Literature lesson the role of female images of bummer. Presentation on the theme "Oblomov" - Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna "

Oblomov is a person with the inherent qualities of a person - sincerity, kindness, purity. But laziness, apathy, inaction - this is a huge minus of a person. The fact that Oblomov is a “person” is proved by the symbolism of his name:

Three letters O. O is a sphere, and a sphere is the most stable form of matter (electrons, protons, atoms, electrostatic, magnetic fields, planets, the trajectory of motion of electrons, planets, the nucleus of a cell, an egg - all have the shape of a sphere or circle).

The name Ilya is associated with the famous Ilya Muromets, who lay on the stove for thirty years. Oblomov's heavenly patron is the Old Testament prophet Elijah, whose name Oblomov bears. Ilya means "Yahweh is my God, the power of God, the strength of the Lord, the believer"

By repeating his father's name in the name of his son (Ilya Ilyich, Ilya, son of Ilya) Goncharov, as it were, emphasizes the invariability, repetition of the way of life among representatives of the Oblomov family.

The surname of the hero does not seem necessary to comment on, to such an extent it is expressive. One of the meanings of the verb "break off" in Russian is to persuade, to convince of something.

10 cells - letter - 2 quarters Lesson number

Lesson topic : Female images in the novel "Oblomov". The theme of Love in Goncharov's novel Oblomov

Lesson type: research lesson


1. Continue working on the image of Oblomov by comparing the comparative characteristics of Oblomov and Olga in relation to love; trace the development of the theme of love in the novel.

2. To reveal the characters and ideals of Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.

3. To form a respectful attitude to such a feeling as love.


1. analyze material about Olga Ilyinskaya according to plan

2. analyze material about Agafya Pshenitsyna according to plan

3. determine the role of each of the women in the fate of Oblomov

4. make a conclusion about the role of female characters in the novel in creating the image of the protagonist

During the classes.

1. Introduction. Teacher's word.

The epigraph to our lesson will be the words of Innocent

Annensky:“Love is not peace, it must have a moral result, first of all for those who love. The author does not accidentally conduct his hero through the test of love. Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov believed in the omnipotent force of this feeling.“You are right,” he wrote to one of his acquaintances, “suspecting me of belief in omnipotent, all-embracing love and that only this force can move the world, control the will of man and direct it to activity” .

2.Defining the topic of the lesson

What do you think is the topic of today's lesson?

(the theme of love in the novel, female characters in the novel)

We write down the topic in a notebook.

In Oblomov's novel, love is the basis. This feeling shows the hero in development. Let's remember under what circumstances Olga Ilyinskaya and Oblomov's acquaintance took place?

(Stolz introduced them. Stolz brought Oblomov into the house for a reception with Olga's aunt)

The novel "Oblomov" is warmed by two love stories. Today you and I have to answer the question of whether this is equal love, love of Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna.

Slide 2 Goncharov believed in the almighty power of love.

“You are right,” he wrote to one of his acquaintances, “suspecting me<…>in the belief in universal, all-embracing love and in the fact that only this force can move the world, control the will of man and direct it to activity " »

. Slide3 Exactly love, according to the writer, capable of dramatically change the life a person, and it is love that his best and worst sides are manifested

Slide 4 Why, feeling a real, deep feeling for Olga, does Ilya Ilyich refuse him and associate his life with Agafya Pshenitsyna?



Checking homework. A story about the heroine according to a predetermined plan. Comparative characteristics of Agafya and Olga

A story about Olga Ilyinskaya

Consider the portrait of the heroine,

attitude towards Oblomov,

development of relations with Ilya Ilyich,

area of ​​interest,

Anal from material after the image of Olga Ilyinskaya .

SLIDE7 Olga in the strict sensewas not a beauty ... but if she were turned into a statue, she would be a statuegrace and harmony ... The size of the head strictly corresponded to the somewhat high growth, the oval and the size of the face strictly corresponded to the size of the head; all this in turnharmonized with shoulders, shoulders - with a camp ...

The nose has formed a slightly bulging,graceful line; the lips are thin and for the most part compressed: a sign of thought continuously directed at something. The same presence of a speaking thought shone in the sharp-sighted, always vigorous, gaze of dark, gray-blue eyes that did not miss anything. Eyebrows gavespecial beauty eyes: they were not arched, they did not round the eyes with two thin strings plucked with a finger - no, they were two light brown, fluffy, almost straight stripes that rarely lay symmetrically: one line was higher than the other, from this there was a small fold above the eyebrow, in which something seemed to say, as if a thought rested there.

