How to find out if the restriction on traveling abroad has been lifted. Check travel restrictions online and for free

Rest abroad during the holidays is not a rare choice of Russian citizens. Knowing the reasons for a possible travel ban will help you travel without any unexpected obstacles. The inability to visit a foreign state can affect both a high-ranking official and an ordinary citizen.

Who are usually banned from traveling abroad

There are those who are aware of the existing personal restrictions on traveling abroad, but there are also those citizens who find out about the ban unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment, for example, at the airport when crossing the border.

Such restrictions apply to certain categories of citizens and for specific reasons.


Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed to travel without adults. Accompanying persons may be: parents, guardians, trustees. If the child travels abroad with another adult (teacher, coach, relative), then the legal parents or those who replace them issue a written official permission for the child's trip, certified by a notary. Without such paper, children are prohibited from leaving.

civil servants

All indignation after the law on the ban on travel abroad of civil servants subsided when, upon closer examination, it became clear that this was not about all civil servants. Moreover, the alleged ban applies only to certain categories of citizens:

  1. Employees of government agencies who are familiar with information related to the "top secret" and "special importance" group. It should be clarified that the possession of information classified as "secret" does not prevent departure;
  2. Persons who are serving in the military or alternative civilian service. The exception is contract employees - they are not prohibited from leaving;
  3. Employees of the structure of the Federal Security Service of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As a rule, employees are aware of existing restrictions. If the need arises to still go abroad, they write an official statement addressed to the leadership. After careful checks, a final decision is made on the satisfaction of the submitted application.


Citizens convicted of a crime, released on parole or serving a conditional sentence, do not have the right to travel abroad. This opportunity appears after the repayment of a criminal record.


Russians with unpaid debts may also be banned from traveling abroad. The types of debts for which this can happen are different:

  • credit;
  • non-payment of taxes of any type;
  • alimony;
  • utility bills;
  • fines imposed by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (GIBDD).

Since October 2017, the amount of outstanding debt, for which a decision can be made to ban travel abroad, has been increased to 30,000 rubles.

Note! Debts for non-payment of alimony, property damage or harm to health remained at the same level. In this case, debtors are prohibited from leaving if the amount of non-payment is 10,000 rubles.

However, the adopted position does not correspond to the apparent pattern: a debt arose - a ban on leaving was imposed. There must be good reasons for this to happen.

The banning procedure

A number of factors precede the decision:

  1. For unpaid debt sums, the relevant organization must sue the defaulter;
  2. After a court decision on debt collection is made, the case is sent to the FSSP (Federal Bailiff Service);
  3. The authorized bailiff informs the citizen about the financial debt in writing. 5 days are allotted for its payment;
  4. Within 5 days, if the debtor does not take positive steps to resolve the issue, then the bailiff has the right to petition for a ban on leaving Russia for such a citizen.

They can also impose a ban without a trial, on the basis of other documents (decisions of labor commissions, an agreement on the payment of alimony, judicial acts on administrative cases), provided that the organization files a lawsuit in court demanding this.

Debts are the most common reason for a ban, so it's a good idea to make sure you don't have them.

As of September 1, 2018, the bailiffs collected from the Russians 4.5 million debts to credit institutions in the amount of 1.7 trillion rubles.

"Every third debtor is limited in the right to travel outside the Russian Federation," the FSSP told TASS.

How long does the travel ban last?

The bailiff has the right to prohibit a Russian citizen from leaving his homeland for a maximum of six months. If during this period the debtor has not taken any action to resolve the debt issue that has arisen, then the authorized employee of the FSSP extends the ban for a similar period.

If a non-payer is detained at the border, border guards confiscate his travel document and transfer it to the GUVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

When applying for a passport by a person who has a travel ban, the application will be refused.

When is the ban lifted after all debts have been paid?

After you learn about the overdue debt, for the recovery of which enforcement proceedings have been opened and it has come to imposing a ban on leaving Russia, pay it, inform the authorized bailiff about this, then he will start the procedure for lifting the ban.

The period during which the restrictions will be lifted is 7-14 days.

Upon receipt of notice of payment of the debt, the bailiff immediately cancels the existing travel restriction. But this information should also go to the border service and the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and this will take time. Therefore, there is a certain waiting period for the lifting of the ban. Providing a receipt for payment to the border guards does not make sense, as they are not authorized to make such decisions.

It should be noted that with the introduction of electronic document management, the authorities promise to lift the ban within a day through faster transfer of information to control points and the migration service. But so far, there is no official confirmation of the guaranteed lifting of the ban within a day. Therefore, it is recommended to take care in advance of putting all documents in order, paying debts, and notifying the bailiff about this.

