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Slavic writing

and culture

DAY OF MEMORY of the first teachers of the Slavic peoples - the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Brothers KIRILL


The common feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius was celebrated by the Bulgarian Church in the following centuries, and in the era of the Bulgarian Revival it turned into a feast of the alphabet created by them.

In 1863, the Russian Holy Synod decided, in connection with the celebration of the millennium of the Moravian mission of Saints Cyril and Methodius, to establish an annual celebration in honor of the Monks Methodius and Cyril on May 11.

In 1985 in the USSR, when the 1100th anniversary of the death of Methodius was celebrated.

On January 30, 1991, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR adopted a resolution on the annual

"Days of Slavic culture and writing".

Every year, a new settlement in Russia became the capital of the holiday (except for 1989 and 1990, when Kyiv and Minsk were the capitals, respectively)


KIRILL (born in 827, before becoming a monk - Constantine)

METHODIUS (born in 815, worldly name unknown)

were born in the family of a Byzantine commander from

Thessaloniki (Greece)

Saint METHODIUS, the Enlightener of the Slavs, was born around 815 in Thessalonica (Thessalonica), one of the largest and richest cities in Byzantium. Around 833, METHODIUS began military service and passed it in the capital, in full view of Emperor Theophilus. At the age of 20, he was appointed archon (voivode) in Slavinia, a small Slavic principality, which was then under the rule of the Greeks. METHODIUS held this position for ten years and had the opportunity to study well Slavic and Slavic customs.



Saint Cyril was born in Macedonia, in the city of Thessalonica, from an early age he was distinguished by mental abilities. While studying at the Thessalonica school and not yet reaching the age of fifteen, he already read the books of the most thoughtful of the Fathers of the Church - Gregory the Theologian (4th century)

The young man early took the rank of presbyter.

Upon his return to Constantinople, he was the librarian of the cathedral church and a teacher of philosophy. Saint Cyril successfully debated heretics, iconoclasts, and Mohammedans.


In the early 860s. one of the most powerful Slavic sovereigns - the Moravian prince ROSTISLAV asked the Byzantine emperor MICHAEL III send him Christian teachers. Looking for people for the Moravian mission, the emperor and the patriarch immediately remembered KONSTANTINE and METHODIUS. When the brothers were asked to go as teachers to Moravia, they agreed and immediately set to work on the Slavic alphabet. Soon an alphabet of 38 letters, based on Greek cursive writing, was compiled.


With the help of brother METHODIUS, KIRILL compiled the Slavic alphabet (the so-called Glagolitic alphabet) in 6 months and translated into Slavonic books, without which Divine services could not be performed:

  • gospel Aprakos,
  • Apostle,
  • Psalter and selected services

“... I will go with joy if they have letters for their language ... Learning without the alphabet and without books is the same as writing a conversation on the water”

Saint Cyril


“But if any of your teachers boldly begin to tempt you, blaming the books in your language, let him be excommunicated until he reforms. Such people are wolves, not sheep…”

Andrian II

Papa Adrian II He received the Greek missionaries with great solemnity and without any hesitation supported all their undertakings. In 868 Pope Andrian II consecrated the liturgical books translated by the brothers, blessing the celebration of the liturgy in the Slavonic language

KIRILL dies in Rome

“We pulled with you, brother, one furrow, like the husband of oxen, and behold, I fall on the ridge, I end my life. I know you love your native Olympus very much. Look, do not even leave our ministry for his sake ... "

“I was not silent out of fear and always awake on guard”

After the death of his brother METHODIUS


gospel sermon among the Slavs

Thanks to the activity of Saint METHODIUS, both the Czechs and the Poles entered into a military alliance with Moravia, which resisted the influence of the Germans.

METHODIUS predicted the day of his death and died

In the Russian Orthodox Church, the memory of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Enlighteners of the Slavs has been honored since the 11th century.

