M zoshchenko's presentation nervous people. Presentation on the topic mikhail mikhailovich zoshchenko

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Zoshchenko Mikhail Mikhailovich

Born in 1895 in St. Petersburg, in the family of a poor itinerant artist Mikhail Ivanovich Zoshchenko and Elena Iosifovna Surina. The family had eight children. On February 17, 1939, in the Kremlin, Mikhail I. Kalinin presented the writer Mikhail Zoshchenko with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

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Occupation and profession.

Train inspector on the Kislovodsk - Mineralnye Vody railway line; in 1914 - platoon commander, warrant officer, and on the eve of the revolution - battalion commander, wounded, gassed, holder of four military orders, staff captain; Chief of Post and Telegraph Office, Commandant of the Main Post Office in Petrograd; border guard in Strelna, Kronstadt, machine-gun commander and regimental adjutant on the Narva front; after demobilization (heart disease, a defect acquired as a result of gas poisoning) - an agent of the criminal investigation department in Petrograd, an instructor in rabbit breeding and chicken breeding at the Mankovo ​​state farm in the Smolensk province, a policeman in Ligov, a shoemaker, a clerk and an assistant accountant in the Petrograd port.

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About creativity

Zoshchenko's first book "The Stories of Nazar Ilyich, Mr. Sinebryukhov" (1922) and the stories that followed brought the author wide fame. The author often contrasts the stupidity, rudeness and selfishness of his "heroes" with dreams of bright friendliness and spiritual subtlety, which will permeate relations between people in the future. All works were written in various genres, as well as translated into foreign languages. The reader laughed at what the writer thought was the problem of the day.

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Success in literature

Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko has fallen to the share of fame, rare for a person of the literary profession. Magazines challenged their rights to publish his works. The books were sold out with lightning speed. Glory followed on his heels. The postman brought in bundles of letters, called on the phone, and chased us in the streets. He had to leave Leningrad. Some citizens impersonated him.

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The reasons for its success.

An unusually great variety of professions, which made it possible to learn all the features of the life of the people. He knew how to get used to the role of a person and understand his point of view. People were very eager to "get to him on the pencil." MM Zoshchenko felt guilty before the poor for his birth on white sheets. By the beginning of the twentieth century, he had a lot of experience to create great creations for which the language of the people was needed. Zoshchenko's cheerfulness allowed him to saturate his works with laughter. Timeliness of story writing.

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  • Slide 1

    Zoshchenko Mikhail Mikhailovich Born in 1895 in St. Petersburg, in the family of a poor itinerant artist Mikhail Ivanovich Zoshchenko and Elena Iosifovna Surina. The family had eight children. On February 17, 1939, in the Kremlin, Mikhail I. Kalinin presented the writer Mikhail Zoshchenko with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

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    Occupation and profession. Train inspector on the Kislovodsk - Mineralnye Vody railway line; in 1914 - platoon commander, warrant officer, and on the eve of the revolution - battalion commander, wounded, gassed, holder of four military orders, staff captain; Chief of Post and Telegraph Office, Commandant of the Main Post Office in Petrograd; border guard in Strelna, Kronstadt, machine-gun commander and regimental adjutant on the Narva front; after demobilization (heart disease, a defect acquired as a result of gas poisoning) - an agent of the criminal investigation department in Petrograd, an instructor in rabbit breeding and chicken breeding at the Mankovo ​​state farm in the Smolensk province, a policeman in Ligov, a shoemaker, a clerk and an accountant's assistant in the Petrograd port.

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    About creativity Zoshchenko's first book "The Tales of Nazar Ilyich, Mr. Sinebryukhov" (1922) and the stories that followed brought the author wide fame. The author often contrasts the stupidity, rudeness and selfishness of his "heroes" with dreams of bright friendliness and spiritual subtlety, which will permeate relations between people in the future. All works were written in various genres, as well as translated into foreign languages. The reader laughed at what the writer thought was the problem of the day.

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    Success in Literature Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko was given a fame that is rare for a person in the literary profession. Magazines challenged their rights to publish his works. The books were sold out with lightning speed. Glory followed on his heels. The postman brought in bundles of letters, called on the phone, and chased us in the streets. He had to leave Leningrad. Some citizens impersonated him.