Is it possible to leave the Russian Federation without paying debts

Such an opportunity exists when extremely good reasons arise that prompted the Russian to urgently go abroad. These include:

  • the need for urgent medical intervention, without which there will be a serious threat to human life;
  • serious illness of a close relative;
  • the need to urgently go to the funeral of a loved one;
  • urgent business solutions.

In this case, an emergency decision is made to lift the ban.

Checking documents at the airport

There is another theoretically real way to leave the country with unsettled financial affairs. It means going through another country. For example, first go to Belarus or Ukraine, where there is no strict border control (the existence of a ban on the exit of citizens is practically not checked). And from there go to another desired foreign country.

Thus, upon returning to their homeland (and this cannot be avoided), a check is quite possible, then the ingenuity of such a person will become known and the debt will still have to be paid.

It is safer, safer and calmer to take care of the absence of overdue financial obligations in advance and freely make the desired tour.

Hello, friends! One of the regular blog readers asked the question: “I have a loan debt that I successfully repay. Issues with the bank are resolved. But I'm going to go to Europe soon and I'm afraid they won't let me through at the border. There are no particular levers of influence: it is impossible to take away an apartment or a car because of their absence. But I'm afraid that the bank will impose a travel ban. What should I do so that the tickets are not lost, and the border guards do not stop me?”

But the question worries not only non-payers of loans. I myself, going abroad, remembered that relatives live in one of my apartments, and I began to worry if they paid the utility bills. What should you pay attention to so that a trip to Turkey or Thailand does not turn into a disappointment? Let's figure out together what to do in such cases.

Reasons for not traveling abroad

The main factor due to which a citizen receives the status of "travel abroad" is based on the total amount of debt. If it exceeds 30 thousand rubles, and the claimant stated this, expect problems. Sometimes the debt is only 10 thousand rubles: If 60 days have passed since the end date of repayment and you have not deposited money, a travel ban may be imposed.

Unscrupulous parents who do not want to pay child support will also be left without rest abroad. This also applies to persons with a debt of 10 thousand rubles, if we are talking about payments in connection with the death of the breadwinner, property or moral damage.

In some cases, the ban is associated with non-property relations. For example, if we are talking about reinstatement of an illegally dismissed person, freeing up living space for which you do not pay, or transferring a child to a guardian, expect difficulties.

Specify the conditions in advance: in addition to having a debt, a ban must also be imposed.

Other categories of persons who will not travel abroad

The following categories of citizens also face difficulties:

  1. if you under 18 years old, do not try to leave without an adult accompanying you. Their role will be played by parents; in other cases, a notarized permission is required.
  2. Some civil servants will manage rest within the limits of the Russian Federation. This category includes employees who are familiar with information labeled “Top Secret” or “Special Importance” (data marked “Secret” do not interfere with the exit).
  3. Men, employees in the army not on a contract basis, will not leave the country.
  4. FSB and MIA officers for 3 months before the appointed date of travel must submit a report and obtain permission. To leave the Russian Federation in a shorter time, you will need to prove that there are important grounds for leaving. Stay abroad will not exceed 15 days.
  5. Won't go abroad convicts who received early release or probation.
  6. Persons who are not allowed to leave the Russian Federation reported false information about themselves when preparing documents.

If you belong to one of the groups, get permission or refuse to travel.

Travel bans for a child

For a long time, the restriction on traveling abroad was in effect for minors traveling with one of their parents. But in 2015, the legislation changed, and now when crossing the border with children, it is not required to show a notarized permission. But the second parent has the right to veto the exit, and you will only find out about this at the checkpoint. There is no basis for verifying information about the child.

To prevent the problem, do not give the other parent the original birth certificate. Without this document, it will not be possible to prevent foreign trips.

Where to check for a travel ban

Want to check travel restrictions abroad? There are several ways at your disposal, among which you will choose the one that suits you best. I do not recommend contacting commercial sites offering paid assistance. They don't have access to the data, and you risk getting wrong or incomplete data.

Check at the Ministry of Internal Affairs or at customs

The bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs do not provide information about bans remotely, so you will find out about their presence only when you are trying to apply for a passport. If there is a restriction on exit, then the issuance of a document will be refused. Finding out the situation at the border is not the best idea, because you will lose money on buying tickets. To avoid unpleasant situations, get information on the official websites of other services.

Important: passports are checked not by customs, but by the border service. Customs officers are interested in whether you are transporting prohibited goods, weapons, drugs.

How to find out if they will let you go abroad: check online

On the network you will find more than one site that offers to check for debts for an additional fee. But you will cope with the task on your own by going to site"Government Services". You will find out tax and court debts, as well as the presence of automobile and traffic fines. If the amount exceeds 30 thousand rubles, then traveling abroad may be overshadowed.

