Kalos Limen meaning. Kalos Limen: the ancient city

Crimea is rightly called a unique open-air museum. A direct confirmation is the ancient city of Kalos Limen on Tarkhankut. Every year, thousands of tourists visit the museum-reserve to breathe in the memory of two millennia among the once non-criminal walls.

Photo Kalos Limen from users:

It is interesting:
The name of the settlement Kalos Limen means "Beautiful Harbor". Located 1.5 km from the resort village of Chernomorskoe on the coast of Karkinitsky Bay. This is the center of Western Crimea. The ancient city was part of the ancient state of Chersonese.

The history of the settlement

The Tarkhankut Peninsula is an exceptional territory in all natural, geographical and cultural parameters. Since ancient times, there have been complex ethnic processes associated with the constant influx and settlement of peoples. People rushed here in search of fertile land, abundant pastures, water sources, building stone and other natural resources. The first people appeared on the territory of the Tarkhankut region more than 4 thousand years ago. They were still representatives of primitive society. They did not know how to work metal, but used flint tools to extract food sources.

In the 4th century BC, numerous settlements appeared on Tarkhankut, the inhabitants of which were Ionian Greeks, immigrants from modern Turkey. Relations between the Greeks and the Scythians developed contradictory. The Scythians often disturbed the Greek settlements with attacks, but tried to maintain trade relations. A hundred years later, the city was captured by the Dorians, Spartans and Chersonesites.

Kalos Limen was the third largest of the settlements that were part of the Chersonesus policy. The settlement occupied a vast territory - about 4 hectares. A large number of ancient unique buildings have survived to this day: living quarters, towers, some fragments of defensive walls and the city citadel. The tower, which formed the citadel, is framed by an anti-ram belt. This pyramidal structure was necessary to protect against the barbarian raids of the Scythians and Sarmatians, who lived on the mainland of the Crimean peninsula. In the 3rd century BC, a series of Greco-Scythian wars began, and the settlement changed hands several times.

On the left side of the tower there were structures that adjoined the defensive wall, the so-called barracks. It was in them that young Greeks underwent compulsory military training. Arrowheads and a unique coin of Diophantus, a commander who was in the service of Mithridates, were found here.

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Archaeological site of the Beautiful Harbor

No one knew the exact location of the Greek-Scythian settlement, which was described by many ancient medieval authors. Archaeologists and historians for a long time could not determine exactly where the settlement was located. After the discovery of a man-made hill, which contained the ruins of a 16-meter tower, it became a pointer for archaeologists. The study of the cultural and natural resources of the area began almost immediately after the annexation of the Crimea to Russia and the acquisition of the town of Ak-Mechet by Count Vorontsov. The first large-scale archaeological expeditions began work in 1929.

In the center of the excavations there is a building that is very reminiscent of a Scythian sanctuary. It is believed that the Scythians worshiped many gods, but the main goddess was Tabiti. Her sanctuary was located on the coast, but after a landslide came down, it was destroyed. The remains of lacquer ceramics speak of its existence. The eastern gate completes the expedition to the ancient settlement of Kalos Limen. It was in this part that the settlement ended. On the threshold of the gate, two ruts left by the chariots are clearly visible.

To date, the settlement has been excavated by 10 percent, and its 70 meters have gone under water due to changes in the coastline.

In the museum-reserve, in addition to valuable finds of antiquity, exhibits from different times are shown. The history of the region from primitive times to the present is collected in the vastness of 8 halls of the museum. Historical and archaeological museum-reserve "Kalos-Limen" was founded on April 22, 1997. This event was preceded by a long and difficult journey aimed at studying this unique historical complex, which is located on the shore of the Narrow Bay. In 2001, the Black Sea Historical and Local Lore Museum Complex was added to the territory of the reserve.

In 2011, a lapidarium was opened at the museum - a collection of stone objects found on the territory of the Black Sea: architectural fragments, tools, household items, artifacts related to the spiritual life of a person. The collection of ancient amphoras is recognized as the gold fund of the Kalos Limen Museum-Reserve.

In the 4th century AD, Crimea was captured by the process of the great migration of peoples. It was visited by different tribes and nationalities. In the VIII-X centuries AD. e. the Polovtsians roamed the territory of the peninsula, who left statues in the form of stone guards in memory of themselves. One of these statues is presented in the museum, and a tractor driver discovered it during field work.