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    The reasons for its success. An unusually great variety of professions, which made it possible to learn all the features of the life of the people. He knew how to get used to the role of a person and understand his point of view. People were very eager to "get to him on the pencil." MM Zoshchenko felt guilty before the poor for his birth on white sheets. By the beginning of the twentieth century, he had a lot of experience to create great creations for which the language of the people was needed. Zoshchenko's cheerfulness allowed his works to be saturated with laughter. Timeliness of story writing.

    Mikhail Zoshchenko was born

    in the family of a poor artist

    and a writer.

    From early childhood, and especially after the death of his father (the boy was 12 years old), when his mother, suffering from humiliation, asked for benefits for her eight children, the future writer had already clearly understood that the world was arranged unfairly, and at the first opportunity he set out to study this world ...

    In 1913, after graduating from the 8th grammar school, he entered the Imperial St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of Law. Without finishing the course,

    he went to the front of the outbreak of the First World War as a volunteer; participated in battles, distinguished by courage and courage, for which he was awarded five orders; commanded a battalion; was wounded three times, gassed, finished the war with the rank of captain.

    January 1917 - Order of St. Vladimir IV Art. with swords and bow.

    1915 Order of St. Stanislaus III Art.

    Battle awards Zoshchenko:

    1916 Order of St. Stanislaus II Art.

    Battle awards Zoshchenko:

    1916 Order of St. Anne IV Art.

    1917 Order of St. Vladimir IV Art.

    Subsequently, the experience of the war years, knowledge of the soldier's and officer's environment was reflected in one way or another in his works, including the first book "Tales of Nazar Ilyich, Mr. Sinebryukhov".

    Zoshchenko changed several positions, trying different professions: he served in the police, was an agent of the criminal investigation department, a clerk of the Petrograd military port, a carpenter, a shoemaker, but this did not give any kind of everyday life and peace, but on the other hand he enriched him with a lot of knowledge and life. observations.

    Since 1920 Zoshchenko took up literary work. It was in literature that he saw his real calling.

    He penned several books addressed to children of preschool and primary school age.

    The main theme of all Zoshchenko's books for children is the same as for all his works for adults - the formation of high morality. Knowing how to literally draw a moral lesson from everything, the writer teaches children to be kind, honest, courageous and smart.

    Mikhail Zoshchenko died Mikhail Zoshchenko died on July 22, 1958, in Leningrad. Buried in Sestroretsk.

    Zoshchenko awards

    for literary work:

    1939 Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

    1946 Medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    Malaya Konyushennaya st.,

    d. 4/2, apt. 119 -

    Museum-apartment of M. Zoshchenko.

    Monument to the writer at the Sestroretsk library.

    read books

    Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko

    read books

    Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko

    The presentation was prepared by Marina Mikhailovna Petrova, primary school teacher GBOU Secondary School No. 349 with in-depth study of the English language of the Krasnogvardeisky district of the city of St. Petersburg

    Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko

    Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko
    28.07.1984 – 22.07.1958
    Russian writer, satirist and playwright

    Mikhail Zoshchenko was born in St. Petersburg (according to other sources, in Poltava). In September 1927, Zoshchenko, at the request of the editorial board of "Begemot", composes an autobiography.

    Father - Mikhail Ivanovich Zoshchenko, an artist, was a member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions. He participated in the production of mosaic panels on the facade of the Suvorov Museum. A twig of a small Christmas tree in the left corner was laid out by five-year-old Mikhail.
    Mother - Elena Osipovna (Iosifovna) Zoshchenko, nee Surina played in an amateur theater, wrote short stories.
    Michael with sisters

    In 1913 Zoshchenko entered the law faculty of St. Petersburg University. By this time, his first surviving stories belong - Vanity (1914) and Dvukryvenny (1914).
    In 1915, Zoshchenko volunteered for the front, commanded a battalion, and became a Knight of St. George. Literary work did not stop during these years. In 1917 he was demobilized due to heart disease after gas poisoning.