Olga walked with her head tilted slightly forward, soslender, noble resting on a thinproud, neck; she moved with her whole body evenly, walking lightly, almost imperceptibly ...

2.1. What are the main features in the character of Olga Ilyinskaya

(Olga's attractive features are dissatisfaction with herself and life, striving for vigorous activity, lack of pretense, simplicity, naturalness, thoughtful conduct of the fight against Oblomov's habits: a good-natured mockery of laziness. Her favorite activities are singing, reading, conversations about what has been read, walking. Olga - active, passionate nature, she did a lot to re-educate Oblomov, save him from laziness and apathy.Olga is a purposeful, strong-willed young woman who seeks to benefit people, society ).

2.2. The task.Tell and analyze the material in the image of Olga Ilyinskaya, using questions(the plan for analyzing the image of Olga Ilyinskaya was given to students at home):

1. Acquaintance of Olga and Oblomov. Development of their relationship. (5-12 chap. 2 parts)

2. Characteristics of Olga (5 chap. 2 parts)

3. How did your relationship with Olga affect Oblomov? Has he changed?

4. "Love" in the understanding of Oblomov and Olga.

5. Olga about Oblomov on the eve of breaking up with him. What did she understand?

6. Talking about the origin of relations between Oblomov and Pshenitsyna, the author says: “Every day he became more and more friends with the hostess: love never entered his mind, that is, about the love that he had recentlytransferred ... " Why?

7. Purpose of life, according to Olga.

8. Why, six months later, Olga, having told Stolz about her already past love for Oblomov, said: “Oh, what happinessrecover..."

9. General characteristics of Olga and Stolz. What brings them together?

10. How did Stolz imagine Olga's future if she married Oblomov? ( Chapter 4)

11. Why Olga, after breaking up with Oblomov, becoming Stolz's wife, begs her husband: "You won't leave him, won't you leave him?" - and asks him to take him with him to Oblomov.

12. What role did Olga play in Oblomov's fate?
13. The main purpose of the image of Olga in the novel.

What impression did they make on each other?

(Olga became curious. She watched Oblomov all evening. Oblomov was embarrassed)

- Will Olga fall in love with Oblomov?(Yes)

- Do you think she fell in love with the current Oblomov with all his shortcomings or Oblomov of the future?(Oblomov of the future)

- Find confirmation of this in the text (part 2, chapter 6)

Remember what served as a symbol of love between Olga and Oblomov?(lilac branch)

- Find the episode of Oblomov's first meeting with Olga in the park. Let's read it by role.(read by role.

- Oblomov thought that Olga was still angry with his confession, what was he advising her?

(forget everything he said)

Find this moment in the text. Read the(read)

- And what does Oblomov understand from this conversation?(Olga loves him)

- What are his next steps?(came the next day with a branch of lilac)

- And what does Olga understand in turn?(Oblomov loves her too)

- Goncharov illustrates this with the following episode: a week later, Ilya Ilyich met Olga in the park at the place where the lilac branch was plucked and thrown. And what did Olga do?(embroidered a branch of lilac)

- Why didn't their happiness work out?

(Oblomov wants to love and not lose peace at the same time. Olga Ilyinskaya demanded activity from Oblomov.)

2.3. What is the reason for their separation? Oblomov himself gives an answer to this.(Part 3 Ch 11)

- What conclusion can we draw? Was Ilya Ilyich right to leave Olga?(yes. He understood that love is not only a union of a man and women. This is a responsibility for him. And he is responsible not ready. He is noble. Oblomovshchina is to blame)

- Is Olga happy after marrying Stolz? -(most probably not)

- Is there spiritual warmth in their relationship?(No)

- Let's _______ read the moment when Olga agreed to get married

for Stolz. How did she feel at the same time?(part 4, chapter 4)

- Why do you think Olga married him?(most likely from despair)

2.4. Results of the analysis of the image of Olga Ilyinskaya.


2.5 What role did Oblomov play in the fate of Olga?

(Oblomov could not make Olga happy, but at the same time he internally enriched Olga. Under Oblomov's influence, Olga turns from an inexperienced and rather naive girl into a deeply feeling woman, whom Stolz fell in love with.)

3. Analysis of material based on the image of Agafya Pshenitsyna


Tell about Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.

