Castrated bull: possible causes of castration, description of the procedure, purpose and use of the ox in agriculture. Castrated bull: possible causes of castration, a description of the procedure, the purpose and use of an ox in agriculture What materials

Castration of bulls is often considered as an element of the technology of keeping animals, to improve the qualitative and quantitative indicators of productivity. When resorting to the removal of reproductive organs, it is very important to choose the right method of manipulation, which will depend on many factors. To decide which method will be most suitable in a particular case, it is necessary to consider each separately, so today we will talk about open, closed and chemical methods using various techniques and auxiliary tools.

Why are bulls castrated?

Removal of reproductive organs in bulls is necessary for economic purposes, which can be varied and presented in the form of:

  • increase in bone growth, allowing the animal to gain more mass;
  • changes in the behavioral qualities of bulls - they become calmer;
  • easier maintenance of animals in groups, prevention of related mating;
  • direct indications for the removal of reproductive organs, in the form of prevention of common diseases - sexual trauma, collagenase, hypovitaminosis.
  • therapeutic purposes, to remove scrotal hernia, testicular injuries, purulent-necrotic processes, neoplasms in the scrotum and testes;
  • improving the taste of meat and the absence of a specific smell in it.

What is the best age to do this?

The removal of the gonads in bulls that will be fattening is resorted to at 3 months of age. If the animal is raised for use as labor force, then the appropriate age for castration is one and a half to two years.

The recommended period for the procedure is spring or autumn, since in summer in the heat and in winter in the cold it is impossible to quickly heal wounds. Operations are carried out exclusively in the morning, in order to monitor the condition of the animal during the day.

Did you know? Castrated bulls are called oxen. After the removal of the reproductive organs in bulls, horns begin to actively grow, reaching unexpectedly large sizes.

Preoperative animal preparation

It is necessary to prepare an animal for manipulation in several stages. First, general preparation is carried out, which consists of studying the epizootological state of the economy. Animals to be castrated must be examined for any disease. If castration is planned for mass, then the pulse and respiration are selectively measured in individuals, and thermometry is carried out. Animals, for 12 hours, and preferably one day, are not allowed to eat, they drink only water, and immediately before the procedure, the consumption of water is also excluded.
Before the removal of the reproductive organs, the bulls are allowed to take a walk in order for the intestines and bladder to be released. Preparation for the procedure also consists of cleaning and general or partial washing of the animal in the perineum and inner thighs, distal limbs. The second stage is called private preparation for castration.

To do this, it is necessary to process the surgical field - remove hair, clean mechanically, degrease, disinfect the surface. It is better to remove the hairline by shaving off the hairs, since this method is more effective - the entire hairline is completely removed. To do this, use a regular safety razor with a broken plate. The processing of the animal is carried out when the bull is fixed and motionless.

Important! Before removing the reproductive organs of young bulls, it is not necessary to shave off the hairline, since it is quite rare.

Mechanical cleaning and degreasing are carried out using a cloth moistened with 5% ammonia. Asepsis and tanning of the site for the operation can be carried out with a 5% iodine solution, with an interval between treatments of 3 minutes, the treatment is performed twice.

How bulls are castrated

There are several methods of manipulation, which can be bloody and bloodless, as well as using a new method - chemical castration.

Open (bloody) method

After the bull has been fixed and the surgical field has been prepared, all layers of the scrotum are cut. For young bulls, a transverse incision is made; for adults, the scrotum is opened from the side or in front, along the testis. The testicle is cut along its entire length, opening the common vaginal membrane. The testicle is removed, after which it is necessary to proceed to cutting the thickened part of the transitional ligament and separating the common vaginal membrane from the spermatic cord.

Important! Use open castration for bulls over 2 years of age using local anesthesia.

On the thinnest part of the spermatic cord, with a distance of about 10 cm from the testis, a strong silk ligature is applied, followed by tying it with a surgical knot. Below the ligature, 2 cm, the spermatic cord is cut with scissors. The stump is smeared with 5% iodine, the wound is treated with antiseptic powder.

It is possible to carry out castration with forceps using an emasculator, for this, using a lateral incision in the scrotum, the spermatic cord is removed outward, with further application of forceps on it and holding them in this position for 5 minutes to prevent bleeding. After manipulation, the testicles are removed from the scrotum.

Closed (bloodless) way

The closed method of castration is the most common for young bulls and calves. This method consists in the destruction of the vas deferens, without removing the testicles. The simplest option is to use an elastic band (elastator) to squeeze the scrotum neck. The main advantage of castration with a rubber ring is the painlessness of the procedure and the absence of an open wound.