The memory of each of St. brothers is celebrated on the days of their death:

Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles CYRIL -

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles METHODIUS -

Common church memory is celebrated


counted as saints


Aa Bb Gg Dd Ee Kk Ll Mm Aa Bb Gg Dd Ee Kk Ll Mm Aa Vv Gg Dd Her Kk Ll Mm


Greek letters:

Slavic letters:



Slavic alphabets: CYRILLIC and GLAGOLIC



KIRILL and METHODIUS “transferred” the sounds of the Slavic language onto parchment with the help of that GLAGOLIC.

The lettering is not survived


Church Slavonic ALPHABET

In 893, the CYRILLIC alphabet appeared,

which over time replaced the GLAGOLIC

in all Slavic countries


The characters of the Greek statutory alphabet served as a model for writing Cyrillic letters.

CHARTER - this is such a letter when the letters are written directly at the same distance from each other, without inclination - they are, as it were, “lined”

The oldest book in Russia written in Cyrillic - Ostromir Gospel - 1057

From the middle of the 14th century, the semi-charter became widespread, which was less beautiful than the charter, but allowed you to write faster.

There was a slope in the letters, their geometry is not so noticeable; the ratio of thick and thin lines is no longer maintained; the text has already been divided into words


In the 15th century, semi-ustav gave way to cursive

Manuscripts written in the "quick custom" are distinguished by the coherent writing of neighboring letters, the sweeping of the letter. In cursive writing, each letter had many spellings.

With the development of speed, signs of individual handwriting appear


"Geometry of Slavonic Land Surveying" - the first book typed in civil type

During the time of Peter the Great, changes were made to the styles of some letters, and 11 letters were excluded from the alphabet.

The new alphabet has become poorer in content, but simpler and more adapted to printing various civil business papers.

That's how he got the name "civilian"

“Under Peter the Great,” M. Lomonosov jokingly wrote, “not only the boyars and boyars, but also the letters, threw off their wide fur coats (he meant the Slavic old font) and dressed up in summer clothes.” By summer clothes, the scientist meant a new civil alphabet.

  • fixed a letter in the alphabet E which has been used in practice
  • removed the doublet letters, i.e. where there were two letters to designate one sound, left one: from “green” and “earth”, denoting the sound [h], left the sign Z “earth”,
  • from o "on" and "ot" ("omega") there was a sign O "on",
  • from the letters "fita" and F "fert" to denote [f] remained "fert"


  • In 1708, the letters “xi” and “psi” were eliminated, which had the phonetic meaning [ks] and [ps], respectively, and are very rarely used in words of Greek origin (eniya - Xenia, alom - psalm),
  • the letter "izhitsa" also disappeared, denoting [and] in some borrowed words;
  • however, in 1710, the Izhitsa returned to its place - the last letter of the old alphabet - and survived until 1918.

In 1918, a new alphabet reform was carried out, and the Cyrillic alphabet lost four more letters:

yat, and (i), izhitsu, fita

And about me the linguist Said: “Not a letter - a parasite! It does not mean sound, And loafers are not for science! And after a series of strict measures, Ъ (ep) disappeared from the language. Now I'm in a different capacity, The work is a small volume. I'm really not loaded with it, But I'm glad that occasionally, but I need it, I'm only familiar with E, E, I, Yu, With the prefix - I stand behind it. And without me, you - well, nothing! Now I'm called - b (solid sign)!





The presentation was made by a primary school teacher

Bannikova Ekaterina Petrovna

MKOU "Lermontov secondary school"

Kuytunsky district,

Irkutsk region

  • the Saints
  • saints 2
  • presentation background
  • birch bark
  • site of used material
  • Andrian 2
  • Aprokos
  • Psalter
  • - Saint Cyril
  • Faces of Saints Cyril and Methodius
  • http://ancient-civilizations.rf/Slavs/Xrabr2.jpg- Cyrillic writing
  • http://ancient-civilizations.rf/Slavs/halfustav.gif- semi-charter
  • http://xn----8sbebhgbsfcbaca4bza2c4gh.xn--p1ai/Slavs/Cyrillic-character.html- site "History of Russian fonts"
  • http://ancient-civilizations.rf/Slavs/scoropis.gif- cursive alphabet
  • Methodius
  • Kirill
  • Cyril II
  • Saints Cyril and Methodius
  • Ostromir Gospel
  • return arrow
  • information indicator
  • jump button
  • Day of Slavic writing
  • Slavic alphabet
  • alphabet since 1918
  • Initial letter
  • Peter the Great
  • Irkutsk library


