Presentation on the topic "The history of the creation of the novel" War and Peace ". The novel "War and Peace"

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“To live honestly, one must be torn, confused, mistaken, start and quit, and start again and quit again, and always fight and be deprived, and calmness is a meanness of the soul” L.N. Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace": history of creation, originality

"All passions, all moments of human life, from the cry of a newborn child to the last outburst of feelings of a dying old man, all the sorrows and joys available to man - everything is in this picture!" N. Strakhov

Lesson plan: The history of the creation of the novel "War and Peace" The historical basis of the work Problems of the novel "War and Peace" The meaning of the title of the work Genre of the work

"On every day of labor you leave a piece of yourself in the inkwell" "War and Peace" ↓ 1863 - 1869

1857 meeting with the Decembrists Pushchin and Volkonsky 1825 uprising on Senate Square 1812 Patriotic War 1805 - 1806. War of Russia in alliance with Austria "I tried to write the history of the people"

A huge amount of material was accumulated about the historical events of 1805-1856, and the idea of ​​the novel changed. The events of 1812 were in the center, and the Russian people became the hero of the novel. 1857 After meeting with the Decembrists L.N. Tolstoy conceived a novel about one of them. The story "Decembrists" 1825 "Involuntarily I passed from the present to 1825, the era of delusions and misfortunes of my hero" 1812 "To understand my hero, I need to travel back to his youth" 1805 "I was ashamed to write about our triumph, without describing the failures and our shame "

Variants of the title of the novel "Three Pores" "1805" "All is well that ends well" "War and Peace"

2. Historical basis of the novel Volume 1 - 1805 Volume II - 1806-1811 Volume III - 1812 The climax of the novel - Battle of Borodino Volume IV - 1812-1813 Epilogue - 1820 15 years

3. Problems of the novel Causes of military failures in 1805 - 1806

The role of individuals in military events and in history (Kutuzov, Napoleon)

The problem of true and false patriotism

Search for the meaning of life (Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov)

4. The meaning of the title of the novel war world bloody battles, battles misunderstanding, enmity, disunity of people life of the people without war that “community, that unity, to which people should strive

5. The genre of the work "War and Peace" is one of the few books in the world literature of the 19th century, to which the title novel - epic is rightfully attached. Events of a large historical scale, general (and not private) life form the basis of its content; it reveals the historical process, achieved an unusually wide coverage of Russian life in all its strata and, as a result, the number of characters is so large, in particular characters from the folk environment; it shows the Russian national way of life ”. L. D. Opulskaya romance - epic

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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"War and Peace": the story of the creation of an epic novel

The presentation tells about the history of creation and features of the epic novel by Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace" ...

Slides and text of this presentation

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The history of the creation of the novel "War and Peace". Features of the genre.

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All passions, all moments of human life, from the cry of a newborn to the last outburst of feelings of a dying old man, all the sorrows and joys available to man - everything is in this picture! N. Strakhov

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The road to the novel "War and Peace"
Psychologism of the story "Childhood" (1852) Truth-seeking and deromantization of the war "Sevastopol stories" (1855) The people of the story "Cossacks" (1862)
"War and Peace" (1863 -1869)

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On every day of labor, you leave a piece of yourself in the inkwell. L. Tolstoy

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History of creation
1863-1869 Concept 1: 1856. The Decembrist returns from exile with his family; Concept 2: 1825 The Decembrists, their ideals ... Concept 3: 1812. The atmosphere of the formation of the ideals of Decembrism; Concept 4: 1805 The period of Russia's defeats and failures on the political front.

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Development of the idea "I tried to write the history of the people"
1856 Meeting with Pushchin and Volkonsky novel "The Decembrists" (heroes - Peter and Natalia Lobazov) 1825 Uprising on Senate Square 1812 Patriotic War 1805 War with Napoleon in alliance with Austria

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Work on the novel
Working in archives; Russian and foreign sources; Masonic books; Manuscripts of 1810-1820: memoirs of ordinary people and historical figures, memoirs, archives of the Volkonsky family; Meetings with participants, witnesses of the war; Visiting the Borodino field, creating a map of the disposition of troops.

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Title search
"Three pores" "1805" "All is well that ends well" "War and Peace"

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The meaning of the title
"War and Peace"
A state of society opposite to war; absence of war, strife and enmity between people. Calm, silence. Human society, community (world) Universe
Armed struggle between states or peoples. Fighting, hostile relationship with anything

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The truth lies in the brotherhood of people, people should not fight with each other. And all the characters show how a person approaches or departs from this truth. A.V. Lunacharsky
War and Peace
Kutuzov Bolkonsky P. Bezukhov Rostov
Napoleon Alexander the First Kuragin

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Heroes of the epic novel
More than 550 characters; The task is to "capture everything", to give the broadest panorama of Russian life at the beginning of the 19th century. Tolstoy said that his characters have no prototypes, but this is not the case.

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The genre of the work is an epic novel
EPICA is the largest genre form of the epic, a work depicting a large period of historical time or a significant, fateful event in the life of a nation (war, revolution, etc.). E. is characterized by: - ​​wide geographical coverage, - reflection of the life and everyday life of all strata of society, - nationality of the content (fusion of the author's and popular consciousness, expression of popular ideals, assessment of events in the light of popular ideas and values)

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The era in the novel
1 volume - the events of 1805 (the war between Russia in alliance with Austria and France, the Austerlitz and Shengraben battles) 2 volume - 1806-1807 (war in alliance with Prussia in 1806; Peace of Tilsit) 3 and 4 volumes - Patriotic War of 1812 (French army crossing the Niemen, Russian retreat, surrender of Smolensk, Battle of Borodino, council in Fili, abandonment of Moscow, partisan movement, flank March of Kutuzov, Battle of Tarutino, disintegration of the invading army) Epilogue - 1820 (secret noble societies)

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  • 1863-1869 work on the novel
  • 1868-1869 first edition
  • 1886 fifth lifetime edition (last)
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    • 1856 - "... I began to write a story with a well-known direction and a hero, who should be a Decembrist returning with his family to Russia"
    • 1825 - "Involuntarily I passed from the present to 1825, the era of delusions and misfortunes of my hero."
    • 1812 - "To understand him, I had to travel back to his youth, and his youth coincided with the glorious epoch of 1812 for Russia."
    • 1805-1807 - "I was ashamed to write about our triumph in the struggle against Bonaparte France, without describing our failures and our shame"
    • “So, from 1856 back to 1805, I intend to lead not one, but many of my heroines and heroes through the historical events of 1805, 1807, 1825 and 1856”
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    • modernity through the eyes of the Decembrist
    • the era of delusions and misfortunes of the hero - the Decembrist
    • era of popular celebration
    • era of failures and failures
    • from the history of the hero to the fate of the people
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    • "Three pores"
    • "1805"
    • "All is well that ends well"
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    • PEACE
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    МiРЪ - the universe; one of the lands of the universe; our earth, earth, light; all people, all the world, the human race; community, society of peasants; gathering.

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    • МiРъ - the universe, all the world, all people; peasant community
    • WORLD - absence of war, harmony, silence, peace confrontation between war and peace (antithesis) war invades the life of the world participation in the war of the peasant world
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    Artistic features of the novel

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    The work has the original genre form of an epic novel. This is a story about the fate of the Russian people in the era of the Napoleonic wars.

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    EPOPEAN is the largest genre form of the epic, which depicts a large period of historical time or a significant, fateful event in the life of a nation.

    The epic is characterized by:

    • wide geographic coverage
    • reflection of life and everyday life of all walks of life
    • nationality of content
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    Pictures of history:

    • Battle of Schengraben, Battle of Austerlitz, Peace of Tilsit, War of 1812, Moscow fire, partisan movement

    Public and political life:

    • Massony, the activities of Speransky, the first organizations of the Decembrists

    Huge spaces:

    • Petersburg, Moscow, estates Lysye Gory and Otradnoe, Austria, Smolensk, Borodino
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    "In the novel, family and historical scenes are fundamentally commensurate and equal in significance."

    S. Bocharov

    Portrayal of life from all walks of life:

    • Nobility, officials, army, peasants

    Wide panorama of everyday scenes:

    • Balls, receptions, dinners, hunting, theater visits, etc.
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    • I volume 1805
    • II volume 1806-1811gg
    • III volume 1812
    • IV volume 1812-1813
    • Epilogue 1820
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    "Every historical fact must be explained humanly" L. N. Tolstoy
    For the historian ... there are heroes; for an artist ... there must be people.
    The historian deals with the results of the event, the artist - with the very fact of the event. But an artist ... must be guided, like a historian, by historical materials.
    “The subject of history is the life of peoples and humanity ...
    The movement of peoples is not produced by power, not mental activity, not even a combination of both, as historians thought, but the activity of all people taking part in the event ... "

    Epic novel "War and Peace"

    All passions, all moments of human life ... all the sorrows and joys available to man - everything is in this picture!

    Critic N. Strakhov

    • The history of the creation of the novel.
    • Historical basis and problems.
    • The meaning of the title of the novel, heroes and composition.
    • The beginning of the novel. Acquaintance with the main characters.

    The history of the creation of the novel

    "War and Peace"

    1863 - 1869

    Years of work on the novel

    Meeting with Pushchin and Volkonsky; story "Decembrists"


    The uprising on Senate Square, "the era of delusions and misfortunes ... of a hero"


    Patriotic War, "a glorious era for Russia"; novel "Three pores"


    War with Napoleon in alliance with Austria; first chapters - "1805"


    The historical basis of the novel

    Three stages of Russia's struggle against Bonapartist France

    1805 - war on the territory of Austria

    I volume

    1812 - 1813 - Patriotic War

    III - IV volumes

    1806 - 1811 - war in Prussia II volume

    1820 - the time of the creation of secret societies


    • Causes of military failures 1805 - 1806
    • The role of individuals in history.
    • The role of the Russian people in the war with Napoleon.
    • The role of the nobility in the state.
    • The personality of a true citizen of Russia.
    • The peasant question.
    • Women's question.

    The meaning of the title of the novel, heroes and composition

    • In the novel over 550 actors.

    Not only bloody battles that bring death, but also the separation of people, their enmity, misunderstanding, selfish calculation.

    Not only a peaceful life without war, but also that community, that unity, to which people should strive.

    • "War" and "peace" - which defines the grouping of images in the novel.
    • "War"
    • "Peace"


    Distribute heroes into groups

    "People of the World"

    "People of War"

    Andrey Bolkonsky

    Vasily Kuragin

    Pierre Bezukhov

    Old Prince Bolkonsky

    Anatol Kuragin

    Alexander I


    Natasha Rostova

    Princess Marya

    A.P. Sherer

    "War and Peace" is one of the few in the world literature of the 19th century. books to which the title is rightfully attached epic novel ... Events of a large historical scale. Shared life (not private) constitutes the basis of its content; it reveals historical process achieved extraordinarily wide coverage of Russian life in all its layers and therefore so a large number of actors , in particular characters from the folk environment; it shows Russian folk way of life » (L. D. Opulskaya.)

    True False (v. 1, h. 1 - 3)

    • We meet Pierre and Andrey in the salon of A.P. Scherer. YES
    • Pierre is the illegitimate son of a count. YES
    • Natasha Rostova danced with Prince Andrey on her birthday. NO
    • Pierre proposed to Helene to marry him. NO
    • Princess Marya accepted the offer of Anatol Kuragin. NO
    • Volume I describes two big battles - Austerlitz and Shengrabenskoe. YES
    • N. Rostov was wounded in the battle of Austerlitz NO
    • Prince Andrew was wounded in the battle of Austerlitz. YES

    Heroes of the novel (vol. 1, part 1, chap. 1 - 5)

    • The naturalness of the first acquaintance with the hero through his appearance, as it happens in life.
    • The deep psychological content of the portrait, the expression through it of changes in feelings and moods.
    • Allocation in the appearance of the hero 1 - 2 permanent signs that emphasize the character of the character.

    A smile is a mirror of the soul


    Metaphors of smiles

    Prince Vasily

    Prince Hippolytus

    Helen Kuragina

    Princess Lisa

    Princess Drubetskaya

    Prince Andrew

    Pierre Bezukhov


    coquette weapon




    squirrel with antennae

    The history of the creation of the novel by L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

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    1863-1869 work on the novel 1868-1869 first edition 1886 fifth lifetime edition (last)

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    THE INTENTION OF THE NOVEL 1856 - "... I began to write a story with a well-known direction and hero, who should be a Decembrist, returning with his family to Russia" 1825. - “Involuntarily I passed from the present to 1825, the era of delusions and misfortunes of my hero” 1812. - “To understand him, I had to travel back to his youth, and his youth coincided with the glorious era of 1812 for Russia” 1805-1807 - “I was ashamed to write about our triumph in the struggle against Bonaparte France, without describing our failures and our shame "" So, returning from 1856 to 1805, I intend to lead not one, but many of my heroines and heroes through the historical events of 1805, 1807, 1825 and 1856 "

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    1856 modernity through the eyes of the Decembrist the era of delusions and misfortunes of the hero - the Decembrist era of popular triumph the era of failures and defeats 1825 1812 1805 from the history of the hero to the fate of the people

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    "Three pores" "1805" "All is well that ends well" TITLE OPTIONS

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    WAR AND WORLD WAR I M I Pb M i Pb - the universe; one of the lands of the universe; our earth, earth, light; all people, all the world, the human race; community, society of peasants; gathering. V. Dahl

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    M i Pb - the universe, all the world, all people; peasant community MIR - absence of war, harmony, silence, peace confrontation between war and peace (antithesis) war invades the life of the world participation in the war of the peasant world

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    Artistic features of the novel


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    The work has the original genre form of an epic novel. This is a story about the fate of the Russian people in the era of the Napoleonic wars. ABOUT GENRE


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    NOVEL - EPOPE EPOPE is the largest genre form of the epic, which depicts a large period of historical time or a significant, fateful event in the life of a nation. The epic is characterized by: a wide geographical coverage, reflection of the life and life of all strata of society, nationality of the content


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    Pictures of history The battle of Schöngraben, the Battle of Austerlitz, the Peace of Tilsit, the war of 1812, the fire of Moscow, the partisan movement Public and political life Massonstvo, the activities of Speransky, the first organizations of the Decembrists Huge spaces Petersburg, Moscow, the estates of Lysye Gory and Otradnoe, Austria, Smolensk, Borodino


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    “In the novel, family and historical scenes are fundamentally commensurate and equal in their significance” S. Bocharov Portrayal of life of all strata of society Nobility, officials, army, peasants Wide panorama of everyday scenes Balls, receptions, dinners, hunting, theater visits, etc.


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    CHRONOLOGY OF THE ROMAN I volume 1805 II volume 1806-1811 III volume 1812 IV volume 1812-1813 Epilogue 1820


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    "Every historical fact must be explained humanly" LN Tolstoy For the historian ... there are heroes; for an artist ... there must be people. The historian deals with the results of the event, the artist - with the very fact of the event. But an artist ... must be guided, like a historian, by historical materials. "The subject of history is the life of peoples and mankind ... The movement of peoples is not produced by power, not mental activity, not even a combination of both, as historians thought, but the activities of all people taking part in the event ..." L. N. Tolstoy "War and peace"