Class hour “We have been bequeathed to protect this world. Class hour "we are bequeathed to protect the world" First lesson to us the world is bequeathed to protect

Class hour "We are bequeathed to protect this world"

Composed by: primary school teacher

MOU "Kazan secondary school" of the Sernur district of the RME

Smolentseva Tatiana Grigorievna


Contribute to the education of patriotism, cooperation, a responsible attitude towards peace on Earth.


to consolidate knowledge about state symbols;

develop speech, logical thinking, memory;

foster a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance

Equipment : computer, projector, presentation, blue paper planet model, balloons, dove stencils, colored paper, scissors.

Work plan:

1.Org. moment. Definition of the topic and goals.

3. Talking about the world

4. "Replace with antonyms"

6 reading poetry

8. Summary.

1.Org moment. Definition of the topic and goals.

Dear guys, today we will talk about what worries every person, because without this it is very difficult, scary and sometimes even impossible to live. -What will it be about?

Slide 2

Guess the riddles, read the keyword:

1. I am sure, friends, you will guessThat old fortress in the center of Moscow.Stars shine brightly on the spiersOn the tower there the Spasskaya chimes are ringing.(KREMLIN)

2. There are many different songs in the world,But this one is most important to us,She, as a symbol of the state,Known to everyone.(HYMN)

What is a hymn? What other symbols of the state do you know?

Hear another riddle

3. It complements the anthem and flag,Any country is the main sign.Russia has a special one,You try to name it. (COAT OF ARMS)

- What word came out? (Peace)

2.Defining the meaning of the word WORLD

Slide 3

That's right, we're going to talk about peace.

What is the world?

The word peace has many meanings:

1. The world in a broad sense - everything that exists,Universe

2.The world in a narrower sense is a planetEarth

3. World - the name of any planet. Used synonymously with planet.

4. Peace - calmness, absence of war, peace.

What is the world for?

3. Talking about the world

Our country, Russia, is powerful and huge. If we want to travel from one corner of the country to another, then the fastest plane will have to fly all day. Our country is so big that when it’s night on one side and all the people are asleep, on the other side of the country, in other cities and villages, the guys play. It is cold in one part of our country, and very hot in the other at this time. This is our amazing country. Many poems and songs have been composed about our country, about Russia.People of different nationalities live in it in peace and harmony. We live under a peaceful sky. But it was not always cloudless and peaceful ...

Do you know what kind of wars the people of our country had to experience?

Very soon, our country will celebrate a great date - 70 years from the end of the Great Patriotic War. It lasted more than four years, 1418 days and nights. This terrible war claimed the lives of more than 20 million Soviet people. That is the price at which a peaceful sky was conquered. ANDthis is a huge merit of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who at the cost of their lives defended our land from the Nazis.Then the Soviet army defended our land. The blood of Soviet soldiers stopped shedding, people began to return to a peaceful life.

Slide 4 -10 (change slides - automatically)

Of course, it is difficult for you to imagine that even now in different parts of the Earth, and even very close to us, the peaceful sky is covered with soot and smoke from exploding shells and bombs, fires that destroy the houses of civilians.Very young soldiers, yesterday's schoolchildren, are sent to the war. And how their parents have to worry! All this is happening in our friendly country, Ukraine. Many residents are forced to leave their homes, to leave their country, hiding from bombs and shells.

Why is this happening?

There is a lot of evil in the world around us now, a lot of ruthless, irresponsible people. And evil, enmity and misunderstanding lead to war.

Is it possible to avoid hostilities?

How? How to make sure that there is no violence, tears, pain, despair?

(We must take a responsible attitude to the conflicts that arise between different countries, and solve the problems that have arisen through negotiations, agreements, be able to negotiate peacefully.)

4. Replace with antonyms

Slide 11

Synonyms for war are the words: evil, enmity, hatred, cruelty, inhumanity.We must always remember this, not quarrel, not get angry, not swear, but be kind, have many friends. Let's replace these "dark" words with antonyms.

Evil is kindness

Enmity - friendliness

Hate is love

Cruelty is mercy

Inhumanity - generosity

Indifference - responsiveness

These wonderful human qualities are not given to a person from birth. They develop when a person learns to be better, to do good deeds. If all people had these wonderful qualities, then there would always be a peaceful sky above our heads.

5. Group work "Collect proverbs about the world and the Motherland"

Slide 12

Let's remember and compose proverbs about the world and the Motherland. Let's work in groups (cards with proverbs are distributed from the application)

Peace builds and war destroys.
- Do not spare your life or strength for your Motherland.
- Peace on the planet happy children

One man has one mother and one Motherland

Amicably for peace there will be no war.