slide 1

day of Slavic writing and culture
authors: Sofia Bolshakova, Marina Mishina, students of the 8th grade of the Bykovskaya secondary school No. 14

slide 2

The tombs, mummies and bones are silent, - Life is given only to the word: From the ancient darkness, on the world graveyard, Only the Letters sound. And we have no other property! Know how to take care of it Even to the best of your ability, in the days of anger and suffering, Our priceless gift is speech. I. Bunin

slide 3

"Cyrillic" So here they are - our origins, Floating, glowing in the twilight, Solemnly - strict lines, Cast Slavic script. So that's where, so that's where for the first time I found at the foot of the mountains Under the fiery sign of Sophia The diamond hardness of the verb. The great mystery of sound, Despised corruption and death, On the blue bends of the Dnieper, The motionless firmament rocked. And Russia above the foamy water, Open to free winds, "I am!" - declared the Universe, "I am!" - declared for centuries.

slide 4

In 863, the word of God sounded in the Moravian cities and villages in their native, Slavic language, and not in someone else's and incomprehensible - Latin, letters, secular books were created. Slavic chronicle writing has begun!

slide 5

Since childhood, we get used to the letters of our Russian alphabet and rarely think about when and how our writing arose. The beginning of writing is a special milestone in the history of every nation, in the history of its culture. In the depths of millennia and centuries, the names of the creators of the writing of a particular people or language family are usually lost. But Slavic writing has an absolutely amazing origin. Thanks to a number of historical testimonies, we know about the beginning of Slavic writing and about its creators - Saints Cyril and Methodius.

slide 6

The birthplace of the brothers Constantine (that was the name of St. Cyril before he became a monk) and Methodius was the Macedonian region of Byzantium, namely the main city of the region - Thessaloniki, or in Slavic Solun. The father of the future enlighteners of the Slavic peoples belonged to the highest stratum of Byzantine society. Methodius was the eldest and Constantine the youngest of his seven sons. The year of birth of each of the brothers is not exactly known. Researchers attribute the birth year of Methodius to the second decade of the 9th century.

Slide 7

Konstantin learned to read very early and surprised everyone with his ability to master other languages. He received a comprehensive education at the imperial court in Constantinople under the guidance of the best mentors in Byzantium, among whom stood out the future Patriarch Photius of Constantinople - a connoisseur of ancient culture, the creator of a unique bibliographic code known as the Myriobiblion - and Leo Grammatik - a man who surprised compatriots and foreigners with his deep learning, a connoisseur of mathematics, astronomy and mechanics.

Slide 8

“To learn without the alphabet and without books is like writing a conversation on the water,” Constantine the Philosopher answered the Byzantine emperor Michael when he invited him to go on an educational mission to the Moravian Christians. Konstantin the Philosopher compiled the alphabet for the Slavs and, together with his brother, translated the first texts from the Gospel and the Psalter. Thus, the year 863 in the history of Slavic culture is marked as the year of the creation of the Slavic alphabet, which marked the beginning of Slavic enlightenment.

Slide 9

The history of the creation of Slavic writing has one very interesting riddle. In the 9th century, two systems appeared among the Slavs almost simultaneously: one was called the Glagolitic alphabet, and the other - the Cyrillic alphabet. Which alphabet - Cyrillic or Glagolitic - was invented by Constantine the Philosopher? Many scholars tend to believe that the first Slavic alphabet was the Glagolitic alphabet. Others believe that Saint Cyril invented the Cyrillic alphabet. Perhaps the first teachers of the Slavs created both of these writing systems, but later the Cyrillic alphabet became the most widespread, which became the basis of the modern Russian alphabet. But no matter how later these questions are resolved by science, the evidence historical sources about the brothers Cyril and Methodius, as the creators of Slavic writing and book culture, remains unchanged.