In total, the museum has several main areas: archeology, things, nature, documents, photographs, numismatics, weapons. The museum's funds began to form from the moment the Black Sea Museum of History and Local Lore was founded, and today there are more than ten thousand exhibits. This figure is growing rapidly, thanks to new finds from archaeological excavations.

How to get there

The most convenient route to Kalos Limen is a departure from the Evpatoria bus station. Buses to Chernomorskoye go every 1.5 hours. From the Black Sea bus station, you can walk to the place on foot. You should go to the sea and poison yourself along the beach strip, focusing on the lighthouse.

A visit to the ancient settlement remains in the memory for a long time, leaving amazing impressions that are difficult to convey in words.

Kalos Limen on the map of Crimea

GPS Coordinates: 45°31’0″N, 32°42’46″E Latitude/Longitude

In the western part of the Tarkhankut peninsula, in the vicinity of the village of Chernomorskoye, there is a unique landmark of Crimea, the remains of the ancient Greek city of Kalos Limen. Entrance to the ancient ancient city is free, so every tourist can touch the past completely freely. You can get to Kalos Limen both from Simferopol and from the Evpatoria railway station. Regular buses and fixed-route taxis run daily to the village of Chernomorskoye, the road from Simferopol will take about 2-3 hours, and from Evpatoria about 1.5 hours.

From the history of Kalos Limen

The name of the city is due to its geographical location. Kalos Limen was located on the shore of the Gulf of Kerkinitis and had a very convenient bay for ships to enter. The name of the city itself is translated from ancient Greek as “beautiful harbour”, where “Kalos” means “beautiful”, and “Limen” means harbor.

The city was founded around the 4th century BC by the Ionian Greeks on an area of ​​4 hectares. Like other cities of that time, Kalos Limen was surrounded by fortress walls with towers, which provided protection from nomads. The territory of the city was divided into small plots or allotments, in the center of which there were residential towers or estates. The inhabitants of Kalos Limen were engaged in agriculture, fishing and various crafts.

Since the city had not only an advantageous location, but also fertile land, it often became the target of stronger neighbors. Because of this, the period of independence of Kalos Limen did not last long and in the second half of the 2nd century BC the city passed into the possession of the Scythians, and then became the port of the Late Scythian state. At the end of the 2nd century, Kalos Limen again became the center of hostilities between the Scythians and the Pontic kingdom, the latter recaptured the city, but this did not bring him a second life. Kalos Limen began to gradually collapse, and Limen or once a beautiful harbor became shallow and separated from the sea by a sandy embankment.

In the 18th century, during the annexation of Crimea to Russia, there was a redoubt on the site of the ancient city, and in the 20th century, the building of a border cordon. Today, the village of Chernomorskoye carefully preserves what once was called Kalos Limen, only parts of the fortress walls and towers, as well as the remains of residential buildings and utility rooms, remain from the ancient city.

Archaeological excavations of the ancient city

The excavations of Kalos Limen began in 1929, and the work of archaeologists continues to this day, revealing more and more mysteries. So it was found out that the pyramid on the site of the ancient city was once a huge tower 16 meters high. It was the tallest building in the fortress wall and served as a kind of beacon for ships. A fire was lit at the top of the tower at night, stone-throwing tools were stored on the middle floors, and food supplies were stored in its cellars. During the period of the Scythian attack, the tower served as the main defensive point, and was surrounded by an additional stone wall, which gave it the shape of a pyramid.

During excavations, archaeologists found the remains of the Kalos Limen fortress wall, several defensive towers at the gates, the foundations of residential buildings, various household items, clay vessels, weapons and simple jewelry. Many finds are stored in the historical and archaeological reserve "Kalos Limen", which is located in the building of the music school in the village of Chernomorskoye. Thanks to excavations, historians managed to understand that the city was equipped with a drain, the main street that connected the harbor and the gates reached a width of about six meters and was paved with rammed crumbs, which in terms of fortress is not inferior even to asphalt.

Kalos Limen, or as it is called the Magical or Beautiful Harbor, is one of the largest settlements of ancient times on the coast in the western part of the Crimean peninsula. Kalos Limen is also known as Ak-Mechet and Black Sea settlement.

It can be called one of the most real archaeological finds and a delightful attraction.

From the very first days of its inception, Kalos Limen became one of the centers from where the Hellenes, that is, the Greeks, began to conquer and develop new lands of the North-Western part of Tavria.