Closed castration can also be carried out by bloodless calving of bulls due to subcutaneous crushing of the spermatic cords, for which Burdizzo forceps are used. This device is applied above the testicles, squeezed to a characteristic sound and held for half a minute. Thanks to this method of castration, there is a cessation of blood flow to the testes and their gradual atrophy.

Video: bloodless castration

Chemical castration

This castration method consists in using a solution of formalin 5-10% and novocaine 0.5%-2%. The introduction of the solution occurs in an amount of 5 to 10 ml in each testis, by injection. At the moment, the method is called ineffective and manipulations must be repeated every 6 months throughout life in order to block the work of the testes. There are also studies that show that about 20% of chemically castrated animals continue to produce male hormones.

Postoperative period

The need for additional care for castrated bulls depends on the method of operation. When using bloodless methods, in particular elastic bands, the bull is examined after half an hour after the manipulation. At this time, it is considered normal if the temperature of the scrotum has decreased. The testicles of bulls completely die off within a month after the procedure.
If the spermatic cords were crushed by means of a closed castration method, a hematoma is formed, which can be felt through the skin. Successful castration can be called if the testicles have significantly decreased in size and their density has changed. These indicators should be set one month after the procedure. If no changes have occurred, re-castration is performed by an open method.

Castration is an intervention performed to stop the sexual function of an animal. This operation has been widely used in agriculture since ancient times. It is mentioned, for example, by Xenophon and Aristotle. Today, such a procedure on farms is also performed quite often. Many Internet users, for example, are interested in whether bulls are castrated. Of course, cattle are also subjected to such interference. This type of procedure can be carried out both in large livestock complexes, and in small businesses or in private farms.

What is the name of a castrated bull

Do such operations on farms very often. Even separate names have been invented for castrated animals. A pig that has undergone such an intervention, for example, is a hog. Bulls after castration are called oxen.

The need for a procedure

Bull and ox - what is the difference between them, we thus found out. But why is castration carried out on farms. Most of the bulls kept in them are subjected to a similar procedure in livestock farms. Only producers with good breed qualities are not castrated on farms. Such bulls are left for the tribe and used in the future for mating with cows in order to obtain high-quality offspring.

Castration of meat animals allows, first of all, to achieve an increase in productivity in terms of meat output. After this procedure, the character of the bulls changes significantly. They become calmer, eat better, and therefore gain weight faster.

Since castrated bulls are generally docile, they are much easier to care for than sires. This, of course, can also be attributed to the advantages of such an operation.

Farmers believe that another undoubted advantage of castration is that in this case it is possible to fully control the performance of the herd in terms of producing offspring. Oxen simply do not have the ability to accidentally cover cows, for example, in a pasture.

The advantages of such an intervention, of course, include an increase in the quality of gobies meat. In non-castrated animals, it has a specific, not too pleasant smell. This is especially evident when it is cooked hot. In castrated bulls, the meat is soft, juicy, tender and does not have any unpleasant odor.

Disease Intervention

In some cases, the need for such a procedure arises not from economic considerations, but in order to preserve the health of the animal. Bulls can be castrated on farms, for example, for prevention:

    sexual trauma;



The answer to the question of why bulls are castrated is often the need to treat the animal. For this purpose, this procedure can be carried out, for example, when:

    dropsy of the common vaginal membrane;

Contraindications for the procedure

The decision on whether it is necessary to castrate a bull in farms is therefore made for reasons of economic expediency. In most cases, this procedure is recognized as necessary. But, unfortunately, sometimes steers kept on farms are not allowed to be castrated. Contraindications to such a procedure are for example:

    exhaustion of the animal;

    diseases in a protracted or acute form;

    early age of the bull.

Do not castrate bulls on farms and two weeks before the start of preventive vaccination. Also, this procedure is not allowed to be carried out within 14 days after vaccinations.

Castration methods

Castration of bulls on farms can be carried out using different technologies. Intervention to stop sexual function can be operative or bloodless. At the moment, both types of castration are practiced in livestock farms.

Surgical intervention, in turn, can be:




Bulls on farms are usually castrated according to the first method. During this procedure, the animal can be either in a standing or lying position. When using the surgical technique of castration, the bulls are previously anesthetized. When using the bloodless method, such a procedure is not performed.

When is the best time to

The age of bulls for castration is determined primarily depending on their breed and degree of development. For example, Simmental animals are usually operated on at 5-7 months of age with a body weight of at least 150 kg. In this case, it will be possible to slaughter a bull in the future already at the age of 12 months.

Castration of cattle on farms is allowed at any time of the year. However, most often this procedure is performed in spring or autumn - when it is cool. At this time, there are practically no flies on the farm. And consequently, the probability of infection of the wound is significantly reduced.