Slide 10

slide 11

He is the most prayerful in the world, He arose by the will of God, The language of our marvelous Psalter And patristic books.

slide 12

Since 1992, the celebration of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture in our country has acquired a state character. For more than 20 years now, on May 24, religious processions from Moscow churches have been sent to the monument to the holy brothers on Slavyanskaya Square, and His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia performs a festive prayer service in honor of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius.

slide 13


Slide 14

The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is a holiday of enlightenment, a holiday of the native word, native book, native literature, native culture. Learning various sciences in our native language, we, in the words of the ancient Russian chronicler, reap what was sown by the most ancient enlighteners of Russia, who adopted writing from the first teachers of the Slavic peoples - Saints Cyril and Methodius.

slide 15

slide 16

1. Who created the Slavic alphabet? (Cyril and Methodius) 2. What year is considered the year of the emergence of Slavic writing and book business? (863) 3. Why are Cyril and Methodius called "Thessalonica brothers"? (Birthplace of brothers-enlighteners the city of Thessalonica in Macedonia) 4. What name in the world before the monastic vows did Cyril wear? (Konstantin) 5. Who was the elder brother: Cyril or Methodius? (Methodius) 6. Which of the brothers was a librarian, and who was a warrior? (Cyril is a librarian, Methodius is a military leader, like his father) 7. What was Cyril called for his intelligence and diligence? (Philosopher) 8. What city in Russia became the center of Slavic printing and the foundation of the Cyril and Methodius Society? (Kyiv) 9. In what script were the first Slavic written monuments written? (Glagolitic) 10. What language is the oldest literary language? (Slavic) 11. Name the works Ancient Russia written in Old Russian. ("The Tale of Bygone Years", "Russian Truth" - a set of laws, "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", "Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh", etc.) .How many letters were there in Cyrillic before Peter the Great? (43 letters)

Slide 17

14. How many letters did the modern alphabet have after the revolution? (33 letters) 15. Who was the first printer in Russia? (Ivan Fedorov) 16. When did his first book come out and what was it called? (in the 16th century, "The Apostle") 17. Which alphabet is older: Cyrillic or Glagolitic? (Glagolitic) 18. What letters were invented in the 18th century for sounds that did not exist in the Old Church Slavonic language? (ё, й) 19. Which Greek emperor sent the enlighteners Cyril and Methodius to Moravia? (Mikhail -III) 20. Name the great Russian scientist who created the "theory of 3 calms" (Lomonosov) 21. Which group of languages ​​does the Slavic languages ​​belong to? (Indo-European) 22. Which alphabet does the Cyrillic alphabet go back to? (To the Greek statutory letter) 23. What are the three large groups of modern Slavic languages? (East Slavic, West Slavic, South Slavic) 24. What was the name of the church manuscripts “written in Russian characters” that Konstantin saw in Korsun (Crimea)? (Gospel, Psalter) 25. Name the first dated written monument of the Old Russian language (Ostromir Gospel) 26. When were three independent languages ​​formed: Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian? (In the XIII-XVI centuries)

"Day of Slavic Literature and Culture" is congratulations, gifts, postcards, pictures, poems and celebration scenarios.

The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is celebrated in Russia on May 24. The celebration of this day is timed to the day of memory of the first teachers of the Slavic peoples - the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius. On this day, festivals and concerts are held in all cities of the country. Every year, some city in Russia becomes the host of the holiday. The following cities have already played this role: Samara, Murmansk, Novgorod, Kostroma, Vladimir, Smolensk, Yaroslavl, Belgorod, Orel, Moscow, Pskov, Ryazan, Kaluga, Novosibirsk, Voronezh.