The very convenient strategic and geographical location of the ancient city did not give impetus to the fact that for different times of its existence it combined various functions: it was both the economic and military-political center of the western Crimea.

The uniqueness of this ancient town lies in the fact that not only unique architectural structures for various purposes are amazingly preserved here, but also numerous archaeological materials that are valuable for the rich history of structures throughout the Northern Black Sea region.

Not far from there are many ruins of ancient cities, but the most studied and explored is definitely the ancient Greek city of Kalos Limen near the urban-type settlement of Chernomorskoe.

Kalos Limen, which in translation means "the harbor of the Chersonites on the Scythian land" is often recalled in the works of many ancient authors, in addition, it is mentioned in the "Oath of the Citizens of Tauric Chersonesos".

For a long time, archaeologists and historians argued about its location, until all the questions were sorted out at the Ak-Mechet settlement during the excavations of 1929. The Hellenes first appeared on this territory at the very beginning of the 4th century BC, choosing a place for themselves near a comfortable bay, from which now only a shallow estuary remains. It must be said that the policy originally belonged to one of the most ancient settlements of the Western Crimea, most likely, and then gradually passed under power.

Most of the settlements burned down in fires, but Kalos Limen was able to survive, although the results of the excavations show that almost all of its inhabitants died. I must say that the town was empty and revived only after a few decades. It should be emphasized that, due to its important military-strategic significance and comfortable bay, it existed almost until the end of the Hellenistic period in the history of Crimea.

Little by little, a city was built on the site of a small settlement, which retained its former name. It should be noted that it flourished for almost half a century, until the 70s of the 3rd century BC, when wild Sarmatian tribes ran into the peninsula.

At the end of the II century BC. Kalos Limen was lured into the confrontation with the Scythians and the Pontic state and repeatedly passes from one hand to another. Few people know that near the policy there was the last decisive battle of the Pontic leader Diaphant, who came to the rescue of Chersonese, besieged from all sides, and fifty thousand strong and united army of Alans and Scythians.

This battle was crowned with the victory of the Pontic commander, but it did not bring the former life of Kalos Limen, the settlements on the western coast of Crimea were gradually destroyed, and their ruins were covered with sand.

The famous bay, which gave shelter to merchant and warships, gradually separated from the sea by a sand spit and, in the end, turned into a shallow estuary. A little later, nothing reminded that there was a prosperous policy, which bore the proud name Beautiful Harbor.

On the site of the ancient town, a massive stone structure remained, which somehow resembled the ruins of a small pyramid. Everyone knows that in the 18th century, after the reunification of Crimea to Tsarist Russia, there was a small redoubt here, and then, right up to the start of World War II, there was a border zone with a checkpoint.

What was the purpose of the mysterious "pyramid" for a long time remained unknown, several different hypotheses were put forward. But everything fell into place after the excavations in 1929.

On the site of a kind of "pyramid" in Kalos Limen, there was a long sixteen-meter watchtower. It was the tallest building in the fortress, and therefore served as a lighthouse - at night, a fire was lit in it for ships floating on the waves. It should be emphasized that edible supplies were kept in the cellars of the tower in case of a siege of the fortress.

On the upper floors there was a command post, in addition, stone-throwing tools were installed that protected and controlled the entrance to the bay.

In the area of ​​​​the huge Scythian ash pan, scientists unearthed another undestroyed tower with a semi-submerged chamber and a staircase, in addition, part of the protective fortress wall and the main entrance to the Kalos Limena area, from which a huge stone survived (tracks were visible on it, knocked out by antique cart wheels).

During the excavations of this part of the territory, archaeologists found many different items that were stored both in the tower and in adjacent structures. Judging by the excavations, this area of ​​the town suffered more than the others during the attack of the Sarmatians - during excavations, arrowheads are often found, stuck into thick walls made of unbaked bricks.

When the fortresses began to be attacked by the Scythians, the tower was reinforced with another belt of stone, which gave it the shape of a pyramid, which has survived to this day. It goes without saying that the fortification served as a defense against ramming, traces of which until that time were visible on the walls. Soon after the raids, the Scythians converted the tower into a bastion that protected the settlement from the land.

Scientists have found the remains of fortress moors, several towers that protected the gates, the corner fortification of the fortress and several dozen residential buildings.

One of the buildings is very well preserved, and it is shown to tourists for inspection in order to imagine the everyday life of ancient ancient times.