A thin world is better than a good quarrel.

What other proverbs about peace and homeland do you know?

Slide 13

To live in the world - to live in peace.

Peace is a great thing.

Everyone loves their native side.
There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland

A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.
From your native land - die, do not leave

Homeland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

Who is a mountain for the Motherland - a true hero

6 reading poetry

1. Moms, dads,
all adults!
Hear the voice of your children:
Let there be no nuclear explosions forever,
Block the path of war soon!

2. We need peace on a blue planet,
Both adults and children want it.
They want, waking up at dawn,
Do not remember, do not think about the war.

3. We need peace to build cities,
Plant trees and work in the field.
All people of goodwill want it.
We need peace forever! Forever and ever!

4. For friendship, for smiles and for meetings
We inherited the planet.
We are bequeathed to protect this world
And this amazing land.

5. Bequeathed to protect us this world-
So unique at dawn
Since childhood, he is very dear to us and dear,
We are responsible for the future of the world.

6. We will not let you become ashes and ashes
That which is called the beauty of the earth.
May the sky over the Earth be peaceful
Let the sonorous childhood laugh forever!

7. You will paint a bright sun
I will paint a blue sky
He will draw ears of bread
We'll paint autumn leaves
School, friends, restless stream ...
We will cross out with our common brush
Shots, explosions, fire and wars .

7. Collective work. Peace poster.

Slide 14

And now I propose to contribute to the cause of peace, to do collective work - a poster about peace.

Do you know what is the symbol of peace?

To make the planet Earth more beautiful, let's decorate it with doves and our palms, cut out of colored paper, with the wishes of peace.

(The poster is made on a round blue template of the planet Earth prepared in advance, doves are cut out according to the template on white paper, palms on colored paper.)

An audio recording of the song "Solar Circle" sounds

8. Summary.

How good it is to live under a peaceful sky, play, rejoice, have friends. Let's all take care of this world together!

Literature: 1.Riddles: 2. verses:.

Class hour "We are bequeathed to protect the world"


    Expand children's knowledge of the world as an absolute value;

    Contribute to the education of patriotism, cooperation, a responsible attitude towards peace on Earth;

    Contribute to fostering a sense of pride in their country;

Equipment: computerep,model of the planet from blue paper, stencils of doves.

Work plan:

1.Org. moment. Definition of the topic and goals.

2.Defining the meaning of the word WORLD

3. Talking about the world

4. "Replace with antonyms"

6 reading poetry

8. Summary.

1.Org moment. Definition of the topic and goals.

So the summer turned its last page, and with it the fun holidays with games, travel and interesting meetings ended. But this should not upset you, because the Land of Knowledge is opening its doors in front of you again - a country in which you will not have to be bored, in which you will become more mature and smarter. I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge!

Dear guys, today we will talk about what worries every person, because without this it is very difficult, scary and sometimes even impossible to live.

What will it be about?

2.Conversation on the topic

Let's ohtgadaeatpuzzlesand andreadeatkeywordin a crossword puzzle:

1. There are many different songs in the world,
But this one is most important to us,
She, as a symbol of the state,
Known to everyone. (HYMN)

What is a hymn?(This is one of the symbols of the state, its main song). Every citizen should know the anthem of his country. A hymn is a song to be listened to while standing. At the same time, men should take off their headdress.

2. Such a sign will come in handy for you:
Happiness to the one with whom he settles.
He nests
viet at home il pillar,
In his beak, he carries the kids to the family.

This bird is unofficially a symbol of our native Belarus.

Hear another riddle

3. It complements the anthem and flag,
Any country is the main sign.
HaveBelarushe is special
You try to name it. (COAT OF ARMS)

(Our coat of arms is like a peaceful sunny day. The rising sun and its rays seem to support the earth. Our earth is surrounded by a wreath of ears. So that the ears do not crumble, they are pulled together with a ribbon that resembles our flag.

The flag is also one of the symbols of the state.

Ornament-hard work

Red is courage

Green - the beauty and richness of nature













What word came out? (Peace)

3 .Defining the meaning of the word WORLD

That's right, we're going to talk about peace.

What is the world?

The word peace has many meanings:

1. The world in a broad sense - everything that exists,Universe

2.The world in a narrower sense is a planetEarth

3 .Peace is tranquility, friendly relations,no war, peace.

What is the world for?

3. Talking about the world

Guys, we live with you in a country in which peace reigns.Our countriesbut big and beautiful.

What is the name of the country in which we live? (Belarus)

If you drive all over Belarus, you can see a lot of beautiful, interesting and amazing things.