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The presentation was prepared by: teacher of Russian language and literature Kuadzhe Asya Shumafovna

Cyril and Methodius with students. Fresco of the monastery "Saint Naum", now in the Republic of Macedonia The disciples of Cyril and Methodius Constantine Preslavsky, Gorazd Ohridsky, Clement Ohridsky, Savva Ohridsky, Naum Ohridsky, Angelariy Ohridsky, Lawrence

Day of Slavic Literature and Culture May 24 Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. The holiday was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated January 30, 1991 N 568-I "On the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture." Every year on May 24, in all Slavic countries, Saints Cyril and Methodius, the creators of Slavic writing, are solemnly glorified. On May 24, the Church commemorates the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius. The brothers were Orthodox monks, the Slavic alphabet was created in a Greek monastery. Slavic writing was created in the 9th century, around 862. The new alphabet was called "Cyrillic" after the name of the Byzantine Constantine, who, having taken monasticism, became Cyril. And his elder brother Methodius helped him in the charitable work of educating the Slavic peoples.

The characters of the Greek statutory alphabet served as a model for writing Cyrillic letters. The first books in Cyrillic were also written in the charter. The charter is such a letter when the letters are written directly at the same distance from each other, without inclination - they are, as it were, "lined". The letters are strictly geometric, vertical lines are usually thicker than horizontal ones, there is no gap between words. Old Russian manuscripts of the 9th - 14th centuries were written

From the middle of the 14th century, the semi-charter became widespread, which was less beautiful than the charter, but allowed you to write faster. There was a slope in the letters, their geometry is not so noticeable; the ratio of thick and thin lines is no longer maintained; The text has already been divided into words.

In the 15th century, semi-ustav gave way to cursive writing. Manuscripts written in the "quick custom" are distinguished by the coherent writing of neighboring letters, the sweeping of the letter. In cursive writing, each letter had many spellings. With the development of speed, signs of individual handwriting appear.

The oldest book in Russia, written in Cyrillic, is the Ostromir Gospel of 1057. This Gospel is kept in St. Petersburg, in the library of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

A poem about Cyril and Methodius We glorify our holy Russia! By the great names of the Orthodox, dear to our thoughts and hearts, How did you get through anxiety, through illiteracy, enmity? Methodius and Constantine enlightened you by word of mouth! Natives of Thessalonica Russia was praised, Revered as a native, outlining the letters, Ancestors of Sophia reigned on Earth And from May to May we praise your names everywhere. We already sculpted a monument in your honor in Moscow And inscribed your faces on the canvas with immortality! Cyril and Methodius are two unified brothers who have passed their valiant path, who have found spiritual strength and shelter in the Slavs! (Krivoborodenko Vladimir, Orel)

Veneration Revered as saints both in the East and in the West. In Russian Orthodoxy, the days of memory of saints: Cyril - February 14 (February 27, according to a new style), Methodius - April 6 (days of repose). The holiday in honor of Cyril and Methodius is a public holiday in Russia (since 1991), Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the Republic of Macedonia. In Russia, Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia, the holiday is celebrated on May 24; in Russia and Bulgaria it bears the name of the Day of Slavic Culture and Literature, in Macedonia - the Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the holiday is celebrated on July 5th.

Samara Sevastopol (opened in 2008)

The celebration does not have any once and for all approved scenario. Typical events over the 20 years of holding the Days in Russia have become scientific symposiums or conferences devoted to the problems of culture, civilization, Slavic world, as well as concerts, meetings with writers and poets in parks, gardens, libraries, houses of culture and thematic screenings of feature films, and exhibitions, competitions and festivals. Days of Slavic writing and culture also include divine liturgies, religious processions, children's pilgrimage missions to the monasteries of Russia. › meta/meta1s.htm › wiki / Cyril _ and _ Methodius › alphabet of Cyril and Methodius Sources


Lesson - conversation "Where did the Slavic writing come from"

(To the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture)

GBOU "Adyghe Republican Gymnasium"

Prepared by:

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Kuadzhe Asya Shumafovna

Target : to intensify students' interest in Slavic writing; create conditions for demonstrating knowledge and skills in the field of Slavic writing.

Lesson type : a lesson in consolidating previously studied material.

Type of lesson: lesson - conversation.

During the classes .

  1. Introductory part.

I love my native language.