From the remains of the lighthouse to the mounds overgrown with thorns, you can walk along a small path. Imagine one fact that in ancient times the main city street passed here, which was more than 6 meters wide. It must be said that it connected the main gate with the bay, was lined with compacted rocky crumb, which was not inferior in its fortress even to asphalt. A ditch ran down the center of the paved road, and along one side, as is customary in many large cities, there was a sidewalk.

A patch of road, the ruins of Scythian and Greek settlements can be observed in the center of the settlement. And it is not even necessary to say that the Scythian buildings, which were distinguished by a slightly sloppy masonry, were the most ideally preserved. It can be seen that the Scythians never reached the skill of the Hellenes in construction, they remained a steppe nomadic people until the very end of their existence.

Not far from the settlement rise small hills. Everyone has long known that under the embankments there are crypts made of skillfully hewn stone and mud bricks, and even ordinary graves, simply covered with slabs. Few people know that archaeologists were lucky enough to find many clay vessels, tools, toilet items and simple jewelry.

A good reference for everyone in Kalos Limen is a small lighthouse. For those who want to see the ruins of ancient cities, and to see the unique finds, it is best to contact the historical and archaeological reserve "Kalos-Limen", which is located in the building of the music school of the Chernomorskoye village.


Representing the small village of Chernomorskoe, Kalos Limen is the oldest and most significant archaeological site in the North-Western Crimea, being at a great distance from other ancient cities of the peninsula. It was located in a convenient harbor, which was the same in the location of all Greek settlements, which gave them a lot of advantages, and the specified settlement was also given the name - Beautiful Harbor, which fully corresponded to reality.

The policy owned quite extensive and fertile lands, and agricultural products, or rather its volumes, began to bring a good income, the welfare of citizens increased, but the envy of neighbors grew along with it. For this reason, the settlement quickly lost its independence and almost all the time of its existence was in the sphere of influence of the Bosporus, and the proximity of the steppe peoples determined its largely tragic fate.

Where is the ancient policy in the Crimea?

The ancient settlement is located in the northeastern, steppe part of the peninsula, on the territory of the modern. The ruins of the city of Kalos Limen are located 1.5 km from the resort village of Chernomorskoye, on the coast, in the area of ​​Uzkaya Bay.

Kalos Limen on the map of Crimea

The history of the emergence and fall of the city

It was founded by the Ionian Greeks at the beginning of the 4th century BC, in a beautiful harbor, which is reflected in the name of the settlement. Much more important for the settlers were the extremely rich, fertile chernozems, which yielded impressive crops of grain and grapes. Advantageous position, fat fields, rapidly growing prosperity of the population could not but attract the envious glances of warlike neighbors oriented towards an aggressive policy.

The worst of all possible scenarios, the inhabitants of the settlement of Kalos Limen considered the devastating raids of the Scythians who lived to the north. Since its inception, it has been constantly strengthened, but what the fortifications were remained unknown. Understanding the seriousness of the situation, the settlers, faced with the Scythian barbarians, considered joining Chersonese as a lesser evil, which happened already in the second half of the 4th century BC. Until the middle of the III century BC. there was a large-scale construction of a fortress wall with impressive towers capable of withstanding an enemy assault. Remains of these impressive structures can still be seen today.

For a long time, nothing was known about it, until the ancient city of Kalos Limen near the village of Chernomorskoye was dug up by Soviet archaeologists led by Moiseev in 1929 and found that the settlement had been abandoned long before the rise of other Greek cities in the Crimea. It turned out that in the II century BC. Chersonese, being at that moment not in the best position, was forced to cede the described settlement to the Scythians.

But they did not last long either. Some time later, after the campaign of Diophantus in the northeastern part of the Crimea, the ancient city of Kalos Limen and its neighbor were annexed to. Over the next 200 years, he constantly passed from hand to hand, which is why he was in complete decline. Finally, at the beginning of the 1st century, it was completely destroyed during a large campaign of the Sarmatians from the Northern Black Sea region. There is evidence that people lived in the area of ​​the ancient settlement until the 16th century.

What is interesting about Kalos Limen near Chernomorskoye?

Its existence was known for a long time, mainly from the works of famous ancient authors such as Strabo, Flavius ​​Arrian, Claudius Ptolemy. However, where he was, for a long time remained unknown. The first to conduct excavations in the Chernomorskoye area was the archaeologist Shmakov. He found one of the city's towers in 1838,
but the mystery of the ancient settlement of Kalos Limen excited the minds for almost a century.