To find out if you are on the list of restricted persons, follow the instructions:

The search result will be displayed on the screen: you will learn about the presence of debt or its absence.

The feature is available to registered users.

How to find out about the presence or absence of debts on the FSSP website

You can check the situation online using Federal bailiff service:

After checking, the message “Nothing found” appeared? This means that there are no barriers to travel.

Checking on the website of the Federal Tax Service

Get information on the Internet on the website of the Federal Tax Service may be persons who have previously passed identification. It is necessary to appear in person at the authority and receive a registration card; the use of a qualified electronic signature issued by one of the Certification Centers is also acceptable. Authorization is also possible using the details from the ESIA website or through the Gosuslug account, but again, preliminary identification is required.

Gained access to the features of the site? Find out if there is a travel ban in your case:

In the opened form you will see the required information.

Who can impose a travel ban

Even if the debt exists, the fact itself will not become a basis for recognizance. Usually imposing a ban on exit is as follows:

  1. The organization to which you owe money applies. You will be given 5 days to pay off the debt.
  2. If the situation has not moved forward, expect the initiation of enforcement proceedings. You will receive an additional 5 days for payment (voluntary compliance). The document that serves as the basis for the proceedings must contain specific requirements: property or non-property, for the recovery of alimony, compensation for moral damage or harm in connection with the death of the breadwinner, etc. Problems can also be associated with late repayment of loans or debts for utilities services.
  3. Has the court ruled in your favor? A temporary restriction on departure may be established at the initiative of a senior bailiff or on the basis of a claimant's application. Upon approval, you should be sent a copy of the decision. It is important that it is considered delivered even if you refused to accept the letter. You can also be notified by a message on the EPG website. Information is also transferred to the Border Control Department of the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia.

The main thing to know is that debt alone is not enough to get you stopped at the airport. If there is no court decision, then you will travel without problems.

Does this mean that in six months you will be traveling without paying your debts? No. If you have not repaid the debt, a new decision is issued. In some cases, the term is set by the judge, who takes into account all the circumstances.

The duration of the ban is also determined depending on the reasons:

  1. If you are among the persons admitted to state secrets, the possibility of a travel ban is prescribed in the employment contract. You will not travel outside the Russian Federation for the entire period of its validity. But this period will be no more than 5 years since the last access to classified information. In some cases, it is extended, but the total amount (taking into account the validity of the employment contract) will not exceed 10 years.
  2. The military will have to stay in the Russian Federation for the period of service. The category does not include persons who pass it under a contract (there must be permission from the management), as well as those who have received a deferment or exemption from conscription.
  3. For those suspected of committing crimes, pre-judgment limit. If the sentence has already been passed, then leaving is not possible until you are released from the punishment or you have served it completely.
  4. Although the punishment for providing false information when processing travel documents will not be strict, restrictions are still provided. But maximum after 30 days you will be able to travel again.
  5. When evading obligations imposed by the court - until they fulfillment or reaching an agreement between the parties.
  6. When considering bankruptcy cases, it will not be possible to leave the country until production will not be completed. The achievement of a settlement agreement will also become the basis for the lifting of restrictions.

How to go abroad if there are debts: the situation for 2018

If you have debts, then their presence will not be the basis for a travel ban. It is important that no enforcement proceedings are initiated against you in the amount of more than 30 thousand rubles. To solve the problem, pay the debt.

To the main methods travel abroad without repaying debts, include the following:

  • full payment;
  • search for a compromise with the claimant;
  • annulment of a judicial act;
  • developing a debt repayment schedule.

It is important that they can close the exit even with a small debt. Early lifting of the ban produced in the presence of the following factors:

  • the need for medical treatment, provided only abroad, if its failure to provide a threat to life;
  • severe illness of a close relative or funeral;
  • urgent resolution of pending cases.

The case does not fall into the listed, but you need to leave? Develop a route through Belarus. For a long time, debtors calmly traveled through the union state, but later they began to write on the net about the opening of the border zone. It is allegedly equipped with terminals with a database containing lists of "travel restrictions". True, according to the information on the forums, in fact there are no changes. Debtors continue to travel quietly through Minsk and other cities of Belarus. The border guards check only the presence of a Russian passport, without specifying the information in the databases.

How and in what time frame the travel ban is lifted: is there a way out

The most reliable way to travel abroad without difficulties is to pay off the debt. But do not deposit money on the last day! The Border Guard will remove the full name from the list only after 2 weeks, and the process consists of the following steps:

  • funds are credited to the account;
  • execution proceedings are closed;
  • information is sent to the relevant authority;
  • The full name is removed from the list of persons for whom the border is “closed”.

Even if you are at the border, you confirm with documents that the non-payment has been eliminated, you will still not be released. The main factor is the presence of a surname in the list of “not allowed to travel abroad”.