It is clear to everyone

He is melodious.

He, like the Russian people, is many-sided,

As our power, mighty.

If you want, write songs, hymns,

If you want, you will express the pain of the soul.

As if the flesh of the earth, tenacious.

Learn your native language!

It has magic in it

And the triumph of human hopes.

He is also a living spring in the books.

Comprehend, as life, it.

A. Yashin

  • With this poem, we open a lesson dedicated to day Slavic writing and culture.
  • Today we will once again be convinced that "we have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language" (K.G. Paustovsky)
  1. Our lesson will be held in a creative workshop - "History of Language".
  • Dear experts and lovers of the Russian language!
  • We will make a fascinating journey through the pages of Slavic writing and talk about the history of the language. (Slide 1)
  1. Word of the teacher (May 24 in all countries where the Slavs live, celebrate the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture - in the application).
  2. History reference.
  • O Slavic writing -student's message (in the application - slides 5,6,7).
  • Saints Cyril and Methodius -message (in the application - slide 2)
  • New alphabet was named " Cyrillic » by the monastic name of Constantine - message (attached).
  • The alphabet and alphabet of Cyril and Methodius (Cyrillic) - in the application (Slide 4)
  1. About the holiday of Slavic writing(in the application).

The celebration does not have any once and for all approved scenario. Typical events over the 20 years of the Days in Russia have become scientific symposiums or conferences devoted to the problems of culture, civilization, the Slavic world, as well as concerts, meetings with writers and poets in parks, gardens, libraries, houses of culture and thematic screenings of feature films, and exhibitions, competitions and festivals.

Days of Slavic writing and culture also include divine liturgies, religious processions, children's pilgrimage missions to the monasteries of Russia.

(Slides 11-14).

  • Final word.

The greatest value of a nation is its language, in which it writes, speaks, and thinks. After all, this means that the entire conscious life of a person passes through his native language. The Russian language is one of the most perfect languages ​​in the world, a language that has been developing for over a millennium, giving rise to the world's best literature and poetry in the 19th century.

  • Krivoborodenko Vladimir wrote poem about Cyril and Methodius Attached) Slide 10.

Material used.>meta/meta1s.htm,>wiki/Cyril_and_Methodius, images>ABC of Cyril and Methodius (Slide 15).

Annually May 24 in all Slavic countries celebrate Day of Slavic Writing and Culture

and solemnly glorify the creators

Slavic writing

Saints Cyril and Methodius - Slovenian teachers.

First Day of Slavonic Literature

in modern Russia celebrated in 1986. The address of the holiday changed every year:

in 1986 it was Murmansk, in 1987 - Vologda, in 1988 - Novgorod, in 1989 - Kyiv, in 1990 - Minsk ...

The holiday is many-sided and varied.

He turns people

not only to the origins of writing,

but it also awakens creativity, increases civic activity, awakens national self-consciousness.

Holiday May 24 far exceeds the framework of the culture of kindred Slavic peoples, has a wide public resonance, demonstrates our spiritual closeness to the ancient Russian culture and expresses a huge creative need

in the realization of love for one's people, for one's Motherland.

In 2013 the world

celebrated 1150 years

since the emergence of Slavic writing -

In the city of Pliska, the then capital of Bulgaria, the Thessalonica brothers Cyril and Methodius announced the invention of the Slavic alphabet.

Today Russians celebrate a special holiday -

holiday of the native word, Slavic culture and Christian enlightenment.

who became the first enlighteners of Russia.

This day began to be celebrated in Russia

from the second half of the 19th century, but according to some

reasons were forgotten.

Only since 1991, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation

and it was given the status of a public holiday, which testifies to its great significance.

The history of the creation of the alphabet

The new alphabet was named "Cyrillic"

named after one of the brothers, Constantine, who, having taken monasticism, became Cyril.

And his elder brother Methodius helped him in the charitable work of educating the Slavic peoples.

Cyril, who from an early age showed great abilities and perfectly comprehended all the sciences of his time, and also studied many languages, based on the Greek created the Slavic alphabet. He significantly changed the Greek alphabet in order to more accurately convey the Slavic sound system.