Consider the portrait of the heroine, the attitude towards Oblomov, the development of relations with Ilya Ilyich, the sphere of interests,

reviews of other characters about the heroine.

3.1 . The task.Tell and analyze the material on the image of Agafya Pshenitsyna, using questions(image analysis planAgafia Pshenitsynawas given to students at home):

1. Oblomov's new apartment on the Vyborgskaya side near Pshenitsyna. (Part 3)

2. Agafya Pshenitsyna: appearance, character, lifestyle

SLIDE 10 She was about thirty years old. She was very white and full in the face, so that the blush, it seems, could not break through the cheeks. She had almost no eyebrows at all, and in their places were two slightly puffy, shiny stripes, with sparse blond hair ... Eyes are greyish-ingenuous like all facial expressions; hands are white, but stiff, with large knots of blue veins protruding outward.

the dress sat tight on her: it is clear that she did not resort to any art, not even an extra skirt, in order to increase the volume of her hips and reduce her waist. From this, even a closed bust of her, when she was without a headscarf, could serve as a painter or sculptor as a model. strong, healthy breasts, without breaking her modesty. Her dress, in relation to the elegant shawl and ceremonial cap, seemed old and worn. "

3. "Happiness" in the understanding of Oblomov (4 chapter 3 parts)

4. Oblomov's life in Pshenitsyna's house: "Peace and silence .. Everything is quiet in Pshenitsyna's house ..." (Chapter 9, part 4)

5. The reasons for the rapprochement between Oblomov and Pshenitsyna.

6. The attitude of Pshenitsyna to Oblomov.

7. Can we say that Oblomov's ideal of life was realized in Pshenitsyna's house? Why?

8. A.V. Druzhinin in the article "Oblomov", Goncharov's novel "considered Agafya Pshenitsyna the destroyer and evil angel of the protagonist. Do you agree with him?

9. The role of the image of Pshenitsyna in the novel.

- Another loving woman in Oblomov's life was the widow of a petty official Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.

- Generalize what Agafya Matveyevna is, what kind of mistress she is, what spiritual needs she has, does she read?

(She does not sit idle, her house is clean and tidy)

- So what attracted Oblomov to this simple, uncultured woman?(similarity to mother)

- What detail in the image of Pshenitsyna constantly attracts attention?(elbows)

- Find in the text phrases related to the description of elbows

- What kind of life does Pshenitsyna lead? Does it remind you of anything?(Childhood life in Oblomovka)

- Did Pshenitsyn strive to re-educate Oblomov?(no, she just loved him)

- What principle does Goncharov use here?(antithesis)

- And what exactly does Goncharov contrast in the images of these two women?(Olga is shown in development, and Agafya Matveevna flows with the flow

life) - Do you think the main character has withstood the test of love?

(no, he is not able to take responsibility for the fate of other people. Having married Pshenitsyna, he sinks even lower and goes into hibernation, and then dies and physically)

3.2 Results of the analysis of the image of Agafya Pshenitsyna.

(The description of Oblomov's life in Pshenitsyna's house in the novel is called “Vyborg Oblomovism.” Oblomov, having married Pshenitsyna, sinks more and more, finally plunges into hibernation, and then dies physically. Eternal silence, lazy crawling from day to day quietly stopped the life machine. Ilya Ilyich died, apparently without pain, without suffering, as if a clock had stopped, which had forgotten to wind)


3.3 What role did Oblomov play in the fate of Agafya Pshenitsyna?

(Oblomov filled Agafya Pshenitsyna's life with the meaning of caring for him. He gave her moments of quiet happiness. From an alliance with Agafya Pshenitsyna, Oblomov had an only child, a son, the responsibility for whose upbringing he shifted to Stolz)

4. Generalization based on the images of Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna.


5. What are the results of Oblomov's life?

(Oblomov was able to give two women who loved him a short, but still happiness to love and be loved. But at the same time he could not take care of them, or of himself, or of his only son, whom he entrusts to the care of Olga and Stolz.)