Preparing bulls

Reviews of castrated bulls from farmers are, of course, in most cases positive. Such animals, with lower feed costs, gain weight much faster, get sick less often and do not cause their owners any inconvenience in terms of care.

Actually, the castration procedure itself is not too complicated. In any case, it is safe for the health of the animal, subject to all the required technologies. However, it is necessary, of course, to prepare the bull for such an intervention. Before castration:

    the animal is carefully examined to identify any diseases in it;

    determine the size of the testicles in a bull;

    keep the bull on a starvation diet.

Do not feed the animals before castration for 12-14 hours. During this period, the bulls are given only water. Before the operation itself, the animal is driven outside for a while. The bull must empty the intestines and bladder.

Instrument preparation

Of course, before the operation, the premises and equipment are carefully prepared. With an open surgical method, use:

    sharp belly scalpel;

Disinfect such equipment in a solution prepared using:

    sodium carbonate 1%;

    sodium hydroxide 0.1%;

Such ingredients are pre-dissolved in water. Next, the instrument is immersed in the resulting disinfectant liquid and boiled in a sterilizer. Ligatures are soaked for a day in a 4% formalin solution.

Immediately before the operation, the veterinarian should also wash their hands in a 0.5% ammonia solution, wipe them with a towel and treat with alcohol. In preparation for castration, the surgeon must, among other things, lubricate the fingertips with iodine.

What materials can be used

In addition to the scalpel and scissors, for the castration procedure, you will need to prepare:

    cotton swabs;

    silk or cotton ligatures;

    disposable syringe;

  • tweezers.

Of course, you will also need a clean, sterile towel for the operation.

Fixation methods

In order to ensure the immobility of the animal during castration, the following method is often used, for example:

    take a long rope and tighten it at the base of the horns with a movable loop;

    direct the rope back and circle the torso with a tightening loop;

    again advance the rope back in front of the maklaks and make a second loop;

    the end of the rope is led out under the leg of the bull.

After that, one of the farm workers directs the bull's head in the direction opposite to the fall. The other two are pulling on the end of the rope. As a result, the knees of the squeezed animal bend and it lies on its side. Next, the bull is finally strengthened, and his head is pressed to the floor.

How is the operation performed

Photos of castrated bulls are presented on the page. As you can see, the animals are in most cases large and healthy. However, in order not to harm the bull, such an intervention, of course, must be carried out correctly.

Before castration in adult animals, hair is removed on the surgical field. In young bulls, the hairline in this place is usually sparse. Therefore, such a procedure is optional for them. At the next stage:

    the operating field is treated with a disinfectant, for example, an alcohol solution of iodine;

    the bull is anesthetized with novocaine (3% 10 ml);

    capture the scrotum of the animal together with the testis with the left hand and take it back;

    dissect the scrotum along the greater curvature of the testis, stepping back from its seam 1.5 cm;

    the testis is pulled out of the scrotal cavity and the transitional ligament is dissected;

    tear the mesentery and impose a ligature on the thinnest section of the cord;

    dissect the cord with scissors, stepping back from the dressing by 1.5 cm.

At the final stage, during castration by an open method, blood clots are removed from the bull's scrotum, and the wound is powdered, for example, with streptocide. Stitches are not applied to wounds during such an operation.

Animal care in the following days

Bulls tolerate castration in most cases very well. However, care in the postoperative period for them should be carried out, of course, the most thorough. After the intervention, the castrated bull must be placed in a clean pen with bedding not from sawdust, but from straw. In the future, the animal is well fed and the wound is periodically examined. With suppuration, it is cleaned and treated with an antiseptic. Monitor the condition of the wound in the bull after castration should be as thorough as possible.

Agricultural use

What is the name of the castrated bull, we thus found out. As already mentioned, in our time, mainly animals raised for fattening are subjected to a similar procedure. That is, oxen are used to obtain meat. Also, such animals are sometimes used even today as draft animals in horse-drawn carts. Oxen, as already mentioned, are distinguished by a calm character and it is very easy to control them.