Do you want to make sure that after paying off the debt you can freely travel to another country? Use the following instruction:

  1. Meet with the bailiff and show photocopies of receipts confirming the repayment of debts.
  2. Take a copy of the document ordering the lifting of restrictions from the bailiff. It must be stamped and signed by the senior bailiff.
  3. Make sure that the data on lifting the ban is sent to the appropriate authorities.

Check if you have been removed from the database, can be done in the following way:

  1. On the site, find the section "Public Services".
  2. Scroll down the page and select "Web Reception".
  3. Fill out the contact form.

You will receive a response within 30 days, so check the information in advance.

If you think the ban is unlawful, challenge it in court or write a complaint to the prosecutor's office. Military personnel should apply to a military court, and persons admitted to state secrets and who have received a refusal, to a court at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the place where the refusal was made.

How to pay off debt

You can pay off debts by bank receipt; later you present it to the bailiff.

If you still have questions about the ban on traveling abroad, watch the video:

You will see examples of difficult situations and circumvention of prohibitions on the forums. Travelers share their impressions and tips about traveling through other countries.

How to travel through Belarus

Hello friends! I'll tell you how I went to Cyprus with a stop in Belarus. A month before the trip, I tried to board a plane at Sheremetyevo Airport, where they handed me a notice. I wanted to travel through Armenia with a Russian passport, but my acquaintances warned me: the checks are serious, just like when leaving for other countries (they won’t let me in with a ban). I got on the train and went to Minsk, there were no problems. I returned directly, and the border guards asked if I knew about the ban. He said that he didn’t know, they made a mistake, I’ll come and figure it out. When asked why he flew through Minsk, he said that it was more convenient.

Why is there information on the network about travel bans through Belarus? In 2017, border guards did not let people through without control. No one is stopped in 2018, so drive calmly. Bailiffs scare with prohibitions, but they lie: their task is to close the IP, they are not your friends!

Travel experience through Kazakhstan

The story of lost money, nerves and time begins with the fact that the network advised me to travel through Kazakhstan. After checking the travel ban through the “State Services”, I was convinced that it was not worth traveling directly. I read a lot of advice and bought a bus ticket to Kazakhstan… Alas, after 10 minutes. conversations with the border guard, he said to wait again. 20 minutes passed, he returned and handed over a decision with a ban. I wanted to agree - refusal, and also the threat of a term for giving bribes. I will go through Belarus.


So that the ban on traveling abroad does not spoil your vacation, make sure that you pay taxes, utilities, alimony, and loans on time. In case of disputes, check the information on the websites of public services without resorting to paid services of intermediaries.

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When going on vacation or business abroad, you should make sure that you do not have any debts on loans or decisions of the bailiffs to pay the debt that you did not pay off on time. Without this condition, you will most likely not be released from the country. The probability of such an outcome increases depending on the amount of debts. This includes fines. The total amount of payments that you must pay must not exceed 10 thousand rubles. Therefore, before leaving, be sure to take care of payments. To find out about all debts, you can contact banks or bailiffs personally. However, this method requires a lot of time and effort. As an alternative way, you can view all debts via the Internet right at home. In this article, you will learn how to check debt before going abroad in several ways.

Possible verification options

In our country, there are several Internet resources for checking debts:

  • portal of the State Service;
  • website of the Federal Bailiff Service;
  • website of the Federal Tax Service.

It is impossible to single out the most versatile and convenient of them. Each user chooses the one that is more familiar and convenient to him. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Possibilities of the State Services portal

To perform a debt check using this service, you must comply with the following conditions:

  • register an account on;
  • enter passport data and SNILS number, TIN in the settings of your personal account;
  • verify your identity with a visit to the CO (service center), electronic signature or registered mail to get extended access to all services.

Without fulfilling all the conditions, you will not be able to get information about debts using this service. Let's figure out how to check the debt before going abroad through the State Services.

Check for public services

To check you must do the following:

  • open the main page of the site through the browser;
  • if you are logged in with your account and entered all the data, then on the main page there will be information about your tax, court and transport debts:
  • in the same window, click the "Check and pay" button:
  • the next page will provide a brief instruction on how to receive the service. Click the "Get Service" button to proceed to the next step:
  • on the new page, enter your TIN and click the "Find Debt" button:
    In order not to look for the number by documents, you can copy it from your personal information in your account settings;
  • the system will perform a search, after which it will give you a list of all tax debts that are linked to your TIN. If they are not, then you will see a window:

Now let's check the fines in the traffic police using this site:

In this way, you can check the debt before going abroad with the help of the State Services. Let's move on to checking through the website of the Federal Tax Service.