6 . SLIDE 12 Compare the statements of critics about Agafya Matveyevna and Olga .. DRUZHININA, N Dobrolyubova, A. Grigorieva

    Slide 13 «… the incomparable, mocking, lively Olga ... sees all the funny features of the hero, without being deceived in the least, plays with them, almost enjoys them and is deceived only in counting on the solid foundations of Oblomov's character. " A.V. Druzhinin

Slide 14 “She is ready for this fight, longs for her and is constantly afraid so that her quiet happiness with Stolz didn't turn into something appropriate to Oblomov apathy. " N.A. Dobrolyubov

Slide 15 “... an impartial and not obscured by theories mind will choose, as Oblomov chose,

Agafya Matveevna, - not only because elbows are seductive and what she makes pies well, - but because it is much more woman than Olga. " A. Grigoriev

Slide 16 written answer to the question. Which of the statements do you agree with? Why?


Analyze the material in the image of Andrei Stolz using the plan:

1. The story of Stolz (1-2 chapters, 2 parts)

2. What, according to Stolz, is the "normal human purpose"?

3. What did Stolz put above all in a person?

4. “How could such a person be close to Oblomov? - the author asks. What does he himself answer to this?

5. How did each meeting between Oblomov and Stolz end?

6. The final of the last meeting.

7. The role of Stolz in the fate of Oblomov.

8. Stolz after Oblomov's death takes his son up. Why?

9. Marriage of Stolz with Olga. Are they happy?

10. What is the “dead end” of Stolz's entrepreneurial activity?

11. Why does the author call his inner impulses "moral departures of the personality"?

12. What does Stolz see and appreciate in Oblomov?

Slide 1

Symbolic images in the novel by I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov" Completed by: pupils of the 10th grade Lysenko Marina, Ruban Anastasia, Kireeva Veronika. Teacher: L.I. Gerasimenko

Slide 2

Image - reproduction of an object, information about it or its description, structurally similar, but not coinciding with it. A symbol in art is a characteristic of an artistic image from the point of view of its meaningfulness, its expression of a certain artistic idea. Unlike allegory, the meaning of a symbol is inseparable from its figurative structure and is distinguished by the inexhaustible polysemy of its content.

Slide 3

Oblomov is a person with the inherent qualities of a person - sincerity, kindness, purity. But laziness, apathy, inaction - this is a huge minus of a person. The fact that Oblomov is a “man” is proved by the symbolism of his name: Three letters O. O is a sphere, and a sphere is the most stable form of matter (electrons, protons, atoms, electrostatic, magnetic fields, planets, the trajectory of electrons, planets, the nucleus of the cell, the egg - all have the shape of a sphere or circle). OBLOMOV The name Ilya is associated with the famous Ilya Muromets, who lay on the stove for thirty years. Oblomov's heavenly patron is the Old Testament prophet Elijah, whose name Oblomov bears. Ilya means "Yahweh is my God, the power of God, the strength of the Lord, the believer" By repeating the name of his father in the name of his son (Ilya Ilyich, Ilya's son Ilya) Goncharov, as it were, emphasizes the invariability, repetition of the way of life among the Oblomovs. The surname of the hero does not seem necessary to comment on, to such an extent it is expressive. One of the meanings of the verb "break off" in Russian is to persuade, to convince of something. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

Slide 4

Oblomov's heart is like a flower, a heavenly rose, a bowl. R. Guenon points to such an associative array. He writes that the bowl is an overturned triangle, a flower, a heavenly rose. The hero's heart, being the "heart of the novel", is quite comparable with the heart of Jesus, which is "both real and symbolically the center of being."

Slide 5

Oblomov is a light, soft pillow on which he slept. How comfortable it is, how cozy it is! What kind and homely! It is easy to wrinkle and fit, it is always clean!

Slide 6

The sofa, robe and shoes are symbols of laziness and apathy. For Oblomov, a sofa is a living environment, his best friend and “support”, support at any time, a curtain from the restless outside world, an obstacle to any action. This is the main background of his life, this is his essence and purpose. It is a habit, a habit of a lifetime, from which it is impossible to unlearn it even when you hate it. Everything started from the sofa, everything ended on the sofa ... The symbol of relaxation has become a symbol of pleasure, a symbol of laziness, a symbol of purpose, a symbol of life, a symbol of Oblomovism.

Slide 7

Oblomov's robe hides his crystal soul, his clear conscience, his unusual life, recalling which, it is impossible to characterize it unambiguously .. Oblomov's robe The robe under its wide floors "hides" Oblomov's lifestyle and his "philosophy of peace."