The largest untouched forests are located on the territory of Belarus. For example, the famous, it is the largest ancient forest in Europe, with about 2,000 trees, and some are up to 500 years old.(visibility)

Our country is rich in blue lakeswith clear clear water, there are about ten thousand of them, the purest springs. One of them is the Blue Well, it is located in the Mogilev region and is considered the largest springm in Belarus. (visibility)

Against the backdrop of this natural splendorBeautifulold castles and estates look. HFor example, the Mir Castle near the town of Nesvizh.(visibility)

one of the largest Europe with an area of ​​about 153 hectares.(visibility)

Also, the property of Belarus is the National Library. which is made in the form of a diamond (clarity)

In Belarus in the city of Zhodino onthe world's largest dump truck BelAZ-75710 with a payload capacity of 450 tons was built at an automobile plant. (clarity
There are good conditions for spa treatment in Belarus, there are a lot of mineralized springs.

But the main wealth of the country is its hospitable and wonderful people..

And also, guys, the main wealth of our country is that wewe live with you under a peaceful sky.

And now, guys, I suggest you watch a video clip about our beautiful country, about our Belarus.(video)

As I said, the main wealth is that you and I live under a peaceful sky.

But it was not always cloudless and peaceful ...

Last 2015our country is celebratinglagreat date - 70 years since the end of the Great Patriotic War. It lasted more than four years.Both men and women and even children fought!This terrible war claimed the lives of over 20 millionHuman.

I bring to your attention one more video. Look at it carefully.(video).

- Do you think it was easy to fight and live in wartime? (Of course not.)

HereTAt what price the peaceful sky was won. ANDthis is a huge merit of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who at the cost of their lives defended our land from the Nazis.Victory in the Great Patriotic War is a feat of many peoples who united against fascism. ( Lit wa, Latvia I, Belarus, Moldavi I, Estonia I)MWe must remember this and at all times try to maintain peace in our land.


There is a lot of evil in the world around us now, a lot of ruthless, irresponsible people. And evil, enmity and misunderstanding lead to war.

Is it possible to avoid hostilities?

How? How to make sure that there is no violence, tears, pain, despair?

(We must take a responsible attitude to the conflicts that arise between different countries, and solve the problems that have arisen through negotiations, agreements, be able to negotiate peacefully.)

4. Replace with antonyms

Guys What associations do you have when you hear the word "war"?

Synonyms for war are the words: evil, enmity, hatred, cruelty, inhumanity.We must always remember this, not quarrel, not get angry, not swear, but be kind, have many friends. Let's replace these "dark" wordsother "bright, good" words (on the board - connect with an arrow)

Evil is kindness

Enmity - friendliness

Hate is love

Cruelty is mercy

Inhumanity - generosity

Indifference - responsiveness

These wonderful human qualities are not given to a person from birth. They develop when a person learns to be better, to do good deeds. If all people had these wonderful qualities, then there would always be over our headswouldpeaceful sky.

5. Group work "Collect proverbs about the world and the Motherland"

Now guys, let's get inlet's remember the proverbs about the world and the Motherland.And for this nwe will work in groupsand every group will try to put together a proverb(cards with proverbs are distributed)

Peace builds and war destroys.
- Do not spare your life or strength for your Motherland.
- Peace on the planet happy children

One man has one mother and one Motherland

Amicably for peace there will be no war.

A thin world is better than a good quarrel.

- Flowers need the sun, and people need peace.

- The peoples need peace, not a military uniform.

Peace is happiness for the people

6 reading poetry

1. Moms, dads,
all adults!
Hear the voice of your children:
Let there be no nuclear explosions forever,
Block the path of war soon!

2. We need peace on a blue planet,
Both adults and children want it.
They want, waking up at dawn,
Do not remember, do not think about the war.

3. We need peace to build cities,
Plant trees and work in the field.
All people of goodwill want it.
We need peace forever! Forever and ever!

4 . You will paint a bright sun
I will paint a blue sky
He will draw ears of bread
We'll paint autumn leaves
School, friends, restless stream ...
We will cross out with our common brush
Shots, explosions, fire and wars .

7. Collective work. Peace poster.

And now I propose to do a collective work - a poster about peace.

- Guys, look, what kind of bird is in my hands? (Pigeon)

Right! A dove is a bird that is a symbol of peace.

To make planet Earth more beautiful, let's decorate it with bluekami.

(The poster is made on a round blue template of the planet Earth prepared in advance, pigeons are cut out according to the template on white paper .)