    Upon returning to Petrograd, Marusia, Meshchanochka, Neighbor and other unpublished stories were written, in which the influence of G. Maupassant was felt. In 1918, despite his illness, Zoshchenko volunteered for the Red Army and fought on the fronts of the Civil War until 1919.
    In the humorous Orders for the railway police and criminal supervision of Art. Ligovo and other unpublished works already feel the style of the future satirist.

    “By the mid-1920s, Zoshchenko had become one of the most popular writers. His humor fell to the liking of the broadest readership. His books began to be bought up instantly, as soon as they appeared on the book counter ... "(K. I. Chukovsky)

    M. Zoshchenko considered the book "Before the Sunrise" to be a significant work. For Zoshchenko, this book was important in that it helped him to understand the reasons for his nervousness and gloom. From the book, the reader learns about the life of the writer in very subtle details.
    The book entered the magazine "October" in 1943. The beginning was published in issue 6-7, and a flurry of criticism fell upon the writer. Printing was suspended, the book was banned.

    In the most difficult years for himself, Zoshchenko wrote stories for children: "Stories about Lenin", written from the memoirs of Anna Ilyinichna Ulyanova, stories about children in the war, about animals, "The Demonstrative Child", "Coward Vasya". The best of all that Zoshchenko has written for children is the stories about the writer's own childhood - "Lelya and Minka".

    In the spring of 1958, he was getting worse - Zoshchenko was poisoned with nicotine, which led to a short-term spasm of the cerebral vessels. Zoshchenko's speech becomes difficult, he ceases to recognize those around him. On July 22, 1958 at 0:45 Zoshchenko died of acute heart failure. The authorities banned the writer's funeral at Literatorskie Mostki of the Volkovsky cemetery, Zoshchenko was buried in Sestroretsk.

    MIKHAIL ZOSCHENKO Russian Soviet writer. Born July 29 (August 10) 1895 in St. Petersburg in the family of the artist, Mikhail Ivanovich Zoshchenko () and Elena Osipovna Zoshchenko, nee Surina (), who was an actress before her marriage, wrote stories.

    Impressions of childhood - including the difficult relationship between parents - were reflected both in Zoshchenko's stories for children (Galoshes and ice cream, Christmas tree, Grandma's gift, No need to lie, etc.), and in his story Before Sunrise (1943). The first literary experiments date back to childhood. In one of his notebooks, he noted that in 1902-1906 he had already tried to write poetry, and in 1907 he wrote the story of Coat.

    MIKHAIL ZOSHCHENKO In 1913 Zoshchenko entered the law faculty of St. Petersburg University. By this time, his first surviving stories belong - Vanity (1914) and Dvukryvenny (1914). His studies were interrupted by the First World War. In 1915 he volunteered for the front, commanded a battalion, and became a Knight of St. George. Literary work did not stop during these years. Zoshchenko dabbled in short stories, in the epistolary and satirical genres (he wrote letters to fictional addressees and epigrams to fellow soldiers). In 1917 he was demobilized due to heart disease after gas poisoning.

    MIKHAIL ZOSCHENKO Upon his return to Petrograd, Marusya, Meshchanochka, Neighbor and other unpublished stories were written, in which the influence of G. Maupassant was felt. In 1918, despite his illness, Zoshchenko volunteered for the Red Army and fought on the fronts of the Civil War until Returning to Petrograd, he earned his living, as before the war, in various professions: shoemaker, carpenter, carpenter, actor, rabbit-breeding instructor, policeman, an employee of the criminal investigation department, etc. In the humorous Orders written at that time on the railway police and criminal supervision of Art. Ligovo and other unpublished works already feel the style of the future satirist.

    In 1919 Zoshchenko worked in a creative studio organized by the publishing house "World Literature". KI Chukovsky supervised the classes. Recalling his stories and parodies, written during the period of his studio studies, Chukovsky wrote: "It was strange to see that such a sad person is endowed with this marvelous ability to powerfully make his neighbors laugh."

    In 1920-1921 Zoshchenko wrote the first stories from those that were later published: Love, War, Old Woman Wrangel, Fish Female. The cycle Stories by Nazar Ilyich, Mr. Sinebryukhov (1921–1922) was published as a separate book by the Erato publishing house. This event marked the transition of Zoshchenko to professional literary activity. The very first publication made him famous. Phrases from his stories acquired the character of catchphrases: “Why are you disturbing the disorder?”; "Lieutenant wow, but - a bastard" and others. From 1922 to 1946 his books withstood about 100 editions, including the collected works in six volumes (1928-1932).