Slide 8

“Oblomov's Dream” is an exposition of the novel, which is not at the beginning, but within the work; Using such an artistic technique, showing first the character of the hero, and then the origins and conditions of his formation, Goncharov showed the foundations and depths of the soul, consciousness, and psychology of the protagonist. The psychologism of the novel lies in the fact that the author explores the inner world of all the characters. To do this, he introduces internal monologues - the reasoning of the hero, which he does not say aloud. The monologues show the attitude of the hero to himself and those around him, to life, love, death - to everything. The motive of sleep in Goncharov's novel is combined with the motive of dreams, daydreams. "Sleep" reveals the deepest layers of Oblomov's (and our) subconscious. In The Dream, the author prepares the ground for the creation of a gigantic figure of Oblomov, designed to stand in line with the “eternal images” known in world literature. Oblomov's dream

Slide 9

Dobrolyubov and Pisarev called Stolz "an active person", and Kulikovsky called him "a man of movement." The name Andrei reminds of the apostle - the patron saint of Russia, and just about the mission of the itinerant preacher. Stolz can be compared to a watch that does not run on battery power, but on vitality. He, like a clock, always moves forward, strives for something new, Stolz cannot stop at what he has achieved, which makes him a “new” person. Stolts Andrey Ivanovich

Slide 10

Giving the heroine the name Olga, the author puts next to the hero a "strong-willed, active, hard-working, intellectual" woman. The name Olga means "holy, bright", and the surname comes from the name Ilya. Olga's patronymic - Sergeevna (Sergei - "high, highly esteemed") - explains the fact that the heroine is unattainable for Oblomov. Olga is perceived by Oblomov and the reader as a beautiful statue. Ilyinskaya Olga Sergeevna

Slide 11

The "mistress" of this world, Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, like Olga, is, as it were, intended for Ilya: her name is read as a kind "gift from God", and the "bread" surname directly indicates the heroine's "genetic" dependence on Ilya, who is sung by the Slavs as " patron of harvest and fertility, sower, reaper and giver of blessings ... Pshenitsyna Agafya Matveevna The relationship between Olga and Stolz is, first of all, reasonable, and therefore moonlight constantly accompanies them in the novel. Their amorous explanation takes place after sunset. The heroes, as it were, are specifically waiting for the onset of darkness to reveal their souls to each other. During the explanation, the light from the window falls on Olga's face, and Stolz "could read what was on her mind." The evening light, the light of the moon, is interpreted in the novel as akin to the light of the sun. This is the light of truth, the light of grace. It was this idea of ​​night light that lived in the minds of the Slavs. No wonder Olga hides her face from this light, wanting to hide from Stolz the truth about her love for Oblomov. The author shows the happy life of Olga and Stolz against the background of “not Oblomovskaya,” but of southern nature - they live near the sea. According to the mythological ideas of different peoples, “life, strength, energy and eternity are in the water,” writes Mircea Eliade. Olga and Stolz, moonlight

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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The novel by I. A. GONCHAROV "Oblomov" The idea of ​​the novel The novel appeared on the eve of the abolition of serfdom in Russia. The main source of the novel was the future writer’s observations of reality, in particular, of the life of his family and his hometown of Simbirsk: “It seems to me that, at the sight of all these figures, I, a very vigilant and impressionable boy, had even then vague ideas about“ Oblomovism ". A. N. Dobrolyubov in the article "What is Oblomovism?" called Goncharov's novel "a sign of the times", that is, very topical, of great social importance, of the very way that gives rise to the Oblomovs.

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2. Genre, plot and composition "Oblomov" is a realistic social and everyday and at the same time social and psychological novel. The plot of the novel "Oblomov" is easy to delineate with a phrase: a landowner-lazy person is depicted, accustomed to doing nothing, he turns out to be not adapted to life and ingloriously ends it from an apoplexy as a relatively old man. The main content of the novel is to depict the struggle in Oblomov of two feelings: love for Olga and an imperious desire for peace and laziness. The latter wins. The action of the main part of the novel lasts about eight years and belongs to the 40s (1843-1851). The content of the entire novel, if we count Oblomov's prehistory and the epilogue, covers a huge period of time - about 37 years. This is not only the story of the hero's whole life, but also a whole epoch of Russian history. The composition of the novel is characterized by the presence of a double plot line, the contrast of images: Oblomov is opposed to Stolz, Olga-Pshenitsyna, Zakhar-Anisya.