An audio recording of the song “ We are bequeathed to protect this world »

8. Summary.

How good it is to live under a peaceful sky, play, rejoice, have friends. Let's all take care of this world together!

On April 21, the rural settlement "Khoyto-Aga" continued the regional ecological project dedicated to the Year of Ecology, initiated by the Central Regional Library named after B.-B. Namsaraeva "Our destiny is in the fate of nature" within the framework of the 80th anniversary of the district. The guests of the presentation were Dashi Dugarov, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Trans-Baikal Territory, Tsyrendashi Sandanov, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Aginsky Buryat District, Bulat Balzhinimaev, Head of the Department of National Culture and Sports of the Administration of the Aginsky Buryat District, Bilikto Yumov, Chairman of the Council of the Municipal District "Aginsky District", lama the astrologer of the Aginsky datsan Munko-Zhargal Bazarov, many compatriots - natives of the village, elders, veterans.

The event had not only educational, but also educational tasks - to deepen knowledge of the ecological state of the native land, nature protection, rational use of natural resources, to develop the ecological culture of the population, to form a sense of care for the nature around us. In the foyer of the Children's School of Arts. KI Bazarsadaev opened a book exhibition "Cover the planet with a gentle hand", which was presented by the honored worker of culture of the Trans-Baikal Territory, head of the Khoyto-Aginsky branch library Bairma Batoroeva. “Look around: what a wonderful, wonderful world surrounds us - forests, fields, rivers, mountains, sky, sun, animals, birds. It's nature! Our life is inseparable from it. Nature feeds, drinks, dresses us. She is generous and selfless! " - with these words she opened a review of unique books. "Earth is our home! Doesn't she deserve our love, generosity, to protect her from destruction, exhaustion and death ?! Our planet is seriously ill: the forest is dying at the hands of people, fires, rivers and lakes are polluted, the soil is poisoned with pesticides, garbage is thrown out in the wrong place - this kills the nurse Earth! Take care of her! " - the theme of her speech was permeated with anxiety and pain.

"People! Don't kill in vain.

After all, rivers without fish are not rivers,

After all, a sky without birds is not a sky,

A land without animals is not a land,

And we can't live without Earth! "

All the participants of the event took part in an exciting quiz.

Veteran of pedagogical work, Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation Baldan Zhalsabon (a great connoisseur of native nature) introduced the audience to the gifts of the Khoyto-Agin land - these are berries, medicinal herbs, with their beneficial properties for maintaining health. White food dishes were also presented to those present. The audience enjoyed trying boobo, uurag made from cow colostrum, all kinds of berries growing in our forests.

It was nice to see the beauty of the nature of Khoyto-Aga on the photo booth “This is our land with you”, the author of which is an amateur photographer, head of the JV “Khoyto-Aga” Tsypylma Bazarzhapova, an honored municipal employee of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Spectators were temporarily distracted from worries, household chores, bustle and plunged into the beauty and grandeur of the nature of their native land, felt the smell of herbs and flowers. The rainbow spread over the village has brought many back to their distant, barefoot childhood ... All this causes incredible pride and makes it clear how wonderful the reality around us is and how magnificent our Motherland is!

The presentation was embellished with a festive concert prepared by the efforts of the Khoito-Aginsky, schoolchildren of the Khoyto-Aginsky secondary school, and the Aginchan countrymen. Shown the film "Times of the connecting thread ...", filmed by the Aginsky television. The concert was opened by the veteran of pedagogical work Ts-D. Zhanchueva with the author's performance of the poem "Nyutagai magtaal". Songs about the native land were performed by soloists BJ Batomunkuev, D. Dondokov, A. Boroev, Z. Sandanov, M. Tungalanov, T. Dondokova, S. Bazarov. Poppuri of Buryat songs and Indian dance performed by graduates born in 1981 pleasantly surprised the audience. High school students cheerfully performed "Ehor" and Russian folk dance.

The event deeply touched the hearts and souls of the audience and everyone was unanimous in an outburst of assistance to their small homeland. May 1 in the village. An ecological action will take place in Hoito-Aga, we invite fellow countrymen and natives of Hoito-Aga to join us.

Administration of the MR "Aginsky District"

Galetskaya I.N.

« We are bequeathed to protect the world!»

Knowledge Day - 2016 in the Republic of Belarus

Target: Involving students in charity peacebuilding.

Tasks: expand students' understanding of the world as an absolute value; to form the image of the world as a way of life on Earth, to teach schoolchildren to cooperate and dialogue at the level of interaction between individuals, representatives of different national groups, different cultures, countries; to help instill in students a sense of pride in the peaceful policy of our state.