Two alphabets were created - Glagolitic and Cyrillic.

In addition, the Greek brothers translated the Gospel, the Apostle and the Psalter into Slavonic. The Day of Remembrance of these saints as the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture began to be celebrated in Bulgaria back in the 19th century, and then this tradition passed to other countries: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova. Currently, scientific forums are dedicated to this holiday, festivals, exhibitions, book fairs, poetry readings, amateur art shows, concerts and various other cultural events are held.

By the way, for the contribution of Saints Cyril and Methodius

in the culture of Europe, Pope John Paul II in 1980 declared them patrons of the Old Continent.

Memorial Day of the First Teachers of the Slavic Peoples - Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Brothers Cyril and Methodius

history of the holiday

  • 1986- the revival of the holiday
  • 1991- approved as a public holiday
  • Every year some Russian city becomes the host of the holiday
  • In all cities festivals, concerts

Slavic alphabets: Cyrillic and Glagolitic



In 893, the Cyrillic alphabet appeared, which eventually replaced the Glagolitic alphabet in all Slavic countries

Cyril and Methodius "translated" the sounds of the Slavic language

on parchment

by using

that verb.

Letter styles

not preserved

Church Slavonic alphabet

Russian alphabet

The oldest book in Russia, written in Cyrillic, -

Ostromir Gospel - 1057

During the time of Peter the Great, changes were made

in the styles of some letters, and 11 letters were excluded

from the alphabet. The new alphabet has become poorer in content,

but simpler and more adapted to printing various civil business papers. That's how he got the name "civilian". In 1918, a

new alphabet reform, and Cyrillic lost

four more letters: yat, and (I), izhitsu, fitu.

"Primer in faces"

Karion Istomin

Karion Istomin - famous publisher, teacher, translator, public figure of the 17th century. Educated at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. At the Moscow Printing Yard, he worked as a scribe, reader (proofreader), referee (editor) and, finally, a publisher. He taught Greek and Latin at the typographical school. He was a court poet and teacher of the children of the royal family, like Simeon of Polotsk. For the education of the royal children (including the young Peter I), he created several educational books that have been preserved in manuscripts, including the Small Grammar. But his main merit lies in the creation "Primer in faces", those. front (illustrated) primer, work on which continued for several years.

First, a handwritten copy was prepared, painted with gold and paints, which the compiler presented in 1692 to the mother of Peter I, Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna, for her grandson, Tsarevich Alexei. Another copy of the handwritten primer was given to the cousins ​​of the tsarevich, the young daughters of Tsar Ivan Alekseevich.

At the same time, work was underway to prepare for the publication of the "Primer" for its wider distribution. But for publishing in a typographical way, the "Primer" presented certain difficulties, since it was richly illustrated. To fulfill his plan, K. Istomin attracted a famous engraver - printer Leonty Bunin, a specialist in engraving

on copper plates. He owned a mill for printing engravings from copper boards. At that time, such a camp did not even exist.

in the oldest center of Russian book printing -

at the Moscow Printing House.

The printed edition of the "Primer" was published in 1694

in the Moscow Printing House in circulation

106 copies.

The primer has 44 leaves and opens with a frontispiece, which contains text in a curly frame explaining the content and purpose of the book.

In total it has more

400 drawings. Each page ends with verses

in which the objects are also named

to the desired letter.

For example, poetry

to the letter "K".

as the texts of the books are together

with illustrations, in addition to teaching reading, expanded

student horizons.

This "Primer" is of great interest also because its compiler used the principle of visual learning following the Czech teacher Jan Amos Comenius,

whose works he was familiar with. In this "Primer",

unlike the previous ones (for example, from the alphabet of I. Fedorov), there are no syllable combinations.

Such methods are only

for more than a hundred years, in the 19th century, they were used in Russian primers. Simultaneously with learning to read, the child learned to write. Students are offered different styles of printed and lowercase letters. By copying writing samples, students learned the material better. Of the church texts, the "Primer" includes short prayers. We point out another undoubted advantage

"Primer" by K. Istomin, which reflects the progressive outlook of the compiler, - the primer is intended for teaching boys and girls -

“To those who have, learn to write to the lads and maidens, husband and wives.”