Check on the website of the Federal Tax Service

  • log in using an account from the State Services portal. To do this, you need to have a confirmed record at the AC center, through a registered letter with a code or using an electronic signature;
  • through a previously received electronic signature;
  • login and password from the registration card. You can get this document at the FTS inspection during a personal visit (for this, take your passport with you).

On the left side of the page, you will see three sections, each of which is designed for a specific type of authorization:

Once in your personal account, you can check the debt before going abroad, pay it, see accruals, and so on.

Checking on the FSSP website

If your case is referred to bailiffs due to non-payment, then you need to check the status of debts on another resource. You can do this using the official website of the Federal Bailiff Service at Let's see how to work with this resource.

To check for bailiff debts, you must follow these steps:

On the same page you can pay off debts. To do this, click on the "Pay" button in the line with the debt. After that, you will be redirected to a page with a choice of payment method. The photo below shows a window with a choice of system for payment:
By clicking on the one you need, you will be redirected to the page with filling out the form. Now you know how to check your debt before going abroad, as well as pay it off right from home.

Many who deal with business and big money know that a ban on exit and entry can be imposed at any time. But what if there are important trips on the nose, and you don’t know if they will let you in or not? Or have you bought expensive vacation packages, but you have a small debt? Let's see for what reasons you may not be allowed to go abroad and how you can check whether you will pass passport control.

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How to check the possibility of going abroad

In order to protect yourself and your vacation, there are several ways to check in advance whether there is a travel ban on your name.

There are several ways:

  1. Try to remember for yourself if you have any large debts or obligations for which you could be banned.
  2. You can also check online to see if you have restrictions. The fact is that recently, on the official website of the FSSP of Russia, all information on this person has been collected, which can tell you if you have a ban or you can freely travel abroad. You just need to go to this site -, enter the place of residence of the object, his full name. and date of birth, and then click search. After some time, the site will issue information in which it will be seen whether the object has any long periods that may prevent it from moving freely outside the country.
  3. You can get more accurate information by contacting the numbers provided on the official website. By calling there you are obliged to give all the information about your ban, if any.
  4. If you can't look up the information online or it doesn't give you accurate information, you should go to the FSSP and find out exactly everything about your case. Do not forget that in this organization you must have a passport with you.


In fact, there are quite a few reasons why you may not be allowed to go abroad, but, as they say, anything can happen in life.

So, the most common reasons why you may not be allowed in are:

  1. If the object has unfulfilled obligations before the law which he must fulfill within the country.
  2. If there are obligations or prohibitions that have been imposed by the court and cannot be performed outside the country.
  3. If the court issued a ban on the exit of this subject outside the country.
  4. If a citizen has to pay alimony or other payments at a certain time (every month, year, etc.).
  5. If you have any information which can be classified as a state secret. Please note that this ban is temporary. But it works not only while working on this secret, but also for some time after the dismissal.
  6. Having military service, or rather, if a person is a conscript and has received a summons, he does not have the right to travel abroad of this state until he repays his debt in the form of military service.
  7. If the object is involved in litigation and should be held responsible, or already is. It is worth noting that if you are just a witness, you may also be temporarily prohibited from traveling abroad.
  8. If you are an employee of the FSB, you can only leave the country with a special permit.
  9. The most popular case is when people are not allowed to go abroad because the documents were incorrectly executed or a mistake was made. In such a situation, there is nothing left but to redo this document.

The banning procedure

Most often, in order to impose a travel ban, a court decision is needed. But, in real life, the court very rarely itself imposes a ban on a certain person. Indeed, such an action carries many nuances. For example, this requires a direct appeal to the court of the borrower or the object to which the payer owes money. But such situations are extremely rare.

So, for a complete ban on leaving, there are two documents:

  1. court order- at this hearing, the presence of a citizen is not provided, he should not and cannot be in the courtroom. After sentencing, he will receive a notice with his decision. If the subject does not agree with the decision, he can easily challenge it.
  2. The court's decision- a document that can be issued without the presence of a citizen in the courtroom, of course, if he received a notice and he did not want to appear in court.

In any of these options, the result is the same- the taxpayer must pay a certain amount to the state, and therefore has a debt in this country. After the decision of the court, the object is given a certain period to pay off the debt. If he does not invest in this period, the court will issue a new sentence, according to which the object is obliged to pay the debt, otherwise he will be punished.

The second decision, which is formed after the object refuses to pay, is sent not only to the debtor, but also to the migration service and border guards. And therefore, if you want to go abroad, you will not be able to do this. Also, the letter that is sent to the border services should indicate the period during which a citizen cannot leave the country.

It is impossible to say exactly how long you will have to stay in the country. But according to the laws, the period cannot exceed six months. During this period, the object will either pay off its debts or be punished.

How long is the restriction?