Equipment: exhibition of children's drawings "All the colors of the world", "We are for peace on the whole Earth!"; letters-word BELARUS; contour map of Belarus, cards with the names of neighboring countries; paper for making paper boats; phonogram of the song "Peace to the world"; family archives on the theme "Victory Soldiers".

Galetskaya Irina Nikolayevna,

educator I stage of general secondary education of the highest category

State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 7 of Novopolotsk", Belarus

Class hour dedicated to Victory Day

"We are bequeathed to protect this world"

The song "Cranes" (1st verse) is played by music by Y. Frenkel, to lyrics. R. Gamzatova.

1.War is no more harsh words.

War - there is no sadder word.

War is no holier word.

In the longing and glory of these years,

And on our lips is different

It cannot be and not yet. (A. Tvardovsky)

2. Every year on these May days, our people remember the terrible years of the war, honor the memory of the fallen, bow to the living. Although many years have passed since Victory Day, time has no power over the memory of people of different generations.

3. We are not here with you because of the date,

Like an evil shard, memory burns in my chest,

To the tomb of the Unknown Soldier

You come on holidays and weekdays.

He protected you on the battlefield

He fell without stepping back.

And this hero has a name-

The Great Army is a simple soldier.

4. More than 70 years have passed since that victorious spring, but each of us will shudder when we hear again for the first time the terrible phrases beating right in the heart: “Attention! Attention! Moscow is speaking. We are delivering an important government message. Citizens and citizens of the Soviet Union! Today, June 22, 1941 at 4 am, without any declaration of war, the German armed forces attacked the borders of the Soviet Union. "

The song "Sacred War". Music by V. I. Lebedev-Kumach, lyrics A.V. Alexandrova (1st verse)

5. The peaceful labor of the Soviet people was violated. The Great Patriotic War began. All people, young and old, rose to defend their homeland.

6. From the endless Siberian plain

To Polesie forests and swamps

The heroic people rose,

Our great Soviet people.

He came out: free and right,

Answering war to war,

Stand up for the native state,

For our mighty country (M. Isakovsky).

7. Every day of the Great Patriotic War at the front and in the rear was a feat, a manifestation of the boundless courage and resilience of the Soviet people, loyalty to the Motherland.

8. In the harsh days of the war, children stood next to the adults. Schoolchildren earned money for the defense fund, collected warm clothes for front-line soldiers, worked in military factories, were on duty on rooftops during air raids, and gave concerts in front of wounded soldiers in hospitals.

9. Then we were ten years old,

We remember the night of the war:

There is not a light in the windows,

They are darkened.

Who only lived ten years

Will remember forever

How, extinguishing the trembling light,

Trains were running.

Troops were being carried to the front in the dark

Children in the distant rear.

And the train at night without a dial tone

I left the stations.

10. In the occupied territory, the Nazis created concentration camps in which thousands of old people, women and children died.

11. But the great hour of reckoning has come,

The great day of the earth has arrived,

When Soviet soldiers

They crossed the Soviet border.

A formidable avalanche burst

Steel infantry and vehicles.

Swiftly, uncontrollably

With one thought - to Berlin.

12. And now it has come, this great long-awaited Victory Day! People have been waiting for this holiday for one thousand four hundred and eighteen days. Soviet soldiers marched thousands of kilometers, freeing our country and European countries from fascism.

13. More than 20 million Soviet people died in that terrible war, which means that every eighth inhabitant of our country died a heroic death.

14. A minute of silence is announced in honor of all those who died during the Second World War.

If everyone who died in this war were to devote a moment's silence, the population of the entire Earth would be silent for 30 years.

15 Let us adore those great years

To those glorious commanders and soldiers,

And to the marshals of the country, and to the privates,

Let us bow down to the dead and the living

To all those who cannot be forgotten

Let's bow, let's bow, friends,

The whole world, the whole world, the whole earth

Let's bow for that great fight.

16. Remember!

At what price is happiness won

Please remember!

18 we live in a troubled world

But it's not our fault

What are the words on the air:

"Oppression", "aggression", "war" ...

Restless living in the world

On the land of any country

If somewhere in the office

The plan of war is ripening,

Decisions are made:

How to multiply destruction

And wipe it off the face of the earth

Everything that people have erected! (S. Mikhalkov).

Bloom in the open

Forests and fields.

To the sun of peace and friendship

Climb higher and higher

Do not fall silent, in a powerful chorus:

"No to war!", "To the world, yes!"

20. Peace is the main word in the world.

Peace is very necessary for our planet!

Children need peace!

Adults need peace! Everyone needs peace!