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3. Oblomov's dream: its place and meaning in the novel To understand Oblomov's character, it is necessary, following the author, to turn to its sources. Together with the hero who asks himself the question: "Why am I ... so? ..", let us be transported to the blessed Oblomovka, which arose as a sweet vision in Ilya Ilyich's dream. What characterizes the atmosphere in Oblomovka Love and pacification What influenced the formation of the hero's creation Legends and fairy tales, epics and parables What qualities are formed in the hero Poetic dreaminess, a sense of inner freedom What is rejected by Ilya Ilyich as alien to his moral ideals Service devoid of human interaction. Friends who only dream of a career. Women unable to love “These are all dead. Sleeping People are worse than me, these members of the world and society! ”- this is how Ilya Ilyich argues. Oblomov is looking for perfection in this world, "the norm, the ideal of life, which nature has indicated as a goal for man."

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Oblomovka. "... a blessed corner of the earth ..." "... what a wonderful land!" "... a wonderful country ..."

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4. Oblomov and Stolz Oblomov Stolz Social status Barin Representative of the new class of the bourgeoisie Distinctive feature Paralysis of will and unrestrained laziness Unyielding will and a huge supply of activity and energy What he lives with Imagination Practical deeds, experience, facts Ideals of life Serene peace Cult of labor and enterprise Life position Apathetic to what is happening, perceives any activity as nothing but vanity Always does something, strives for something, achieves something

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5. Female images in the novel Olga Ilyinskaya Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna According to Dobrolyubov, she harmoniously combines "heart and will", a consciousness of outlook on life, perseverance in the struggle for a constant goal, an inquisitive mind, depth of feelings and femininity has become one of the most harmonious, bright images in Russian literature of the XIX century. A kind, modest woman, a wonderful hostess reveres her "lodger", for her he is a creature of the highest order, the ideal of a master for Oblomov is the ideal of "inviolable peace of life." Oblomov's love for Agafya Pshenitsyna grew up on the basis of lordly habits. With her, Ilya Ilyich finds what was his life dream. There is a deep meaning in the comparison of these female types in the novel. Clever Olga and patriarchal quiet Pshenitsyna, each in their own way, help to reveal the idea of ​​the novel, the essence of Oblomov.

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6. Oblomovism as the leading theme of the novel What is Oblomovism? The drama of the hero's mental development, the depiction of how his best inclinations "niknut fade", through which internal compromises the hero gradually comes to justify his apathy and spinelessness, to his surrender to him. The origins of Oblomovism The author is looking for the reasons for the Oblomovism of the protagonist, starting from childhood. Oblomovism as a method of typification The author creates typical concrete historical characters that embody the features of a particular social environment. Narrowly expanding the time frame of the novel, revealing the features of Oblomov not only in the era, environment, but also in the depths of the Russian national character.

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Oblomovism as a sign of the times, its main features "Oblomovism" is not a problem of one person, but a sign of the times generated by patriarchal noble life: apathy and laziness, cowardice and selfishness, as a result of hyperbolized guardianship of elders, limited aspirations, detachment, closeness from the unreal life, the desire to protect, to protect from possible problems.

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TV Shishmareva “Oblomov and Zakhar”. 1955

Reception of the antithesis in the novel Oblomov-Stolts Olga-Agafya Matveyevna ... Peace, sleep-activity, movement ... -at the level of the image system -at the level of motives Antitheza- from the Greek. "Opposition", a stylistic figure based on a sharp opposition of concepts, images, motives.

Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya In a rare girl you will find such simplicity and natural freedom of sight, word, and deed. No pretense, no coquetry, no lies ... ... she said little, and then her own ... Her laughter, which was so sonorous, so sincere, so infectious ... Olga in the strict sense is not a beauty ... but if you turn her into a statue, she would be a statue grace and harmony. ... the lips are thin and mostly compressed: a sign of thoughts constantly directed at something. The same presence of the speaking thought shone in the ... gaze.

Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna She was about thirty years old. She was very white and full in her face ... Her eyes were greyish and simple-minded ... She entered timidly and stopped, looking shyly at Oblomov ... She also hid her hands under a shawl ... Her smile was more of an accepted form, which hid ignorance ... She listened blankly and stupidly thought ... She is all at work, all stroking, pounding, rubbing ...

Love for Oblomov Olga Ilyinskaya Agafya Matveyevna Her life was filled quietly and imperceptibly for everyone ... I love it differently ... I'm bored without you; parting with you is not for long - sorry, for a long time - it hurts ... Life is a duty, a duty, therefore, love is also a duty ... This love is justified by its meekness ...