The manure of such cattle, like that of bulls, is widely used as a fertilizer in the cultivation of various kinds of crops. In terms of quality, this top dressing surpasses most other organic ones. In this regard, cow dung is inferior only to horse dung. This fertilizer can be used for fertilizing garden and garden crops, as well as agricultural crops. It can be used in fields and suburban private areas simply by rotted oxen manure or even industrial fertilizers made on its basis.

castrated bull

Alternative descriptions

Castrated male cattle, bull

farm animal

. "Full of Eyes" (song)

. "Seven villages, one ... and that goal"

. "YARMOLnik"

. "full of eyes"

. "full of eyes" (song)

. "seven villages, one ..., and that goal" (last)

Bull ahead of the plow

bull eunuch

Bull from castrati

Bull on the farm

Bull with plow

Bull with a yoke around his neck

A bull fit only for meat

Plowed bull

A bull not fit to be a father

Bull trained to plow

Bull, indifferent to heifers

Bull pulling a plow


Ox is a "workaholic"

Neuter bull

Ploughman bull

working bull

In Dahl's dictionary there is a proverb according to which the horse pulls in separate jerks, and which animal in this proverb pulls, constantly leaning on the collar

Yes, you can plow on it


Eunuch from the Bugai harem

Beasts of draft

Animal of the bovid family

castrated cuckold

Castrated male cattle

The gelding horse and the bull

Big Horned Eunuch

Large-horned brother of the gelding

M. tamed (laid, lightened) male domestic cattle, beef; in a fertile state, a bull, southern. bull, and the female is a cow. In the south, the bull and the ox are one and the same, which is why we have a dialect. riding oxen and bulls, although only the first go to the harness, usually in pairs, in a yoke; impose

They plow on it

unproductive bull

arable bull

working bull

Bull indifferent to cows

Horned plowman

Cuckold in the field

With a yoke around my neck

farm animal

industrious animal

industrious bull

Workaholic among the bulls

Castration is an intervention performed to stop the sexual function of an animal. This operation has been widely used in agriculture since ancient times. It is mentioned, for example, by Xenophon and Aristotle. Today, such a procedure on farms is also performed quite often. Many Internet users, for example, are interested in whether bulls are castrated. Of course, cattle are also subjected to such interference. This type of procedure can be carried out both in large livestock complexes, and in small businesses or in private farms.

What is the name of a castrated bull

Do such operations on farms very often. Even separate names have been invented for castrated animals. A pig that has undergone such an intervention, for example, is a hog. Bulls after castration are called oxen.

The need for a procedure

Bull and ox - what is the difference between them, we thus found out. But why is castration carried out on farms. Most of the bulls kept in them are subjected to a similar procedure in livestock farms. Only producers with good breed qualities are not castrated on farms. Such bulls are left for the tribe and used in the future for mating with cows in order to obtain high-quality offspring.

Castration of meat animals allows, first of all, to achieve an increase in productivity in terms of meat output. After this procedure, the character of the bulls changes significantly. They become calmer, eat better, and therefore gain weight faster.

Since castrated bulls are generally docile, they are much easier to care for than sires. This, of course, can also be attributed to the advantages of such an operation.

Farmers believe that another undoubted advantage of castration is that in this case it is possible to fully control the performance of the herd in terms of producing offspring. Oxen simply do not have the ability to accidentally cover cows, for example, in a pasture.

The advantages of such an intervention, of course, include an increase in the quality of gobies meat. In non-castrated animals, it has a specific, not too pleasant smell. This is especially evident when it is cooked hot. In castrated bulls, the meat is soft, juicy, tender and does not have any unpleasant odor.

Disease Intervention

In some cases, the need for such a procedure arises not from economic considerations, but in order to preserve the health of the animal. Bulls can be castrated on farms, for example, for prevention:

    sexual trauma;



The answer to the question of why bulls are castrated is often the need to treat the animal. For this purpose, this procedure can be carried out, for example, when:

    dropsy of the common vaginal membrane;

Contraindications for the procedure

The decision on whether it is necessary to castrate a bull in farms is therefore made for reasons of economic expediency. In most cases, this procedure is recognized as necessary. But, unfortunately, sometimes steers kept on farms are not allowed to be castrated. Contraindications to such a procedure are for example:

    exhaustion of the animal;

    diseases in a protracted or acute form;

    early age of the bull.

Do not castrate bulls on farms and two weeks before the start of preventive vaccination. Also, this procedure is not allowed to be carried out within 14 days after vaccinations.

Castration methods

Castration of bulls on farms can be carried out using different technologies. Intervention to stop sexual function can be operative or bloodless. At the moment, both types of castration are practiced in livestock farms.

Surgical intervention, in turn, can be:




Bulls on farms are usually castrated according to the first method. During this procedure, the animal can be either in a standing or lying position. When using the surgical technique of castration, the bulls are previously anesthetized. When using the bloodless method, such a procedure is not performed.

When is the best time to

The age of bulls for castration is determined primarily depending on their breed and degree of development. For example, Simmental animals are usually operated on at 5-7 months of age with a body weight of at least 150 kg. In this case, it will be possible to slaughter a bull in the future already at the age of 12 months.