And although the excavations have not actually stopped since 1929, and the city has been completely excavated, it has been studied quite poorly. Archaeological research continues even now, which makes it somewhat difficult to visit it. But today, most of the settlement is open to tourists. Of course, only the foundations remained from the ancient fortifications and residential quarters, but this place can rightfully be called an open-air museum. As well as the photos of these romantic ruins, which have flown around all authoritative scientific publications, made them world famous.

The Kalos Limen area was small - only about 2.5 hectares, so visiting and exploring it will not take much time. According to the remains of ancient structures, a clear layout is clearly visible, slightly disturbed by the high density of buildings. Residential buildings here are literally sandwiched between powerful fortress walls. Their ruins are still impressive today, with traces of battering rams and other battering rams.

There is no more ancient and interesting architectural monument in the North-Western Crimea than the settlement of Kalos Limen. It is located on the shore of a calm bay, which is considered a sign of classical ancient settlements. Such a location gave several advantages to the inhabitants of the city: maritime communications, protection from the coastal side and developed fishing.

Kalos Limen is located just 1.5 km from the popular resort - the village of Chernomorskoe. There are steppes around, and the bay in which the ancient city is located is called "Narrow". The attraction can be attributed to the riches of both the Black Sea and Tarkhankut.

The history of the formation of the fortress city

Kalos Limen was founded in the 4th century BC. Local lands attracted settlers - Ionian Greeks. Rich chernozem gave abundant harvests for several centuries. The rapid development of the city led to the fact that the neighboring peoples, the Scythians, learned about it. For a short time, the city was subjected to devastating raids, after which it was forced to join Chersonesos in order to receive protection. Until the middle of the 3rd century, the inhabitants built a powerful fortress to protect themselves from the barbarians. The remains of this fortress now attract tourists visiting the Western Crimea.

Important! For the first time, the ancient city was found at archaeological excavations in 1929.

In the 2nd century Chersonese ceded the great settlement to the Scythians. However, by the middle of the century, Kalos Limen was annexed to the Bosporan kingdom. For 200 years of war and constant devastation, the settlement was exhausted, and it was deserted.

Archaeological excavations

The archaeologists who started the excavations did not know the exact position of the ancient monument. However, after the discovery of a hill created by human hands, they found the remains of a 16-meter tower that once guarded the settlement.

In the center of the first excavations, a religious building was discovered, resembling a Scythian sanctuary. Not far from the sanctuary are the eastern gates of the fortress. However, most of the ancient buildings are hidden under water - the result of natural landscape change. Archaeologists believe that only 10% of what the settlement was more than 2500 years ago has been developed.

Castle Museum

In the halls of the attraction are finds collected throughout Tarkhankut. But most of them belong to people from the ancient settlement. Ancient amphorae and vessels are the most massive artifacts, the oldest of which date back to the 4th century BC. e.

There is a hall of the Middle Ages, in which artifacts are stored - monuments from the time when the Black Sea was called Ak-Mechet. Tourists get acquainted with unusual relics of the eras of the Crimean Khanate, as well as the Ottoman invasion.

There is an ethnography hall in the museum - it contains various exhibits of Russians, Crimean Tatars, Ukrainians and Bulgarians. Most of them date back to the 19th and 20th centuries. Much attention is paid to the period of the Second World War, there is a separate hall with that name.

Most of the historical documents about the underground workers and partisans of the Black Sea region are collected in the military hall. There is also a hall, unusual for Crimea, dedicated to the war in Afghanistan: photographs, belongings of soldiers.

They did not ignore the flora and fauna of the area: in the hall there are photographs and man-made objects, including stuffed animals that live on Tarkhankut. It is followed by a hall dedicated to the everyday life of the employees of GAO Chornomorneftegaz.

A unique feature of each of the halls is the soundtrack and video installations. For example, in the ancient Greek hall you can hear the sounds of harps, the surf. Each hall is distinguished by a unique interior corresponding to the era. Some valuable exhibits were transferred to Moscow and St. Petersburg state museums.

How to get to the attraction?

The attraction is located 150 km from Simferopol, the settlement can be reached from the village of Chernomorskoe. Buses run to it from Evpatoria, the capital of Crimea and other resorts. From the village, the path to the settlement is very close - it is located in one of the bays.

The Kalos Limen Museum is located in the village of Chernomorskoe, on the street. Revolution, 8. It occupies part of the building that used to belong to the hospital. You can get on any bus that goes to the center of the town.