    By the mid-1920s, Zoshchenko had become one of the most popular writers. His stories Banya, Aristocrat, History of the disease, etc., which he himself often read in front of numerous audiences, were known and loved in all strata of society. In a letter to Zoshchenko, A.M. Gorky noted: "I do not know such a ratio of irony and lyricism in anybody's literature." Chukovsky believed that at the center of Zoshchenko's work was the fight against callousness in human relations. Aristocrat, Case history

    In the collections of stories of the 1920s, Humorous Stories (1923), Dear Citizens (1926), and others. Zoshchenko created a type of hero, a new type of hero for Russian literature - a Soviet person who has not received an education, has no skills in spiritual work, does not have cultural become a full participant in life, equal with the "rest of humanity." The reflection of such a hero made an amazingly funny impression. The fact that the story was conducted on behalf of a highly individualized narrator gave literary scholars a reason to define Zoshchenko's creative style as “fairy tale”. Humorous stories

    In 1929, known in Soviet history as “the year of the great turning point,” Zoshchenko published the book Letters to the Writer - a kind of sociological study. It was composed of several dozen letters from the huge reader's mail that the writer received, and his commentary on them. In the preface to the book, Zoshchenko wrote that he wanted to "show the real and undisguised life, real living people with their desires, taste, thoughts." The book caused bewilderment among many readers, who expected from Zoshchenko only the next funny stories. Letters to the writer

    Returned youth The Soviet reality could not but affect the emotional state of a susceptible writer, prone to depression from childhood. A trip along the White Sea Canal, organized in the 1930s for propaganda purposes for a large group of Soviet writers, made a depressing impression on him. But after this trip, he wrote about how criminals are re-educated in the camps (The Story of One Life, 1934). An attempt to get rid of the oppressed state, to correct their own morbid psyche was a kind of psychological research - the story of Youth Returned (1933). The story evoked an interest unexpected for the writer in the scientific community: the book was discussed at numerous academic meetings, reviewed in scientific publications; Academician I. Pavlov began to invite Zoshchenko to his famous "Wednesday".

    The Blue Book As a continuation of the Returned Youth, the collection of stories The Blue Book (1935) was conceived. Zoshchenko considered the Blue Book on its inner content a novel, defined it as "a short history of human relations" and wrote that it "is not driven by a novel, but by a philosophical idea that makes it." Stories about the present were interspersed in this work with stories, the action of which takes place in the past - in different periods of history. Both the present and the past were given in the perception of the typical hero Zoshchenko, not burdened with cultural baggage and understanding history as a set of everyday episodes.

    Before sunrise In the 1930s, the writer was working on the book he considered the most important in his life. The work continued during the Patriotic War in Alma-Ata, in evacuation, since Zoshchenko could not go to the front because of a serious heart disease. In 1943, the initial chapters of this artistic and scientific study of the subconscious were published in October magazine under the title Before Sunrise. Zoshchenko investigated cases from life that gave impetus to a serious mental illness, from which doctors could not save him. The modern scientific world notes that in this book the writer anticipated many discoveries of the science of the unconscious by decades.

    The Adventures of a Monkey A 1946 decree that criticized Zoshchenko led to his public persecution and a ban on the publication of his works. The reason was the publication of Zoshchenko's children's story The Adventures of a Monkey (1945), which hinted at the fact that monkeys lived better than people in the Soviet country.

    Monument to Mikhail Zoshchenko in Sestroretsk In June 1953 Zoshchenko was re-admitted to the Writers' Union. In the last years of his life he worked for the magazines "Krokodil" and "Ogonyok". After reaching retirement age and until his death (from 1954 to 1958), Zoshchenko was denied a pension. In recent years, Zoshchenko lived at a dacha in Sestroretsk. The funeral of Zoshchenko at the Volkovo cemetery, among former writers, was prohibited. He was buried at the Sestroretsk cemetery near St. Petersburg.

    Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko This year, on August 10, we celebrate the 115th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko () MUK "Central City Hospital of Murmansk" Fmlmal 11