Castration of cattle on farms is allowed at any time of the year. However, most often this procedure is performed in spring or autumn - when it is cool. At this time, there are practically no flies on the farm. And consequently, the probability of infection of the wound is significantly reduced.

Preparing bulls

Reviews of castrated bulls from farmers are, of course, in most cases positive. Such animals, with lower feed costs, gain weight much faster, get sick less often and do not cause their owners any inconvenience in terms of care.

Actually, the castration procedure itself is not too complicated. In any case, it is safe for the health of the animal, subject to all the required technologies. However, it is necessary, of course, to prepare the bull for such an intervention. Before castration:

    the animal is carefully examined to identify any diseases in it;

    determine the size of the testicles in a bull;

    keep the bull on a starvation diet.

Do not feed the animals before castration for 12-14 hours. During this period, the bulls are given only water. Before the operation itself, the animal is driven outside for a while. The bull must empty the intestines and bladder.

Instrument preparation

Of course, before the operation, the premises and equipment are carefully prepared. When castration of bulls by an open surgical method is used:

    sharp belly scalpel;

Disinfect such equipment in a solution prepared using:

    sodium carbonate 1%;

    sodium hydroxide 0.1%;

Such ingredients are pre-dissolved in water. Next, the instrument is immersed in the resulting disinfectant liquid and boiled in a sterilizer. Ligatures are soaked for a day in a 4% formalin solution.

Immediately before the operation, the veterinarian should also wash their hands in a 0.5% ammonia solution, wipe them with a towel and treat with alcohol. In preparation for castration, the surgeon must, among other things, lubricate the fingertips with iodine.

What materials can be used

In addition to the scalpel and scissors, for the castration procedure, you will need to prepare:

    cotton swabs;

    silk or cotton ligatures;

    disposable syringe;

  • tweezers.

Of course, you will also need a clean, sterile towel for the operation.

Fixation methods

In order to ensure the immobility of the animal during castration, the following method is often used, for example:

    take a long rope and tighten it at the base of the horns with a movable loop;

    direct the rope back and circle the torso with a tightening loop;

    again advance the rope back in front of the maklaks and make a second loop;

    the end of the rope is led out under the leg of the bull.

After that, one of the farm workers directs the bull's head in the direction opposite to the fall. The other two are pulling on the end of the rope. As a result, the knees of the squeezed animal bend and it lies on its side. Next, the bull is finally strengthened, and his head is pressed to the floor.

How is the operation performed

Photos of castrated bulls are presented on the page. As you can see, the animals are in most cases large and healthy. However, in order not to harm the bull, such an intervention, of course, must be carried out correctly.

Before castration in adult animals, hair is removed on the surgical field. In young bulls, the hairline in this place is usually sparse. Therefore, such a procedure is optional for them. At the next stage:

    the operating field is treated with a disinfectant, for example, an alcohol solution of iodine;

    the bull is anesthetized with novocaine (3% 10 ml);

    capture the scrotum of the animal together with the testis with the left hand and take it back;

    dissect the scrotum along the greater curvature of the testis, stepping back from its seam 1.5 cm;

    the testis is pulled out of the scrotal cavity and the transitional ligament is dissected;

    tear the mesentery and impose a ligature on the thinnest section of the cord;

    dissect the cord with scissors, stepping back from the dressing by 1.5 cm.

At the final stage, during castration by an open method, blood clots are removed from the bull's scrotum, and the wound is powdered, for example, with streptocide. Stitches are not applied to wounds during such an operation.

Animal care in the following days

Bulls tolerate castration in most cases very well. However, care in the postoperative period for them should be carried out, of course, the most thorough. After the intervention, the castrated bull must be placed in a clean pen with bedding not from sawdust, but from straw. In the future, the animal is well fed and the wound is periodically examined. With suppuration, it is cleaned and treated with an antiseptic. Monitor the condition of the wound in the bull after castration should be as thorough as possible.

Agricultural use

What is the name of the castrated bull, we thus found out. As already mentioned, in our time, mainly animals raised for fattening are subjected to a similar procedure. That is, oxen are used to obtain meat. Also, such animals are sometimes used even today as draft animals in horse-drawn carts. Oxen, as already mentioned, are distinguished by a calm character and it is very easy to control them.

The manure of such cattle, like that of bulls, is widely used as a fertilizer in the cultivation of various kinds of crops. In terms of quality, this top dressing surpasses most other organic ones. In this regard, cow dung is inferior only to horse dung. This fertilizer can be used for fertilizing garden and garden crops, as well as agricultural crops. It can be used in fields and suburban private areas simply by rotted oxen manure or even industrial fertilizers made on its basis.