The duration of the ban on leaving the country is a purely individual matter, as it depends on its type and reason. The law of the country does not have an exact time limit that is provided for each situation, it is set by the court or the bailiff and indicates the ban in the documents. But no matter how difficult your case is, it is worth remembering that the term of the travel ban cannot exceed six months. As a rule, during this period you will have time to fully repay the debt, but if not, the case must be reviewed and a new decision made.

How to remove the restriction?

The removal of the travel ban depends on the reason for which it was imposed, mainly there are several methods:

  1. Pay off the debt obligations that were imposed on the object through the court.
  2. Appeal against the decision of the bailiff through the court, as unauthorized actions. But it is worth remembering that the court can take not only a lot of time, but also money. Therefore, experts advise using this method only in extreme situations.

It is also worth remembering that even in the case of debt, it takes time to lift some prohibitions. So, even if you pay all the bills, until the receipt reaches the bailiff and he makes a new decision that reaches the FMS, you may not leave at the scheduled time. Therefore, it is recommended to perform all actions in advance so that there are no unpleasant surprises later.

But these methods will be useful only in cases where the ban was imposed due to debt obligations, in all other cases (military duty, state secrets, etc.), only time and the full fulfillment of all the conditions of the state will help. Or, you can try to go to court. But, as in the previous case, this should be done only in extreme cases.

How to go abroad with debts?

Many who travel abroad for the first time fall into the trap of collectors and believe that if they have at least a small credit debt, they will definitely not be released anywhere.

But, they are wrong, there are several types of debts, and depending on them, the situation should be considered:

  1. People who owe the bank, but the trial has not yet begun. By law, no one has the right to detain you at the border without a court order. Because, if there has not been a trial yet, you can not be afraid of anything and feel free to leave the country.
  2. If the court has already passed and after its decision you regularly pay all debts. After the verdict, you will be assigned a bailiff who will monitor temporary payments. If you will clearly pay the debt within a certain period, you can safely take a passport and go on vacation with your family.
  3. Objects that did not pay the debt after the first court decision, according to the second decision are declared non-entry. But here, too, there are several options. For starters, while the second trial is going on, you can safely travel around Europe, since the ban will be imposed only after the verdict. And then, no one canceled walking through the customs services. And there will definitely be people who just want to help you in this matter.

Summer is the time for vacations and travel to warm countries. Many Russians prefer to spend this time abroad. But it is not always enough to buy a ticket, apply for a visa and pack your things. In some cases, travel abroad may be closed. For example, if there are unpaid debts on time.

Is it possible to go abroad with debts

Debt in our time is a common occurrence, since many citizens take out loans to realize their desires right now, and not wait until the required amount is accumulated. There is an opinion that any debts to a bank or other organization inevitably impose some restrictions, including travel abroad. This is far from true.

The current legislative framework of Russia indicates that when certain limits are reached, the restriction on leaving the country is not automatically imposed. In order for a ban to be approved against the debtor, it is necessary for the recoverer to go to court. After receiving the court decision, the plaintiff will have to initiate enforcement proceedings against the debtor. If he does not comply with the instructions of the court, a temporary ban on leaving the Russian Federation will be established in his respect.

According to Russian laws, if the debtor does not comply with the court order without serious reasons and does not pay the debt, then the bailiff has the right to decide on a temporary restriction of departure from the Russian Federation. The paper is sent to the border guard. The document is valid for 6 months. If after this time the debt is not paid, the measure is extended for the same period.

What amount of debt limits travel abroad

The minimum amount of debt at which a sanction is imposed is legally established. This is 10,000 rubles. But again, we emphasize, only if the debt is confirmed by the court. The regulations separately specify that both the bailiff himself and the exactor upon the relevant application have the right to initiate a ban.

A debt of 10,000 rubles can be not only in one case, but also in the aggregate for several decisions. The subject of execution can also be anything - from a traffic police fine to a loan outstanding on time.

The debt limit of 10 thousand rubles is set for:

  • alimony payments;
  • compensation for harm to health;
  • property damage;
  • moral compensation.

For other types of debts (disciplinary, administrative, credit loans, tax evasion, non-payment of housing and communal services), an allowable limit of 30 thousand rubles is set.

If the debt is less than the limit, you can fly abroad without any problems. For example, once the traffic police issued a fine for speeding in the amount of 500 rubles, and the citizen safely forgot about it. In this case, no one will be able to forbid him to go abroad.

The amount of debt for making a decision on the ban must exceed 10,000 rubles, if it is less, no one has the right to impose restrictions.

Video: Russians cannot go abroad because of debts

The duration of the ban

Only a court can impose a ban on free exit, and only for a certain period - the maximum allowable period is 6 months. This restriction is set for citizens who have debts, the maximum allowable limit for which is 10 thousand rubles. If the debt was formed for reasons for which the limit is 30 thousand rubles, the temporary restriction on leaving the country will be valid for no more than 2 months.