The value of the Primer also lies in its typographical execution. The publication was a significant step forward in the development of printing,

in the spread of Russian engraving on metal.

Thus, on the threshold of the 18th century, a new textbook was created, reflecting the pedagogical ideas of the Russian enlightener, new trends in Russian art XVII century, Western European artistic trends and encyclopedic ideas of the Russian person of the 17th century. The publication, of course, is a monument of book culture, shows the level of development of education and pedagogical thought, and is the forerunner of the development of education in the 18th century.

And dear Russia will glorify Holy apostles of the Slavs, And, with the sweet sound of their names Saying your prayers From age to age, from generation to generation She will keep their memory!

Ministry Agriculture Russian Federation


Petukhov College of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture -branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education

“Kurgan State Agricultural Academy named after T.S. Maltsev"

Tymoshenko T.I.



Petukhovo 2013

Considered by the Methodological Council

Petukhovsky technical school MESH

Reviewer: Potapova I.A.,head of VR department

Petukhov College of the Ministry of Agriculture.

This methodological the development is multifunctional: the material can be used both by class teachers to prepare and conduct an information class hour, and by teachers of the Russian language and literature for use in classes in the first-year study group of a secondary specialized educational institution.

©T.I.Timoshenko, 2013

Petukhovsky technical school MESH

Methodological substantiation of the topic of the class hour…………………………..... 4

Class hour plan.……… …………………………………………………... 6

Information card………………………………………………………….7

Didactic material for class hour…………………………………. ..eight

List of Web pages for students…………………………………………..24

List of Web pages for the teacher…………………………………………24

Appendix …………………………………………………………………….25

Methodological substantiation of the theme of the class hour

This methodical development classroom hour was made on the theme "May 24 - Day of Slavic Literature and Culture." The topic is relevant for the present moment: in the absence of a national idea, the issue of national unity of the citizens of our country is very important, and the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture -the only holiday of national culture in Russia. And besides, now, in the period of the rapid development of the Internet, the acceleration of the rhythm of life, speech space, the decrease in the volume of reading, paying attention to this holiday is very important for us to remember the basics of our culture.

The form of the class hour is a lecture.

The teacher's lecture is accompanied by a presentation, the slides of which are selected taking into account the age characteristics of the students.

methodical the development of a class hour is multifunctional: the material can be used both by class teachers to prepare and conduct an information class hour, and by teachers of the Russian language and literature for use in the classroom in the first year study group of a secondary specialized educational institution.

This development can be used to conduct an extracurricular information event without making changes and amendments, and it is also possible to choose another masterpiece ancient Russian literature depending on the characteristics of a particular study group (in the development we are talking about "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" in connection with the recent introduction of the holiday Day of Family, Love and Fidelity).

Information work in the study groups on Old Russian writing seems boring and uninteresting to the students, therefore, each information block is accompanied by an illustration on the presentation slide, due to which the students' attention is focused on what the teacher is talking about.

The main objectives of the classroom:

  • present the history of the Russian language and the history of Slavic writing in the multicultural information space of modern Russia, consider it as an integral part of the cultural and spiritual heritage of the modern world community;
  • to demonstrate to students the historical and cultural connection of the peoples inhabiting Russia;
  • trace the development of Russian writing;
  • to cultivate in students an interest and respect for the history, language and traditions of the people, a sense of patriotism.

The Classroom hour was conducted by students of the second year of the Petukhov College of the Ministry of Agriculture on May 24, 2013.


List of Web pages for students

Russian Orthodox Church[Electronic resource] / Official site of the Moscow Patriarch. - M., 2005. Access mode:

Russian State Library [Electronic resource] / Official site. - M., 1999. Access mode: List State Public Historical Library[Electronic resource] / Directorate of the GPIB of Russia. - M., 2001. Access mode: