Presentation, report on the history of the origin of surnames. Research project "our surnames" Russian language project origin of people's surnames

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How my surname appeared Prepared by: Bezuglaya Diana Grade 5 MBOU Vakhovskaya SSH 2010 The mystery of the surname will tell a lot, Someone's fate will certainly predict. You need to know the meaning of surnames for a long time, No one can hide the secret!

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At birth, each person receives a first and last name. Our parents choose our names, while the surname is passed on from the older generation, that is, from the parents, to the younger generation, that is, to children. Therefore, the question of the origin of the surname, the history of the surname is very important for every person. After all, the history of the origin of a surname can tell us the secrets of surnames, it can tell us what is hidden behind a particular surname, what is the history of the surname, when it was formed and how it spread.

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Smirnov Ivanov Kuznetsov Popov Sokolov 6. Lebedev 7. Kozlov 8. Novikov 9. Morozov 10. Petrov 11. Volkov 12. Soloviev 13. Vasiliev 14. Zaitsev 15. Pavlov 16. Semenov 17. Golubev 18. Vinogradov 19. Bogdanov 20. Vorobiev 21. Fedorov 22. Mikhailov 23. Belyaev 24. Tarasov 25. Belov 26. Komarov 27. Orlov 28. Kiselev 29. Makarov 30. Andreev 31. Kovalev 32. Ilyin 33. Gusev 34. Titov 35. Kuzmin 36. Kudryavtsev 37. Baranov 38. Kulikov 39. Alekseev 40. Stepanov 41. Yakovlev 42. Sorokin 43. Sergeev 44. Romanov 45. Zakharov 46. Borisov 47. Korolev 48. Gerasimov 49. Ponomarev 50. Grigoriev 51. Lazarev 52. Medvedev 53. Ershov 54 Nikitin 55. Sobolev 56. Ryabov 57. Polyakov 58. Tsvetkov 59. Danilov 60. Zhukov 61. Frolov 62. Zhuravlev 63. Nikolaev 64. Krylov 65. Maksimov 66. Sidorov 67. Osipov 68. Belousov 69. Fedotov 70. Dorofeev 71. Egorov 72. Matveev 73. Bobrov 74. Dmitriev 75. Kalinin 76. Anisimov 77. Petukhov 78. Antonov 79. Timofeev 80. Nikiforov 81. Veselov 82. Filippov 83. Markov 84. Bolshakov 85. Sukhanov 86 Mironov 87. Shiryaev 88. Alexandrov 89. Konovalov 90. Shestakov 91. Kazakov 92. Efimov 93. Denisov 94. Gromov 95. Fomin 96. Davydov 97. Melnikov 98. Shcherbakov 99. Blinov 100. Kolesnikov

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The meaning of the Alekseenko surname is associated with the history of the origin of the Alekseev surname. The main version of the origin of the surname Alekseev is its formation from the baptismal name Aleksey. This name was quite widespread in Russia, which led to the widespread use of the Alekseev surname. The translation of the name Alexei from Greek is as follows: the name Alexei means defender, intercessor. Based on this, the meaning of the Alekseev surname is similar: defender, intercessor. The surnames also have a similar meaning: Alekseev, Aleksin, Alekhin, Alyoshin, Alekseenko, Aleksashin, Alekseevsky, Alekseenkov. Some Alekseevs belong to the Don noble family, others Alekseevs - to the largest merchant family.

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The main version of the meaning of the surname Belov is its origin from nicknames: white, blond, white-faced, etc. Also, the nickname hare meant a clean and tidy person. In addition, the ancient non-church name Belyai is known, which could also be the source of the origin of the surname Belov. At the same time, if we talk about the name Belyai, then it could become the basis for other surnames close in meaning: Belyaev, Belyakov, Belik. Thus, it can be assumed that the names: Belov, Belik, Belikov, Belyaev, Bely, Belykh, Belyavsky have a common meaning, which is due to one of the above versions of their origin.

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It is known that many Russian surnames originated from names and nicknames. The surname Volkov is no exception. Its origin and history are associated with the patronymic of the non-church male personal name Volk. Whether this name is associated with a predatory forest dweller is most likely yes, but the exact answer to this question can only be a study of the history of the origin of this name. We can note that although at present the name Wolf is not found in Russia, in former times it was used quite often, which was the reason for the widespread distribution of the name Volkov. It is interesting to note that despite the fact that Wolf is a Russian name, its analogues are found among other peoples. The Germans still have the widespread name Wolf, while the Serbs have the name Vuk. However, the name Wolf gave rise not only to the well-known surname Volkov. A number of one-root, but less common surnames have a similar meaning: Vovk, Volkovich, Volchek, Volchik, Volchkov, Volchikov, etc.

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Let's figure out what is the secret of the Zaitsev surname, and why it became widespread enough in Russia. It is not difficult to assume that the secret of the Zaitsev surname is connected with the inhabitant of the forests - the hare. However, this connection is not as simple as it seems at first glance. In the old days, the personal male name Hare was widespread in Russia, from which, of course, the surname Zaitsev was formed. The very name Hare comes from the old Russian word hare, the meaning of which is: jump, jump. Thus, it is precisely the concept of jumping (Old Russian zayat) that is the secret of the Zaitsev surname.

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At the heart of the surname is the well-known word hedgehog, which could be a nickname for a quarrelsome, prickly person, and even a worldly name. In Dahl's dictionary of words hedgehog in relation to a person has several meanings: "a person who shivers from the cold or for another reason", and "a curmudgeon, a merchant, an inaccessible rich man." … The ancestors from whom the author received the surname lived in the Aksubaevsky region of Tatarstan. In the village, great-great-grandfather, in one of the years there were a lot of mice. They began to destroy grain stocks and flooded barns and warehouses. All residents were threatened with starvation. great-great-grandfather brought a family of hedgehogs from the forest. In a matter of days, they destroyed the noxious rodents. Since then, the ancestor received the nickname Yezhov. This is the first version. There is a second one, which, it is believed, more reflects the nature of this surname. Once one of the distant ancestors ate a raw hedgehog on a bet. Nobody believed, but he did it. So he got the nickname Yezhov.

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So, let's find out what is the history of the surname Ivanov. It is clear that the history of the surname Ivanov must be associated with the name Ivan. Indeed, in ancient times the name John was widespread, which over time was transformed into the well-known and widespread name Ivan. That is, the name Ivan comes from the Hebrew name John, the meaning of which is: the gift of God. Ivanov is the second most common Russian surname. According to statistical data, the surname Ivanov is currently carried by 1.333% of the population of Russia. Accordingly, the patronymic, formed on behalf of Ivan - Ivanovich. And as you know, nothing more than names, patronymics and nicknames, often became surnames in that period of time when nameless peasants were to receive surnames. In addition to the surname Ivanov, the names Ivan, Vanya are also associated with the meanings of other related surnames: Vanin, Vanechkin, Ivashin, Ivashev, Ivanishchev, Ivin, Ivkin, Ivashenkov, Ivanenkov, etc.

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The history of the Kozlov surname dates back to the 15th century. Kozlov is one of the oldest Russian surnames. The origin of the surname Kozlov is associated with the ancient non-church name Kozel. From him the surname Kozlov was formed. The first mentions of the surname Kozlov date back to the 15th century and indicate that the boyars were its owners. It was then that the Kozlov family was founded. The ancestor of some Kozlovs is considered to be Grigory Kozel, who was the son of boyar Morozov. References to another family of Kozlovs date back to the 16th century. The ancestor of these Kozlovs was Ignatius Kozel from the Beklemishev family. But at the time of the first Kozlovs, this surname could not gain popularity, since then literally only a few had surnames. The greatest distribution of the Kozlov surname began at the end of the 19th century, when ordinary people received surnames from names and patronymics. Stories similar to the history and meaning of the Kozlov surname have other surnames also derived from the name of Kozel: Kozin, Kozel, Kozell, Kozlenok, Kozlan, Kozlyakov, Kozlyatkin, Kozlovsky, Kozlenkov, Kozelov, Kozlenko.

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The surname Kuznetsov closes the three most common surnames in Russia. What is the history of the Kuznetsov surname, what are its sources and what is its origin? Obviously, the surname Kuznetsov is consonant with the ancient craft - the craft of a blacksmith. In the old days, the profession of a blacksmith in Russia, and in many other countries, was widespread. And as you know, many professions in the 18-19 centuries became sources for the formation of surnames. In other words, the history of the Kuznetsov surname dates back to the profession of a blacksmith, and since the blacksmith was in great demand in the old days, the number of blacksmiths was quite large, which explains the widespread prevalence of the Kuznetsov surname. Today, the surname Kuznetsov, whose history lies in the mists of time, is worn by almost 1% of the population of Russia.

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Smirnov is one of the most common Russian surnames. Why? In a large peasant family, quiet, unclaimed children were a great relief for their parents. This quality, rare for young children, was imprinted in the worldly name of Smirnaya, it often became the main name of a person for life (the church name was forgotten by those around him) The Smirnovs came from the Smirny. The most common Russian surname in a vast strip covering the entire Northern Volga region, most often in the Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo regions and adjacent areas of neighboring regions, to the east this zone extends to the Kirov region. As you move away from this zone, the frequency decreases. By origin, she is a patronymic from the Russian non-church male name Smirna, i.e. ‘Meek, quiet, obedient’ Surnames Smirnin, Smirenkin from the old Slavic names Smiren, Smirenk. Smirensky, Smirnitsky.

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The meaning of the surname Tarasov is determined by the history of the origin of this surname. The source for the origin of the surname Tarasov was the male baptismal name Taras, which was widespread in the old days. Names, as you know, gave rise to patronymics, and surnames were formed from patronymics. Thus, the secret of the Tarasov surname can be revealed to us by the meaning of the name Taras. The name Taras is a name of Greek origin, the meaning of which is: troublemaker, rebel. Accordingly, the meaning of the Tarasov surname is associated with the concepts of troublemaker and rebel. In addition to the surname Tarasov, Ukrainian surnames have a similar meaning: Tarasyuk, Tarasenko, Tarasenkov, as well as Belarusian surnames: Tarasenya, Tarasik, Tarasenok, Tarasevich. All this "community" of surnames owes its origin and meaning to the name Taras.

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As you know, Peter is one of the most common names in Russia. The patronymic on behalf of Peter became the basis for the formation of the surname Petrov. This is one of the oldest Russian surnames. Translated from the ancient Greek language, Peter means a stone, a rock. In the old days, the Christian religion required that a child born on a given day be named after a saint revered by the church on a particular day of the year. And since a lot of saints (apostles, saints, martyrs) bore the name Peter, then over time it became one of the most frequent male names. In addition, starting from the 18th century, children began to be called this name in honor of Emperor Peter I, which also increased the share of the name Peter among other names. Derived forms on behalf of Peter gave rise to many more close surnames: Petin, Petrishchev, Petrukhin, Petrushenkov, Petryagin, Petyanin, Petrovsky, Petrenko, Petryuk, etc.

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The surname Popov is one of the five most common Russian surnames. This is explained by the fact that the secret of the surname Popov is revealed to us by the word priest, which was the starting point for the formation of the surname Popov. Obviously, the surname Popov was given to the son of a priest, the same surname could be given to the son of a priest. Therefore, the surname Popov was initially widespread among the ministers of the church. However, the secret of the Popov surname cannot be considered solved yet. The surname Popov could also be received by the workers of the priest, since in the 19th century they were mostly without surnames. At the same time, there was a nickname: "priest", which was also the initial link for the name Popov. Thus, the secret of the surname Popov is revealed through the word pop, which, in turn, along different chains, leads us to the surname Popov.

Municipal budgetary institution Veselovskaya secondary school

1 347781 Rostov Region Veselovsky District, Vesely per. Komsomolsky 57 Tel. 6 - 12 - 35

The history of the emergence of Russian surnames

pupil 6 "B" class

Zhadanov Anton

MBOU Veselovskaya secondary school number 1


Elena Viktorovna Ekimenko

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU Veselovskaya secondary school №1

NS... Funny



Introduction ………………………………………………… 2

    Main part ………………………………………… 4-8

    1. The history of the emergence of Russian surnames …………… 4

      Methods for the formation of Russian surnames ...………… ... 6

    Practical part ……………………………………… 9

    Conclusion ……………………………………………… .12

List of used literature .. …………………… ..13

Appendix ……………………………………………… .14


Who was your great-grandfather in Russia,
Ask your name!
S. Mikhalkov

It is useful for each person to know his own history, the history of the origin of his family's surname, at least in order to better know himself.Not many people think about the origin of their surname. In the lessons of the Russian language, literature, we study topics related to the origin of names, surnames, patronymics. I wondered, how did my last name come about? What is its basis, history? In search of answers to questions, I got carried away by education and decoding of surnames.

Target my work: to reveal the essence of the origin and formation of my surname and surnames of classmates with their subsequent deciphering and classification.

During the research, I set the followingtasks :

Explore the literature on this issue

Describe the history of the origin of Russian surnames

Reveal the features of the origin of surnames

Determine the ways of origin of Russian surnames

Formulate the concept of "surname"

Research methods:

Study of literary sources

Finding information on the Internet

Conducting a survey

Compiling a dictionary of surnames of classmates

Hypothesis: research will help you learn more about our distant ancestors, about our family roots

Relevance of the topic : the study of the origin of surnames can provide useful information for both historians and researchers of the Russian language, tk. some words that have disappeared from the Russian language could have survived in the surname.

Research location: MBOU Veselovskaya secondary school №1.

2.The main part

The secret of the surname will tell a lot,

Someone's fate will certainly show.

You need to know the meaning of surnames for a long time,

No one can hide the secret!

2.1 The history of the emergence of Russian surnames

There was a time in the history of mankind when people did not have surnames, this refers to the period until the second half of the 2nd millennium. But to distinguish between people, personal names were invented. However, it soon turned out that a personal name alone was not enough, because, despite the fact that names were constantly invented and changed, there were still many repeating names. And then they came up with nicknames. Over time, the composition and number of residents increased, and then additional ways of naming people were already needed. People began to think more about the family continuity of generations, about the fact that each family needs some special detail that will be familiar to the whole family, will be inherited by descendants. This is how the first hereditary generic names were formed, such is the history of the origin of the surname.

It is noteworthy that the surname, translated from the Latin language, means family. But before, the family meant something different, different from our modern ideas. The family was a collection of people, along with slaves and their owners. And only after a certain period of time, the family became a unit of society with its own distinctive surname.

The process of the origin of the surname in world history began to gain strength from about the second half of the millennium, and by the end of the 19th century, almost all nations and peoples already possessed them. Comparing the speed with which this process went in different parts of the globe, we note that generic names arose at about the same time among different peoples, and the same methods of their formation were used. First of all, the owners of surnames were the nobles, who had more privileges in comparison with other social strata. This was typical for Russia, Europe and Asia. Gradually, over the course of several centuries, there was a process of origin of surnames and their spread among other social groups, until the entire population began to possess them.

Almost all surnames were not chosen by the bearer, but given from the outside. I concluded, looking at the people around me, that no one can be responsible for the surname once received by his ancestor. Currently, there is no connection between a person and his name: Chernyshov can be blond, Rogue - a very good person, Zlobin - kind, and Nekrasov - beautiful. There was often no direct connection in the past either: for example, the names or nicknames Tsar - Tsarev, Prince - Knyazev were usually given to peasants - apparently in the hope of future power, wealth, power. A fool, Nekras, Scoundrel, Malice could be called a child in order to protect him from the evil eye, to deceive the evil forces that harm a good kid, but will not touch the "bad" one. Many of the names that underlie modern surnames and that seem offensive to us now were not considered such, but simply, having become a name, became an ordinary verbal sign.

Even those surnames that usually seem clear to us are fraught with mysteries and surprises, so questions and doubts will lie in wait for us everywhere. There are interesting cases when the word seems to be known to everyone, but is used in a completely different meaning. So, Dvornikov's ancestor was a janitor, but he did not clean the streets and courtyards, but was the tenant or owner of the courtyard.

2.2 Methods for the formation of Russian surnames

In the surnames of various persons,
Sometimes we are familiar
The names of fish and birds sound
Animals and insects:
Lisichkin, Rakov, Turkey,
Seledkin, Myshkin, Telkin,
Mokritsyn, Volkov, Motylkov,
Bobrov and Perepelkin!
S. Mikhalkov "Funny surname"

The historical process of the origin of the surname has several main ways of their formation, moreover, the same for different peoples and nations:

1) from personal names (church and non-church);

In many modern surnames, the forms of the old names that once existed in Russia can be traced: Nechay - Nechaev, Tretyak -

Tretyakov, Krivets - Krivtsov, Moroz - Morozov. Frost - a non-Christian male name was given, as a rule, to those born in cold, frosty weather. This name was not uncommon until the 17th century. These names reflected various properties of people, their behavior, character, peculiarities of speech, physical disabilities or advantages, the time and order of the appearance of the child in the family.

A large mass of surnames were formed from Christian names: Gordeev - the canonical name of Gordius, the king; Fedoseev - Fedosiy given by God; Klimenko - Clement, silent, condescending.

Modern Russian surnames have retained many unofficial personal names of the past, some of which are long forgotten or very rarely found in dialects. For example, the surnames Mamin, Mamkin are most often formed not from the word mom, but from the calendar names Mammy or Mamant; the modern surname Mamontov also goes back to the name Mamant, and not to the name of an extinct animal. Martyshkin does not come from a monkey, but from a derivative form of the names Martyn, Mart.

2) by occupation (profession, craft);

Surnames can remind of long-forgotten professions:Berdnikov (Berdnik is a master making reed - the combs of looms),

Tolmachev (interpreter - translator). At the same time, professions served as the basis for the formation of a large number of surnames; Sapozhnikov, Kuznetsov, Kirpichnikov, Tabakov, Telyatnikov, Vorotnikov (the main one above the gate), etc.

3) from the name of the place of residence;

Many surnames have geographic roots. Most often, this is an indication of the place where the founder of the surname comes from. The ancestors of the Mezentsevs came from the banks of the Mezen River, the Turintsevs - from the Tura River. The Vyazemskys owned land along the Vyazma River. The peasants were recorded by the name of the landowner - Vyazemsky (Whose?).

There are surnames that reflect historical events. The Moscow prince, conquering the northern territories that belonged to Novgorod, burned the town of Kokshengu, and destroyed most of the population. The descendants of the surviving and scattered inhabitants received the surname Koksharovs.

4) from the name of animals and plants;

The names of animals, birds, fish are one of the main sources of nicknames and surnames formed from them, as it is dictated by the cult of birds and animals among the ancient Slavs.

Seleznev (male duck), Voronina, Gusev, Gusakov (gander - male goose), Korostelkina (corncrake - a fast-running bird living in the grass). Surnames derived from mammals, insects, fish are also numerous: Bobrov, Bychkov, Volkov, Ershov, Kozlov, Kobelev, Lisin.

5) nicknamed.

Gorlov (the nickname characterizes human behavior). This was the name of a person who shouted loudly, achieved his goal by shouting. Gudkov (from the words gud, beep; the nickname of every screamer). Surnames associated with a person's appearance: Gubin, Glazin, Glazunov (from the word "big-eyed", "big-eyed, who has bulging eyes", as well as one who likes to "gaze": rotozei, onlooker). Belyaev (“Not all those who bore the name Belyai were white, and the Cherniai or Chernyshi were black,” notes the linguist A. M. Selishchev). Belyakov (nickname of blond, white-faced, white-haired people). But neat people were also called whites. Also, the surname was associated with the serf reform: a whitewashed person, that is, a person freed from taxes. Ryzhakov, Chernov is one of the very common surnames that belonged to the first hundred Russian surnames. The surname is associated with a dark skin color, black hair, dark clothes.

In Russian tradition, women usually take their husband's surname when they marry. However, this is not necessary, the woman can keep her maiden name. Sometimes, on rare occasions, the husband may take his wife's surname. Children usually take the father's surname, but at the request of the parents or if the woman is not married, they can take the mother's surname.

3.Practical part

Having learned the origins of the origin of surnames, I decided to conduct a survey in the class "Where did your surname come from?" There are 25 students in my class. As a result of the survey, I was able to find out that almost the majority of the class never thought about the origin of their surname (18 people), someone guesses where his surname came from (5 people), and only 2 people were able to answer where their surname came from.

I will cite the names of my classmates as examples.

    Firstly, personal names are the most popular source of surname origin. For example:

Pavlova - on behalf of Paul, from Latin meaning "small";

Semyonov - on behalf of Semyon, translated from Greek "hears God."

    In addition to personal names, the sources of origin of surnames were professions, crafts, and various human occupations. For example:

Kolesnikov was given the name of the profession "chariot" - a wheeled master who makes sled or carriage wheels.

    Another fairly common way of origin of the surname was its origin from the name of the place of residence of its bearer. In this case, the origin of the surname can be associated with both a geographical object and the names of these objects and the names of settlements. For example:

Zelensky - from villages named Zelenoe.

The surname Gnelitsky is derived from the name of the village of Gnelitsy (or another with the same root name). In Russia, many settlements bear similar names.

    Another source of the origin of surnames in Russia was nicknames. Surnames-nicknames existed in the Novgorod possessions from the 13-14 centuries, but for a long time they were not in common use. Here are examples of surnames derived from nicknames:

Burlachko originates from the nickname Burlak. The nickname Burlak goes back to a similar noun. Barge haulers were called peasants going to a foreign land to earn money, especially on river ships.

The surname Prilipko originates from the nickname Prilipa. Prilip's nickname is most likely ironic. Probably, it was received by an annoying person who pestered people over trifles and distracted their important work.

Slepchenko's surname originates from the nickname Slepchy. The nickname Blind was usually given to a blind or poorly seeing person

I wondered what my last name meant .

The surname Zhadanov refers to a widespread type of generic names derived from worldly names and nicknames. The tradition of giving a person, in addition to the baptismal name, worldly, has developed among the Slavs for a long time and persisted until the 17th century. This is due to the fact that at first the church names were perceived as foreign. In addition, there were relatively few of them, as a result, they were often repeated, creating inconvenience in communication. Therefore, children were often endowed with primordially Slavic, familiar and understandable names.

The surname under study was derived from the personal naming of the ancestor Zhadan. In the vocabulary of Old Russian dialects, the verb “covet” was used in the meaning “to wish, to wish”, and the word “zhadan” derived from it meant “desired”. Based on this, it can be assumed that the nickname Zhadan was assigned to the long-awaited child, perhaps the only one in the family.

The Ukrainian fairy tale called “Zhadan” confirms this proposition: “And when flapping Ikhne called -“ Zhadan ”, more than a great, careful bazhannya was born out of it” (“And their little boy was called Zhadan, because he was born according to a great, passionate desire”).

It is impossible to exclude the possibility of the name of the ancestor from the word "greed", which means "greedy". In this case, the name Zhadan was a name-amulet for the ancestor. The Slavs believed that there is no better protection for a child from any trouble than a name-amulet that protects him. Therefore, the child was named Zhadan in order to deceive evil spirits who could take advantage of his kindness and selflessness.

In addition, the ancestor of the surname could receive his nickname in adulthood. In the Don dialect, “zhadan” was the name for the one who “worked navadna, coveted, did not spare the siba himself,” that is, a person who worked to the detriment of health for the sake of good earnings.

The personal name Zhadan was quite popular in the old days; it has been found in archival documents from the middle of the 16th century. For example, the Archive of South-Western Russia contains information about the Khmelnytsky bourgeois Zhadan, dated 1565.

The first surnames, which began to emerge only in the 15th – 16th centuries, initially indicated a patronymic, belonging, which was transmitted using certain suffixes. Names and nicknames ending in "-o", "-y" or a solid consonant, according to tradition, acquired the suffix -ov, and naming with "-a" or "-ya" - the suffix -in. Thus, the descendants of a person named or nicknamed Zhadan could receive the inherited surname Zhadanov.

It is difficult to talk about the exact place and time of the origin of the surname Zhadanov at the moment, since this requires deep genealogical research. However, it can be argued that this family name is a wonderful monument of Slavic writing and culture.

4. Conclusion

I learned a lot of interesting and useful things by studying my own surname. Having deciphered some of the surnames of the students of our class, I concluded that the word surname means family, family, family name. Any current surname does not depend on the primary meaning, it should not be ashamed, but on the contrary, it should be carefully carried through life and passed on to descendants. You must love your surname.

In the culture of many peoples, it is considered the norm to know the history of a kind over several generations. I was able to briefly highlight the history of the origin of my surname. And I hope that this will not be the last page of our history: there will be new heroes, new legends will be born - the descendants will be worthy of their ancestors.

In the course of my project activities, I had the opportunity to communicate a lot with older relatives. My parents and I leafed through a lot of old family albums with yellowed photographs, noticed that many representatives of my generation retain the outward features of their ancestors. I really want to believe that we, descendants, will be able to inherit and preserve not only the external, but also the internal qualities of our ancestors: dedication, hard work, loyalty to traditions and love for our native land.

I wanted to make a family coat of arms - this is the emblem of our family, which we will inherit, it reflects the values ​​that our family considers to be the most important for themselves.

The study of surnames is valuable for science. It allows you to more fully represent the historical events of the last centuries, as well as the history of science, literature and art. The history of the surname is a kind of living history. In the past, bloodlines were the property of only a handful of aristocrats. And the whole mass of the common people "were not supposed to have ancestors." But now millions of people have the right to be proud of their ancestors and their work.


    E.N. Polyakova "From the history of Russian names and surnames", "Education" 1975.

    AV Superanskaya, AV Suslova "Modern Russian surnames", "Science" 1984.

    E.A. Grushko, Yu.M. Medvedev "Encyclopedia of Russian Surnames"

"EKSMO" 2000

    THEM. Ganzhina "Dictionary of modern Russian surnames",

"Astrel Publishing House" 2000



1.Do you know the history of your last name?

A) yes

B) no

C) did not think

2. Did you want to know the origin of your surname?

A) yes

B) no

C) I don’t know

3. What do you think you can find out about your last name?

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At the heart of the surname is the well-known word hedgehog, which could be a nickname for a quarrelsome, prickly person, and even a worldly name. In Dahl's dictionary of words hedgehog in relation to a person has several meanings: "a person who shivers from the cold or for another reason", and "a curmudgeon, a merchant, an inaccessible rich man." At the heart of the surname is the well-known word hedgehog, which could be a nickname for a quarrelsome, prickly person, and even a worldly name. In Dahl's dictionary of words hedgehog in relation to a person has several meanings: "a person who shivers from the cold or for another reason", and "a curmudgeon, a merchant, an inaccessible rich man." … The ancestors from whom the author received the surname lived in the Aksubaevsky region of Tatarstan. In the village, great-great-grandfather, in one of the years there were a lot of mice. They began to destroy grain stocks and flooded barns and warehouses. All residents were threatened with starvation. great-great-grandfather brought a family of hedgehogs from the forest. In a matter of days, they destroyed the noxious rodents. Since then, the ancestor received the nickname Yezhov. This is the first version. There is a second one, which, it is believed, more reflects the nature of this surname. Once one of the distant ancestors ate a raw hedgehog on a bet. Nobody believed, but he did it. So he got the nickname Yezhov.

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The meaning of the surname Tarasov is determined by the history of the origin of this surname. The source for the origin of the surname Tarasov was the male baptismal name Taras, which was widespread in the old days. Names, as you know, gave rise to patronymics, and surnames were formed from patronymics. Thus, the secret of the Tarasov surname can be revealed to us by the meaning of the name Taras. The name Taras is a name of Greek origin, the meaning of which is: troublemaker, rebel. Accordingly, the meaning of the Tarasov surname is associated with the concepts of troublemaker and rebel. The meaning of the surname Tarasov is determined by the history of the origin of this surname. The source for the origin of the surname Tarasov was the male baptismal name Taras, which was widespread in the old days. Names, as you know, gave rise to patronymics, and surnames were formed from patronymics. Thus, the secret of the Tarasov surname can be revealed to us by the meaning of the name Taras. The name Taras is a name of Greek origin, the meaning of which is: troublemaker, rebel. Accordingly, the meaning of the Tarasov surname is associated with the concepts of troublemaker and rebel. In addition to the surname Tarasov, Ukrainian surnames have a similar meaning: Tarasyuk, Tarasenko, Tarasenkov, as well as Belarusian surnames: Tarasenya, Tarasik, Tarasenok, Tarasevich. All this "community" of surnames owes its origin and meaning to the name Taras.

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The surname Popov is one of the five most common Russian surnames. This is explained by the fact that the secret of the surname Popov is revealed to us by the word priest, which was the starting point for the formation of the surname Popov. Obviously, the surname Popov was given to the son of a priest, the same surname could be given to the son of a priest. Therefore, the surname Popov was initially widespread among the ministers of the church. However, the secret of the Popov surname cannot be considered solved yet. The surname Popov could also be received by the workers of the priest, since in the 19th century they were mostly without surnames. At the same time, there was a nickname: "priest", which was also the initial link for the name Popov. The surname Popov is one of the five most common Russian surnames. This is explained by the fact that the secret of the surname Popov is revealed to us by the word priest, which was the starting point for the formation of the surname Popov. Obviously, the surname Popov was given to the son of a priest, the same surname could be given to the son of a priest. Therefore, the surname Popov was initially widespread among the ministers of the church. However, the secret of the Popov surname cannot be considered solved yet. The surname Popov could also be received by the workers of the priest, since in the 19th century they were mostly without surnames. At the same time, there was a nickname: "priest", which was also the initial link for the name Popov. Thus, the secret of the surname Popov is revealed through the word pop, which, in turn, along different chains, leads us to the surname Popov.

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International Festival "Stars of the New Age" - 2017

Humanities (14 to 17 years old)

Research project "The origin of Russian surnames"

10th grade student

Work supervisor:

a history teacher,

MOU SOSH number 22


1.1. Ways of forming surnames ……………………… ..

1.2. Surname structure ……………………………………………

1.3. Female and male surnames ………… .................

Chapter 2. From the history of the issue

2.1. Meaning and etymology …………………………………………

2.2. The origin of Russian surnames …………………………… ..

2.Z. Surname and nationality …………………………………… ..

2.4. The most common Russian surnames are ……….

Chapter 3. The origin and meaning of the surnames of my classmates



Application ………………………………………………………………………


The order was once Russian:
Ask: "Whose are you, of what kind?"
The answer was clear, proud in Russian:
“I am the son of Peter. I am Petrov. "

Lyudmila Onuchina

A person hears his name many times a day, his last name - albeit less often than his first name, but also often. And the question inevitably arises: what does my name mean and how did I get such a surname? There may be even more questions by last name, because the history of a family name is the history of a family, it is the history of our ancestors, which everyone who respects their Motherland should know.

The topic of my research work is "The origin of Russian surnames." Today, in our modern age, it has become fashionable to take an interest in one's pedigree, to compose a family tree. The study of the origin of surnames can provide useful information for both historians and researchers of the Russian language, since some words that have disappeared from the Russian language could remain in the surname, this is precisely the relevance of our research. After all, it is so important for everyone to feel themselves not as a separate person whose age is short-lived, but as part of a whole family, as a link in the chain of generations. Our work will highlight the historical moments associated with the origin of the names of my classmates. Interest in the question arose during the compilation of a family tree in history lessons, when the teacher was asked to complete an assignment that determines the etymological origin in the origin of surnames.

This is how the goal of our work appeared: to reveal the essence of the origin and formation of Russian surnames.

To achieve this goal, we have put forward the following tasks:

1) study the literature on this issue;

2) describe the history of the issue of the origin of Russian surnames;

3) to reveal the peculiarities of the origin of Russian surnames;

4) determine the ways of origin of Russian surnames;

5) determine the origin of Russian surnames, taking into account the mixing of nationalities;

6) Learn more about your last name

Research object: Russian surnames and surnames of classmates.

Subject of research: the history of the origin of Russian surnames.

Research method: comparison and generalization, analysis and synthesis.

The hypothesis of the work is a study that will help to learn more about our distant ancestors, about our family roots.

Our work is based on the systematization of information about surnames.

As a result of the research, we studied the monographic works "Onomasticon", "Name and Society" and other works presented in the list of used literature.

The theoretical significance of our work lies in the possibility of using the material of the work as additional in preparation for the lessons of the Russian language, history, and for the Olympiads. The applied value is in drawing the attention of the younger generation to the origin of a kind and in fostering patriotic feelings for their small and large Motherland, as well as attracting the public to the issues of preserving the traditions of peoples associated with family and clan.

Thus, our work is based not only on historical facts, but also on the material of modern sources.

Chapter 1. History of the origin of the word surname

1.1. Ways of forming surnames

To study the methods of forming surnames, it is necessary to involve onomastics and its sections - anthroponymy and toponymy. Anthroponymics is a section of onomastics that studies the names of people and their individual components (personal names, patronymics, surnames, nicknames), their origin, patterns and functioning. Anthroponymics as a division was defined in the 60s - 70s of the XX century.

The development of the main issues of anthroponymy was engaged, etc. Domestic anthroponymics in the 1980s-90s of the XX century was replenished with works,

, eva, yonova,

Scientists-anthroponymists emphasize that the study of the origin of surnames can provide useful information for both historians and researchers of the Russian language, since some words that have disappeared from the modern language could remain in the surname. By restoring such words, we can restore some details of the life of our ancestors.

Toponymy - (from the Greek topos - place and onyma - name, name) is an integral part of onomastics, studying geographical names (toponyms), their meaning, structure, origin and distribution area. 7 The totality of toponyms in any territory constitutes its toponymy. Microtoponymy includes the names of small geographical objects: natural boundaries, springs, pools, agricultural lands, etc. Toponymy develops in close interaction with geography, history, ethnography.
To answer the question: how were surnames formed, as an example, the author of the article "Why Fyodor's Children Became Fedorovs" chose his surname. Partly because, until now, nowhere in the literature has I found an affirmative answer to the question: from what word does the surname "Olenev" originate? However, the conclusion drawn at the end of the chapter is common to all surnames! In onomastics, it is customary to understand formants as those repetitive parts of proper names that form it as a proper name. They can be suffixes, endings, a combination of a suffix and an ending, and finally even a noun. So, the formants are the suffixes - ov-, - ev-, - in - in Russian surnames. The surname "Olenev" is formed by the formant - ev-, and the surname "Olenin" - by the formant - in-. In his scientific work, the author examines in detail the history of the formation of surnames by these formants.8

Most often, surnames are formed from personal names through possessive adjectives. Russian surnames often have suffixes -ov / -ev, - in, from the answer to the question "whose?"

The difference is purely formal: - ov was added to nicknames or names for a solid consonant (Bogdan - Bogdanov, Mikhail - Mikhailov)

Ev to names or nicknames on a soft consonant (Ignatiy - Ignatiev, Golodyay - Golodyaev), - in to the basics on - a, - I (Erema - Eremin, Ilya - Ilyin).
In most cases, the formant - eu- formed surnames when the paternal name / nickname ended in - ь - (or a consonant - th-), - d-: Khaziy = Khaziev, Karabay = Karabayev, Bersen = Bersenyev, Yuri = Yuriev, Flint = Kremnev, Skobel = Skobelev, Begich = Begichev, etc. Formant - in - formed surnames when the paternal name / nickname ended in a vowel (mostly - o-, - a-): Gaifulla = Gaifullin, Galimulla = Galimullin, Skovoroda = Skovorodin, Repnya = Repnin, Poltina = Poltinin, etc. Thus, if we go "from the opposite", it turns out that the surname "Olenin" should have been formed from a nickname that ends in a vowel, and in those considered by the author examples, this is a "deer". Therefore, most likely, the path of transformation looks like this: Deer = Olenin's son = Olenin. 8
And the surname "Olenev" should have been formed from a nickname that ends in - b-, and in the examples under consideration, it is "deer" (by means of a soft sign in the middle of the word, which later fell out of use): Deer = Deer son = Deer = b = ev = Olenev. 8
Independent logical conclusions are confirmed by other researchers. So, he writes: “Russian surnames, when they arose in the overwhelming majority of cases, had the forms of possessiveness (that is, they were given by ancestors, less often to owners, and answered the question“ whose ”?). Therefore, the bulk of Russian surnames have suffixes - ov (-ev), - in. The difference between them is formal: the suffix - ov was added to nicknames or names for a solid consonant - o or to nicknames - adjectives (Kutuz - Kutuzov, Ignat - Ignatov, Gavrilo - Gavrilov, Smirnoy - Smirnov). " 2

Another group of Russian surnames was formed from the names of settlements, church holidays and the names of saints with the help of a suffix and an ending -skiy / -tsky (Ilyinsky, Christmas - from Ilyinskaya, Nativity Church, Makovetsky - the owner of Makovets, Gorsky - the owner of the Mountains).

Russian researchers have been studying Russian surnames quite recently. Among the works devoted to this topic, you can name the dictionary "Russian surnames", the collection "Name and Society", "Onomasticon". From these works, we managed to learn that the first Russian surnames are found in the ancient Russian documents of the 15th century that have come down to us, but they could have existed earlier. In the nineteenth century, almost every Russian already had a surname. But they received strict heredity and legal consolidation in 1930.

Consequently, not all questions have been answered yet, which is a wide field for research.

After examining the work of research scientists, we found that most scientists agree: surnames by origin can be divided into the following groups:

1. Surnames derived from the forms of names.

2. Surnames formed from the name of the area, where one of the ancestors came from (the basis of such surnames was different geographical names - cities, villages, villages, rivers, lakes, etc.): Meshcheryakov, Novgorodtsev, etc.

3. Surnames formed from the professional nicknames of ancestors, telling which of them did what. Hence the Arakcheevs, Goncharovs, Ovsyannikovs, Kovali, etc.

4. The group of surnames that were received by students of theological institutions were either the names of parishes, or foreign words decorated with Russian suffixes, or some exotic names, or church holidays. Hence Trinity, Christmas, Hyacinth and Cypress.

5. Surnames formed from the name of representatives of the animal world. Hence the Zaitsevs, Vorobyovs, Medvedevs and others.

By analogy with the above groups, we conducted our own research, the subject of which was the names of my classmates, students of the 10th grade. To successfully complete this task, we needed the existing dictionaries of surnames and explanatory dictionaries with the help of which we searched for the surname, or the word that formed the basis of the surname.

1.2. Surname structure

The surname consists primarily of a root stem (which has or has had any lexical meaning in the past), but it can also include prefixes, suffixes and endings.

The basis of the surname often comes from a personal name or a nickname that carries one or another lexical meaning.

1.3. Female and male surnames

From male Russian surnames to -ow, -ev, -in, declining according to the paradigm of short possessive adjectives, forms of feminine surnames with inflection are formed -but, inclined according to the paradigm of short feminine possessive adjectives (for example, “at Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova”).

From surnames to th, th, -Oh, inclined according to the paradigm of full adjectives, forms of feminine surnames with inflection are formed -and I, inclined according to the paradigm of full feminine adjectives (for example, "at Sofia Vasilievna Kovalevskaya").

Chapter 2. From the history of the issue

2 .1. Meaning and etymology

The origin of the surname Gorbachev

According to the first hypothesis, surname Gorbachev formed from the nickname Humpback, which goes back to the word "hump", that is, "an ugly bulge on the back, and sometimes on the chest." Consequently, the Humpback could have been nicknamed a stooped, possibly crippled person.

According to another version, the surname is associated with the nickname Gorbach, which in some dialects meant "fugitive tramp". It is possible that the ancestor of the Gorbachev family could have been such a person.

There is also an expression "to bend the hump, back", that is, "work hard, work." Proceeding from this, the ancestor of the Gorbachevs could have been a very hardworking, agile, diligent worker.

It is also possible that the surname under investigation originated from the nickname Croaker / Gorbach / Hunchback. This is how some dialects called a fish of the species "laskir" (sea carp) - a coastal schooling fish that lives in the Black Sea and in a part of the Sea of ​​Azov. In this case, the ancestor of the Gorbachevs had the nickname Croaker / Gorbach / Hunchback, as he was a fisherman.

The origin of the surname Malyarevich

The surname Malyarevich belongs to a common type of Ukrainian-Belarusian surnames and is formed from a personal nickname. So, the surname Malyarevich originates from the nickname Painter. The nickname Painter is derived from a similar common noun, which in the old days was called an artisan who writes signs, as well as an artist, painter.

The word "painter" itself comes from the German Maler, where it had several meanings: "artist, painter", "painter", "narrator." Obviously, the nickname Painter refers to the number of "professional" names containing an indication of the activities of the founder of the surname. Later, the nickname Painter, for the surname Malyarevich.

The origin of my surname Astafyeva (Ostafiev) - noble family.

The suffix -ev, which is part of the surname, is a Great Russian patronymic particle and indicates the origin of the Astafiev patronymic on the territory of Russia not earlier than the 16th century.

This is the history of all "nominal" surnames. The real surnames of the Russians were formed only from the 16th century. Their introduction in Russia in the 16th-17th centuries. stimulated by the strengthening of a new social stratum that is becoming ruling - the landlord.

The basis of the surname Astafiev was the church name Eustachy. The surname Astafiev comes from the Christian personal name Eustachy. This name is translated from Greek as “well built, balanced, strong, healthy”. There is also another version. According to her, the basis of the surname is the Tatar word asytqy - "kvass, leaven".

Most anthroponymic scientists, compiling dictionaries of Russian surnames, note that there are a lot of surnames and it is unthinkable to find out the meaning of each, therefore it is very important to single out groups according to the meaning of the words underlying the surnames, and to correlate this or that surname with these groups.

The secret of your surname can also be revealed by the symbols that each surname contains. To do this, you need to analyze the letters included in it.


A- symbolizes the beginning - the creator, discoverer, creator of the idea.

E - self-criticism, self-expression, originality, generosity.

Yo - irascibility, lack of restraint.

And - a peaceful nature, a kind and vulnerable soul.

About - the desire to understand all the laws of life and purpose, the ability to reason.

U - a tendency to openly express their thoughts, generosity.

E - vanity and incorrect window dressing, curiosity, sneakiness.

Yu - love of social sciences, the ability to act cruel.

I am the ability to achieve goals and defend their positions.


B - financial independence.

B - creative personality, sociability.

D - curiosity, striving for more knowledge.

D - deliberation, caution in making any decisions, benevolence.

F - lofty views, closed nature.

Z - cowardice, excellent intuition.

K - the ability to keep everything in oneself, the secrecy of nature.

L - the desire to find and fulfill your destiny.

M - great love for nature, practicality.

H - self-sufficiency, self-esteem, creative hidden abilities.

P - a large number of ideas, initiative, a tendency to generalize.

P - self-confidence, intelligence, courage, determination.

C - irritability, dissatisfaction with others, irascibility, but quick disposition.

T - inability to soberly assess their capabilities, maximalism.

F - exaggeration of the significance of one's personality, a tendency to feel like the center of the universe, deceit.

X - stability, strength, good financial position, independence.

C - ambition, arrogant nature.

H - the predominance of collectivism to the detriment of the individual, a developed sense of duty, altruism.

W - the ability to keep your head held high, a sense of the importance of your own person.

Ш - the desire to always help, generosity, the ability to lead.

This way of determining the meaning of the surname makes the study fascinating, so there is a desire to reveal the secret that we inherited from our distant ancestors.


in his book "In the World of Names and Names" he writes: "A surname is a very valuable material for research in various fields of knowledge: philology, history, ethnography." 3 Each surname is a riddle, which can be solved if you are very attentive to the word; it is a unique and unrepeatable phenomenon of our culture, a living history. We assumed that most of the surnames are derived from personal names.

Research work has convinced us that surnames can be an interesting source for historical, sociological, linguistic research, since they reflect time and a person - his social position and the spiritual world.

Our hypothesis was confirmed. We learned about the origins of our surnames, this allowed us to expand our understanding of family roots, about our distant ancestors.

And also this work can be continued in several directions, it is possible to significantly expand the list of studied surnames, it is possible to compile a more accurate classification of surnames, it is possible to find out the meanings of those surnames that we could not accurately determine within the framework of this work, for this additional dictionaries will be needed. Investigating the ways of forming Russian and other surnames, we concluded that it is necessary to involve the science of onomastics and its sections - anthroponymy and toponymy. Research work has convinced us that surnames can be an interesting source for research, since they reflect time and a person - his social status and the spiritual world.

Personal attitude to the work done

With my work, I would like to encourage people to study the origins of their surname. After all, this is a very informative, exciting and interesting activity. Old Russian surnames, including the surnames of our classmates, provide a wealth of material for the study of the historical past of both our country and each of us.


1. Surnames with calendar names in the basis / VF Barashkov // Anthroponymics. - M .: Nauka, 1970 .-- S. 110-114.

2. Veselovsky. Moscow: 1974

3. Dictionary of modern Russian surnames. - M .: Astrel, AST, 2001 .-- 672 p. - ISBN 5-271-00127-X, ISBN 5-237-04101-9.

4. Nikonov of Russian surnames / Comp. ; foreword .- M .: School-Press, 1993 .-- 224 p. - ISBN 5-88527-011-2.

5. Geography of surnames / Otv. ed. S. I. Brook; foreword R. Sh. Dzharylgasinova. - 3rd ed., Stereotyped. - M .: KomKniga, 2007 .-- 200 p. - ISBN 978-5-484-00762-2.

6. Ozhegov dictionary of the Russian language. Together with. - M .: 1992

7. Olenin's children of Fedor became Fedorovs. Electronic journal "Investigated in Russia". 2002.171/021118, pp. 1896-1909

8. Systems of personal names among the peoples of the world: Sat. Art. - M .: Science (GRVL), 1989.

9. Fedosyuk surnames: a popular etymological dictionary. Moscow: 2006

Websites on the Internet:

1.www. ufolog. ru

3. www. famili. info


The results of a survey among students of the secondary school №22

Olga Meteleva



Object of study
Subject of study:

Research hypothesis:

Research methods:

This project allows you to turn to the origins of the emergence of surnames, names, patronymics, to increase interest in the history of your family and country. kind. Proper names are of interest, on the one hand, as an object of scientific research in various fields of knowledge, on the other, as the problem of choosing a name for each specific person.
The study of the origin of surnames, names, patronymics, their histories can lead to the ancestor of a whole dynasty, the geographical place where your ancestors lived, and their professions. Therefore, the theme of the project can be considered relevant.



Regional scientific-practical conference "School - Science - University"

The origin of the surname, name and patronymic of people

Vyazma, Smolensk region

Head: Natalya Viktorovna Shchelkunova, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU Secondary School No. 2

Vyazma, Smolensk region


Oct 2018

I. Introduction. The relevance of the topic choice. Formulation of goals and objectives.

1.Onomastics - a section of linguistics.

2. Activities of scientists in the field of onomastics.

6. Anthroponymic dictionaries.

2. The history of the origin of names.

3. The history of the emergence of patronymics.

1. Research of surnames.

2. Research of names.

3. Research of patronymics.

VII. List of sources.

Who was your great-grandfather in Russia?

Ask your surname ...

They sound like music, like a verse,

The surnames are simple.

Look closely and you will see in them

History of Russia.

G. Graubin.

I. Introduction. The relevance of the topic choice.Formulation of goals and objectives.

Billions of people live on our planet, and each person has his own name, surname and patronymic. Now there are various names, and each is unique in its own way, each name sounds beautiful in its own way, despite the fact that it often happens, you can meet people with the same names. What do our names mean? How did the surnames appear? How long ago were they given to people? What are middle names for? Probably, many asked these questions, and I think many would like to get answers to them. These questions also interested me. Therefore, in order to find answers to them, I chose such an exciting topic "The origin of surnames, names and patronymics of people."


After analyzing the work of linguists in the field of onomastics science, find out how the surnames, names and patronymics of students in my class came about.


1. To find out what the science of names is and what contribution linguists have made to science.

2. Consider anthroponymy as a science and find out what works of scientists-linguists in the field of anthroponymy are known.

3. Find out how the surnames, first names and patronymics came about.

4. Analyze the development of the custom of choosing surnames, names and patronymics.

5. Investigate groups of surnames.

6. Analyze the most popular names, find out which names of origin have the greatest number.

7. Divide the customs of using patronymics into the corresponding eras.

8. Find out the meaning of surnames, names and patronymics of students in my class.

9. After conducting a social survey, find out what the science of onomastics means for students in my class.

Object of study- the appearance and origin of surnames, names, patronymics. ...
Subject of study:surnames, first names, patronymics of students in grade 9.

Research hypothesis:knowledge of the methods of forming surnames, names, patronymics allows you to better know the history of your family, the history of your country.

Research methods:

  1. Working with the text of encyclopedias, dictionaries.
  2. Working with the text of sites from the Internet.
  3. Study of the origin of surnames, names, patronymics.
  4. Questioning classmates.

This project allows you to turn to the origins of the emergence of surnames, names, patronymics, to increase interest in the history of your family and country. kind.Proper names are of interest, on the one hand, as an object of scientific research in various fields of knowledge, on the other, as the problem of choosing a name for each specific person.
The study of the origin of surnames, names, patronymics, their histories can lead to the ancestor of a whole dynasty, the geographical place where your ancestors lived, and their professions.
Therefore, the theme of the project can be considered relevant.

II.Onomastics as “the art of naming”.

  1. Onomastics is a section of linguistics.

In modern Russian, there are hundreds of thousands of common nouns denoting objects and their properties, natural phenomena and other realities of our life. In addition to them, there is another, special world of words that perform the function of highlighting, individualization and representing a variety of names and titles.

Today, proper names are studied by representatives of a wide variety of sciences (linguists, geographers, historians, ethnographers, psychologists, literary scholars). However, first of all, proper names are closely studied by linguists.

Onomastics (from the Greek "onomastikys" - the art of giving names) is a section of linguistics that studies proper names, the history of their origin and transformation as a result of long-term use in the source language or in connection with borrowing from other languages ​​of communication.

Onomastics belongs to the linguistic disciplines, since the study of their own names requires, first of all, knowledge in the field of language. Nevertheless, a specialist in onomastics must be a person of universal knowledge: he must be well versed in geography, archeology, ethnography. All this makes onomastics one of the most fascinating sciences, and the subject of its study - the world of proper names - is an object of unflagging and inexplicable interest of people of different years, professions, and nationalities.

In modern onomastic science, based on materialistic dialectics, which gives a general direction of scientific research, the following research methods are used: descriptive, historical, comparative-comparative, areal, semiotic, stylistic, linguistic psychological, statistical.

2. Activity of linguists in the field of onomastics.

Today, onomastics is the main scientific specialization.more than 150 Russian philologists. Important centers for the study of onomastics are the cities of Moscow, Ulan-Ude, Voronezh, Maykop, Yekaterinburg. Onomastic conferences are regularly held in Maikop (Adyghe State University) and Yekaterinburg (Ural Federal University), which contribute to the development of onomastics as a science. In Yekaterinburg, the journal "Questions of Onomastics" is published - the only specialized publication of Russian onomasts.

Onomastics is one of the scientific areas of the applied linguistics sector of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It was here that the classic of Russian onomastics, the author of numerous monographs, dictionaries and reference books on proper names - Alexandra Vasilievna Superanskaya, who laid the foundations for the study of personal names in Russia, brought up more than one generation of graduate students and doctoral students, worked.

The science of onomastics has several directions: toponymy, cosmonimics, astronomy, zoonymy, chrematonymy, theonymy, carabonymy, ergonomics, pragmonimics, anthroponymics.

Anthroponymics - explores people's own names (Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, Ivan Kalita). Anthroponymics distinguishes between folk and canonical personal names, as well as various forms of the same name: literary and dialectal, official and unofficial. Each ethnic group in each era has its own anthroponymicon - a register of personal names. The collection of anthroponyms is called anthroponymy.

4. Anthroponymy as a section of onomastics.

The science of anthroponymics studies the information that a name can carry: a characteristic of human qualities, a person's connection with his father, clan, family, information about nationality, occupation, origin from any locality, class, caste.

The name of anthroponymy is formed from the ancient Greek words: anthropos - "man" and onoma - "name". This term is supposed to have been coined for the first time by the Portuguese linguist J. Leite Vasconselva in 1887. Anthroponym - a personal name, anthroponymy - a set of any personal names, both official and unofficial, affectionate, contemptuous, nicknames, patronymics, surnames, pseudonyms, etc.

5. Activity of scientists-linguists in the field of anthroponymy.

A valuable contribution to the knowledge of the history of Russian names was made by Academician A.I.Sobolevsky and Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences A.M.Selishchev.

V.D. Bondaletov, N.A. Baskakov, S.I. Zinin, Yu.A. Karpenko, I.A.Kyurshunova, V.N. Mikhailov, A.A. Reformatsky, V.P. . Moroshkin, N. A. Petrovsky, E. N. Polyakova [Elena Nikolaevna Polyakova], A. M. Selishchev, S. N. Smolnikov, A. V. Superanskaya, O. N. Trubachev, N. M. Tupikov, Yu. I. Chaikina [Yulia Ivanovna Chaikina], VK Chichagov, LV Uspensky. Russian anthroponymics in the 1980s-90s of the XX century was replenished with the works of I.M. Ganzhina, M.V. Gorbanevsky, Yu. A. Karpenko, I. A. Koroleva, T. N. Kondratyeva, V. A. Nikonova, N. N. Parfyonova, N. V. Podolskaya, B. O. Unbegaun, N. K. Frolov. In recent decades, Russian scientists have been interested in the development of regional anthroponymy. Only the introduction into scientific circulation of many texts from various territories of our country, including a significant number of personal names and surnames, will help to present a real picture of the formation of the anthroponymic system as a whole.

6. Anthroponymic dictionaries.

Dictionaries containing systematized anthroponymic material are of particular value. One of the first reference books of this type was a dictionary compiled by M. Ya. Moroshkin “Slavic Namesheet, or Collection of Slavic Personal Names in Alphabetical Order” (St. Petersburg, 1867). In 1903, N. M. Tupikov's "Dictionary of Old Russian Personal Names" appeared. In 1974, the great work of Acad. S. B. Veselovsky “Onomasticon. Old Russian names, nicknames and surnames ”, which is a directory of names, nicknames and surnames of North-Eastern Russia of the 15th-17th centuries, based on a huge number of published and unpublished sources.

III. The history of the emergence of surnames, names and patronymics of people.

1. The history of the origin of surnames.

The word "surname" in translation from Latin means "family". Just like the patronymic, the surname, as a rule, passes to the child from the father, but also parents can give their children the surname not only of the father, but also of the mother and even grandparents.

In the old days, however, such questions did not arise, because people did not have surnames. And yet it was necessary to somehow distinguish them from one another, the names alone were not enough, and they often coincided.

At the household level, this issue was solved simply: each person was invented a nickname, or nickname. They also served as surnames then.

For the first time, quite officially in Russia, surnames appeared in the time of Peter I, when the tsar, by his decree, ordered to write down all people living in the Russian state "by their fathers' names and nicknames", that is, by name, patronymic and surname. But even then, not everyone had surnames. The first to receive them in the XIV-XV centuries were princes and boyars. Often their surnames were formed from the names of those possessions that belonged to them. If the land holdings were located in the Tver province, then the boyar's surname could be Tverskoy, if in Meshchera - Meshchersky, etc.

But it happened that the boyars received surnames according to their old nicknames. So, once upon a time in the XIV century, the boyar Gregory, nicknamed Pushka, lived. It is unknown why he received such a nickname. Maybe for a loud voice that resembled a cannon shot, or maybe it had something to do with military equipment. But whatever was behind this, only his nickname passed into the surname, which after several generations went to the great poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, a descendant of boyar Grigory Pushkin.

Later, already in the XVI-XVIII centuries, surnames and nobles began to receive. There was already more variety here, because the title of nobility was often awarded for special services to the state, and among the nobles there were people of no noble origin who did not have their own land holdings. So the nobles received their surnames by the name of their father or mother, for example, Stepanov, Dmitriev, Efrosinin, sometimes they invented some noble surname for themselves, it happened that the tsar granted it to them along with the noble title. It happened that the nobles also received their surnames by their old nicknames. Of course, they tried to make them more euphonic, and noble families appeared by the names of Durnovo, Chernago, Khitrovo, Ryzhago, etc.

Then, in the 18th-19th centuries, it was the turn of trade and service people. They, as a rule, received surnames from the names of the places where they were from. This is how the names of Astrakhantsev, Moskvitinov, Moskvin, Vologzhanin, etc. appeared.

So, in turn, all the estates of Russia received the names. When the turn came to the most numerous stratum of the population - the peasants (and this happened already in the 19th century), then a variety of methods of forming surnames were already used here: by the name of the father and mother (Ivanov, Petrov, Maryin, etc.), and by the name of the craft or craft that the head of the family was engaged in (Plotnikov, Stolyarov, etc.), and by the street nickname (Khudyakov, Krivonosoe, Ryzhov) ...

It often happened that the peasants took for themselves surnames after the names of those landowners whom they served or whom they knew. A situation is known when, during the next census of the population, the peasants of the present Pushkinogorsk district of the Pskov region, finding it difficult to give their names (someone forgot, but someone did not have it), called themselves by the name of their famous countryman and his friends, who by have come or heard of. Thus, the families of Pushkins, Pushchins, Yazykovs live here to this day ...

The most common Russian surnames:

1) Ivanov

2) Smirnov

3) Kuznetsov

4) Popov

5) Vasiliev

6) Petrov

7) Sokolov

8) Mikhailov

9) Novikov

10) Fedorov

According to their meaning and origin, surnames can be divided into several groups. Below is a table (table 1), which presents the groups of surnames and surnames corresponding to them.

Surname groups

Examples of surnames

By the name of the father or mother.

Ivanov, Nikolaev, Alekseev, Maryin, etc.

Surnames derived from professional ancestors' nicknames.

Kuznetsov, Plotnikov, Melnikov, etc.

By character traits

Balabolkin, Zhulikov, Zhuzhzhalova, etc.

By external features

Nosov, Ukhov, Khudyakov, etc.

Surnames derived from the name of the birds.

Lebedev, Voronin, Orlov, etc.

Surnames derived from the names of animals.

Kozlov, Zaitsev, Medvedev, etc.

By place of residence

Tverskoy, Novgorodtsev, Meshcheryakov, etc.

Table 1. Surname groups.

  1. The history of the emergence of names.

Before the advent of Christianity in Russia, ancient Russian original names were used to name babies. By tradition, the names reflected the character traits and characteristics of a person, for example, Clever, Cunning, Dobr, Brave, Molchan, Kosoy, Krasava, Kudryash, Chernyak, Lame, Belyai. Sometimes the sons in the family were named in the order of their birth, for example: First, Second, Tretyak, Menshak, Elder, etc. Some names indicated the type of activity or profession, for example, Selyanin, Kozhemyaka, etc. In ancient times, such features in appropriation names were among many peoples. So, the Indians also noticed the features of people and reflected them in the names: Sly Fox, Eagle Eye, etc.

With the adoption of Christianity, names were fixed in special church calendars. But even today you can find surnames derived from nicknames: Beetle, Cat, Sparrow, Wolf. From the 11th to the 17th century, Byzantine-Greek names began to enjoy popularity. The two-name system also received its development, when a person was given one name at birth, and called differently. Names consisting of two roots, the last of which "-slav", were widespread during this period. This is how names with Slavic roots appeared: Borislav, Svyatoslav, Yaroslav, Vyacheslav and names with Byzantine-Greek roots: Miroslav, Stanislav, Bronislav, etc.

The usual for us naming people according to the formula - last name, first name, patronymic - was introduced at the beginning of the 18th century until 1917. At the same time, lists of names that can be chosen for a child were agreed upon, and pseudonyms also appeared. In Soviet times, it was popular to form new names to reflect events in the country. These were very unusual names, mostly carried by girls. Agree, not every day you meet a woman named Idea, Oktyabrina or Iskra. Sometimes such names sounded rather absurd, like, for example, a girl named Artillery Academy. However, I liked some names so much that they exist to this day: Lilia, Ninel (Lenin, just the opposite), Timur, Spartak, etc.

Russian personal names at the very beginning of the historical (written) period, as a result of the adoption of Christianity by Russia in the 10th century, began to be replaced by Christian names of Greek origin. Pushed into the background, Slavic Russian names existed for a long time in the life of the Russian people, first as personal names, then gradually moving to the position of nicknames, i.e. second, household names, in use are optional.

Table 2 shows the 30 most popular female names in 2017-2018 and their origins. Of these, 12 are names of Greek origin, 5 are Jewish, 9 are Latin, 4 are Slavic.



































































Table 2: The most popular female names in 2017-2018.

A generalization of the data in Table 2 is presented in the diagram "Prevalence of the origin of female names" (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. "The predominance of the origin of female names."

Considering the diagram in Figure 1, we can conclude that the names of Greek origin prevail among the names presented above.

(they make up 40%), the smallest number of names are of Slavic origin (they make up 14%).

Table 3 shows the 10 most popular male names at the time of 2017-2018. Of these, 5 names are of Greek origin, 4 are Jewish, 1 is Latin.























Table 3 The most popular male names in 2017-2018.

After analyzing the data in Table 3, Fig. 2 shows a diagram that reflects the predominance of the origin of male names.

Fig. 2. "The predominance of the origin of male names."

Based on this diagram, we can conclude that the largest number of male names are of Greek origin (they make up 50%), the smallest is of Latin origin (they make up 10%); names of Jewish origin make up 40% of the total number of names.

3 .The history of the emergence of patronymics.

Russian patronymics began to be used very early; the first mention of this dates back to 945. True, they were written differently then: for example, "Gleb, son of Vladimir", "Vasily, son of Peter", etc. However, until the 13th century, the frequency of the use of patronymics was low.

The form of male patronymic in modern Russian with the ending in "-vich" goes back to the patronymics of ancient Russian princes and nobility of Muscovite Rus; ordinary people did not have the right to use such patronymics.

Since the 15th century, naming with "-vich" was considered a special privilege, such a right was granted to ordinary people personally by the king and for special merits. So, in 1610, Tsar Vasily Shuisky, in gratitude for the assistance of the merchants Stroganovs in the annexation of the Urals and Siberia to the Moscow state, ordered Maxim and Nikita Stroganov, their descendants and the descendants of Semyon (Ioannikievich) Stroganov to write with "-vich" and bestowed a special title " eminent people ". In the 17th century, the Stroganovs were the only merchant surname to bear this title.

Mostly patronymics were formed on behalf of the father. Father - was the breadwinner and head of the family. However, there were cases of the formation of a patronymic on behalf of the mother: Pavel Nastasich, Ivan Efrosinevich. Currently, all middle names are formed only on behalf of the father.

Historically, the patronymic was divided, as it were, into several categories. Serfs did not have it at all. Simply noble people received a semi-patronymic, for example, "Pyotr Osipov Vasiliev". As for the patronymic in -ich, it became, as it were, a sign that the person wearing it belongs to the class, aristocratic elite. Thus, -ich stood out from the patronymic, ceased to be a full suffix and began to be used independently, turning into a special term for privilege, gentility of persons or estates. "-Ich" began to be perceived as a title, as the words "de" (in French), "von" (in German), "Van" (in Dutch), indicating the gentility. In accordance with this provision, it was possible to reward with a witch, which was what the Russian tsars did.

Since the reign of Peter I - the "Patronymic" column becomes mandatory in all documents. Under Catherine II, the use of different forms of patronymic was legally enshrined. In her "official list", drawn up in accordance with the Peter's table of ranks, it was indicated that the persons of the first five classes should be written with a patronymic in "-vich", from the sixth to the eighth - called half-patronymics, all the others - only by names.

However, patronymic forms in "-ov" / "-ev" in the 19th century were used only in clerical speech, in official documents. In unofficial situations, in everyday life, Russian people called each other by names and patronymics in the form that is familiar to us now: the glorification of -ovich, -evich, -ovna, -evna, -ich, -inichna was not limited. Sometimes it was even used instead of a name (as sometimes it is now), when the speaker wanted to emphasize special respect for a person, to show a shade of affection, love. As before, and now a person begins to be called by his patronymic only when he grows up. Young children and adolescents are called only by their first name.

Over time, the customs of using patronymics changed, the customs of changing the endings of patronymics changed. Therefore, the customs of using patronymics can be divided into several eras:

I.945 - the first mention of patronymics, the beginning of the use of patronymics. Patronymics were written like this: for example, Olegovich was written as "Oleg's son."

II.15 c. - middle names had the ending "-vich", they were given only to noble people. In the 15th century, the "son" / "daughter" prefixes were abolished.

III. 1689-1725. During the reign of Peter 1, the use of patronymics in "-ich" was prescribed in relation to persons of the first five classes, the use of semi-patronymics - to persons of 6-8 grades in accordance with the Table of Ranks.

IV.19 century - in official documents patronymic names ending in "-ov" / "-ev" were used.

V. After the 1917 revolution, the use of patronymics was legalized regardless of social status.

IV. Investigation of the origin of the surnames, names and patronymics of students in my class.

The research work of my project is presented by an analysis of the origin of the surnames, names and patronymics of students in my class.

1. Research of surnames.

I analyzed the origins of the names of students in my class.

Table 4 shows the names of students in my class, their meaning and education groups of surnames:





Formed from the male name Aslan, or Arslan, which translated into Russian means "lion"

On behalf of.


Formed from the nickname Brown, which could have been given to a person with dark blond hair; also "Brown" meant a horse suit - "bay"; “Brown was called a bear.

Nicknamed, for external qualities.


No information found.

No information found.


Formed from the nickname General; probably this surname was assigned to a serf peasant who belonged to the general (it was not formed from the rank, since the generals had their own surnames); perhaps this surname belonged to a person with such character traits as imperiousness, etc.

By character traits


Formed from the name of the bird "dove". Perhaps this surname was given to a person who was engaged in breeding pigeons, or a person with this surname. It is also known that the basis of the surname could be the nickname Golub: this could be called a sweet, beautiful, kind person.

From the name of the bird.


Formed from the nickname Fungus, which has the meaning of "mushroom" - "wrinkle, frown, pout, angry" and reflects character traits. There is also a version according to which the surname is derived from the word "mushroom", such a surname could have been assigned to a mushroom picker or a person who loved dishes made from mushrooms.

By character traits.


Formed from the name of the bird "goose". Also, this surname could be formed from the non-church name Gus.

From the name of the bird.


The basis of this surname is the worldly name Drozd, or the name of a bird. Perhaps this surname was given to a person of calm nature.

From the name of the bird. / From the name.


Formed from the male name Ivan, which means "the mercy of God."

On behalf of.


Formed on behalf of Ilya, translated from the Hebrew language, it means "the power of God."

On behalf of


Formed on behalf of Kallinikos, which means "good winner".

On behalf of


No information found.

No information found.


Formed from the professional nickname Blacksmith. Probably, the ancestor of the Kuznetsovs was a blacksmith by profession.

From professional affiliation.


Formed from the word "chicken", or from the worldly name Kurochka.

On behalf of. / From the name of the bird.


The basis of the surname is the church name Lazarus, which translated from Greek means "God helped"; There is also a version according to which this surname comes from the nickname Lazuk, which means "weasel", perhaps this surname was given to a clever person.

From the name. / From the nickname.


Formed from the secular name Blizzard, or from the word blizzard, blizzard; perhaps such a surname was given to a person by character traits.

From the name. / From the word. / By character traits.


Formed on behalf of Nicholas, which means "conqueror of nations."

On behalf of.


Formed on behalf of Ostap, meaning "stable, permanent".

On behalf of.


Formed from the church name Semyon, which means “heard”.

On behalf of.


Formed from the name Sidor, common in the old days, or the Greek name Isidor; this name means "the gift of Isis", that is, "the gift of the goddess of fertility."

On behalf of.


Formed from the church name Sila, or from the Latin name for a forest in southern Italy, its inhabitants.

On behalf of.


Formed from the nickname Shah, which means "monarch, king".

From the nickname.


The basis of this surname is the nickname Shirshik, which goes back to the word "wide". It means “mighty, broad-shouldered” / “generous” / “rich”.

By the qualities of a person.

Table 4. Analysis of surnames.

Fig. 3. "The predominance of groups forming surnames."

In fig. 3 shows the diagram "The prevalence of groups forming surnames", which shows that among the surnames of students in my class, the largest number have surnames formed from the first name (they make up 48%), and the smallest number have surnames formed from a nickname and a surname formed from professional affiliation; they have the same number and make up 5% of the total.

2. Research of names.

I analyzed the names of the students in my class, finding out the meaning and origin of the names. The research is presented in Table 5.








"Hospitable" / "foreigner", "guest"






"Peace", "rest"






"Lord", "lord"






"Like a lion"



"Possessing the Good"





"My judge is God"



"Girl from the forest" / "protector"






"Winner of the nations"



"High", "noble"



"Holy", "light", "wise"



"Happiness" / "curly", "fluffy"






"High", "noble"






"My judge is God"



"Giving life", "life" / "alive", "mischievous"



"Resurrected", "reborn", "immortal"


Table 5 Name Analysis; the meaning of the names and their origin.

Rice. 4. The predominance of the origin of names.

Conclusion: the diagram (Fig. 4) shows that of the total number of names, 9% are of Slavic origin, 22% are Latin, 17% are Jewish, 52% are Greek. Therefore, the minimum number of names is of Slavic origin, and the maximum number of names is Greek.

3. Research of patronymics.

List of middle names of students in my class:

1. Artakovich







8. Igorevich








16. Olegovna





21. Valerievich

22. Valerievna


After analyzing the patronymics of students in my class, I concluded that all patronymics come from the father's name (For example, Andreevna - from the name of Andrey), end in "-vich" / "-vna", go back to the patronymics of ancient Russian princes and nobility of Moscow Russia ... In the 15th century, the assignment of patronymics was considered a special privilege, and in modern times, patronymics are given to each person.

V. Social poll on the topic "Onomastics".

I conducted a social survey among students in my class. The following are the questions that the students answered:

1.Do you like your name?

2. Would you like to change your name?

3.Do you know what your name means?

4.Do you know the origin of your last name?

5. Do you think a person needs to know about the origin and meaning of his surname?

6. Would you like to know how your last name and first name came about?

7. Do you know any interesting historical facts related to your family?

8. Do you consider the issue of the scientific approach to the choice of a name relevant?

9.Did you know that there is a branch of the science of language dealing with the study of proper names?

10. Do you know how the names and surnames originated?

Thus, according to the results of the survey, we can conclude that:

1) 93.3% of students like their names.

6.7% of pupils do not like their names.

2) 33.3% of students would like to change their name, and 66.7% would not like to change their name.

3) 73.3% of students know what their surname means, 26.7% do not know.

4) 80% of students know the origin of their surname, 20% do not know.

5) 46.6% of students believe that a person needs to know about the origin and meaning of his surname, 53.4% ​​of students do not think so.

6) 73.3% would like to know about the origin of their surname and first name, 26.7% would not want to.

7) 26.7% of students know historical facts about their family, 73.3% do not know.

8) 60% of students consider the issue of a scientific approach to the choice of a name relevant, 40% do not think so.

9) 40% of students know that there is a section of the science of language dealing with the study of proper names, 60% do not know.

10) 46.6% of pupils know how their names and surnames arose, 53.4% ​​are not known.

VI Conclusion. Research results, conclusions.

After analyzing the work of linguists in the field of onomastics science, I found out that among the surnames of students in my class, the largest number have surnames formed from the first name (they make up 48%), and the smallest number have surnames formed from a nickname and a surname formed from professional affiliation. ; they have the same number and make up 5% of the total. The minimum number of names are of Slavic origin, and the maximum number of names is Greek. After analyzing the patronymics of students in my class, I concluded that all patronymics come from the father's name (For example, Andreevna - from the name of Andrey), end in "-vich" / "-vna", go back to the patronymics of ancient Russian princes and the nobility of Moscow Russia ... In the 15th century, the assignment of patronymics was considered a special privilege, and in modern times, patronymics are given to each person.

How many people know: where did they come from and what did their surname, name, patronymic mean when they appeared? I think that this issue is very important for every person who is not indifferent to the history of his family, the history of his country, since the surname, name, patronymic is a kind of living history.

VII. List of sources.

  1. M.V. Gorbanevsky. "In the world of names and titles." M .: Knowledge, 1987.
  2. I.V. Kublitskaya. “Names and surnames. Origin and meaning. " Peter: Enigma, 2009
  3. L.V. Uspensky. "You and your name." World of encyclopedias, 2008
  4. Yu.M. Medvedev. “10,000 Russian names and surnames. Encyclopedic Dictionary "AST, Astrel, 2009.