phased, step by step, let's try to draw the legendary Tank T-34.

The picture of the helicopter is a good decoration in the collection of drawings of any boy who can draw. Drawing of a helicopter, along with drawings of tanks, can be used when decorating the wall newspaper by February 23. Draw a helicopter is a bit more difficult than drawing a tank or a plane, it has many details and more difficult to withstand the proportions of the blades of the rotating screw.

Draw a plane is not so difficult. In order to draw an aircraft, you only need to know some of the features of its structure. Military aircraft differ from passenger aircraft. They have a different form of structure and additional devices for military power. Just like tanks, they sometimes have camouflage color.

Nowadays, you can rarely meet wooden sailing ships. But even now they are the object of many drawings. But the vintage sailboats are not so easy to draw. They have very complex sails and feed. If you like to draw tanks, airplanes, then you may like this drawing.

Sports cars in our time are very popular. They have a dynamic beautiful design and attractive streamlined body parts. But this appeal gives a small minus in drawing such cars. It is very difficult to convey its unusual shape of the hood and other details. However, for this there is its own rules, following which your car will be similar to the original.

To draw tank T-34 or other military equipment, sometimes you need to draw a star on the housing or tower of the tank. It would seem, so simply draw a star, but try smoothly, the correct form to draw it, without reading this lesson. It is unlikely that you will succeed.