To re-enter the restriction, the bailiff will have to go through the whole procedure again, that is, prepare documents, go to court, wait for a decision. In other words, a once-imposed ban is not automatically renewed after 6 months.

Is it possible to travel abroad with a loan and a mortgage

Just like that, the border service or the migration department will not prevent the exit. And they are definitely not interested in the credit history of citizens, the availability of mortgages and other debts.

The exception is situations when a banking or credit organization applied to the court with an application, where they indicated the debtor's failure to fulfill credit obligations. After passing the trial, the Bailiff Service will receive the final verdict, on the basis of which an act will be prepared prohibiting the debtor from leaving the territory under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The right of the FSPP not to release debtors outside the Russian Federation is enshrined in FZ-229 "On Enforcement Proceedings". However, only a court can impose restrictive measures. The bailiffs implement the court decision by sending the decision on restriction to the border and migration services.

Who sets the travel ban and how

To prohibit a Russian citizen from traveling abroad, the bailiff must have a court decision that has entered into force. With this document in hand, the bailiff opens enforcement proceedings. If the debtor is within reach, he is given 5 days to pay the debt. Then the bailiff, at his own discretion or at the request of the creditor, decides to restrict the exit and sends the necessary documents to the border and migration services. After the imposition of a sanction, a citizen will not be allowed to go abroad, they can withdraw a passport or refuse to issue it. The seizure takes place at the border, then the passport is sent to the department that issued it.

It must be understood that the presence of debts, even in open enforcement proceedings, does not mean a mandatory ban on leaving. The bank itself or an individual is not entitled to prohibit issuance abroad, if the issue has not been examined in court, there is no decision and the proceedings are not open. In other words, the creditor must first sue the debtor, obtain a decision, transfer a writ of execution to the FSPP (Federal Bailiff Service). And only then can he demand to take restrictive sanctions against the debtor. Most often, bailiffs make such a decision precisely at the request of the creditor.

Types of debt that prevent leaving

We have already found out that the debt must be confirmed by a court decision. A missed loan payment will not become an obstacle to leaving if the bank did not go to court and did not receive a decision.

The restriction threatens citizens with debts under various articles:

  • alimony;
  • taxes;
  • overdue loans;
  • utility bills, housing and communal services;
  • debt to private individuals, confirmed by the court;
  • administrative fines imposed by the State Traffic Inspectorate, the police, the Federal Tax Service, the customs service, the labor inspectorate, and so on.

The traffic police will send the material to the court if the fine for violating traffic rules is not paid within 60 days. The police will do the same if the offender neglected penalties and did not make a payment in a timely manner.

In other words, any debts in 2018–2019 may lead to restrictions on exit from the Russian Federation.

How to check debts before going abroad

Usually, citizens themselves know about late payments on loans or rent, unpaid alimony and outstanding fines. And they are also most often aware of the consequences that usually arise due to debts: court decisions come by mail, the bailiff sends a summons, and so on. But there are times when debt becomes an unpleasant surprise. For example, a person does not live at the place of registration, letters about paying fines from the traffic police or other authorities simply do not reach him. Or the ex-spouse may unexpectedly file for alimony, and this fact will remain unknown to the defendant. There are plenty of options.

In order not to be in an unpleasant situation when leaving the country, it is advisable to ask in advance about the presence of debt. How to do it?

Of course, bailiffs and border guards have information about restrictive measures. It is undesirable to directly address this issue to the bailiff service. The FSSP is interested in collecting the debt from the debtor, the attention of a citizen to this issue can provoke a situation where the bailiff, at his own discretion, initiates an appeal to the court in order to close the exit. The best option is to make an official request to the border service.

Surname check in the register of the Federal Bailiff Service

You can find out about the debt already recognized by the court on the FSSP website. You will need to enter your personal data, and the system will issue a certificate of open enforcement proceedings indicating the amount of debt, its origin and contact details of the bailiff. The site has the ability to immediately pay the debt in one of several ways. You can also pay off the debt with a personal visit to the FSSP branch. If you pay in the latter way, the money will be entered into the database much faster than with a cashless transfer.

The very fact of open enforcement proceedings does not mean that the exit from the Russian Federation is closed. The nuances of this issue will be clarified by the bailiff.

There are several ways to pay the debt on the FSSP website:

  • through Sberbank-online, for Sberbank clients there is also a corresponding tab in your personal account;
  • through the FSSP mobile phone application;
  • through a payment system ("Yandex. Money", Qiwi, WebMoney, Robokassa);
  • on a printed receipt at any branch of the bank.

How to find out about unpaid taxes on the website of the Federal Tax Service

It is useful to make sure that there are no debts for taxes and fees before the trip. To do this, you need to do several things:

  • go to the website of the Federal Tax Service, create a personal account (you will need a TIN number);
  • select the section "Find out your debt";
  • enter information in all fields and click the "Find" button.

After processing the request, the system will provide information about the existing debt.

Video: when alimony may not be allowed abroad

Where to check the debt according to the lists of traffic police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs

To find out information about debts for unpaid fines for administrative violations in the field of traffic, you need to go to the State Services portal. In your personal account, you can check whether there are fines issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Where and how to check the availability of credit debt

Loan debts will also prevent you from leaving for another state. To find out about the debt, you need to contact each banking institution with which the contract was concluded and clarify information about the debts. To do this, you can either visit a bank branch on your own, or go to your personal account or call the hotline of a credit institution.

When visiting in person, you need to have a passport with you. To obtain information by phone, you will have to answer a few clarifying questions that the operator will ask.

How to lift a travel ban

The easiest and most correct way to lift the ban is to pay the existing debt. Moreover, this must be done in advance, and not a few days before departure from Russia.

Debts are important to pay in advance. The bureaucratic machine is designed in such a way that it is impossible to immediately get rid of restrictive measures. Both the imposition and removal of the ban is the prerogative of the bailiff.

The bailiff must make sure that the debt is repaid, make a decision on the withdrawal and send the document to the controlling services, which, in turn, are obliged to exclude the Russian from the “black list” of people not allowed to travel abroad. The procedure takes several days or even weeks (no more than 14 working days).

Do not expect that it is enough to pay the debt and take a receipt with you. The border service will not let you out of the country in this case either.

If a citizen is sure that the ban was introduced illegally and violates his rights, he can file a complaint against the actions of the bailiff. You can also file a complaint through the website of the prosecutor's office. It's completely free. But here you need to be completely sure that you are right, otherwise it will be a waste of time.

The final decision will be made after 10 business days. This period is necessary for the regulatory authorities to verify the appropriateness of the decision of the bailiff. As practice shows, in most cases, the appeal will not lead to anything if the applicant really has a debt that has reached the maximum limit according to the requirements of the law.

Another solution to the problem is the completion or suspension of court proceedings. In practice, it is extremely rare, as it involves the conclusion of a peace treaty between the debtor and the recoverer.

Is it possible to bypass the ban

Until 2017, many debtors resolved the issue of the ban by leaving through Belarus. In February 2017, a border zone was introduced between Russia and Belarus with verification of documents. Border posts are equipped with terminals with access to various databases, including the database of Russian debtors. In other words, at present, debtors will not be able to freely leave through Belarus.

Video: how to legally get abroad while on the travel list

Departure through Kazakhstan

Another option for an emergency exit from the Russian Federation in the presence of debts is a trip through Kazakhstan. To circumvent the ban, debtors must act as follows:

  • purchase two tickets (transit and to Petropavlovsk);
  • cross the border on a transit ticket, for the authorities the debtor will be considered a transit traveler;
  • after passing the border control, present a ticket to Petropavlovsk and move in this direction;
  • get off at Petropavlovsk and head to the country of destination.

Departure through Kaliningrad

This option is only suitable for holders of a Schengen visa. A train ticket to Kaliningrad is purchased. But transport leaves in Vilnius, and from there you can fly to any country in Europe.

These methods are not completely illegal. They are simply exploiting gaps in Russian laws. The border services of Kazakhstan, Lithuania, and until recently, Belarus are not interested in Russian debts of foreign guests, moreover, they simply do not have information about them. You can return back in any way, no one has the right to prohibit a citizen of the Russian Federation from entering Russia. Another issue is that upon returning home, the passport can be withdrawn.

  1. Periodically visit the FSSP website and check for any enforcement proceedings open against you.
  2. Visit the site of the justices of the peace of your district, go to the "Courtwork" section. So you can find out about a probable debt even before a court decision is made.
  3. Do not contact the bailiff for information about the ban. Perhaps the official did not have time to deal with your issue closely or extend the existing ban, and the creditor himself did not demand this.
  4. If, in your opinion, the restriction was established illegally, feel free to contact the prosecutor's office with a complaint. This can be done even on the website of the regional prosecutor's office.
  5. To avoid a travel ban, pay the debt that has arisen in a timely manner. The need to travel abroad may appear unexpectedly, you need to be prepared for such an option in advance.
  6. Do not forget that it will take several weeks to lift the already established ban even after the final repayment of the debt.

An untimely paid fine can become a serious obstacle to traveling abroad in the Russian Federation during the summer vacation season. In order not to overshadow the rest and not get into an unpleasant situation when you have to abandon the trip, you need to make sure in advance that there are no debts and a travel ban.